#hyperpop journey
notmakos · 11 days
would infected listen to Nero's Day at Disneyland or as she's currently known now as Lauren Bousfield? (shes the song artist that made the infamous Action Winter Journey song that was popular back in the animation meme community)
She makes experimental, glitch, breakcore n hyperpop music n i thought this fits infected/kasper a lot in terms of what music he would listen but you can check it out yourself!
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pommpuriinn · 5 months
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SYNOPSIS: preview of the EP
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ album details
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ tracklist
1. Aenergy
2. Black Mamba
3. Sweet Juice
4. Gotta go
An album that starts off hyperpop and goes through a more dark seductive sound. The black mamba takes control of Joohyung and takes her down a dark journey.
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
aw sweet! see what it says on the calendar?summer has sprung, it seems! some might say its time to show u sillies some songs for the season!
spotify link :3 :: yt link :3
full list + notes under the cut ^w^
Aluralura - Sweet Trip: this somg is soooooo fucking smooth. and cool. using the strictest definition of cool i can. perhaps cooler than cool. dk what ud even call that but this is it. sounds like i should be cruisin down the information highway to this straight up. feels like im being hit with a million little lightning bolts in. a good way? that doesnt sound good but it is. ull get it just listen pls just li
Babe of the Abyss - Girls Rituals: UGH devi.. i was so sad when this was pulled from streaming for a bit like some of the other singles from the upcoming girls rituals, but thankfully it did return :3 unlike the rest of those songs :/ eh this one is good enough to make up for it! so glittery and clicky and kinda unlike a lot of other songs devis done but it's v unique like that :3 the cover is interesting to me too bc it looks ai generated and it reminds me of a video devi made explaining her songwriting process a bit and after setting an arpeggiater (dk if i spelled that right lmao) to random she said she likes the collaboration between her and her computer and letting the computer decide some things like that :3 idk just a neat little factoid for ya
BALD! - JPEGMAFIA: was gonna put one of the tracks off scaring the hoes in this spot but, after deciding to go through peggys solo stuff a bit i liked this one even more than those ones :3 he has a very interesting and wide ranging sound tho so im really excitied to listen to more. uhh nothing else to say really. juts good song 👍
Cops and robbers - underscores: new underscores era hello anyone rockin wit it???? ME im rocking with jt thank u very much!! that one song count of three (you can eat $#@!), which ive heard is very good :3, was the end of the fishmonger era for them, where the "thing" was apparently that underscores wanted guitar on each track. still trying to find The thing about this eras sound, and maybe its the deeming it "the Wallsocket era", but to me everything just feels very buzzy, very electrically alive idk. like theres just this CRT/fluorescent light hum that backs the bass at the beginning. and the middle section just sounds like im listening to a fucking tesla coil make a pop song. shit Rocks. and Fucks. i give this one the Makes Violet Sing And Dance Around In Her Room Alone award this season, which is something i will absolutely be doing from now on and will not forget for the fall hehe :3
Dariacore Song Tutorial - leroy/Jane Remover: wait i thought there was YEAH there was dariacore on the last one, but as ive seen it so elegantly explained, this is a jane song more than a dariacore song. i mean obviously sonically right, no memey hyperpop mash up font, just some loud ass guitars n drums, but its good!!! jane literally incapable of missing.
Dress Down - Kaoru Akimoto: one of my many music moments recently has been getting into city pop more! i kiiinda only know the hits, of which this is definitely one of them, but ive seen my way around a bit B) (my cool sunglasses guy do not steal.) and even after my journey round the city.. pop, this is still one of my faves.
FELL - Varg^2™️ (im toolazy to make it superscript sowwy) & Bladee: since i began my drain journey i thought id listened to most if not all of bladees stuff besides like really old stuff that actually isnt good. like, bladee isnt good, but u get used to it as the saying goes and u kinda get to see his artistic vision unfold as he releases new stuff. but old bladee really isnt good. anyway imagine my delight and splendor when i see theres another Varg^2TM, Bladee collab... besides ecco and the rest of drain gang varg is probably my favorite bladee collaborator. in fact i almost put SHINIE, another collab from them, on some spring songs but it didnt make the cut unfortch. glad i could find something new from them to dig into mm yummy bladee :3
!¡! find the answer ¡!¡ - six impala: holy FUCK i am listening to six impala!
光の中へ (hikari no naka e)- Kessoku Band: yeah yeah i know there was kessoku band on the last one BUT THEY MADE MORE SO I LISTENED TO IT. they have such good push and pull with their tunes. like the moments of silence/slowing down before going all out. the quick drum interjections to pick things back up again. like nijikas fuckin getting it!!!! actually i read something recently about the critical reception to kessoku band, the self titled album, that makes a similar point. they were saying that although the album is just good j-rock on its own, the strength of the individual instruments and the texture of the songs themselves embodies the characters in your mind. like i listened to the beginning a bit closer one time and heard the little shreds the guitar was giving at the top and it instantly made me think like "oh shit bocchis fucking tearing it up!" soooo good instantly one of my faves from them.
It Was A Good Day - Ice Cube: fuuuuuuck i cant fucking find it i wasngonna put it here bc its the reason i added it to my playlist and have been listening to it so mch recently but. i cant find it. it was a top text bottom text cat meme edit of this song, in the same vein as that one of death grips' hacker. a very good morning walk song btw, cuz even tho it would be very easy for that situation to feel trite, im like shit. mama cooked the breakfast with no hog! todays gonna be a good day. it usually isnt with where im heading on my morning walk but. eventually itll be a good day! and the iced cube told me that.
Les Os - The Unicorns: sooooo this song is extremely horny to me sorry. also very kinda toxic t4t core but thats juts meeeeeee :3... + the singers voice is very similar in register to mine when in singing so it makes it v easy to project who daid that.... uhh anywag in the ol violet amv machine (what i call my brain) i imagine the singer with the mic stand tilted back between their legs, perhaps a cheeky little leg wrap around like sexy singers tend to do, as they stare down from the stage into yuor eyes specifically. asking u directly, out of everyone. tell me bout ur love affairs.. tell me bout ur moral resignations... so then u meet after the show and [transmission lost]
LOU - whoTF (Folie & Forget Basement), Fraxiom: [transmission regained] and from the production stylings of new hyperpop ish duo whoTF comes another lyrical miracle from the mind and pen of fraxiom music!!! includes such bangers as "I’m blowing up your car/I see Mercedes boom/I’m off four drinks of alcohol/Pissing in the ladies room!" rhyming "you can watch a youtube video" with "get your fitted tutu biddie hoe" (LIKE?) and also the amazing outro from which i could just paste the whole thing but this part resonates especially "I need to become alive, in the morning, like a rooster!/Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee and foodstuffs"..."Estradiol, finasteride, adderall, and thc im juiced up!" making rooster rhyme with foodstuff and juiced up and also everything else in that part god. they dont call them fraxiom fucking music for nothing. um but also whoTF is v good, for one without frax that is still good listen to cigs up as well :3
Natural Disasters - Enon: love me a song with a strange guitar hook! ive heard this bands like top 2 songs (which include this one) bc it was just a night of spotify surfing, but those two songs are quite good. very boucy, good energy. makes me wanna do the bounce in place dance and flail my arms as i sing only the chorus and maybe try to approximate the sounds of the lyrics i dont know. sounds like a good time to me!
Overflow - Een Glish, Tyfty, Ben Glish: eek! so ai voiced songs specifically rap is very good to me. that family ties edit with spongebob and patrick is probably one of my favorite pieces of music. but this artist is v interesting to me :3 een glish is a vocaloid (? not sure if entirely correct but u get what im getting at) made from the google translate ladys voice. and its GOOD this one specifically is very catchy but she has bars too!!! check out rap game bob ross too, and also the remix with bars from SONIC HELLO? im giving this one the Sound of the Summer distinction bc not only is it a very summery jam, but it is the one im really telling u to check out if u get the chance. lots of good jams here.
