#i always forget how hard i ship megstiel
rhosgobelbun · 3 years
Castiel is only entertaining when he's gone insane and thirsting hard for meg
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Today was a really hard day. Not only for me. For the whole megstiel family.
The last episode of supernatural triggered a chain of reactions that none of us would have expected. The most of us realized quickly that the spoken words would change the whole shipping war situation On twitter, every other platform and in real life. Specially for us Megstiel shippers it was hard to post something online Or just represent their belief in megstiel.
We have always been told that Megstiel is not canon and each of us has been told by toxic people how bad Meg is for Castiel and that they mean nothing to each other.
But we fight.
And will keep fighting.
Against discrimination of ships and against toxic people who make our spnfamily not feel like a family anymore.
It's nothing about homophobe.
For the most of the megstielfamily megstiel is a save place and a comfort space. Megstiel shows us that even when we have to fight our demons we deserve to be loved. Megstiel still gives us hope.
And spn family was always a place where people understand this but it changed I'm since the airing of the first ep in this fandom but the toxibillity of this fandom raised since the end of season 14.
People began to threaten the writers and other ships were not spared either. Specially toxic destiel shippers started to bullying megstiel shippers And attack their accounts.
I Cosplay Meg since 3 years now and I had to listen to how bad Meg was and how insignificant she is to cas. But meg and specially Rachel Miner helped me and many others through so many. There is no way we could thank her for all this and then there are this toxic humans who wants to destroy our save place.
So many people got attacked just because they ship megstiel. And the scene of castiels death have our attackers more reasons to hate us.
We don't want war.
We never wanted.
We just want the right To express our feelings for a fictional ship just like every other person can do. And we will stick together.
We all found so many through supernatural and we found so many good things through megstiel.
Friends, lovers, family, comfort, confidence...
We found a home And we will never let someone destroy our home.
This isn't about all the normal shippers and non-shippers.
They let us live in peace.
This is about the few toxic creatures Who deliberately try to destroy us, to finish us off. People who haven't understood that spnfamily is about accepting others as they are.
Guys, we still have 2 episodes left of a show that airs over 15 years.
Don't act like children.
Leave other ships alone.
Enjoy the episodes.
It's all allowed but please don't hate other fans.
Not about megstiel or sabriel or sastiel or one of the many other ships.
And some people don't ship at all. That's all okay. And don't start hating the actors for something they can't changed.
I read so many hateful posts about Jensen Ackles, Micha Collins, Lisa Berry and Rachel Miner the last few hours.
All of them are amazing actors and they created amazing things together.
Jensen isn't homophobic. Stop calling him that.
Rachel is one of the most inspiring and nicest people we have on this earth.
Misha does so many and Never wants something back.
And LisaBerry is so damn talented, sher acting skills are thrilling.
Let's stay the spn family.
Every spn actor is amazing on his own way and non of them deserved hate. Neither the fans do.
We have to stick together and fight against the hate in this family. We have to remember ourself what we found on our way to the end of supernatural.
All the friendships, fanarts, fanfics.
The spn family used to be so close.
Let's go back to the old family. Without hate and drama and let's celebrate the last episodes together as family.
And in the end, after the last episode, let us never forget this:
Let's stay the spn family!
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Ship tag game
Tagged by the fantastic @party-with-books, thank you! <3
First ship you ever read fic for: 97% sure it was Captain Swan (OUAT), but a few Ten x Rose (Doctor Who) fics crossed my dash in the early days of my blogging so I may have checked out one of those first. (I didn’t read fic until I joined tumblr.)
First ship you ever wrote fic for: Captain Swan, though the first I posted was for Sherlolly.
Ship you write the most now: So I haven’t written in quite a long while, but the ship I primarily wrote for was Captain Swan. They’re just the ship I’m most comfortable both writing for and reading.
Ship you read the most now: I’m very behind on fics I’ve been meaning to check out lately, but I mostly read Captain Swan.
Newest ship: Peter and Elizabeth Burke (White Collar) (haven’t read fic for them though; not sure if there is any but idk if I’d dive into that anyway)
Rare ship you want to read more of: Megstiel (Supernatural); idk if that’s particularly “rare” but it isn’t the most popular SPN ship, and there are fics I definitely need to read at some point.
Your taboo ship: Does this mean a ship I nope at, or a ship I ship but shouldn’t? I’m guessing a ship I nope at based on your answer for this, so I’ll go with a certain ridiculously popular Supernatural ship and three certain abusive OUAT ships.
They never met in canon ship: So I don’t have a hardcore ship for this, but there’s some OUAT ships like Frozen Jewel and Liam x Belle (I don’t think they met...) that I’ve seen in CS fics and I think they’re kind of cute.
Oh! Also Elsa (Frozen) and Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) at least used to be a thing I saw around a lot, and I thought that was a pretty interesting pairing, though I never dug into it very deeply.
Your unexpected ship: Bonnie x Damon, Bonnie x Enzo, and Klaroline (TVD/The Originals); so a whole lot went down and I recognize that these pairings really shouldn’t ever be together because of it imo, but the first I started shipping when they were in the prison world together (PANCAKES), the second I still have no idea how they got from point A to point B in canon but it grew on me despite my total confusion, and the third when they’re on screen together all smiley I forget for a moment why I try not to ship it.
The ship you always forget to give love to: I don’t forget to give love in general to my ships from 24, but they’re not on my blog very often because they barely cross my dash and I usually don’t find what I’m looking for when I try to search for them.
Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): I don’t have any OCs.
