#i also got into botw again. oops
leidemechanic · 1 year
Hello! I haven’t abandoned ship just yet. Life is sadly just hectic ;v; 
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skyward-floored · 1 year
You’ve mentioned including Spirit and the tfh Links in The Incredibles AU and although this is probably a bit spoilery to ask; could you tell us a little about them?
FOR SURE :D *gently holds all four of them* I just think they’re neat
...And you’re right that it’s a bit spoilery, but I’m assuming that since you’re asking you don’t mind terribly much about that? Here’s your spoiler warning anyways though! A lot of after-movie stuff here.
It’s also really long XD
So you’re aware of the small timeskip in the Incredibles after they defeat Syndrome (a couple months I think? Two? Three?) yeah? Well since Sky is finally home after being missing for more than a year, he and Sun take the time in the skip there to just take it easy so he can rest and heal, maybe even get away for a weekend for a little vacation or something without Aryll (who’s about three or four)
And somewhere after that, Sun finds out she’s expecting again!
Triplets! 🎉
...Sky promptly faints.
They’re not born until after the second movie would happen (...I think, I might have to check my timeline) but their names are Crimson, Azure, and Sage (thank you Tellie for talking about me with names <3)
They’d all be blond if not for the influence of their powers (kinda like Legend with his pink) but if any of them ever didn’t use their powers for a long stretch of time, it’d probably fade a little.
Crimson is the oldest of the three, and got his name from his shock of red hair (he looks like Malon! How did that even happen?! Legend yells) but also the superhero names of his father and grandfather. His power is simply a super powerful punch (think like the tiger miraculous from ML) but uh... sometimes he forgets how strong it is. Oops. He can be a little dumb, but he always means well, and is fiercely protective of his brothers.
Azure is in the middle, named for his eyes, but also his hair that’s allllmost blue if you squint. His powers are basically “plagued by visions” 🤣 I thought it’d be nice to reference sksw Link’s visions he gets, and also lean into powers Zelda typically has (since Azure is blue and blue is wisdom), so he often has visions of the future when he’s asleep (and as he gets older, when he’s awake too), but he can also create shields a lot like Hyrule’s. Think Nayru’s love from oot. He’s the quietest of the three, and also the smartest.
Sage is the youngest, named for his unnaturally green eyes (and his grandmother’s maiden name) and I’m still conflicted about his powers honestly XD Courage doesn’t have very many specific “powers” attributed to it, so me and Tellie have batted ideas around a couple times. She suggested maybe he can imbue things with courage, objects so they can help him, people so they can get past their fears. Despite thinking about this for months I’m still not sure if I want to go with that, so his powers are still a little up in the air.
...I did have the thought that maybe I could lean into the dragon aspect of things and have Sage’s powers be lightning-related like Farosh from botw (would also make a cool superhero name) but once again... still haven’t decided XD if anyone has ideas or anything I will not complain.
Now for Spirit! I don’t have as much on him yet as of now but I’m working on it 👍
Spirit is Warriors and Artemis’ son, born after years of trying (and not succeeding) to have kids. He’s born either right after the second movie or during it (...once again, I’ll have to find my timeline) and his parents are both ecstatic.
Wind promptly decides he’s going to be the same kind of uncle to Spirit that Warriors was for him, so the two of them are really close, and Spirit looks up to him a lot.
Spirit’s powers I haven’t specifically thought out, but I’m pretty sure I’m going with just seeing ghosts? That seems a little plain so maybe he’s got something else too, but I haven’t thought of anything good/better. Suggestions and/or comments are always appreciated :)
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phoenixgryphon · 1 month
3, 6, 8, 16, 18, and 23 for the video game asks. I feel like I already know the answer to some of these BUT You Will Answer Them Anyway.
1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed: Risk of Rain 2 - I play this one to b i ts and somehow never get sick of it, it's a roguelite/like/idk but it's really fun and there's a ton of mods for it. Hades - I love the sheer amount of dialogue and the artstyle. UNFORTUNATELY I burnt myself out on it and didn't get very far oops. I gotta pick it up again one day because I feel like I barely put a dent in it. Elden Ring - Finally got around to starting this and while I'm not great at it, I love running around and dying a lot and exploring. I actually prefer it over Breath of the Wild and I'm not sure why. I couldn't click with BotW even though I love Zelda games.
A series you’ve enjoyed since your early days of gaming and still enjoy to this day whether it still has games coming out or is one you return to: SEE I REALLY WANT TO SAY POKEMON- nvm I'm saying pokemon wh e eze but oh god Sword and Shield disappointed me so much it's made me wary of all the recent games. THAT SAID I still want to get Arceus one day because it mixes it up a bit and looks interesting. I've played pokemon since the gen 1 days HGJKBKJD and I still play my Soul Silver game because Silver was my absolute favourite. I loved that you could venture between Johto and Kanto.
A series you haven’t played but are interested in trying: Castlevania I really want to play Symphony of the Night but it hasn't been rereleased and trying to get it work via...other means is a pain.
A game you’d like to replay that you haven’t: I should replay Hollow Knight given Silksong is coming out in another thousand years.
A game location you really like Does all of ABZU count Also there's something I really like about big lake areas in games.
A “Wow” moment of awe: IT'S CLICHE but there are some terrain generations in Minecraft that can be absolutely wild. Also there was a point in Breath of the Wild where I saw a dragon just...fly out of a body of water and I spent the next five minutes watching it.
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needle-noggins · 10 months
WEIRD WRITER ASKS? YES? (Also all haail Lord Gnives)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
5. I don't have any weird writing superstitions! However, I am a firm believer that if I'm getting in my head too much about being a bad writer, I need to write. Quickest way to make me feel better. It may not be good, but it's better than ruminating.
19. Well, I started writing in 5th-6th grade when I had this grand idea for a novel. It was essentially the Warrior Cats setting with a Lion King plot, but... with unicorns. Real cool. My 6th grade English teacher was really supportive, which meant a lot to me. Shortly after that I fell into POTC and started writing POTC fic on FF.net at the tender age of 13. I was also on Deviantart. Who let me do that??
That fizzled out and I didn't write again for a long, long time. I got wrapped up in my horseback riding and was doing other creative projects, mainly making videos on equestrian Youtube (oh boy). Then as school got harder and I went off to college and then grad school, I barely even had time to read.
Lockdown changed all of that! My best friends and I started an online dnd game, and oh man, it got me writing. The way I prep is pretty involved and I wrote full-ass paragraphs when I started out because I wasn't as good at improvising settings and wanted to include some pre-determined scenes. Towards the end it morphed into writing some really fun monologues, which my players loved (and still love!). . At this same time, I got into fanfic again - starting with BOTW, then moving onto The Adventure Zone and The Magnus Archives - but I didn't write any.
Then I got into Trigun. And got into Trigun fic. One day I was brushing my teeth and the first few lines of what became Funeral Rites popped into my head, and Oops! Have to write it or the beast in my head will break out! And now we're here. I'm having fun. Yes, yes, the tiger is out!
23. I write in my car, hurtling 70 miles an hour down the highway, music blasting, while my little Vash plushie bleaches in the sun on the dashboard. I write in my head, scrambling frantically for my phone or a scrap of paper to get an idea down. I write on the couch, curled up oh so cozy under a blanket with a cat and some kind of carbonated drink (like our Lord Gnives, I too am a little beverage bitch). I write at my kitchen table, slurping coffee in the wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep, back hunched like a cooked shrimp (this is when I like to write best) (I will regret it).
I write after work, with discord open next to my WIP, cracking jokes with friends or groaning to my beta who is always so right about what needs to change. Most importantly, I write when there's something in me that needs to get out, and the words sometimes surprise me into catharsis or into giggles. I write when it feels good or bad or whatever, but the act of creation is invariably fulfilling. Even if it's bad writing, it's still something, not nothing.
33. I occasionally dabble in visual art (usually digital), but I'm often frustrated by drawing people and I rage-quit quite often. It would be nice if I could draw the scenes in my head, but alas.
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knowlessman · 1 year
I didn't get burned out on bnha or anything, I just got a switch with botw for my birthday and opened it early 'XD anyway ep 8-9
show has half its runtime's worth of jk they keep adding stuff to these flashbacks so most of them don't really count as recycled, it does feel like quite a bit of flashbacks sometimes tho
something something dr strangegirl love the bomb idek what that movie's about
I will say this, I keep forgetting how the intro goes. first one may be a bit forgettable (or maybe I've just watched too many anime and don't have enough space left for new ones to leave an impression, idk)
ooh do we get to watch another match? honestly surprised if we do but I mean it's a fun concept to begin with. …as long as mineta's not in it, cuz that could be a skip : | -- …who are any of these - oh that's invisible girl -- …zuko's in this one and I didn't even recognize him
…dangit I was hoping that wasn't gonna be a thing with her : | this might be embarrassing enough without mineta
I mean that one's (shoji) novel at least but still ew
ooh dang, we get to see what natsu AND birdman do -- oh nvm they montage'd it. eh fair enough, I guess only an old-school show with no concept of arc fatigue would make an entire arc out of just this
"mr natural-born hero." hm. I hadn't thought about what the other heroes who're in on his secret would think of him. …is writing anything that's about superheroes as a concept and not letting any hint of eugenics-like thinking show through (even without tacitly endorsing it), like, intrinsically hard?