Scatman - Scatman John (DJ Kadozer 2003 Remix): (why did i accidentally type out 'evil remix' at first?) sooooo i was having a bit of a scatman moment recently, as was documented in THIS other epic music post u should go check out if u havent already hihhii :3 tho she TOTALLY STOLE the one i was gonna do, Scatman's World, cuz everyone knows scatman right? skabadaba bweebopbopbadop bop? bopbop badop bop? yeah that one! but.... have u ever heard scatman. like this???? probably not... all im sayin... scat vocals/eurobeat foundation translated to this stabbing edm remix.. its quite good. good enough that the first few seconds alone get me to smile big like this :)
Shop - Toby Fox: songs to order a You. Pick. 2... to...... haha but seriously guys this ones just a really chill one :3 i can alwasy hear the you. pick. 2. part in the song bc theyre punctuated exactly the same way its kinda hell. im chillin. like usual. listenin to undertale musicand then how boutta You. Pick. 2. with some brawwwcolli cheddah. onsecond th... and then were done with that and back to the normal undertale song! like an angle in the knight.. or tiers in the reign...... here and then gone forever. truly, ephemeral..............................
The Flag Is Raised - Asian Glow: in case we couldn't drain enough this summer, asian glow put out this really neat interpretation of one of my faves off bladee and ecco2k's recent masterpiece, Crest. follows in the footsteps of many a bladee cover for me where the cover often plays over the actual song in my head. like i expect certain isntrumentation when i listen to the original that is only present in the cover but that just means theyre both good ! the guitars and the cymbals all over this make this version feel so shiny... aww and they use the little sigil ring from Crest on the cover for it too :"3
THE FLIES - Operation Sodasteal: think i mentioned this in the tags of a post that im sure uve all read before coming to class today, but ive been listening to a lot of these guys recently! just some furry emo nightcore rock that sounds plucked right out of 2007. the one vocalist, slaney(in)famous i think? im not confident which is which, has such a good voice for it too like they have all the good vocal inflections of ur typical lead pop punk vocalist, and i usually just end up singing the lyrics like them bc im just a silly little mirror huh?
This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody) - Talking Heads: ooobh i got plany off time....... yeag ive been getting down with this jam recently :3 another good morning walk tune. been trying to get into talking heads a bit more too bc every song i hear is soooo good. like i almost put the girl wants to be with the girls here bc of that OTHER meme edit i actually dont remember if it was lolcats again. it was specifically the "girls are getting into.. abstract analysis!" OHHBB it was a rose homestuck thing bc i memba her sitting at her lappytop :3 doin some fuckin abstract analysis i suppose..
Tin Man - feeble little horse: this is another single turned favorite-song-on-the-full-album-bc-i-took-too-long-making-this-list-again-lol. i love what theyre doin to these guitars maan theyre really fuckin em up in there..... also i love that this band just calls its music guitar music. its fuckin true.
Vicinity of Obscenity - System Of A Down: songs that have done irreversible damage to my psyche and syntax. i will bust out a banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie when the fuck ever just let me know the time and place my man. it is such a vocal stim for me. this whole song is honestly. some of the silliest nu metal u can get ur paws on i checked (she is lying to u again tho it is quite silly with it 😳) + had to go with the 2008 youtube editor lyric video for the youtube playlist obviously.
ahmmmmm so thanks u all once again for enjoying some more songs with me (summer edition)!!!!! <3333 see yall...... in the fall.. with some more songs hehe (or perhaps for summer......2! who knowce :3 the summers still got plany off time as some might say)
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lynn-writes-things · 2 years
jjk characters as types of emos
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wc: 2.9k
this was a silly lil idea I had, I had way too much fun writing these lmao
mentions of nobamaki (nobara x Maki), inuokku (Inumaki x yuuta), Miwa x Mechamaru
Tokyo Kids:
Megumi Fushiguro:
- DEFINITELY HAD THE “iTs NoT a PhAsE!!1!1!!” edgy bitch boy phase (ily Megs I’m sorry)
- my chem stan first and foremost (not big on danger days tho; three cheers is his fav album)
- also waterparks and bring me the horizon
- had a BIG black veil brides phase, probably tried to style his hair like Andy biersack and did the makeup to match (but his fav member was probably Jinx if we’re being honest)
- modern day, he fucking loves corpse
- lives in hot topic + spencers every time Gojo takes him to the mall
- you know the leather chokers that kinda look like a collar but they have the spikes on them? yeah
- and the spiky bracelets? yeah 😌
- RINGS!!!!!!
- was mildly invested in creepypasta, not as much as Yuuji, but he definitely has read most the big stories (eyeless Jack is his fav)
- also Yuuji absolutely forced him to watch marble hornets and he might’ve caught feelings for Tim (didn’t we all-)
- let’s be real here….
- it’s his greatest shame to this day, but he’s totally growled at people before
- oh he also totally went through the vampire phase
Yuuji Itadori:
- ok first of all..
- LOVED creepypasta forums, probably wrote a couple himself
- BUT this mf binge watched the entire slenderverse main ARGs on YouTube (probably watches Night Mind religiously for the in-depth coverage)
- tried to do a spin off Marble Hornets with his friends in the occult club but it didn’t work out ://
- evermanHYBRID was his favorite and now he has a major soft spot for Evan since he too is now occasionally puppeted by a scary ancient evil curse/god
- also likes buzzfeed unsolved! tries to get Megumi to go with him to haunted places cause together they’d have the Shane/Ryan dynamic
- Sleeping With Sirens stan!!
- so needless to say he also loves Pierce The Veil
- totally used to listen to Never Shout Never too
- now…. I HATE saying this…. Truly I do… but I think he would’ve been the type of guy who USED TO occasionally listen to blood on the dance floor BEFORE shit came out about them, he would’ve liked to hyperpop type beat ya know?
- he knows every single word to the phone song by JJ demon
- journey’s is his favorite store, hot topic a close second. not a super big fan of spencers tbh, I think it’d intimidate him and the sex toys would make him uncomfy
- even tho he looks like (and is) a sunshine, the emos gravitate towards him (cough cough, Megumi and Junpei) so he’s always been into all of it
Nobara Kugisaki:
- bit more scene-leanin’
- I think this goes without saying…
- Paramour stan
- has a crush on Hayley Williams (don’t we all-)
- LOVES Halestorm too and has a crush on Lyzzy (again, don’t we all-)
- listens to fit for rivals (Maki introduced her to them)
- she also really likes twenty one pilots!!!
- I feel like she’d favor Spencer’s over hot topic, but she also shops at journeys
- idk I think she’s the type to claim hot topic is TOO mainstream/for posers/etc (but if Maki wants to go, suddenly she’s never loved a store more)
- jelly bracelets of her favorite bands
- TOTALLY had the scene kid neon arm fishnet glove things ya know?
- “I made you a cookie 😊…… but I eated it😞”
- not super into creepypasta stuff but she PROBABLY read at least some creepypasta x reader fanfics on specifically quotev
- tried to learn how to skateboard to impress Maki
- it didn’t really work, but Maki did give her some cool bandaids
- peach monster ONLY
Maki Zenin:
- controversial… hello kitty obsessed emo
- she had the stickers, the bandaids, probably even a purse/backpack
- black veil brides stan!! used to make fun of megumi for dressing up like Andy, but let’s be real, she helped him do the makeup
- I think her fav member would be CC (girl has taste)
- fit for rivals stan also
- she found the Damage music video on YouTube and became a fan of all their music real quick
- has a crush on Renee Phoenix (don’t we all-)
- I think she’d like the slenderverse ARG’s a reasonable amount, not like Yuuji tho
- not big into creepypasta, but she’s read Jane the killer, and probably cosplayed her at LEAST once
- Spencers > hot topic, not a fan of journeys
- flirts with nobara through pon and zi comics
- ALSO went through the vampire phase big time, Megumi got her into the Vladimir Todd series and she borrowed all of his books
- her biggest shame is that she’s read My Immortal and actually didn’t hate it
- homestuck fan!!
