#huh what else am i into other than d20
xiewho · 2 months
hi guys please send me art reqs so i have something to draw while im in the car for a few millennia
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Well, as long as we're rafting the temporal streams, might as well head back to Dormont. Got some errands to run in the past.
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I'm like 98% sure you're trying to flirt with me but you're too nervous to actually go through with it. Would you please just finally ask me out so I can rock your evening?
Look, be glad I was tasteful enough not to go for the other pun.
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My guy, what could possibly compel you to think I'm not comfortable with basic human conta--
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...you know what, that's fair. I guess I do go out of my way to minimize any and all possible exposure of physical features, don't I?
Anyways, go on and get out of here while I chat with my Lemonfriend.
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Oh, I've always liked you. I'm just also creeped out by you. Two things can be true.
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...huh. If I can die here in Dormont, then... that does make things easier. I was planning on throwing myself on a Tear once we got into the House since you said I can loop forward as well as back, but dying here in town would save me some time.
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Oh shit yes. I'd love the ability to call you and chat about what I'm seeing while the rest of the crew looks at me like I've lost my goddamn mind.
Especially since the ultra-secret fourth sign is making a phone shape out of your fingers and then talking on it. That's hilarious.
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This is it.
This is the key to killing myself in Dormont.
I should probably wait until I've finished up here.
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I didn't realize you come up here after we're done. I don't have anything else to talk about but it's great seeing you up here.
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Didn't accomplish as much here as I expected to. But at least we can take another crack at that desk drawer.
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Okay between this and the rock switch, I no longer have any confidence in my own ability to do my job. It's distressing that each setback thus far has been the fault of a bad d20 roll on the primary reason that I'm with this party.
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Ha! Rock trap for the Rock key. I get it.
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Really? They're frozen in time right now but I am looking for a book. You think they might have set it out for me in advance? That would be awfully nice of them.
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Oh shit. There was a person in town who sometimes thinks they have a sister but can't recall where they moved to. That shit got super weird. This has to be related.
No idea how it's related to our current mission. But. It's gotta be related.
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Always trust in the puns. The puns are life. The puns are the secret of the universe. Those who do not heed their wisdom face the ultimate punishment.
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So the Rock Key was in a room guarded by a huge rock and the Paper Key is in the library. I am. Kind of. Terrified. Of where the inevitable Scissors Key will be found.
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And one Star Crest. Well. *heavy sigh* Shit.
Gonna have to temporally save-scum this one.
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Can't argue with that. Isa's my brofriend-maybe-more so his vote automatically weighs more than anyone else in this--
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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Okay. It's okay. We can work this out mathematically.
Isa, as previously noted, is worth a million points because he's a precious slab of adorableness who flirts with me in the cutest ways imaginable and I'm super feeling it.
Mira, meanwhile, is worth half a million points because she's also awesome and cool and she's our wonderful team leader and I adore her.
Bonnie is worth infinity points because they are a child whose hopes and dreams we are responsible for and I don't want to let them down.
However, Odile is worth zero points because she's mean to me and sometimes makes me want to cry. I still haven't forgotten that crack, Odile. Even though you have because it was in another time loop.
If we add them together, then Team Beauty is worth a million and a half points, but Team Age is worth infinity points.
However my sign is Scissors, and the shape of Scissors forms a multiplication symbol, not a plus symbol. Which means that Team Beauty is actually worth 500,000,000,000 points while Team Age is worth 0 points.
Thus, the objective and entirely unbiased answer is that Team Beauty wins.
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I'm sorry, Bonnie! But math never lies. We must go south. It is our destiny to go south.
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I know you will. It is my destiny to have a future filled with spuds. I accept my fate, but I do not apologize.
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thegreatelisamousy · 4 years
Choose Your Character
The Host shuffled through the character sheets he’d made nervously. Having had much of his homework done in advance, and two of his classes cancelled, he’d had more than enough time to put them together.
A lot of them. Maybe twenty was a bit much...
He was just spreading them out on the coffee table when he heard Bing approach.
“Holy shit!” the android said. “Are those all character sheets?”
The Host nodded. “The Host thought he would make a variety, so that whoever ends up picking last isn’t stuck with the last one by default. But he... may have gone a bit overboard.
“You think?”
