#i could talk all day about my blorbo
broh3m3 · 2 months
I love your art style, especially how energetic it is! How did your art style get such dynamic lines? Do you have any tips/advice/ideas on how to do that?
Thank you! Um... I'm not sure how to go about it, but I’ll try and give some tips on line confidence. I think my main advice would be to not let your sketch box you in- keeping it at a really low opacity so that your eyes don’t get used to seeing it with your line art when you draw over it (having your sketch opacity too high can give a different impression of your line work), leaving room to exaggerate or play around with fresh lines in the next phase.. It’s easier to do when you’re confident in your subject, so the sketch should be stable enough to convey that, but have fun with the process otherwise! For me, good line art comes out when I’m actively finding ways to build off the sketch’s energy while lining it, not when I’m trying to limit myself to it/already 100% happy with what it provides.
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Here's a bit of a visualization! When going from the sketch to the line art, I was thinking that I could improve the flow of the cape, so I made the upper part less flat and balanced its curve with the bottom to keep the energy flowing. The slope of Kalim's pose could balance the curve of Jamil's sarouel, so I leaned into that when putting down the lines for Kalim's. Meanwhile having some areas be more linear helps give contrast. Line of action, straights against curves, etc. (I think this is delving more into gestural talk now) I'd recommend studying artists whose linework you enjoy too! Kaisen_Tobiuo was-and still is- a big inspiration of mine growing up for how expressive their works and line art felt. Also study naruto fanartists they're cracked It ended up being a bit of a ramble, but I hope this could help op!
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zagreuses-toast · 1 year
I've been noticing that, in like fic and analysis and stuff, sometimes people paint yaz as an adrenaline junkie who loves travelling with the doctor for the thrill and danger of it, and that she will throw caution to the wind or take risky gambles for the rush of it paying off. I don't 100% agree with that interpretation of her, but I think I know why it happens.
Number one: she's very much a mirror to the doctor, and the doctor is often painted as an adrenaline junkie who can't stand boringness and is sorta hooked to the danger of her lifestyle (which, yeah, she is, especially 13 with her tendency to taunt villains)
And number two: the other big doctor mirror, Clara, was 100% painted as an adrenaline junkie who gambled with her own life (and lost). And it's easy to portray yaz similarly, because they go through similar (but very different) arcs of becoming more doctor like.
Imo Yaz is much more into the travelling and saving the day for the responsibility of it all, for feeling useful and capable and good. Her complaining about not having more interesting jobs as a cop wasn't her wanting more danger, it was her wanting more responsibility, she wanted to be important and helpful (that's the entire reason she became a cop, to help people like she was helped). And that's reflected in her arc, what she wants out of travelling with the doctor and what she gets out of becoming The Doctor. She learns to fly the TARDIS, she becomes capable and confident, able to hold her own in the past and lead her own companions. and in the end she rescues the Doctor herself with a plan SHE came up with, and she can help bystanders too (I love the blink and you'll miss it moment in potd where she's helping injured people on the space train).
To bring back the Clara parallel, because I like looking at our two big "become the doctor" arcs next to each other. Clara also got what she wanted/idolized in The Doctor out of her arc, she got the bravery and the boldness, and the ability to bluff and cheat and gamble. And the rush of the freedom of time travel. But I don't think she ever learned how to fly the doctors tardis, because that wasn't what she needed.
Tbh I think their different approaches to being/travelling with The Doctor can be summarized with Clara's "I do have a hobby, it's you by the way" vs yaz introducing herself via her title to dan and vinder (former pc with hallamshire police)
To Clara it's a game, a hobby, a thrilling way to live. To yaz its a calling, a profession, a life's mission. (Although, she definitely has issues with losing herself in that job at her mental/physical expense. Ex: her self neglect over that ten months trying to learn how to use the TARDIS and save the doctor )
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majorproblems77 · 4 months
The brain rot I have of LU Sky is real help
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
Glimmer is the lifeblood of this show
She IS.
Listen. I love all these characters. So much. But Glimmer? I fucking LOVE her! I will never be over how good a character she is.
I'm going to bust out a screenshot...
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Look at my girl. Bisexual lighting, so true, but this is our lead princess on a show about friendship and rainbows and magic and she WILL fuck you up. She's stocky and rough around the edges and badass as hell while dressed head to toe in sparkly pastels. She's a girly girl and she kicks ass, next question.
She's feminine and insecure and tough and arrogant AT THE SAME TIME and we SO RARELY get that combo of traits in a female character! Usually the badass character hates femininity or the character in the poofy dress is a meek shy thing, but Glimmer's out here in a tulle prom dress punching bitches in the face. She is stockpiling weapons while squealing about fashion makeovers, get on her level!
She's also a mess of contradictions, flawed but in realistic ways. She's trying so hard to do the right thing she doesn't realize she's becoming the bad guy, so terrified her friends will leave her she doesn't realize she's pushing them away and taking them for granted, so determined to save her planet she accidentally dooms it. She's an extraordinary girl with powers of both the royal and magic kind, but that's twisted up with ordinary problems like trying to prove herself to her mom, living up to her dad's legacy, making friends and crushes. She's compelling because she's REAL in a way fictional media so rarely does right with teenagers.
Which is especially impressive because, story wise, she only exists as push and pull to Catra and Adora's arcs. She's a character made of filler, what the narrative needed for other characters, but it's woven so well into the rest of the story that she becomes a lead in her own right.
Just The Most character ever.
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floralovebot · 1 year
What kind of vices do you think Helia has?
OUGH i love talking about the many problems he has <333
Here are some of his canon vices!
Very self-deprecating - It gets better later on and especially as Flora hypes him up, but Helia tends to think of himself and his actions in a very negative way and doesn't do much to challenge that narrative. He unconsciously relies on the others to make himself feel better a lot!
Self-critical - A thing that can be good in moderation, but like all vices, Helia takes it too far. He's overly observant and critical of himself to the point where it's like he's playing the observer all the time. He then gets anxious and convinces himself he's a horrible person cause he made One mistake. Way to go dude
Escapist - He has a hard time sticking around once he's convinced himself that people would be better off without him.
On a similar note, avoiding conflict. It may not seem obvious since Helia occasionally calls out the others, but that only happens when he's genuinely not in the wrong (or doesn't feel in the wrong). If something happens that he thinks he caused or was involved in, he tends to avoid that conflict and fallout.
And if I'm being honest, avoidance in general. Again, it's one of those things that gets missed easily, but that sort of mysteriousness/shyness that people often see in Helia? That's usually avoidance from him! He avoids talking to people unless they speak to him first, he avoids telling people about himself or his life, he'll outright ignore people if he doesn't like them, etcetc. There are times when it's for a good reason (not talking to the trix for example) and times when it's incredibly annoying and counterproductive (like with the specialists or flora). It should be noted that this behavior mostly shows up in his personal life rather than on missions but if anything, I think that shows he's aware of this but doesn't change it.
Impulsive - Again, it may not seem like it but Helia is very impulsive! A lot of the decisions he makes throughout canon are done in the moment and with very little thinking. It's easy to miss because Helia is a fast thinker and quick on his feet so his actions often seem more planned out than they actually are, but if you look at the individual actions themselves and how quick he makes them after Just thinking of them, it gets really obvious. In the show, I'd say the best and most well-known example would be in his introduction episode, aka the monster stunt. Again, it's easy to miss, but that wasn't planning or cautious thinking from him, that was full on impulsivity (both grabbing the monster And leaving). Other good examples would be the Shaab Stone arc in the comics (literally an entire arc of Helia being impulsive as hell), the s2 florelia kiss scene, Helia saving Sky in s2 when they're in Darkar's Fortress, and him running up to every enemy.