- monster energy emo
- I think she could rock a snapback ngl
- skateboards, she’s pretty good at it, not as good as Toge tho
- has a collection of cute bandaids, ranging from basic neon ones, to designs, to characters (has several boxes of hello kitty ones)
- (it is a high honor for her to share the hello kitty ones)
- (this is an honor that nobara is lucky enough to receive)
Toge Inumaki:
- eyeliner!!!!!!!
- does he know what he’s doing? not fuckin’ really, but it works out for him
- probably tries to make his eyes look darker underneath cause he wants to look perpetually tired and depressed like Yuuta
- has absolutely done purple frosted tips before
- you think he was allowed to buy the hair dye to do it? fuck no, he used sharpie and made Yuuta or Panda help him
- paints his nails, I’m thinking black and a purple accent nail
- also wears rings, but daintier ones than Megumi wears
- three days grace stan tbh
- other fav bands include: asking alexandria, falling in reverse, waterparks, the maine, pierce the veil, sleeping with sirens, etc
- my point is, he’s a big time music emo
- he can’t really talk, so he listens to a lot of shit, constantly
- his and Yuuta’s song is black butterflies and deja vu by the maine :))
- skateboards!! he’s really good at it :)
- Yuuta was SO impressed
- shops at Spencers mostly, but if he’s in a mall, he’s usually hanging around the food court trying to look cool (and dragging his friends to chill there with him)
- SUPER into creepypasta, he’s on the same level as Yuuji
- his fav is Ben Drowned
- so obviously he did the cleverbot shit religiously
- did the whole monster tab thing to Yuuta (the KISS one, these are PG headcanons today bitches)
Yuuta Okkatsu:
- “yOu DoNt UnDeRsTaNd My PaIn!!1!11!!!” whenever something minor goes wrong type bitch
- shy boi
- clings to Maki in public cause she always stands up for him
- Maki and Toge have absolutely beaten up bullies for him
- wears chokers!!
- sometimes he borrows rings from Toge
- fall out boy emo
- actually, scratch that, he was big into the fabled 2013 tumblr “holy emo trinity” of fall out boy, panic at the disco, and my chem
- “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” is his anthem
- not into creepypasta really, but he’ll watch/read whatever Toge shows him
- Maki’s homestuck buddy
- watches Dan and Phil!!!
- I also feel like he’d watch markiplier
- FNAF stan (also got Toge into it)
- as far as stores go, he prefers hot topic
- he’s like Yuuji, Spencer’s intimidates him (but he’ll go in with Toge or Maki if they want to)
- literally LIVES off of caffeine, fruit punch Rockstar is his fav drink
- he’s read the Vladimir Todd books, but tbh I think he’d be more of a werewolf guy
- idk man
- cried watching twilight and this is a fact no one lets him live down
- did not understand the monster tab proposal, but when it was explained, this boy combusted (but absolutely did give Toge a kiss)
- this became their thing :)
- also!!! he doodles!!!! he gives himself and his friends sharpie “tattoos”
- let’s Toge paint his nails 🥹
Kyoto Kids:
Momo Nishimiya:
- only mildly emo tbh
- goes without saying, but
- witchcraft emo
- got that 2014 tumblr witchy aesthetic
- sleeping with sirens stan
- supernatural stannnn
- this is canon tho right?
- Halsey stan!!!! taste!!!
- absolutely reads homestuck
- zodiac OBSESSED
- hot topic shopper
- jelly bracelets!!!!
- invader zim fan, has a lot of gir merch
- fake tattoos, 100%
- really really good at gothic makeup
- her fav thing to do is a big batwing liner paired with black or purple lipstick
- watches Dan and Phil, probably ships them tbh
- not into slenderverse ARG’s, but she’s subscribed to Night Mind and watches his explained series on other ARG’s
- don’t hug me I’m scared
- also?? I think she’d like FNAF
- it would scare her, she’d have to watch it with Mai and maybe also Miwa, but I think she’d enjoy it
- oh oh oh, totally gives herself fake (and real) piercings
- buzzfeed unsolved with the homies
Mai Zenin:
- she at least USED to listen to Die Antwoord
- had a weird crush on Yolandi (I might be projecting)
- I’m dying on this hill, fuck you
- secretly very into creepypasta but hides it from everyone
- the concept of her and Maki having the same favorite band is too funny for me to pass up, but I do also genuinely think she’d love Fit For Rivals
- to throw an even rarer band into the mix, she listens to Icon For Hire
- bring me the horizon stan
- shops exclusively at Spencer’s
- not a skateboarder, but she rollerblades
- I can see her wearing snapbacks, I think it’d look good
- either has or wanted gauges
- watches buzzfeed unsolved with the other Kyoto kids
- proooobably used to watch Brian Starz interviews before.. ya know
- used to watch jeffree star makeup tutorials before, ya know
- fruit punch monster for the winnnnn
- she does stick and poke tattoos!!
Aoi Todo:
- no emo energy, sorry
- I think if anything the MOST he’d classify is that his gym playlist is full of metal music
- MAYBE got a tattoo from Mai
Noritoshi Kamo:
- “yOu WoUlDn’T uNdErStAnD 🙄”
- has to keep it all secret cause of clan stuff
- wears eyeliner, looks damn good in it
- neck chains, finger chains, belt chains, etc
- his ears are pierced shhhh
- he did them himself with a safety pin
- loves corpse, probably has a lil bond with Megumi about it
- Spencers > hot topic, but still shops at both, not big on journeys
- wants so many piercings, but alas…
- let Mai give him a tiny tattoo somewhere that’s easy to hide
- SUPER into vampires
- he had fun with his cursed technique when he got into vampires lmao
- not real into energy drinks, but he likes coffee
- sometimes he’s been known to nurse a plain monster to look cool
- this man…. writes slam poetry
- probably posts it online under a pseudonym
- he just has too many feelings and he is not allowed to express any of them :((
- wants to dye the tips of his hair red, but he’s not allowed :(
- part of the unsolved club
- creepypasta fan, his fav is ticci toby
- has ABSOLUTELY read My Immortal at some point
- gets upset if someone teases him about it
- he strikes as the type who has read every single goosebumps book in middle school (and honestly, same, good for him)
Kasumi Miwa:
- scene kid!! look at those bangs and tell me otherwise!
- “rawr XD” type beat babey
- Pon and Zi comics @ Gojo (who does not get it)
- but also @ Kokichi (who does get it)
- wants to be edgier, but alas, she is a sunshine
- Never Shout Never fan
- also really likes sleeping with sirens
- likes my chem but danger days is her fav album (she also read all the comics)
- Journeys > hot topic, spencers scares her
- super into creepypasta and slenderverse ARG’s!!!
- her and Yuuji probably talk about them together tbh
- FNAF fan!! probably got Momo into it, consequently also got Mai into it
- she LOVED homestuck
- totally read My Immortal, unironically enjoyed it
- tumblr kid through and through
- probably got super into Superwholock
- also probably watches let’s plays, specifically markiplier and achievement hunter (Gavin is her fav, she misses Ray ((don’t we all-))
- Danganronpa fan!!!
