#i feel gross and annoying and difficult to get along with and awkward and lazy and. uaaaghhhggh
lycanthian · 2 months
gonna be 19 in less than a week. its hitting me. girl what tha fuck.
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moonb-eam · 4 years
how was my babies' honeymoon? where did they go? how many innocent people did they make sick with their lovey doveyness? my misn missing heart needs the details 🥺🥺🥺
asdffjdkf oh my goodness you KNOW they were so disgustingly romantic that they traumatized some poor tourists who were just looking to take some nice photos to send to their grandparents 😔
but this had me Thinking, so here’s a little ficlet below the cut, of what elu got up to on their 🍯🌙
It took them a long time to decide on a place to go, and then it only took seconds.
There was much debate leading up to the wedding: what would be too expensive, what would be too crowded, what would be too busy or too boring.
They throw out city names like they’re throwing darts at a map: Berlin, Vienna, Nice, Oslo, Madrid, Cairo, Edinburgh, Tokyo, Kathmandu.
It’s a question that floats, untethered and translucent, until one night when they’re sitting on the sofa together, legs tangled, with Chelou curled in Eliott’s lap and Lucas’ computer open on his. Eliott has his head titled back towards the ceiling, lips pursed together, thinking.
Then, suddenly, Lucas says, “Eli. Look at this Air BnB.”
He turns his laptop towards Eliott, adjusts the brightness so he can see a small, idyllic cottage at the base of a mountain, surrounded by wildflowers.
“It’s in our price range.”
Eliott gasps, leaning forward reach for the laptop, ignoring the annoyed grunt from Chelou as she’s dislodged from his lap.
“Where?” He asks a little breathlessly, eyes narrowing in on the information listed beside the photo. When he glances back up at Lucas, he’s smiling, bright as sunshine. “Switzerland?”
So, in the end, it really only takes seconds. Seconds for them to book the cabin for the week following their wedding, for them to receive a pending email, and for them to burst into a round of excited laughter, falling into each other on the sofa.
Their friends are decidedly underwhelmed by their decision, woefully lamenting that they’re passing up an opportunity to venture out into great wide world, but it doesn’t bother Lucas and Eliott so much, knowing that they can only spend so much money, knowing that it’s a place that neither of them have been before, knowing that what they really both want, more than anything, is time: time where they can be together somewhere, really together, without any distractions, without deadlines or expectations or commitments.
Eliott reminds Lucas of this while they’re on the train, lifting their linked hands from his lap and pressing a soft kiss to Lucas’ knuckles, nuzzling into his hand.
“I’m excited,” Eliott says lowly, and Lucas nods, glancing down at the tourist guide that sits open over his thigh.
“I hope so. You’re the one who booked the tour.” He hums. “Those baby giraffe legs of yours will be useful when you need to carry me up the mountain.”
Eliott laughs, his breath warm against Lucas’ skin. “Sure, I’ll carry you,” he says easily. “But it never mattered to me where we went. You know that, right?” He gently pries open Lucas’ palm, presses a kiss to his heart line. “I just want to be with you.” A delicate pause. “Preferably in a bed.”
Lucas snorts, pushing Eliott’s face away with his open palm. “We get it, Demaury.” He says dryly. “We get it.”
Eliott winks at him, at least, it could be a wink, and it’s so embarrassing and endearing that Lucas can’t help but lean in towards him, smoothing his fingers through Eliott’s hair, dancing along his cheekbone.
“I know,” he says softly. He tucks a strand of Eliott’s hair behind his ear. “I feel the same way.”
The cabin is exactly as advertised: small, cozy, rustic, romantic in a way that has Lucas, despite his teasing towards Eliott earlier, reaching for his shirt the second that the door closes behind them, dragging him towards the double bed covered in layers of wool blankets. There, they create a tiny world of love all over again, the same world they build around themselves everywhere they land, turning the light golden and the air sweet.
