#i couldn’t think of a clever caption so whoops
ashpkat · 11 months
my favorite hets
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nyisles · 5 years
Magic in the Hamptons
Part Three 
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part one | part two  
Player: Mathew Barzal 
Words: 3,333 ….. Crazy right ? 
Warnings: language
Notes: i’m sorry it takes me so long to do this? Like chapter one was my favorite so nothing really compares... but please let me know what you think (your opinions are what motivate me to write tbh) 
           It was the next morning when you decided what you were going to do, at least for now. You were ignoring the text, leaving it on the back burner you had to do something worse, something your head told you not to do, but you just couldn’t help it. It didn’t even take you five minutes to find her on instagram. You went to Mat’s profile (aside from clicking the follow button) you clicked on who he was following and searched her name. There was only one Whitney, and it made your stomach turn. The profile was picture perfect, but what did you expect. You had cursed to yourself that her profile was public. Photo after photo was of her either on some lovely vacation, or her living her “best life”. The captions were clever and it was like she was some perfectly curated girl. You looked nothing like her, you two had nothing in common and a month ago… maybe even less time than that she was Mat’s girl or at least the girl that Mat wanted the most, so how could he even be interested in you? “Okay, okay, relax.” you muttered to yourself as you scrolled further and further into her feed trying to find any photo that showed she was human. A pimple, a piece of hair out of place or something, anything. Reaching the bottom of her page, you had nothing left to say. She was perfect, and you were being nothing short of dramatic. What the hell were you supposed to say to Mat now? ‘Just went through your ex’s instagram, maybe you should hit her up.’ Settling down your phone you decided you needed some space, you didn’t have much to say to Mat right now. It was a simple ‘hey’ text that you couldn’t answer. Especially not while you were feeling down in the dumps about yourself. 
           Over the next few days you slowly came to your senses, Mat didn’t owe you an explanation and in reality you knew him for all of five minutes. So you didn’t really think you even needed to text him back. Were you really going to text him to get some phony explanation, like ‘hey sorry my friend said that. Maybe we can hang out again?’. Opening your phone, you did answer Reese’s text message. Somehow through work he’d managed to get you and some of your other college friends Post Malone tickets. You were honestly excited, it’d been a while since your friend group could fully get together between work and living in mostly different cities. This was the perfect distraction from any boy that was taking up too much of your thoughts. Your group of girls decided to go all out for this, and you were dressed up in your favorite ‘going out’ look. They were able to give you just the right amount of hyping up and took a lot of photos as you all got ready together. “I definitely look better than Whitney in this.” you muttered, after adding a few filters to the photo. “(Y/N), we are not going there.. We told you ten times already you were great regardless of some other girl.” Your friend Kate shouted, giving you a slight push. “Please drink a beer, and let it go.” 
           Which was exactly what you had done. Your tickets landed the group at some open bar before the show and you just had to take advantage. It was like being back in college again. Reese was back flirting with your former roommate, Lauren. His former roommates and your best guy friends, Nate and Grant, were ordering pitchers for the group, while Kate sat next to you doing her best to ask you about your job, and anything that didn’t involve Mat. It took all of five minutes of being together for you to spill your story, so she was keen on keeping you distracted and you appreciated it, but you knew what she was doing. You’d quickly lost count of your drinks after a few beers. God you were a lightweight. “Shots for everyone!” You yelled looking at the two girls and four guys surrounding you. Had you forget to mention that Reese’s friend, James, was also in town. James was someone you’d lusted after in college, but never really felt confident in yourself to truly go for it. James was probably the polar opposite of Mat. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and lanky. Conventionally he was exactly your type, but maybe your type had changed since going to college. Breaking your stare from James, you locked eyes with Reese. He had a scared look in his eyes after you suggested the shots, as if he knew you wouldn’t survive the night. Though being the good former frat boy he was, he accepted the shots and handed them out to the rest of the group. “(Y/N), let’s cheers to being safe tonight.” He jokingly yelled out as a few of your friends let out some cheers and whoops in the background. Rolling your eyes, you downed the shot letting it sting in the back of your throat. The night was becoming hazy, but not to a point where you felt you needed to stop or slow down. It was that perfect amount of fun. 
