#i feel like the venn diagram of ppl who like both these media in this exact way is Small
eggoatt · 1 year
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there's no thoughts behind this except "want to draw sunset in klavier's suit"
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greylunar · 4 years
hi tal!! i’d genuinely call you one of my favorite ppl on the planet ☺️ so i’m a bit nervous reaching out to you again, but i’ve been listening to a lot more sleeping at last recently, which has brought me back to your uquiz. i listened to 4 on enneagram and felt a similar sense of being “known” as i did when i took your quiz & got ravenclaw. so i was wondering, is there a big correlation between your enneagram & your house? i’d assume there would be! (ty for millions of things!! bye! 💕)
Hello Madi!!! I super hope that I just haven’t gotten to your first ask yet, and that it didn’t just get lost somewhere in the interspace, since you seem absolutely lovely and I would hate to make you nervous even a little bit about anything, but especially about me not answering an ask. I’m,,, very bad at social media and the internet, in general, hehe and so I’ve been answering asks fairly sporadically and in less and less of a sensical order as time passes. I still have my goal of answering everyone, and I will not be shaken from it! It just might take me a while hehe. But I love you all and you all deserve the best answers I can give c: 
I’m so glad you’ve been listening to sleeping at last though! Funnily enough, my favorite songs by him aren’t on the enneagram album, but I love Mercury, Light, and Sun the most c: Funnily enough, I actually don’t know much about enneagram on its own, and for the most part I did the lyrics for each house based on gut interpretations of specific lines, rather than correlations between each type and house! Hehe I wish I was smart enough to know the intricacies of both and tie them together, but I can do you something hopefully as good which is to tell you what each Sleeping at Last song’s lyrics vibe with! 
One is interesting because I think the overall song could very easily be Gryffindor, but its the specific line  “The list goes on forever of all the ways I could be better in my mind, as if I could earn God's favor given time, or at least congratulations,” that makes this song Slytherin for me c:
Two is where we get into the limits of the sorting house system, or I guess more specifically where the enneagram and sorting house system don’t really categorize the same things. There is no house that is the house of love, or self-sacrifice, or anything like that, because those are much more universal traits and why this song kind of hits different for a lot of people. The line that I put in the uquiz was "I know exactly how your rule goes / Put my mask on first / No, I don't want to talk about myself / Tell me where it hurts / I just want to build you up, build you up / 'Til you're good as new / And maybe one day, I'll get around / To fixing myself, too," as a Hufflepuff line because,,, yeah. In a weird way though, I feel like two as a whole vibes with Ravenclaws who I think even more than puffs have a tendency to lose their sense of self when in love and when caring for others in their life just because they’re still curious as to who their self is, rather than being more sturdy in it like a hufflepuff.
Three yall this is it you’ve broken Slytherins down to their bare essentials
Four is my perfect Ravenclaw song and so I’m very excited to hear you are both a Ravenclaw and a four!! It’s really validating hehe and also the song itself is just so beautiful that I’m really glad you are able to listen to it and connect to it and feel seen and held by it, I know how important nine was for me so I’m just really glad that comfort comes your way through this song c:
Five I think balances the rather unconventional line between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. It’s the want of certainty while being surrounded by the unknown of the Gryffindor, and the want of the unknown while being surrounded by certainty of the Ravenclaw. The sense of being outside a group even while part of them harbored by both houses, the emotional armor often built by both houses, and the hesitation of both to let people in. The sort of pent up energy of a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw not doing enough although they may not even know what their definition of enough is. 
Six. Y’all the ludicrous amount of character playlist six is on for me. The line I put in the quiz,"I wanna believe / No, I choose to believe / That I was made to become / A sanctuary....Is that courage or faith / To show up every day? / To trust that there will be light / Always waiting behind / Even the darkest of nights" is tagged as Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but the second line from this song in the quiz "I had the most vivid dream / My feet had left the ground / I was floating to heaven / But I could only look down / My mind was heavy / Running ragged with worst case scenarios / Emergency exits and the distance below / I woke up so worried that the angels let go" is just so core Gryffindor and the entirety of the song as a whole is so Gryffindor that to call it anything else would be a travesty on my part. 
Seven. Oh wow hey the way my dyscalculic ass forgot about the number seven and just straight up did not put this song in the quiz. This is fine hehe. I mean, its Gryffindor, utterly. This song always reminds me of laugh drunk nights with my friend @sammansonn (ironically a Slytherin) trying to decide whether or not we’re gonna steal a shopping cart and singing a little too loud for passersby. I like to think we make each other braver, so maybe that’s why its Gryffindor.