"this town ain't big enough for the chip on my shoulder" -- deku. DEKU NO -- how the fuck is he sposed to react to that, I think he's just gonna kill you now
'XD "I knew I was forgetting something! I'm supposed to do my Might Guy bit again today!"
Mission Failed Successfully? also I'm confused, why is he still walking away
next. judging by the title, Iida's big in this one : ]
bakugo's gonna love his claim to fame being "that guy the sludge monster took hostage" 'XD
okay so no hat no clogs just breaks out the cocoon at will. mood
I'd vote for you iida
okay they at least gave him the only competent kid in the room as deputy, that's good
oh yeah, Iida has a point; Deku's Karate Kid viewpoint could be useful (idfk what a class rep even does tho) -- "with glasses and everything" uraraka could you be right a little quieter -- danged sub not doing the entire job and making me check if the dub actually translates this bit --- huh. they outright replaced it. I guess it's just a class diction thing. also holy shit why is this dub so quiet
"aren't they illegal trespassers? can we beat them up" daaang, I guess this tells us something about this Mic guy
'XDDD oops
"goodbye, bad mass-communication!" ?????????????????? is radio jockey man okay
good for iida. just please don't spongebob this okay, please, iida? -- EMERGENCY EXIT -- EMERGENCY EXIT OMFG I THINK I HAVE A FAVORITE CHARACTER DOES THE NAME STICK
yeah yeah somebody broke your door I do not fucking care
oh NOW you clear that up about all might losing his powers. well, better now than next season ig
oh it's the tokyo ghoul
yeah, gonna be quittin here, got stuff tomorrow
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maryse127 · 2 years
Now that I am out of class (and over the initial shock of Nintendo UK's stupidity) let's get to an old fashioned round of Direct predictions/hopes!
Xenoblade 3 dlc. I bought the expansion pass before launch and I would like to know what I bought (yes I am crazy and Monolith Soft owns my sorry little ass)
A new mainline Fire Emblem game. It's been 3 years! Give me Fire Emblem! I know I have 2 routes left in Three Hopes and one in Three Houses but please give me a new Fire Emblem or a remake of an old one
Botw 2. No explanation necessary. At least give an update. I do not expect a release date. A title would be nice tho. Gives us anything. Please.
Twilight Princess and Wind Waker were rumored again. They have been for years but honestly with botw 2 delayed to next year we dont have anything Zelda this year. So it would make sense Nintendo drops some remake this holiday season. I probably wouldnt buy either of them (at least not anytime soon) but porting them to Switch finally would be cool.
Honestly there isn't much else I really want because I have too many games as is. Just got into Final Fantasy XV and still have much Xenoblade 3 side content to go and Crisis Core is coming sometime this winter as well and botw 2 next year and Three Hopes in my backlog and just there is already so much.
I would be surprised if Three Hopes doesnt get dlc at some point so they will probably announce a season pass without really showing any content of it
I will drop everything and immediately buy a new Style Boutique/Style Savvy/Girls Mode game tho if it ever happens. Please don't let that series die with the 3ds. I loved those games
Like I mentioned before I want Square Enix and Monolith to remake Xenogears in the HD 2D artstyle of Octopath and Live a Live. Same for Chrono Trigger. Neither of those will happen. But I will include them for inclusivity's sake
Final Fantasy brained as I currently am, I would also still like to see ports of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy because I would like to play those games and have no machine capable of doing so (my laptop is not strong enough for games)
Xenoblade X won't happen until Xenoblade 3 dlc is over so nope. But please Nintendo. I am begging you. Release this game from hell. It deserves so much better.
Maybe we get an update on Pyra Mythra Smash amiibos? Tho that could also just be a tweet sometime. I dont remember what other amiibos are also coming. I just realized there will be a Sora amiibo?! Sometime. I havent played Smash in years
Honestly this list shows I really only play a few jrpg series and zelda oops. In my defense all these games take forever to play so can't really take on more series XD
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gerudospiriit · 1 year
[Okay we all knew it was coming. I've got to go on a ramble about the Gerudo (edit: it ended up being about TotK in general oops). I'll go ahead and put it under a read more because there will be some spoiler-y things BUT--]
If I didn't have a million and six questions about the Gerudo in BotW, TotK did nothing to answer them and added another billion.
For starters, I was so glad to see that Ganondorf and the Gerudo together. Working together. The Gerudo loyal to him. I, of course, wish we got MORE because again, more questions and no answers, but I've always been fascinated by the position the Gerudo are in, ESPECIALLY Nabooru, and how their attitude toward Ganondorf evolved from pretty much OoT to BotW (I know they're in like four swords but). I loved seeing it even if it brings in a ton more inconsistencies and anxiety for me as an OoT/Nabooru fan.
So what am I on about. From seeing the scenes from the geoglyphs, seeing the Lightning Sage and how she reacts to news of Ganondorf I guess attacking the desert settlements, which may include Gerudo Town or whatever it might have been back then (which brings up more questions of course), I was immediately like "wait what happened then?" Did Ganondorf turn on the Gerudo? Did they turn on him? Was the sage a single actor, similar to Nabooru? IS she supposed to BE Nabooru, introducing a whole other can of worms for me specifically? Why would Ganondorf attack his own region when the Gerudo were obviously loyal to him? What changed their minds or what changed his? There's just soooo much there and they just....never explain a thing. And I get they MIGHT address a little more with the old sages in DLC but DAMN IT. I just want to KNOW.
All of that said, it also makes OoT more complicated because, unless this is like...the beginning of New Hyrule like the concept introduced in Phantom Hourglass after the flood, it doesn't fit. The obvious thing is looking at Ganondorf. If this is the BEGINNING, and Ganondorf is sealed away in the imprisoning war until Zelda and Link find him again in TotK, we couldn't have OoT, TP, WW, or any other game that features him. Like...my doom and gloom reptile brain can't help but wonder if this is meant to REPLACE OoT and therefore make all the other stuff irrelevant but that can't be because, again, Nabooru is mentioned by name and in a historical context. She existed in other words. So akdkjrbr.
But then bring in the Gerudo too. So they're loyal to Ganondorf here. Then they're...maybe not? But then they are again in OoT. And then, if we go by Urbosa's scorn, his memory is a despised one. The inconsistency is the same brand as a friend pointed out to me: with the scene looking so similar to the one from OoT where Ganondorf surrenders and pledges loyalty to Hyrule, why tf did the Gerudo and Hyrule fall for this AGAIN? Which makes my reptile brain again fire up and wonder if this imprisoning war stuff is meant to replace OoT. Like I get it's dramatic, but making the same mistake with the same man on both their parts is just...silly. And i guess you could argue that the Zonai history has been a lost one but like was it really? Rhoam and rulers before knew not to go down beneath the castle and apparently that was respected until the second Calamity messed things up and the gloom started causing problems. So the royal family, especially closer to the events of the imprisoning war, should know SOMETHING about it all. And yet they still APPARENTLY made the same mistake. Same goes for the Gerudo...and that's just being generous and saying it's a possibility they would even SEE Ganondorf again considering...you know....he's supposed to have been sealed up under the castle by the time OoT comes around, meaning the Gerudo would have never seen him after that and therefore their idea of him wouldn't have changed to what we see in OoT.
And you know, as I'm writing this (welcome to my stream of consciousness I guess lmao), I thought of an easy way they could have avoided all of this: don't involve Ganondorf and just use Demise. Don't get me wrong. I love Ganondorf and was very very happy to see him back. However, his return AS GANONDORF makes things so janky and complicated and I known it's just fanservice. I know why they dont, and the short answer is they've overly connected Demise and Ganondorf to the point they're just one person, but hear me out. They almost STRICTLY call him the Demon King anyway, suggesting the tie to Demise. The look after he transforms is Demise. Sealing Demise away again and him having no connection to Ganondorf at this point would keep everything following intact still, and they could just do what they have been doing with the curse and working in Demise's curse and influence like choosing Ganondorf as the vessel when he's born (as much as I still kinda hate that). Basically, Ganondorf should have just been Demise HIMSELF returning. And if you really wanted to bring Ganondorf back, fine. Tying them so tightly together as basically one in the same in this context is just a mess, so it would have been better if it was back to the sort of vessel idea. So I think it would have been better if
1. It was DEMISE they showed in the flashbacks to the beginning of Hyrule and the Imprisoning War (also isn't that what they called the events from SS? Does this stuff predate even THAT?). No Ganondorf for, as it stands, he couldn't exist yet. This solves the inconsistency of Ganondorf being in other eras when he should be sealed away. It makes how Demise and Ganondorf get involved a little squickier to work with, but that whole thing was already weird and hard to explain anyway.