“Does Bing know if everyone has dice yet?” the Host asked. If his plan to choose the order of who picked a character fairly was going to work, everyone needed a set of dice.
“Yeah, Dr. Iplier took us all to get dice the other day,” he replied. “There’s a gaming store in town, huge variety.” He pulled out the small, plastic box D&D dice usually came in, housing seven semi-transparent, orange dice. The almost looked like candy.
It didn’t take long for everyone else to show up, all making some kind of comment on his sheer number of character sheets. Yes, he overdid it, he knew that. But it was just... way too much fun. And Dr. Iplier buying him Volo’s Guide to Monsters didn’t exactly help much, giving him even more races to play with.
When everyone was situated, the Host spoke. “First, everyone needs to take out their d20. They’re going to roll for initiative.”
“Roll for what?” Dr. Iplier asked.
“Initiative,” he repeated. “It determines the turn order in battle, the higher the number, the earlier the turn. In this case, each person’s initiative determines the order they choose.”
“You just... made us characters?” CJ asked.
“We don’t get to make our own?” RJ didn’t sound at all upset or disappointed, just curious, but the Host shrunk in on himself slightly all the same.
“The Host... didn’t want to throw everything about the game at everyone all at once,” he explained. “Creating a character can be complicated, and the first campaign is going to be a oneshot, so everyone can make their own characters next time. But... he just thought it would be easier...” He motioned to the papers strewn about on the table. “But he made a wide variety, so... he hopes everyone finds something they’ll like...”
“That was a good idea,” Illinois commented, and the Host relaxed a little. He reached for one of the sheets to read it, but his hand was batted away.
“Roll for initiative,” the Host told him again.
Everyone rolled, and Silver rolled the highest, and 18, while Bing rolled a 15, Illinois a 12, CJ a 10, RJ a 5, and Dr. Iplier rolled a nat 1, earning a snort from the Host.
He motioned to the sheets he’d provided. “As Silver rolled the highest, he gets first pick.”
Silver rifled through the sheets for a bit, glancing up and asking, “How much detail did you go into with making these?”
“The Host chose the name, sex, race, class, background, some of their background traits, their stats, skills, and equipment.”
“I’m not complaining,” Illinois began, “but is there anywhere we can go with making the character from there?”
“The Host said he chose a background and background traits. He did not, however, write their entire history. That is up to the player--they just need to clear it with the Host to make sure it fits into the world he’s creating.”
Silver finally produced a sheet, making his decision. “I think I like... Beiric?” He guessed on the pronunciation, but when he wasn’t corrected, he continued. “A high elf monk that was a soldier.”
The Host grinned, and no one was sure they liked the possible implications of that. “Bing’s turn.”
Bing was already looking through them, so he quickly picked up one of them. His eyes were rapidly flashing orange, indicating he was doing some kind of internet search. “I think I like this Zudronn guy.” He looked at the others. “He’s a bugbear paladin gladiator.”
“What the fuck is a bugbear?” Dr. Iplier blurted.
Bing laughed. “That’s what I was just looking up. I guess it’s some kind of creature distantly related to goblins? But he seems like a lot of fun to play.”
“My turn, then,” Illinois said, looking through them. He read each sheet carefully, flipping them over to read more of what the Host had for the character bio. “Hey Host?” he asked, continuing to read. “What’s a tabaxi?”
“Tabaxis are cat people,” he explained. “Not like... humans with cat ears and a tail. Actual cat people.”
“Huh. I think I like this Smoke character, then. A rogue hero sounds fun.” He grinned. “Especially an assassin hero.”
Dr. Iplier raised a brow. He looked at the Host. “You made an assassin hero?”
“The Host rolled the characters,” he explained. “Each race, class, and background got a number, the Host rolled for it. So... tabaxi assassin folk hero.”
Dr. Iplier just shook his head with a fond smile, watching as CJ rifled through the sheets before picking a seemingly random one. “Zerissa, tiefling warlock pirate.” He looked at the Host. “Tieflings are those one that have demon heritage, right?”
The Host actually seemed surprise. “Yes, how did--?”
“We did some digging,” CJ replied.
“We wanted to know what might be coming so... we looked some stuff up,” RJ added, already picking his own character. “Mog the Barren, orc barbarian outlander.” He laughed. “This is gonna be fun. I am so the tank!”
