#i blazed through tidying my room and im pretty proud of myself but now my dinner plans are being sidelined to visit a relative
coyfox · 4 months
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malfromtheblue · 1 month
Liora who almost gets caught touching herself with her darling's panties but is somehow able to get out of it?? 😵
please dont read this if youre underaged, worry abt school and not the big D&P, yeah? and if youre of age just be aware i write a bunch of yandere stuff as im one myself so... yeah. enjoy!
Liora's stomach snapped for the sixth time that day as she released another load of white cream all over your dark blue sheets. The little brats kids - your kids- were downstairs, playing video games. Every day at this time, she would allow them to play games for an hour and a half, which was when you got home.
"I'll just be upstairs tidying up in your mommas room, okay?"
'Tidying up my ass,' Liora thought to herself. Your room was always nice and clean, despite the large size. At most, she'd just have to sweep a little, maybe dust the shelves. You made her job so easy. And insisted on it too. You always did your best to clean up before you left for work, telling her that taking care of the kids was enough.
Always saying "Oh, Liora you're doing amazing with the kids. Thank you SO much for watching them!", or perhaps " Liora, you're the best nanny I could've asked for, what would I do without you?"
Liora brought your red lace thongs up to her nose and inhaled deeply before letting out a half-melted sigh. She plunged her fingers right back into her gaping pussy, and tossed her head back. A wild blush blazed across her cheeks as she thought about you talking her through another orgasm.
Oh, you'd be so sweet and gentle as you always were when it came to talking to someone. Praising her, and peppering kisses and hickeys down her neck and to her chest, between her B-cup tits. But your fingers would be TEARING her up from the inside. Making it impossible to breathe right. Impossible to see straight. A pink haze would cloud her eyes as you both entered an orgasmic euphoria and GOD it was bliss.
Liora rutted against her fingers, drawing blood from her lip with how hard she was biting it. This is where you'd want her to cum and tell her to make you proud like the good little slut she was. A soft purr escaped her throat as her back arched. The pit in her stomach caught fire and her sopping pussy sputtered.
"Ahh~ Fuckkk...!" She squeezed her eyes shut to release once more, but-
"Liora! I'm home, Hon!"
Liora's eyes shot open and her hands froze.
She could hear your footsteps hesitate at the bottom of the stairs before calling her name again.
"Uh-Uhm..." Liora fumbled about, wiping her hands on her small flowery dress.
"Liora, are you okay?" Your footsteps started up the stairs.
Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
She quickly got out of your bed and tried to make it back up the best she could. As she made her way to the door, she stuffed your panties in her bra while pulling up her own. "Coming Ms. (Reader)!"
She swung open the door to be met with your kind and slightly surprised face. You're so fucking pretty...
"I-I was just finishing up in your room... Will you need my assistance tomorrow with the house?" She looked up at you and bit down on her lip as her face flushed. The sticky wetness of her cunt was already pooling in her ruined panties again.
You just smiled and nodded. "Like usual. Be safe on your drive home, okay?"
..... ....... ................. ......................... ..................... ......... .....
After tucking your kids in their beds for the night, you head to your own. As you undressed, you noticed that your top drawer where you kept your under garments and socks, was open. Hm.. Maybe Liora forgot to close it. It wasnt important as of right now. However, when you pulled your covers back to slide into bed, you were shocked to see a huge white stain, painting your dark sheets.
~ Mal 💕🍵
i apologize for the HUGE break, but im back my lovelies! and i missed you all so much, mwahhh <33
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