#i STILL hate foreshortening and never got the hang of it
yuuugay · 11 months
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Lineart of my MC ner  😠 😠 😠 😠
and Caine  😇 😇 😇 😇 but caine is holding a greatsword because i have the ability to do so nkcsdkbfksdbgjbsrjgbwerag
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chaos-and-ink · 27 days
Since you like drawing anatomy is there a part you like drawing most or least?
How did you get a hang of drawing certain things like hands, feet, faces etc?
What phase of the art process in your favorite? (Sketching, lining, rendering etc)
How many layers do you usually have on a piece?
Do you find people, objects or animals easy or harder than one another? (Rephrased, which is easier, which is harder?)
Do you often add backgrounds to pieces if so how simple or how complex to they normally get?
Do you prefer simplistic drawings or do you like adding details/making detailed pieces?
How'd you find your style?
Since you like drawing anatomy is there a part you like drawing most or least?
I love drawing hands. It's such a weird thing to like but they're just so posable and they really hold a lot of information. It's also just so satisfying to add each finger lmfaooo. One thing I don't like drawing is the torso. Like oh my goddddd, I get way too confused trying to figure out how to move it around. ALSO FACES. I hate faces with a burning passion.
How did you get a hang of drawing certain things like hands, feet, faces etc?
I used to absolutely hate drawing hands. I'd hide them every and any way I could lmao. But I started using LineOfAction and did the hands practice photos and eventually started to get the hang of it. The more I drew them and stopped hiding, the better I got. It also helps to really break the hands down so you're thinking smaller instead of bigger. Each section of the palm is a shape vs the entire hand as one shape. It makes it easier to tackle.
As for feet, I never understood it until I watched this one video by DrizzleDrawing. It basically breaks the foot down into three shapes. The heel. arch. and toes. You can layer/foreshorten these shapes and it makes the foot look a lot more dimensional and accurate. I don't really know how to explain this in writing haha.
And for faces... I have no mastered faces at all. I'm still hiding from them. But if I've learned anything from my past experinces, I need to just face my fears (pun intended) and start drawing them more instead of hiding.
What phase of the art process in your favorite? (Sketching, lining, rendering etc)
SKETCHING!! I love sketching so much oh my goddddd. I have millions of sketches. I swear they always look so much better than my finished pieces. As soon as I do lineart or add colours my art just goes downhill lmfao.
How many layers do you usually have on a piece?
I like to combine layers as I move along. Normally I'll have my sketch layer. A line art layer. A layer for each base colour. Then a clipping mask layer on each of those base colour layers for shading. After that I kinda just add layers whenever I need them and start merging them when I can.
Do you find people, objects or animals easy or harder than one another? (Rephrased, which is easier, which is harder?)
Objects are the hardest because I'm horrible at understanding dimension and perspective. I've never been formally taught the theories of it so I just make shit up and hope it looks okay. Animals are some of my favourite things to draw though I don't do it often. I love cats in particular. They're probably the easiest for me to draw.
In fact, I used to only draw animals and never draw humans. I just started branching into humans a few years ago so I'm still getting the hang of it. I'd say they're relatively easy to draw until I get to the face. Then I'm screwed haha.
Do you often add backgrounds to pieces if so how simple or how complex to they normally get?
Because I don't really get perspective much, I try to avoid complex backgrounds. However, if I'm up for a challenge, I love making detailed pieces with backgrounds or settings. It's super fun to decorate and create a space. I need to work on my perspective and object drawing so I can do better at it.
Do you prefer simplistic drawings or do you like adding details/making detailed pieces?
I like a good mix of both honestly. I think too much detail can clutter and too simplistic can be 'boring'. So when I make a piece that's simple with just flat colours, I try to compensate by adding lots and lots of content and flow for the viewers eyes to move around. But if I make a really complex rendered piece I try to simplify the subject so there's not too much going on. If I have a very very simple subject, like painting a single flower, I try to compensate by adding something unique or creative. Like a slash of black paint and a value change or something like that. I think it's really just a balancing act and I like to stay towards the middle.
How'd you find your style?
Honestly still don't feel like I have a style. It changes so much. But the more I drew the more it developed.
I think the other biggest thing was taking in as much information as I could. I would watch my brother draw ever since I was a little kid. I observed the techniques he used and I took what I liked and kept it, and I modify what I didn't like, and discarded what I hated. I watch a lot of artists on YouTube too just to see how they do different things and pick up random miscellaneous tips that all combined to develop my style. I think it's also really important to immerse yourself in art. I follow literally like 400 artists on Instagram and I'm constantly being bombarded with the curated art I love and it helps inspire me. Just examining and appreciating the art allows me to find things I like and try to replicate it.
