#hurricane carter
lisamarie-vee · 2 months
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afrotumble · 2 months
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Denzel Washington and Rubin "Hurricane" Carter.
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mudwerks · 1 year
(via Bob Dylan - Hurricane (1976)
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bonnielunkas · 6 months
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man that live sure can learn huh < idk anything about sa2 but i couldn't pass up drawing this
( there's other stuff under the cut btw :] )
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Donald Trump in the final days of his presidency repeatedly threatened to out government sources involved in the Trump-Russia investigation, an anti-Deep State revenge fantasy he still obsesses over to this day, according to two former senior Trump aides and another person familiar with the matter.
One of these sources tells Rolling Stone that in the days after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, the then-president, sometimes while brandishing pieces of paper, would loudly complain that none of the identifying facts in the highly sensitive Russia documents should be blacked-out. Trump would insist, the source says, that it should “all be out there” so that the American people could see the truth of who “did it” to the President.
Ultimately, top intelligence officials and other Trump lieutenants talked him out of publicizing the sources’ identities before he left the White House, the sources say. Instead, Trump’s team bargained him down to vetting a series of heavily redacted reports that they argued would help safeguard the work and safety of Russia-related informants.
But a third source familiar with the situation says that this obsession with outing the confidential sources is ongoing. The former President, the source says, still sporadically talks about the need to get “the names” out into the public record. A Trump spokesperson did not immediately respond to Rolling Stone’s request for comment.
As Trump faces accusations that he hoarded sensitive classified documents at his private residence in Florida, the last-minute battle over redactions highlights how his disregard for security concerns at times has even rattled aides close to him.
Trump’s threats to out sources were part of a broader push during the chaotic end of his presidency. In December of 2020, as the odds against a successful overturning of the election grew longer, Trump and his chief of staff Mark Meadows pushed the Justice Department to declassify a binder full of records related to the FBI’s 2016 Russia investigation. In his memoir, Meadows described himself in the final hours of the Trump presidency going line by line through the “notes, memos and emails” in the binder to ensure it “would not inadvertently disclose sources and methods.”
With hours left before President Joe Biden took office in Jan. 2021, the White House sent a presidential memo to the Director of National Intelligence, CIA director, and acting Attorney General. The memo ordering the declassification of the binder references concern from the FBI, which stated its “continuing objection to any further declassification” of the binder on the grounds that specific passages “included Intelligence Community equities.” In an apparent nod to the efforts to walk the then-president back from outing “the names,” the memo says his declassification order “does not require the disclosure of certain personally identifiable information.”
The order also exempts from declassification any material that “must be protected from disclosure pursuant to orders of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,” according to the memo.
At the same time, Trump gave conservative reporter John Solomon access to some of the documents. In a statement to Rolling Stone, Solomon says that on January 19, 2021, Trump allowed him “on two occasions, to briefly review a stack of documents that I was told were the declassified documents” and that he received “a small subset of the declassified documents” from the Justice Department in the mail at the time.
Through his outlet, Just The News, Solomon subsequently reported that the documents included “transcripts of intercepts made by the FBI of Trump aides” and “a declassified copy of the final FISA warrant approved by an intelligence court.” The Justice Department also mailed him a declassified transcript of FBI informant Stefan Halper’s conversations with former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page and notes of an FBI interview with Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer who circulated a dossier with allegations about Trump’s relationship with Russia, both of which featured in Solomon stories in 2021.
The binder of materials that Trump obsessed over in the waning days of his presidency was never released in full, but Trump and his allies’ interest in getting access to the records has continued since he left the White House.
Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) wrote to the Justice Department earlier this year complaining that the Department has “failed to declassify a single page” since Trump issued his memo. In attempting to review the documents, the Senators said their staff had spent “multiple days and countless hours in the Department’s classified facility” trying to locate documents purportedly covered by the order as Justice Department officials had “failed to identify” them.
Solomon, appointed as Trump’s designee to the National Archives this summer, says he has continued to seek access to memos from tranche of documents but that the Archives has told him one set is not available in an “easily discernible manner” while another set that remains with the Justice Department awaits “requested Privacy Act redactions.”
