#i also remember it was on the 4kids site b/c back then you could watch like
wild-battlebond · 3 years
i still remember pretty clearly when i was a kid & tried watching yugioh and didn’t like it, but then tried yugioh gx and LOVED it purely because kuriboh was the protagonist’s little talking motivational card friend
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beamthechao · 7 years
Tagged by @mari-m-rose !! Thank you!!
1.) What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? 
I wish I could speak every language ever ;;;;7;;;; I can’t decide! I think Spanish would be good to learn and I would love to learn Arabic. Mostly I’d love to learn bits of languages that my friends speak so I can visit them someday!
2.) How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? 
A lot, most of which I never wear ;;7;;
3.) What’s the last compliment you got? 
I can’t remember? Even though it was only a few hours ago... no wait! @mon-qi you replied to my post and called me “a treasure” you doll!
4.) What does your name mean? 
Apparently my name is loosely derived from “Jacob”, “holder of the heel” IM GONNA GRAB ALL YOUR HEELS
5.) Music taste? 
Basically anything except for things that don’t strike my fancy! I’m listening to a lot of future funk/ vaporwave/ lo-fi lately as well as disco and funk. Lean towards listening to classic rock/metal, prog, and music that is generally not Western in nature (like, music from other countries, pop or otherwise). Always love a good instrumental
6.) Any other SM sites? 
DA, FB (for close friends/fam and for sewing business), Etsy
7.) Favorite Food? 
Nectarines!!!! And peaches!!! Fresh fruit that is not bananas or apples bc that’s all we get here in the winter!!
8.) Favorite drink? 
Gimme a big glass of milk any day!!  and my favorite tea, Buttered Rum from David’s (WHICH THEY DISCONTINUED AND I NEED TO FIND SOMETHING TO FILL THE GAPING HOLE IN MY LIFE)
9.) Current drama? 
Family stuff with my ma and pa.. pa currently living elsewhere. Also deciding about school in the fall!
10.) Cats or dogs? 
I like both but prefer cats, not as much of a dog person (unless its a special dog). What I REALLY am is a Bunny person
11.) Do you have freckles? 
No, but I have acne scars and a lot of moles everywhere!
12.) Who is your style crush? 
I’m not entirely sure what this means? Do you mean fashion-wise, or art-wise? I’ll say art, and lately I really love art that has thin, detailed lineart and colored with a flat, super well-coordinated cell shaded palate
13.) Favorite candle scent or scent in general? 
Vanilla scent is a gift from God. I also love the smell of a perfectly ripe nectarine and Febreeze dryer sheets (smells like security)
14.) Best thing about each season?
Spring: Winter is over, and soon it will be warm and I can plant my garden!
Summer: I LIVE it is short here, but I live for the hot temperatures and I can just wear my tank and shorts and go outside, and I’m just in a good mood just because it’s summer. My ideal aesthetic fashion-wise is summer clothes so i tend to do more with my appearance in summer.
Fall: fall makes me sad bc winter is coming and summer is over but I’m trying to re-learn to enjoy fall. The leaves are always very beautiful!
Winter: winter makes me cry but the snow is pretty when you can just stay in and watch it! Also I can wear fuzzy socks and sweaters
15) Weird Obsessions? 
Every fandom I’ve ever been in is a weird obsession ;;7;; when I get into something, thats all I live for for a good number of years until the next thing comes along. It’s all think about!
16.) Still watch cartoons? 
What are u a fool? Anime is cartoons
I’d like to watch more cartoons on the tv if we had any of the channels ;;7;;
18.) Shark diving, bungee jumping, or sky diving?
No (but I like sharks)
19.) Someone you looked up to when you were little? 
Any of my favorite characters back then probably! I know I had favorite disney characters and stuff
20.) Favorite clothing stores? 
I don’t really shop at particular stores, I just buy a thing when I like it
21.) Favorite ice cream flavors? 
Still a Vanilla girl but I do like Strawberry!
22.) Any phobias? 
I don’t like really strong winds, like during a storm or a ploughwind. Not as scared as I was when I was little, but still don’t like it!!
23.) Wardrobe color scheme?
I want pastels!!!! I find I don’t really like dark colors anymore. Gimme bright!
24.) Tea or coffee?  
Tea! I love the smell of coffee, but it tastes icky
25.) Favorite clothing item? 
I like the oversized pastel colored sweaters I bought this year, they are warm! I also like my fuzzy socks. In summer I have a few favorite tank tops and shorts
26.) Dream bedroom? 
Big enough for a nice big drawing center, lots of plants and books, and anime figurines xD and a sitting area with a lil couch! Cozy and with little lights in it. Warm.
27.) Best childhood TV shows? 
There were so many I watched I can’t even list em. All the staple 90′s shows, Pokemon was my jam too. I used to get up super early on Sat to watch good ol’ 4kids Sonic X lol!!!
28.) What do you always have on you? 
My face
Thing-wise, I bring my backpack with me when I go out b/c it has my epipen in it and it also has all my fandom junk on it too :’D
29.) What is the current temp? 
-6C, but it is humid and snowing. Feels colder.
Tag: @symphoniclolita , @shalnarkonice , @policenauts , @geeky-afakasi , @pqkopee , @mon-qi , @julymarte , and whoever would like to do it, say that I tagged you!
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