#i do wanna go back tho 🥺i miss my found family
spliceyblues · 6 months
Just had my first twst related dream, i wanna go back T_T goddamn it how do yall shift 😂😂😂😂
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remcycl333 · 1 year
hi rem, remember me? I'm the anon who asked about what type of stuff to do in the early 2000s! I'm back to share a success story!
long ask ahead
short 'backstory' for those who might be in a similar situation as I was: I used to be in a very difficult situation. I've been bullied for quite literally no reason ever since kindergarten and had no friends because of that. I stayed inside, rotting in my room while all other people my age lived their teen years to the fullest. later on, I was diagnosed with autism and came out as trans which made the bullying even worse. another problem was that I had only one year of school left and already signed a job contract with a company that I didn't even wanna work at. I just felt so lost and like I'm not made to live like this
how I did it: I randomly discovered this post and it pretty much changed my whole perspective on the void. I already knew that the void was just a meditative state but I never quite… realized it? like I'd say that yet still treat the void as this magical place that manifests instantly. I also 'forced' myself to not stop until I actually entered the void, no matter how long it would take (tho I didn't actively affirm that it'd take long). I just laid down, set the intention to tap into the void and occasionally affirm 'i am', that's all.
stuff I manifested:
changing the year to 2005 (fyi, I manifested taking my phone with me just to write this
revising my age from 16 to 14
revising my birth year from 2006 to 1991 (since that'd make me 14 in 2005
a 'time loop' // I'm gonna elaborate on that one since it's a bit confusing. I saw this on another anon ask a while ago and found it so cool! basically, I manifested that the year is 2005 permanently. like every new years eve, the date will just change to 2005 again. ages also don't change even tho people celebrate their birthdays. nobody dies/ages and nobody is born. this also feels natural and not like some weird sci-fi movie plot lmao (kinda like in pokemon where this mf ash has been 10 for 25 years
immortality for everyone (goes hand in hand with the time loop)
living in the city
living with my brother
new friends (manifested an exact friend group from my fav manga)
just my entire ideal life
my exact ideal appearance
my ideal name
revised being amab
being better at dealing with my autism (i didn't manifest it away, that just felt wrong to me)
and so much more but I can't remember…
fun fact for anyone who's still reading: my fav character from my fav manga started out being my df, then became my db, then my ideal voice, then I stole their name and their birth date, then their family members, friends, etc. and at last their literal life, like I literally self inserted myself into the manga as them. btw, it's also set in 2005, can you guess which manga it is?
thanks for reading!
STOP THAT IS SO EXCITING!!!! you're making me wanna go back to 2005 so bad!!! did u manifest your fav music still existing in 2005 bc i'd miss it so much
im so proud of u 🥺 i wish u nothing but happiness!!! <3 enjoy your new life, you deserve it!!!
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youuuimeanmee · 8 months
RWTGI 34 Thoughts
😆🥰🤗 I've been waiting for Kirishima's past to be translated since forever 😭😭Now I can FINALLY talk about this chapter wkdbjsnsjsjk
Out of all the mysteries presented in this series (the hell's up with Suo Azami, Renji, Yoshino's parents, the brewing yakuza civil war), Kirishima's past is one thing that hyped me up the most; mostly because I've been dying to know the background this insane yet lovable(?) ML lololol.
⚠️ Though the title is Ch 34's Thoughts, I actually started it from ch 33. If you haven't read it then what are you doing here, go to MangaDex if you don't wanna get spoiled here.
⚠️⚠️TW; Bullying, Abuse, Self H4rm, yk how Kirishima is.
👏 Okay! So!
We FINALLY get to see Kirishima's rich ass mommy and daddy 🥳🥳🥳
(tho they don't have a face, I'll take it)
Looks like the parents are busy people, they missed the fact that their son is not normal since birth. That, or Kirishima is just damn good at hiding it. Maybe both.
