#i cannot believe u got h involved in this crap
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mistydeyes · 7 years
OHSHC in the RFA
OHSHC members as the members of the RFA in Mystic Messenger.
Beginning: As a new student of Ouran, you are mysteriously given a note telling you to download an app and also to enter a particular room on the second floor. Sensing adventure but evil you cautiously enter Room 7. Once you walk in your phone starts buzzing and you realize it is the weird app on your phone. You open it and realize you’re in a chatroom full of odd members! After learning their names they explain that the app is used between members of the HFA or the Haruhi Fundraising Association which was originally developed to fundraise for school events and other endeavors. The room you’re standing in was the office as well as second home to the Fujioka Family. But due to the death of the family’s matriarch, the office is abandoned and their daughter, Haruhi does most of the planning on her own. They invite you to stay and possibly help the organization get back on their feet and throw a gala to establish themselves again. (Headcannons below the cut)
(In order from least to most involved:)
Basically is Yoosung’s double
Once you enter the chatroom he asks you the most important question of all
“What’s your favorite cake?”
When you answered “Strawberry” he immediately gained your trust
After that he would talk to you whenever he could
Or whenever you would listen to him
He tells you that as much as he disliked Haruhi’s father, he stayed in the organization because of Mori and Haruhi
He eventually opened up about his family and brother, why he likes sweets and lolita things so much, and him wanting to act like a grown man
However he could to really act like one when he discovered Room 7 had a bomb in it and that there was someone trying to kidnap you
Literally tries to move you out 
“Like no, MC you need to leave with me right now. I’m trying to protect you.”
But you weren’t having it, all your work was there and you practically lived in that room
Eventually when Haruhi was going to confront and find the people that were stalking you, he decided to go
When he came back for the day of the annual host club party, you were so shocked
He had bruises and cuts and more importantly his eye was covered with a patch
You went to talk to him and whoa are you dipping and kissing me rn
That he was and you guys lived happily ever after (yayyyy)
In the beginning, all the members loved you except for him
You could no get a word out of him AT A L L
You even tried to learn the names of judo moves and tried to impress him that way but N O N E  O F  I T  W O R K E D
That was until you put Kyoya and Tamaki in their place when they were talking about how great of members there were
“Actually, Mori helps out with a lot of the work you guys. Give him more credit.”
Then the most amazing thing happened
You were awestruck and then you both started bonding on how undermined you both were 
“I started coordinating for free and with a day’s notice. Can I get some appreciation here?!”
“Agreed MC, do you want to go get coffee to burn this off?
A N D  B O O M! First date time!!
Although your date was full of pettiness and sass
This basically became your routine well until the bomb thing pops up
“MC! Look at the chat, Haruhi is talking about you.”
Literally a second later
That was the most emotion he ever showed to you
You convince him that your safe and he cautiously watches you like reeeaally watches
Anyways eventually with the tension building up between all the members, he eventually speaks against Tamaki and Kyoya about wanting a bigger role
“MC and I are doing all of the background work, we want to at least be mentioned at the party!”
It proves successful, although Tamaki and Kyoya are pretty pissed at first
But the party continues on and with you there, Mori walks up to you
“MC, will you be my business partner?”
And the end!
Asks you if you’re dating anyone
He literally invades and gets into your personal life
That was until he hit a note and now you’re spilling your life to him
“M-MC, shhh it’s okay. I’m so sorry..”
To repay you he tells you about how he and his brother were originally part of association
Immediately regrets this and acts very wary and distant for a few days
Then the worst happens
Tamaki calls him and says that you haven’t been seen entering Room 7 for the day
He springs into action and drives over to your apartment
Once he gets in the room however, he sees you surrounded by members wearing what looks to be like familiar attire
He growls at them to leave but it takes actually threatening to kill them for the group to rush away
You’re a sobbing mess by now
“MC, I have to tell you something.”
Now this is when the beans spill
“I need to tell you more about the association I’ve mentioned. Kaoru and I were part of it and it was led by this women who wanted to establish a cult bent on doing her bidding”
Basically sums up that Haruhi’s dad found both of them and brought them into the HFA with new names and identities
Now you are both crying
Back to the story, you both got out of there and stayed with him and Kaoru for a while until the day of the party
Once there, you got so many apologies from all of the members but Hikaru was still super cautious with you
Eventually it was time to give the speech and you were so prepared but Hikaru pushed you out of the way and gave one for you
“I would like to say that, through these last couple days of hell, MC has supported me and been strong through it. And I love her for it...”
With this he drops the mike and runs to you
Ends with lots and lots of kisses after
Basically in the same boat as his brother
Much like Mori, he did not like you at first
He just felt like you were acting nice to get something out of the members
Eventually you confronted him about what his problem was
“It’s not you! You just remind me of her!”