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship: lol not really embarrassed but I nag myself for most of my TVD/Originals ships just because I feel like they shouldn’t really be together, but then when they’re on screen literally everyone who’s not related to each other looks like they’re going to kiss in pretty much every scene and it’s hard not to ship them sometimes.
Your most romantic ship: Captain Swan, partly influenced by all the fic consumption, but I’d also say the Burkes and Charah (Chuck).
Your sexiest ship: *cough* Captain Swan with all their pancakes and coffee. ;)
Your most tragic ship: literally any ship from 24, like seriously spoilers but be prepared for one half to die no matter who you ship; I’d also definitely say Megstiel, Charah in a way or maybe that’s bittersweet, and Aidan x Sally (Being Human US) which is also kiiiiiind of bittersweet but tragic too.
A ship you want more content for: Jack x Renee (24) (pssssssssst Alex @euphoric-melancholyy keep going lol (love you))
I’ll tag: @euphoric-melancholyy, @tofangirlonly, @theragamuffininitiative, @winterbaby89, @pirateherokillian, @the-doctors-nerdy-companion, @themcuhasruinedme, @lightsandmetaphors, and anyone else who wants to do it, and as always it’s no obligation. :)
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SPN Survey thingy
@melissaj616 tagged me to do this thing (why can’t I tag you?)
1. What season did you start watching Supernatural? I have been around since the Pilot.
2. Who was the first character you fell in love with? Dean had me at easy tiger.
3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love? I don’t know if I hated him but Sam annoyed me to no end at first. I found him whiny and an overgrown selfish child. I do however love him with all of my heart now and I am so proud of the man he became.
4. Which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with? Dean - he showed he is loyal and loving when he was with Cassie and Lisa. I know many fanfics portray him as jealous and hard to be around and even though he sure as hell comes with bagage and going to bed scared he will get killed on a hunt - I don’t think he is the type that will doubt you or make you doubt him. He will make you feel loved and safe.
5. If you could go on just one date with one character, which one would you choose? Does one date mean I only get the one cause if so I can’t chose Dean. If one means first of many then hell yes Dean!
6. What would you do on the date? Don’t know. Drive in movie, star gazing, something playful and fun maybe.
7. Which character would you most want to be like? Rowena is badass. 
8. Which character would you most like to see brought back from the dead? Bobby! Still not over that one and Cas (but thanks to Padalecki’s blabbermouth I am sure that will happen lol)
9. Which character would you most like to punch? Ketch - only I’d kick him in the balls.
10. Who is your absolute favorite character? Dean (I feel like I got a studder here lol)
11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst? I hated the leviathans but I am also getting a tad tired of Lucifer. Can’t we be done with that guy soon?!
12. Which character are you most like? Hmm I think I am a good mix of Dean, Charlie and Donna. I’d let you figure out which is which.
13. What death hit you the hardest? Bobby! Anytime they killed Cas and he didn’t wake up within a few minutes. I am hating saying goodbye to Crowley especially with the way Mark S seem to be dealing with it. I hate if there is any bad blood there. 
14. What season finale hit you the hardest? 1 scared the crap out of me! And the blood bath that was 12 is still haunting me.
15. What are your ten all-time favorite episodes? Not fair!! - In no paticular order and ask me tomorrow and a few might have gotten switched out 1) Baby, 2) What is and never should be, 3) Regarding Dean, 4) In My Time of Dying, 5) Lazarus Rising 6) Dark Side of the Moon 7) As Time Goes By 8) Soul Survivor 9)Pilot 10) Red Meat
16. What’s been your favorite season? I really liked 11 even with it’s rapey Amara moments, aside from that probably season 4
17. Who is your favorite angel? Cas! If I can’t pick him it is a toss up between Gabriel and Balthazar
18. Who’s your favorite demon? Crowley but if I can’t say him Abbadon (oh wait Dean was demon so Dean lol)
19. Who’s your favorite evil character? Is Crowley and Rowena really evil? If not Abbadon or maybe Cain but also not sure I’d call him evil.
20. Do you have any Supernatural ships? Lots. Destiel, Deonna and Saileen mostly but loved Dean with Jo as well. I don’t mind him with Lisa but long term it couldn’t work. Megstiel. Sam/Jess. Bobby/Jody urgh and some I forget I am sure.
21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor? Rob Benedict - cause Rob is the cutest!
22. What’s your favorite quote from the show? Accidents don’t happen accidentally comes to mind. But a shit load!
23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you chose? Don’t know if she is all that famous but I would love to see Danneel on the show - maybe as a human impala. 
24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creature would you like to see included? meh who cares. Lots of brotherly moments. A shirtless scene for Dean and some kick ass fighting with the silent communication thing they do.
25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with? Any but Anna. I hate her with a passion. Always did. Oh and Layla was annoying but the sexscene was hot. Lisa probably - if I had to chose. 
26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with? Jess
27. What are some of your favorite convention moments? Can’t pick one. 
28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character described? The character that my LwR actress plays. A badass angel named Amber (who hooks up with Dean :P)
29. What do you hope to see in the next season? Not too much of the alt reality thing. Seen that stuff kill shows before. 
30.-40. If you had to choose…
Bobby or John? Bobby. 
Bela or Ruby? Bela.
Jess or Madison? Jess
Jo or Lisa? urgh both for different reasons. 
Charlie or Kevin? Charlie. 
Balthazar or Ash? Balthazar. Mostly cause Sebastian rocks!
Cas or Crowley? Cas.
Ben or Claire? Weehee my made up ship. But Claire I guess. 
Jody or Donna? Both for different reasons.
Cas or Crowley? Still gonna go with my blue eyed angel.
Sam or Dean? Dean
Not gonna tag anyone. Do it if you feel like it y’all!
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