I'm not sure what you would call this, maybe recklessness?, but Helia often has very little regard for his own safety. He regularly puts himself into dangerous situations that he doesn't Need to be in without thinking about how badly it's gonna hurt him. Well,,, he does think about whether or not it'll kill him, but if the answer is "no", then it doesn't matter how much danger he's in, he's gonna do it. This often ends with one of the specialists yelling at him which is funny but Still. I do think it's important to note that he's not reckless with the other's safety (he's overly cautious with them) but he definitely is with his own.
I feel like there are others I Could list but they don't show up quite enough for me to call them his vices (ie the occasional stubbornness, lack of confidence, or jealousy). I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS LIST OF HIS MENTAL ANGUISHES I KNOW I DO
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owomenz · 8 months
I've seen 2 reblogs in a row tagged with a specific OC of yours and I'm so interested. please tell me more about this Ilya fellow. their vibes are fantastic.
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My most beloved OC Ilyana Moreau.
Shithead extraordinaire.
They are the OC I tend to put in a lot of different Situations. The character I end up making in video games. So there are lots of different "AU"s with him.
Here he is in FFXIV
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He is a nonbinary shapeshifting goat demon! Can appear to be masc or femme, depends on the mood. Which is fun for me because all these different designs in different games and media are all technically canon. :3
My favourite way to draw him right now is as a "tiefling"
He's a horrible guy. Cocky, mischievous, loves the taste of blood. Had a bit of a murderous phase where he liked to rip in tear into flesh. Demons gotta eat. He's calmed down a great deal.
They used to be an angel. But then got their wings ripped off and casted out of heaven where demons took him in and showed him true love and familial bonds. In most AU's that a thing I tend to keep part of him. Like in BG3, he's a devil where their wings were ripped off and all his power stripped from them so now they're a "regular" tiefling. Or in FFXIV they are a survivor of the 13th. A voidsent.
Also very succubus coded in a way that he used his demon powers to influence people and lure them away to feed upon them. (Blood. They like blood. And flesh and bone)
Got charisma up the wazoo but he's also kind stupid and silly sometimes. They are a bard after all.
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h4zardousch3micals · 1 year
Nervous about posting this hhhng
Spoiler warning for Fallen Stars Part 6
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Fanart for @plushii-gutz 's Fallen Stars because it is hurting my soul and I'm here for it :) - 💚
Also inspired by @/wigglywubbox 's fanart of the same scene
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scattered-winter · 1 year
winter PLEASE!!! not me starting to get second-handedly invested in characters for a video game i’ll never play and know nothing about 😭
I'm so normal about the military video game guys I promise I promise
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dreamersscape · 1 year
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Does it feel like life is permanently set to extreme hard mode and I still feel super crappy greater than 90% of the time? Yup. But! Emboldened by our relative success with last year's tomatoes, we have given it another go and have added a little pepper plant friend for them. :)
(It may look like the peppers aren't doing as well as the tomatoes, but it cannot be overstated just how bananas this plant's growth chart has been; it's determined to escape the confines of its basket-cage; it has to be constantly rotated so it doesn't completely lose the battle with gravity; I only took this picture the other day and it already looks SO outdated. Can't stop, WON'T STOP.)
#anyways the plan for today is to make some good headway on my 'correspondence' so I guess we'll see how that goes *sheepish laughter*#don't worry I'm not guilting myself over my ridiculously sporadic ability to socially engage -#(not much anyhow I swear!)#- it's just you guys have no idea how much I've MISSED y'all! how I've YEARNED to be able to geek out with you'uns over the blorbos and#their fictional worlds. Like. Please picture me gazing longingly into the middle distance while sorrowfully belting:#🎶 I wanna beeee where the (tumblr) people are. I wanna see... wanna see 'em meta-iiiing! 🎶#🎶 frolicking around in their - what're they called again? - oh right! plot bunnies! 🎶#🎶 incrementally crawling your way through your backlog of content to consume and unexpectedly stumbling your way#into a few new hyper-fixations while the already-there ones continue to rage on you don't get too far... 🎶#🎶 posts (and reblogs and messages and actually finishing a few of your fan creation projects and...) are required for jumping (into#fandoms); dancing (with your friends in gleeful delight over your shared headcanons)! 🎶#🎶 [...] up where they talk (to each other at normal intervals)! up where they (don't) run (out of energy so fast)! 🎶#🎶 up where they stay all day IN THE SUNNNNNNNNN 🎶#🎶 wandering free. wish I could be. PART OF THAT WOOOORLD 🎶#I could go on but I think you get the gist of it 😆#and I definitely know I'm not along in this feeling; at the very least I'm sure that is a familiar tune#in many contexts for anyone else struggling with chronic fatigue/illness among other things#I just wish I could find a better way to intermingle extending kindness and patience to myself and rolling around in fictional character#feelings /together/ with my friends without having to insert such long gaps in between you know?#okay woebegone rambling aside thanks guys for not forgetting about me while I've been gone <3#and let me assure you I haven't forgotten you all either 'cause boy do I need to SHARE SOME STUFF with you!#random musings of a personal nature#I JUST WANNA BE THRIVING HALF AS GOOD AS THOSE TOMATOES YA FEEL ME?
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ruvviks · 2 years
my liege what abt "rampage" with either vitali or vincent,,,,,,,
RAMPAGE [x] chapter >> 3 [x] characters >> vincent mayer (oc), vitali dobrynin (oc), [redacted] total >> 4.4k words (SORRY) warnings >> blood, brief mention of attempted sexual assault, injuries, torture mention, violence
It was dark.
Vincent lay unmoving, arms hooked in an uncomfortable angle behind his back. His head felt heavy; a dull, constant thrumming filled his ears and numbed his brain, putting painful pressure on the back of his eyes to the point he feared they could pop out of his skull at any given moment.
God, he had been stupid- naive, but most of all stupid, believing Dupoint would let him walk. He should have known- he could have known, from the moment his gaze had caught that of the Frenchman- whatever was going to happen would not end well for him.
A quiet whimper left Vincent’s throat as he tried to move and he sank back onto the floor, unable to push himself up against the wall. His muscles were stiff, exhausted from the pain he’d had to endure, and each tiny move felt like the equivalent of a sharp knife carving away at his skin and flesh.
He had won. Of course he had. It had seemed dumb to him, even- why a game of chess, of all possibilities? But it did not matter. What mattered is he had won, which had meant his friends would get to walk away- with all limbs attached- and so would he.
But of course Dupoint had refused to give him that satisfaction.
Vincent's stomach turned as the events of a few days before flooded back into his mind, a tidal wave of memories slamming itself violently into the inside of his skull.
‘Let them go. You can keep me- I don’t care, just- Please, let them go.’
Tears burned into the corners of his eyes. He had meant it. Of course he had. All he wanted was for his friends to be safe, to be as far away from that place as possible, and- well, rules are rules. Someone like Ravager would not understand- but Dupoint had to.
So he had let them go. A consolation prize, even though Vincent had won fair and square- but he had accepted it anyway, knowing the only alternative left at the time was far worse than what would have happened if he had lost.
And they had fought- had tried to, at least. They had screamed and begged Dupoint to let Vincent leave with them, and Ravager had needed to call in extra forces to remove all of them from the premises without anyone getting severely hurt.
Vincent squeezed his eyes shut when he remembered Vitali- kicking and screaming, held back by at least five men- perhaps six, or seven- and still nearly managing to escape their grasp; how he had tried to lunge at Dupoint, a bright fury in his eyes Vincent had never seen in them before, how he had sworn to come back- I’ll come back for you, душа моя, if it’s the last thing I do- and how he had warned for the violent rampage he would unleash on them once he would find his way back inside-
A quiet sob left Vincent’s throat.
It had been days. And he was terrified.
A sudden alarm cut through the deafening silence, blaring and echoing through the room and causing Vincent to bolt up; his body protested at the unexpected move and he winced in pain, muscles cramping up and the heavy thudding of his heartbeat rapidly filling his head. He sobbed again and crawled backwards, until his back hit solid wall- only then he noticed the sharp, cutting pain in his wrists, caused by the ziplock ties keeping them together.