Welp now he has to tell you who “she” is
You sit there on the phone with him as he tells you about his time in this cult with his brother and all of that jazz
Then he gets into the deep recesses of his mind and tells you of how this new member joined the cult and took him under her spell
This poor baby fell in love with her but then she revealed to him that the “leader” wanted her to scout out the weak
Now his heart is broken and he is being brought out of the cult, kicking screaming
He then tells how he and his brother were found by Haruhi’s father
So now you understand (and are heartbroken too)
After this he decides that he can’t do anything he regrets even more
So you guys become better friends
The days continue with you planning the party until on the 6th day when Kyoya tells you of the bomb that’s in Room 7
Also did he mention that there was a stalker that’s been seen following you home?
Well now he did!
You, ofc, flip the hell out and run to Kaoru in fear and anger
He protects you the best he can, until someone breaks into your house
Kaoru walks home to find you in a choke hold with one of the members from that cul- oh crap it’s my old cult
Then proceeds to knock them away and brings you into his arms
You and him are collectively freaking out and Haruhi walks in to see all this
She immediately relocates you both after what has happened until the party
The day of the party, you have a horde of bodyguards surrounding you
Kaoru tells the members that he plans on moving you and him to a safe house 
You and the others are taken aback but then he does something you would never expect
He quickly kisses you as to somehow affirm your support and love
He had taps on you before you even got to know him
So he knew everything that made you tick and turn in your sleep at night
But one thing legitimately caught him off-guard
“Do you think cats are allowed in Room 7? I would like to bring mine from home.”
W H O A, H O L D  U P
You own a cat?!
This is news to him and he immediately says yes but not before checking if the cat was domesticated first
He pulls up to Room 7 where he finds you moving yourself in.
He picks up a couple of your things and wow are these classic novels and business textbooks?
He realizes how cultured and educated you are
Maybe files aren’t always correct
Anyways, he stays for awhile and pets your cat while both of you drink wine and chat
When he realizes what time it it, he kisses you on the cheek and leaves abruptly
The next day you drop by Kyoya’s office and are stopped by a formal looking woman who just stares and rolls her eyes at you
You walk in to see him angered and flustered
“I cannot believe my father wants me to marry her. That witch!”
That came out of nowhere
You sit him down and discuss what happened when he tells you that his father tried to set the two of them up
You are shocked but convince him to shake it off and leave it at that
However as you’re heading home, a car stops and this group of robed people try to force you into their car
But suddenly you hear sirens behind you and are rushed to safety by guards
When you are brought to safety, you realize it’s Kyoya’s mansion
“MC I saw you leaving and got a bad feeling so I had my men follow you. Good thing they were there, you will be staying with me for the night until they can find this group.”
Nights turn into days and days turn into whEN CAN I LEAVE
Eventually Mori comes and basically slaps the sense into Kyoya
“She’s a human, not a changed animal, Kyoya”
Kyoya sensing your discomfort, admits on how sorry he is and that he doesn’t know how to deal with these odd stirrings that happen
Back to reality, Kyoya lets you return to Room 7 (with bodyguards tho)
The day of the party you looked at a package in the room unsurprisingly, it was Kyoya and he had sent you the fanciest dress money could buy
You arrive at the event and are suddenly shuffled to him
He smiles and sneaks a kiss with you before walking to the stage
He summarizes his appreciation for the guests. Haruhi’s father, and also for you (noting your ability to make him feel loved and calm)
He then pulls you on stage and puts an affectionate arm around you and continues with the party
It gets really sad and dark from here. They also kinda mirror 707′s ending and the secret endings
A well-bred French boy who loves to brag about his various luxuries in life
When he first sees you in the chat room, he jumps the gun and asks what a beautiful girl like you is doing in the conversation
“Looking for equally handsome boys”
Heart eyes for days
Unlike the other members, you click immediately and soon he is bringing you lunches whenever he’s not meeting with his father
You guys chat while snacking on commoner’s food
These chats turn into long conversations which turn into dates
Dates include him coming by the room with champagne and roses so that he can cheer you up as you plan
All is going well and you both are slowly falling in love
That is until Room 7 is open and you’re not there
Full out freak out and panicking
He then hears small, muffled screams for help inside the grand piano
He rushes over and sees you with your arms and legs tied with a cloth in your mouth
“M-MC let me get you out of there!”
You shake your head furiously and nod your head behind him
Too late
An unknown assailant knocks you and him out
When you wake up you’re in a jail cell with no escape
You both try to scream and get yourselves out but with no luck
Eventually a guard releases you both and guides you to a large hall filled with members dressed in similar garb
As you further your way into the room, a small gasp comes from Tamaki
For there in front of you both is a middle-aged woman
Upon some contemplation, you realize how much she looks like Haruhi
“Well Tamaki, it’s nice to see you again. Have you been treating my dear Haruhi well?”