They don’t surface until the next morning, when Lucas grudgingly agrees to leave the cabin for the guided hike through the mountains Eliott booked a space on weeks ago, coaxed out of the cabin with the promise of food and the sight of Eliott in a pair of denim shorts and hiking boots.
They’re nearly late because Eliott won’t stop taking pictures of the mountains, and Lucas won’t stop taking pictures of Eliott, but when they arrive at the meeting point, out of breath and already sweating at their temples, their tour guide just grins knowingly at them.
“Honeymoon, eh?” She asks. She’s older, with long grey hair tied into two thick braids, and when she smiles, her eyes crinkle at the corners like well-loved pages. She thumbs over her shoulder at another couple, two girls sitting on a rock together, trading slow kisses between bites of a shared granola bar. “You’re not the only ones.”
The group is small, comprised of Eliott and Lucas, the guide, the other couple, and five university students from Ireland, who all take turns shaking Eliott and Lucas’ hands excitedly after they introduce themselves.
The sun is high when they start hiking, the wind warm and pleasant. Their guide takes them through what she calls a “beginner’s trail,” but it still manages to exhaust every one of them. By the time they take their first break, Lucas is sweating through his shirt and complaining that his legs are so sore Eliott might actually have to carry him down.
But when they reach the end of their climb, a lookout point halfway up to a peak, there is only silence. Silence and awe as they all take in the gold and green valley below them, the singing wind in their ears, the thin, fresh air in their lungs.
Eliott has the guide take a picture of them there, pressed together at the edge of the lookout, dishevelled and tired and smiling so widely the guide feels the corners of her own mouth turning up in response.
“You’re beautiful together,” she tells them softly, seriously, making the both of them blush.
The view is spectacular, the type of view that begs to be ingested in real-time, not captured and carried away in a case, and they stay there as long as they possibly can, feeling every minute slip over their skin as it passes, until the guide tells them they need to get going if they want to make it back to the valley by sunset.
No one is expecting going down to be more difficult than going up, but it is. They have to watch out for sliding heels and buckling knees now, bracing themselves on rocks and trees, fingers scraping against bark, catching on sharp ridges. Eliott loses his balance at one point, long arms flailing out, and Lucas just manages to catch him in time, gripping tightly onto his hands and his shirt, cackling as Eliott swears breathlessly, eyes as wide and startled as a fawn’s.
They return to the valley with long shadows, just as the sun kisses the highest peak of the mountains. They tip the guide, thanking her profusely for the day she gave them, and wave to the rest of the group before beginning the slow, aching trip back to their cabin.
They stop at a small store for food, filling a basket with bread, cheese, soup, fruit, porridge, and wine, Lucas winks at the cashier when her eyes slyly drift between him, Eliott, and the bottle of deep red.
“It’s like we’re radiating honeymoon energy,” Lucas says with a laugh when they’re outside again, huddling against the cold creeping in with the sun’s descent. “Everyone just knows.”
Eliott smiles, tucking Lucas’ hand into his hoodie pocket, their fingers linked together. “I don’t doubt it.”
Lucas wrinkles his nose. “Eliott, are we gross? Are we that couple?”
Eliott ducks his head to press to fleeting kiss to Lucas’ forehead. “I think we are, baby.” He says solemnly.
“Well.” Lucas hides a grin in Eliott’s shoulder, leaning into his side, their feet weaving a lazy, curving path along the quiet road. “I think I like that.”
“Yeah.” Lucas tilts his head up to glance at him, eyes dark in the dimming light. “Because I feel it all the time, you know. How much I love you. It’s like a...like a spark beneath my skin. I like the idea that other people can feel it too.”