Even now that his eyes had gotten plenty of time to adjust to the deep void surrounding him, not much had changed- either a room deprived from light entirely, or the horrifying possibility of Vincent’s eyesight no longer being with him.
He pulled his legs closer to his chest and pushed his head down onto his knees, the overwhelming noise burning through his skull- it hurt, and the longer it went on the louder it seemed to become, flooding the space around him until it felt like he was drowning, unable to keep his head above water-
Christ, V. Pull yourself together.
It wasn’t the first time Vincent had had to endure torture. Certainly not the last time either- it was something to be expected in his line of work, especially as someone prone to being captured by the enemy. An occurrence that happened to him, every now and then. A lot more often than he was willing to admit.
Though this was different. This was personal- Dupoint’s little power fantasy, starring no one other than himself, Vincent, and each and every single fucked up tool in Night City he had managed to get his hands on.
Still, Vincent endured. He had a decent pain tolerance, and was able to zone out on command in nearly every situation if desired- though the longer it went on, the wearier he became and the more he struggled holding himself together, and he feared he was going to have to rely on himself alone if he ever wished to see sunlight once again.
Similar to the alarm cutting through the silence, a sudden beam of light broke up the dark and nearly blinded Vincent- he squeezed his eyes shut and winced again, partially relieved he could still see, but most of all terrified of whoever had entered the room.
‘Alright, pretty boy- get up.’
A strong hand grabbed his upper arm and dragged him to his feet, giving him no time to adjust; a familiar voice, though all but the good kind of familiar, and Vincent struggled briefly as he tried to pull himself out of the grip of Ravager’s right hand man.
‘Relocating the merc to sector C-6.’
A second voice- female, unfamiliar. She sounded on edge, voice slightly unstable as she continued to exchange some words with whoever was on the other end of the comms.
The alarms were nothing new. A scare tactic- effective at that, but common enough for Vincent to have grown accustomed to it; though his earlier anxiety was entirely replaced by alertness, now, as it finally dawned on him something serious was going on inside Ravager’s facility.
Vincent blinked and lifted his head; he quickly realized the woman had not spoken to him, but instead looked expectantly at the man still holding on to Vincent’s arm, her jaw tightly clenched and her eyes restlessly darting around, scanning the man’s features as she waited for an answer.
Silence followed- a nearly agonizing hesitation, somehow frighteningly similar to the brief moments before combat Vincent sometimes shared with his friends, including the reluctant looks painted on their faces as they slowly realized it could easily be one of the last times they would look at each other-
Fuck- for your sake, I hope it is.
They left the room.
Vincent squinted as he was pushed into the hallway, the bright light causing his headache to flare up again. He was dragged through the hallway at a brisk pace; his legs could barely keep up, though he forced himself to continue, knowing whatever would happen to him were he to collapse to the floor would not be good.
He recognized the hallways. He had been there before- three times, to be exact, each a different occasion though all for the same reasons.
He had not been the first to end up in Ravager’s captivity, unfortunately; had managed to meet the same fate as Mikhail- ironically enough while on a path of revenge for what Ravager’s people had done, and had tried to do, to his friend- and had then been forced to deal with the consequences.
Dupoint was a new player, however- a somewhat unexpected turn of events. An important asset; though still merely a pawn in the game the Broker was trying to play with them. Like chess, almost- though Vincent was unsure if his opponent was still playing by the rules.
Something about it all felt wrong, somehow. For Ravager, it was the eddies; for Dupoint, it was personal, a burning hatred for Vincent over something that had happened long enough ago he had honestly already forgotten about it. But the Broker- what was in it for him?
The rook, the bishop, the king.
Who sat at the top? Who was looking down on them from their throne of bones and corpses, watching their every move, hunting them down like prey?
And why- Most of all, why-
Why a fucking game of chess?
Vincent clenched his jaw as he was yanked forward, his pace clearly too slow for his escort’s liking. The further they had walked, the busier the hallways had become- people gathering, yelling at each other, readying their weapons and putting on whatever makeshift armor they could find.
‘They started a fire in the lower levels,’ the woman suddenly said, slightly raising her voice to be able to carry it over the chaos surrounding them. ‘Partial lockdown’s been initiated to-’ A clearly audible sucked in breath, followed by a shaky exhale. ‘- to keep it under control.’
‘What-? Keep it under-’ The man cursed under his breath and momentarily slowed his pace. ‘Jesus- Boss cut off the fuckin’ oxygen?’
Killing his own people? Bold strategy.
Vincent watched the blood drain from the woman’s face as the harsh reality dawned on her. She opened her mouth as to speak; but no sound came out, and she quickly closed it again, bottom lip quivering ever so slightly as she averted her gaze and continued walking.
He nearly felt sorry for her. Nearly.
Until he remembered how they had found Mikhail- broken and bruised, hair thin from stress and fingernails torn and bleeding- how he had been screaming and begging for it all to stop only moments before they had entered the room he was being held in, hands tied above his head as three of Ravager’s people pushed him down over a table-
Had they found him only a minute later, had they taken any longer fighting their way through the facility, had they taken any wrong turns- they would have been too late. And Ravager’s men would have- they would have-
A wave of panic rushed through Vincent and the ziplock ties around his wrists suddenly felt a lot tighter than before. He sucked in a breath and felt new tears well up, stinging in his eyes and blurring his vision until he could barely see where he was going.
Hey- Keep it together, kid. Nothing’s happened yet. Eyes up.
Vincent clenched his jaw and his gaze moved back up, a single tear escaping his eye and rolling down his cheek- though his previous panic was now replaced entirely by boiling rage, suddenly vividly remembering the look of pure relief on Mikhail’s face when he had noticed them enter, and the way he had clung to Vincent the moment his hands had no longer been tied together-
He was going to make them pay.
That’s why he had come back there in the first place, right?
Now that’s the V I know. Get ready.
Gunshots. Nearby. A few hallways away, perhaps- but they echoed through the entire facility, startling Vincent’s escort, and he was dragged out of the hallway into a side room. The man was squeezing his arm painfully tight now, to the point he could feel a bruise take shape underneath his fingertips; and the woman was cursing, turning her back toward the both of them as she stood in the doorway, gun at the ready, waiting for anyone to cross her path-
Vincent turned around and forcefully kicked up his knee, placing it right between the man’s legs and causing him to buckle over- a second knee kick, right to the nose, followed by a third kick in the stomach to send him flying backwards, tumbling over some machinery. Vincent immediately steadied himself again and ran toward the woman- he rammed his entire body into her before she could lift her gun, causing the both of them to crash onto the white tiling of the hallway floor.
He scrambled to his feet, struggling- without his hands he could barely get any grip, and by the time he’d positioned his legs underneath his body again the woman was already up as well; she grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him toward her, reaching for something in her belt-
Vincent used the momentum to launch himself directly onto her again, headbutting her on the nose in their fall- he landed on top of her and her head bounced off the floor with a loud thud, and a single shriek of pain left her lips before she lost consciousness.
Good. Now get out.
Get out.
Get out. Get out, get out, get out-
Vincent pushed himself back up, panting and gasping for air as he stumbled away from the room and quickly made his way through the still-empty hallway, begging for it to stay that way. He was running out of adrenaline- his only source of energy, the events of the past days having drained him entirely from his reserves, and his entire body felt heavy as he dragged himself around the corner.
Where to go, where to go- the monotonous hallways all looked the fucking same and he was not entirely sure what floor he found himself on and which way he had come from in the first place, and the narrow side hallways he was moving through were a disorienting clusterfuck to the point he believed he was just going in circles.
Another turn, another turn- Vincent lost his footing and the world spun around him as he crashed on the floor again, whimpering when his head collided with the cold tiles and he momentarily lost his vision.
Get up.
Get up.
‘Fuck all of this fuckin’ bullshit,’ Vincent whispered to himself, barely able to force the words out of his throat as he pushed himself back up, leaning heavily against the wall for support.
