#i don't be wearing packers I don't be having bottom dysphoria very often.
omgcatboi 1 year
Blubber boy.
Hey look you can see my birth mark on my inner thigh poking out my boxers 馃構
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the-t-boy-king 10 months
Tips from your trans big brother: Packing
Alright homies, it's time for packer talk. A quick trigger warning. Most packers look like penises. If you don't want to hear about that, keep on moving. Please take care of yourself and I hope you will have a nice day/night! Packer talk under the cut.
So what is packing? Packing is when a trans man, (such as myself) or a trans masculine person uses something like padding or a packer to make a bulge in their pants. Some people use it as a way to fight bottom dysphoria, others use it to help pass, and there are many reasons why someone might want to pack.
There are 3 types of packers based on what they are used for. I'll run through them right now and I'll give recommendations and leave links for them. I'll then go over packing gear. Buckle up homies, it's going to be a long post.
Soft Packers
To start with we have soft packers. It's a packer that is made to look like you have a bulge in your pants. It can't be used for anything else. Soft packers are normally made with two types of material: elastomer/thermal gel and silicone.
Elastomer/thermal gel. This type of material is very soft and squishy. It's not very durable. It can tear easily and you can't really sanitize it the normal way ie with boiling water because it will melt.
People who have sensitive skin can break out due to the material so it's not recommended to wear it against the body without a barrier for long periods of time. You can use packing underwear or a packing pouch to keep a barrier between the packer and your skin. You also have to powder it so it's not sticky.
Silicone is more durable, firmer and less stretchy, and will last you a lifetime if you handle it with care. These are a lot easier to clean and sanitize since for the most part you can run them through the dishwasher or boil it in water (unless the company you get it from tells you otherwise that is).
For soft packers I recommend there are two. The 1st one is a Mr.Limpy . It's made of the elastomer material, but it is a great way to test to see if packing is something you want to do. The second one I recommend is the Classic Silicone packer from AXOLOM. I just got it a few days ago and I already love it. It bends down itself so it makes packing so much easier.
STPs packers
Stand to pee, or STPs are just as the name implies. It's a packer that helps people to stand to pee. These can help trans guys who have dysphoria when it comes to sitting to pee. It can also help them feel safer in the men's bathroom. STPs are hollow, a bowl at the end, and a shaft to pee with. Often you can use a STP both for packing and peeing but some are better than others. Packing with these can be a bit harder since they are firmer. It's because they can keep their shape when peeing.
These are made of silicone, and since you are using them to pee with, you need to sanitize them so you don't give yourself a UTI. When using a STP for the 1st time, I recommend starting in the shower 1st naked then slowly moving up to using a toilets/ urinals because trust me, you'll pee on yourself.
STPs are harder to recommend since everyone is built differently when it comes to where your urethra is and how fast you pee. Hell, I haven't fully mastered my own STPs. However, I have a STP Freely from Transguy Supply and I've been getting better at it.
Pack and Play Packers
Pack and play packers are packers that can be used for sex. You can often find 3 in 1 which is packer, STP and play. It mostly comes down to if your packer comes with a rod that can be put inside of your packer to make it stiff enough to penetrate. I haven't used one yet so I can't recommend one but you can use STP Freely as a pack and play as long as you buy the rod that goes in it.
Packing Gear
Packing gear is a thing that are made to make packing easier. There are 3 many types: packing underwear, packing harness and packing pouch. These are thing that will hold your packer in place and prevent it from falling out of your pants.
With packing underwear there's two types. Normal packing underwear that comes with a built in pouch that will hold the packer in your underwear. STP underwear is made with STPs in mind. They come with a O ring that'll hold the shaft in place when peeing and come with a button fly you can open so you can pee.
I personally use the Sport Packing Pouch. It's a pouch you put your packer in and pin to your underwear to keep in place. As for STP underwear I use the Cake Bandit underwear. Keep in mind that packing underwear is expensive. However you can make your own by sewing a pouch into underwear you already have.
So that's about it when it comes to packing. Packers come in all shapes and sizes, so it's up to you how big you want your dummy peen to be. Keep in mind that most cis guys' penises are about 3-4 inch when soft so you don't have to use a 8 inch packer. Bigger is not always better. Packing is a deeply personal thing so do whatever feel right to you. Good luck on your packing journey!
With love, Miles, your trans older brother.
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littlelordalphinaud 2 years
My Trans Headcanons for Alphinaud, Estinien and G'raha!
Trans Alphinaud Headcanons
He didn't come out until he was on the ship to Eorzea with his sister where he told her his new name and pronouns and she was happy to just run with it.
From HW onwards he has a binder sewn into all of his clothes except his pyjamas. Tataru had to custom order the material for it but does so gladly.
He doesn't wear a packer very often, normally only when his Dysphoria is really bad and he needs an extra affirmation of his maleness.
He cried the first time Alisaie called him her brother in front of anyone that wasn't just him.
He came out to his parents via letter. He got one back from his mother praising his name choice and assuring him it's been changed in the Sharlayan registry for when he's ready to come home.
He gets top surgery after coming back from the First. Initially it makes him feel bad until he realises it's just that fear of not being identical to Alisaie anymore. Once he deals with that, he's ecstatic about the change in his body.
When his mother mentions gifts, despite everything having been okay for a few years, Alphinaud panics that the clothes won't fit because of his surgery. Alisaie had written to their mother to tell her about it, knowing Alphinaud wasn't going to. The clothes fit perfectly. He has a cry before coming back downstairs to thank his mother.
Trans Estinien Headcanons
Estinien has always known and began socially transitioning at an early age. His brother picked his name.
No one except Aymeric and the former Azure Dragoon know about Estinien. He fears being outed given Ishgard is not the most Trans friendly place.
Estinien didn't have any affirming healthcare until after HW. His deep voice in HW was him desperately trying to maintain his identity (same reason why he didn't take his armour off)
Aymeric was ready to fight the Doctors after the final steps of faith to make sure they treated Estinien. Luckily, most of the transphobia comes from those linked to the church so Aymeric didn't have to fight a healer.
Estinien got his affirming care after leaving Ishgard, both top and bottom surgery, along with a hysterectomy, and HRT. This is why when he's dragged back into the Scions, he's a lot more... Himself... Than he was in HW. it's not just the loss of the revenge drive, it's also the newly found comfort and confidence in his own body.
Trans G'raha Headcanons
Dysphoria? What's that? I don't know her.
Doesn't wear a binder because he's lucky enough to have mosquito bite breasts and he likes to breathe.
Took HRT while studying to become an archon, but only a very low dose mostly to help lower his voice and somewhat masculinise some of his features. But he'd happily come off and never go back on without thinking about it.
Speaking of, he didn't have any hormones in the First and was quite happy Although Minorly grumpy about the return of his menstrual cycle
Went back on HRT upon return to the Source mostly to keep the bleeding hell week at bay.
Doesn't care who knows he's Trans. Didn't change his name when he came out, somewhat thrives when people get confused by him.
Makes very bad Trans jokes that makes everyone want to smack him.
Got nothing against wearing 'female' clothing as long as it's comfortable. Known amongst the students of Baldesion for often studying in long skirts for comfort.
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