#i had the tags written for me to copypaste but i just decided to write them manually FUCK
nikkisbread · 3 months
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posting this before i decide to delete this blog because i wanted everyone to see them
(i just noticed that i was drawing bible yaoi when i tried to explain lucifer's snake tongue to my girlfriend without knowing anything about the bible)
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echotunes · 2 months
what is DNACE $ it intrigues me….
ok well dnace $ is. titled that because I made the doc while having a bit of a Moment and was too excited to turn off capslock while typing the title so it ended up as DNACE $ rather than "dance 4" and this was just funny to me so I left it.
as for why 4: well I mentioned in the tags of the post that dancefic has been a running Thing for me so. well. allow me to go into detail. general context is that I, irl, do ballroom dance, and enjoy being normal about it. so naturally I spin characters in my brain about it as well
original dancefic wasn't even qsmp, it was jmart when I'd just started taking dance lessons and was still into TMA, but. well you can guess what happened (it never got finished)
dancefic 1: back in may of last year people on qsmp had been using "bailar" as a codeword for "talk to sofia" so they could talk about it in chat without alerting the feds. which produced these two posts on tumblr user bigboobyhalo's blog (x) (x) and also this art by pppuri. and that had me go HUH. DANCE. You Know What I Can Do. and I started writing about cellbit and bbh having to put on a tango performance. and it was kind of epic and I put SO much work into it. like I had planned out an entire choreography and everything it was a lot of fun. but also halfway through the actual writing art I ended up losing confidence because I felt like it wasn't really interesting to read and didn't know how to fix that. so I scrapped it however tbh! rereading it for this ask it is not bad! like I still see what I felt the issues were but it's kinda fun ngl. there's early spiderbit. jaiden is here. kind of a vibe
dancefic 2: this doc is literally nothing it just says "slow waltz... wedding dance......" but. well it is about spiderbit. you understand. the thought is there
dancefic 3: also literally just bullet points but it was jaiden and roier. alas. the platonic silliness potential of ballroom dance is so very underrated I think
dancefic 4: for this one I was having a Moment in codes's dms about fitpac ballroom dancing. because I think there are some beautiful things that you can do with the leader/follower dynamic and the fact that who does which is not related to who is the more experienced dancer. and. ok well the ask game says post snippets I will just copypaste what the doc says (which iirc I also just copypasted from what I'd said to codes at the time)
fit feeling horribly awkward and out of place as pac teaches him some simple steps... i can't decide which of them leading i like more... like pac leading fit is great because big buff guy being the follower is really good (i typically do leading steps and have led people bigger (as in taller & wider) and also less confident in their dance abilities than me and it's SO FUN it makes me feel very silly. in a good way. i am just rambling and projecting now. anyway) and also pac would be more likely to know how to dance so he'd be the more confident one and be able to teach fit the steps HOWEVER i also really like fit leading because like. again he wouldn't know what he's doing. and pac dancing the follower's steps but still kind of leading anyway because he's still the one instigating all the motions and like guiding fit into how to lead him around is REALLY GOOD whagwuahghs (i have also done this it's a lot of fun)
like. you understand. you understand. yes. but. well I have also not actually written any of this it is just a Concept In My Brain but. yeag
(and there is also a dancefic 5. it truly never ends. but i talked about that one in this ask!)
[WIP tag/ask game]
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canonskyrissian · 3 years
thank you @softieskywalker for tagging me for this ♥♥♥ I already did this on my main as well so I'm gonna copypaste some of the answers
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
335,451 (not bad, I’m kinda impressed with myself)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
most are either star wars (35) or tolkienverse (16) but I’ve written a couple of game of thrones fics, one mcu fic, one shadowhunters fic, and one mad max fury road fic
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The One in the Waiting Room, Over Hill and Under Tree, The Return of Hope, Of Stubborn Sons and Fussy Fathers, and Amnâs
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
yeah, I love interacting with my readers^^ though sometimes it takes me a while to respond, especially to longer comments that require a more thoughtful answer. but I will respond eventually!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
ummm….. I don’t write a whole lot of angst overall and I try to end all my fics on at least a hopeful note so… I guess The Survivors or Lando Calrissian’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day or Clashes of the Blade and the Heart (the latter two due to source material aka empire strikes back canon)
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
my very first tolkienverse fic was a crossover between the hobbit, a song of ice and fire, and percy jackson and the olympians (though the only pjato character who appeared was thalia, but still). I’m proud to say that I made it work! (it's not on my ao3 though)
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
some idiots on ff.net thought their opinions on the crossover fic above was wanted over five years after I finished translating it (I wrote it in finnish originally), telling me that uwu you shouldn’t put all these fandoms together it never works and also your translation sucks
like just click out then if you decide this fic isn’t for you????
on ao3 my experience has been more positive and the most negative comment I’ve ever received there was one that pointed out that I messed up with hyperdrive speed and corrected it (it was extremely polite and I’m still thankful for it)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
very rarely because I’m not good at it, but I have written two m/m smut fics (both skyrissian), two f/f (fem!kiliel and clizzy), and one m/f (kiliel)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so????
Have you ever had a fic translated?
over at ff.net someone asked if they could translate Far Longer Than Forever in german, but I never saw the translation in the end so idk if it existed. I have translated my own fics from finnish to english though^^
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no. I’ve collaborated with artists and betas for big bangs and and I’ve done some light betaing myself, but because I’m a very slow and infrequent writer I’d be a pretty shitty co-author >///////<
What’s your all time favorite ship?
why would you make me choose between my children? though I will say that after all these years bagginshield still gives me all the emotions~ but skyrissian and kiliel and gigolas own my heart as well
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I don’t think I’ll ever finish Asshân as much as I’d love to. it needs a miracle tbh
What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and humorous elements, absolutely
What are your writing weaknesses?
(also I violently overuse commas and em dashes)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
if there’s a translation provided at the end of the fic, why not. I have written some finnish dialogue in an otherwise english fic before and I can see myself doing that again
(I am absolutely writing finnish for my next star wars fic, I don't care what's the context, someone will yell VITTUSAATANA PERKELE)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
the year was 2006, lordi had just won finland’s first victory in eurovision song contest, I was but 12 years old, and monsters were awesome…..
so I wrote several lordi fics between the years 2006 and 2012. it wasn’t rpf per se in that I did not write about the people behind the masks but of the monster characters themselves who actually have a lot of lore to them, and it was a lot of fun and I kinda wanna write about them again
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I’m honestly so critical towards my own writing so often when I reread my fics I just see all the mistakes and everything I’d do differently, but I have really good memories of writing The Return of Hope, and it’s the longest fic in ages that I’ve actually finished (and I will toot my own horn and say it is absolutely the superior episode ix tros ain’t got nothing on it)
tagging @lesbinewren @ahsokastars @minnarr and anyone who wants to do this^^ (no pressure!)
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