#i desperately need to make a promo but i'm so tired LOL
uppertwo · 8 months
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hello again y'all. 🌈✨ i've already been rping some, but this is just a general interest checker for a returning dōma! feel free to like or reblog if you'd like me to rp with you! make sure to check out my pinned + rules.
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ourmondobongo · 3 years
You know, as someone who absolutely adore Levihan's deep bond I'm so tired of logging in to diffrrent platsforms and seeing antis spreading lies about our ship. Like I'm so so sick of them claiming "Oh you levihands never consider Levi's cold answer to Hanji after they literally saved him" or "didn't you see how he rejected them in the forest? How do you call his 'unrequited love toward titans' line as a confession of love?" So much invalidating, so much hate. Almost feels like they don't have a life other than slandering what other ppl like. Sometimes this fandom makes me even more exhausted than I am by my daily life. Sorry if I sound like a pessimisst. Was just here to vent as I consider u as a logical person. Tc!
Yeah, I feel you, ya know. So you can come vent when you need! I know how painful it's to see something you've loved for a long time is not simply badmouthed, but actively being used to "ship shaming" us.
Unfortunately, 99% of the time that LH is slandered it's not a matter of honest or sincere people (either shippers and neutrals) picking canon material and presenting another view that could not match what we have seen in the same canon material, or with the Japanese translation helpers (that we love). If it was with honesty reading, it wouldn't be slander at all, just a fair viewpoint shared to make people think, as everyone can do metas explaining viewpoint here and there.
But what seems to happen in the ship wars (that involve multiple Levi x whoever character ships, but NOT all shippers in them) is that 99% of the slandering over LH is done by the darker and loudest set of people within the multitude of Levi-X ships, and they are fueled by pure disgust, hate, and the simple evil intention to mock us to protect their ship. To do this, they purposefully pick the things that are special or fun to us, and twisted them in horrible ways that make us seem lunatic to the whole AOT fandom! And also, there are always some non-shippers that just hate AOT in general now, and they just like to increase the chaos between shippers because it seems fun as hell to them. (*sigh*)
Like, something pretty SIMPLE that caused an uproar of Levihan slandering: the mercha rings fun we had joking that Levi and Hange had married and all, playfully saying that they were canon, turned out a weapon in their hands to say we are "so obsessed and desperate to force they canon". And it escalated until they settled down after getting their own mercha promo where it shows Levi's and Erwin’s rings in the same hand of a person. And then they stated they were canon!
I laughed so hard because this part of the AOT fandom is crazy haha
We all know that merchandise is pure SHIP BAIT to attract money for their sales, so our plays and jokes and fun with them is supposed to be just this: WE ARE HAVING FUN! So why when it's the LHs enjoying these silly things, we are the crazy, the dummies, the stupids ones, but when other ships do it it's okay, and cute, and CANON proof? LOL
God, there are so many clowns in this fandom!! And as you said, they just like to heat things up because there is nothing else to do in their lives!
Now about canon stuff:
After seen so many attacks on social media these past months (I had no idea things were this bad), there was a time when I've even questioned myself if I was reading too much into Levi and Hans' bond. But I concluded that fuck it - if 10 years having each other's back through thick and thin and going through life and death situations doesn't make an amazing solid bond between people, nothing.else.does.
And about what you pointed out that this group of dishonest shippers claim: fuck it too LOL! Levi wasn't drawn saying a mere "thank you", but he said "I know you" and gave her all his support in her decision to go try to stop a planetary annihilation; and in the plane scene, Levi could barely walk properly and stand up but he still tried to stop Hans from marching to her certain death, and we saw the light dying out of his eyes when he had to let her go, and then he put his fist over her heart and for the first time in their life said, "Dedicate your heart".
