jokeplease · 3 years
long time no see?
might be getting back into sims - i see there are some actual functional bunk beds in the game now so i might try to revamp/convert my old ones. if there's any other cc of mine that's not functional anymore feel free to reply to this and lmk and i will do my best to fix it? (no promises but cottage living might bring me back into all this)
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jokeplease · 4 years
download links
hi all, gotten a few messages over the past few months about various download links being broken. i haven’t checked to verify, my guess is most ppl are seeing the links from when they were reblogged by someone else and so the older version of the posts have broken links as they have been edited over time. 
unfortunately i don’t have time to update anything right now. i work in IT so my job has not slowed down at all due to the virus stuff. i’m sure i’ll get back into ts4 and making cc at some point, just don’t have the time right now. :( sorry.
tl;dr: check the newest version of the post to see if the link has been updated! if not, sorry. nothin i can do for you right now.
ALSO as always, anyone can feel free to make recolors of my stuff, etc, modify the meshes, include the meshes in your recolors, honestly i don’t care. pls give me credit for the originals but otherwise do as you like!
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jokeplease · 5 years
hi, im really sorry but it seems like one of your links are dead again! i tried to download your s3ts4 university life stuff but the link comes up as an error! id be super duper grateful if you fixed the link please
no need to apologize! the beds were the only broken link i could find -- should be fixed now :)
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jokeplease · 5 years
hi, it's the anon who asked about the links! thank you very much for reuploading them :) i cleaned out all my cc to start fresh and REALLY wanted those back
yeah no prob!! glad you like them :)
if anyone notices any of my other download links missing, pls let me know
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jokeplease · 5 years
fixed this now
hey, i was just wondering what happend to your university life conversions - the dl links are dead :(
whoops, looks like those accidentally got deleted in my reorganizing. i’ll fix it today!
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jokeplease · 5 years
i can’t seem to move my files around to reorganize better into folders on sfs, seems like i am going to have to delete them and reupload to get them in the right folders? :/ hate to lose those download statistics tho
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jokeplease · 5 years
hey, i was just wondering what happend to your university life conversions - the dl links are dead :(
whoops, looks like those accidentally got deleted in my reorganizing. i’ll fix it today!
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jokeplease · 5 years
reblogging because i have fixed the issues and this has essentially turned into a whole different download! thanks for the patience y’all
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non-default bassinets!
what’s up guys? long time no see. 
i originally had planned on just editing that same old bassinet post, but i decided to make a new one and archive the old one. 
ALRIGHT boy this one was a doozy. so these were meant to be fully non-default with no hidden crib garbage involved, but after some testing (which i should’ve done before posting, oops) i found that that seriously broke the game. after realizing this error, i spend a few hours just now fixing it! 
turns out you still can’t have more than 4 swatches for a crib. this doesn’t really work for me. so, i recreated the hidden crib mod (found that the one on tsr was broken and it was really simple to make). my version replaces the default crib and it has a little white box so you have something to grab onto and move. however, the box will be completely hidden by any cribs. 
the two bassinet recolors i have for you are now independent objects. they are recolors of the original bassinet, the one with accent colors in @cupidjuicecc‘s palm springs palette, and the other is basically a redux of my bassinets in a slightly modified version of @virtuchem‘s old vibrancy palette. download links for all below!
hidden bassinet | DOWNLOAD [SFS]
palm springs | DOWNLOAD [SFS]
vibrancy | DOWNLOAD [SFS]
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jokeplease · 5 years
ugh, i think the problem with my cribs is that i have more than 4 swatches. 
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jokeplease · 5 years
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non-default bassinets!
what’s up guys? long time no see. 
i originally had planned on just editing that same old bassinet post, but i decided to make a new one and archive the old one. 
ALRIGHT boy this one was a doozy. so these were meant to be fully non-default with no hidden crib garbage involved, but after some testing (which i should’ve done before posting, oops) i found that that seriously broke the game. after realizing this error, i spend a few hours just now fixing it! 
turns out you still can’t have more than 4 swatches for a crib. this doesn’t really work for me. so, i recreated the hidden crib mod (found that the one on tsr was broken and it was really simple to make). my version replaces the default crib and it has a little white box so you have something to grab onto and move. however, the box will be completely hidden by any cribs. 
the two bassinet recolors i have for you are now independent objects. they are recolors of the original bassinet, the one with accent colors in @cupidjuicecc‘s palm springs palette, and the other is basically a redux of my bassinets in a slightly modified version of @virtuchem‘s old vibrancy palette. download links for all below!
hidden bassinet | DOWNLOAD [SFS]
palm springs | DOWNLOAD [SFS]
vibrancy | DOWNLOAD [SFS]
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jokeplease · 5 years
today’s mood
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jokeplease · 5 years
i’m reorganizing my downloads in sfs, and i don’t THINK it’ll break any of the links, but y’all lmk if any of my downloads break
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jokeplease · 5 years
I loove your UL conversion Bunkbeds especially for Toddlers, I was wondering if there was anyway you'd be able to make a Loft version of it so I can add desks or stuffs underneath!
hello! this ask is probably several months old, but to finally provide an answer:
i tried to make a loft version, but was struggling with the footprints to make it work so you can actually stick stuff under it and have it still be functional. :/ i might give it another shot when i have more time.
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jokeplease · 5 years
i finally fixed my downloads link lol
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jokeplease · 5 years
if anyone has issues with any of my downloads, please try this before sending me a message!
I just saw someone say if you refresh a simfileshare download link the auto-download will still kick in as usual.
I’m on my phone so can’t check properly, but if that’s right it feels like info that should be out there more widely?
To clarify: usually, if you follow the same download link twice in a relatively short period, the second time you won’t be taken to the download page where you can press the like heart, but rather the download will begin automatically and ask where you want to save it. This has always been the case. Refreshing is the same as following the link a second time. If this still works it suggests the main download database is still working and it’s just the user-facing website itself that isn’t.
If this does work, it may not be foolproof. There may be some files that have been backed up and some that are in the process of being backed up, and during that process parts of the file database may be inaccessible, so it may require trying again later.
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jokeplease · 5 years
Me: I’m going to try to take less screenshots in this save and only focus on things that feel important. Like birthdays, a proposal or a wedding maybe. Things like that! Keeping it simple.  Sim: *eats something* Me: C C C C C *changes angle* C C C C C *changes angle* C C C C C
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jokeplease · 5 years
temporarily removing the download link because a) it’s broken anyways and b) i need to update this! i’ll hopefully be able to do that by the end of the week.
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open bassinet
here we go!! thanks to the new sims 4 studio update with geometry states, i’ve finally been able to make this mesh edit. woohoo! this is a default replacement just like any other bassinet cc. it comes in a few different options: default colors, plus all of my recolors. you can only have ONE file in your game at a time. enjoy!
UPDATE: i added a version that is just an object so it’s compatible with the invisible crib mod (comes in @nookstones full palette), made some changes so the file sizes are now MUCH smaller, and actually remembered to import the shadow meshes this time. please redownload the file of your choosing!
UPDATE 4/12: an issue was fixed where the standalone object and recolors were missing an alpha layer, so it looked funky. please redownload!
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