           Breaking off in little groups, you sat on a couch with your girls gossiping about how drunk the boys were getting and how horrible their dance moves were becoming. “You know, James is looking pretty good tonight, (Y/N).” Lauren whispered into your ear after she’d realized you had gotten that perfect buzz and would finally act courageous enough to flirt properly with the boy. The last time you felt like this, you were at the wedding. Maybe that’s why your original night with Mat had worked out so well, you were just drunk enough to shoot your shot with the most beautiful boy you’d come across. That blue suit, the way his hair was styled....your mind wandered until realized you were on a bad trail. Stop thinking about Mat, you mentally reminded yourself. He wasn’t here with you tonight, but James was. You had a more real shot with James. He had a good job in the city, he never was one to play with a girl’s feelings and he had that ‘take me home to meet your mom’ - personality. 
           Arriving at your seats for the concert, the girls had made it so you they were on one side of you while James was next to you on the other side. You had appreciated it, but at the same time, you weren’t enjoying it as much as you thought you would. James was fun, and was making little jokes and putting a smile on your face, but he just wasn’t that stupid hockey player you’d grown to like a little more than you should’ve. He didn’t tease you like Mat had on your dates, and he didn’t give you much excitement talking to him. Instead of blaming it on being interested in someone else, you decided that it was just based on life. You weren’t in college anymore and your taste in men had changed. Though he did however manage to keep your buzz alive by running and getting you drinks. It seemed as though he was really flirting and you didn’t have the time of day for him. Funny how the world worked. 
           The next thing you knew, you were taking countless embarrassing videos of you and the girls singing to Post Malone. You could see a little glimmer in Reese’s eye from a few seats away as he looked at you, maybe like he was a little bit proud you were able to have so much fun, since he was clearly notorious for getting you into trouble. Taking what you thought was a hot photo of you and the girls, you posted it to your instagram story tagging the location ‘Post Malone at Madison Square Garden’. Normally you didn’t give your stories a second thought, you looked good, you were having fun, who cared? Wrong. Always wrong. 
@barzal97 replied to your story: ah, you’re here too? I have a box, let’s meet up.
           Maybe you were drunk, maybe this was a sign from some higher power that you were supposed to talk to Mat again. You screeched when you looked through your profile notifications noticing that he had followed you days ago, probably after you had followed him. Opening the dm, you pulled Kate over to you shoving your phone in her face. In this moment you were so thankful you had someone that wasn’t Reese to give you boy advice. The look on her face changed as she grabbed your phone, scrolling through his profile. An eyebrow raised, as she gave you the phone back, “You forgot to mention Mat was that good looking. (Y/N), why are you even concerning yourself with some other girl when this boy is trying to reach out to you. Now on multiple platforms. Please answer him.” Well that wasn’t what you were expecting her to say. “You’re young, hot, and you should just go home with him.” You let out a ridiculous laugh shaking your head no, letting your cheeks flush at the thought of going home with Mat. It was too soon, a day ago you thought it was over. 
@(your user name): no way! where should i meet you?
@barzal97: elevators at the front of the garden to the 2nd floor, i’ll come grab ya.
            “Hey (Y/N), wanna go to the bar and help grab some drinks with me? I only have two hands and this time Reese wants something.” James asked you politely bringing your eyes away from your phone screen momentarily. He was trying to spend some alone time with you and although it was so sweet, you weren’t interested. Your girlfriends had put bad ideas into your mind that you were now going home with Mat Barzal, and you were clearly under the influence so you were swayed by their words. It sucked, but in all honesty James didn’t stand a chance. “Uh, I actually have to go to the bathroom. I’ll see ya in a few though?” You suggested to him with a smile, not having the heart to tell him you were going to see a boy who you were more interested in. You were on one hand thankful James had kept you the perfect amount of buzzed. Grabbing your purse off the seat below you, you sent a wink over to the girls who sent you little cheers as you practically sprinted out to the arena to the lobby to find the elevators Mat was talking about. 
           It didn’t take long to find Mat, in fact you were a lot closer to his box than you had originally thought. He was waiting for you by the elevators with security, letting them know you were with him. You were starting to get a bit nervous, and maybe the alcohol was wearing off because you were hyper aware of the way you were walking. Definitely not in a straight line, but you weren’t stumbling either. You had hoped and prayed Mat didn’t notice. It took him a minute to peel away from his conversation with the security guard to fully notice you had approached him, he was in a much more casual look than you were. Joggers, a plain white tee, a denim shirt and a baseball cap covering his messy black hair, but he still managed to rock it. You were almost certain this boy could show up to a black tie event in a garbage bag and still impress you. Maybe it was just part of his charm. Pulling you in for a hug he grinned. You hugged back noticing how your heeled booties didn’t even seem to make a dent in your height difference, the boy was just big. “Good to see you, not gonna lie I was bummed you never texted me back.” Mat said letting you go, to look you in the eyes with a small smirk playing on his face as if he caught you. 