Just remembering this is making my eyes watering already, but as if this isn't enough, Isym also showed Levi couldn't even look at Hans fighting the Colossals, nor her death, and in another display of a first time in Levi's life, he says a "Later" farewell and asks her to "keep watching." Then, while Levi is shown broken in chapters 133, 136, 139, Hans is suddenly shown beautifully drawn in precious panels in the 2 laters, especially in 136 where her face has a close-up, and she is alive and happy, lively inspiring Levi and the campfire group with dreams of a world free of horrors while being the focus of everyone's eyes! And from these memories with her and the others, Levi renewed his will to keep fighting amidst his horrible condition from these moments because if the world went to full hell, it wouldn't have been worth the heart she also devoted!!
So yeah - what is a simple "thank you" (and these whatever biased treatments that these share of troublemakers imagine) compared to all of this????
Now being more rational in this chaotic situation of ships in AOT:
Sorry if this will sound a bit of a down point, but for ALL shippers in this freaking fandom (me included), it's also important to remember that the core of AOT story is not to be a freaking shoujo manga.
In fact, nearly all canon romantic relationships had horrible nuances: Carla being eaten by Grisha's 1st wife, the girlfriend doing CPR in the body of her half-eaten boyfriend during Trost attack, Ymir being eaten by Galliard while Historia was forced to get pregnant, Ymir the Founder in love obsessed with King Fritz for 2000 years, Dina tortured and being turned into a titan in front of Grisha, Ksaver’s wife slitting her own son's throat and then killing herself, and Mikasa kissed the decapitated head of the love of her life after being forced to kill him bc he not only wanted to exterminate the Titans (freeing Ymir) but because he also wanted to flatten 100% of the Earth and let it full of carrion-fattened insects.
So if anything, Isym made sure to depict friendship and fellowship love as the best thing in life! Which, no matter what people say, the canon has enough material to at least prove this existed between ALL SC veteran members!
And lastly, a particular lesson I've learned being active in fandom these months is that moments of utmost frustration can make us feel things too deeply, and regret a lot of things later...
So, as we still have the freedom to see romance where we want, So let's just enjoy what we have healthfully, and keep dedicating our hearts to appreciate these characters that give us so much love in life!! Even though it cannot be screamed as canon (w/o slandering), Levihans can pick up its fair share of hints of beautiful, fun, and non-traumatizing tropes of romantic love from the main manga, anime, and side materials with heart at ease!
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And sorry for the essay LOL
Dedicate your heart!
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larrietalk · 2 years
About this, the situation with Harry's team is so disappointing tbh, leaving aside all the stunts, how they are handling tour is honestly insulting, also they haven't given him a break since 2019 when FL dropped he's done Grammys, tour, Pleasing and now Coachella. There's an argument to be done here that maybe is Harry's choice, cause he's a workaholic or whatever, but his team should know anyways that overexposure is never a good thing and that he should lay low for at least a year, if the rumors are true and he's gonna drop an album next month I fear gp is gonna get tired of him and find the littlest thing to cancel him. And going back to the tour situation they are not gonna need to dig deep cause honestly holding your fans money for 2 years and never mention it again is good reason to cancel him, God knows others have been canceled for less lol. As a last thought, I wouldn't put it past Full Stop to want Harry to be canceled as some sick and twisted PR strategy honestly
Oh, are we going to talk hshq? Because we can go all day lmao.
Harry's team is a bunch of nepo kids who got everything handed to them on a silver plate and rely on their connections, Harry's name and bare minimum to get by. They created the illusion of being Harry's saviors, when in reality, they would be nothing without him. Their laziness and conceit have been more visible in the past year especially and I don't think they expected the harries to start turning on them too. Glenne literally deleted her twitter account after she got ratioed one (!) time and Jeff only updated on the tour for America after people called him out in the replies.
The tour situation has been insulting to every fan and when it comes to merch, it's not better. They have been keeping their fans' money hostage for MONTHS or in tour's case YEARS, lowkey bordering on theft now, considering fans cannot get any update on what's happening to their money despite begging for it. They don't know any other way to promote Harry if they're not unnecessarily pushing his het image and I can already feel hs3 promo will be a mess. And the worst thing is, they know that in press, it will all fall down on Harry's back, as nobody cares about Jeff the manager, despite him desperately trying to make himself relevant.
