mischiefxmuses · 1 year
closed hwminievent13 - Billy and Josh @purelybilateral​
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“Christmas joy is such a lie. An ideal sold by big companies to sell more cards and presents. It’s all greed.” Billy was no longer fond of Christmas. After his mother left things were just not the same. His father became distant and he just felt the anger welling up inside him. “Like who needs these things.”
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chainedup · 2 years
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juliette wasn’t necessarily excited about the faire, but welcomed it as a moment to get out of her house for a bit. making her way past the tents lazily as she browsed what some of them had to offer. the jewelry catching her attention. “i wonder if it’s real silver.” she spoke aloud to no one in particular. of course she could find out by touching it, but that wasn’t fun. / @hiddenstarters​
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mcrcki · 2 years
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“i thought i was going to die of boredom!” marlene dramatically flopped against sirius’ side as she finally caught up with him in the crowd. “james has no memories so i can’t even have any fun making fun of him, i don’t want to mess with lily since you know, the whole james’ memories thing, and i can’t fin doe or mary so.” an arm wrapped around his, cracking herself up a little as she looked up at him. “you are my knight in.. leather.” || @skyfcll​ for sirius black
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hiddenpxpercuts · 2 years
@papcrrings (Caroline)
“Hi mom!” Josie grinned at the other and walked over towards her. They were excited about the fair and that her mom was still in town. It was nice to have a chance to hang out with her and to see her more often. “This place is exciting, isn’t it? I know a lot of the stuff is fake, but it’s just so strange to also be having an event happening here. I feel like it could be a distraction from something horrible coming.”
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A Xiang was happily walking with Kexing to the sword fighting area. “Come on! I want to try my hand at sword fighting!” She was practically bouncing. She really enjoyed the faire. “There’s so much to do here!”
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 years
renn faire starter for wei wuxian & wen qing // @tragcdysewn​
“I was trying to track down presents to buy for everyone,” he explains to Wen Qing as they meander through the market stalls at the faire. “But then I thought-- why do they need stuff? My presence is gift enough. So that’s crossed off my to-do list-- but it’s still nice to look at everything, right?” 
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ofsvnlightt · 2 years
“It’s all right stubby and yes, it’s amazing.”  Vax said, on his break from performing acrobatic tricks.  “It’s just like home…except less fighting for our lives and getting kicked out of taverns and more…people dressed in either normal or weird pieces” 
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“oh, vax, you’re here.” of all the people the people to run into. even when they were not spending every waking hour together anymore, they still managed to find each other. “i don’t know about amazing, but it does kind of remind of home, doesn’t it?“ she scanned across the park, taking it in, “i don’t remember us being that bad of patrons, were we? but i agree with the fighting for our lives part.” she chuckled, half joking, half serious because she wasn’t quite sure what he was getting at. “it’s nice to not have to do that every night. the outfit are quite interesting, aren’t they?“
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devilsmenu · 2 years
@skyfcll - Noah & Cedric
"Do you think that this magical crystal really works?" Noah asked looking at his purchased crystal that they said it could talk to you.
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
the trumpets’ fanfare is heard through the grounds for the final time, an announcement that the faire is officially closing. the shops begin to draw their curtains, mermaids are returning to dry land, the champions of the jousting competitions are taking their winnings home, and attendants make their way to the gates. there is one last look at the faire grounds, a farewell is said to the look into the past, to the excitement that will forever be suspended in time. the gates close as those begin to return to their normal lives, as the city adjusts to the summer heat and gets ready to welcome in yet another season here in washington.
the seasons have changed, the summer solstice has come and gone, and with it, we must say goodbye to washington’s renaissance faire!! we are always so thankful for all of y’all’s excitement and activity throughout these events, we cannot express appreciative we are of all of you!! we are so excited to see what the rest of this year will bring, but for now, hidden’s second mini event has officially come to a close. please, from this point on, do not post any new conversations regarding the event ( new starters, or replies to open event starters )!! that being said, you may continue to wrap up your event conversations, put a nice ending to them, find a good stopping point, or adapt them to work outside the event!! from here on out, the faire has been packed away, the armor and corsets are hung up in closets, a token just to remember the hours spent enjoying all the faire had to offer. like always, to make that transition easier, each mun will be allowed ONE free starter for the next 24 hours only! after that, our normal starter rules go back into place in full force! remember that is one starter per mun! not per character!! again, we want to express so much gratitude for all of your support with each new idea we throw your way. thank you all for making each one of these events so successful! and please give this a like once you’ve read it entirely, thank you!! have fun and happy rping!!