"My 2 classmates are fighting over irrelevant things. Solution? Erase the thing without anyone knowing. No more things to fight, problem solved 🙂"
He has a shrewd moral compass, I have a feeling he was being genuine when he "helped" his classmates. Aww my cute baby gremlin.
Or if he wasn't being 100% genuine, maybe he tore up the cards to surpress his urges for violence, to ease the boredom he felt because he couldn't feel anything while living in a normal, peaceful life.
The parents slowly realize the abnormal blood that's been there since Gaku era has never disappear from their family.
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Since Gaku is the black sheep of the family, Kirishima's dad prob thought: 'Oh fuck this is uncle all over again. No wait I can do this. He already released his energy using a good outlet (karate), he just needs to surround himself with good people. Friends, yeah. The school we picked is the best; surely there's no bad influence that's gonna taint my son. No more psycho #2.' Umm, I hate to break it to you, but daddy-
Ironically, the dad might be the first person who gave him insight about the feeling of having fun by being with a friend. Up until that point, he probably didn't know the feeling he felt when he did the karate. He did it many times, and the dad claimed he liked it, but he never registered it as 'liking something' until it was pointed out to him.
(just like when kirishima threw daggers at yoshino's back until she pointed out he might be jealous of Shoma and he got a little 'ahh that explains it' moment.)
Aww look at that probing eyes, trying to search the answer of his boredom from his dad 🥺
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Let's be real Kirishima could really use a proper diagnosis and therapy back then, even right now.
The smile of a child who has found the spark of his life:
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LMAO seriously, he smiles because Kodaka can kick hard. The more pleasure (read: pain) he gets from other people, the more he's gonna seek it.
But Kodaka is still weaker than him, so the pleasure ends quickly.
Enter Otogawa.
She's cute. Sweet. More importantly, she's important enough to trigger Kodaka.
She told him all he needed to know about Kodaka. Great in academics, gyms, and karate. Secretly violent too. Just like himself.
"He's just like me, so we matched right? We can be friends! 😃"
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Remember in ch 25.2 when Kirishima told Yoshino he once formed a "friendship plan" that went down the drain?
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Whelp, looks like Kodaka is that "friend." We all know how that ends, tho.
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Thus, began Kirishima's scheme to ✨️nurture✨️ Kodaka into a person who could kick him harder & also strong enough to not break easily. He befriended (read: flirted) with his crush, lured him into a desolate place, provoked him, stayed docile & easy to kick, yadda yadda.
Really an elaborate plan for someone his age, it's almost cute.
This moment of Kirishima and concealer really highlights his cleverness since he was a kid. If he buys a concealer for his bruise, it's too pricey for his budget. Parents will question unnecessarily if he were caught buying it. Solution? Pretend to return the high schooler's money (even though it's his own) so they'd do the makeup for him. Bruise covered, money covered, no one's gonna know ☺️ Little manipulative shit.
I was gonna feel sorry for him for getting beaten up, but then his innocent, excited smile turned me off so quick. Ugh.
(This is prob the beginning of his exploration to find new "fun" stuff to try. Like choking himself, for example.)
Kirishima is a pathological liar huh. Saying his birthday is in September even though it's in November. This really adds weight to his words earlier that he only revealed his true birthday to Yoshino 🥺🥲
Kirishima's plan to nurture Kodaka is going smoothly in this chapter. Maintaining good relationship with Otogawa, making him jealous and all that.
I bet bringing a 10,000 yen bill is part of the plan too, because kids need the motivation to keep coming back to him. Extorting a broke student is boring afterall.
It's been 300 days since Kodaka had beaten him up? Um. Excuse me what the fuck. With that many injuries, Where are his parents??? Did he ever get questioned at all?? Is Kirishima just that good at lying?? I'm sorry, but I also smell neglection. Intentionally or not.
Moving on, Kirishima is damn good huh. His fights like an adult, prob even better than some yakuza. He's 12. Let that sink in.
(should've seen it coming tbh, but it still surprises me.)