Eliott’s gaze travels up to the expansive sky. He feels as though he could touch the very edges of it. “I like it too.” He takes his hand out of his warm pocket, wraps his arm around Lucas’ shoulders to tug him more firmly into his side. “I like you.” He had meant it to be sweet, teasing, but once the words are out of his mouth, they don’t feel like enough, not nearly enough for the perfect way Lucas folds into his side, for the way the curve of his smile makes Eliott’s heart race. So he tilts his head down, and it’s an awkward angle, but he manages a kiss, soft and lingering, and he whispers right into Lucas’ lips, “I love you.”
Lucas lets out a sigh, arching up into Eliott. “I love you too.” He kisses him again, teasing, and gently bites down on Eliott’s bottom lip. “Hey. Did you know that we’re married?”
Eliott frowns. “Are we?”
“Think so. We signed a document and everything.”
“Huh.” Eliott pulls away, ignoring Lucas’ pouting lips and tugging him off of the main road, back towards their cabin. “I completely forgot about that.”
“That’s okay.” Lucas’ grin is moonlight and want, bare and bright. “I’ll just have to keep reminding you.”
Eliott squeezes him in closer, and he feels the rapturous history of every moment they’ve ever spent together when he says, “Promise?”
Lucas kisses him again, and it feels like breathless edge of every moment that’s still to come when says, “Promise.”
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Wicked Games (Chapter 11)
My place was finally fixed up and was no longer considered a safety hazard so I was able to return to it after the game. I had mixed feelings about it. It had been really nice staying with the group, but also emotionally draining and stressful because of one girl in particular.
I wasn’t home long before I got a text about a post-game party. The four girls were hosting yet another gathering at their place for after the men’s game since we had an off day the next day. We were celebrating our win, but also the start of a week-long Thanksgiving break from classes.
I took a shower, blow-dried my hair, and then straightened it. I put on some tight capris, and a nice beige jacket. I even did my makeup which wasn’t something I normally did. I really couldn’t deny it.. I wanted to look good for Lauren.
At the same time though, my plan was to ignore her. If Lauren wanted to talk to me.. or.. not talk.. she was going to have to make the first move.
I opened the door to their place and it was just our team and the men’s team, so it was a pretty small group. That’s the way I like it anyway.
As per usual, Lauren looked hot. Upon entering their place, my eyes wandered until they found the body that had been underneath mine less than a week ago. I started at her feet, and very slowly moved my eyes up, violating her. She was wearing dark black jeans with holes at the knees, and a simple long-sleeve dark grey shirt. Her hair was falling in long waves. Her eye makeup was done to emphasize her greens. The nose stud was in, and a pale pink lip gloss was applied to her soft lips. If you could fuck with your eyes, I was doing just that, and I hadn’t even had a drink yet.
I made a beeline for the kitchen, going undetected by any of the partygoers, and started filling up my cup with a mixture of sprite and rum. It wasn’t my favorite, but it would do.
I took a sip and then proceeded to text Emma, having been missing the girl the past couple days.
Camila: Hey, I really wish you were here. It didn’t take long before there was a response.
Emma: I do too. It sucks that we can’t see eachother over Thanksgiving. Can I come visit soon? I don’t have anything going on next weekend, and I have enough cash saved up.
I thought about it for a moment, then looked at my calender on my phone to check for my basketball schedule. It was annoying, but our visits always hindered on my practice times and whether we had an off day. Emma went to school back home in Miami, and it was often difficult for us to come see eachother during the school year.
Camila: Yeah, I have an off day next Sunday. We play on Saturday at 3, and then after that we should be good.
Emma: yay! I haven’t seen you play so far this season.
I smiled slightly as I typed my reply.
Camila: Well Em, you know they play our games online, so if you weren’t lazy you could watch me from your apartment.
Emma: Oh hush, I watched the first game online! You know what I meant, it’s better in person.
Camila: Cause you get to see me play or because you get to see dis fine Cuban ass?
Emma: Ugh, don’t be gross lol. Speaking of games, how did your game go tonight?
Camila: We won :)
Emma: Awesome! How did my fine Cuban ass do?