Eight is the perfect example of the venn diagram overlap of Gryffindor and Slytherin. "Now you won't see all that I have to lose / And all I've lost in the fight to protect it / I won't let you in. I swore never again- I can't afford, no, I refuse to be rejected" vs “I want to break these bones 'til they're better I want to break them right and feel alive / You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong- My healing needed more than time” vs “I remember the minute. It was like a switch was flipped / I was just a kid who grew up strong enough / To pick this armor up / And suddenly it fit" vs "I'm all in, palms out, I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin / I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough to let you in. / I'll shake the ground with all my might / I will pull my whole heart up to the surface / For the innocent, for the vulnerable / I'll show up on the front lines with a purpose,”...like we can all see the transition from Slytherin to Gryffindor and the strange muddy middle ground of both their paths to healing. I really think the only difference between a Slytherin and a Gryffindor is what you’re trying to heal from and how you’re trying to do it.
Nine. Listen it could all be bias. But there’s not a single part of these lyrics that hit the part of me that’s a Hufflepuff on purpose. 
I hope that helped, and wasn’t way too much to read hehe. Thank you for asking, and even more for sharing your positivity and light with me, you made me smile today and I was really glad to come back and answer this ask. Have the best day ever Madi, and an even better day every one after that c:
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gunnerpalace · 4 years
I belonged to another heated (but no longer debatable imho) ship were I've known a lot to be IH. And ofc I feel bad they have to bear witness to people so salty about the ending and hated Ino. I hate Ino too with burning passion, and that kinda made me feel guilty. But the psychology major in me was baffled as to how they conclude immediately w/ no analysis she was hated not only because of ships but because either she was written terribly, or she was written to be terrible. Or probably both.
Why cant Ichigo and Rukia be married to someone we could *infer* (because duh it’s not canon they will argue) they are in love with? Someone they have shown to share bond with? “Oh well, its becoming commonplace that the hero doesnt end up w/ main heroine, it’s revolutionary!” Bullshit. Sadly that is logic fallacy you dumbasses. Where’s the progress? Kubo tried, barely even. And again, it’s not even about the ships, its the entire work that has become an anomaly–Bleach as became Bleauuughch.
Again, I feel bad they have to bear the weight of evert criticism, the insult, and the salt of basically a majority of bleach fandom. But I hope they can tell that majority (like 99.99999999998%) of the criticisms are valid and not just hate. If they couldnt bear to actual do analysis of why people hated it, then dont bother plead or guilt trip or go to ppl inboxes why should we just move on. Well, majority already did that’s why all was left were ppl who couldnt be bothered with actual quality.
Here’s the ugly truth about people: they can’t read.
Or they don’t want to.
We have this holdover idea from the Enlightenment that if you can gather enough evidence in fine and exacting enough detail, that you can not only discern some kind of truth, but convince other people of it through the preponderance of evidence. And we have structured our society around that idea, from politics to law to science to academia in general.
The trouble is that that idea is bullshit outside of academia.
That is not at all how regular people approach the world.
And the more we rely upon an idea that people are rational, the more we will be lost at and disappointed by the actuality that people are irrational and emotional.
Consider climate change. The scientific community has had roughly 97% consensus that climate change is being anthropomorphically driven (that is to say, somewhere between overwhelmingly and entirely caused by human activity) since at least the very early 2000s, if not back much earlier. Indeed, we know that the oil companies were aware of it at least as early as 1981! And here we are in 2020, with some 31% of the population either unsure of or disbelieving in it.
Whenever the matter is debated politically, scientists will trot out their facts and drop them on the table and point. The facts are self-evident, they feel. And then the conservative politicians will shrug and say, “I don’t believe you.”
And the scientists have no idea what to do about that. Because to their minds, facts are indisputable. You cannot argue with them.
But you can, as the conservatives illustrate. You just choose not to believe in them.
We are witnessing something very similar with COVID-19 at the moment, with large swathes of the (American) population simply not believing it to be a threat, in spite of all available evidence to the contrary.
We see the same thing with political leadership debating the question of whether to prioritize health or economics, and our media treating this as if it is a legitimate policy debate, when we already know the answer to that question from the Spanish Flu of 1918: towns and cities that were locked down and quarantined suffered fewer casualties and had much faster economic rebounds.