Trump, meanwhile, has reportedly continued to seek the release of Russia investigation-related documents. The former President reportedly tried to barter with the National Archives to hand back presidential records held at his Mar-a-Lago residence in exchange for the release of an unspecified batch of documents he believed would reflect poorly on the FBI’s 2016 Russia investigation, according to The New York Times.
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optimismoptimism · 1 year
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gettothestabbing · 1 year
“Upon receipt of unevaluated intelligence information from Australia, the FBI swiftly opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. In particular, at the direction of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Peter Strzok opened Crossfire Hurricane immediately. Strzok, at a minimum, had pronounced hostile feelings toward Trump.”
“The matter was opened as a full investigation without ever having spoken to the persons who provided the information. Further, the FBI did so without (i) any significant review of its own intelligence databases, (ii) collection and examination of any relevant intelligence from other U.S. intelligence entities, (iii) interviews of witnesses essential to understand the raw information it had received or (iv) using any of the standard analytical tools typicallv employed by the FBI in evaluating raw intelligence,” the report concluded.
“Had it done so … the FBI would have learned that their own experienced Russia analysts had no information about Trump being involved with Russian leadership officials, nor were others in sensitive positions at the CIA, the NSA, and the Department of State aware of such evidence concerning the subject. In addition, FBI records prepared by Strzok in February and March 2017 show that at the time of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI had no information in its holdings indicating that at any time during the campaign anyone in the Trump campaign had been in contact with any Russian intelligence officials,” it said.
“In the eighteen months leading up to the 2016 election, the FBI was required to deal with a number of proposed investigations that had the potential of affecting the election. In each of those instances, the FBI moved with considerable caution. In one such matter… FBI Headquarters and Department officials required defensive briefings to be provided to Clinton and other officials or candidates who appeared to be the targets of foreign interference,” it said. “In another, the FBI elected to end an investigation after one of its longtime and valuable CHSs went beyond what was authorized and made an improper and possibly illegal financial contribution to the Clinton campaign on behalf of a foreign entity as a precursor to a much larger donation being contemplated.”
“And in a third, the Clinton Foundation matter, both senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how those matters were to be handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election. These examples are also markedly different from the FBI’s actions with respect to other highly significant intelligence it received from a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server,” it said.
“Within days after opening Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI opened full investigations on four members of the Trump campaign team: George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. No defensive briefing was provided to Trump or anyone in the campaign concerning the information received from Australia that suggested there might be some type of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, either prior to or after these investigations were opened. Instead, the FBI began working on requests for the use of FISA authorities against Page and Papadopoulos.”
“Our investigation determined that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting. Nor was Steele able to produce corroboration for any of the reported allegations, even after being offered $1 million or more by the FBI for such corroboration.
“The FBI learned that Steele relied primarily on a U.S.-based Russian national, Igor Danchenko, to collect information that ultimately formed the core allegations found in the reports. Specifically, our investigation discovered that Danchenko himself had told another person that he (Danchenko) was responsible for 80% of the ‘intel’ and 50% of the analysis contained in the Steele Dossier.”
“In December 2016, the FBI identified Danchenko as Steele’s primary sub-source. Danchenko agreed to meet with the FBI and, under the protection of an immunity letter… the FBI conducted multiple interviews of Danchenko regarding, among other things, the information he provided to Steele,” it said. “Danchenko was unable to provide any corroborating evidence to support the Steele allegations, and further, described his interactions with his sub-sources as ‘rumor and speculation’ and conversations of a casual nature. Significant parts of what Danchenko told the FBI were inconsistent with what Steele told the FBI during his prior interviews in October 2016 and September 2017. At no time, however, was the FISC informed of these inconsistencies. Moreover, notwithstanding the repeated assertions in the Page FISA applications that Steele’s primary sub-source was based in Russia, Danchenko for many years had lived in the Washington, D.C. area.”
“The FBI knew in January 2017 that Danchenko had been the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation from 2009 to 2011. In late 2008, while Danchenko was employed by the Brookings Institution, he engaged two fellow employees about whether one of the employees might be willing or able in the future to provide classified information in exchange for money. According to one employee, Danchenko believed that he (the employee might be following a mentor into the incoming Obama administration and have access to classified information. During this exchange, Danchenko informed the employee that he had access to people who were willing to pay for classified information.”
