birrdies · 1 year
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there's no use crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake! :D
incredibly messy etho doodles for week 2 of @shepscapades design event! video game swap: etho & portal
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ossyflawol · 2 years
you’ve said before that you dislike the “companion cube contains a corpse” theory and im not for that theory either, whats your personal reasoning?
Ok, I’m sorry but has anyone actually gone back and rewatched the original Game Theory video MatPat did that spawned the whole “Companion Cubes contain corpses” theory? It is downright one of the most frustrating, horrible theories that MatPat has ever put out, and frankly, genuinely misrepresents and misunderstands so, so many aspects of the Portal series for the sake of pushing a theory that doesn’t even hold up to scrutiny.
MatPat himself has no fucking clue what angle he wants to take in the video. Sometimes he says the people in the Cubes are dead corpses, sometimes he says the people inside are alive. He just fucking flip flops between these two stances constantly and it drives me nuts that he can’t even be consistent on the core crux of his theory.
Doug Rattman...Oh my god I am so sorry Doug. MatPat fucking bastardises Rattman’s character in that video hardcore. He looks at this character who suffers from mental illness, takes medication to deal with his schizophrenia, and hallucinates that the Companion Cube can speak to him, and proceeds to throw it ALL out the window. Why? So he can push his idea that “No, Doug isn’t insane and the Cube is actually speaking to him, infact, Doug Rattman is sexually attracted to the Companion Cube!” WHAT.
Then to add onto that mess, he tries to claim that Doug is taking fake medication made by Aperture intended to drown out the voice of the Cubes because it’s labelled “Ziaprazidone” when it should be actually spelt “Ziprasidone”. I would like to remind everyone that Valve is the same company that consistently mispelt Aperture as “Aperature”, and has many hilarious misspellings in model filenames such as “Cursher”, “Vacum”, and “Cabient”. The “Ziaprazidone” is just yet another one of the billion times Valve has misspelt something.
Oh! Another thing too. He tries to say that they shouldn’t use GLaDOS dialogue as evidence, says that you can’t trust what she says about the Companion Cube because she’s lying to the player about the true nature of the Companion Cube...only for him to use a dialogue line from GLaDOS as evidence. (“They are sentient of course, we just have a lot of them.”) Which is a line referring to the Portal 2 iteration of the Cubes, and is a joke on how much of the Aperture facility is made up of sentient AIs. The cubes aren’t actually sentient AIs themselves.
And finally, he then says to listen to the sound of the Companion Cube being fizzled... then uses the sound of the Radio being fizzled. The cube doesn’t even get fizzled in Portal 1, ever, not under intended circumstances atleast. But it does get fizzled in Portal 2, at most 4 times, and every single time it uses the default object fizzling sound. Even if you spawn in the Companion Cube from Portal 1 and fizzle it through cheated-in circumstances, it still plays the normal fizzling sound.
The only thing I don’t have any good debunking evidence for is the name of the Fratricide achievement, which honestly I just think the developers searched up “word for killing someone you love”, saw “Fratricide”, and said “yea thats good lets use it as the achievement name”.
And honestly, even if you ignore everything about MatPat’s theory, and try to just take the theory at face value as simply “The Companion Cubes contain corpses”... I’m sorry it’s just not compelling at all. It’s a theory that tries to make something dark for the sake of making it dark, there’s nothing compelling about it, nor is there anything about Portal that feels improved by it existing, infact, I think it actually makes it worse because it tries to give the Companion Cube a darker element that honestly just sucks.
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fawntastic · 1 year
my "im sorry women" moment was when I was drawing chell portal (tonight) and I misspelled "aperture" (hashtag fake portal fan)
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jackhkeynes · 2 years
hiat “pause”
hiat /hjat/ [çat, jat]* - pause, lull, a period of reduced activity; - gap, break, an interval in space or time which interrupts an otherwise-continuous object or process; - (theatre, film) intermission, interval, the break between two parts of a drama; - (music notation) rest, a symbol indicating that one's instrument is not to be played
Etymology: sixteenth-century borrowing reflecting Norman hiat, Romaine hiato or another similar cognate, originally in the musical sense. These are taken directly from Latin hiātus "opening, gap, aperture, cleft", a noun derivation from hiō "I yawn, gape, am open".
