#i am very easily swayed and i wanna know abt them
kaitf2corner · 4 months
I gotta be honest I'm new to TF2 and i dont really see the appeal of SpeedingBullet-
That being said though i *will* hit reblog whenever i see pretty art, like,, the amount of incredibly skilled and talented artists drawing those two blorbos is too good to pass up yk?
I'm giving y'all a smooch on the forehead, keep it up💚💚
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knifenymph · 7 years
(*whispers* I wanna know about you omg sorry for so many numbers) 6,9,12,23,16,17,30,31,46,54,66,91,94 and 95
hello lol!!! omg this is so many but yes okay
6. What’s your lucky number?
my lucky number is probably 7 but i don’t really have one tbh!
9. How tall are you?
im teeny tiny standing at 5′2 lol
12. What was your last dream about?
it was probably something wild honestly but i can remember that it was last night, but i can’t remember what it was abt, sorry!
16. Favorite movie?
fantastic mr fox is great but im really not a tv/movie/show person at all
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who just really makes me happy but also is okay with just chilling out with me. idk tho bc at the same time, i think i might be aro? like i really do love people, but I’ve found that i treat s/o the same way i treat my close friends so like idk? so i guess my ideal partner would just be like my bff lol
 23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
nope but im not big on celebrities anyway so i don’t mind lol
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
usually around two plus a mandatory body pillow bc i can’t sleep without one lol. if i don’t have one, then ill just use a blanket or another pillow, but i really prefer a body pillow. its the only thing i’m picky abt sleeping wise
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
on my side with my legs pulled in usually lol! occasionally on my back, but neeeever on my stomach lol. it hurts my chest lol rip
46. What is your personality type?
im def an ambivert for sure. its weird tho bc i can be around ppl and in big crowds for a while, but i usually can’t spend that much time around other ppl if I’m talking with them. i need time to be alone physically, but im okay with talking to ppl online though during that time. 
in public places where I’m comfortable tho, like school for example, i tend to be very outgoing and rather extroverted lol. and incredibly sarcastic LOL for sure. 
one on one, i adapt to different personality types/texting styles for the most part. of course, i continue being me and i don’t change drastically, but its more about the diff jokes ill make or the diff things i say, which i guess is to be expected lol
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
i am a clean person, with a messy space at times. most things about me are clean tho; my emotions, my opinions, my preferences, and yea
66. Do you like long or short hair?
on me, short hair for SURE. i really want to shave my head in the future tbh, but right now, I’m trying to keep it at around chin length
91. Do you like your own name?
my full name really does suit me, i believe, but i go by J on here lol. i probably could go by my full name bc why not but i now associate J with witchy stuff and it’d be weird to be called anything else on here so oh well. 
at first tho, i really and truly hated being called J LOL. but i was under the impression that if someone had your name, they could curse you for sure. little did i know, u can curse with a lot less (take energy, for example). but oh well lol
94. What are your strengths?
im a rather logical person so i can solve thru problems rather fast and i don’t get overly emotional for extended periods of times. i really like my personality as well because while it is rather flexible, it still is sturdy and stern when it comes to hairy situations and problems. like, i can stand up for myself and I’m not easily swayed. it doesnt help either that i am incredibly stubborn. like,, a whole lot LOL. its both a blessing and a curse, depending on who u ask LOL
95. What are your weaknesses?
being very logical can also suck bc hardly anyone seeks problem solving when they are feeling emotional/sad, so i can’t be of help often. i’m a rather fluid and fast paced person as well, which can be different for other ppl to get used to bc im all abt accepting change and doing what you want. i am very like my other, when it comes to my personality. she has told me that she has had a lot of problems, relationship-wise, in her life because she always just wants to explore and follow her curiosity, but other ppl are really a fan of settling down at times. it can be difficult i think
omg thank u for all of the asks!!! i doubt anyone is going to read all the way thru bc its soooo much lol but thanks again! i really appreciate it
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