As for the workaholic argument, see, in my eyes, Harry is doing exactly what he was doing in One Direction - working constantly and never having a break, but back then no one was calling him a workaholic and they were 5 boys. Now he is one person who didn't get to have a break since 2019 and I'm not sure hshq ever wanted to assure his longevity - they are 1dhq on steroids, milking Harry dry while they still can (can we talk about how they dropped Pleasing and just expected people to buy it? Their accounts haven't posted since December) and I don't expect them to manage any crisis since those geniuses were all in for holivia and we all know what that trash is doing to Harry's image right now.
I wish he could just disappear for a year but with what we already know 2022 has in store, welp, good luck to us and him.
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thelonesomequeen · 3 years
I’m just not excited for this new movie announcement.
That was the most boring announcement possible. I was excited there was new C and then it’s just a repeat of boring roles he’s already done with an actress I’m personally tired of him being paired with. Why can’t this man take some chances. Come on Chris- take a stroll outside of your comfort zone and surprise us for once.
Okay, I adore Chris and Scarlett and am happy they are working together again. Hell, I ship Romanogers to no end but come on, people stop shipping Chris and Scarlett together. It's not happening. I have no doubt the two of them love and support one another like fried of 20 + years often do.
I try to give Chris a pass on his roles because actors get typecast all the time so it's possible he's not being offered more challenging ones. Cap probably didn't help with that either. However, I did have high hopes for ASP since he had more control over it. In my mind, it was an opportunity for him to show that he has more depth than a witty tweet. Unfortunately, that project has been a bit of a letdown for me. Speaking of, I assume the ME series has been pulled since there's been no promo.
Chris really needs to leave his comfort zone, I’m tired of the same roles with the same people. When he ventures out and does something different the work is so much better. And apple is the worst streaming service, I have a year free and still don’t watch it.
Some asks are definitely coming from evansson shippers lol. Like yeah Chris is sooo desperate and he couldn’t find a woman to kiss so he has been obssessing over kissing his married friend and oh damn producing a movie and casting her is the best way to do it. You all sound so… WEIRD I hope you all know that.
I'm actually looking forward to seeing Chris in a romance movie. He hasn't been successful in the past in this genre (imo as I'm not too fond of Before We Go or Playing it Cool). But if this one is in the vein of Romancing the Stone, then it has the potential of being fun! Do I wish it was with another actress? Sure. But as a previous anon said, another actress may have been stalked to death. She would also have become fodder for rumors ala Dockery and ADA. So maybe this casting is a blessing 🤐
I thought he wanted to branch out of the Marvel persona, that's why he took villainous roles in KO, TGM and LSOH. The character and script for the new film may be completely different from the MCU, but many many people (not just the shippers) are already referring to these new characters as variants of Steve and Nat. It's kinda annoying lol. Chris and Scarlett may be going for a record or something 😂
I remember when Scarlett made a terrific speech at a Times Up event calling out James Franco when he was the favourite to win the Oscar. I was like you go girl!! And then she went and defended a vile abuser like Woody Allen 🤡🤡. That's some white feminism crap. Also, judging by Chris's acting choices, I don't think he's looking for awards recognition or anything. He's happy to do one film/project a year, make $$$$, and go back to MA. Good for him, I guess.
Are people excited about this just because he has a job? 😄 And given he seems to only film one large role per year, is this his 2022 role?
I thought Scarlett had already signed on to a few other projects, so I was (unpleasantly) surprised by this news. Supposedly she's doing Bride, which is another Apple movie, and Tower of Terror or whatever. And A Wes Anderson one that's supposed to be filming soon. I wonder if those are no longer happening or if this thing with Chris will take precedence. I really kind of hope she's double-booked herself and gives this one up. I can't handle the shippers and how extra-deranged this will make them. They make it hard to be a Chris fan at times.