Alright, potty mouth. Done feeling sorry for yourself?
Shut the fuck up.
Kiss my ass.
Vincent grunted and continued to walk, listening closely to the distant gunfire and trying to pinpoint where it was coming from; he stumbled upon another t-junction and turned left, putting as much distance as possible between him and the ongoing armed confrontation.
He knew what- and who- he could possibly find there. Still, walking face-first into battle with his arms bound to his back sounded like the dumbest idea that had ever crossed his mind, and even though he knew he could stumble upon allies he preferred his body in one piece, rather than shot full of holes.
He just- he had to get out. He would find his way back home once he would set foot outside again.
Vincent pushed the door open with his shoulder and began descending- he tripped over his feet again and tumbled down the stairs, unable to catch himself in his fall and crying out in pain when a sharp jab shot through his shoulder, all the way down his spine to his hips.
‘God damnit, Johnny.’ Vincent let out a strangled sob as he rolled on his side, carefully moving his legs to feel if his bones were still intact.
It felt weird to say his name out loud.
Vincent knew he wasn’t there anymore.
He forced himself back up on his feet, grunting as his knees nearly buckled under his weight again- nothing felt broken, but everything felt battered and bruised and the burning pain in his hips was still there, clawing away at his muscles. He carefully straightened his back and glanced at the sign above the exit-
Ground floor. Good.
Vincent pushed himself back into another monotonous hallway, ducking behind some lockers just in time, only barely able to jump out of line of sight of an entire armed-to-the-tits squad of guards; Dupoint’s backup, he could only guess.
Another rush of panic. He had to get out. Get out of the building, and quick- Ravager’s men were one thing, a poor excuse of a street gang with lousy combat training under their belt and the aim of an eight-year-old on a sugar rush at the fair; but Dupoint’s people were something else, serious business, a selection of top-shelf quality hired guns who would, upon spotting him, riddle Vincent with bullets before he could even turn around.
Hallway. Corner- turn left. Hallway. Turn right. Another right.
It was a fucking maze- designed specifically like that to trap people inside forever, and the longer Vincent walked and the more he had to jump back around corners or dive behind any piece of furniture he could get cover behind in order to stay out of sight, the more he began fearing he would never find his way out-
Another squad.
Vincent immediately threw himself into a room, muscles cramping up the moment his shoulder came in contact with the door. He did not bother to close it properly behind him- the squad continued their hurried pace either way, unaware of him hiding right around the corner, right in arm’s reach had they bothered to pay a little more attention.
He exhaled sharply as he took a moment to catch his breath, allowing his heartbeat to settle down.
The room had not been empty.
Vincent flinched involuntarily upon hearing the noise, freezing as he listened to the sounds of someone whimpering and gasping for air, barely audible over the still blaring alarms of the facility. His eyes slowly trailed the room- and with that, the nauseating amount of corpses scattered across the floor, Ravager’s men and Dupoint’s security retinue alike, and he quickly found the perpetrator, in the midst of adding another body to the pile.
He sat with his back toward Vincent- though it was unmistakably him, his bleached hair tousled and white shirt torn and stained with blood and sweat, sleeves rolled up as he leaned heavily on his arms with his fingers wrapped tightly around the neck of one of Ravager’s people, his knuckles whitened underneath the dark bruising decorating the back of his hands.
Someone else walked in through the door on Vitali’s right, gun at the ready- though before they could do anything or Vincent could call out, Vitali was already back up on his feet, hand reaching for the knife in his belt while he dodged out of the guard’s line of fire and threw his body at them at full speed.
He worked fast- he always did. Vincent watched as he knocked the gun out of the guard’s hand and ripped their helmet off, revealing a pale, sweat-covered and most of all terrified face- and a single cry left their lips as Vitali plunged the knife into their throat, blood spraying into his face as he dragged the blade through their artery.
The alarms around them finally stopped.
Silence fell over the room like a sudden vacuum as the guard clawed at the gaping wound in their neck and sank down on the floor. They reached out, a bloody hand grasping at Vitali- he simply stepped back out of their range, spitting on the floor as he rolled his shoulders back and cracked his neck.
Vincent was too scared to make a sound.
He watched Vitali drop his head as the guard spluttered incoherently before drawing their final breath, and a knot took shape in his torso as Vitali suddenly walked forward toward the door, getting ready to leave the room without as much as shooting another glance at the massacre he had left behind-
Vincent’s voice was barely audible, hoarse and weakened by the amount of screaming he had been doing- though Vitali heard him, loud and clear, and he turned around while steadying himself, knife at the ready, as if he was expecting more enemies to show.
He had the look in his eyes again.
The bright fury- the wild, blinding rage that had overtaken him once before, and Vincent could barely hold his gaze as the knot in his chest painfully tightened.
Though the moment Vitali realized it was him, his eyes softened, and he mouthed Vincent’s name in a relieved sigh- and he stood motionless as Vincent stumbled over to him, legs barely able to carry his weight anymore and knees buckling with each step but he did not care and it did not stop him, repeating Vitali’s name- once, twice- and crying out when his ankle twisted and he fell-
A soft landing.
Vincent buried his face in Vitali’s chest as he sobbed, exhaustion washing over him as the stress that had built up inside his chest finally released. Vitali spoke to him in Russian- it’s okay, I’ve got you; you’re safe, my love, you’re safe- and he dropped the knife, blood-covered hands trembling mid-air as he held Vincent in his arms.
Hesitation. Again- but still, still, he carefully cupped Vincent’s cheeks- hands that had choked, and carved, and killed- but ever so gentle and patient as they cradled his face, fingertips softly brushing over his skin and instantly easing his pain.
‘Look at me- V, please- please…’
Vitali’s voice broke.
Vincent sat unmoving. The situation had forced him to his knees; literally so, his hands still bound tightly behind his back, wrists and head bleeding, eyelids heavy and breathing shallow as he listened to Vitali’s pleads.
He forced himself to lift his head- and he felt vulnerable. Vulnerable and exposed, unable to defend himself would circumstances call for it, and he could not help but feel a rush of terror when Vitali’s hands moved dangerously close toward his neck as they caressed his jaw to tilt his head higher-
But Vitali merely kissed him.
Vincent was starving. But Vitali’s lips only softly brushed past his, a careful and hesitant gesture; a question, almost- May I? Will you still let me?
Of course, baby. Of course.
Vincent answered by leaning closer, gasping for air into their kiss as Vitali’s grip on his face momentarily tightened- and Vitali’s lips quivered as they finally parted, his hands dragging down Vincent’s neck and gently pulling him closer as he allowed Vincent to sate his hunger.
Vincent’s chest filled with relief and he collapsed further into Vitali’s arms, their kiss messy and entirely out of sync- but for a split second he was home, no longer in the facility, no longer in pain and no longer tied up, and no longer worrying about people running in and finding them there-
Sounds like you kinda should be worried about that, though.
But it wasn’t enough yet. Vincent wished his hands were unbound; oh, how he would have clung on to Vitali, then, like he was afraid if he would let go he would disappear- how he would have gently held his head, how his fingers would have explored each and every inch of his bare skin and how he would have tugged softly on the back of his hair in an attempt to pull him closer-
They broke the kiss, both gasping for air as their foreheads collided and Vitali dropped his hands on Vincent’s thighs. Vincent’s eyes fluttered shut again and he allowed Vitali to softly and reassuringly kiss his cheek- leaving a trail all the way down over his jaw and neck, like bandaids on his wounds.
Their gazes met again. Vitali’s eyes were hazy- a single tear rolled down his cheek, mixing with the dark red blood decorating his freckled skin. He hesitantly cupped Vincent’s cheek once more; and Vincent leaned in to his touch, resting his face against Vitali’s palm and exhaling slowly as the tension in his upper body finally released.
He still sometimes wondered how he had found his way to Vitali. Even more so, how he had managed to find his way to his heart- utterly convinced from the moment they had met that Vitali already had everything in the world and Vincent could never be someone he would long for or would want to be with.