Kokichi Muta:
- I’ll be honest here I do not have a strong grasp on his character so bear with me here cause I know damn well he belongs on this list
- possibly the top of it
- rivals Megumi for top emo
- creepypasta fan ofc, needs something to read
- probably came up with his own, either posted it in the forums or he just wrote his own creepypasta oc fanfics
- Miwa introduced him to Danganronpa, he got super into it
- they play it together :))
- doesn’t shop :// but he’ll go along with his friends if they want to go
- wears a bracelet that Miwa made him 24/7 (its matching, they have little pon and zi charms 🥹)
- read homestuck, wasn’t super into it
- really likes being included in the buzzfeed unsolved nights!!
- similar to Toge, he listens to like… everything
- is it mean if I say his favorite song is I Am Machine-
Now onto the elder emos:
Suguru Geto:
- in his early years he 1000000% was similar to Megumi with the “iTs NoT a PhAsE” phase
- chilled out with age
- (still listens to the same music tho)
- probably worked at Spencer’s tbh
- he really likes my chem!!! Frank is his fav
- also listens to a lot of Franks other bands (Leathermouth was his fav)
- three days grace is his shit tho
- also big into Green Day!
- tbh I think he listened to a lot of dragonforce for awhile
- butterfly knife skills for dayyyysssss
- HAS teased the shit out of his hair at least once in THOSE days
- honestly he probably had a raccoon tail in his hair at some point or another
- the gauges are a given, mf still has them and wears them proudly
- paints his nails black!! sometimes with a red accent
Satoru Gojo:
- not super on this list, he ain’t super emo, might’ve had a teensy bit of a scene phase
- If you’re wondering where Megumi learned to growl at people tho it’s bc Gojo barks
- you read that right, this mf barks at people
- still does
- makes fun of everyone for their taste in music, even though he also listens to some of it
- steals all Suguru’s band tees, past and present
Kento Nanami:
- has grown out of his emo phase
- every now and then he falls back into the music tho
- DEFINITELY was a my chem stan, super invested
- knew he wanted kids after watching them become parents
- edge lord extreme in his youth, love that for him 🖤
- has the intro dialogue to I’m Not Okay memorized
- he got caught by Suguru while sneaking out of school one night to go to some punk rock concert
- Suguru gave him a ride cause he was also on his way to the same concert
- had the leather spikey bracelets and matching choker like Megumi, gets WHIPLASH when he sees Megumi rocking the same shit years later
- fills him with pride tbh
- he listens to what The Kids are listening to these days, out of curiosity
- doesn’t hate it
- tbh he’s just happy watching the young emos do their thing
- has probably caught SOME of them sneaking out to go to a concert
- obviously drove them himself and told them to call him if they needed a ride back
- protector of the future emos 🖤
Shoko Ieri:
- we’re here for a good time not a long time vibes
- listens to a lot of the maine
- loves halestorm, has a crush on Lyzzy Hale
- has smacked Gojo for making fun of her music taste before and will do it again
- regularly jams out with Suguru
- used to work at Spencers with him, probably stole some stuff and got fired
- piercings!!!
- had her tongue pierced
- probably briefly had her septum pierced too but it got infected from all her smoking and she was too stubborn to quit so she just took it out instead
- I bet… I BET she has her nipples pierced, hot bitch shit ya know?
- honestly probably got them done at the same time as Utahime on a dare
- she doesn’t show it much but seeing the current students getting into the scene makes her happy
- makes her remember all the shit they used to get up to when they were students
- quite literally survives off of peach redbull
- she mixed it with her coffee one day and the boys kept joking that she was a bad example as a doctor
- SILLY BANDS!!!!!!!!!!! The boys steal them from her all the time
Choso Kamo:
- MY LOVE!!!!
- HUGE my chem stan, three cheers is his fav album
- thank you for the venom is his favorite song
- asking alexandria is another of his favs
- likes bring me the horizon too
- Yuuji showed him modern emo bands, he showed Yuuji old emo bands in return
- caught Yuuji in one of his old band tees once, literally gave him some and made him listen to at least one song from every band
- smokes cigs cause he’s old enough to do so
- not too big on energy drinks but can be found drinking coffee nonstop
- has a choker that looks a lot like a dog collar
- call me crazy but I think he could rock a bridge piercing if he wanted to
- pretty rings that will hurt like hell if he punches you while wearing them, do not mess with his brothers 🖤
- smudged eyeliner and black lipstick has ALWAYS been his fav look, probably blends a bit of purple in the middle
- also purple eyeshadow
- black nail polish!!
- overall just sweet elder emo who will protect Yuuji and his friends from anyone who tries to get in their way
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thrill-kill-kult · 2 years
Electronic playlists for the masses
Hi I love electronic music and I think you all deserve some. Mainly synthwave, but I also love heavy bass.
Ultimate Waveshaper Experience:
A celebration of the legendary synthwave artist’s best music. To be enjoyed in order.
To The Death | EDI:
Music that reminds me of my favorite sentient spaceship AI.
Does This Unit Have A Soul? | Legion:
Electronic-inspired, more on the metal side. A love letter to my favorite AI. 
What it says on the tin. A love letter to my favorite people.
Pilgrimage | Tali’Zorah:
For the best girl. I honestly think she deserves three different playlists, one for each game, because she changes and grows so much. I’d say this is maybe my ME1 playlist for her.
My Cybernetic Heart Beats Only For You:
Androids on the run. Subversive robot 4 robot love. Moments of intense bass-heavy music interspersed with slow, easy synthwave for an unforgettable journey through Neo-Tokyo.
Bossu? || Vinegar Doppio:
Hyperpop and music that tastes like bubblegum and blood.
Spaghetti Western in Cyberspace:
Faye Valentine’s solo soundtrack. Girl power with guns, velvet robes and louboutins.
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dbeatappreciator · 8 months
“Week 1”
July 28th: I’m letting unseen forces take the wheel - Scary Website
Cybergrind. The answer to the problem of boredom in the face of crippling social anxiety is simple, staring you in the face even (read the first word). Sometimes a girl needs to smoke weed and practice moshing in her room for an extended period of time so she can figure out the whole therapy thing and that’s OKAY because if she (me) wasn’t this chronically online I’d have never heard ‘Scary Website’ by ILUFTTW and that would’ve been a tragedy because oh my god this album is so fucking hard. It’s really no use (and no fun:((() to try to pin down the genre of this record, it flops around from moment to moment perfectly without sitting on any 1 idea too long, I only wish this album was longer because the ideas and performance on this thing are so mind blowing I’d love to see what kind of shenanigans these unseen forces would drive into with more time.
We start off with a modern hyperpop masterpiece that has more ADHD than the “class clown” from your 3rd grade class, the way this song sounds is amazing, it’s so chaotic yet so clean, the sass just oozes out of every insane bass drop and beat switch in this track and I love every second of it. This Is My Son, Mealticket is a really fun mix up of a lot of the most cringe metal genres, it’s exciting, fast, heavy, everything you need in a song nowadays. The mathcore influence throughout this EP is really what sells it for me, when I hear something that makes me think at all that is a major plus, but when it can also make me laugh and dance my ass off then that is really something special. My Rawring Bride is the part in the record where you start to realize that this is definitely a hyperpop album, but before you indignantly demand for your money back and storm off bandcamp never to be found again, just think back to how much fun Nu Metal was and relax to some cool heavy poppy shit, you've earned it soldier :3, this song is a big stand out on the record and my go to if i'm gonna try to get someone into it. And finally, the closer has those epic, powerful triumphs and moments of self reflection that put the final nails in the “theater kid” accusation. The best ending songs are epic, they evoke a sense of victory and completion, a very satisfying way to end such a fun album.
Scary Website scratches a hyperpop itch that has been systematically implanted in me while giving some of the most exciting heavy music I have heard recently, if you still stand by Iowa, and have a rocky relationship with your parents I think this album is for you, because it’s definitely for me and I’ve been seen before rocking out with a Korn supporter. Thank You for reading this in it’s new format, idk exactly where I'm gonna post this but I’ll figure it out as I continue to develop my voice in my music sharing journey.