People generally do not read.
People generally do not process.
People generally do not analyze.
People generally do not learn.
And if they can’t do those things for very large-scale existential threats that can threaten anything from tens to hundreds of millions of people worldwide, to the entire ecosphere of the planet, why would one expect them do so for a piece of fiction?
If people cannot handle cold, hard statistical facts, or simple arithmetic, then they certainly cannot handle something as “subjective” as facial expressions or dialogue. I have written recently about how the attitude toward non-fandom things (e.g., politics) increasingly resembles that of fandom, of approaching everything as though it is merely an aesthetic exercise.
That is really what we are dealing with here: ignorance. And not merely ordinary ignorance, not even willful ignorance, but an ignorance so deliberate and cultivated that its goal is nothing less than the total erasure of the facts. (The problem here, in this particular example, are of course the people who say unequivocally, “Ichigo always loved Orihime,” in spite of all evidence to the contrary. Someone who says, “It is clear to me this wasn’t a thing, but I like IH aesthetically,” is a non-issue.)
(Demanding or trying to force this former perspective does, as you suggest in the third ask, indicate a certain insecurity and a tacit admission that the perspective being advanced is illegitimate or poorly substantiated. However, for the people so enthralled to openly admit that is a psychological admission of defeat so severe that most would literally rather die than own up to being wrong to such an extent, and to suffer the attendant internal loss of face. So they seek continual external validation of it to shore it up.)
There is, in essence, no point in communicating with this kind of fan whatsoever. They are functionally like how Kyle Resse describes the Terminator in The Terminator:
Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!
There is a lot of tepid discussion out there in political circles that the degree of polarization in society today is unprecedented and that a way to bridge that gap could be through shared interests and values. But in my opinion, fandom proves exactly the opposite is true: the reasons people like things that are nominally “shared interests,” and their view of those things and why they are good, are completely and utterly irreconcilable. There is, essentially, virtually zero overlap in a Venn diagram of the perspectives. Shared interests divide as much as they will ever unite.
In that regard, Bleach should be treated as both a warning and a grim assessment of our world as a whole. It is not really an aberration.
It is the future.
This community (among others) has simply been living in it a few years in advance of other people. Everyone else has gotten their first big taste of it with Trump. (The Republicans have been constructing an alternate reality since 1964, but comparatively few people were aware of how deep the rabbit hole went.)
In my estimation, it is not worth engaging with people over a shared interest with sincerity, let alone in good faith, unless you have done some degree of vetting of their perspective. Most likely observing them or their works for a time. Without that, you simply open yourself up to these people who show a total lack of discernment or rationality.
And that is a large part of why social media is such an absolute garbage fire, because as platforms they are built around precisely the opposite notion. (And largely in defiance of the idea that people might want to curate their experiences or might not want to have “healthy debate,” which is almost never healthy and seldom ever debate). Some would argue this leads to echo chambers and hug boxes, but it’s not like the alternative that these companies have produced (for profit, of course, rather than for of any ideological mission) is any better.
To boil it all down, what we are really forced to rely on (quite sadly) is a free market approach: no matter how much that side rages and waves their “canon” status around, they simply do not produce much content. They will starve long before our side does, regardless of any other factors. (Their “canon” status did not help them any in the past four years.) And the people who are agnostic (e.g., the “I’m Still Bleach” crowd that is for some reason vaguely invested in the series as a whole) will lose interest and move on to the next shiny thing.
The only thing that is necessary in the face of all this is really patience. In the meantime, the best thing is simply to ignore the existence of such parties utterly.
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blackwoolncrown · 5 years
But isn’t it lonely? To disconnect in that sense (or I’m probably misunderstanding your words) but don’t we as humans want to be part of a group? Then again, you’re right. I’m not even out as bi yet I cling to it so strongly that it can feel crippling sometimes, because it’s the only identity of mine that I gave acceptance to on my own terms compared to my really conservative culture and religion in which I was raised and forced to practice by other people. Idk what my end goal is anymore tbh
“Last anon and honestly I most likely just didn’t fully understand your post but now I’m sitting here just questioning my existence lol it’s tiring to live for others constantly. I wish I can disconnect from everyone but that will never be an option for me and I’m trying to find the positive in that instead of feeling so depressed this late at night“
Okay just on a skim you’re totally missing my point. I never said this was about apathy.
We’re all already part of a group. That’s the point. The group is humanity. The group is ‘all beings on earth’. 