His career is so boring. He needs a change in his team or someone who's going to wake him up. Overall all his recent choices and news around him are so disappointing.
I've lost count of how many "I know Chris Evans is producing the movie because he wants to kiss Scarlett once more" tweets I've seen. Looks like her stans aka Evansson shippers are out in full force. This just gives them more fodder to continue being delusional 🙄
The THR article title does say the two will star in it. Tbh I'm not too fussed about seeing them on-screen again. We don't know anything about the movie yet, and so it can possibly be different to what he's done before. If there's anyone capable of bringing out emotional performances in another actor, it's Scarlett, just based on Adam in Marriage Story. This could be an opportunity for Chris. I just hope this project pulls through so that we can get new content too.
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hi there! i'm still somewhat new to this fandom but i'm familiar with bg and everything so i'm just wondering why people believe that liam is also stunting with cheryl? is he believed to be gay as well and this relationship with her and his baby is just another cover up? like i understand why people believe louis isn't really a dad but i don't see as much regarding liam? can you try and explain this??
Hi Nonnie!
First of all, welcome to the fandom. It’s a mess, but it’s our mess lol
I’m gonna be honest, when I first got this ask I had no clue where to start explaining just how fake Chiam is, and I wish I had a textbook answer for you. The best way I can put it is that literally everything about it makes no sense logically. None of it. Prepare for a lot of rambling.
Not sure how into the fandom you are, but if you’ve heard of RBB/SBB, they foreshadowed Chiam on Liam’s bday in 2015 at a show, using toothpaste labeled “Colegate” which is a nod to her first marriage, and the original babygate which had been labeled a couple months earlier.
As far as timelines go, Sophiam ended late October 2015. Charcole actually got married for the second time in mid 2014, and while her and her husband seperated in late 2015, they both wore their wedding rings into 2016, despite the fact that later it was hinted that Chiam began at the XF final in 2015. Chiam was announced in the exact same way every other stunt is: via an exclusive to Dick Wattpad from the Sun. Baby rumors started a couple months later, nearly 2 full months before the date Charcole supposedly conceived. During this time, Chiam made a few public appearances, all staged red carpets or pap walks, and they were never spotted together by fans outside of these. Charcole had a baby bump months before she was pregnant, and baited the media by putting her hand over her stomach in multiple events. After she became “pregnant”, Liam basically moved to LA and lived there for her entire pregnancy. He began partying, worked on his album, and acted like a single guy for the duration with no care in the world for Charcole. What a normal thing for a dad-to-be to do. They never officially announced the pregnancy, she just turned up obviously pregnant in December 2016, and then posed for Loreal with a massive bump on a campaign released in February. Her bump changed in sizes and height throughout the pregnancy, but she went into hiding so it was difficult to actual tell what was going on, which was 100% the point. The birth was announced via a single photo of Liam with a baby, despite the fact that usually moms pose with their baby. To this day, we’ve never seen the baby’s face, and Charcole has yet to show off her pride and joy. Privacy is one thing, but this is another thing entirely. If it wasn’t for Liam babbling on, you’d have no clue she had a kid.
So what are my issues with Chiam? First of all, her association with Satan Cowbell. They are besties. Judges together on XF, and recently I found out that she’s also an executive producer. Chiam was used to promote XF in late October with probably the cringiest moment they’ve had yet. If you hate Satan because of what he did to Louis/Harry, you better be concerned that Liam “willingly” shacked up with one of his friends.
Secondly, timing. Liam was planning a solo career. It’s been his dream for over 10 years. Why on earth would he decide to settle down in the middle of trying to launch his solo career, just months after ended a long term relationship? Basically this stunt forced him to “choose” between his career and his kid, which is NOT something that a loving partner would put you through. Charcole was also married until late 2016. If she was so desperate for a baby, wouldn’t it make more sense to have it with your husband rather than a guy 10 years her junior in a completely different stage of life? She’s old but she still has time. Literally everything about this relationship was set up to fail. Also, what exactly do they have in common? They moved so quickly that Liam never had to talk about her/why they are even dating. To me, the only things they have in common are that they were both in a band (with very different experiences..) and they have a kid together. Nice.