2. Demise, then, is who gets resurrected beneath the castle. If you want Ganondorf back, to be like a physical body for him or whatever, make that another plot point. Make it to where someone finds a way to resurrect Ganondorf SPECIFICALLY, whether that's Demise himself or another actor like the Yiga Clan (ugh don't get me started on the damn Yiga Clan and the little sense they make god). Sprinkle in hints that this is going on, along with the historical context of who Ganondorf was. That maybe even part of the main story is TRYING (and failing) to stop Demise from getting Ganondorf resurrected because then he would be at actual full power or something like that.
Basically, just...separate Demise and Ganondorf more. Like I get there's the curse and I guess Ganondorf becomes some kind of vessel for Demise, but this game has basically just made them the same person and it makes everything all fucky and confusing with how they've presented this new founding of Hyrule and the imprisoning war. We would have a little bit better cohesion and sense at least.
And yeah I know people are going to bring up time traveling Zelda and that maybe this is just an entirely new timeline altogether from even BotW, and the past she ends up in is a completely different past than that of OoT's or something, but....idk. I also heard this was supposed to tie up all the timelines so????? And that she just fixed everything in the past is another theory??? It's all just really bizarre and adds nothing to the established story and lore. Too much fanservice and too little thought and consideration for plot.
Anyway. Maybe I'll figure some explanation out for at least the Gerudo. Or I'll eventually just stop trying to make it work. Maybe something will come out that helps in the DLC. and don't get me wrong: for all my criticisms on these points, the game was super fun and was a huge leap forward from botw, which always felt sparse and unfinished to me. This game did so so soooo much good and I still think it's an amazing game. But I love the story of the Zelda series. I love the lore. And I don't even hate what they did with all this, necessarily. I just wish they either cut these two games off from the previous games entirely without making all the historical references (and I'm not referring to place names, the outfits, or easter eggs necessarily) or did a better job of showing how these events related to the past games and lore instead of just tossing something out there with zero explanation of why it matters.
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trashdorito · 2 years
Alrighty. I've gone through the comic and just found some things I'd like to share.
Regarding the Dink Is actually Wild theory, I've taken some images throughout the comic about some things.
First, I noticed that Wild is wearing his cloak. I don't think he would think to put on his cloak. He usually only wears it when he doesn't expect any danger.
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These were all the instances in the story Wild wore his cloak (one cloak pic per update). The majority of the time he only wears it when traveling or when things are calm. There's an exception, but that's when a surprise attack came, so he wasn't ready for it.
Next part, Wild has had his bow out nearly the entire comic, unless he's wearing his cloak.
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This is the first time he's used his bow, and this was way early in the story. It's only unless he believes there to be no reason for a fight does he put it away and equip his cloak (which is actually similar to how I like playing botw).
So overall, Wild likes his cloak when there's no fight planned, because it's probably hard to fight with it and to reach for his weapons.
Now for the update
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He's wearing his cloak with his hood up. He doesn't usually wear it up. And the fact that he's even wearing it in the first place is strange. Though it's a possibility Wild's cloak is a comfort item for him, it's clear that he doesn't want to be comforted here. He wants to see twilight. He's angry. He's also put his bow away, which again is strange. The Chain are no strangers to allowing their weapons to be seen, and he knows that there's more monsters out. But why would he put then away? He doesn't seem to like having his weapons equipped with his cloak, so if he just wants a comfort item, then it makes sense. And if this were Dink, he can very easily pull out a weapon like he did against Twilight. But then there's the issue of the slate.
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Also another thing we saw a while ago
Where is it? Jojo is not the type of person to just forget the freaking Shiekah Slate. Especially when it's always been there. So where is it??
Edit: whoops the slate is still there. I thought that was his pack, but no, distance away means simple slate. Here's an earlier pic that shows this. So he does still have the slate. Oops
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Wild didn't walk to the village. It's towards the sun, and he walked away from it. And I know time has passed, but none of the others have come back yet. So where did he go??
There is also a very likely chance that this is Wild grieving. I haven't said anything about his behavior, because I don't think his behavior is ooc. When Twilight got hurt, Wild was absolutely furious and beat Dink into the ground. He's gotten in a fight with Wind about the kings of Hyrule. Wild does get angry, especially when those he cares about are hurt. He doesn't want to lose Twilight. He's protected him ever since he woke up with no memories, no idea what's going on, and the weight of hyrule on his shoulders. Twilight had also protected Wild whenever he gets a memory, as he does in the comic. Twilight is someone who is very very important to Wild, and the thought of losing the first ever friend in his intact memory is crushing him. Wild has lost so many people, more than any other hero. He's lost the Champions, his family (he has a sister he almost remembered!), his old knight friends, and literally all of those he knew in his Hyrule. If they aren't dead, they either treat him like the old Link that he isn't anymore, or they're old, and they treat him as a tool to save Hyrule. Hell,, even Zelda is different. The Zelda he remembers resented him and eventually loved him, while the Link she remembers was silent with a soft spoken side. And the guilt he probably feels for keeping her waiting 100 years, for failing her the first time. I don't know how he can even deal with being near her.
But Twilight is the one who was there with him. Whether it's the version right now that went with him, or it's a version of Twilight that's died and guided him like the Hero's Shade. But either way, the two are still very close in the comic. There's no way Wild would be fine with his close friend dying.
Wild has every right to be angry. He wants to see his dying friend, though he doesn't want to accept that. However, there's just a few concerning details that aren't all lining up. And all of Four is suspicious of something. Whether it's that they know Twilight won't be able to handle an angry, grieving Wild, or something else is wrong. And Vio definitely thinks somethings up.
Either way Wild is going to get his ass kicked. Also if this really is just Wild, I need to see a shot of Blue dragging Wild by his ankle somewhere while the others follow.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
hey Kip! I’m sending asks into different writer’s askboxes, inquiring about cool themes/development facts/stuff the author wants to share about their personal favorite work of their own. What’s yours? :)
Ok so this ask is old and when I first got it I was like “dang I don’t really have a lot to talk about, what should I talk about I could those revalink headcanons the Kip Cut that turned into a working fic uhh hmm maybe I’ll just make something new to talk about real quick” and then I did and now there is a 12+ chapter Revalink fic in my drafts and I’m gonna talk about that now, whoopsie doopsie [click "j" to skip]
aHEM, OK so allow me to break out the primary school white board because yeah, I have a lot of thoughts and the oxford comma has not yet made it’s home into my brain. oh and spoilers for paraphrase. for both all of Chapter one and future events in later chapters, but it’s really nothing you couldn’t surmise from the AO3 tags
so I really wanted to tell the story of Revali and Link learning and struggling to love again after the less-than-fortunate events of Botw, but I wanted a...how you say...fresher, approach on the subject? Like I know we always say that fanfic writers writing the same tropes and stories time and time again is good because we eat that shit up--but at the same time I had asian parenting as was told never to half ass anything ever, no matter what. So now I'm gay and extra and have depression maybe and oh would you look at that @motherhyrule has dropped a beautiful revalink prompt right into my lap
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Great so now that we have, that, I shall take you on the step by step process on how to make a :sparkles: story. So step one is to spend at least five to eleven business days for your white board to dismantle your genre and themes and work them around your character arcs. Luckily I have prepared one ahead of time
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s*breaks out those laser pointers that uni professors use* So let's start with defining genre. As define because I HATE you, fuck you. I want you to suffer and writhe on the ground, motherfucker. How dare you think that I would give you nothing but pure predictable fluff, fuck you and yours
is the set of expectations that your audience has when consuming a piece of media
And the great thing about fanfiction is that unlike movies or book where the genres are more vague like, "oh it's a noir mystery genre. so there's a crime, maybe a murder, and a detective and a criminal." or "oh it's a teen romance. so there's some white people and a morally questionable six-pack 18 year old love interest that will be painted as desirable for some reason" BUT with fanfiction HALF of the work out the window, because as soon as you see those #revalink #aro sidon #zelpha #revali is an idiot and #found family tags you already know what's up.
Now what's so great about genre and expectation? Well the fun thing about it is that
I will use it to fucking break you.
... ... ...
<3 For example! <3
In Chapter 1: Holes, you already expect there to be revalink, you already expect them to be soulmates with the soulmarks and there's angst and yadayada ya. Revali and Link have to match because thatttss what this is all about, this is about them! This is about cute, little soulmarks and romantic words!
But whoooopsie doopsie [disney channel laugh track plays] they DON'T match anymore! Link's got a different mark! The number one rule of this entire genre has been broken whoooooooooooooooops. *ba dum tiss*
You might notice with a lot of my writing that I do this a lot, this whole..."oop but there's one little thing that's different." TebaSaki sick fic? Ok cool, but what if Teba burns an irreplaceable relic of the Rito champion to fight a wizzrobe first to characterize why his dumbass clicks with Saki. Mipha deciding to persue Link? Ok what if she chases after a dragon to externalize this conflict as she pierces it's flesh for a scale. Link fighting a Lynel? Ok but what if it's actually a sidlink angst fic in disguise and it's also world building on how Link deals with the bloodmoon that erases all of his efforts which is sort of similar to how his existence was erased from Hyrule 100 years ago mwaahahaha! Ok now that I say this outloud I think I just have a pattern of using fight scenes to externalize character growth. I like fight scenes...anyways.