♥- the admin team
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sunlithope · 2 years
for @rvkybusincv​ !
...o-kay. This is going to require some finesse. Clark doubles back, away from the archery range where he’s just seen Diana from a distance. Problem is, he really would like to say hello, but she doesn’t know Clark Kent, and Superman doesn’t exactly fit in at a renaissance fair. He frowns, thinking it over, until he remembers the costume rentals. Half an hour later and he’s returning to the field, in an outfit he’s rather pleased at, and which more importantly could be described as what Superman would wear if he’d landed in 1200. “That was some wonderful archery,” he says, managing to keep a straight face for a few seconds before he cracks and smiles. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. It’s Kal. It’s good to see you again.”
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nightwhispcrs · 2 years
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closed starter for @rainbowmuses​  (adam & kendall)    /    adam had only arrived in town this morning. while he could accept that washington was his home — he had no reason to think otherwise, and this certainly wasn’t the first time he’d experienced severe memory loss — what he couldn’t explain was the bizarre surroundings of the faire he’d stumbled upon.  “uh, do you have any clue what the fuck is going on?”  he asked a man sitting at a table.  “is this like, a circus? a county fair? is it ... halloween?”  
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chainedup · 2 years
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i’m late to the party, but i am finally posting a starter call for the mini event. below i’ll give a brief description of what my muses will likely be getting up to at the fair! please let me know who you want the starter from !
jasper hale ( 3/5 ) stefan, mariana, alice, 
jasper is likely keeping to himself at the faire. he’ll probably check out some of the booths but mostly just wander between them.
jonathan byers ( 4/5 ) aria, nancy, steve, jihyo, 
it is likely that you can find jonathan with his camera in hand taking photos around the faire. he’s probably not very into the actual fair but being present means that he could potentially find people he knows from home.
molly weasley ii ( 1/5 ) harriet, 
molly is taking the faire as an excuse to get out of her apartment and work for a bit. she'll probably be looking around the shopping stalls the most. 
kang tae moo ( 2/5 ) tine, bea, 
tae-moo will likely be found around food stalls trying out the dishes and gaining inpiration. could also be seen shopping.
win wanichakarnjonkul ( 3/5 ) arnold, fiat, archie, 
i feel like win would be spending most of his time, and money, trying to win at the games.
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mcrcki · 2 years
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she’d really been avoiding her family since the whole bomb with oliver went off, but the last thing she wanted to do was bring it up with any of them, especially if he hadn’t told them himself. it was his mistake to face, his bridge to burn. he could bear the brunt of all of the guilt himself. instead, she let herself just feel a little freer, the guilt of that night no longer sitting on her shoulders alone. “fliss, hey, did you do that whole pub crawl yet? cause i swear that is the only thing worthwhile here.” || @papcrrings​ for fliss mckinnon
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hiddenpxpercuts · 2 years
@papcrrings (Issac)
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“Holy shit, they have freaking funnel cake.” Derek replied, looking like a kid at Christmas and grinned, looking over at Issac. “Let’s go get some funnel cake! I’m starving and could use something sweet and fried to make me feel better about the horrible week I’ve had.”
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Freddie was sitting at her divination booth. She hadn’t looked up when she saw the person sit down. She finally looked up and smiled. “Hi how can I...Harry? Oh my gosh hi! How are you?”
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 years
renn faire starter for pippin & annie james // @skyfcll​
“Hey, Annie! Can I buy you a drink? Maybe if I finally run out of money, it’ll stop me from buyin’ any more stuff,” Pippin offers cheerily. Between his rented knight’s costume, and what he’d spent so far on food and drink, plus the money he’d blown on a random assortment of cool-looking items in the market stalls yesterday, he’s almost to that point. 
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