Falling in love with him had been terrifying, in a way. Vincent had just been a merc- small, nearly insignificant compared to Vitali, or to anyone else in his inner circle for that matter. Just one from many, not close to him like Mikhail was- a lifelong friend, someone Vitali trusted with his life- and not nearly as powerful as Vitali himself to be able to call himself an equal.
Rook, bishop, king.
But it was worth it, right?
Vitali reached for the knife again. A sudden move that caught Vincent off guard; he froze, and held his breath, yet still allowed Vitali to move closer and lean over Vincent’s shoulder-
He carefully cut through the ziplock ties around Vincent’s wrists.
‘You came back for me,’ Vincent quietly said, embarrassment rising in his chest as he watched Vitali lean back and quickly push the knife back into his belt.
‘Of course I did.’ Vitali paused, and visibly clenched his jaw. ‘I… I am sorry it took this long. We did not waste any time- please know that.’
Vincent nodded, unable to speak.
He was unsure why he had doubted him before. He had watched how Ravager’s men had struggled to contain him- if Vitali’s rage alone had been able to kill, he would have left the entire facility littered with corpses right then and there.
Vitali reached out for him again- carefully, as not to startle him- and gently pulled him toward his chest once more. Vincent gratefully allowed him, eyes closing momentarily when Vitali’s arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders and his hands found their way to his hair.
Of course he had come back. Of course. Had it been the other way round, Vincent would have done the same for him.
‘We should go,’ Vitali mumbled, pressing a soft kiss on Vincent’s hair. ‘The others are waiting.’
Vincent slowly sat up again, exhaustion overtaking his body- but he paid it no mind, smiling up at Vitali as he scanned Vincent’s face, hands softly running over his shoulders.
Nearly over. Nearly safe again.
Vitali pressed a kiss on his forehead, and he carefully helped him back up on his feet, voice slightly shaking as he spoke again.
‘Let’s get out of here, my love. Let’s go home.’
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You've mentioned the way Trystan conceptualises and considers (or doesn't) Jurian's past, but how does Jurian view - and what does he assume about - Trystan's? What are his assumptions? What does he know? What doesn't he know? What does he THINK he knows?
I’ve been chewing on this my entire morning plus my hour-long commute into work.
And also a lot longer because work got busy and I tucked this into the drafts.
I think both of them—Jurian and Trystan—operate from a place where they have a lack of knowledge about each other. The difference is that Jurian is willing and capable to make observations and conclusions about Trystan’s behavior and is able, from there, to offer him more grace.
Growing up, Trystan only ever saw Jurian as “the cousin who breezed in once or twice a year and put Bethany and the rest of us in a lot of danger”. Later he also picked up on rumors from others about how Jurian’s vagabond lifestyle included promiscuity and made assumptions, coupled with his jealousy about Jurian’s appearance… growing up, he made these preconceptions about his cousin. As adults, he’s taking these notions and asserting them as fact. His cousin is dangerous, is promiscuous, is a threat to keep around. He’s not willing to consider that there may have been a LOT more he wasn’t seeing whenever Jurian wasn’t in Lothering.
Jurian was the same way growing up. He saw Trystan with his family, his siblings, his dog, his home with a roof over his head, his lack of food insecurity—and he thought that Trystan had it easier. He was envious of Bethany having family that cared about her and that she didn’t have to run and hide. At the time, he couldn’t conceptualize the fact that Trystan was suffering under some intense emotional manipulation and parentification in regards to his siblings and family. Jurian just wasn’t around enough to know.
The difference, of course, lies in the fact that Jurian grew up, and when he did come to Kirkwall, his mind changed. He saw the way Leandra and Gamlen treated Trystan in Lowtone and after Carver’s death, and how he was aggressively concerned with the idea of keeping Bethany safe, and he realized that there was more to the story. Jurian offers a level of grace to the way Trystan treats him, but isn’t given the same in return. He knows his cousin doesn’t like him; it’s why he doesn’t stick around.
That grace, ultimately, runs out when Trystan lashes out at him after Leandra’s death.
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n7viper · 1 year
Omg! For the wholesome oc ask meme: Mihri 19, 29 and 42. Lia 2, 11 and 14 💛 bonus: 3 for a character of your choice!
Hey! Sorry I sat on this ask and then stepped away for a while. Thank you for all of the questions 💖 I'm putting these below a cut because I rambled on some :3
(Wholesome OC Asks)
19. What is something they excel at?
Mihri is a very quick learner! She can pick up new skills easily and is a knowledge sponge. This certainly helps when you’re a Dalish elf largely unfamiliar with Andrastianism but now finding yourself as a religious figure. Along that train of thought, she excels at just… faking it ’til you make it. People doubt you less when you’re stupidly overconfident about everything.
29. They have a chance to get a tattoo: what would it be?
Botanical illustrations, probably something like arbor blessing snaked around her upper arm. I was originally thinking of a fun little fat toad tattoo when I was typing this out, and I found this wizard frog by Leah Samuels instead. This is definitely something Mihri would love.
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42. Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say?
Hah! I think she’d probably just vent at me. I typically enjoy fluffier fic, and the Inquisitor’s story is already angsty enough, so I had originally intended to just write happy things. Over time, her story has become a lot angstier, likely due to my own mental health, if I’m being honest. I had started her out as an only child, but I adopted a friend’s OC. Happy progress! …And then I promptly killed him off in my universe. She really did start out a lot happier, once upon a time. I’m gonna have to drag her into DA4 kicking and screaming.
2. Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours?
I would give her hot chocolate, maybe some of the salted caramel kind that I have in the cabinet right now. She would choose a fruity tea, like a blueberry. Or the lemon pound cake tazo tea I have in there as well.
11. What is an item of clothing/an accessory that completes them/makes them feel safe?
Oh, I actually had to stop and think about this one. Perhaps it’s because I’m not so fashion forward (I do love looking at haute couture for fun, but I live my life in t-shirts and shorts/leggings), but I hadn’t given much thought to how she might dress off-duty. She isn’t very materialistic; I don’t think she has a piece of clothing or even an accessory that she wears that truly completes her. She doesn’t have any sentimental items to wear; she left Mindoir with nothing. It isn’t a direct answer, but her pre-ME2 tattoos are what complete/comfort her. She has a sprawling strawberry vine on her left shoulder blade in memory of her parents. Finding it gone in ME2 is a big stressor (among everything else going on…) and Joker encourages her to get it redone when they have the time.
14. Quickly, let them give us some life advice!
I don’t know that it exactly answers the question (round 2 haha), but this is the first thing that came to mind when I read this question, so here you go! It’s hard to imagine what the state of healthcare and mental healthcare is going to be in the 2180s, but I do figure that a lot of people are going to be struggling post-Reaper War. Lia would be a big advocate for seeking help, talking to someone. It’s rough out there—don’t be afraid to reach out, ok?
Bonus round:
3. What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them?
Ugh man, I should really talk about someone other than Mihri, but I’m gonna answer it for her anyway. This also got away from me a bit. Whoops! First off, she usually skirts around answering the tough/serious questions most of the time, so she would answer this superficially. She isn’t insecure about her looks in the slightest and is aware of the fact that it’s easier for her to get her way because she’s attractive. So she loves that about herself. She’s just a smol little thing—isn’t she so cute? You’d do anything for her, wouldn’t you? Seriously, though, she loves being a mage and using that gift to help others. It doesn’t matter if that help is something big, like healing, or whether it’s embellishing children’s stories with little bits of magic. Her mother taught her to be proud of her magic, and she very much is! For me, I love her adaptability and perception. She’s great at gauging situations and reading the room and knowing how to react or interact with others. She often prefers to cope (or rather, deflect…) with humor and can be accused of not taking things seriously because of that. But she isn’t oblivious—she knows when her sarcasm or jokes would be welcomed and when they would not, when a joke would appropriately lighten the mood and when it would be a disaster. I also love that she’s a fucking liar, right down to her little core, but that she uses this to try to do good. One of the things that stuck out to me when I did my first playthrough with her was a side interaction at the base camp at the beginning of What Pride Has Wrought. There’s a soldier praying and reciting part of the Chant, and the “diplomatic”-type response from the Inquisitor is to finish that part of the chant for them—regardless of your origin (note: it may hinge on whether or not you accepted being the Herald of Andraste; I don’t remember a lot of those choices I made the first go-round!). At first it was one of those dialogue choices where I was like “oh, if I’d known she’d say that, I wouldn’t have chosen it.” But over time, I think it fits. Mihri doesn’t believe in Andraste, but to call back to the first question, she is a quick learner and has a great memory. She learns bits of the Chant to blend in and look like the Herald. The side benefits are that this boosts morale among the troops.