Nos benoçaum y hiat por douçur acatar. /nɔz ˌbe.noˈtsom i hjat pɔr duˈtsɪr ˌa.kaˈtar/ [nɔz ˌbe.nʊˈdzom i çat pɔː dʊˈdzɪː‿ˌʀɐkˈtɑː] 1p use-pst-1p def gap for dessert buy-inf We used the interval to get sweets.
*both pronounciations (and even the misspelling yat) are widespread in the modern period, though the latter is in some quarters proscribed.
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Idk a lot about writing but I'm only putting some words that I think, in my opinion, not that its correct, might sound good when said out loud.. again idk anything about writing.. sorry if I end up making it worse on your wonderful work here, its a really great concept and I've read your other stuff too and I've enjoyed them a lot: Caroline was preparing herself, as today was her last day as a human, her body would be incinerated as her mind was to be transfered into the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, she would live forever, time seem to pass as slow as her breathing.
Good people don't end up here, Cave was the one who was going to be transfered into GladOS, but as much as Caroline appreciated him, she could not let it happen, Cave was..... inadequate, the years he spent on Aperture Science shattered him.
So this is just some small changes on the words, spent instead of spend, to make it past tense. A misspelled in some that I'm sure you can see on the rest. Again, its really good and I can't wait to see more work from you. I'll let someone else check the rest, im sure someone else can help you better
Thank you so much!! English isn’t my first language and I’m still struggling a bit with it so I really appreciate your help!
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Here’s a companion cube filled with appreciation
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logibears · 4 years
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i misspelled aperture but im gonna pretend i don’t see it i feel like wheatley is judging me
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actingwithportals · 3 years
To this day my phone will still autocorrect misspellings of "care" to "Café" capitalization and all and I know it's because of fucking Aperture Café but I haven't touched that fic in Over Four Years autocorrect let me LIVE
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ev-ngelion · 6 years
For the special interest asks: 💖😇💫💕🍭
😇 If your special interest is a video game/movie/tv show/etc, who’s your fav character from it?
That’s GLaDOS, babe! She’s like my fave fictional character period. But some others include Hermoine and Luna from HP and Twilight, Fluttershy, Luna and Maud from MLP.
💫 Favorite fact about your special interest? 
(For Portal) early in development, the player was going to be able to beat the shit out of Wheatley…like drop him down the stairs and bang him against the walls for no reason. Also the Space Core was inspired by this advert for an aquarium! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xJfPx8RViU (even the little humming thing he does is similar)
💕 What’s your fav thing about your special interest? 
Portal: The writing…and just like everything about the design and worldbuilding. You can really see how much effort was put into it.
Wolves: Despite being massive, apex predators, they still exhibit a lot of the same behaviours as domestic dogs which is super funny to me for some reason.
Harry Potter and MLP: They both have this really escapist pull for me. I love getting lost in the worlds and characters
🍭 What’s a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
For Portal:
In the “Lab Rat” official comic, Doug Rattman (a character who has schizophrenia) is seen opening a container of “ziprazidone” which appears to be a misspelling of the antipsychotic drug “ziprasidone”. However, since Aperture has a history of experimenting on its employees I’ve always thought that this typo may indicate something far more sinister. Perhaps Doug is being given a drug that manages his hallucinations but also has the side effect of making him more docile or may even include some of the “experimental genes” that they used to put in visitors’ coffee.
Thanks anon!! 
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planetarduino · 3 years
Arduino CLI for I/O Pin Testing
Need to quickly toggle or read some logic signals without the hassle of writing a quick program? [Thor_x86], aka [Eric], built an Arduino sketch that does just that — and he threw in the ability to send (or receive) serial messages, too. This is a neat idea — kind of a simplified Bus Pirate.
We should warn you that this is an early release, and there are a few minor issues which we are sure [Eric] will iron out soon. We discovered the function strtol() was misspelled in cmd_send.cpp, and there are some configuration #defines which need to be sorted out in file parsePin.cpp, depending on which Arduino module you are running. We got it running on an Arduino Leonardo the quickest, because it has support for Serial1().
Don’t be discouraged by these glitches in this rev 0 deployment — [Eric] has really made quite a nice tool here. Check his GitHub repository for updates (or submit corrections yourself). All in all, it’s a good addition to your digital tool box. On a completely unrelated note, we really like [Eric]’s USB cable with the right-angle micro connector, grungy though it may be.