I think another great thing about the realm of fanfiction is that with the tagging system, I can basically use a chekhov's gun sort of deal, without doing any writing. You know I'm gonna use that gun marked "soulmates" but you don't know when I'm gonna shoot it, and you SURE as hell don't know how.
And huzzah! One of the main points of conflict both drives the tension between Revali and Link, solidifies the unique genre and setting of this world, while also creating a new mystery that will carry over for the next few chapters.
Is Revali right in that Link's rebirth makes him destined for someone new now? What will Link do with the information that his soulmark has changed? Why did it change? Did Revali's change as well? How does anything fucking work right now?
And sure, you might be able to tell where things will end with them, but you sure as fuck will not know how because I HATE you. Fuck you. I want you to suffer and writhe on the ground, motherfucker. How dare you think that I would give you nothing but pure predictable fluff. I am not your goddamn fairy godmother, I will do as I fucking please. You will suffer as you fucking deserve, fuck you and your little tiny--
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Oh! But you might have noticed on my little planning whiteboard thing that there was a little T-Chart! For Revali and Link! That's because the next important thing besides plot (and in a lot of cases, including this one, it's argued to be even MORE important than plot) is
[to the tune of that history of the world video on youtube]
So yes, it's a little T-Chart outlining their character views in relation to the themes. And the great thing about themes is that they're not something you can necessarily predict in the same way you can with the genre and plot.
But now see, I'm very lazy so I'm just gonna plagiarize @hyrule-kingdom-updates thingy [that you should read btw] because they said my point quite clear enough
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Now I don't really need to care about those points about bond and relationships and being understood, because I'm dealing with already established canon characters. I'm not some NERD who dabbles with entire casts of ocs who even cares about ocs not me that's for sure ahaahahaahahahahahaahahahahahAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *cries in my orphaned WTTU fic* AHAHAHA*sobs*DONT FUCKING LOOK AT ME THAT WAY I SWEAR--
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/j I love ocs
But the points I do wanna focus on is the idea that characters provide new perspectives on the theme, and that characters growth can be tracked based on their wants, lies, and needs.
So see, themes can be predicted the same as genre/plot because while you can have the same fanfic plots and tropes, theme will always vary!
Sometimes it's a journey of selfworth with Revali! Sometimes it's an exploration of trauma with Link. Sometimes it's about how you deal with the vulnerabilities of love with Mipha. Sometimes there's straight up NOOOO theme, and people just be fucking, and kissing, and baking, and having a good time. And that is totally fine too!
But I'm not a fucking coward.
I'm gonna weave in themes with my plot, because I fucking can.
I'm not a weakling like you.
Do you hear me, 2019 Kip? Do you hear me Demmers? Do you hear me Quill? I'm coming for your ass. You think you're so great, but I'm coming for you. Rest assured that your graves will be as deep as your sculptured pride--
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Heeeere is that T-Chart again, plus more!
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yyyyyYou might notice that Revali and Link are quite parallel, to paraphrase. Ayoooo, see what I did there? *dabs* I'm a genius. Anywho
They both start off the same way: 100 years ago they were in love and happy. Basically the equivalent of childish naivety. For the first time in their lives, life is whimsical and charming, and they make each other happy. In fact, it's almost a flaw with how they perceive this happiness. But don't worry! It doesn't last long!
You know what happens.
I think the chart is pretty self explanatory. Revali builds walls fast enough to give a republican a wet dream. Meanwhile Link makes every aromantic in the chat groan with his doubled down sentiments in the idea that his chances of being truly happy again are gone.
Now, I can't exactly describe the full on process of the inbetweens, and where Revali and Link are gonna go from here, because...you have to read it for yourself! Heehee...but something I did think was fun was how these character views on the themes are revealed. Because you'll notice that, I never give exposition. Ever.
Ok well, let me rephrase that. I never give exposition scenes. I will never give you a big LOTR fancy wizard scene explaining the ins and outs of a character's question or the world's magic or whatever. I'm a very impatient Kip, and I value efficiency. Nonono, it's all about multi tasking, baby!
Chapter 1: Holes is divided into three parts.
Post 100 Years - Medoh (Establishes Ghost Rev/Bonk Head Link's view)
100 Years Ago - Flight Range (Establishes old Revalink views)
Post 100 years - Mark (Develops Ghost Rev/Bonk Head Link's view in contrast to who they once were)
I think the way that you structure flashbacks is incredible vital, as it's a very quick way to characterize people without having them say stuff like "I used to be like you, until I took an arrow to the knee" or whatever.
And with the main structure of the chapters and the fic as a whole is focus on their characters, that means I can hide whatever other stuff I want in those scenes, becuase you're too busy absorbing the fun character stuff to realizing I'm giving you boring exposition. Like for example:
Post 100 Years - Medoh and Mark
Foreshadowing for the end of the fic
Set up connection to Medoh with Revali
Link has defeated Windblight
Link has been visiting Revali every night for the past few days
Link has already met Kass and presumably Teba
Link doesn't have the Mastersword
Revali's Gale is still an ability that needs master and practice on Link's end
And that's just some of the stuff.
And see, the only reason I can efficiently give all of this information regarding character, and even exposition, is because of the theme. The themes make everything relevant, and everything circles and encompasses one another, so there's absolutely no wasted space. I mean don't even get me started on how it's gonna be to characterize the other characters around this
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I don't wanna talk about the other characters too much either because that's spoilers, but you can probably take a gandar based on my notes.
And oh my god this is just on the theme of the faults that come with "soulmates" and "true love" and all that, and how even magical destined relationships still require work and effort, and that no one thing or person solves all your problems. And that's not even TOUCHING the shit on trauma and scars. I didn't think it was even possible for me to talk about botw without touching on that, ha. Ah well, I've been talking for too long.
Revalink has a lot o' writing potential so das pretty cool yeah, I am excite
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youssefguedira · 3 years
Aaah I've been absolutely living for your zelda au posts!!! I want to know everything- there's too much I can't think of where to start!!! I'm gready for absolutely any more details you want to want to share!!! (also, thank you so much for puttling those posts out in the world- your writing is just amazing and beautiful and you're just fab)
anon this is so sweet i wasn't sure anyone was actually paying attention to that au bc it's uh. pretty specific to me personally. so it's really nice to hear that someone is actually reading them and enjoying them!!!!! so, here are some thoughts i have about how nicolo gets the master sword because this is one of the things ive been thinking about recently. along with how they actually get together romantically but i'm not going to tell you that i would like to keep some things a surprise. i also am putting it under a cut bc it got long:
- i know there's no triforce in breath of the wild but i don't care this is my zelda au and i'll do what i want. for non-zelda fans, the triforce is basically the ultimate power, usually split into three pieces, which are courage power and wisdom. princess zelda holds the triforce of wisdom, ganon holds power, and link holds courage. so in this case yusuf's got wisdom (well. not yet) and nicolo has courage.
- i know in botw link got the master sword when he was like 12 but again i'll do what i want. i still havent finalised how old they are yet but theyre not 17.
- so onto what actually happens. at this point, they don't know who has been chosen to be the hero. nicolo has already been assigned as yusuf's bodyguard, the divine beast pilots have been chosen and are currently staying at hyrule castle, and nicolo and yusuf are just about reaching the friends stage.
- so. one morning yusuf wakes up to find nicolo at his door looking a more than a little bit freaked out. yusuf is, you know, worried about this, and nicolo shows him the mark of the triforce on the back of his hand, which appeared during the night after a weirdly vivid dream he had about a forest and a sword in a stone pedestal.
- (now as a quick side note - while in the zelda games the triforce always just looks glowy and gold and cool on the back of link's hand, nicolo's mark looks like a burn mark or a brand. this is because one of the main points in this au is that the triforce/being chosen is a burden more than anything else. it is unwanted. it is stressful. it often results in painful death. the zelda games occasionally hint at this but they're made for children 7+ so don't go into it. i, however, very much do. the triforce can be considered both a blessing and a curse, as it grants you abilities but also forces you to fulfil a destiny you may never have wanted. yusuf's feelings on it are complicated but he mostly considers it to be a curse. we don't see nicolo's feelings on it directly as the first part is written from yusuf's point of view but i will tell you that he has a complicated relationship with it too. this will be hinted at in part 2 but that is... also complicated bc reasons. this was not a quick side note at all. oops)
- that aside, yusuf knows exactly what the mark means, of course. because when his mother died and his father got weird about training he made it a point to learn as much about all of this stuff to try and figure out how to access the sealing power. it didn't work, but this does mean he knows what it means
- so, he takes nicolo to see his father, because he's not quite sure what else to do. long story short they organise a journey to the lost woods, where the master sword is. i probably won't actually call it the master sword within the fic but i'm referring to it that way here. (for non zelda fans: the master sword is the only weapon that can harm calamity ganon. at least in this au, because technically anything can harm ganon in botw but again i do what i want) the champions go along because i like them.
