francepittoresque · 1 month
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LÉGENDE | Hydre, dragon ou serpent de Villedieu-lès-Bailleul (Orne) ➽ http://bit.ly/Hydre-Orne Si l’appétit démesuré de l’hydre séjournant au creux d’une grotte non loin de Villedieu-lès-Bailleul incite les habitants à détourner son attention en lui laissant une cuve pleine de lait, la décision est bientôt prise de la capturer, après qu’elle a dévoré le neveu du seigneur de Bailleul
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philoursmars · 4 months
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L'année du Dragon arrive !
Une longue série de dragons arrive... Ici des dragons plus XIXe, néogothiques, etc.
Bétharram (Béarn), le Calvaire
Marseille - MAMA (Maison de l'Artisanat et des Métiers d'Art) - expo "Un Monde Merveilleux" - dragon de Liliane Guiomar
Louvre-Lens, expo "Animaux fantastiques" - Emile Gallé - "Dragon Héraldique" - Nancy, 1894
idem - Héliodore Pisan, d'après Gustave Doré - "La Sainte Bible - Vision d'Isaïe - Dieu fait périr le Léviathan" (oui, techniquement ce n'est pas un dragon...)
Gabriel Viardot - miroir sur chevalet - Paris, 1880
grottes de Bétharram , visitées en bateau
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renyakumo · 1 year
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los resultados de Enid vs Tyler
ahora tienen cicatrices paralelas
Aún no se si colorearlos o dejarlos en blanco y negro, ¿ustedes que opinan?
Tengo otro de Merlina pero aun no esta terminado.
Enid vs Tyler results
now they have parallel scars
I still don't know whether to color them or leave them in black and white, what do you think? 
I have another one for Wednesday but it's not finished yet 
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givreencres · 1 year
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FOllow the white rabbit ! and don’t be afraid to sit down !
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eaujourdhui · 7 months
Danse ma recherche sur les hydres à deux tête ou dragon/serpent d'Eau.
"Cousin de la méduse" wiki
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ca-dmv-bot · 2 months
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astarab1aze · 3 months
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updated height comparisons, for current muses.
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galaxie11-2020 · 5 months
Art dump
The pokemon who changed my entire life
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Sibling dynamics
Kai and Gala (the smol gremlin cat) by me
Hydre (the smol dog, yes thats a dog) by @/ObiTheSylveon on twitter
Laz by @lazitoelgato
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strywoven · 2 months
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@astarab1aze has requested a story : together, they lie. together, they breathe in the stench of sulphuric sapphire mingling with honeyed gold, lips stained, eyes a'droop with satiated tiredness. a full meal, shared between the two, wholly unconventional and fraught with teeth. a back and forth, rather, and the hydra had been kind in the end - holding them snug against his chest, legs twined, nose buried into soft hair between antlers, fingertips smearing half-dried blood on their skin. he'd been so hungry before, famished really, and the godling had been won to provide; but now, he was full, guts twisting and roiling with caustic fervor, taking long, slow breaths and hoping for a little doze. aftercare, he supposed - he wasn't heartless, after all.   / hydre & kaen !
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Moment is one most t e n d e r , despite such a v i s c e r a l prelude.  Entirely worth every bloodied , barbaric second , if only to be rewarded with the world-ender’s gentleness each time ( something , kaen would confess , they covet from him , playing selfishly with his capricious offerings of kindness & grace ) .  It is strange to think they once were so STUBBORN to him before , but now ⸺ These affairs have become increasingly frequent ( we may liken them to trysts ; these secret intimacies where meaning holds within a most primitive creed bred through all gods — consume , possess , be as one ) .  And Kaen has realized , more and more often , that each of these occasions only further bring them t o g e t h e r .  For as assuredly as he devours them , swallows and satisfies himself with their bright-burning essence and flesh … Kaen so too , has buried their roots deep and DEEPER STILL within the great entity , sowing themself into his existence ( whether cognizant of the fact or not ) .