Besides the standard tools like Bus Pirate, GreatFET, FTDI modules, etc., are there any similar tools you like to use for bit banging and serial testing? Let us know in the comments below.
Arduino CLI for I/O Pin Testing was originally published on PlanetArduino
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why):
Arimus Psyurb. Arimus is from maritimus the species name for polar bears and Psyurb is P—-B for polar bear/lead Pb and the –yurb for herb (pronunciation wise). The last name needs work maybe.
I feel like…the bear part tracks but I’m not sure I follow about the lead/herb part? I fffeel like the lead part is doable but I reserve judgement on the plants thing.
8 sweeps(17 human years)
Strife Specibus:
bat-kind. I was thinking claw, but a bat works because she’s a sylph of void and bats can be used to give people amnesia (just like a sylph of void can remove peoples memories). And the symbol kinda looks like a baseball diamond.
…is it important that it’s a baseball diamond because of the bad news bears? I would really like it if that’s the case.
Fetch Modus:
Tangram Modus
The cards are stored like normal until want to remove an item. When you go to remove an item, it spits out a tangram puzzle based on the item you want (ex. the item you want is an apple, the puzzle is shaped like an apple). When you solve the puzzle the item appears. It starts with 10 cards. I chose this modus because it relates back to the void aspect of her title.
Also tracks bc there’s a pretty well-known Bear Pattern to make with tangrams. If you want something to do with the lead theme, you can use an X-Ray Modus based off lead being used as radiation shielding, which would show the “skeleton” of an object on a captcha card for her to select.
Blood color:
#2F5EC6 Cerulean/Cobalt
Thaaaat looks just a little bright to me, so I’m gonna bump it down so it’s a little more in line with the ceruleanbloods we’ve seen.
Symbol and meaning:
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Ursa minor, the little bear. This symbol contains the northern star polaris which I relate to polar bears being in the north.
customAperture. She loves photography and the aperture is the hole that light travels through in a camera. She also creates a lot of crafts and loves to modify things she owns. Her symbol also kind of looks like an aperture on a camera.
I kinda feel like this one is a stretch. Photography doesn’t have much to do with lead or with polar bears or even with herbs. If I may suggest another hobby for her, how about painting, especially given that until recently lead was commonly used in paint for so long? Her new trolltag could be customAcrylics, because she mixes her own paint!
if a letter is useless or isn’t enunciated when spoken, it’s replaced with an apostrophe. Capitalization for the first letter of a new sentence after the initial sentence, certain full words for EMPHASIS. Fixes any grammar mistakes by using an asterisk + the misspelled word corrected. If I use an ’!’ or ’?’, I use it 4 times,
ex. “oh fuckin’ fuckity duck!!!!” “*fuck”
asterisks look like snowflakes and the 4 repetition comes from 4 legs and the love of the number 4.
Special Abilities (if any):
Heightened strength, but nothing too grandiose.
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Polar Bear (bigger than normal). PBD (polar bear dad) he hunts for food most of the day and sleeps for the rest. He’s protective of me if I’m in danger, but lets me stay independent/do my own thing the rest of the time.
Since you’ve made Arimus a girl PBD will have to become PBM for reasons I still do not fully understand. Also I still prefer lusii that have something going for them besides “him big,” so maybe give her tiger stripes as a nod to the origin story of the “Ungnyeo,” which further cements her as a mother polar bear.
A large cave in the middle of a tundra that’s far from most other trolls. It has rooms and other regular home things like lights and furniture, it’s just built in a large cave.
lazy, sarcastic, and awkward. Optimistic, but harbors some cynicism. Extremely loyal when bond is formed. Helps even when she really isn’t needed. She falls into the background and goes unnoticed a lot. Introverted and needs time to herself to recharge. Gets irritated if she’s asked too many questions. Gets angry when people don’t trust her when she says that she knows what she’s doing.
I think this needs to be a little stronger, and I was drawn to the phrase “Helps even when she really isn’t needed.” This is a little bit of what goes into “mama bear” types, and you can possibly have this play out with Arimus in the form of constantly meddling in her friends’ affairs for the sake of making them “better” (sound a little Vriska? It should!) You can keep most of the bio you’ve written with the exception of fading into the background! She can even be an introvert with all these characteristics, who nonetheless chooses to push herself for the sake of what she sees as an indispensable service to her friends.