Thirdly, Charcole’s presence in his promo. In 2014 she released an album that flopped pretty badly because she really can’t sing at all her. Her fame came from her very public relationship drama and her association with XF when it was at the height of it’s fame. Her career is pretty much over and she’s most likely desperate for anything to reverse this progression. What better way to find new fans than to try and tap into one of the largest fandoms out there? Of course, she didn’t take into account the fact that we aren’t 13 year old girls with no brains, and therefore aren’t going to blindly stan her like people did with Sofa and Elk in the past. She’s ridiculously problematic as a person (she punched a woman in the face for doing her job and got convicted for assault, admitted to attacking her ex husband, dodged taxes via a shady company that closed in 2014 right when she turned up suddenly married to JB. The list goes on and on), and from what I’ve seen her personality stinks, so why would we support her? For the most part, people either dislike her or just don’t care at all. Bummer. Liam’s promo was the only way for her to get positive news out there about herself without her doing all the talking. Unfortunately for her, Liam went overboard and now people hate her just as much, if not more, than they did before this stunt. Just to be clear: normal celebs don’t launch their careers by constantly telling stories about their kid, s/o and hyping up their accomplishments from 8 years ago.
Fourthly, body language. This is a big one. Liam’s eyes in the very first selfie of them scared me to death because he looked so upset and resigned. Literally screaming for help with his facial expression. All along, the lack of intimacy between Chiam is pretty hard to dispute. They are not comfortable together at all, and I know some media sites called them out for faking affection on red carpets when they are distant in private in May 2016. Liam was a lot better at faking it last year as well, because he’s nothing if not professional. At XF this year, it was literally painful to watch them interact, and I made a post about that when it happened. Basically, as a couple they don’t have the familiarity that they should have considering all they’ve squeezed into less than two years. Liam also doesn’t talk about her fondly at all. If you pay attention, a lot of his comments just about her are negative: she scolds him, nags him, rolls her eyes at him, dresses him (in hideous pants, someone burn those), makes all the decisions about the baby, critcizes his music, etc, but at least she was famous back when he was 15 eh? (Them meeting at 14/24 when she was married for years is just another nasty aspect. She was in a mentor role and I’m disgusted she was okay with this stunt. It’s so wrong on so many levels.) Overall she sounds pretty awful to me, and that’s just based off of the picture Liam is painting.
And finally, the saga of Conchobear. The difference between actual celebrities having babies (think Beyoncé), vs Charcole is hilarious. No one ever saw her stomach when pregnant, she hid for months before and after the birth, and low and behold she popped back up with a new face! That’s the second 1D mom to get extensive plastic surgery when she should be caring for an infant. I seriously doubt she actually was pregnant, but that’s not something I’ll go into here. Liam was out working on his career a month after the announcement, and has been travelling pretty consistently since. He’s missed multiple important holidays; for example, on Father’s Day he flew from the US to Italy for a fashion show, and then back to the US. On Conchobear’s 6 month bday, Liam went out and did interviews. Do you really think that if Liam was an actual dad, he wouldn’t make every effort and move mountains to spend as much time as possible with his firstborn son? It just doesn’t make sense with what we know about Liam’s personality. He’s responsible, and he wouldn’t put himself in this situation. What he says, what we are fed, what he does, and what we know about him as a person don’t line up at all. Liam sounds like an amazing involved dad with his tales, but he lacks a basis in basic human development; his stories are cute and so unrealistic. Thus, Liam hasn’t spent any significant time with a baby. The entire stunt has been setting up single mom!Charcole, but Liam’s team has made sure to prevent her from calling him a deadbeat via the stories. It’s hard to say he was never around when he’s gushing about the kid in every interview. He’s also gotten worse at lying recently, and I get the feeling he’s tired.