- another important detail in this is that while the mark of the triforce means nicolo is the one destined to wield the master sword, but that does not automatically make him worthy of it. the master sword stands as a test. if you try to pull it from the stone and you are not worthy, you just straight up die. again with the idea of destiny being a curse i feel like i mention that a lot. (it's a test of courage, see: you have to be willing to try anyway, despite knowing you could die. you must also be like kind and not evil or whatever)
- nicolo's not going to die (yet) but you know. nobody knows that. so understandably it's a little stressful. yusuf maybe tries to talk him out of doing it or something idk yet. perhaps tries to call it off when he sees nicolo in pain. but nicolo does get the sword in the end
- and yusuf has... complicated feelings about this. because you see he has been training for years, and he has achieved nothing, and now nicolo has the master sword. in yusuf's eyes, he is everything he is supposed to be, and yusuf is still a failure. (his father also says something like "finally, we are making progress" because yusuf's father is kind of a jerk)
- he gets a little withdrawn after this but then nicolo comes to find him after he doesn't see him at dinner (with cake. this actually happens on two separate occasions in the fic because i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about nicolo acts of service di genova and food as an expression of love) and they like. talk and stuff
- this is an important stage in their relationship tho because before they have been pretty formal with each other and almost-friends but not quite there and this is what moves them past that stage. yusuf is finally able to actually talk to someone. so is nicolo. i am not describing all of it because i do want to leave some things as a vague surprise but yeah
- so that's how nicolo gets the master sword
#neon answers#anonymous#the zelda au which lives only in my head#seriously anon i am always down to talk about zelda au so if you are ever wondering about anything chances are i have thought about it#extensively. please feel free to ask any time. i am really happy you're enjoying my rambling#i am actively encouraging people to ask about my zelda au i have spent a lot of time thinking about it#anyway MORE rambles in the tags because i'm not done#nicolo of course has to get the master sword BACK 100 years later. which is a little more complicated#he goes straight for it because he isn't sure about a lot of things but he knows he needs it#but when he gets there and tries to pull the blade from the pedestal he can't do it#the attempt nearly kills him. he passes out and probably gets some kind of memory/dream/flashback kinda thing#i've also been thinking a lot about how he gets his memories back#he travels to each spring to try and become worthy of the sword again and is able to access each one after completing the divine beast#at each spring he is given some of his memories back (specifically of yusuf: the others he gains before each divine beast / after freeing#the champion trapped in the divine beast)#he doesn't regain them all but he regains enough#at the spring of courage he remembers showing yusuf lovers' pond / their first meeting / A Certain Other Event Which I Won't Talk About#(they go to lovers' pond before they're even together like that. yusuf mentions the legend and nicolo's like oh i found that i'll show you)#at the spring of wisdom he remembers traveling up mount lanayru#not sure about power yet. i havent thought as much about the eldin / zora parts yet#i think the zora will have some kind of connection to mount lanayru#because they value wisdom above all else + mount lanayru is sacred to the goddess of wisdom#i have a lot of worldbuilding ideas tbh. i've been toying with the idea of moving the gorons further from death mountain because i don't#want them to be rock people in this so they're just human. i might end up moving them to akkala but still near the mountain#three of the divine beasts will remain the same - i haven't figured out andromache's beast yet. i think a snake would be cool tho#(this is when i find my copy of creating a champion and use one of the unused concepts. the crab was cool)#anyway. anon this message made me insanely happy. i hope you are having a nice day
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paleblank · 4 years
So I've been thinking a lot about smash dlc characters so here's 6 characters I'd love to see in smash! The character I most wanted in was Banjo Kazooie so I'll be pretty satisfied with anything really but here are my picks
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Sora: I think sora would fit so well in smash, his battle style is so unique with the keyblade being such a cool weapon that can transform into a buch of things with formchange and teleport back to the owner's hand when thrown. We also got the super badass drive forms and the hella edgy Anti-form that would be so cool to see implemented in his moveset. the only real thing I see holding this character back is that he's not owned by Square Enix being owned by Disney instead. Idk how would Disney react to that. Also a lot of Sora's summons are Disney characters, his keyblade has the mickey head thing so idk that could be troublesome to license well. Also he's more on Sony and Microsoft consoles rather than Nintendo but so was Cloud. Guys but he's so adorable 🥺 the way he says sorry when messing up cooking with Remy from ratatouille just breaks my heart.
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Paper Mario: I feel Paper Mario is different enough from Mario to be his own character in smash.Paper Mario has a hammer, partners, the whole paper mechanic and that ability with the stars that appear again in Mario Party 5 for some reason... hm a lot to work with here. He's also completely silent unlike Mario! he'd be another flat character like Mr. Game n watch. Also, he just recently had a new game on the switch so that's a plus. I know it'd be another Mario franchise rep and people have been wanting Waluigi(let's be honest it's just to complete Wario and also cuz memes) but Paper Mario is way more unique and even has his own series of games. Keep the Waluigi-not-in-smash meme alive.
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Ryu Hayabusa: Ok. Ninjas. Ninjas in smash. Nintendo we need ninjas in smash... and I'm not talking about pokemon ninjas(greninja) that doesn't count. I'm talking about actual human ninjas. Ryu first appeared on the NES with the Ninja Gaiden trilogy of games(which I never beat cuz it's hella hard) so he'd be kinda like a retro character like Simon. I say kinda because he got a reboot on the xbox later on which Slapsss. But the NES wasn't the only Nintendo console he was on, he was also on the NDS(this game was super fun like you hold the DS sideways it's greatt) and Wii U(he's back on the Switch NES online collection thing too) Now, he is primarily a sword user like so many other smash characters but Ryu is diversity incarnate this man can use sooo many other weapons like a staff, kusarigma, tonfas, bows, dual swords, bladed nunchuks, freaking wolverine CLAWS oh and a modafuckin SCYTHE. So idk they could implement different weapons like they did with Byleth or make the Dragon Sword be his homie his only weapon to keep it classy. To complement that got the usual ninja stuff like the shurikens, the kunais and the totally not op Ninjutsu. Also he his so graceful and fiercee have you seen his fighting style? His movements are so cool to look at. Like, Izuna drop. In smash. Ugh husbando. He's owned by koei tecmo the same guys that did the dinasty warrior games and the fire emblem and zelda warriors crossover of games. So they've been working really close to Nintendo recently. Although the last we've seen of Ninja Gaiden was back in 2014. But like Banjo Kazooie hasn't had a game since 2008 so it's not a big deal. (Edit: wow so Nintendo just announced Koei Tecmo is doing yet another Zelda Warriors game :D andd they're lending them assets from BotW which means Nintendo really trusts this company so Ryu getting in Smash as a representative of Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja is very very likely, probably the most likely of the list) 
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Dante: Hey we have Bayo let us have Dante. He's a cool mofo, he chill he badass. What else can I say? I love his personality ahhh (reminds me of Pale a bit) but I know he's another sword character but he has GUNS and can turn into a DEMON so I think they can make him stand out enough from the others. His fighting style is so stylish and cool yes yes. I feel Nero would be super cool with his devil breaker arms too but Dante is the face of Devil May Cry. I think dmc 3 is the only game on a Nintendo console though... But who cares get this mofo in smash please
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Travis Touchdown: why do I love these personality types hmm. Now he was a wii excluse for a while and most of his games were on Nintendo platforms first so plus plus. Yet another sword character oops but I mean he has a beam sword that's hella cool plus he can turn into a red TIGER. His game is a bit.. well mature, and not only on the gory side of things but there's like a lot of sexual innuendo (he looks like he's jerking off when he's charging his sword) but hey Bayonetta had her moments as well. We got a new game coming up in 2021 mhm. Anyway I wouldn't mind if he didn't got in probably just a bonus on my list.
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Okami: wow I want a lot of hack n slash human characters huh let's combo break that with Amaterasu! She's a wolf, a goddess, she's so cool definitely the most unique pick out of my choices here. like her game is so one of a kind it should be in museums across the world and they should have ppl handing out free copies just so everyone can experience this art in game form. Just image the possibilities of her moveset! She was in a fighting game before and it was amazing. We need more non-human characters in smash too. Hmm it is yet another capcom rep though(we have Megaman, Ryu and Ken and I want Dante too.) But let it happen please
So that's my list for now. If any of these characters get in I'd be sooo happy!! Let's wait and see.
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iiasha-archived · 3 years
genshin anon! finally lol. i keep meaning to respond - tab has been open with your last response for two weeks now... lol. oh i put a lot of work into my weapons. especially if i use them a lot. oo the 20k+ is nice though! apparently i have hu tao built semi decently so when she gets a vaporize crit it goes quite well for me haha. yeah agree. and they have updates every 6 weeks. yeah not every update is the biggest thing ever but like... its okay. no need to rush. game development takes time.
hihihi lmao again no worries!