Tamaki scoffs and is replied with a slap to the cheek by the woman
“Now you always were a well-mannered boy, whatever happened?”
“We thought you were dead! How could you do this and kidnap me and MC?!”
He was now screaming and crying
“Tamaki dear, you never realized how much more I wanted the HFA to be, it was some silly school fundraising club but there was so much potential power with it.”
She walked over to you and dragged a finger along your jawline
"For example this one, if she was originally in this ploy we could’ve run the highest of corporations...”
You squirmed under her sudden touch and wished for a way out
Then you heard a loud crash from the wall behind you
You turned and were immediately knocked down by Tamaki as bullets flew by you.
“MC on the count of three run!”
So you did exactly that as Haruhi’s mom desperately tried to cling onto you, you kicked her off and ran into the safety of the outside
Once out, you were guided by Tamaki towards a familiar family logo of the Otori family
There are the personal bodyguards of Kyoya who guide you both to Room 7 and eventually home
They explain how they found cultist and would order plans to interrogate them for information.
They also say that they were not able to locate the body of Haruhi’s mother nor any of the other cultists
“How do we tell Haruhi?”
“I-I don’t know...”
(Of course this is going to be long and the most detailed)
The minute you entered, you knew who the leader was
Haruhi quickly established her hierarchy of the group and demanded to know why you were in her conversation
“I am Haruhi Fujioka, the daughter of the founders of this organization. Now I demand to know who you are.”
You quickly replied your name and as to how your got in contact with her.
She tells you that she will keep an eye out for you
Which you accept with gratitude
As the days progress you run into plans that contradict each other and you implore someone to come and help
Eventually she leaves the safety of her home to go over plans for the party
As she is about to leave you both receive a message from Kyoya that Haruhi must stay with you in Room 7
Both of you are puzzled, but no one dare go against Kyoya
Haruhi spent that night on her laptop, contacting anyone who could’ve known what happened or who has any information at all
At 5AM she receives her answer, her home has been blown up
Kyoya explains that the extraction team found various debris that indicated the detonation
Haruhi is now a wreck and refuses to talk to anyone but her father who is away on business
You try to console her but she just pushes you away and runs into another room
She yells at you to leave her alone and you leave, disheartened
You find her hours later surrounded by papers
“Haruhi, what are you doing?”
“I think I found something...”
She explains that as she was lying on the floor she had noticed a small hatch under the bed. She opened it and found plans and coordinates for a building.
Following some research, you found that the coordinates led to a small patch of land in the middle of a forest
The next morning, Haruhi is determined to find the meaning of the craziness that has been going on
You go along with her, cautious as ever, informing no one of your whereabouts in fear of being stopped
As you ride to the destination, all is silent in the car until she speaks up
“MC, thank you for coming with me. I want you to know that I have enjoyed my time with you an-”
You cut her off with a quick kiss and she looked forward and drove until you arrived
“We’re here.”
You both walk out while maintaining a cover behind the trees
In front of you is a structure that symbolizes a castle
You keep a stakeout of the building until you hear a loud voice behind you both
“Keep your hands leveled and walk towards the entrance”
Both of you do as your told and are thrown into a cell
You sit wondering on how to escape but then Haruhi pulls out her phone and quickly messages Kyoya and Tamaki for help
You do not see the reply as you are abruptly being guided out of the cell into a large room
Haruhi stands behind you and you see a group of hooded figures around you
“Haruhi, it’s lovely to see you again”
She freezes and begins to shake
“Oh honey, how are you? Have you seen this place, your mother and father are just marvelous workers!”
Behind Haruhi’s mother is her father who walks out with his head down in an apologetic manner
“Haruhi, I’m sorry but your mother was always my first love”
At this point Haruhi is having a full mental break and is lying on the floor with her head in her hands
She then pulls out a gun and aims it
“Haruhi, it’s MC, please put it down”
You are now crying and shaking with her
“Haruhi, mommy knew you were always a pathetic joke. I should’ve had Kyoya help me develop the world in front of you now. He would’ve known that the bomb in our house was really meant for you. He was always smar-”
She falls to the ground and Haruhi’s dad rushes to her crying
Haruhi throws the gun down and hides in your arms, crying, screaming, shaking
At this moment, the door to your side bursts with various dressed guards who are arresting the other cult members
You are both picked up and brought to Kyoya who tries to comfort you both but Haruhi is far too gone
She refuses to let go and clings to you until the paramedics pry her off
Talking to Kyoya after, he reveals the plans of both of Haruhi’s parents and how they established the building
You hold your mouth and begin to cry, knowing how much this will break her
You go back to her once you’ve finished talking to him to find her rocking back and forth
“M-M-MC, just hug me for a while...”