Finding your art style is just as much finding what you like as it is finding what you don't like. You gotta observe first. Then develop by drawing.
Thanks so much for the questions!!! 💜 I hope all of this made sense lmfao if you have any more questions or what help I'd be super happy to help. :)))
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep33 S4 pt 2: The Best Storyboarder Came Back Just so They Could Draw Tristan Getting Hit in the Nuts
OK lets just get to the good stuff.
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God bless you, storyboarder.
(read more under the cut)
The team has entered the Atlantis lair of Dartz, which is also accessible through Paradius in San Fransisco, but youknow...we don’t have magic so it’s not like we could’ve skipped like 10 minutes and just done that instead of the helicopter escape, the Military moment, and the ride through a hurricane.
Oh wait, we do have magic, that’s right...well...for now, pretend we don’t.
Enjoy the snakes.
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Strangely, Kaiba does not feel comfortable with the snakes, when snakes really just a smaller and cuter dragon. I love snakes. Never owned one...but I trust em.
Dartz has the Yugioh “old guy” aesthetic of “We just really like yellowed sandstone”
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I get that they want this place (and also Yami’s house) to look like a tomb so there won’t be any paint on the wall but this is just a pet peeve of mine that Ancient times freakin loved garish colors on the wall in layers and layers of patterns and yet in fiction we never show that.
But...it doesn’t go with the vibe. I’ll let it go because it would absolutely ruin the vibe to have a bunch of swirly stuff in neon orange and green.
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Before we have a chance to grab a step stool and just kinda yoink Yugi Muto, Dartz shows up, and this shot happens.
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I couldn’t not grab a cap of that. I mean...look at it. It is SO HARD to foreshorten hands so it looks right and then bam they just did that. It’s just...
...I’ve been breaking down foreshortening in Yugioh shots for a while now trying to figure out why when I do it, it looks like a busted huge hand, but when they do it, it looks really good, and I’m starting to realize that maybe it’s more than just stacking but also...the composition?
You can’t really look at this picture as a whole. The hand is such a strong focal point that you must start there, and then follow down the arm to the face. I think when I do these foreshortening shots I make the hand the same weight as the face, and that’s my downfall. You gotta let the composition force the viewer to slow down and take time in order for the optical illusion to happen...maybe? I’m like over 30 now, you’d think I’d figure this out by now.
Whatever, that’s another post.
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So like...what happened to those two people who used to be there????
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And now prepare thyself for my lazy math. I know this math is bad. For people out there who feel like working out the geometric growth and calculate just how many souls Dartz slurps up--feel free to tell me. If I like the explanation, I will adjust the Death Count to match it. It’s just too 2020 for me to do more than multiplication at the moment.
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Did I count how many people would have existed 10,000 years ago? no. Did I account for plagues? No. Like this math of 4 a day is bad...but eh it’s all I got right now in my mental ammunition.
Something that we did think about was...
Why not slurp up the Pharaoh soul when Yami was still alive? Like we assume the puzzle existed in the past but like...did Yami not get superpowered until Yugi woke him up? Was he in fact useless until he got a little bit of a battery charge during Season Zero when he was dumping people off of bell towers?
And like I get not knowing about the underground Ishtars, and not being able to get a hold of Shadi because Shadi is a lazy ghost, but Bakura was RIGHT THERE. You can’t munch up Pegasus off screen and then say “eh but Bakura’s kinda low tier” we know for a fact that Bakura is not...so like...there must have been some copyright situation where they couldn’t use certain characters. This is a filler arc--but it would have been nice to have at least some explanation as to why it took Dartz so long to finally murder the hell out of Pharaoh.
Which is me expecting way too much out of this show. Just something I was really hoping would get addressed but leave it for the headcanon.
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It’s at this point that Mokuba realized he’s standing on top of people.
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A crypt made out of human souls! Crazy, usually we’re in a crypt made out of one single human soul....and both of these crypts have Yugi in it.
In Raphael’s storyline, he’s been busy just cleaning up after everyone else. It’s supposed to come off as very serious but I was totally busting up when he’s just dropping bodies into the back of this jeep.
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And in the Kaiba Corp plotline, Roland is anxiously wondering if he should be a Dad and save the kids or if he should be a dog and stay in the plane.
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He stays in the plane.
Strangely this was the right call. (And this is why Roland has never died)
So they start throwing around cards, as you do, and Dartz puts down his Orichalcos, has he does, when suddenly...they started seeing stuff again. Can’t have a single card game without it.
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So the Orichalcos is just a backstory device? For reals?