(2/5) oh oops I spend several hours a day on the game (when i have time). to be fair, i genuinely enjoy going into coop and finding lower ar people to help with bosses and world exploration and stuff. so i can spend a long time doing that. i know i appreciated the help when i was low. plus its fun to get to chat with others occasionally. oh yeah genshin def ripped off of botw very well lol. they took botw's complaints and went yeah i can fix that. but then made it gacha.
(3/5) i saw you say you have c6 noelle now lol. i am so so sorry ): you did get keqing though? was that on the banner? so are you guaranteed the banner character next beCAUSE ZHONGLI RERUN YES. oh yeah it was so cool seeing everyone! bennett and razor were just adorable i love that friendship. loved getting to see albedo again. hes like.. my fav and of course i missed him :/ rerun plz.. ahh yeah a lot of the claymores are more for their skills i guess. except razor. so i get that.
(4/5) i also tend to use the elemental stuff a bit more but just idk claymores are SO SLOW and im just not overly fond. oh yeah polearms do less damage ahha. i like their fighting styles though. theyre faster and just idk it just -works- for me. oh that is SO CUTE they wear friendship tassels )': ooo yeah the rosaria/kaeya/diluc trio is quite fun. would def love to see more of them! rosaria grew a lot on me over 1.4 and seeing her... not be so rude all the time... lol.
(5/5) also im super excited, i did end up pulling childe! IT WAS SO CRAZY. I DID THE MAGICAL TWO 5*S IN A ROW. mona decided to give me c1 because i can never win the 50/50 and then childe was like its okay i know youve been working your butt off getting everything ready for me so here you go <3 and like )': i love him lol his playstyle is so fun and he works great with hu tao. also got rosaria and fischl (who i didnt have) which is great! were you pulling on childes banner at all or just saving?
ALSO thoughts on the 1.5 stuff??? I haven't gotten to watch completely everything yet but it all sounds so good! Zhongli rerun!!! And the housing thing seems super cool? And lower resin for weekly bosses! New world boss too! All the events seem pretty interesting as well so I'm pretty excited! -genshin anon (pretty sure tumblr still only lets you send 5 anon asks an hour or else i would've added this earlier lol)
genshin anon. lol it's okay! everyone is free to like whatever characters they want! yeah diona is.. not involved at all. although she is getting a hangout in 1.5! might be the first one i actually do. her story is pretty sad though from reading all of her profile. yeah you with noelle was me with diona. i was so mad at her at first since i pulled her like... 10 times on xiaos banner. after i got over it i tried her out and now i love her. also its okay! i took like two weeks to respond :P
but omg how do you have tabs open for two weeks.... i get stressed if i don’t leave my computer with everything closed LMAO. i mean yeah it definitely makes sense to put a lot of work into weapons bc they can be used by multiple characters so they’re a good investment!! i should start thinking about that as well......
nice!!! i’m guessing you’re having a good time with hu tao then eh :D my xiao is. okay lmao probably not doing the damage as expected of him but eh whatever <3 
if i’m like really in the mood i can invest a couple hours but most days it takes some self-convincing to even log in asfjdkldsaj like once i’m in the game it’s fine but for some reason the action of opening and loading it up is like hmm.... also most days by the time i do get to play i’m so exhausted from work </3 
omg that sounds fun!! personally i don’t like... playing with strangers that much afjdklasj so i tend to avoid co-op... but one of my friends might start playing genshin so i totally get what you mean about helping lower AR people with bosses and stuff because i wanna do that with her lmao :D 
lmao traded botw faults for the gacha system... you really can’t have it all unfortunately </3 speaking of botw my friend got my the expansion past like. literally last year lmao i’ve been meaning to play it. ugh i’m just so behind in general on all video games unless it’s genshin lmao
i wouldn’t have minded c6 noelle if i had GOTTEN ANYBODY ELSE WHEN I WAS PULLING ON THAT BANNER ;_____; like at least they could have given me a sucrose who i don’t have!!! but i did get keqing on my pity from that banner!! wait omg i didn’t realize that was how it works... i have a vague idea but if that’s true YES ZHONGLI PLEASE COME HOME GOD PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i’m 100% skipping childe’s banner for zhongli sorry dude ajkdlfaj
ahhh yes getting to see albedo was nice too!!! even if only for a bit hehe it’s nice how they tried to rope in all the mondstadt characters somehow (except. diona jaklsdfja) 
okay mood. i love chongyun to bits but i admit after maining xiao for a while i’m definitely like why is chongyun so... slow asjfkldj but that’s literally just how it works </3 and same about rosaria!!!! she was still pretty like.... moody idk but she’s definitely better when she’s not just being straight up mean lmao
OMG CONGRATS!!!!! you seem to have much better gacha luck than me LMAOOO i envy that but i’m so glad you got everyone you wanted!!! and nah now that zhongli is definitely confirmed i’m DEFINITELY saving for him like actually the last time it was childe than zhongli’s banner was when i just started playing and i wasted all my beginner primogems on childe not knowing who was coming next........ i’m not making that mistake again LMAO
i didn’t watch the livestream but i did see the trailer and AHHHHHHH SO EXCITED omg with the housing i thought we were just getting a house but no it looks like they’re giving us a WHOLE FUCKING VILLAGE like as if i didn’t spend enough time in this game they’re introducing this like you KNOWWWW the hours about to be put into customizing our little house/villages.... 
ohhh i didn’t see the thing about resin!!! wow they really are giving it all. the previews for inazuma were also super pretty!!! and while the new characters have been known for a while this teaser definitely made me more excited for them hehe eula is so prettyyy
and yayyyy diona hangout! is she the only one coming in this version? but i’m glad to see they’ll probably add hangouts for all the characters (or at least the less story-critical ones like zhongli already has his story quest so idk if he’d get a hangout). it’s just nice to see more love given to those characters hehe <3
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intyalote · 3 years
2020 Year in Review
Thanks to @i-am-just-a-kiddo for tagging me! I modified the format a bit, but it was fun! Also, none of these are ordered because it was hard enough to pick top 5s and I didn’t feel like ranking them in addition to that. 
Again, anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself nominated by me. My answers are under the cut because though I tried very hard, I failed to keep them short.
Movies/TV shows: I combined these since I’ve seen less than 5 of each oops
1. Tientsin Mystic - Absolutely gorgeous, beautiful cinematography. The plot went off the rails (in a fun way) in the second half but I was impressed with the intricacy of the setup in the first 12 or so episodes, and the central trio were wonderful. 
2. Parasite - Its genius has been explained by people who can do so much better and more eloquently than I can, so I’ll just leave you with the coldest take ever: it was really, really good. 
3. Midnight Diner - I’d seen Tokyo Stories previously, but I went back and watched the older series when they came to Netflix and absolutely loved them. Seeing the origins of the regulars and getting some unexpected emotional stabs made it unforgettable. 
4. The Devotion of Suspect X - The book is one of my favorite mysteries, so I was ready to be disappointed, but ended up being pleasantly surprised with how well the adaptations maintained the heart of the novel. 
5. Mulan (2009) - Watched it to cleanse Mulan (2020) from my brain. It was perfect - hearbreaking story, amazing and realistic characters, beautifully done fight scenes.
1. почему (zemfira) - I continue to love zemfira. This song has been in my spotify wrapped for the past 3 years straight.
2. スマトラ警備隊/四角革命 (soutaiseiriron) - I’m cheating by adding two songs since I couldn’t decide which was more representative. I promise the music is good and I don’t just like soutaiseiriron because of the physics name, even if that’s what caught my attention at first.
3. Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) - It’s been one of my “comfort songs” ever since I was a kid. A big one from the early days of quarantine. 
4. 赤い月 (Kitri) - This was a big j-music year for me clearly. Someone recommended Kitri to me in September and I fell in love with their funky, dreamlike style. Also, after playing BOTW earlier this year, the music video sparks panic every time the titular red moon appears.
5. Nocturne (Kaija Saariaho) - Saariaho is probably my favorite active composer, and this is my favorite of her works. I was considering putting down something more Romantic instead, but I listen to that stuff all the time, while 2020 really had me revisiting some more unique pieces, and this one in particular. 
1. Death’s End (Liu Cixin, tr. Ken Liu) - Yes, this was the year I finally read that series. I have many philosophical disagreements with certain messages that appear in the books, but the fact that they prompted that kind of thought is rare enough to warrant a spot on this list. 
2. The Roman Elegiac Poets (ed. Karl Harrington) - Technically a textbook, but I’m putting it here for the poems it contains and not Harrington’s additions (which I didn’t particularly like). Catullus 101 had a huge impact on me when I read it for class a few years ago, so I picked up this book to see some more of his elegiac poetry and loved what I found. I’ve also developed a new appreciation for Ovid, and will probably be taking a second look at the Metamorphoses this year to see if I like them more than I did the first time. 