           “To be totally fair, you waited three weeks to text me after the wedding.” you immediately quipped back, it was one of the one liners you had been practicing in case you were to ever see him again, and it just so happened to work perfectly in this situation. Seeing his reaction made it worth it, he scrunched his face up and just ended up with a shrug and laugh. “Well I’m glad you’re here. Some of the guys and I have a box, just a perk of being a rockstar in New York. Not a big deal.” Taking your hand in his, he led you back into the elevator to take you the the boxed seats. It was all very fancy, and of course butterflies immediately returned to your stomach when he didn’t let go of your hand as the two of you silently rode to the second floor. 
           Opening the door to the boxed seating, all you could think about was how much money this had to cost, and how you now were running with this NHL crowd. Some of the faces in the room were familiar. Grace sitting on a couch talking to Megan with their husbands close by at the minibar. Both had excitedly giving you a wave, you made a mental note to go over and say hello. Tito was there talking to a girl around your age, you assumed it was his girlfriend. “Let me properly introduce you to some people you don’t know.” Mat said throwing his arm around your shoulder now leading you over to where Tito was. Mat clearing his throat he caught the attention of both Tito and the girl. “Tito, Emma, this is (Y/N). Please don’t scare her away.” 
           “Nice to meet you both.” You smiled softly trying not to give Tito any sort of dagger eyes, but at the same time, you should’ve been thankful Tito was able to give you some insight. “I love your shoes, Tito you’ve got a very stylish girl.” The three people just laughed hysterically as an older man you’d never seen before came over wrapping an arm around Emma’s waist, handing her a drink and kissing her temple. Your face immediately drained of any color, you were properly embarrassed. “What’s so funny?” the man said looking at everyone else’s faces. “Barz, you going to introduce me to your girl or what?” He said noticing you standing tucked under Mat’s arm. “Derick, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Derick. Newer to our team, so we don’t really like him that much.” Mat said jokingly as you smiled politely giving him a nod. 
           “Can we get a drink, I am properly embarrassed.” You whispered to Mat as the group started to talk about the concert actually going on behind you. He nodded, probably unsure of how many drinks you had prior, but right now you felt you needed something to take off the edge a bit. After one long sip, you realized Mat had made you a ridiculously strong drink. The little bit of sobering up you had done seemed to be slowly fading away. “Hey, let’s watch the concert. This is my favorite song.” Mat said topping off his drink, motioning for you to do the same. You quickly did the same, feeling the same burning returning in the back of your throat from the alcohol. Looking around most of the team was using this concert as a way to just hang out, sit on the couches and drink, so you and Mat made your way to the front of the box, leaning against the railing watching the show. “I love this song too.” You mumbled slowly moving your hips to the beat. 
           Mat looked over noticing you do a little dance, as he did the same so you both were dancing. It wasn’t like anyone was really paying much attention to either of you acting silly. He took your hands in his doing some sort of odd dance you’d do with your dad where he just twisted you back and forth. It made you both giggle, but it was sweet. As the music slowed down to a different song, he pulled you in closer so you both swayed back and forth as if you were at the prom dancing to a slow song. “You look really beautiful tonight.” Mat said softly just over the music. “I’m glad you were here tonight. It’s like the universe knew. I was too nervous to hit you with a double text.” Your face flushed as you hid your face in the crook of his neck. “Mat, shut up.”
           “Hey, be nice to me. I said a kind thing.” He said back to you with a chuckle as you continued to sway along to the song. “Mathew, you’re so kind to me, but my feet are starting to hurt can we sit down for a second.” Letting go of you, he pointed over to a couple of seats and you followed his lead over there. As soon as you sat down, Grace and Megan swarmed you handing you another strong drink as Mat excused himself for a moment to use the bathroom or talk to Derick or something you didn’t quite catch. “(Y/N), you look really hot. No wonder Mat was showing us your instagram story seeing if he should invite you up.” Megan said with a chuckle. “Thank God he listened to us, we were starting to get worried he scared you away after the wedding.”