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 months
With Leah's help, we turn our attention to Kim Petras.
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: When she's not being a trailblazer for the world's worst song (can you imagine the hypothetical TSJ blurbs for "Unholy"?), or receiving ire for Feed the Beast (which I secretly adore for how plodding and simple its pop vision is), it turns out Kim Petras remembers how to write a fun hook. "Brrrr" is camp embodied, far from transgressive, but delightful in its queer, whirring onomatopoeia. [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I lived in queer co-ops from 2018 to 2020 so I've spent a non-negligible amount of time trying to appreciate Kim Petras. In that time -- and in the years following -- I've gotten precisely nothing out of this endeavor. The arc of Kim Petras's career is unintelligible to me, a grand chronicle in a language I can't read. If anything, her journey from "fake pop star my friends swear by" to "maybe real pop star that my friends don't talk about" is one of attenuation -- whatever star-like qualities could be discerned in her strongest early appearances ("I Don't Want It At All", the SOPHIE one, the Charli XCX one) is absent entirely on "Brrr" -- even the campy thrill of "Coconuts" and her vampy turn on "Unholy" is hard to discern here. The Kim Petras of "Brrr" is a rictus grin of forced slay, a joyless demonstration of force of will wrapping in third-generation Yeezus pop-industrial beats. [2]
Hannah Jocelyn: Alright, who gave Rami Yacoub the SOPHIE sample pack from Splice? Forget hyperpop; this is hypopop, devoid of any sort of invention or interesting production that once defined the genre. This is what CRASH sounds like to people that hate CRASH; this is what 10,000 Gecs sounds like to people who hate that record. Petras has no distinctive identity here; I don't even hear a woo-ahh; she even says "you don't know me all too well" and I agree. [3]
Oliver Maier: Don't have any idea what "if you think you're so cold, brr" is supposed to mean and producers ILYA and Rami evidently got overexcited with the SOPHIE sample pack. Improbably, it mostly gels. Kim Petras is probably evil but her performance here is seismic. [7]
Will Adams: I'll give her this: I can't remember the last time a pop song's central hook landed with such a tremendous thud as "IF YOU THINK YOU'RE SO COLD. BURRRRRR." [3]
Brad Shoup: That hook -- ouch. It would kill in the writers' room of an industry drama. The pre-chorus -- where she retreats for a second just to explode -- breaks up the squelch just fine. This looms more than it bangs, which feels right for a song I thought said if you like it baby, haunt a lobby. [4]
Nortey Dowuona: The bass drum in this is novel in that nothing is actually done upon closer inspection. There's a lot done with the synths, especially with the quick zaps of melodies that bubble up during the second pre-chorus, the quick bubbly riff at the tail end of the chorus, and the light motif at the beginning that is so thin it disappears upon quicker inspection. These all sound delightful, but listen to the bass drums, stripped of their ability to carry the baseline or shift the rhythm of the song. They could've been replaced with literally any kind of drum sound and it would function the same. It's just thrown in there since capital-p Pop music has absorbed rap production techniques wholesale without paying attention to how it's used. This could be coming from say, house or bass music, but nobody who made bass music would program bass drums this way, right? [4]
Micha Cavaseno: Extremely funny to hear the punchline flow still utilized as a hook in pop in 2023, because all the parts that feel very much like the past aren't the obviously retro-touches. The robotic elements of the production going for tech-electro knuckle-drag are nice and sleek, a classic vehicle if ever there was one even 40 years after this stuff was a trope. But the brrr, the filter on the backing vocals, the devil-may-care attitude gone world weary all meanwhile feels like the clichés of a decade ago that don't quite feel ready for nostalgia. I guess there's something to be said about a record that feels beholden to its dated elements being so "cold", but not everything cold is super inviting. [3]
Will Rivitz: As cold as a fridge set a degree or two above the FDA standard, and as enthralling as a piece of iceberg lettuce dessicated after a week left inside. [4]
Aaron Bergstrom: *Kenneth Parcell voice* "What's cocaine like?" [2]
Alfred Soto: What sucks is that this song doesn't suck. My students could've commissioned the vocal from several AI resources, the electronics don't grate. What sucks is that the hook sucks. "Did she really sing, 'If you think you're so cold, brr'?!" On first listen it sounded like "If you think you're so-ber." Guess which I prefer. [5]
Taylor Alatorre: Kim Petras released two albums in 2023 and I honestly didn't remember that this was on one of them. It provides a glimpse into one potential Bad Ending to her still-promising career: getting so hyped off the Sam Smith streaming numbers that she loses the ability to discriminate between "bad bitch energy" and movie trailer music. [4]
Harlan Talib Ockey: After the mediocre "Unholy" and laughable "If Jesus Was a Rockstar", "Brrr" actually sounded... good? Petras' delivery in the chorus is like getting smashed with a warhammer. The production is utterly headache-inducing (compliment). However, the verses feel less and less substantial on repeat listens, and it never builds to a peak higher than its first chorus. This is a solid album track, not a course-correcting lead single. [5]
Katherine St Asaph: Feed the Beast was named for its raison d'etre: source enough pop songs to hit your label KPIs, then spray and pray and slay. What's less remarked upon is how many of these songs come from writers and producers who really haven't released much lately: Sarah Hudson, Ali Tamposi, Ester Dean (!!), and "Brr" producer Ilya. (Unfortunately, Dr. Luke has released plenty lately.) Also involved in "Brr": a session guitarist for The Weeknd and a guy who goes by the Instagram handle @industryplant; this ain't the A-list. One wonders how long this material was sitting in the pantry before it fed the beast. Specifically, "Brr" sounds like a demo written for Thank U, Next (in which Ilya was heavily involved), then rejected for sounding less sexy than sad. Whatever the song's provenance, Petras has it now, and she executes the motions of flirtation with bleak competence. And I don't hate it! The record's already cynical as fuck; why not put that subtextual cynicism into the music? [7]
Ian Mathers: The sound of not just calling someone's bluff, but relishing in it. There's no winning; either way, you're going to prove her point. Rarely does a discussion of temperature sound so purely withering. [9]
Leah Isobel: SOPHIE's absence hovers over me a lot, which is dumb, because we never met. I am just a fan; I saw SOPHIE live exactly once, about six months after I started hormones. I can picture myself that night vividly -- in a thrifted jersey dress, cut low, that I had to duct tape to my tits so I wouldn't break the law; in impractical high heels that another girl, who I don't talk to anymore and who probably didn't really like me, gave to me; my eyeliner as sharp as I could draw it; my hair tangled and messy but long, the way I liked, the way I'd dreamed about for years. I remember that night and I remember the relief, the stupid fucking unbelievable unbearable incomprehensible relief of that whole year, how I had denied and ignored myself for so long that just being who I wanted 2 be was incredible enough to set my head spinning.
That year, the girl who doesn't talk to me anymore got into Kim Petras. I treated her work like a guilty pleasure; "Hills" was spacey and fun and exuberant, "Hillside Boys" was tender and sweet and exuberant, "All The Time" was bouncy and bright and exuberant. But all that joy was tempered by the knowledge of Dr. Luke's fucking greasy hands gripping her recording contract. His presence indicated something that I didn't understand yet, and maybe still don't, though it makes sense intellectually: that if you want to be a part of society, the recognition you feel within yourself doesn't actually matter that much if everyone around you hates you for it; that people are ultimately social, and being forced to choose between external ostracization (with the threat of physical death by violence) and internal spiritual death (with the threat of physical death by isolation) is one of the cruelest things to do to a person, and yet this is the choice I was given, that #girlslikeus are all given. No matter what I choose, there will be genuinely evil soulless fuckers who look at me and say that it was really my fault to begin with because my presence -- just my existence in the world -- is proof of moral, social, civilization-wide decay. Cisgender women get to talk about their innocence as if it's a birthright. Transgender women are not given any innocence to begin with. Kim was put in front of the media at sixteen years old to explain her decision to get bottom surgery; it makes me feel crazy to watch those interviews, to know that what everyone is actually talking about is her body. No matter how ostensibly supportive those interview segments were, no matter what the intent, the knock-on effect was to make her teenage body a matter of public record, to take away her privacy and dignity because it's just so interesting that trans girls exist and, please, tell us more about your genitals! I see the neon-bright straight line from the invasive, violating, violent "curious" "empathetic" gaze in these interviews to the music Kim would go on to make, in which the fact of her body hovers on the edges of her songs, freighting them with meaning, making their frivolity feel manic and fearful and rebellious and unbelievably significant.