Something I alluded to quite a few episodes back with Valon was just...wondering why the hell the Orichalcos crew had so much freakin magic as to make all these visions during duels. Turns out...it’s just a thing to occasionally trip on Oricalchos juice. I’m not sure why we never had a vision with Mai, Weevil, Rex, or Gurimo, but at least we now know that Raphael and Valon weren’t as magical as I thought they were.
So we’re in like...outer space. Kind of the last place you’d expect out of ancient Atlantis and Dartz isn’t having ANY OF IT.
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And honestly that makes sense. Imagine giving someone 10,000 years ago the run down on outer space. They’d freak. They’d definitely think you’re talking about demons.
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If space is an elaborate analogy, we don’t know that yet. For how this is presented, it’s just an old man hootin and hollerin about how much space sucks, and I love that.
PS how anime is this shot of the earth behind the orichalcos symbol and the dude in the middle with the ass length blue hair--really damn anime, right?
Like at least one of you has this wall hanging, right?
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For those that are too tired to look it up, Pangea was 280-230 million years ago.
So my thoughts are...either the math is wrong and I’ll fix it eventually in post, depending on my mood come next Wednesday, OR...humanity was deleted and then came back later??? (because the dawn of mankind was 7 million years ago)
They just felt like drawing Pangea 10 million years ago. Maybe that’s all. Maybe I don’t have to fix anything. I dunno.
Maybe this isn’t Earth.
Maybe Yugioh Earth never had Loma Preita because it isn’t actually Earth. And, like a Final Fantasy situation, is a second planet on a parallel plane of our own?
Either way, I’m not redoing the math because I actually don’t know how to change it anymore. I’m v undecided of the timeline now......maybe the next episode will tell us more? (I doubt this very much)
RIP deathcount.
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Yo Atlantis!
I have a lot of questions!
About Atlantis!
And the purpose of the aqueduct going the wrong direction.
Is that in fact the poop shoot?
But wtv it looks neat.
So anyway, that’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed my bad math, and I hope you enjoy your Halloween. Ours is a whole lot of nothing. I’ll be watching lots of Phasmaphobia streams while eating Butterfingers that I legally can’t give to children because it’s an epidemic (butterfingers is like the last candy that my old 30 yo ass can handle without passing out or gagging. Weird how getting older makes me hate all the good things I couldn’t eat when I was younger because I was too young to be allowed to eat them.) and that’s about it.
WHY did Halloween finally fall on a Saturday DURING an epidemic? I only get so many Saturday Halloweens in my youth...just why.
(and here’s a link to read these in chrono order)
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh E8 S4: Joey’s Turn to Hallucinate During a Card Game
Alright, lets jump into Yugioh while I wait to wake up this morning. Hate mornings. Hate them.
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So I guess in the Yugioh universe, San Fransisco avoided Loma Prieta, but instead got smacked by a KaibaCorp satellite dropping from space. Dunno which is worse but uh.......thanks, Seto. Maybe the building was empty though. I mean it’s not like anyone is here right now. apparently everyone working for Pegasus does so from their laptop in their pj’s situated in their apartments in Oakland.
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And good news, this is one of the episodes with That Really Good Storyboarder. Like you can REALLY tell when this particular storyboarder enters the room, and apparently they really like Joey episodes?
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Anyway, for anyone who’s like “I want to draw hands better.” This whole episode is a good study for how to do dynamic hands. It’s insane.
In fact apparently there is an art book just about hands in the works BY the guy who designed a lot of the Yugioh hand shots--thing is it’s entirely in Japanese and I don’t really know much Japanese....so I’m waiting for it in English. But, my friend translated the promo for me and mentioned that if you preorder the book you get 3 instructional videos for drawing dynamic hands from this particular artist.
Only problem is, the videos would go right over my head because it’s still not in English, so uh, missed opportunity because I never got serious with my Duolingo. O well. And people keep asking “are you learning Japanese for anime? Are you dating a Japanese guy?” and it’s like no, for reals, I’m an artist, this is just what you have to do, learn Spanish, learn French, learn Japanese, or you will miss out on so many good tutorials. Like every DAY I see a good ass tutorial on Twitter and it’s like...did they have to hand-write it?
Anyway if you want to buy it, it’s on Japanese Amazon and I don’t know what it’s called because it’s been a hot minute since it’s been a few months since I’ve looked at it. But it exists. I have no idea if it’ll be shipped internationally either, in fact, I was just gonna ask very nicely to my one friend like it’s middle school and I need some good looking authentic jelly pens delivered. But youknow...instead I’ll keep an eye out because I’m banking on this getting translated into English.
I will let you ALL know when I see this book translated into English.