“The FBI converted its investigation into a full investigation after learning that Danchenko (i) had been identified as an associate of two FBI counterintelligence subjects and (ii) had previous contact with the Russian Embassy and known Russian intelligence officers… at that earlier time, Agents had interviewed several former colleagues of Danchenko who raised concerns about Danchenko’s potential involvement with Russian intelligence. For example, one such colleague, who had interned at a U.S. intelligence agency, informed the Office that Danchenko frequently inquired about that person’s knowledge of a specific Russian military matter.”
You can read the report here.
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aboutmusiic · 1 month
Das Hurricane und Southside Festival Line Up ist komplett
Das Line-up um die Soutshide und Hurricane Festival Headliner wurde nun um die allerletzten Acts komplettiert. Die Veranstalter haben nun insgesamt sieben weitere spannende Namen zu den Zwillingsfestivals vom 21. bis 23. Juni 2024 in Scheeßel und Neuhausen ob Eck hinzugefügt. Die erste Bestätigung sind die Editors aus Großbritannien. Der Sound der Editors begleitet uns schon seit Jahren. Ihr…
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Hurricane and Southside Festival 2024 with Ed Sheeran, Avril Lavigne and Bring Me The Horizon
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21-23 June 2024, Scheessel, DE and Neihausen Ob Eck
More Information at https://hurricane.de/ and https://southside.de
Want more festivals? Check out our Festival Calendar for a complete list.
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afrotumble · 1 year
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In 1967, the black boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter and a young acquaintance, John Artis, were wrongly convicted of triple murder by an all-white jury in Paterson, New Jersey. Over the next decade, Carter gradually amassed convincing evidence of his innocence and the vocal support of celebrities from Bob Dylan to Muhammad Ali. He was freed in 1976 pending a new trial, but he lost his appeal -- to the amazement of many -- and landed back in prison.
Carter, bereft, shunned almost all human contact until he received a letter from Lesra Martin, a teenager raised in a Brooklyn ghetto. Against his instincts, Carter agreed to meet with Martin, thus taking the first step on a tortuous path back to the world. Martin introduced him to an enigmatic group of Canadians who helped wage a successful battle to free him. As Carter orchestrated this effort from his cell, he also embarked on a singular intellectual journey, which led ultimately to a freedom more profound than any that could be granted by a legal authority.
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jeffskinnerswh0re · 1 year
whenever i say i hate tnt never am i ever talking about anson carter!!!!
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llovelymoonn · 3 months
Hi! Can you do a web weave on the feeling of being on fire? On how warm blood is? How violently you love? On how soft you wish you were but can’t ever be? On being a hurricane? On living in the holler?
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angela carter unicorn \\ carolee schneemann hand heart for ana mendieta (1986) \\ sally wen mao mad honey symposium \\ haruki murakami norwegian wood \\ philippe de champaigne saint augustin (1645-1650) [detail] \\ josé olivarez i wake in a field of wolves with the moon \\ jamaal may the big book of exit strategies \\ hélène cixous the love of the wolf \\ marge piercy a key to common lethal fungi \\ christian schloe portrait of a burning heart
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cartermagazine · 5 months
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Today In History
Denzel Washington was born on December 28, 1954, in Mount Vernon, New York. Washington has earned popular and critical acclaim for his roles in an array of feature films, including ‘Glory,’ ‘Malcolm X,’ 'Training Day’ ‘The Great Debaters’ and 'Fences.’
Denzel first studied journalism at Fordham University but then discovered an interest in acting. He made his feature film debut in the comedy A Carbon Copy and was cast on the hit TV medical drama St. Elsewhere. He went on to appear in several hit movies, including Philadelphia, Man on Fire, The Book of Eli, American Gangster, The Equalizer and Flight, and won Oscars for his roles in Glory and Training Day.
Denzel and Spike Lee’s cinematic chemistry has spanned multiple films. Mo’ Better Blues, Malcolm X, He Got Game, and Inside Man.
Other notable films, The Pelican Brief, Philadelphia, Crimson Tide, Courage Under Fire, The Tragedy of MacBeth, American Gangster Antwone Fisher, John Q, Remember The Titans, Devil in A Blue Dress, Ricochet, and The Hurricane, for which he received a Golden Globe for best actor.
Washington Broadway appearances include Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, The Iceman Cometh, Fences, Julius Caesar, and CheckMates.
