#i felt like that one image of charlie with his conspiracy theory board of connections trying to word this correctly
fkapommel · 2 months
Seeing tlt fanart made me realize that Nona's amorousness and attraction to Corona is almost a visual inversion of Anastasia and Alecto. Corona *ahem* Crown and Alecto are both described as near perfect articulations of their gender - bosomous, voluptuous, blonde, beautiful. Both a little mentally fucked as a sprinkle. But Alecto hates her physical form, implicitly because it was created with such a vision by a mortal-made-divine man. It shows how disgustingly tragic Alecto's lot in (human) bodily existence is, how she could have loved her body if it wasn't crafted by a man intending her body to be something he would be sexually attracted to, if it didn't confine her to such a limited physical experience (where are the rest of her legs!), and if it could be a body that she grew with and learned to mold and use like Corona. Alecto hates her form, but when she is placed in the body similar to her true love and partner's, she is able to appreciate and be attracted to a body similar to the one crafted for her. Harrow's body is a descendant of Anastasia's. She is able to love her body (ie something approximating it) literally through her lover's eyes.
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