Remembering the sheer number of axes he’d given Mog, the Host was inclined to agree.
Finally, it came time for Dr. Iplier to pick, and it didn’t take him long to find the one cleric the Host had rolled.
“The Host kind of figured Dr. Iplier would choose Iarra,” he replied. “Even though she is a criminal.”
“Hey, she’s also a wood elf and a cleric, so shut up,” he replied. “Besides, I kind of wanna see how much of an asshole I can turn her into.”
“Dr. Iplier, no!”
“Dr. Iplier, yes.”
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Nino’s Quest Chapter 2: You All Meet In A Tavern
The party finally meets and, despite a rough start, begin their first adventure!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 (Final)
Read on Ao3.  My ko-fi.
Adrien Regreste: Last session was awesome! When can we do it again??
Lord DM: Lol dude. Its only been a day ya know We can figure it out a little later
Marinoodles: id love to do this weekend with you adrien! For dnd i mean And with everyone else Not just adrien
Adrien Regreste: Your character was so cool, Mari! I can’t wait to see how you play her :D
Marinoodles: Thank you! <3 Oh um whoops I didn’t mean to send a heart, haha
Adrien Regreste: ?? what did you mean to send?
Marinoodles: Um… this? :3
Adrien Regreste: :O That’s so cute! Can I use it??
Marinoodles: Sure! Your’e fine! *That’s fine! Not that you’re NOT fine I just askdjfasdlkfjadf
Alya’ll Beware: Omg u 2 get a room
Marinoodles: ALYA
Adrien Regreste: ?????
Nino chuckled as he read the string of messages. It made him glad to know that his friends were enjoying the campaign - especially Adrien. They didn’t get a chance to hang out nearly as much as he liked and this was a perfect excuse to get them all together. Besides, watching him and Marinette interact was always good for the soul. Very adorable stuff.
Speaking of adorable, Alya had sent him a private message on Discord. He opened up the chat.
Alya: Just so u know, I’ve got ulterior motives here
Nino: About marinette, Im guessing?
Alya: Yeah Don’t you see? This is a great chance to get these two dweebs togethre!
Nino: Alya… Can’t we just let them enjoy the game? Grow closer on their own terms?
Alya: If we do that, then they’ll still be blushng at each other when we’re in university Mama Alya’s got to do some interventions. I want my nieces and nephews at some point!
Nino: … Sigh Fine.
Alya: <3
Nino: But!
Alya: </3
Nino: Only if you stay in character, okay? At least that will keep oyu invested in the game.
Alya: ...I accept your conditions, Lord DM Cappy.
“Anything you’re willing to spill about today’s session, bro?” Adrien grinned as he asked, excitement sparkling in his eyes. They were both strapped into the backseat of the Gorilla’s car as they made their way to Marinette’s house. It was late, but between Marinette babysitting and Adrien’s photoshoot, it was the best they could do.
Nino shook his head. “Sorry, dude. Most of it probs won’t be too interesting, though, since we have to get the introductions out of the way.” Adrien phone went off and he pulled it out. “Who’s texting you, dude?”
“Alya,” Adrien replied absently as he read the text. The tips of his ears turned red and his eyes widened.
Suspicion settled onto Nino as he tried to crane his neck to see the text. “Yeah? And what’s she telling you?”
“Nothing much. Just some tips about how to play a bard.”
Alarms were sounding in Nino’s head. “Really? What kind of tips.”
“Just… tips. About how charismatic bards should act. That kind of thing.”
Nino pinched the bridge of his nose. “Of course she is…”
Before either of them could ask any more questions, the car came to a halt and the Gorilla grunted at them. They had reached their destination.
“Ready for your first real session, dude?” Nino punched Adrien on the shoulder as he climbed out and they headed inside.
“You know I am!” Adrien opened the door and both of them were immediately buffeted by the scent of fresh pastries. They were guided by their noses to the kitchen. “Mmm! That smells delicious!”
Marinette froze, her pupils shrinking to pinpoints as they entered the room. “That’s- thanks! I- We made it for you. I mean! For all of us. For today’s session. So we could eat it. Y-yeah.”
“That’s very cool of you two!” Adrien he took a chocolate croissant off the platter and took a bite. “It tastes even better than it smells!”