As is the nature of Gods , Kaen has begun to understand ; that to love is also to eat , to be eaten.  An endless cycle of dying and undying by the one who has cracked you open and enfolded within your heart , pouring themself into your pulse and breaching your soul ⸺ These , lessons Hydre has taught Kaen through the violence of e x p e r i e n c e and u n d e r s t a n d i n g .  And though Kaen would like to refuse all he’s offered , there is no denying the CALL OF IT ( a most instinctive knowing ) .
So is THIS what they have been missing ?  What they have been wrongly DENYING & NEGLECTING for all that time ?  A shame , to be sure , if only they had found each other sooner.
They nestle closer to him , nails trailing idly across his cold , hard flesh , teasing it with their native warmth , taunting it with the occasional brush of lips and teeth that linger and long for m o r e of whatever this is ( or for whatever it may lead to ) .  This feeling they have now – at peace , blissfully content , in a way fulfilled – is one Kaen tries to m e m o r i z e and cling to ( just as they do to hydre himself ) .  His heart beats steady and calm beneath their ear , a rhythm that lulls them into a trance-like sobriety.  Silence does not last long , however , as Kaen finds their voice , low and hoarse , ❝ … ‘S better’n sex , innit ? ❞  Not that they have a comparison , but the sentiment is there.  Head adjusts , turning to look up at him , eyes lidded and expression softened by fondness , ❝ Hydre … ‘Ave Ah said thanks fer this yet ? ❞  Probably.  ❝ Thanks.  An’... ❞  They stop , cutting off the thought.  It’s RIGHT THERE , a confession , but they shake their head , sighing and laying their head back down , instead saying , ❝ … An’ Ah’d be more’n glad ta’ ‘ave ye swallow me whole.  When th’ time comes.  Honored , e’en. ❞  That should be good enough , right ?
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nidusphryke · 2 months
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philoursmars · 6 months
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Il y a une petite quinzaine, je suis allé avec Julien et Katie, au Louvre-Lens pour une expo temporaire : “Animaux Fantastiques”. Une très belle expo ! Ici des hydres et des serpents :
stèle "kudurru" - le "bashmu", serpent venimeux de la Mer Primordiale - Irak, 1200 av. J-C.
les 2 suivantes : amphore , Héraklès, avec Athéna et Iolaos, et l'Hydre de Lerne - Athènes, 530 av. J-C.
sceau-cylindre, Ninurta contre les serpents "Bashmu" - OU bien - Marduk contre Tiamat - Irak, 900-600 av. J-C.
orthostate - Teshup, dieu hittite de l'Orage et Tasmishu combattant le serpent marin Hedammu - Aslantepe, Turquie, 1200 av. J-C.
amulettes - Egypte, 660-330 av. J-C.
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horngryeyes · 2 years
i got cyno in the first ten pull on the new banner. good god why
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gravemutt · 2 years
hope u guys know it was a necessity to make spectra and venus because those two r my absoooooolute favorites in mh!!!! :3 so is holt hyde but i didnt have anymore energy to make him after venus and also hes gonna be a little difficult to make…😭 SO
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hqhfitness · 1 month
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astarab1aze · 12 days
muses that have fangs
furie - single set
hydre - three sets, but honestly most of his teeth are pointy (& curved inward)
loux - two sets
vayn - single set
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illholy · 3 months
' you're too small to eat. you wouldn't satisfy me at all. ' / from hydre !
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█ 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 ,     asking for attention. ⤿ @astarab1aze.
❛❛ I deeply apologize for my shortcomings, but maybe I could be like junk food ! What matters is, that we had fun !  ❜❜ oh, what is she saying. ❛❛ even if there isn't any value or health benefits.  ❜❜
A pause, lips pursed into a quiet contemplative hum. Judith stares at Hydre for a long, long while. hmm. ❛❛ Well, but you on the other hand.  ❜❜
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❛❛ You look like you could give someone a stomach ache, but . . .  ❜❜ would that stop anyone at all ? Her ? ❛❛ ah, but pardon me. Nice to meet you . . . ?  ❜❜
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