I wanna say he's so disgusting when he ripped the poor dude's ear (where on earth did he learn that?), but he's also my son, so...
Also, the art is so clean. My eyes is blessed, thank you Konishi.
I'm running out of gas. Yeah that's all for today! See you next time 👋
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hikari-writes · 1 year
And yessss I was also playing on EN up until the end 😭 like I spent the last 4 days of EN recording the backstage stories I liked so I could keep them in my memory 🥺 and YES WHY DID CYBIRD HAVE TO DO A3 LIKE THAT JUST KEEP IT ARCHIVED OR SMTH 😭 I stopped at the end of act 1 but I saw bits and pieces of act 2 on EN
And your fav is Tsumugi??? BRO SAME HE'S SO SOFT AND SQUISHY 🥺🥺🥺 my other faves are probably Masumi and Hisoka bc eepy babies 🥹 and troupe wise it's def a toss up between Spring and Winter, I still love the Summer and Autumn troupe but Spring gives me comfy found family vibes + Sakuya is just THE custest 😭 and Winter gives me that feeling of staring into the darkness on a cold winter day with your friends who are equally as lost as you are if that makes sense 🤧
I also got this Tsumugi gift box for my birthday so I have the Amusement Ichiban kuji A3! Nuigurumi and I have him beside my bed 🥺 and you made a fanfic with the Autumn troupe??? Omg drop the link??? I occasionally go back to read this one rlly good A3! Oneshot book on Wattpad bc I was starved for content since the EN translations don't have all the backstage stories atm
It's so cool to know another A3!der who's still into it 🙏🙏🙏 also can you tell I miss A3! 🥹
WAAAAA HELLO HELLO OMG SO HAPPY TO MEET ANOTHER A3!DER !!! (im ngl i had a hunch it was you since youre probably the only person here who seems to be in the fandom- that i know of aidhwindiejd) ALSO NO NEED TO BE SHY AHAHSHSHJWJDJ MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN FOR INTERACTIONS ANON OR OFF ANON <3333 !!!
IM.SOBBING STOP OMG U CANG DO THIS TO ME IM STILL SO UPSET THAT A3 EN IS NO MORE (rest in piece you will forever be missed) Their tl is soooo good tho :(( i wouldnt mind them not updating anymore with stories/events but they had to kick me in the curb and announced that they removed them completely :')) not to mention at the time my crusty old phone dont have enough storage so i cang even savour the game for one last time 🗿🗿 i know absolutely nothing abt act 2 aside from the new charas names but if u wanna talk abt them woth me pls do !! 🥺🥺🫶🫶 id love to know abt them <3 ANOTHER TSUMUGI LOVER YES OMG 🤝🤝🤝🤝 !!! I rmmrb i was exposed to tsumugi (more specifically izumixtsumugi) b4 i even knew of a3 since i kept seeing fanarts of them from this one artist 🤔MASUMI AND HISOKA OMG !!!! 🥺🥺🥺🫶PLSSSS SPRING IS DEF HAS FOUND FAMILY VIBE 😭😭 I Rmmbr that scene where itaru was gonna quit and they all act as if he's a father about to leave them and citron was the mom (??iirc ) they r so chaotic i love them <3 😭😭 NOOOO HELP THE WAY I DESCRIBE WINTER TROUPE URE MAKING ME CRY SHSUDHHSHCJEJRJR (I LOVE IT)
TSUMUGI NUI??!?!?!?@?!?! uhm can i see a pic if ure okay with it 👉👈🥺 ALSO WHAHHSJWHEJW the fanfic was actually a tsumugi x reader but the relationship reader has with the autumn guys plays like an importany role in it and....it contains triggering content(s3lf h@rm) + bad writing when i was like idk 12?¿¿¿¿ 🧍🧍 so i dont recommend u read it honestly ahah-- OOOOHHHH PLSLPLSPLS SHARE ME THE WATTPAD A3 ONESHOT BOOK THO ID LOVE TO READ THAT ❗❗❗
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