#i dont hate how i look im the sexiest beast on the planet. just dont like pics. oh well
autistic-evil-xisuma · 6 months
let's hear it for the 2.5 weeks late and low quality cosplay pics 🔥🔥🔥
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ID in alt text, materials/methods explained under the readmore! i DIY'd almost everything here.
wig used to be even and straight - cut and styled myself
gas mask is EVA foam, hot glue, LED tea lights, & cut up surgical mask material in front of the lights (and another mask inside. cosplay covid safe!!). Painted with acrylic and rub 'n buff
armor is worbla thermoplastic and EVA foam, D rings and webbing for straps, spray paint and acrylic - i made this about 2 years ago lmao
jeans used to be white. i had 2 failed dying attempts which included dropping my phone in the dye bath and almost burning myself a few times before i got them this color the 3rd try. also D rings and webbing straps.
not fully included in the pics but inside the mask is a mic that i hooked up to a soundcard & speaker to use as a voice changer (and amp- it's hard to project your voice through multiple layers of mask and painted foam !)
i super recommend including cargo pants in your cosplays. in or on my pants i was able to carry phone, wallet, extra mask, sound card, speaker, advil, con program, 32 oz water bottle, and an entire quesadilla
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