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ex-textura · 1 year
💥🍧🌠❤️ for the specialist boy
💥 - What emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
wrt his own emotions: anger. Big time. He doesn't get angry often or really very easily (most of the time he's quite passive) but there are a few things that set him off. Like when his intelligence is underestimated (he's tall. He's muscular. He's orcy. People will assume he's a meathead but he's got the wrinkliest brain tyvm). He once punched out a guy they were questioning for calling him stupid. Knocked the sucker out cold before they could even get any answers. Spent the rest of the evening stomping around camp and reading trying to calm down. It's a work in progress. For other's emotions probably sadness. He wants to help, he wants to solve problems, but he's the kind of guy who awkwardly pats your shoulder and mutters "there there...?" if you're crying.
🍧 - Do they still have any object from their childhood? What significance does it have to them? What would their reaction be if they lost it?
When he was very young and still lived in the tribe, he'd found a children's story book (you know the kind with simple words and big colorful illustrations) in a caravan they'd raided. It was the first book he'd ever seen in person, with writing he didn't understand, and he was mystified. It was the only thing he took with him when he ran away and was part of the reason he did so. It's pretty beat up now, but he keeps it hidden inside his master's spellbook, which he keeps hidden in his backpack. If he lost it, he'd be so distraught. He keeps it as a reminder to not ever become the kind of person he was raised to be and the worry that he'll slip is always sort of hanging over him. (He probably wouldn't but he worries all the same)
🌠 - If they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Oh god that's a hard one! There's a deity in the lore of Pathfinder named Nethys. Before he ascended to godhood he was a man who sought all the knowledge and potential of all the planes and beyond. He achieved that knowledge and became the god of magic but in so doing sundered his mind. I think if Rehgar were to make any wish it would be to have that knowledge (hopefully minus the insanity but what is a wizard without hubris?)
❤️ - Their love language(s)?
Rehgar is an Acts of Service man all the way through. He's eager to do things for others, and he's more than capable. Before he left Erages to start adventuring he was the fixer of broken things, the reacher of things up high, and the mover of all things heavy for everyone in his life and he loved being able to help. He doesn't accept that easily... he's not used to being on the receiving end and he wouldn't know what to do with it but if someone were to return the favour he'd probably fall in love just a little bit 😂.
Ahhhh thank you so much for asking me about my special guy 🥰🥰🥰!! I took longer than I thought to respond because I spent so much time trimming down my answers lol. I could talk about him all day and I don't know how to be concise!
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aliceramblez · 4 months
Dating the Hazbin Hotel Residents 😈
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Tags: GN!Reader, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentioned Mature Topics (ie. Suicidal Thoughts, Alcohol Abuse, SA, etc), Spoilers For The Show, etc.
A/N: Ahhh yes, more brainriot for the pile 😌 I was more of a Helluva gal before the show aired, but now I gotta say these blorbos are a dear part of my heart! Hopefully y'all enjoy these as much as I did writing them!
Consider following my main blog @taruchinator for more solid content & feel free to leave a request here for future HCs~
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Charlie 🌈
When the Happy Hotel first opened its doors and all of Hell started making a mockery of it, you were probably the only one who took it as a sign to try and improve from the low life that you were. It's not like you had anything else to live for, anyway.
As soon as you enter the building, you're immediately greeted by the bubbly Princess of Hell herself (along with a reluctant Angel Dust) who is more than happy to show you around and welcomes you with open arms.
You've never been shown this much kindness and sympathy for your situation before, so it naturally takes you aback and makes you wonder what the catch is. Turns out there's none and the Princess is probably the only sweet soul to live in this shithole.
As you grow closer, she asks you to drop the title and just call her Charlie. She also shares a bit about her situation and how her mother wanted to save sinners from the extermination each year, and now Charlie felt like it was her duty to continue this legacy until her dreams came true.
You can't help but feel touched over how much she cares, so you silently vow to yourself to help her in any way you can, just like she's done for you.
It doesn't take long before the two of you grow even closer and feelings begin to blossom, but you decide to ignore them since why would a Princess ever like someone like you?
But Charlie proves you wrong yet again, since one day she comes to you a blushing mess and confesses her own feelings, asking if you'd like to go out with her. You can't help but vocalize your shock since she could do so much better than a random sinner. She deserved better, too.
She looks at you with fondness in her eyes. “You've been by my side for so long and supported me every step of the way. Who wouldn't fall for someone like that?”
And thus, you are the luckiest person in Hell because you scored Charlotte Morningstar, and whoever says otherwise can get a knife to their throat.
She's the perfect definition of a sweet and patient girlfriend, never pushing you to do anything you aren't comfortable with (since you really aren't used to such adoration in a romantic relationship), but as soon as you give her the get-go, she'll be sure to shower you with as much affection as she can until the doubts in your mind disappear completely.
You aren't that far behind either. Albeit not as good as her, you do your best to be a comforting partner whenever she needs you. This is especially necessary after an extermination happens, which always leaves Charlie devastated and in need of a hug or words of encouragement because she doubts herself sometimes and wonders if the hotel is even working at all.
You remind her how it brought the two of you together, to which she smiles and agrees that at least something good has come out of it so far.
Vaggie 🎀
Both you and Vaggie used to work in the same legion under Adam with the rest of his exorcists. You knew of each other's existence, but didn't really talk much aside from whatever was needed in the midst of battle.
The day she spares a demon child's life, you're doing your rounds nearby and witness the whole exchange, including Lute coming over and ripping both an eye and Vaggie's wings for showing mercy. You don't know why, but it makes your blood boil.
“HEY! What are you doing?! It was just a kid, why not let it slide?”
And just like that, you become a target of Lute's rage as well, being ripped from your angelic status along with receiving a few nasty cuts, yet surprisingly not as bad as Vaggie herself.
Once the two of you are left to die, you immediately try to tend the girl's wounds with whatever you can. Vaggie can only stare in disbelief at what you'd done and questions why you even did so in the first place—now you were stuck just like she was.
“Guess I just don't like seeing injustice... Who knew Heaven could be so fuckin' shitty?”
You both laugh at the irony of it all, and that's when luck is finally on your side as Charlie finds you in the dirty alley and brings you back to the hotel to heal properly.
For the next three years you two stay at the Hazbin Hotel, helping Charlie in any way you can to try and make her dream a reality since deep down you hope that despite Heaven's corrupt system, there can be a small chance that souls can be redeemed. You hide the fact that you're ex-Anges though, since you don't wanna cause unnecessary drama.
During this time period, the two of you become better friends, having your own inside jokes regarding things you didn't particularly enjoy from your time as Angels, as well as learning more about one another.
You're the one to come to terms with your feelings first and decide to lay them on the table for Vaggie to see—she's always been a straight-to-the-point kind of gal, so if you're about to be rejected, might as well have it be done quick. But of course, she replies with her own declaration and desire to give a relationship a shot, which you're ecstatic about!
It's a bit hard at first since you never got to see much of romantic relationships in Heaven while training for murder every year, but you try and make it work. Both you and Vaggie work endlessly to try and make the other happy, and it only makes you fall for each other even more.