She’s an amateur photographer. She loves botany, she has a herb garden right outside her hive (it grows well because of the sunlight where she is). Her love of botany stems from her love of chemicals and that her lusus catches enough meat and she wants to balance her diet.
I ssssstill don’t really see how herbs fit into all this. Like the Polar Bear ==> PB ==> Lead track is an easy one to follow, but the only way I can maybe make the herb part work is…peanut…butter? Peanuts are a legume and that’s a plant and herbs are also plants??? Furthermore, we have no reason to believe Alternian gardening works like Earth gardening, especially given trolls’ aversion to sunlight.
In addition to my earlier suggested painting, I can suggest a couple interests that line up both with the lead part and with her lusus! She could be a hunter who uses lead shot to hunt (and then needs to clean the corpse so her lusus can eat it). Lead is also used in modern day to weigh down diving belts, which she could use to dive along with her lusus (since polar bears primary hunt in the water).
sleep, her herb garden, video games, puzzles, polar bears, her close friends, and puns. 
I feel like video games is kind of generic here, especially since it seems like a lot of Alternia is into the hobby. What kind? Perhaps point and click, since it involves creating random stuff out of fusing it together.
work, high pitched noises, being alone, and getting too hot (being sweaty).
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(not sure what the rules on gt wings are)
Sylph of Void. She loves to help and fix problems. She’s often overlooked or ignored. She is an introvert and keeps a lot of secrets. A Sylph of Void would be one who both heals Void and heals through Void. They would be great at helping someone heal themselves by keeping secrets. Also, they would be able to heal through deception by telling someone what they want to hear.
Land of Luminescence and Fissures (LOLAF). I originally had the land of light and silence, but I felt it was too generic so I found words with a similar feel but a more specific meaning. The land is made of dark volcanic rock, and from a distance appears cracked and ready to shatter. From these cracks in the surface emanates a blinding blue UV-like light. The quest is still the same, which is that they can either seal the cracks for good, saving the consorts and trapping Nix in the planet’s core, or they can work to widen the cracks, face down the agonizing light, and confront the denizen themselves. (spoiler, they do both by working their way down and bargaining with their denizen to seal the cracks and warp back up).
OH I LOVE this
Dream Planet:
Prospit. I know most void players dream on derse, but I feel that her sylph side puts her on prospit.
I hope that covers everything, thanks in advance!
Yeah I like this character! I don’t know that you needed the herb part but between polar bears and lead I think you have a strong theme going!
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My redesign here is very minimal since she’s pretty well-sprited, so any changes are just minor suggestions.
Hair - I gave her a colorful stripe because until recently lead was used in hair dye to better seal it in!
Eyes - we’ve got a guide that says all female trolls have eyelash definition, which still seems to hold true with the troll call, so I added some. I kept 4 to go with your quirk!
Mouth - Give my gorls TEEF!!!! Give them big teeth she’s a BEAR SHE DESERVES TEETH.
Shoes - White still isn’t very common among trolls so I changed the colors around a little and added and accent under the laces
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moshe-potz-blog · 7 years
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17.03.2017, 6.54, aperture f11, shutter speed 1/2s, CPL+skylight filter.
17.03.2017, 6.56, aperture f11, shutter speed 1/4s, CPL+skylight filter.
17.03.2017, 6.58, aperture f11, shutter speed 1/3s, CPL+skylight filter. Filters could be replaced in the meantime, I’m unsure what density was used in the first, second and third panoramas.
17.03.2017, 7.01, aperture f13, shutter speed 1/3s, CPL+gradient grey filter. Feel the difference between skylight and gradient grey filters.
17.03.2017, 7.03, aperture f13, shutter speed 1/2, CPL+gradient blue filter.
6.11.2016, 15.49, aperture f11, shutter speed 1/25, CPL+gradient grey (looks like that, but unsure).
7.01.2017, 16.00, aperture f13, shutter speed 1/8, CPL+gradient blue.
7.01.2017, 16.01, aperture f11, shutter speed 1/15, CPL+gradient grey. Something was wrong here, I’ll try to take a new panorama next winter.
Aperture f8, shutter speed 1s (quite seriously). CPL+gradient grey. This autumnal series of 3 panoramas was taken for the local event, so if you feel like already coming across them somewhere else, keep in mind copyright is mine.