He continues to build on his legacy and shows no signs of slowing down.
CARTER™️ Magazine
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grjarchive · 1 year
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La Belle Fleur Sauvage (1989)
"I'll live yet to see him Regret the dark hour When he won, then neglected, The frail wildwood flower" - "Wildwood Flower," American folk song written by Maud Irving, best known as performed by Mother Maybelle Carter. [Epigraph from La Belle Fleur Sauvage] The fifth Strange Trails story is one of George Ranger Jonhson's most plain-cut romance novels. As he mentioned after the publication of Lullaby, he’d been wanting to write more “of tender things.”The story this time around comes to the patrons of George's Place from Remy Fusil, the Cajun Cowboy - a character who appears fairly little in the whole rest of GRJ's oeuvre, unless you believe certain theories of second identities (you'd be hard-pressed to find a character who doesn't have those!)
In retrospect, despite his seat in the hallowed pantheon of Strange Trails narrators, alongside such heavy-hitters as Frankie Lou and Buck Vernon, Fusil was a means to an end - that end being the introduction of Lee Green, who would play a major role in the whole rest of Johnson's works, develop from the sweet young flower of the Michigan woods she's portrayed as here, to, in the end of ends, that half-real eye-of-the-hurricane phantom haunting moonlit Mt. Monroe.
But we're getting two series ahead of ourselves. For now, in this book, GRJ deftly weaves together Remy and Lee's hesitant and, perhaps, a touch unreliably narrated romance, with the timeless legend of an unobtainable alpine flower - a legend that Remy swears is Cajun, but in other books we're told it might be Basque, or American folk. In other words, it's a story that comes from everywhere, and everyone. Maybe that's why this old tale's themes of obsessive pursuit ring through almost every page that GRJ ever set his pen to. Behind the kisses in the moonlight, there are always mountains unclimbable, withering flowers picked for ephemeral beauty once held, fools for love lying in the drifting snow, in the wind, lost in time and space, who'd give it all to pluck that fleur.
Oh yes, and we end with another cliffhanger. As Remy leans back in George's Place, having finished his tale of romance, he lights up a cigarette and a Bob Dylan tune comes on the jukebox. No one, he says, could ever challenge that his love was the purest. And then, to a galloping 4/4 beat, he hears footsteps approaching.
Keep following this blog for more insight into Johnson's work through the years.
May you live until you die!
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look-sharp-notes · 6 months
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Дважды Герой Советского Союза, кавалер британского Креста «За выдающиеся лётные заслуги», гвардии подполковник Борис Сафонов рядом со своим истребителем Харрикейн . «У Сафонова, казалось, совсем не было страха. Он был либо очень-очень хорош, либо он был сумасшедшим. Я до сих пор не уверен, что из двух", - описывает британский пилот Картер советского аса. Советский АС , в свою очередь, отмечало храбрость британских летчиков. "Они приехали сюда драться и дерутся, как настоящие солдаты, самоотверженные и дисциплинированные. Дорвавшись до боя, англичане дерутся наравне с моими орлами. Может быть, кто-нибудь другой, а я не могу сказать лучшей похвалы, чем эта".
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the British The Distinguished Flying Cross Guard, Lieutenant Colonel Boris Safonov next to his Hurricane fighter. “Safonov seemed to have no fear at all. He was either very, very good, or he was crazy. I’m still not sure which of the two,” British pilot Carter describes the Soviet ace. The Soviet AS, in turn, noted the bravery of the British pilots. “They came here to fight and they fight like real soldiers, selfless and disciplined. Having reached the battle, the British fight on par with my eagles. Maybe someone else, but I can’t say better praise than that.”
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aboutmusiic · 1 month
Weitere Acts für Hurricane und Southside 2024 bestätigt
Kurz nach der Veröffentlichung der ersten vier Headliner Ed Sheeran, K.I.Z, Bring Me The Horizon und Avril Lavigne veröffentlicht Veranstalter FKP Scorpio nun eine große Zahl von neuen Namen für das Hurricane und Southside Festival. Darunter befinden sich fünf weitere Headliner, die vom 21. bis 23. Juni 2024 auf den Bühnen der Zwillingsfestivals in Scheeßel und Neuhausen ob Eck zu erleben sein…
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