“Okay, I’ll be here for as long as you need”
Whoa this was a long one. This is my first time writing headcannons so I’m sorry if they aren’t perfect! Also I’ll include the aesthetics that follow this, so don’t worry! Thanks again for taking the time to read this and I may possibly continue the last three hc! For now, au revoir!
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So now there are articles about Harry and o talking engagement and articles that Florence is now just showing up for the red carpet and that’s it. This is becoming the entire kitchen sink pr.
This is straight up sewage.
They're really going with the most drama in the lead up to Venice and it's cheap, embarrassing and has 100% 'sullied' Harry's image. His team are IDIOTS and I am so fed up. Congrats Olivia, HSHQ and PR team, you've managed to turn him into a dickhead.
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To be fair, those are all pretty irrelevant tabloids that just jump on any fire and add gas to it to get clicks.
But hey, it's accomplishing what they want, bc then you get this:
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Which is all the attention they need to drive up interest in a shit movie nobody would see otherwise.
They're saying how Florence is dropping out of promo, how there's bts fights, cheating scandals, the works. They're creating all this drama in the press so EVERYONE wants to watch Venice and click on articles talking about it to know HOW IT ENDED UP GOING. Did Florence show up? Did she slap Olivia in the face on the red carpet? Did Harry Styles defend his girlfriend? Did he sneak off with Florence? Was Chris Pine there? Does he still like Olivia? What did Olivia say about Shia? Did Shia say anything after the red carpet aired?
yeah....it's full on shameless PR for a lost cause movie.
They just keep driving UP the drama:
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So now Florence is just walking the carpet, not saying anything, and leaving.
AND they're casting doubt on Harry attending. Creating relationship drama between him and Olivia bc she's "his girlfriend".
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It’s easy to think every single thing is part of a conspiracy but it’s not usually true. Olivia and Harry are a big tabloid target now, so all the tabloids are going to be coming up with their own angle to get clicks. Every single celeb couple regularly has engagement rumours. US started it and then the even lower level tabloids piled on. DM obviously checked if Harry was confirmed to attend and when he wasn’t, they ran with it. If he doesn’t go, he will look like a dickhead though. He’ll look like he’s abandoning Olivia and also the project. Is she going to sit at the press conference by herself? Just her and Chris? Can’t see the studio loving that. And I feel badly for the crew who worked hard on the project only for its director (and Harry) to make it look asinine.
Hi dear,
Yeah that's pretty much what I meant when I said it's all promo and promo is all lies.
It's clear they're trying to handle this bc they would've been absolutely insufferable with holivia and Olivia inserting herself in every single press piece. But now they've pulled back due to the backlash, and she's not playing the leading role of 'Harry Styles' adoring girlfriend who watches her bf every night on tour' - you know every Harry fan's dream! Anyways, I digress. What I mean is, she would've been on tour with him and doing pap walks, and they would've released even more interviews and articles about her/him/dwd had it not been for the RS backlash. So they're "laying low" until the controversy blows over.
But the point of my post and what I said was pretty much that this is all just bs drama to drum up more press and interest in her and DWD. Ofc some of it is just trashy tabloids jumping on the 'hot topic of the moment', but a lot of it is also what they've pushed to go ahead. Haven't you noticed how in all of this drama there has been very little targeted towards Harry? Nothing about him "cheating with Olivia". They mention it, sure, but they're not making it into a scene. Tabloids would love to use any and all scandals for their own profit, and yet they're not using this. This would make it even more dramatic. And there's no mention of Harry's situation or anything in regards to the drama. Just a ton for Florence, Olivia and Shia. That's in part bc Harry hasn't commented, but also bc they have a tight grip on the narratives they let out there. Harry's image is that of a sweetheart so they can't very well have endless tabloids about him being an outright asshole. And they do control that.
I'm not sure about Daily Mail checking, bc The Hollywood Reporter actually said H was confirmed to attend. So like I said, they're just creating more drama so people tune in to the event and they get more clicks.
Once that's over they'll surely release a new wave of drama until the movie is out. Or use whatever dumb ass arguments come out of Olivia's mouth during her interviews.
I agree H would not look good if he pulled out of the festival last minute. I just worry what they'll do once there. Obviously everyone is expecting him and Olivia to have their big "red carpet couple debut". Hopefully this recent wave of backlash slashed those plans. They should not do that. They should absolutely not have them together and put H with Florence - who plays his character's wife. That's what would make the most sense. Now if Flo is actually backing out of press, then put him with Gemma and Olivia with Chris, bc isn't he her husband in the film? Or am I mixing it up? Whatever. The point is, any sane team would not want on set romances in their movie press tour. It's about the characters not the actors. Except Olivia has made damn well sure this movie is about Olivia Wilde and her life. "The Victory Project" de damned.
I don't even know where I'm going with this. Clearly I'm tired. In more ways than one.
All you get is me ranting.
Note: related to this
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