#i can't be the only one that gets tabletop RPG party vibes here
Bram "The GM" Stoker: Jack's lockpick roll was a success, so the bolt shoots back with a rusty clang, the hinges creak, and the heavy, oaken door opens wide. What do you do?
Arthur: Are there rats? I've got an anti-rat whistle! It's got a +9 against rats!!
Bram: You don't have darkvision, so... *rolls dice* ...you don't see any rats, per se.
Jonathan: Okay, then I want to do a spot hidden che--
Van Helsing: Too late! I've already walked in.
Jonathan: What?!
Jack: I guess I follow Van Helsing inside, but only after I mutter some pretentious prayer in Latin, then I go in.
Bram: Classic Jack. Well, since no one did a spot hidden check *rolls a big pile of dice*
Jonathan: *groaning*
Bram: *rolls even more dice* Now as the door shuts behind you and you all search through the decaying ruins, the pungent stench of mildew emanating from the wet stone walls, your dim lanterns barely pierce the thick curtain of darkness, you find only cobwebs and more shadows until... Jonathan, you can't get it out of your head that this feels like Transylvania all over again and maybe, just maybe, there's someone else here. Give me a sanity roll.
Jonathan: UGH! *rolling dice and sweating*
Quincey: Can I cast gun at the darkness?
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