(read more under the cut)
So, we start this episode with Mai being transported to Atlantis island. I’m not entirely sure if the Atlantis Island is the same place as the Atlantis on the bottom of the ocean, but whether she’s above or below the water won’t matter because they did a very wise jump cut.
So I have no idea if she jumped out of a motorcycle to get here. Maybe?
Anyway, Valon introduces her to the Lair. Shows her the snakes, the fire torches that are always lit, a couple more snakes. Youknow, normal stuff for a completely normal date.
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PS I do appreciate the bismuth pattern here. Bismuth is a really amazing under-used concept art tool. I mean LOOK at bismuth.
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Gollllll I just want to see a whole lot more bismuth in art, it pops.
And then, Valon decides to introduce Mai to his Dad, who is a LOT when you get up close to him.
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Man just SO many elements here. The head chain, the yellow eyeball (which is the same eye that Pegasus wore his golden eyeball--dunno if it’s related but as I’ve mentioned before, this show is rude to eyes), The very LONG lower lashes (I’m a SUCKER for putting long lower lashes on all of OC’s myself, it’s a good time) the amount of side-bangs on this guy that would have taken like 12 hair extensions. the wind always seems to flow around him to pick up his cloak and his cape (yes he has both) And on the back he has like a princess Jasmine style ponytail where it’s like......how does he do that? Truly magical, this Ultimate-OC-looking-guy is.
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We again recap a little more of Mai’s perspective from the Prism, which I didn’t think she’d be able to see everyone else from...but apparently she saw enough.
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And so, because Mai didn’t want to feel scared ever again, she decided to instead feel nothing. Trade in your plateauing card career for getting OP card magic powers. I mean, it tracks.
Then our Storyboarder just started FLEXING.
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He just...did that.
Do you know how good you have to know hands to draw that? You’d have to firstly know hands like a freakin hand surgeon, then you’d have to get like so many different references to study what the hell is even going on there. Go ahead and do this hand pose. You CAN’T. It’s amazing. And on top of that--she’s wearing a fingerless glove? And a weird duel disk in perspective?
This whole thing is FORESHORTENED are you freakin kidding me???
This storyboarder!
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Enter Duke, who just woke up today thinking it’d be a normal day but alas, it was a Yugi Muto day, and you can’t escape this asshole even if you fly halfway across the world. He will show up, somehow blow up some gas station, and your boss will be mysteriously dead and there’s nothing Duke can do about this horrible curse he’s had to deal with ever since Pharaoh cursed him with Being Friends With Pharaoh. The worst curse.
Like imagine you showed up at Apple Headquarters and this madness was there instead of a lobby.
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Then, because things aren’t yet weird enough for Duke Devlin to just walk into, the dragon card starts glowing and takes our third dragon boy on a Spiritual Dragon Journey.
Right now.
During a card game where Joey is facing off a serial murderer/ex-not-a-girlfriend.
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And it’s not just Joey and Yugi this time.
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...I know I was just applauding this storyboarder but there is NO WAY they didn’t know what they were doing. I get that Seto has a thing for dragons. I don’t need this upskirt shot to remind me of his weird hallucinatory love affair with dragons.
The amount of weird upskirts they like to do with Seto. I mean I’m glad it’s not Mai but youknow...I just didn’t expect this.
I never expected this shot with the...joystick.
There is a very obvious joystick in this shot and like 15-45 animators looked at this and said “well it’s too late now, the good storyboarder likes it, and this is the toll we pay.”
I just want to know if any animators saw this and said to their friend “hey....I need to go take a break. Want to go to a very long lunch and forget this ever happened?”
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And that’s the whole dream. We are now officially out of porky dragons, which means everyone else in this party will just have........nothing to do, right?
Is it too much to ask that Mokuba get to have a dragon?
Way too much to ask, just realized it as I was typing it.
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The concern coming off of Mokuba right now.
Like seriously Mokuba is in a constant state of “do I listen to my older brother or do I heavily sedate my older brother before I get abducted for the sixth time?”
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Apparently all of the Orichalcos etc is responding to the dragons, which makes sense, since it’s like...toys that were sold next to eachother in the toy store. Just feels like these things are constantly glowing but everyone forgets that there’s not just three cards and three stones but also Yugi has a stone in his pocket somewhere.
We just have a lot of artifacts hanging out everywhere but it’s Yugioh, so of course no one is going to keep track of any of them. If only Bakura were here, he’d have that down but like...instead it’s the Yugi team, so if it’s not directly around your neck it just doesn’t exist.
Anyway, it’s the holidays so I’ll get the next post up......sometime? Kind of a shame what happened to my update schedule but that’s life.
And if you want to read these from the beginning, you can click on this link here
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