“You really think so? Well,” Alya put her hands on Marinette’s shoulders and pushed her a little closer to Adrien, “those were made by hand. Marinette’s hands, as a matter of fact. I mostly just provided commentary.”
“Sorry dudes,” Nino cut in. “But can we start soon? We got a lot I wanna cover today.”
Marinette sagged in relief. “Y-yeah! Let’s get started!”
When Adrien and Marinette had squeezed past and headed towards the living room, Alya narrowed her eyes at Nino. He mouthed the word ‘roleplay’ to her and went to follow the others.
Nino took his seat and set up his DM screen around his notes and dice. Clearing his throat, he got started. “Marinette, you and Alya are sitting at a booth inside the tavern when in walks two men. The half-elf is wearing brightly colored clothes and is holding a…” He squinted at the paper in front of him. “Dude, what’s your instrument?”
“A lyre! Oh, and he’s blonde with green eyes - like me!” Adrien beamed, practically vibrating in place with excitement as he looked between the girls and him.
“Right, right, I getcha. And standing next to him is a human in chainmail armor, the symbol of the sun worn proudly around his neck.”
“Sounds like a cutie,” Alya said with a waggle of her eyebrow.
Nino’s cheeks heated up, but he pressed on valiantly. “So, uh, what do you do?”
“W-well, do they, um, do they match the descriptions we were given?” Marinette meekly replied.
“Yup! The description the monks gave you was right on. These are the dudes you are supposed to meet up with, no doubt about it.”
“R-right. Then I’ll wave them over then.”
“Right on. Adrien, what do you want to-”
“I walk over. Can I roll to seduce?”
Nino blinked in confusion and noticed the shock written plain on Marinette’s face. Alya, however, seemed on the verge of maniacal laughter.
“I… You want to seduce someone? Why?”
“Well, that’s what bards do, right?” He looked between his friends with an excited look on his face. “So what do I do? Roll this twenty sided die, right?”
“Yeah, but,” Nino struggled to get a hold of the situation, “who are you going to seduce?”
“Marinette, of course!” Adrien said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. If Marinette had been one of Adrien’s anime characters, there would have been a gush of blood erupting from her nose. As is, it just looked like she was about to pass out. “You and Alya are… you know, so it makes sense!”
While that was definitely airtight reasoning, Nino couldn’t help but groan. “Alright, let’s see what the dice have to say about it. Roll the die and add your charisma to this.”
Poor Marinette, wide eyed and blushing from cheek to neck, watched in bated anticipation as Adrien shook the die with gusto and let it loose. The first real roll of the game, Nino reflected. And it was being used to flirt with a party member. Was this a sign of what was to come?
He watched to see what the die will land on and what it might say about the rest of the campaign…
It rolled across the table, propelled by an overeager Adrien.
It came to a stop, directly in front of Marinette.
It showed…
...A one.
There was a stunned silence before Nino began laughing uncontrollably.
“Alright, bro. This is what happens - you walk up to them, put your hand on the table, and forget your own name as they look up at you expectantly. I follow behind and introduce ourselves.”
Adrien pouted, but a small smile poked through when Marinette giggled. Some color besides red was returning to her face.
“Maybe next time, sunshine,” Alya said through a grin. “So, are we ready to talk about adventure?”
After the party’s rocky opening moments, they hit their stride as they talked over the details of their first quest together. The locals had been dealing with a band of kobold raiders who were stealing their live stock. After a farmer was found dead, they decided the raiders had gone too far, and sent out a call for adventurers. A wandering bard, a local cleric, a noble runaway, and a knight errant answered.
“You spot the kobold den. The entrance just seems to be a hastily carved slab of wood covering a cave mouth.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask…” Marinette wrung her hands. “What’s a kobold?”
“Good question!” Nino folded his hands and looked between his friends. “Has anyone here seen a kobold before? Or know something about the arcane?”
The sound of ruffled papers greeted him as the party shuffled through their character sheets. Adrien’s eyes lit up. “Oh! I’ve got bardic knowledge.” He smiled and nudged Marinette, who joltd. “I guess I’ve seen some stuff on the road, huh?”