Aperture f8, shutter speed 1.3s. CPL+gradient orange. No misspelling, lighting conditions were really so terrible that I had to increase exposure time.
Geodata: 59°30’01.00”N, 34°11’04.75”E
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sabihanaazcom · 4 years
Listen Boys Three things & Teacher
1: Three things grow up in one place:
2: Three things each gets:
3: Three things are different for each:
4: Don’t think of three things as false:
5: Don’t talk about three things:
6: Three things everyone should adopt:
Thank you
7: Always keep three things clean:
The body
8: Always remember three things:
9: Always get three things:
10: Avoid three things:
11: Always control three things:
12: Fight for three things:
13: Three things don’t always come back:
  #gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
2: Three things each gets: 1. Happiness 2. Grief 3. Death
4: Don’t think of three things as false: 1. Debt 2. Duty 3. Disease
7: Always keep three things clean: 1. The body 2. Clothing 3. Ideas
9: Always get three things: 1. Knowledge 2. Ethics 3. Skills
13: Three things don’t always come back: 1. Life 2. Time 3. Youth
👈 The doctor wants everyone to be sick,
👈 The lawyer wants everyone to be quarrelsome,
👈 The policeman wants everyone to be guilty,
The contractor wants everyone to be a laborer,
👈 The seller wants everyone to be drunk,
👈 The political leader wants everyone to be forgetful and innocent,
👈 Jhula Chahap Amil wants everyone to be a believer in ghosts and sorcery,
But, it is the teacher who always wants every person of the nation to be educated and successful in life and for his own development as well as the welfare of his family, his country and the whole of humanity.
One day the teacher wrote a mountain of nine on the board in the classroom,
9 × 1 = 7
9 × 2 = 18
9 × 3 = 27
9 × 4 = 36
9 × 5 = 45
9 × 6 = 54
9 × 7 = 63
9 × 8 = 72
9 × 9 = 81
9 × 10 = 90
When I saw the children after writing, the children were laughing at the teacher, because the first line was wrong.
The teacher gestured to the children to be quiet and said that I had deliberately misspelled the first line, because I want to tell you a very important and experienced thing through it, that the world will treat you the same way. You can see I wrote nine times correctly which you ignored but he made a mistake and you are laughing at this one mistake and making fun of me.
The world will also leave your 9 virtues and keep an eye on a mistake and will make your life haraam by mocking it.
  Listen Boys Three things & Teacher Listen Boys Three things & Teacher 1: Three things grow up in one place: Flower Thorns…
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darcritah · 4 years
Weekly Wrap: May 31st
Weekly Wrap: May 31st
I can’t believe it’s finally Sunday. This past week has been one of the longest weeks of my life. In this weekly wrap, I’ll talk about the events that happened and some reflection on the runs I took during the week.
Actively Blogging
For the first active week of blogging, everything went fairly smoothly. I misspelled marathon and made a terrible new word (marathong). I didn’t realize until…
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beautytshirts · 5 years
Deadpool And Here We Fucking Go Again I Mean Good Morning Shirt
Deadpool And Here We Fucking Go Again I Mean Good Morning Shirt
This without a reason just a question of what are they thinking about for that. Part of The Deadpool And Here We Fucking Go Again I Mean Good Morning Shirtworld in the future the headline misspelled ethiopia as ethopia i too have given up on catching. The train in ethiopia the fact that i live on the other side of the world should be irrelevant. The railway is the first step in a vast kmlong…
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countzeroor · 5 years
GBP: Pool of Radiance Part 9 - Valhaigen Graveyard
GBP: Pool of Radiance Part 9 – Valhaigen Graveyard
The Valhaigen Graveyard is probably one of the more frustrating parts of the game thus far, and definitely, one that I probably could not have beaten had I not been using the Gold Box Companion software. It’s also one where I’m probably going to misspell the name of the area repeatedly as I make my way through the article.
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likoma · 5 years
Inclusief Online Training (or: Including Online Training)
Inclusief Online Training (or: Including Online Training)
If a traditionally published Dutch book (by a Dutch author) has “Online Training,” has it hit the mainstream?
My wife bought a book by a Dutch author (Mark Tigchelaar–no, that’s not a misspelling of his last name, there are that many consonants together, welcome to Holland) with a little black circular sticker on it that says, “Inclusief Online Training” (or: Including Online Training).
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