Jules Giles-Peterson describes the opening line of "Hillside Boys" -- "My silhouette is in the frame of your shades again" -- as evidence of her desire just to be seen, linking the heterosexual gaze of the individual man and the patriarchal gaze of the pop industry together. Her whole perspective on herself is compromised by the knowledge that she has to constantly prove her worth to other people and to society at large; there is never, ever a moment of rest. But that song held up the capacity for feeling as proof that things could change someday. "It's over in your Range Rover... You look so pretty when you're breaking me, yeah" mourned the loss but rejoiced in the ability to feel it. But when "Brrr" revisits that Range Rover, it's to remove all sense of warmth, desire, or real emotion from the image: "Turn the heat up in your Rover Why don't you take it out on me?/ If you think you're so cold, brrr." "Brrr" leaves absolutely no space in its tense, cold atmosphere for Kim to express a desire that feels authentic and real; it is about embodying what other people want from you so thoroughly that you have gone numb to what it is that you want. In Kim's work, being a woman and being a pop star are the same thing; the gaze is constant and inescapable. There is no interiority anymore. The demands of disclosure and confession and surveillance are too great. In the background, faux-SOPHIE wubs and schwacks and clangs rattle like ghosts, banging on the wall between death and life, between what should be -- what was promised -- and what actually is. More than anything, in "Brrr" I hear a grief so wide it could -- and should -- swallow her whole. SOPHIE is gone. Kim remains. But in our broken promise of a world, where her body -- my body -- is public property that politicians and lovers and friends and music producers can dispose of at will, what is there left to take joy in? This is the truth: being trans is wonderful, and everyone around me sees it as terrible. Transitioning saved my life, and everyone around me thinks that I died. I have never been this happy; I have never been this desolate. I have never loved so deeply. I have never felt loss this acutely. "Brrr" is purely evil in its emotional perspective, in what it says about the world we live in. And it is also the most honest song ever made. [10]
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111pinkdiamondz · 2 years
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Warning I am NOT a coach, I am NOT a teacher either!
Hashtag’s to search on my page, I will update this in the future!
#pink’s success story
#pink’s motivation
#pink’s anon success story
#Anon Ask
#non manifesting
#Pink and the challenge
I am here to help you on your journey, but keep in mind I am on my own journey too!
Facts about Pink
African American
I am a minor
I’ve manifested a few powers
I will make subliminal’s soon
I 💖 U
I love anime
I listen to Hyperpop, it’s probably my favorite music genre!
Inbox: Closed
Asks: Open
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4trackcassette · 1 year
well i said i wanted to do my top albums 2022 and that we should have a tag game sooo I'm inventing it myself. this is more the top 5 (ok. 6. Forgive me) albums that i actually listened to rather than my assertion of quality. but. Here goes.
Top 6 Albums*
*in no particular order.
Expert in a Dying Field by the Beths
Review: I've been a bit suprised by how much this album has been cropping up on EOY lists. 45 minutes of good rock music: insightful lyrics, catchy hooks, melancholy, and perfect pop/rock guitar. I feel like I could listen to this anywhere. I wouldn't say this is one of the greatest albums of all time or anything like that, but it's just a good and deeply enjoyable album, and I love it!!
Standout song: "Expert In A Dying Field"
Crash by Charli XCX
Review: Look, I didn't get into Charli XCX until this year. This album propelled Charli to my no1 workout artist. We all know she writes interesting pop bangers, and does great collabs, and manages to pack a lot into just a few words. This album is no different. A rare album that I enjoy listening in order, on shuffle, or just individual songs. Also Charli is REALLY hot in the Hot In It music video which isn't even on this album but I like it anyway. #hotgirlnation
Standout song: "Yuck"
Nymph by Shygirl
Review: This one was brought to me by Tumblr Peer Review. Also an album that I wish was longer but works sooo perfectly the way it is -- no song over 4 minutes and 12 songs clocking in just under 33 min. I feel like listening to thisis scratching an itch in my brain, all the way from the beginning. Again, listen to a lot of this when working out. Great production, and a great journey through so many different interesting sounds throughout the album.
Standout song: "Shlut"
Preacher's Daughter by Ethel Cain
Review: It's rare I get into an artist based on what they're saying on their music, but I suppose not much about Ethel Cain is standard. I saw her saying things like "You're behind the counter at a diner, taking someone's order, thinking about how your world just ended a couple of hours ago. Life just does not stop" and desscribing her work as overkill American melodrama, and "ridiculous, psychotic, psychedelic." My first response to this album was "this is an epic" -- it must be said that I love a concept album, especially ones based around a complex persona such as Ethel Cain herself. But, as you all know, I was also a Religious Studies major. I like music that reflects back on God in America just as well.
Standout song: "Sun Bleached Flies"
Bonus: I'll share this piece on her from Vogue as well.
Review: I've never been a Pussy Riot fan in my life, though I had some sort of vague positivity towards their art-collective punk. I also wouldn't describe myself as much into hyperpop...but, you know. I think like, if you're taking a serious analytical perspective, it's probably like, whatever sexual political pop jam packed with collabs. But I don't CARE because it FUCKS and I LOVE IT!!! And also because ending the album with Big Freedia sells me over any day of the week!!
Standout song: "PRINCESS CHARMING"
A Bit of Previous by Belle and Sebastian
Review: I love Belle and Sebastian. I'm probably most a fan of their first three albums, and have sporadic familiarity with the rest of their discography. That being said, this was probably the album of the summer to me. Like the rest of their work that I love, this is a beautiful album about togetherness and being an adult and a whole bunch of different sounds. Sometimes it's just nice to listen to an album that's nice, and this is one of them.
Standout song: "Prophets on Hold"
Bonus: I enjoyed this interview on the album with Stuart Murdoch on Switched on Pop.
Honorary mentions
Special by Lizzo, MUNA by MUNA, Laurel Hell by Mitski, Palomino by First Aid Kit, I Walked With You A Ways by Plains (Waxahatchee, Jess Williamson), Stay Proud of Me by NoSo, Caroline Shaw: Evergreen by Caroline Shaw and the Attacca Quartet, Bleed Out by The Mountain Goats, Only the Strong Survive by Bruce Springsteen, Dance Fever by Florence and the Machine
Top 5 songs:
"Free" by Florence and the Machine -- my favorite single of the year, easy. also my top song of the year. Every time I hear this, I want to dance with my arms out and my eyes closed.
"The Only Heartbreaker" by Mitski -- I liked both this and "Love Me More," though was vaguely disappointed most of the rest of the album. As you can tell, I love some good synth.
"About Damn Time" by Lizzo -- Never let it be said that I'm completely unaware of pop music!!!!!!!! This song is fun and bouncy and well, I can't help but love Lizzo!!!!!!!
"Out of My Head" by First Aid Kit -- I'm under no qualms about this being one of FAK's best but holy cow does this song click in my head. It's just folky and soaring in the perfect way. Gorgeous harmonies. Also, I like any song with the word "running" in it.