“Sure, bro, but let’s see if you know anything about them.” Nino watched as Adrien rolled. “Nice. Much better than your last one.” There were giggles around the table and Adrien playfully rolled his eyes. “Anyway, you know that kobolds are short, lizard dudes who like to build traps. Very community based, team efforts are their gig.”
“Cool! I tell the rest of the party that. So are we going in then?”
“W-wait.” Marinette narrowed her eyes in thought. “It seems too obvious, right? We didn’t even really look that hard for the way in, we just stumbled across it.”
“Right…? Oh!” Adrien caught on. “You think it might be a trap? So how are we going to get in then?”
“Well… they have to have a way in, right? So let’s look around. Maybe there is a secret passage.”
“Okay, I’ll make a perception roll for all of you.” Nino made some quick checks behind his screen. “So - Babe, you find a small boulder that seems out of place.”
“I’ll move it.”
“You got anything on you to do that with?”
“My big, beefy, lady knight muscles.”
Nino chuckled. “Alright, dude. Roll a d20 and add your strength modifier.” He watched the die land - more than enough to heft the thing. “Nice! You don’t have any trouble shifting it on your own, but there is no way anyone smaller than you could have pulled it off.”
“Huh. Guess they really don’t want kobolds going out alone.”
“So you go down into a side passage in the cave before eventually emerging into a small room with a table and chair. There is a lever against the wall, a string that runs into the darkness, and a sleeping kobold in the chair. What do you do?”
“Well we gotta take out the kobold first, right?” Alya glanced over at the other two. “We can’t have them raising an alarm or anything. I’ll nudge Marinette towards the kobold.”
“Does it count as, um… Flat footed? Do I get sneak attack?”
“You bet, dude. You’ll hit, no sweat, but roll for stealth.” She did. “Ooo, barely. After stumbling, you manage to get over there and silence the sentry for good. Now what?”
“Um… I’ll look around. What’s the lever for?”
“Got any knowledge of engineering?”
Alya made an X with her arms. “Woah woah woah. Hold up, girl. Why do you know about engineering?”
Marinette shrugged. “You never know when understanding how buildings stay standing will help. In character, my family is known for their castles. Seemed like a good choice, you know?”
“Anyway,” Nino continued. “You can tell the lever activates a trap. A boulder trap, by the looks of it. Stepping into the hallway, you notice the entire thing is on an incline and your room is well hidden.”
“Oh, wow.” Adrien tapped at his chin. “We would’ve walked right by and been crushed by the boulder.”
“Wait…” Marinette’s eyes lit up. “I have an idea!”
A few minutes later and her plan was set into motion. Adrien stood by the hidden side passage and began to play his lyre as loudly as he could while Alya struck a stick against her shield repeatedly. Before long, their characters heard clawed feet rushing up the passageway in large numbers. The first to spot them was Adrien, who ducked back inside the passage.
“Now! They can’t retreat!”
Marinette’s character pulled the lever and a loud rumbling was heard. A giant boulder rushed past the room and the brief squawks of the enemy turned to silence.
“You enter the passageway to find one heck of a mess… and no survivors.” Nino let them cheer for a moment before adding, “At least, from this group. There’s anywhere from five to eight squished kobolds out here, and you remember that the villagers were sure there was about twenty.”
They were about to continue when Adrien’s phone went off. His face fell when he looked at it. “Sorry, guys. Looks like I need to head home now.’
“What?!” Marinette exclaimed before immediately blushing at her own outburst. “I mean- it’s just- Been here haven’t long- Going now?”
“I’m really sorry. You guys can go on without me.”
Nino shook his head and stood. “No way, dude. We’re in this together.”
“...Really?” Adrien said, looking hopeful.
“You bet, sunshine! This party doesn’t split.”
“Y-yeah! We’ll wait for you!”
“Thanks,” Adrien said with a smile. “I promise, I’ll make next week work and I’ll make sure we can stay for longer. Somehow.”
After saying their goodbyes, Nino hitched a ride home with Adrien. Nino hadn’t even thought about the traps being used against the kobolds, but they managed it. As he listened to Adrien chatter about the campaign, Nino could feel that this was going to be a campaign to remember.
