#i had this post in my drafts adn was reminded of it
Idk how I just realized that Oikawa and Suga are both nickname people but with completely different styles. Suga uses nicknames almost exclusively in game settings where he comes up with dramatic over the top things like "block crusher. I think he might've used one to annoy Tsukki once too but otherwise, he doesn't really use them in his normal life and when he uses them in matches, it's a result of how adrenaline filled he is and are otherwise complimentary and goodhearted. Oikawa, however, uses them to cause maximum annoyance to the person he's referring to because he thinks it's funny to annoy people OR just generally derogatory ie "refreshing-kun". He also like actually uses them the way nicknames are used, ie in liu of their actual name. For instance, I don't think he refers to Hinata by name until maybe the Brazil Fling. It's always some variation of "chibi-chan" or "Karasuno's runt". I think he just doesn't like using people's names lmao.
Anyways, point is, you know if oisuga date post-timeskip, Oikawa would be using the cutesiest, most gag-worthy nicknames out there on purpose while Suga would come up with questionably just as corny names when Oikawa's in a match. Though in this scenario, I also think Suga would retaliate with the awful nicknames outside of games too because why not
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zubaidahblog · 4 years
The Possibilities
Skills: My communication skills are excellent, I am comfortable with explaining ideas and concepts to anyone. I have good command of language and relevant terminology. I use key terms to enhance my expalnations. My borad awareness of current affairs and sociological patterns and behaviours allows me to tailor my designs to suit my audience’s needs. Also allows me to work towards outcomes which will appeal to the masses. I make sure my level of understanding of my audience is high. I use this as one of the focuses during a project, reminding myself who I am trying to attract with my design. I have good general knowledge of consumer behaviour and consumerism. Therefore, I know if something will be of interest to my intended consumer and alter my design to meet that requirement. I have a strong sense of responsibility and sustainability in manufacture, as an independent designer this will attract a client base for environmentally consious consumers. My determination is to always produce the best final outcome possible. I push myself to the highest so that whatever I am doing I know I can be doing it better, during this course I have been academically ambitious. 
Destructive habits: My procrastination problems allow me to get distracted adn therefore I rarely achieve my potential until the very last miniute. This is mostly frustrating for me because when I submit my work I still know that I can do better but there is no time left. I criticise my work before anyone else. 
The general pathway I want to pursue is Architecture, I understand that there are vast amounts of outcome possible with this is as it is such a wide pathway allowing for many possibilities. There are certain aspects of Architecture that have especially interested me. I believe in working to achieve a purpose, I want to design something which will impact a community and society, in the long run. 
One of my three options is post-war ruins. Many grand cities have been left in ruins due to wars throughout history, this continues in our modern life. The state is always worrisome as communities are left homeless, shops out of business, schools, hospitals and many more are destroyed. This presents architects, designers or builders with a clean slate to work on. This Pathway provides very little limitations. Unfortunately, when a country is war-struck it is left too economically unstable to invest in rebuilding inventive and modern structures.
Another is a vanity project, designing and building a structure for the mere purpose of its appearance. It will serve as a sculpture as its beauty will override its function. This project will allow me to focus more on the shape, lines, shadow, light, etc. without having to worry about the impact of the building. This puts more pressure on the appearance of the finished product, it needs to be innovative and spectacular. 
The third possible outcome is a social architectural project, this one combines aspects of both previous potential projects. It shares a similar purpose as the post-war ruins and the attention to the outward form of the vanity project. I think this one has the most potential as it allows for exploration in both impact and shape of the final outcome. The structure should also be inventive and modern in this case. 
Although my knowledge of the design process was less advanced than it is now, I learned the fundamental principles of designing a product from my GCSE class. The most important thing that I personally need to work on starting with a vast range of ideas then eliminating until one is reached. So far I’ve found that to be very difficult, when I am given a brief I instantly come up with around 5 ideas then I get in a rut and find it difficult to move away from them. Once I begin to develop I can change things around and new ideas are generated that way. I’ve also learned that sometimes a reversed method can be used to generate or develop ideas. By beginning with the model making and materials exploration stage, I can narrow down and identify the limitations that way. That way I can explore ideas that are feasible. 
My most successful final outcome was the task to prepare for the Fabrication brief. I explored the structural integrity of different types of printer paper and cartridge paper. It also has the chance to experiment with different three-dimensional shapes finding out which are the strongest. I found the process very rewarding. Even though many of my classmates found the process of cutting the nets and assembling the shapes very laborious, I didn’t mind it at all as the end result was very satisfactory. The final piece looked well put together. The main aspect, the skirt, made the design looked rather professional and had a lot of potentials to be made of many types of materials. 
My other successful project was the Fabrication brief. There was no physical outcome due to the nature of the design being mechanical. However, I went through the design process in the best form I have done thus far. I concentrated on research which made the final flats very detailed and thorough. I had around 150 secondary research images which all helped me in finalising the design. The main disappointment is that I couldn’t make a working model. 
I want to learn more about materials, I’m interested in being as environmentally friendly as possible as a designer. I want to explore the possibilities when mixing different chemicals and elements of certain materials. Also, building processes, I want to learn more about modern ways such as 3D printing of large structures. 
This will be a huge benefit to me as an architect as it will help me comprehend the next process my design will go through-the making. I will already know many of the limitations that builders would point out. It will also help me in creating a more innovative design that is suitable for the materials intended. 
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