I laughed at the text but then also frowned because it felt foreign for her to use a possessive term about me. We were still in this weird gray area of not being together, but kind of being together.
Camila: I did alright. Dinah and Normani played amazing.
Emma: You’re always so modest.
I was about to text back when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to find Normani. “Hey Mila!” she exclaimed while hugging me. “What’re you doing back here all by yourself? Come on,” she said motioning me towards the living area where everyone was.
I took a big gulp of my drink as I entered the room. My teammates who were scattered around all cheered when they saw me, “Camila!”
I noticed Lauren spin on her heels to look in our direction with the corner of my eye. She was standing off to the side talking to a guy on the men’s team. ‘Of course’ I thought. The girl was always flirting with those guys. I’m pretty sure she’s hooked up with at least one of them every year she’s been here. Not that I have been keeping tabs or anything..
I sat on the couch next to Ally and Normani, and got distracted with conversation with them for awhile. Eventually, I downed my drink and had to go back to the kitchen to fill it up.
When I turned the corner, I saw Lauren, and the guy she’d been talking to. They weren’t kissing thank god, but they were very close to eachother. I suddenly felt possessive and continued walking. I didn’t care that I was intruding. I walked right past them towards the drinks, not even saying anything. They had both gone silent when they realized I was there. The only sounds now were the muffled music, and me taking off the cap to the rum and the splashing sounds as I poured the drink in my cup.
Once I was satisfied with my ratio, I took a sip and turned around to face them. They were no longer close, to my delight. Lauren was staring at me, her cheeks slightly flushed. 'Looks like I had interrupted a moment’ I laughed in my head. Maybe it was the booze, but I was very indifferent and unconcerned by the guy she was talking to. She continued to stare at me incredulously as I walked towards her, and I just smirked and shrugged in response. I shocked myself when I turned slightly as I sauntered by her and looked her body up and down whilst walking backwards, until I was content and turned back out of the room.
I almost chuckled at myself for how bold I had been. I literally did not care what she thought. Yeah, the booze had definitely kicked in.
Another hour or so went on without any more interaction between us two. Lauren was no longer talking to that guy, and her and Dinah were now dancing in the middle of the room with a few other teammates.
At this point, I was now on my fourth drink, and had begun slurring my words, and having trouble with my balance. I hated getting to that point, but I couldn’t seem to stop drinking.
I was trying not to, but my eyes were pretty much glued to Lauren, and her ass, as she was dancing and swaying. She was so confident when she danced, which was absolutely unlike me. I always felt like I looked like the most awkward, uncoordinated person when I tried to dance, so I avoided it at all costs. Lauren on the other hand, seemed to thrive when she danced. She had no care in the world, and moved her body skillfully and seductively.
Then Chris Brown’s song “Liquor” came on over the speakers. The group of girls dancing started shrieking excitedly. Then they began singing along together loudly. Lauren grinned while she danced against Dinah, singing the words. I shifted uneasily in my seat, my desire rising. I wanted Lauren to be dancing against me.
[Chris Brown - “Liquor”]
There’s something in this liquor The air is getting thicker I can’t help but to stare at you Oh yeah Girl what did you do to me
What did you slip up in my cup girl Cause I want you Oh yeah I had a little bit too much girl So come over here
There’s something in this liquor Oh yeah The air is getting thicker All I want is you, you All I want is you
There’s something in this liquor girl I’m looking at your figure (woah) I just want to see you strip right now Baby, let me help you work it out (oh)
Girl you look so good I just want to get right to it (oh) I could beat it up like, like a real n**** should Baby when we do it (woah)
There’s something in this liquor Oh yeah The air is getting thicker All I want is you, you All I want is you
All I wanna do is drink and fuck Drink, drink and fuck All I wanna do is drink and fuck And fuck, and fuck
I didn’t even make it to the end of the song before I couldn’t take it anymore. I set my drink down on the endtable, and stood up determinedly, without taking my eyes off of her. I stomped towards her, and without a word, I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the hall. If she was protesting, I couldn’t tell because I did not turn around for one second to look at her.