Every other ‘group’ is illusory or at the least inherently fractured. You wanna join a group based on the media you like? Fine but then you’ll also find issues of race, or religion, or politics because the group wasn’t based on being like-minded in those aspects. Wanna join a group based on  your sexuality or shared experience? Ha. Which shared experience? Because not all people in one part of the Venn Diagram are going to line up exactly where you do, and it is in those gaps and mismatches arguments occur.
The human tendency to form groups starts with tribalism, but from there on out struggles to maintain group identity. If I wanted to ally with all Black people based on Blackness, I run into bible thumpers, transphobes, classist white ppl wannabes. Because we are all multifaceted beings, every attempt to connect to humans via one specific facet will inevitably lead to disharmony. It might work with isolated or limited population sizes but in the world we are now living in, we see how antiquated the notion is. That’s what’s tiring.
We cannot expect to find any real meaning in these subjective, surface parts of our humanity when our being is quite bigger and deeper than any of them. We were born human, made of the universe. Everything we learned after that was subjective cultural data. Everything you learned about race, religion, sexuality. It can be validating and emboldening to find acceptance, and I’m not holding that against anyone, but it’s like a training wheel, and eventually you realize that clinging to the acceptance the group once gave you at some point hinders your growth.
Furthermore the thing is, back when this instinct to group had more to do with tribes and territory, that was a tangible and easily identifiable thing. But now we’re grouping (and fighting) over ideas. There’s no actual way to enforce these things! I could have told you once my people’s land was from here to the river in the East. We, sharing the reality of that, can at least both see exactly what I’m talking about- even if we disagree and you want to share or even fight over that territory.
But even race and nationality has shown itself to be more idea than reality. And this is driving people nuts, inciting Fascism and Nationalism because the ideas are fragile and breaking and people whose identities and notions of self are based on them are terrified of losing what they feel to be their identity. But race and nationality are nebulous concepts humans made up. So too for sexuality. In a world without persecution, what is there to be persecuted? Basically every identity we’re dealing with now originates in a  false and imposed binary of ‘right and wrong’. My blacknesss is created by whiteness. Both are myth. There are just differently melanated types of human beings. My gender only exists in a social lexicon that assumes ‘heterosexuality’ is meaningfully real, and the norm. But that’s a myth. My sexuality is absolutely average and unimportant for a human being as an organism, but within culture it is seen as a ‘thing’ secondary and abnormal– but that, too, is a myth. Myth as in an idea, a story, a concept of human making.And in order for me to find pride and validity in any of these identities, I must simultaneously validate, re-experience and identify with my suffering and the opinions of my oppressors. The ‘black struggle’ and LGBT oppression become my story. Now, the thing is I can’t opt out of the reality that I am indeed seen a certain way and treated a certain way. Unlike some people, it doesn’t actually matter whether I divulge my identity to the world, I can be persecuted on sight. But what do I do when that happens? I can accept that I’m being persecuted because I’m black or LGBT….or I can see that people are suffering in their identities and projecting that on me.
White people suffer in their identity, cis people suffer in their identity, religious people suffer in their identities, this happens because each identity is ultimately so much smaller than what a person is in sum that it restricts, and unless it’s cast off (i.e. unless that person no longer holds that identity as fundamental to their being) cognitive dissonance sets in and they seek to reinforce the identity by projecting outward violence upon those who are ‘other’ so that they can validate their selfhood.
So cis people attack trans people bc the trans identity showing that gender and identity are not what they were told makes them uncomfortable. White people attack nonwhite people because our existence and successes threaten the myth of white supremacy. So on and so forth with oppressors and the people they oppress.
My point is not that discourse and social progress is pointless, but that these issues are not fundamental and operating within them still operates within a cultural norm that is self-validating. In the end people who do not know who- or what- they TRULY are are pretty dangerous because they will fight to assert their identity to avoid what they feel is loss of self.
The grand joke is that there is no self.
Let me ask you this, anon.
If you were born in completely different conditions, you would still be you- you understand that there is still a ‘you’ in this picture I am about to paint. So think of this– without your name, because your name could have been different, without your race, because race is a myth, without your orientation/identity, bc those are based on heteronormativity (another subjective myth), without your nationality, religious affiliation, job description….
Who are you?
Find that out, and operate from there, because whatever you are? Everyone else is, also. This is not about apathy at all. It is about much greater compassion.
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