Also Charlie is your go-to wingwoman who will be there to give you the best advice to try and woo your girlfriend. She ships you two so hard.
Angel Dust 🕸
Working at a porn studio under an Overlord who owns your soul can be exhausting. You know this better than anyone since everyone who works under Valentino has contracts that won't let you get far with a leash. This is especially true with your friend Angel Dust.
You know about the things Valentino does to the spider demon—hell, everyone in the studio probably knows, but know better than to say anything about it. You're always there for Angel after particularly rough shoots, doing your best to comfort him in any way you can, though there isn't much you can do given you're in the same spot.
When he tells you he's moving to Princess Charlie's Hazbin Hotel, you're so happy for him! At least that will give him some distance from Valentino and his disgustingly filthy hands when he's not working.
This unsurprisingly doesn't bode well with the Overlord, causing him to throw fits of rage around the studio when Angel leaves for the day. You can't help but make a snarky comment that you definitely regret moments later.
“Can one blame him for wanting space from such an overbearing asshole?”
Without his favorite stress toy around, you end up paying the price for such comments. The kind of pain and suffering he puts you through is completely different from what you're used to. Is this the stuff he does to Angel? He leaves you naked, bruised and bloody in your room, and all you can do is muster what little strenght you have left to head for the Hazbin Hotel.
As soon as the door opens, you immediately tumble forward and start losing consciousness. The last thing you remember is Angel's horrified expression before it all fades to black.
Once you wake up and have been patched up, you explain what happened at the studio, and you could've sworn you saw fire in Angel's eyes as he holds on to you, fearing you might disappear at any moment. He begs you to stay in the hotel with him, and you agree without hesitation.
And so, your new routine of heading to work and then coming back to the hotel becomes blissful, not having to deal with that lunatic mothman more than necessary. You also get to spend time off with your best friend, which is always a plus.
Well, ‘best friend’ might not be the best way to describe it. You'd developed a crush on the spider demon even before this whole incident occurred, and now that you were spending more time with him, it only continued to grow.
With the line of work you two had, romantic relationships didn't seem to be a thing that crossed anybody's mind since why have a permanent partner when you could just go around fucking the hottest people in Hell? But you knew your feelings were far beyond from sexual, but didn't wanna ruin what you already had going for you.
One heartfelt drunken conversation after work however, makes you do a double take—Angel likes you back. And that both scares and excites you. But with both of you going over the pros and cons with each other, you decide to give it a chance.
You make sure to always have Angel's consent when it comes to physical intimacy—anything from holding his hand, to kissing to just cuddling. He jokes about not being a porcelain doll, but deep down you know he appreciates it.
You're also there for the rough nights, when he comes home wanting nothing more than to die again and let the earth swallow him whole. Words of reassurance are spoken and you can only hold him and let him cry as you vow to do anything in your power to stop this from happening again.
Husker 🍺
As one of the first guests of the hotel, like any wayward sinner, you find yourself in the bar more often than you'd like. Alcohol killed you in the first place, yet not even in the afterlife could you seem to pull yourself from its grasp.
It's a somewhat welcome surprise to find out that the bartender is going through a similar struggle. He still serves you drinks and lends and ear whenever he's not busy, but will occasionally drop the words of wisdom to watch your fill.
Eventually you two find yourselves doing this little back and forth and aid each other when you're in your dark places—Husk won't let you near the bottle if he sees you're about to knock yourself out, meanwhile you're there to look after him when he has one too many drinks and can't take care of himself.
Not to say he isn't a good drinking buddy—you've found out most of the gossip around the hotel thanks to this sneaky little cat demon and there's never a dull moment with him around.
You learn about his deal with Alastor during a particularly bad night, when Husk's had one too many and isn't thinking straight. You don't bring it up, but now have an eye open for whenever the Radio Demon drags your friend away.
Angel's the one who brings up your questionable relationship to the surface.
“So... you two like, fuckin' each other, or what?”
Your entire face goes red, and if it weren't for the dark fur you could swear you see Husk looking the same. He's quick to get rid of Angel's nosy ass, but now the seed has been planted in your brain—do you like Husk that way?
After careful consideration, you come to the conclusion that yes, you do. And it's honestly kinda terrifying considering how relationships don't usually work out in Hell, at least from what you've seen. Besides, even if you did try and confess, there was always the possibility of him not feeling the same and just being embarrassed by Angel's comment.
So in an attempt to make your feelings disappear, you stop frequenting the bar. Who knew the best way to stop drinking habits was trying to avoid spending time with your unrequited crush?
But of course, Husk isn't stupid. He sees the change in your behavior and let's it slide for a while, until he eventually corners you and asks what's wrong. You decide to get it all out of the way and tell him how you feel.
To the embarrassment of both of you, he holds your hand firmly between his and darts his eyes toward the corner of the room. “Next time you should ask before going off assuming things, ya got it?”
And so, your glass may have been empty that day, but your heart had never felt fuller.
Sir Pentious 🐍
You meet Sir Pentious when you sign into the hotel, and your immediate thought is just how can this snake man be so adorkable, it should be illegal.
As you greet the other residents and staff, you're quick to strike a conversation with him, which based on his body language he was not expecting. He starts telling you a bit about his weaponry and other contraptions, and you can't help but be fascinated by it.
You're a bit of a tinkerer yourself, albeit you've only dabbled in small scale projects—nothing compared to the massive canons and aircrafts that Pentious seems to be familiar with.
He acts like a kid opening gifts on Sinmas when he talks to you about his inventions, clearly never having anyone show interest before. Eventually he'll even ask for your input on certain smaller projects he wants to work on to help around the hotel, all to thank Charlie for being so kind to him and giving him a second chance. You're obviously eager to help!
You two start spending so much time together that the egg boys have started calling you ‘Boss #2’, much to Pentious' embarrassment and your amusement.
One afternoon once exercises are done for the day, the snake demon seems much more fidgety than usual as he invites you over to his room to continue working on his security system prototype. He's a blabbering mess once he has you sitting down and your heart just can't help but swell at each little syllable.
“Dearest (y/n)... you've, um, well... you are a huge inspiration for my work! A-And I wouldn't have been able to create any of this... without your help. You are kind, and smart and very talented.... and w-well, um I-”
You gotta silence the man with a kiss otherwise you two would be here all day. He's puddy in your hands and you can only giggle in return. “I really like you too, Pen.”
Everyone is either saying they called it or groaning in annoyance because fucking FINALLY, you two were just dancing around each other like idiots. The egg boys are just so happy to have someone else besides Pentious to be in their lives, and will do their best to look out for you just like with their own boss.
So yeah, prepare yourself for some sickeningly sweet gestures from this guy cause he will go above and beyond to get you what you need/want even if it kills him (again). And you can confidently say that you'd do the same in return.
Alastor 📻
After running in the same circles when you were alive, it's no surprise to you to end up in Hell, although you never would've suspected that you'd find yourself in the same place as him. It was honestly a huge relief not having to go through this all by yourself.
As Alastor exerted his dominance over Hell as the Radio Demon, you were powerful enough to be an Overlord yes, but rather liked keeping it on the down low instead of making a spectacle of yourself (Alastor was the one for theatrics anyway). Because of this, only select few knew of your true power and what you were capable of.
Instead, if there was one thing you were known for, it was being the only soul allowed to be close to the Radio Demon without the risk of death.
Yes, Alastor was a sadistic, cold-blooded and egotistical mastermind, but he wasn't a monster. You knew that better than anyone. Although the reactions he had to other demons treating you like a joke or calling you the ‘Radio Demon's Pet’ were not helping his case.
“ł₣ ɎØɄ V₳ⱠɄɆ ɎØɄⱤ ₴ØɄⱠ, ɎØɄ ₩łⱠⱠ ₩₳Ⱡ₭ ₳₩₳Ɏ Ɽł₲Ⱨ₮ ₦Ø₩ ฿Ɇ₣ØⱤɆ ł Ɽł₱ ł₮ ₳₱₳Ɽ₮ ฿ł₮ ฿Ɏ ฿ł₮...”