I found the bathroom door, and threw us both inside, slamming and locking the door shut. It wasn’t even a conscious decision, but my hands went around her and under her waist, aggressively pulling her up and onto the sink counter. I took those pink lips in mine, claiming them, and situated my body inbetween her legs. One hand was feeling up her thigh, while the other was reached around behind her neck, pulling her face into mine.
She may not have been acknowledging me all night, trying to pretend like she wasn’t affected by me, but her lips betrayed her. She was all over mine, as actively engaged as I was. Both of her hands were running up and down my spine.
The kiss was more than hot. Our tongues started fighting eachother, and a lower region began waking up. She was not close enough for my liking so I put my hands on her waist, and roughly pulled her against me so she was as close as she could possibly be. Her sitting pelvis was now pressed up against my standing pelvis. That earned a small moan out of Lauren, and I pushed my lips into hers even harder. Kissing her as if I would never kiss her again.
I knew it had to come to an end, so that we wouldn’t look suspicious. After a few more moments of our intense lip-lock, I pulled away. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at me like she was in a daze. I smirked, removing my palms from her waist and backed away.
Just like the entire night, not a single word was exchanged, and then I unlocked the door, and walked out. My lips were still tingling when I returned to my drink, and the questioning glances from the people around at the party.
Dinah had her arms crossed and was looking at me with a smug expression. I shrugged and stammered, “What? I had to tell her something.. important.”
I decided to leave not long after that, but as I put my hand on the doorknob, I felt a familiar body make contact with my back. Arms wrapped around my waist and lips brushed against my ear. “Can I go home with you?” she harshly whispered.
My whole body tensed up. The prospect of that was seriously appealing to me right now. However, I was tired for starters, and you know what, I was still feeling prideful. She was going to have to work harder than that if she wanted to get with me again. I turned to look at her and smiled as she stared at me expectantly.
I looked deeply into those beautiful green eyes and then maliciously quipped, “Nope.”
As soon as the word was out, I turned on my heels and walked out the door. I laughed the whole way home remembering the priceless look on her face when I said no.
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theleftoverurl · 5 years
Back into termtime and the adjustment is hard mentally, really difficult to fight the cold and holiday brain and gear back into work.
So I was up till 3 giving the old Tinder another whirl with not a lot of success tbh. Matched with Kev and we had a good chat which was nice.
Kate paid me $15 to borrow my car which was fine aha but idk things have been warming up recently so hopefully we are on our way to being closer again because I do miss that friendship but also it kind of made me sad how businessy the whole deal was - there was a time where I'd go along for the lols. Anyway she took my tutees Chem book with her because I'm dumb so I just watched standups on Netflix all day and napped.
And because I didn't have heaps in the house and I'm too lazy without the car to buy food and I didn't want to UberEats I stole a can of salmon from her shelf in the pantry for lunch oops but it was like black garlic flavoured and tasted gross so I had to steal two slices of bread from the freezer that were randomly frozen and Marmite and peanut butter. I still have to sneaky sneaky dispose of the evidence oops.
Then in the evening Daniel picked me and Nicole up and we went to Doughboy pizza in Randwick which was clearly not set up for people to eat in lol. They didn't even have plates and it was just two small tables but the owner was really nice and full on gave us an extra loaf of garlic and cheese bread and some dippable garlic breadstick things too in return for rating him on Google lol. It was good to catch up with them because I haven't seen them since before Melbourne and maybe even Perth.
Afterwards we popped into Kurtosh for Nutella kurtoshes and a hot chocolate to take into the movies and went to see John Wick 3. It was not my cup of tea, a little bit unnecessarily violent and a bit too long but it was still like a good movie and I can see why people would like the franchise. From the outside the whole reconsecrated-deconsecrated thing and the symbols and markers was a bit wanky but I'm sure that with the missing extra emotional tone in the first movie it would have made more sense.