           “Not totally scared, at least not yet.” You said jokingly. “I’m impressed with his game. If you guys aren’t dating by Christmas I’ll be so disappointed.” Grace said making you blush a little, but you didn’t want to take what she said too seriously. He was just with Whitney, or at least was recently seeing her in a way that dating you by Christmas would really be jumping the gun. Maybe the girls were just trying to be polite because maybe Mat had brought around some other girl and they were secretly rooting for you more than her. Right before you could answer Mat swooped back in with a refill for your empty drink. “Grace, Megan, I must steal your friend. We have a concert to watch.” Taking your free hand Mat took you back to the railing where you could finish watching the concert, this time without your shoes on. Time went on and both of you continued to dance along to the songs, his arm wrapped around your waist as he stood behind you to watch. 
           “Hey, I hope you’re having fun with me.” You spoke softly between songs, not fully noticing the drunken state you were slowly succumbing to. “I appreciate the invite up here.” Mat looked over, somehow in the dim lighting of the arena, you could still make out his green eyes and it seemed like they were looking into your soul. “(Y/N), I have a lot of fun with you.”
           And then your mind said exactly what you were thinking because the drinks had caught up and suddenly your filter was gone. “Let’s get out of here, I want you to take me to your place.” You said as seductively as you could which probably sounded ridiculous at this point. For once, you saw Mat’s face turn a light shade of pink, was he blushing? “Yeah, we could do that.” And that’s went it all went dark. Truly that’s all you can remember for the rest of the night. It was a bit alarming when you’d woken up in a strange bed, looking down at yourself seeing you were in an islanders t-shirt ten sizes too big and some sweatpants that also didn’t quite fit right.
           Oh fuck. 
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ephemeral-writings · 7 years
ninety-four; sehun
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14. wind
sehun x reader
word count: 1.5k of something that started too long ago and barely got finished now whoops
The bleachers were filled to the brim with students, teachers, and parents alike. Everyone wanted to witness the football championship of SM High. You personally didn’t know a thing about the sport except how to win which was to run the double-pointed end ball to the other side. You weren’t even going to pretend you knew which side was your school running.
But speaking of running, you watched as the players warmed up, some running, others stretching. Player Ninety-four was especially under your radar even while you squeezed through the throngs of spectators to where your best friend was supposedly seated.
“Over here, Y/N!” You spotted Yeseul in the third row to the field, waving you over. Naturally, you checked your vicinity to see if one, was it safe to walk down the steps, and two because you felt his stare. You cursed Yeseul under your breath for shouting your name so loud. No doubt was it a sly tactic to catch his attention.
Oh Sehun, SM High senior football player and co-captain, was staring straight at you. Yeseul had caught wind, courtesy of her boyfriend Kim Minseok, that the stoic jock had taken an interest in you. You hadn’t believed her at first, brushing off the matter since there was no way Oh Sehun would suddenly find you pleasing to the eyes or charming to no end. There was just no way.
However, when you finally reached Yeseul and sat down, you looked up again, and he was still staring at you, as if his eyes had followed you through the whole journey down the metal bleachers. It wasn’t until Minseok in his matching jersey, save for the number ninety-nine etched on his back, ran up to Sehun and clapped him on the back did he look away.
“What was that?” Yeseul gasped. “He was practically undressing you with his eyes!”
An older couple who sat a row in front whipped their heads back, shooting Yeseul a scandalous look.
“Jesus frick, can you not, Seul?” When you agreed to watch the game with her, you were only interested in testing out the theory that someone as hot at Oh Sehun could be interested in you, not for an opportunity for her to embarrass you in front of the whole football team.
It took a bit of convincing to get Yeseul to shut up about your non-existing love life, and focus on her boyfriend on the field. Minseok was a great player as far as you could see. He wasn’t the largest guy but he was agile as heck. You watched as he snuck up on the guy from the opposite who had the ball clutched under his arms, and within seconds, Minseok had him tripping and toppling over. Yeseul was all for cheering for her man at the top of her lungs.
You weren’t going to deny staring at Sehun(he was part of the game, so-- yeah), and you’d be damned if you denied finding him ten thousand times more attractive. It was different than seeing the Oh Sehun in your literature class half-heartedly listen to lectures; different than him sitting in the cafeteria table amongst his teammates, and not bother to engage in their conversations. You had never seen Oh Sehun in his element-- in this element-- in which he’s passionate and driven to win.
You found yourself drooling over his physique that seemed to epitomize that of a football player-- broad shoulders, huge pecs, thick thighs. It was the middle of autumn. Were you really getting hot and bothered right now?
