#i don't think we talk enough about the fact that the stone on which Kokichi tried hinting that mastermind was him is literally a gravestone
lampochkaart · 1 year
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dangan-happy · 3 years
KAME-HAME-FORGET ABOUT IT!/ To Kaito, Kokichi,and this time Twogami. (Sorry Miu-). So hello, it's me again. My parents have recently been... more than overbearing with my sexuality. It's like they don't even acknowledge it, and whenever they do, they say I'm too young, influenced, ext. It's really been messing with my mental health and I nearly had a breakdown over a discussion we had yesterday about my "future". Can I just get some comfort and a hug? Sorry if I'm being annoying. -Spider anon.
Oh spider.. Dealing with your sexuality is already a burden by itself and to have your parents push you around about it makes it harder… No one’s ever “too young” to know something about themselves, in fact, it seems better for a person to start thinking about it early on so their conclusion can be more set in stone, but one big factor that helps this is the support of the parents which.. Seems like something your parents aren’t willing to give out just yet unfortunately… 
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But do not let that drag you down, it is not your fault they don’t understand, adults can be very closed-minded most of the time.. A sad sight but the most common one, your mental health and well-being shouldn’t be deteriorating from your parents comments, that is just plain wrong of them to do! Tch.. Parents can be extremely mean for no reason, it makes me upset… The best advice I can give is try to ignore those comments, your sexuality is only for you to deal with and if you parents aren’t willing to help, they should be sticking their noses in your business. You will get through this whole deal soon enough, I promise you. About your future.. It can be really scare to think about, no one really knows what’s to come, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be bad, your future might be known now but if you try to keep yourself up as much as you can, your future will be filled with shining colors, your future will surely be bright spider.
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If a hug will help you feel better, I do not mind hugging you for as long as you might need, It’ll be alright spider. I truly mean that.
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Spider anon back at it again doing whatever you can-on! What's up bro! Good to see you again! Yikes, sexuality is fun. Wow that sounded way weirder than I meant it to, but the point is it's a complicated topic. Damn, I hate it when people get their sexualities discredited. It's not their place to say anything, it's not like your parents know what you're feeling. It's ok if you're younger, that's when you kinda start figuring these things out, you know? I'm not totally sure what they mean by influenced. Are they implying that someone said, "I'm into *insert gender here* and you are too."? Because that scenario seems a little unlikely.
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Bro, ugh, the future is super stressful. Sometimes I'm looking forward to it, and sometimes I'm having issues over what could possibly happen next week. I mean what I said before, they don't get to speak on your sexuality. They don't know how you feel, so they really can't tell you what you are or aren't. It might be best to just not talk about your sexuality with them, because the conversations are taking a toll on you. Not everyone can have that conversation, and I'm thinking your parents are in that boat. The most important thing is your mental health, and I think it's healthiest to take a step back from that topic and focus on taking care of yourself. Maybe your parents will be more accepting, maybe not. Some people are just like that unfortunately.
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Whatever you are or aren't feeling is valid, we can't help what we like, or don't like if you're thinking aro/ace spectrum. Keep figuring out what defines you as you, and you can find support in other places than your parents if you need it. You're valid, got it? You're the super amazing spider anon and you can-on be whatever you want!! Of course you can get a hug! I'm always here for you when you need me! 
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Dammit I really need to stop answering these after Kaito, because now I have the freaking song in my head again! But hi Spider anon, I missed youuuu! Ugh, ew, overbearing parents. And they're being overbearing about your sexuality? Yikes, that can't be fun. Ok, so you're saying they don't acknowledge it, but when they do they make you feel worse? Honestly, you might wanna stop bringing that up around them altogether. Yeah, them not acknowledging it sucks, but the way they acknowledge it seems to suck more. It might have to be one of those things that you just don't talk about around them. I wish I could like, snap my fingers or throw a heavy object at them and make them stop being awful, but we can only control what we do, not what other people do. Sometimes people just aren't accepting, and while I hope they can grow and learn more in the future, that's not happening right now. If you wanna talk about whatever you're feeling sexuality-wise, there's lots of other safe, positive places for you to do that. You deserve support, not whatever your parents are throwing at you. Yeah, the influencing thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me either, but I guess that can be solved by you sitting down and thinking about if you identify as something because you saw someone else do it, or you identify as that because you really feel that way. Did that make sense? I'm not sure if that made sense, but oh well! Moving on!
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Since you are younger, I don't think the future is something to majorly stress out over just yet. You have plenty of time ok? And hopefully in that time your parents will learn to step off and let you be who you are. Try to take care of your mental health ok? You're amazing, and valid, and your feelings don't get to be discredited. You're the only one who knows how you feel, so be confident in yourself! Sure! I'll give you a hug!! Keep being you Spider, you're the only one who knows how to do that.
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