3. Dune (Frank Herbert) - I reread it in anticipation of the upcoming film adaptation and loved it as much as I did the first time. It’s full of things I love - intricate politics, engaging science, deep worldbuilding, and of course, space. 
4. JR上野駅公園口/Tokyo Ueno Station (Yu Miri) - This one was a challenging read (for my Japanese level anyway), but I’m glad I got through it. Came for the ghost narrator, stayed for the unexpectedly deep sadness it inspired.
5. The Idiot (Dostoevsky, tr. Volkhonsky/Pevear) - This might be my new favorite Dostoevsky work. I don’t know how to explain it other than that while I never really knew where it was going, everything somehow still made sense.
That’s it for my year in review - I hope anyone reading this has a wonderful 2021!
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synoxshots · 4 years
Tagged by @sentinelapologist to answer some video game questions and rest assured I am about to give some very embarassing answers! (I wish I was kidding)
First game you ever played: This is gonna date me! Right so. I can’t remember it well but Fifa 98 definitely had an indoor stadium so I must have played that, because it wasn’t on Fifa 99 which I have much clearer memories of playing. But that would have come out when I was like, 3/4 years old so I’m not sure if I actually played it so much as went OOH! at whatever my brother/cousin (because we would have been at my aunt’s to actually have computer games) were doing. Or if we were behind the curve with getting it (also very likely). Definitely played Fifa 99 on my cousin’s computer for many years, also Lego Racers (which heh, I redownloaded earlier in the year as well for the nostalgia kick - no lies it holds up!). I have a lot of nostalgia for late 90s/early 00s video game graphics because of this, and tbh Fifa games probably peaked with 99. 
Favourite game: Honestly I’m so invested in SWTOR so it’s hard not to say that, it’s had the biggest impact on my life like. Open world + Star Wars? the dream. I’m more of a SW fan than a gamer so it was definitely the universe that drew me into it in the first place. Also BOTW because oh my god. And I only got into that once lockdown hit this year but honestly, I cannot say how much I adore it.
Game you’ve played through multiple times: Super super into the Lego games, so Lego Star Wars - to the point we had it on the Xbox, and then I’ve downloaded it on Steam and played through it multiple times on the pc. And I’m a completionist, so that’s like, collecting everything not just going through the story once. Fun story, the prequel games were released before RotS came out so I got the basic outline of the film from that game first oops. Also I’ve played through the Crash Bandicoot GBA games quite a bit too.
Game you hated at first but now you love: Don’t think I have one? Because yeah if I’m hating it right off I’m not gonna stick with it. Which is probs why I’m really fussy about buying games and replay so much stuff instead. I have my comfort zone okay
Game you used to love but now you hate: I spent a lot of hours playing Runescape in my life, and every now and then nostalgia tells me ‘hey log in!’ and within two minutes I realise it is the grindiest game ever. I still have my account from when I was like, 11, though, which is a substantial chunk of my life. Also League of Legends - I joined it because a few friends roped me in and it was great when we could play together but going it alone was pretty brutal because fuck up a tiny bit and boom, toxicity. So then I just played ARAM mode and not SR with others, then just stopped altogether. May be partly why group-finder scares me so much, though also y’know social anxiety in general. But let’s not get into that.
Your favourite game atmosphere/setting(s): BOTW for sure, I can just lose myself in that world forever. The music is fab as well and I’ve been trying to learn a bit of it on guitar, music adds a lot to a game/film/anything for me so yeah. But it’s also visually just so beautiful. There’s a lot of planets in SWTOR as well, Tython, Voss, etc.
Game with the best group/companion(s): I don’t really play a great deal of games where I have companions really so gotta say SWTOR! Smuggler gang is my favourite. Just all out nonsense.
A game with your favourite ending: literally drawing a blank here. I think a lot of things I’ve played have been the type to go on and on. 
A game with the worst ending: as above. maybe I just don’t finish things? That said the final boss fight in I think the second of the Crash trilogy games was super disappointing and didn’t match how insanely hard I found that game. (And I’m talking as an adult hahaha, I got the Switch ones this year). also kinda with you on the end of the agent storyline too, I left that one til last because the internet raved about how good it was but in the end I was...underwhelmed. 
Best character customisation: struggling to actually think of games I’ve played with character customisation as opposed to ones where I’m just given a character/choose from a selection. and it’ll be a real sad indicator if I say SWTOR because I am constantly complaining about the creator. though I do like outfit designer. hmm, pass.
Your favourite playable character: does it count if they’re my own? haha. in SWTOR I’d generally say a smuggler because I seem to come up with 5000 different ideas for OCs and playing as a gunslinger is super fun (and I’ve learnt to love scoundrel too!). And then in the Lego games I’d play as Shaak Ti a lot, but that was first because she looked cool though I do think she’s neat generally! But she probably doesn’t count as a video game character. Ooooh Link as well, because I’m getting more and more into Zelda games.
Your favourite companion(s): *cough* Theron. Kira. T7. Risha. Guss. Blizz. Gault. Torian. Felix. Nadia. Vette. Talos. Ugh, loads tbh, I’ll forget them all. *gesticulates generally at SWTOR*
Favourite game friendships: I live for the smuggler crew dynamic, and the BH crew as well. And the Jedi Knight/Kira friendship warms my soul. 
Favourite game relationships: obv I’m super biased but Theron/Knight. Smuggler/Risha. Consular/Felix. BH/Torian. I’ll just list my otps here shall I? SWTOR is the only game I’ve done where there’s been relationships I think. still haven’t finished KOTOR.
Favourite companion banter: smuggler crew probably again. Smuggler just never stops. not sure about between companions though there’s a bit of it with the smug as well.
A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: I knew going into the Docmance how many people hated it but I really enjoyed it! Suited how my Knight was at that point. 
A character you wish you could romance: Elara with f!Trooper, hoping that becomes more of a thing going forward. Also I wanna kiss Tau. And Anri. Basically I see a cool woman come along and I’m just like...is this a love interest?
Shoutout to a random NPC: hey Numen Brock! And Lemda Avesta as the first wlw I got to kiss in game!
A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: I don’t really watch playthroughs a great deal so I got nothing here! and when I watch playthroughs they’re normally of games I already know well because I wanna experience them first for myself? So I like watching BOTW challenge/speedrun/trickshot videos and stuff sometimes, and ACNH island tours but that’s because I know the games.
Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: as above really, but if I don’t have the intention to play them then I’m almost certainly not watching vids of.
Why do you play video games?: uhhhh. because I enjoy them, but also escapism I guess? like it’s easier to throw myself into another world and focus and fixate on that rather than dealing with the general...stuff. it’s a type of relief sometimes innit. 
anyway if you’ve made it this far down in reading this then consider yourself tagged, because this was a long’un!
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insertdisc5 · 5 years
Yet Another Zelda Roleswap (the masterpost)
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✨what's this AU?
Check THIS POST I DID that started it all and also the AU’s tag
✨in this au, the previous legends about the triforce are the same, aka “zeldas are princesses links are heroes and ganon/ganondorf is always the same guy and the big bad”! BUT THIS TIME DESTINY DID AN OOPSIE and ganondorf forgot all about his previous lives while link is the one who remembers them all!!! zelda just wants to travel and read cool legends and didnt expect to be part of one
-trans girl, found the name zelda in very very very old royal records
-she's like 16 or something
-seventh heir to the throne who wants to prove herself, so she goes on an adventure to save the world!!!!
-adventurous and impulsive and naive
-main weapon is bows, she also knows magic and sheikah techniques
-has six siblings who dont really pay attention to her. shes probably the youngest
-her point of view is very black and white at first
-even when she gets in the middle of link and ganon’s story she still doesn’t believe she is The Zelda of legend
-how could she she’s just a zelda, one among many, just a kid playing at being a princess
-(she IS the zelda)
-she gets a bird AND a white horse!!!!
-if she sees a weird cave she WILL go into it 
-would probably eat moss if dared
-genderfluid, uses he/they
-hes in his early twenties
-a man zelda meets during her travels, who seems to know a lot about old legends
-he can see koroks and fairies, who can’t be seen by most people
-gets all his past lives' memories after he gets the master sword, over a period of a day or two
-maybe link does remember his past deaths along with his past lives, but past deaths are maybe more muted…. less like he experienced them and more like someone told him about it. still fucks him up tho
-i feel like he’d be pretty nice and sleepy all the time, until you mention something that has to do with his memories (aka, ganondorf, but also like “oh ive heard some hero in the legends went back to being a kid to save the world or whatever) and he’d get this super serious, focused look… something like that, little things that would make zelda go :^?
