#i am a huge fan of the new consistency in the illusion cards
serpiaxerma · 10 months
I'm so close to my limit on this fucking card game.
Greetings fellow duelists.
Picture this, okay. You're a Branded player. Hateful, I know. You want to play paper, build the deck in real life, test it out with other people. Great. Awesome. Fun for you!
You play some Master Duel, get a feel for the deck. Alright, yeah, feels good, feels powerful. Bit bricky, but who cares? Isn't every deck? (Coping.)
Grab a couple of Albaz Strike Structure Decks. $60 total, wow! Fit together something resembling your build, if a bit on the cheap side, but that's fine. You're just testing it out.
Boom! Wake up babe, new support just dropped. Time to upgrade! A trap like Branded Banishment, a clean $10, alright. Another Ecclesia retrain in Cartesia, a monster and a fusion spell? Sick, sign me up! So, how much we talking? $20? $30?
Oh. Alright, we'll just skip her for now then. No need to cash out so much for a one-of that only boosts consistency. What else is there?
Right, yeah, the Bystial monsters! A bunch of big asshole dragons who are also handtrap chaos monsters? Damn, pretty strong! Got some nice new continuous spells and traps like Regained and Beast for $5 each, yeah, sure.
The monsters aren't too terrible. Saronir for $5, Druiswurm for $10, Magnamhut for $20. Pricey, sure, but if it changes and evolves the playstyle so much. Oh, and Lubellion! So again, like $30, right? Or is this another $60 Cartesia situation?
Okay no. If we can't have all these nice pretty new Branded cards for under $300 when I'm only planning to mess around, I'm good, I'll pass.
Luckily, the tins are coming out later this year, so I'm sure the reprints will be a lot cheaper. And prettier, too. Then I can finally upgrade my deck and play like I've practiced in-game! Just one more month, right?
Oh? Who's that?
Hmm? What did?
... But I liked Branded Beast control. I liked Masquerade + Dramaturge pass. I loved bringing back Mirrorjade with Ad Libitum. I loved banishing my opponent's monsters with Magnumhut to +2. What happened? Where're my children? Where are we? Who are you?
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dreamingdarklyblog · 9 months
the good kind of 'triggered' :-)
How long do triggers usually last (when they're new)? Are you aware of any you're allowed to use on your own, either for fun, or to remain focused and productive?
Last like, how long till the effects fade after given? Or how long will the trigger "work" for before it's just another word/action?
I'll try to answer the first one first.
It really varies with the trigger. To cite specific examples, we've been playing with a few things, most of which are momentary or short lived. A few are meant to endure longer.
When I try to put it into some kind of consistent framework, I think of it like a mental load. Or to be more metaphorical, like adding weight to a backpack. I can carry a light pack for a pretty long time. Heavier loads get tiring quickly. So it really varies? Things don't exist in a vacuum, and there's a lot of moving parts (At least I think there are. In my experience. Others might have a very different experience)
Some things are pretty light. Some things weigh a lot more. The more complicated they are, the more senses are involved, the more work it takes for my mind to maintain them, ignore contradictions, supply stimulus, the heavier they are, the more tiring they are.
To give a practical, recent example...
Okay so something really weird just happened. And I was going to omit it, or write around it, but I figure no, I should leave it in because it might be the sort of thing people find interesting. So I started to write "To give a practical, recent example, my writing partner has mentioned how he's been growing my tits" and then I sort of froze... Why did I write that? No he hasn't... Wait has he? And I went back and looked and I couldn't find anything. So then why did I write that? I was clearly sure about it. But I can't think of any reason WHY I'm sure about it. So I figure one of two things has happened. One is I'm just making shit up now and not even realizing I'm doing it. And the other is that he DID say something about it, somewhere, and I just can't find it. >_<. Grrr. Anyway. I'm going to just move past it.
*ahem* recent example, my writing partner has been playing around with making me experience having larger breasts. Which, as you might imagine, I'm a big fan of. We've had trouble getting them to "Stick" as it were though.
Basically as long as I stay focused on what we're doing (Or you know, what I'm doing. With them.) they seem to stick around. But as soon as I get too distracted, they are just gone. I don't notice them "leaving" it's more like, "Oooo jiggle jiggle, oh hey I'll do a bit of writing, take out the trash, oh damn, when did I go back to being flat?" and notice that at some point in the last ten minutes, my mind stopped maintaining that illusion.
I figure this is actually a pretty hard one for me to maintain. There's sensations involved, weight shifting, balance, the actual visual of course... Then there's contradictions to ignore, like how I shouldn't be able to sit with a laptop like I am, or sit at the table like I am, or various things. It's a Lot.
Other things seems to last much longer. Simpler things like ideas. A memory, or ignoring a visual queue. Those sorts of things are more momentary. I figure my mind only needs to maintain them for moments here and there, and I'm reminded to do so when they come up.
Other things like say, a trigger to be more aroused *coughs* , is also rather momentary. Sure it persists, but it's sort of self maintaining at a certain point. So there's barely any "work" being done. The processor isn't working very hard, to put it in computing terms.
That said we haven't played with many suggestions that are meant to last, other than the boobs. ... That I can remember =/. From past experiences though, this holds relatively true. Simple things last longer, more complex things break down faster. Like a house of cards. A huge complex castle is very delicate. While a little hut is a bit sturdier.
If you mean how long does a trigger last in the way that the trigger has an impact, but at some point it goes back to just being a word? That is also highly variable. But in this case it's more with reinforcement and repetition.
Though the way I think of it, this is also something like the idea of a mental load. Like each thing I need to remember, even if I'm not really Aware that i need to remember it, is tiring. The more things I need to remember, the more tired I get. It's really exhausting to try to stack on a bunch of things at once. We actually had one of our attempts go fairly poorly because of just that. I ended up having to stop and take a nap because I just, couldn't really process anything anymore.
Buuut, much like once you memorize a phone number or bit of trivia it become automatic, I find that once a trigger, or suggestion has been used repeatedly, and reinforced repeatedly, that it gets... Lighter. At some point maintaining it seems to become automatic. (In fact I have some... Older things that are a struggle to get to Go away! Rather than maintaining them being heavy, they're embedded so deeply that Removing them, or more accurately, suppressing them, becomes work. At this point it becomes more like what I'd think of as conditioning rather than a suggestion.)
So, at the shorter end? Minutes, hours, maybe a day or two. At the longer end... Weeks, Months.. Or if I were to try to pick out a date, I think one is still going and it's been about... Oh five years?
Am I aware of any I'm "Allowed" to use myself...
That question annoys me. But I will ignore that.
Yes and No. I'm not aware of any that I can "Trigger". But there's one or two I could make use of if I wanted to. Buuuut I don't really want to. One of them being the one I mentioned not being able to get rid of.
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