Soul Days (ft. Sam Moore) by Bruce Springsteen -- I love Bruce's old man voice, I love the Sam Moore feature, I love the songs he's covering. This one in particular I think is a tempting languish and just really lovely, easy listening.
I tag....@loiteringdiligently @krysten-knitter @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm @holdoncallfailed @commontrait @beginnersmind and anyone else who might want to. Of course none of u have to do it to indulge me or write as much as I did... but I always just like to see what people r listening to...
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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RYL0 Has Her Full-Circle Moment With 'Thru My Chest' Born out of the nature of the internet is a generation of omnivorous listeners not bound to the limitations of genre; it was only a matter of time that hyperpop would explode onto the scene. Frenetic and sickeningly sweet, the genre has spawned countless artists intrigued by its accessibility, much like the previous wave of bedroom pop. Alt-pop breakout star RYL0 is taking all of these things and making them her own. Taking a detour from her explosive, off-kilter hyperpop bangers opens a new path for the young artist, armed with the skills learned from being an independent artist that has collaborated and shared the stage with everyone from Fraxiom to Arca. "Thru My Chest," her latest single, hints at this new era. Harps drenched in reverb lead into deep kick drums with the dark urgency of drum-and-bass, setting the perfect backdrop for RYL0's stunning vocal performance that goes in and out of autotune. RYL0 is ready to see what 2023 can bring, and that means reflecting on her journey thus far to inform her songwriting process. With some of pop's most prominent producers ready to work with the rising star, she's ready to expand the vast, colorful world that she's built.Read on for PAPER's conversation with RYL0. “Thru My Chest” is such a brilliant track and is very different from a lot of your poppier, mile-a-minute songs from your EP. What did that process of shifting gears look like for you?The process has been pretty long actually! We got together for the “Thru My Chest” session late last spring, around the same time I was preparing to release my last mixtape, I’m the Worst!! So there’s been a lot of overlap. I came up with the concept of I'm the Worst!! back in 2020 and it didn’t come out until May 2022, so I’ve been playing the long game for a while and a lot can change in that window. Once that project came out, I was already mentally onto the next thing since I was doing tons of different sessions in the middle of its rollout. I had spent a few years operating in the hyperpop world, was ready for a change, and started exploring new styles of pop music. Leading up to the release of this track, I knew I also wanted to change up my look. I like to challenge myself since I get bored easily, and decided to transition from the DIY internet music aesthetic that I had embraced the past couple years to something that was more glossy. I’ve been talking about this “rebrand’ for months, and that’s not something that just happens overnight. I really wanted to take my time and make sure everything would be aligned with this new direction before rushing to put the track out. I needed new assets, so I made new logos, updated my website, created a Discord server, made a Tumblr, etc. Now that everything’s all set and the presentation’s there, I feel really confident about finally shifting gears and reinventing myself again. I browsed your Soundcloud and was taken by your older work characterized by eerie synths and minimal voice production, and I see glimpses of it in this track. How did you find your way back without letting go of your passion for pop music?I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately, and it really does feel like a full-circle moment. Up until late 2020, my biggest musical inspirations were Kelsey Lu, Grimes, FKA twigs and Purity Ring so I was incorporating a lot of dark electronic elements that were often categorized as “experimental” into my music. I was producing everything myself using GarageBand while I was also trying to figure out what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it as an artist. I wasn’t concerned with anything technical because I found it boring, and I never used a proper microphone because it was more convenient to just sing straight into my laptop. Obviously, I didn’t take myself too seriously but I also knew I hated being called experimental because it still felt disingenuous to what I was actually aiming for.Releasing "Thru My Chest" of course marks the beginning of a new era in my career, but it also feels like a nod back to some of my earliest releases in a lot of ways. While this was never the intention when creating this track with my collaborators Dave Burris and Christina Galligan, I think that ultimately proves the point I’ve been trying to make for years up until now… I’ve always been a pop-oriented artist. I’ve definitely gotten better at making that more obvious in my music over the years, but the pop sentiment has always been there for sure.You are a former screenwriting student. Do you envision ‘Thru My Chest’ being part of a larger story in the future, and does envisioning your music in this way help your creative process?I started writing songs around the same time I studied screenwriting in college, and I think that significantly impacted the way I tell stories in my music. I love building narratives in general, but with this song in particular– the narrative is pretty fairly self-contained. The song itself might not be my most intense or meaningful, but it’s still very honest to how I was feeling on the day we had the session. I remember really struggling to wrap my head around my own emotions, feeling really vulnerable, and trying to parse through them in real time as we were coming up with the lyrics. I think working with another writer definitely made it easier to detach myself from the context, and keep it concise while also prioritizing the song’s pop appeal.With that being said, this track does communicate really well with a few other songs I’ve made over the past several months, but that wasn’t intentional. It wasn’t until I looked back on the demos that came out of a lot of these sessions I had back to back last year that I realized there was a consistent through line at all. Usually when I come up with a concept for a project, I form a loose narrative early on in the process and try to create songs that fit within that overarching story. There’s a lot of value in that approach and I’ve learned so much about world building that way, but I didn’t do that with this song. I’ve been trying to just let stories form organically based on what I’m actively feeling inspired by in my life and let the larger story speak for itself.You’ve worked both solo and alongside a talented array of producers and fellow artists throughout your career. What has been the most rewarding and most challenging parts of going from making music independently to opening yourself up to the world of collaboration?Working with a team of people and considering other tastes, styles, opinions, and timelines can definitely have its challenging moments, but I love collaborating and it has always been a huge part of my life as a creative. Before music, I was heavily involved in pursuing both musical theater and a career in film production – both highly collaborative practices. The only real reason why I worked so independently for the first few years of my music career was because I didn’t have many other options when I first started out. I started learning more about production as a hobby while still in film school so I wasn’t really surrounding myself with people I could ask for help. I didn’t have any kind of musical network and it felt both extremely isolating and freeing since I only had my intuition and my own ears to rely on. At a certain point though during the pandemic, it was becoming harder to operate by myself on my little island because I was struggling to find new ways to grow and challenge myself. I was getting bored of operating within my limitations, so that’s when I got online and started building a community for myself and hitting up literally anyone. I was so bold about reaching out and DMing as many people as possible, and that process was extremely rewarding and changed my life. I’ve made some of my favorite songs with the help of people I’ve met online, and that gave me a lot of confidence to start collaborating in person… sometimes in really intimidating environments. I truly collaborate all the time at this point in my career and I’m a much better artist for it. Plus things get done a lot faster which is a bonus!Check out the PAPER premiere of RYL0's "Thru My Chest" below.Photos courtesy of RYL0 https://www.papermag.com/ryl0-premiere-thru-my-chest-2659205529.html
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twooftaboo · 1 year
To anyone who’s reading this and doesn’t know who we are. We are Two of Taboo, made up of the two us, Wilbur Robinson and Violet Parr, who started out as friends and ended up as a talented couple. We are a hyperpop duo inspired by millions of artists, and we’ve been cooking up something in the studio. We’ve also come from fictional movie characters to VTubers. So grateful to start our new journey together, and we’ve also been recording covers and dances. Thanks to HRVY and Mimi Slinger for inspiring us to do this project. We also love to do our own cosplay, Team Future. The first time we sang, it was just so amazing. We also do Sonodawa photoshoots for our concepts. Well then, that’s us. Hope you’re happy and you can stick with us 💙💜
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Synth-pop duo Mica Tenenbaum (lead singer and songwriter) and Matthew Lewin (producer) dazzled the stage at Vancouver’s Fortune Sound Club on September 28. Working together since their high school’s music program, the pair formed Magdalena Bay. Although they’ve been making music for quite some time, this is the first tour to celebrate their debut studio album, Mercurial World. On their opening night of tour, they performed a beautifully curated show and performance.
