#i am gently taking your hand. if you're this concerned about stereotyping let's learn about classist stereotypes today too.
crimeronan · 6 months
thinkin about camila. as i often do. it's been like over a year now so i think the fandom has cooled off enough for me to say this but. one of the Strangest discourses i've ever seen in any fandom Ever was. when ppl were passionately arguing about camila's finances circa thanks to them. it was Such a non-issue that it wrapped back around to me going ".....hm. might have some hurt feelings about this"
like. ok. she's a single-income earner with a daughter paying a mortgage on a house in a connecticut suburb, possibly with medical debt left over from manny's treatment, who is suddenly feeding and housing and clothing five extra teenagers. all of whom have Literally No Clothes Or Resources Whatsoever When They Arrive, who possibly have special dietary restrictions, and for whom she is not receiving Any government aid or fostering stipends because every single one of them is undocumented.
and yet. people were like. EARNESTLY going back-and-forth with LONG ESSAYS of Vicious discourse. asserting that the Only reason to think camila might struggle with money is........ because she's dominican.
and also. that her Literal Illustrated In Canon financial anxiety is just her.... being financially savvy. and showing that she's good at saving money. and that she's too smart and good at managing money to be poor.
like people broke down various vet salaries and connecticut mortgages on BOTH SIDES. to try to pretend this was a convo we even needed to be having.
and the whole time i was like.
i..... i honest to god can't tell, uh. if this is all coming from teens who completely misunderstand the material realities of the american economy (which would be reasonable, it's a show for teens)..... or.....
if you guys like. Actually Hate Poor People As Much As It Sounds Like You Do.
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