Nicole recruited me and I recruited Tom for her wearable posture device for her ILP project. I think how it works is we wear it every day for three months and it will track our posture on an app and buzz if we have poor posture to try remind us not to slouch which is kind of cool. It's really for patients with spinal stenosis and stuff so it's a bit of a gimmick novelty for us as the control group I feel.
Then declan messaged that he and his friend Ryan were randomly going to come over and so I went back home and let them in but they couldn't stay long cos Ryan had to be back in Hornsby by 1230 and by then it was already 1130pm lol. He was super nice though and then we had loud music with lots of singing and speeding on the way to drop Ryan off and low-key we wanted to climb to the roof or bridge of Westfield in Hornsby but Ryan convinced Declan it was too dangerous by accident and we couldn't even get into the carpark when we went once we dropped Ryan off. But I got my first look at the Hornsby Westfield shopping area which looks very typical, a bit like Claremont in Perth. There was no way to get in, so we headed to Declan's house.
We had to be quiet because his parents would be mad that a girl is sleeping over but Declan thought it was worth it which is weird because like it was a completely unnecessary part of my night but it was okay. We had slightly deeper friend chats about our love lives and friends and things which was nice and Declan did some work and I scrolled social media aimlessly. Then he went to bed on the couch outside and I took his bed oops for the night.
Tomorrow will be a challenge because I have to be social and woo his mum who will be mad that I'm here oops. But it will be okay and then I will get a drop at uni to hopefully actually get some work done - or maybe just find people to annoy, depends on how the day goes. And then I have tutoring and either vivid or seeing Su. A lot of bravery necessary tomorrow.
Su dom and Ryan were actually at John wick they sat a bit in front of us but they didn't see us cos they came in late when it was dark and typically the Malaysians didn't wave and I didn't cos I was scared of the awkwardness lol. Also at Hornsby i stole a second traffic cone which is in Declan's back seat to be my parking placeholder again back in coog AND because I'm here I've forgotten my pill for the night so unless I fix my life I am about to bleed.
I also have to pay Sweta for accommodation before she gets mad at me lol and book skiing ahhh I'm such a flake when it comes to this NZ trip like what is wrong with me? And i have to look up elective placements in case they need to be organised early and remember to do the online module tomorrow night. Also I really want my book to come in the mail for bookclub so I can keep hyping it I am really really worried that a lot of people won't have secured copies so I am going to have to try and like sort people out in terms of that as well. Also I'm sort of hoping if the vivid thing happens tomorrow - Declan is organising maybe Kate will wanna come and like this could be an opportunity to bond but also it is difficult because she's so like anti my friends but it's so hard to not like assume or get annoyed that it's so difficult like I get along with most people's friends idk. Oh and I also need Mirettes notes if I'm gonna survive management because I haven't attended a single lecture and I have no idea what the fuck is happening and the lectures aren't recorded so that's important too oops.
Apart from that, the social calendar, like the weather is looking up this week, on Wednesday I see my supervisor for the first time in ages and after Courteney and I are going to the pav to share a bottle of wine and then chat thai on a mini double date, I have hockey and tutoring as usual on Thursday, Friday is mgmt with Andy which means hot choccy and Whitehouse Friyays hopefully with whoever wants to come then I promised kuheli I'd sleepover at hers and I owe her big energy cos I was tired last time which was last year omg and then Sunday I have hockey in sutho all morning and then will take Catherine to the markets somewhere like Glebe or something maybe to hang out and look around which should be fun. So yeah, busier week social wise and still not a lot of uni work to ramp up to because next thing due for med is my final report in October. halfway through ILP how unbelievable.
Right it's 330 again and time for some good old sleep but that's the downlow for now, more tea next week to come. Hopefully I can fkin get up tomorrow ugh sleep levels will be so low. Nighty night!
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