Fortune Sound Club is an intimate venue; small and known for hosting more ‘underground’ artists. They may have underestimated Magdalena Bay’s cult following though, especially after the rise of their song “Killshot.” The song reached viral success — more on that later. A packed club held space for Negative Gemini to open with an energetic performance, drawing influences from early 2000’s punk rock, glitch-core, and hyperpop. Her high-pitched voice and engaged stage presence had the crowd going long before Magdalena Bay even came out, which was great.
The entire show was a highlight. Magdalena Bay is known for their ironic self-awareness and kitschy visuals, but I was not expecting such a complete show. They did not come here just to perform, they came to give us a concert. I feel like this is something a lot of artists lose on their music journey. However, Magdalena Bay started with “Secrets (Your Fire)” and did not hold back on taking us on a vapourwave / future funk nostalgia trip in sound and stage.
Mica’s voice is breathy and delightful, perfectly matching the whimsical airiness of the band’s sound. Her flowery, “dancing freely in your room” stage presence was also charming and fun to watch (and mimic). The entire crowd swayed with her, especially during the cutesy-pop song “Hysterical Us” and funky “U Wanna Dance?” She – and the band’s overall live demeanor – reminded me of Kero Kero Bonito’s Sarah, or even Charli XCX, and I consider these singers to be experts in riling up a crowd.
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After the first few songs, the band took a pause to introduce what made the show so special — Chaeri! Chaeri, as represented by a floating holographic head, is an AI that is learning how to become more human. Mica primarily interacted with Chaeri by giving the AI a few poignant yes or no questions, followed by the conclusion that the AI could become more human by learning other people’s secrets (and thus, their emotions). Chaeri’s motivation became the narrative for the entire show, with each song relating human experience and emotion.
This storyline was so intentional that they played pre-recorded ‘secrets’ — shown as tracks on their album — throughout the show for Chaeri to react to, letting Mica and Chaeri banter further. I felt that this gave the concert meaning, like an arc. By the time the dreamy “Halfway” came on, I was invested in Chaeri’s storyline. A secret about having a crush came on, and the band performed “You Lose!,” which not only showcased Mica’s vocal range but also Lewin’s instrumental prowess in production. The way each instrument gave a new layer of texture to contrast Mica’s reverbed voice was a joy to experience live.
Toward the end of the concert, Chaeri commented on the crowd’s “bodies moving rhythmically,” to which Mica explained was dancing. This was after “How to Get Physical,” a groovy disco-inspired number. During the instrumental interlude of the song, Chaeri commented on wanting to join, and in order to do that, Mica said she needed a body. After encouraging the crowd — “Body! Body! Body!” — Mica pulled off a cloaked robot body with Chaeri’s head now attached to a screen “head.” It was incredible. Like, the way the crowd went ballistic for this fictional AI becoming human was amazing.
The band encored with their most famous hit, “Killshot.” As if I wasn’t impressed by the story they just gave us, part way through the song, they paid homage to the ‘reason’ for their sudden increase in popularity: anime fancam edits. Mica said, “here's some sexy anime!” and suddenly, a bunch of TikTok edits using the “slowed + reverb” version of “Killshot” appeared on the screen. I recognized a handful and it just felt so personal and sweet, much like the rest of the concert.
I hope that Magdalena Bay keeps their charm, artistic vision, and unique sound. I also hope that they stay closely informed about their audience, as well as music trends! I am so excited for them to come back.
Written by: Alexa Tarrayo
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So far in my journey to find the Emo anthem of all time (happening over at @xx-emowarz-xx ) I have discovered that no one agrees what emo music even is. I was beseeched by one anon not to include a song with the lyrics "I'm a little scene slut" because it's hyperpop and therefore not actually emo despite the fact that it was very much popular with the emo crowd but then someone else asked me to include The Fray. Not mad at either ask to be clear I love people contributing their input it's just fascinating from the perspective of what words mean and what was/is considered subculture adjacent.
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what-else-is-there · 3 months
..:: What Else Is There? Weekly :: 2024.02.08 ::..
// Holly Macve delicately conjures a backdrop of gothic country to muse upon the circle of life and how the past just keeps getting longer on Time Is Forever.
// Burial takes us on a thirteen minute journey that traverses through mysterious shadows in search of heavenly redemption before ultimately leading us into a dark rave on Boy Sent From Above.
// Eliminate and Frost Children team up to define a new acronym about their romantic intentions while dancing around to some energetic hyperpop on SMSOU.
// Everything Everything use their signature falsetto and bright guitar and synth tones to tell the story of all the frustrated has-beens out there on The End Of The Contender.
// The Decemberists recruit James Mercer of The Shins for backup vocals as they skip together across strangely cheerful cemetery celebration tune on Burial Ground. Spotify Playlist YouTube Music Playlist
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spinstrackingsystem · 4 months
FIIZ Shares Nightcap EP: An Intimate Exploration of Nightlife and Self-Discovery
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IIZ, the dynamic duo of Fiona (Fi) and Isabelle (Iz), known for their bold representation of the LGBTQ+ community in the music industry, share their debut EP, NIGHTCAP. More than just an album, this seven-song collection is a sensory voyage through the highs and lows of a night out, from start to finish. NIGHTCAP is available now on streaming platforms worldwide. NIGHTCAP is the latest manifestation of the duo’s unique synergy, which blends electronic pop, hyperpop, and EDM into an electrifying and groundbreaking sound. The creation of NIGHTCAP took place over six months in Boston, where Fi and Iz resided in Iz’s mother’s basement, crafting lyrics that reflect their life experiences as a duo. The EP delves into themes of friendship, psychedelics, and consciousness, culminating in the shared desire to end each night together no matter the state of the world. This journey is interwoven with a broader narrative on climate change, reflecting the duo’s environmental concerns, love for nature, and what they will have to witness as future generations face impending disaster. Singles, “Lungs” portrays the feeling of intense infatuation, “Phantom Limb” mourns a breach of trust, while “ALL MY WORLDS” explores the endless possibilities of dreams and perceptions. Collaborating throughout the EP with renowned Dutch producer Sietse Fase, artistically known as Evanly, FIIZ transcends musical boundaries to deliver an unparalleled auditory and sensory experience. FIIZ, Read the full article
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newmusicweekly · 4 months
FIIZ Shares Nightcap EP: An Intimate Exploration of Nightlife and Self-Discovery
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IIZ, the dynamic duo of Fiona (Fi) and Isabelle (Iz), known for their bold representation of the LGBTQ+ community in the music industry, share their debut EP, NIGHTCAP. More than just an album, this seven-song collection is a sensory voyage through the highs and lows of a night out, from start to finish. NIGHTCAP is available now on streaming platforms worldwide. NIGHTCAP is the latest manifestation of the duo’s unique synergy, which blends electronic pop, hyperpop, and EDM into an electrifying and groundbreaking sound. The creation of NIGHTCAP took place over six months in Boston, where Fi and Iz resided in Iz’s mother's basement, crafting lyrics that reflect their life experiences as a duo. The EP delves into themes of friendship, psychedelics, and consciousness, culminating in the shared desire to end each night together no matter the state of the world. This journey is interwoven with a broader narrative on climate change, reflecting the duo's environmental concerns, love for nature, and what they will have to witness as future generations face impending disaster. Singles, “Lungs” portrays the feeling of intense infatuation, “Phantom Limb” mourns a breach of trust, while “ALL MY WORLDS” explores the endless possibilities of dreams and perceptions. Collaborating throughout the EP with renowned Dutch producer Sietse Fase, artistically known as Evanly, FIIZ transcends musical boundaries to deliver an unparalleled auditory and sensory experience. FIIZ, Read the full article
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