As the scoreboard drew closer and closer, both teams being equally good, every one watched with bated breath as player Eighty-eight from your school ran from 40 left field to the end zone on the right. One of the player from the opposite team was literally head-to-ass chasing him. However, the guy was quickly taken down by Sehun as Eighty-eight successfully made the touchdown. The crowd went roaring. After almost two hours of investing yourself in the sport, you were quick to immerse yourself in cheering along. You screamed until your throat itched.
“C’mon! Let’s go!” Yeseul grabbed your arm and weaved you out of the bleachers, dragging you to God-knows-where.
It was dark, but you picked up the sound of a mass of baritone voices cheering and the noise got clearer the more you walked. Coming to a clearing, the stadium lights blinded you momentarily, and you realized that Yeseul had released you from her grip to run to her boyfriend. Minseok whole-heartedly took her in his arms and spun her around like the princess she was. That didn’t make you feel lonely at all. All the while, all the sweaty boys in uniform couldn’t care less about the couple, and proved so when the captain, you assumed, announced a party at his house.
The mass of sweaty young men produced a evident sound of approval, as well as clangs of shoulder pads hitting against each other as some chest bumped in the air.
“Hey, Seul,” you interrupted, jabbing a thumb over your shoulder. “I’m gonna take off now.”
“What? No! You have to come with us,” she pleaded softly, but her eyes were threatening.
“Yeah, Y/N. And you know who would love you there as well?” Minseok leaned in and grinned at you suggestively. You blushed, but make no acknowledgement to what--- who he was implying.
“It’s cool. I’m a little wiped out after all, that, so I don’t think I can handle a party.” You chuckled weakly to further emphasize your fatigue. It wasn’t particularly something you wanted to spend your Friday night doing, partying with a bunch of people from your school that you don’t even know. Plus, you had a test on Tuesday that you really should be studying for.
“Ugh, fine, killjoy. You owe me a hangout this weekend, okay?” Yeseul idea of hanging out consisted of binge watching shows while painting her nails. You never understood the concept of multitasking, especially when you knew for a fact that Yeseul couldn’t understand a single word the people on screen said without reading the captions. Nevertheless, you gave her your word, and heading off in the direction you came in from. The stadium was already empty of its spectators, and remnants of the events was made obvious from the single custodian who was weaving about the bleachers, picking up the rubbish lousy people had left.
You were nearing the gate when someone’s scuffing of shoes had you turning around. Never would you have guessed that it was Sehun who was approaching you. With a short jog, he eventually stood in front of you, and being that this was the first time you ever had direct interaction with him, you were pleasantly surprised to see how much taller he was than you; you had to crane your neck to stare at the man in the eyes.
“Hey, Y/N, right?” Sehun had to mentally remind himself to come off easy, and pretending he was unsure of your name would surely do the trick.
You, on the other note, was dumbstruck that the Oh Sehun had finally decided to approach you, after what with all the teasing coming from your best friend and her boyfriend slash his teammate that had started just shy of four months ago.
Had it not been for Sehun’s sudden sneeze, you would’ve been caught staring at his handsome face for a second too long. He was doned in a grey hoodie with the school’s logo across his (broad) chest and a pair of black sweats, a combo that should’ve deemed warm enough for the autumn night, but you noted the clumped up strands of hair that stuck to his face and realized his sweat have gone cold from the chill air.
“Bless you,” you offered with a small smile. “And yes, that’s right. Did you needed something, Sehun?”
“No, I don’t. I just...Did you needed company walking home?”
It was quite an odd sight to see the infamous perpetual poker face morph into one of a more boyish nature; Sehun even had the audacity to blush.
“Isn’t there an after-party that requires the captain’s presence?” You chuckled good-naturedly.
“Co-captain, actually, and not really. They’ve had tons of party after a win and I usually bail out, and that never stopped them from partying,” Sehun explained. “Plus, I’m beat, so, yeah.”  
“Well, if that’s the case then your presence in walking me home is welcomed.”
Sehun, who had been hanging on your every word, grinned at your witty remark, and glad that you hadn’t rejected his offer. Unfortunately, before he could say something possibly clever back, his nose began to itch again.
“Bless you,” you said, unable to stop the giggles from slipping out.
“Thank you,” Sehun sheepishly scratched his temple.
“How about we stop by the cafe near here, and I buy you a drink as a thank you?”
Sehun was more than happy to oblige, and as you got to learn about Oh Sehun through an autumn trek, you figured your best friend wasn’t entirely crazy, but you were apparently. Crazy.
Crazy for Sehun, and just luckily, he was thoroughly whipped for you. 
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