So yeah, basically every aspect of this relationship is messed up in one way or another, and I’m expecting to see Chiam end sooner rather than later. If they are both out working on material, they won’t be able to hold it together imo. There’s definitely stuff I’ve missed and if any of my mutuals/followers want to add to this feel free. This is just stuff I thought of off the top of my head.
For specific examples of some of what I’ve mentioned you can check out the Twitter thread I linked below. It has some great resources and that account in general is amazing at breaking down stunt events. I’m also gonna reblog a post comparing Chiam to Zigi (another dead fauxmance) and Hiddleswift that is pretty interesting for you to look over.
Enjoy your stay in the fandom Nonnie. If you have any specific questions or need recommendations for who to follow, shoot me a message!
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melaancholicmess · 6 years
5 October 2018 l 03:57am
Hey... been 2 months since we’ve met, we met on 4th August 2018 on badoo during midnight. I honestly thought you were a playboy for liking me after merely 2 weeks. But after knowing you more, I really thought you were a decent dude. You put in so much effort for me, it’s so fresh and foreign for me. You willingly wake up at 630am, just to wake me up for school, though we both slept late and though you didn’t have school (you had intern instead). You would call me whenever I told you I wanted to nap for awhile. You'd also call me and talk to me about your day and ask about mine. Sometimes, we really have nothing to talk about and you’ll game while I study for my exam. I remember one time when you were gaming and it was silent (all of a sudden) and I asked you why it was so silent and you said “so you can concentrate ma.” and when I told you to shut up because I had to read my shit, you said “okay okay.” and you’d be silent. I’m really thankful for you. I’ve always been the one putting in effort for other guys but now, it was the other way round. I felt guilty because you kept your feelings aside while you talked to me though I was already aware of your feelings. You’d nag at me and tell me not to overthink and just treat you as a friend instead, and you reassured me that you’ll try your best to move on. For a period of time, I disliked myself so much for treating you this way. I’m honestly not sure why I won’t want to give you a chance, I know you’ll be a very good boyfriend for sure. I mean, we’re not even together and you’re already treating me so nice. You talk about me to your friends, you genuinely want to try your best for me but I'm the one who keeps pushing you away. I know now we’ve stopped talking but trust me, I really don’t want to do that. I REALLY did and do miss you. I was just laying on my sofa that day and I was so tired and shag now that promos were over and I just looked up at the ceiling and thought of dm-ing your best friend, Angela, to ask about how you were doing. But I pushed that thought away and decided to text you on November 14th, on your birthday instead. I’ll really do something nice for you, I promise. You really mean so much to me, and it frustrates me to know I won’t accept you. I wish I could slap myself and tell myself to give you a chance. I sometimes lay in bed thinking about how things would be if we were together.... but I know it’s not possible, and I don’t want to lead you on. I’ll probably regret my choices in the future. My friend literally told me, “dude, he’s such a nice guy. I'll totally go for him.” yeah, why why why am I like this to you. I’ve never been in such a situation before. And honestly, you’re too good for me. You pour out compliments for me like it’s rain bodoh. When I feel like shit, you’ll replace it with sincere compliments and you seem like you really love me for who I am, what I look like. And you make me feel like I'm such a great ideal girl LOL.... Though I always choose to believe I'm not. It’s like 4am, I checked your telegram last seen and whether you’ve seen my ig story or not (lol u slept at 04:56am instead). Guess you’re asleep, there’s school tomorrow anyway.
I wonder if you’ll ever see this. I used to type alot for rhn and qd but now, I'm settling myself down to talk about you here. :’) And... also love how you feel bad for not being able to help me and remember that time you called me and I was crying? you felt so sad you couldn’t do anything and I felt really bad. MAN.
Tonight, I slacked with my guys and Gyann till 230am and I just felt so frustrated about us I didn’t know what to do and I desperately needed advise. And they told me I should just cut contact with you. :( Mans, hope we’ll still be friends in the future...
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