#i am not hispanic so if i misused any of the spanish words here please let me know!
pacificwaternymph · 11 months
"Dad?" Hermes hedged cautiously, sliding into the room. The doctor at Sausage's side and Joel both looked up at his arrival, their expressions telling him everything he needed to know.
The doctor whispered something into Joel's ear, who nodded grimly and thanked them, before briskly exiting the room, brushing past Hermes with a sad look.
He didn't try to stop them. Bubbles's words still rang in his ears.
Hermes. It's your father.
Hermes rushed to his dad's side, looking up at him searchingly. As if he were hoping to hear that this were all an elaborate joke, that at any moment Sausage would leap from his bed, perfectly fine. But he found nothing.
"Why is this happening?" He asked his dad. "I thought we had more time."
Joel's mouth twisted, looking as though he were holding back tears. He put his hand on Hermes's shoulder. "So did I."
Hermes swallowed around a lump in his throat. He stepped away from his dad's reassuring embrace and approached his ailing father's bedside, observing his unconscious form. Rocky stood on the other side, crying silently. It seemed that he had already said his goodbyes.
Hermes slid his hand into Sausage's.
Sausage's eyes fluttered open, cloudy and confused for a moment. But they cleared when they landed on the demigod, and a smile stretched across his face. "Hermes... my boy. I'm glad to see you again."
Hermes inhaled shakily. "Pops, I- I don't know what to say, I-"
"Shhh... shh... it's alright, mi amor. Everything will be alright." Sausage briefly freed his hand to reach up and brush Hermes's cheek. Hermes grasped onto his wrist, shifting the hand to fully cup his face and leaning into the touch.
"Please... please don't go," he begged. Sausage's expression turned mournful, and with great effort, he lifted his second hand to gently pry his first away. Hermes clung to it as hard as he could, but allowed their hands to be lowered back to the bed.
"Oh, Mijo..." Sausage chuckled without mirth, the sound faint and wheezy. "I wish I could stay longer, I really do. But this is not my decision. My time in this world is coming to an end. Your Tía Pearl awaits me in the grand halls of her realm."
It wasn't what Hermes wanted to hear. No matter that it was likely the truth, that everyone in the room already knew there was no delaying the inevitable. He couldn't bear the thought of his father leaving him.
"Oh, don't be like that." Sausage's mouth quirked upwards into a smirk, something almost like amusement bleeding through. "There is nothing to be done, nothing I would have done. This... is the most perfect ending I could have ever hoped for. More than, even. You know for most of my life I didn't believed I would make it this far."
Hermes shook his head vigorously. "But it's not my end. I still need you." He wasn't ready to live in a world without his father. To be without his steady reassurance and grounding presence. A constant beacon, like a lighthouse in a stormy sea.
"And you will still have me," Sausage promised, squeezing Hermes's hand. "This is not the last you will see of me, Hermes. Be strong. Like I know you can."
Hermes tried to say "I can't," but the words stuck in his throat. Sausage seemed to hear what went unsaid anyway.
"Do not sell yourself short. You are a demigod. The son of Joel, king of Stratos, the survivor of the Gods, and I, the protector of Sanctuary. Once I am gone from this world, I will ascend to the role of a true guardian. And you will be here to take my place. I may not be there physically, but I will always be watching over you. When you seek my guidance, I will be there."
Sausage's eyes turned towards the ceiling, although they seemed to be staring at something beyond it. He had that distant look in his eye that he got whenever he talked about Tía Pearl.
"Not even death could tear this family apart," he whispered. Hermes's vision was blurring, water running down his face.
"I'll miss you," he choked out, only barely able to speak the words. Sausage turned back to him, and in his gaze was the full brunt force of his love. It felt like a punch to the stomach.
"I will miss you too. But be brave for me. Promise that you will do your best to carry on our family's legacy. That you will be kind to others, be their guiding light in the darkness. And that you will never lose that wonderful spark of yours. Promise me, Mijo." Sausage brought their hands to his chest, his stare more intense than Hermes had ever seen it before.
It was a few moments before Hermes could bring himself to speak.
"I promise, Papá."
Sausage let out a long, relieved breath, sinking down into the pillows. His eyes turned distant and glassy once more.
"My son. I am glad to have you here with me. I love you so much."
Hermes smiles weakly, barely able to see through the tears. "I love you too."
Sausage smiled back. Then, slowly, painfully slowly, his eyes dulled. His grip on Hermes' hand went slack. One minute there, the next gone.
Hermes's face crumpled. He pressed it into his father's chest, sobbing over his body. Joel came up beside him, pressing a hand onto his back wordlessly. The two of them sat in silence, mourning the loss of their family.
A soft glow began to emanate from Sausage's body. It started under his eyelids, and spread outwards, wrapping around him completely. Hermes startled, but his dad next to him didn't look surprised. Instead, Hermes looked up at him to see a bittersweet smile on his face.
The golden light glowed brighter, turning from translucent to opaque, until it was too much, and Hermes had to turn away. In his peripheral vision, he could see his father's body dissolving, rising towards the ceiling in small golden whisps before disappearing entirely.
Hermes held onto his hand until there was nothing left.
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