humansofpatna · 4 years
I love to teach, always have. Even when I was really bad at it. Any class that I taught wanted to change their batch. The first two years of my teaching life, I struggled to keep my jobs going. Coaching industry is first about student satisfaction, second about showmanship and if there is any energy left, you can strive for knowledge. Some even said that I failed to get acceptance in the class because of how I looked. 
But growing with Fibrous Dysplasia on my face, had made me tough to the bones. I stopped caring what people thought of me and tried to find solutions. I knew that finding solutions to complex situations made people likeable.
I had a complex problem - My students came to learn physics without answering a single question - why do I want to learn this subject?
The superficial reasons were obvious- IIT, social pressure, parents asking them to do so... But they still hadn’t answered the why. Seeking an answer to this made me grow over the years as a coach.
A human is always hungry for more and so am I. Writing was an outcome of this. It was my effort to prove that any craft can be mastered with consistency and dedication; even in my age, when the top priority isn’t seeking new dimensions in life.
It was February 2017, when I started to write a short story. It took me half an hour to scribble 200 words. Asking for help was imminent at this point. A week of head hunting in Patna, I came across Frank Kirshner -ex editor and lecturer of creative writing and media studies. It took three mails and two meetings to convince him.
It was also the year my son was born. My wife, Ragini, was having postpartum effects. The entire family, of seven people, was living in a two-bedroom flat. Writing a book was impossible.
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I found a place, besides a barber’s kiosk, beneath a banyan tree by the roadside. There was still no silence with all vehicles that crossed but nobody disturbed me. I wrote my entire book on a phone and rewrote it many times until my guru found it acceptable.
I believe that the path to achievement is hard but consistency and hunger takes you there. It doesn’t matter how fast you run. Keep on running and enjoy the view of life. Latter is very important.
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