“Al, chill. You're gonna make them shit their pants.”
After his seven year absence, you immediately noticed something was wrong with him, and wouldn't stop pestering until he told you the truth—A deal he made and how his soul was now bound to someone much more powerful than he was.
You were obviously mortified and started looking into ways to try and find a loophole to this, but alas the Radio Demon would just give you his signature grin and tell you not to worry about it. It was his battle to face.
But of course you're quick to remind him that you've stuck together through thick and thin even in life, so there was no way you were letting him handle this by himself. You work as a team—always have and always will. You engulf him in a hug.
“We're gonna figure this out, Al. I promise...”
The grin remains, but his eyes widen slightly in surprise. He hesitantly returns the embrace, patting your back and wiping the tears you didn't even know you were shedding.
“There there~ To think such a sweet and innocent soul wound up in a gutter like this. I cannot say I complain as long as I have your delightful company beside me.”
And so when he says he has a plan that involves Princess Charlie Morningstar and her new Happy Hotel, you follow along. Whatever fate has in store for you two, you'll be ready.
Also Charlie is a sweetheart who could do no harm. Knowing Alastor, he'll probably do whatever he can here and there to help around for the cause. You also offer your services as an undercover Overlord, much to everyone's surprise when you reveal your status.
The Radio Demon may have a plan, but something tells you it won't involve bloody murder (unless extremely necessary or if someone really pissed him off).
Like you said—he's not a monster.
Lucifer 🍎
You and Lucifer were good friends at the beginning of Creation. While you were stuck with the tedious task of designing blueprints for the new ‘Human Project’ that headquarters had in store, Lucifer's Seraphim status allowed him to bring creations to life with the flick of a wrist, much to your delight and wonder.
His ideas and pitches for Earth were always so entertaining to listen to, and you would do your best to encourage him to show them to the higher ups to get them approved—His mind was just filled with joy and love and wonder that you'd never seen before.
Which was why it was always so disappointing whenever he'd come back and say that he was shut down and even mocked at. How could Heaven shut down such an imaginative mind in the creation of their biggest project yet?
To say you were devastated when you heard about his fall would be an understatement. You mourned the loss of your friend, knowing that he'd done nothing wrong and thinking it wasn't fair to him to receive such punishment just because he cared for the future of humanity.
Thousands of years later, you overhear the plan for Extermination of Hell kind. You didn't mean to walk by, yet here you were, under the direct eye of the Head Seraphims about to be downcast for something you had no control over—just like Lucifer.
“You're all self-entitled pricks! You think you can do whatever you want just because it doesn't follow what you define as good!”
You get a few good arguments before being cast downwards, leaving you in bad shape in a random alley with no wings and no means of escape. That is of course, until destiny seems to be on your side and Lucifer finds you, completely perplexed to see you here at all.
After getting treated, you tell him about the Extermination so he and Hell can prepare. The conversation of you getting cast down by Heaven gets glossed over, but he can feel the fury building up inside him. You were always doing things by the book—how could they do this to you?
Once the slaughter is over, Lucifer gets a meeting with Heaven and secures protection for both his daughter Charlie and you, to which they begrudgingly agree to keep him outta their hair. You can't help but feel touched by this gesture.
He's also quick to offer you a room to stay in, but you compromise by living in a seperate building from him and Charlie so you aren't a bother even though he says you aren't. In fact, ever since Lilith left, he's had to take care of his young daughter all by himself, so he's more than happy when you offer to help.
It doesn't take long for your feelings to start coming into the surface from all those years ago, and you gotta push them away because he's both married and has a child to look after! Besides, why would the King of Hell ever look in your direction?
Eventually though, he brings up the question with nothing but sweaty palms and a customized rubber ducky that says ‘I love you’ whenever you squeeze it. You blush furiously, but can't help but bring up your concerns, not wanting to replace Lilith in his heart. He looks into your eyes and says that he hasn't been as happy as he is now in the past thousand years.
Cue baby Charlie walking in on everything, and she just smiles and goes innocently. “Daddy! Is (y/n) staying home with us now?”
You two can only chuckle at the cuteness of it and you immediately go to hug her. You couldn't believe that you were blessed with such a wonderful family.
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dearreader · 2 months
k so i made this poll awhile ago to answer my question on if people would rather spend a date with a swiftie or an anti-swiftie (someone who hates her and devotes their life to hating on her). i mentioned i didn’t have the spoons to handle it being longer than a day and know it was going to be biased as it would start in my circle and would work it’s way out, so i wanted to do a longer poll when i had the energy to handle a week long poll like that. (i’m assuming when i post this, as i’m pre making it, i’ll be in recovery from my nose surgery since i’ll be stuck at home a week so i’ll have more time to monitor and look at the tags)
so nows the time, but i’m going to addendum the question a bit:
*some extra things that came up on the original poll i didn’t elaborate on fully that i want to make clear:
- you don’t get a say in what type of swiftie you get. assume that you’re going to be spending the evening with someone who massively loves her and her music and wants to discuss it. they’ll talk about songs, their favorite lines and meanings, symbolism behind the reputation album, etc.
- YOU MUST TALK ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT. even if it’s the anti-swiftie you must talk about her. i understand the sentiment people made on her not coming up, and that’s valid, but that’s not the question i’m asking. YOU HAVE TO SPEND THE EVENING WITH SOMEONE WHOS GOING TO TALK ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT NONSTOP, WILL IT BE THE LOVER OR HATER?
- im just trying to gather a general consensus on this and want to get data from a lot of people which means this is going to end up on people’s blogs who probably hate swifties and are annoyed by them. that’s okay as that’s the point of my question. but if you’re going to go off in the tags about how much you hate her or hate swifties and be an asshole about it im blocking you. you can just simple say “i hate her/i hate swifties” and don’t need to elaborate. you don’t need to sit in the tags going off on how much you hate her and trying to “defend” yourself from swifties. i just want an answer to the question.
- ALSO, this is not an open poll to go harass anyone in general. if you are a swiftie and see an hater in the tags and wanna fight DON’T FUCKING DO IT. just block and go read/watch your favorite media and think of blorbos kissing or whatever, but DO NOT SEND HATE OR HARASS ANYONE.
the hypothesis im trying to prove is that people in general would much rather spend an evening with someone that is going to talk about something they love all night vs someone who will spend the evening talking about something they hate. i want to gather as much data as possible to get a good consensus and if you go and be an asshole to someone because of their tags on this poll, either side of the swiftie to anti-swiftie spectrum, your disproving the point. if you see tags you don’t like just simply block and carry on. understand? k good.
- in general this is not meant to be a very serious or heavy question. it’s meant to just let me pick people’s brains and see what they’d want to do. i just want to get my results and go. just vote, drop your opinion in the tags, and go.
- also, this last part is silly and not at all related to my data, but since i’m forcing you on a dinner date i’ll at least let you pick the restaurant and food you have. so if you could also say what restaurant/food choice you’d want and what you’d want to order i’d love to hear it. sky’s the limit here. go nutz or even very specific on what you’d want to eat. i am trying to learn to cook and don’t know a lot of recipes or different food types, so i’m hoping this will give me a bigger idea of what food is out there to make. (this question is not meant to be a way to stick it to anyone or for you to go “i’ll go to a shitty ass restaurant and take a swiftie/anti-swiftie and make them eat garbage 🤪”, it’s just a fun question to give people something positive to add to the poll if they want. AGAIN IF YOUR GOING TO BE AN ASSHOLE ILL BLOCK YOU.)
- i’m going to be annoying and ask that you reblog for a wider sample size and such, if you don’t want to that’s fine, but i’m going to be polite and ask you nicely.
that should be everything, thank you for reading my long ass list and voting in this poll. i hope you have a good day and such.
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