-he just really wants to kill ganondorf ya dig
-SO MANY BOSS FORMS probably one per main title (kinda like xant’s battle in TP) (strongest/hardest to fight is majora’s mask link), and final form is definitely some twisted looking fierce deity
-as for his past selves he has all of their memories and its kind of… they’re not him, he’s him, they’re just memories that he has, but when he is very very stressed its “memories become actual personalities for a sec” time. 99% of the time its just him and then ganondorf is there and its like WILL EVERYONE SHUT UP IM TRYING TO MAKE A MURDER HERE
-he’s not controlled by malice or anything because it would feel like a deus ex machina to me
-in the end he doesnt die and he gets redemption because he didnt hurt anyone he just tried to kill ganondorf a few times hes good, and also zelda is his friend and an heir to the throne he’s got immunity. poor guy just needs help processing all those lives and needs a cabin in the woods with some fairies!!!
-re: his past lives, oot link SUPER HATES ganondorf while ww link is more sympathetic. links who havent fought ganondorf are ambivalent about him
-endgame ship is either with ganondorf OR beedle. beedle is the secret ending
-will eat moss
-he's in his twenties i promise he just has resting old man face
-zelda’s old childhood friend
-doesn’t remember anything about his past lives
-gerudo king, very serious but fairly well loved
-lets not talk about malice it either doesnt exist/this ganondorf doesnt have any/this ganondorf knows how to control it. either way its not gonna affect the story
-”what are you wearing today king” “oh, just whatever” (its not whatever he spent hours finding the day’s outfit)
-found out about his past lives while reading a very very very old book, probably read it and stayed in his room for a week and then promised himself to never ever ever turn out like that
-genuinely a good person
-would never eat moss
-zelda and ganondorf actually knew each other as kids! Both being royalty and all. legends do talk about a hero a princess a beast or whatever but don’t use link or ganondorf’s names since it’s been so long- it takes zelda and ganondorf both finding old, old books on their own to be like “AH OOPS”!!! Ganondorf learns about his past lives much earlier than zelda, who finds out during her adventures, and she goes from seeing ganondorf as a dear friend to being like “…but what if he’s really bad though”
they’re old childhood friends, you know, the kind that were best friends before and then grew up and saw each other less often (different kingdoms and all) so they kinda grew apart, and then zelda starting her quest made them reconnect again! Ganondorf is a little older than zelda so he always saw her more as his little sister who just jumps into mud because she totally saw a sword there i promise, and zelda sees ganondorf as her cool older brother who actually pays attention to her, unlike her actual siblings
-when link and zelda meet, zelda’s like “weird dude but probably harmless” and link is like “weird girl but probably harmless” and then she’s like “oh my name is zelda” and link goes “ah just likeWAIT” and he kinda observes her to… gauge her abilities? My Zeldas Were Better kinda thing. i guess during their final battle he’s like “you’re really a zelda, after all” and its bittersweet
the second zelda figures out link is also part of those legends she goes full hero worship mode, which makes link’s fall from grace… really… hard on her. ive been admiring you and wanting to be a hero like you all this time, turns out you’re not a hero and also Not Okay
-re ganondorf and link, after everything that happened uuuh
human brain: it probably takes them both a long while to get used to each other, given that one was almost killed by the other and the other has vivid memories of having their world(s) destroyed by the one, but after a while they probably bond over their shared uuuuh memories i guess. link visits gerudo city once in a while and they catch up and become friends and
lizard brain: after 100k words they DATE
no i wont write how it happens you will NOT make me embarrass myself in front of everyone because i earnestly wrote about how link visits ganondorf every time he’s in gerudo country and at first link just passes by to give ganondorf news about how zelda is faring as queen and news about the world, and as time goes and years go by  they start talking about their lives and struggles and just taking walks across the desert together and having sand seal races and everyone in ganondorf’s court is like “so when’s that little voe coming back” and ganondorf is like “i neither know nor care that its been three months since his last visit” and everyone’s like (smirk) “okay” and when has he even started to look forward to link’s visits anyway how did this happen and then link comes back and smiles gently and shows ganondorf this cool rock he found that looks like ganondorf’s face and ganondorf is smitten
takes them both Y E A R S to realize their feelings and then date tho. slow burn or bust
-takes place in a time where the games’ adventures are only known as legends where they didnt even write down ganondorf’s and link’s names
-now that im thinking about it it wouldnt happen like THOUSANDS OF YEARS after any game because then ganon and link wouldnt be that worried about their destiny??? so maybe like 100-200 years after a game??? and the ppl writing down the legends were just terrible bookkeepers who couldnt even think write down link and ganon’s name
-(smash voice) EVERYONE IS HERE!!!!!!!! tingle and agitha the bug princess and sidon and especially groose who is uuuuum zelda’s rival who is totally not in love with her
-i think in botw its implied koroks are only seen by people like link and zelda??? so id say only people with uuuuh magical power??? can see them???? so koroks are just doin their thing, playing pranks, helping people without them knowing, and, in the case of makar, playing romantic music around couples
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elstreem · 4 years
Book Collection
I had to dust down my bookshelf and it was a good opportunity to take some photos of my books! This is most of my collection, though some are up on my really high shelf and so were not included ^^; If I clean that I’ll just add a follow-up. (also long post and really bad photos I’m so sorry)
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So first of all are my two most favorite series ever, the whole Septimus Heap series + the Pathfinder trilogy by Angie Sage, and the Mistmantle Chronicles by M.I. McAllister (I’m missing the last book though....). I love them too much that even after being taught to disembowel literature for my Creative Writing course, you can’t ask me for an objective critique. I suppose some people will disagree and say that you should look at your favorite things even more critically, but I just can’t. I’m not good at critiquing anyway.
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Here are three of my favorite short novels. I lean towards fantasy most of the time, but these three were very well written fiction (Because of Winn-Dixie is realistic fiction, and both A Single Shard and Island of the Blue Dolphins are historical fiction, I think?) A Single Shard is really good, I want to look at Linda Sue Park’s other works.
After settling on comics as my thesis I ended up adding much more visual lit and art books to my collection. I rarely buy novels now, unless a really intriguing one catches my eye at a booksale.
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So here’s my manga collection! With an obvious bias towards Akira Himekawa’s LoZ mangas (ironically I still haven’t bought the OoT one, which is the first of the Zelda mangas I think?) I wish I could buy the other volumes of Silver Spoon, it’s a really good read. The KH manga I was luck enough to catch at a booksale for only PhP 65, which is hardly above $1! The Zelda mangas I bought at Fully Booked (same goes for my art books) I wish there was a Fully Booked closer to me, the only other bookstores are National Book Sale (which are 70% school supplies and 30% books and usually don’t carry comics) and booksales.
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Now for Filipino Komiks! The reason I got really interested in comics as an area of study is Rob Cham’s silent graphic novel, Light. Before that, me and my family have been reading whatever volumes of Pugad Baboy we could get, so the really ratty looking ones are the ones we’ve managed to keep up to the present time (I also have the giant copy of Pugad Baboy X but didn’t get to include it here). Thankfully, National Book Store stocks Light and Lost, but that is for usually for bigger malls (they used to have Pugad Baboy, but now I rarely see it there, but my copies of Kikomachine Komix are from there too). Dead Balagtas’s Tomo 1 (which is really gorgeous!) I was able to get at a comic event my college organization held at the university. However, Ella Arcangel, Elmer, 12 and 14 were bought at Komikon, which I was lucky enough to attend in 2018. Sadly, Komikon is probably the only best opportunity to buy most Filipino comic stuff, and I live too far from Manila to go every time. I wish I can go again. I was able to meet sir Pol Medina Jr. and sir Gerry Alanguilan at Komikon, I even got my copy of Elmer sighed. Rest in peace, sir Alanguilan :<
Maybe I’ll make another post detailing more Filipino komiks stuff? I really have a lot of feelings on this subject haha.
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Now for miscellaneous English comics. I included Arzach though that book is a novelization of certain stories (it does have some illustrations though!) Hopefully I can buy an actual compilation of Arzach comics sometimes, it’s something I’m really interested in. That aside, most of these books were from the Big Bad Wolf Booksale (look, book sales are just my weakness, ok). I really enjoyed these two volumes of Flight and I hope to buy the others sometime. Vogelein I got from...surprise, a book sale! And I really love that one too. What’s not to like with fairies, even clockwork ones.
Now for the jewel of the collection...
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The big and beautiful art books which I may or may not have deprived myself of a few lunches to be able to save up enough (also convenience store food dinners wooh! But please don’t copy me, eat healthily when you’re in college!!! >:0)
 I also have the Zelda Goddess Books and the BotW art book, which I I think I showed before in a Zelda collection post? But aside from that, here are the Art of Ghibli books which I thank Fully Booked for stocking. Howl’s Moving Castle was my first purchase because Howl, but man do I love the Nausicaa ad Ponyo art. I was also super, super lucky to get the art book for Kubo and the Two Strings at the Manila International Book Fair! That and a Japanese-only copy of Haikara Walker made my arm ache but I was so stoked to get them. (aand I forgot to include my Splatoon art book and Haikara Walker here. Oops.) I also have sky longing for memories/The Art of Makoto Shinkai up on the top.
I think that’s about it, but I very ready to discuss any of the books above if my rambling didn’t bore you ^^;
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