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wildknightblaze · 5 years
venting //
there's a guy in my DnD group who's always kinda rubbed me the wrong way, because it feels like every time I do something, especially when I fail a roll, he brags about how his minmaxed-to-all-hell rogue would have succeeded. he's also done things like try to order the rest of us to do stuff in combat, when it was very much not his turn, and insert himself into roleplaying situations and mess them up, as if he's assuming his incredible stats will bail him out of anything, but then they end up with stuff like "the group is forced into signing a blood contract with the governor of a city who's being clearly manipulated by her right-hand man"
but man last night was even worse than usual, and not just because I had finally openly complained to the others in the group about it.
*Barbarian gets polymorphed* "heh look at what I rolled randomly, I would have resisted it. *shows off a d20 that definitely was not adjusted to have the 20 on top*
to me: "you know what I can do to beat this [enemy that's super strong in melee range]? step back, shadowblade shadowblade shadowblade shadowblade" me: "uh-huh, that's cool" him, clearly unsatisfied with my lack of acknowledgement, turning to the barbarian: "you know what I can do to beat this [enemy]? step back, shadowblade shadowblad-"
I was idly scrolling through twitter when it wasn't my turn and saw something about the new fire emblem and said to the friend sitting next to me "oh that looks rad! I'm really looking forward to this one." he overheard me and immediately went "so am I! I'm going with the blue lions! what did you think of Awakening and Fates?" and I'm like "uh, I liked them both, Fates a little less so" and he was like "I think Awakening was too easy" and internally I just screamed at the top of my lungs because I am SO FUCKING TIRED of having to defend my having enjoyed Awakening and Fates on the internet so what makes anyone think I'm interested in having that conversation IRL???
and the real kicker: after the big fight, the hostage we took dropped some big story hints that my character had personal interest in (but she hasn't trusted the rest of the party with the details), so when we hauled him off, I said, "so as we walk, I fall into step next to him and whisper, low enough so that no one else can hear--" at which point dude butts in with "uhh my rogue has extremely sharp hearing, I can totally hear everything" and I really hoped I stopped myself from giving him a giant dirty look but I'm not sure I succeeded, and the DM had to convince him to let me have my character moment and I just was like "okay, so, I whisper, low enough so that no one else can hear--"
im seriously considering whether I want to continue playing with this dude, which sucks because I like the campaign and I like the other people in the group a lot, but man this dude is just so obnoxious. ugh.
i feel slightly better having put this down and gotten it off my chest at least.
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
New Boxyverse Footage
thenightetc 09:43 PM Hello hello!
highglossfinish 09:43 PM Hello there!
highglossfinish 09:43 PM Just waiting on our special guest to join us.
thenightetc 09:44 PM Special guest, eh? warwearymedic joined the party.
highglossfinish 09:44 PM Speak of the devil. thenightetc joined the party. warwearymedic joined the party. warwearymedic joined the party.
highglossfinish 09:45 PM Everything holding up?
warwearymedic 09:45 PM We've sorted out my connection, yes
thenightetc 09:45 PM Horribly, yes.
highglossfinish 09:46 PM Excellent.
highglossfinish 09:47 PM And off we go.
thenightetc 09:47 PM *settles in*
warwearymedic 09:49 PM What in the world am I looking at
highglossfinish 09:49 PM Looks to be the boxiest incarnation of the boxyverse yet.
warwearymedic 09:50 PM How are they moving with that much weight on their spinal struts
highglossfinish 09:50 PM I don't like their mouths.
thenightetc 09:50 PM My eye keeps sliding away from them.
warwearymedic 09:50 PM I'm trying very hard not to look
highglossfinish 09:51 PM Oh, to get Starscream's opinion on this one.
warwearymedic 09:51 PM I somehow think I can feel Bumblebee having a spark attack from here
thenightetc 09:52 PM Honestly, this seems like a great time for them to sneak off quietly.
thenightetc 09:52 PM Quietly, I said
warwearymedic 09:53 PM Nothing makes sense in the boxyverse, I've learned
highglossfinish 09:53 PM LIPS.
thenightetc 09:53 PM gah!
warwearymedic 09:53 PM I didn't need that
thenightetc 09:53 PM Everyone has such a poutuy mouth
thenightetc 09:53 PM *pouty
highglossfinish 09:54 PM That Megatron has absolutely appeared in a video somewhere in this world, sucking on someone's fingers.
thenightetc 09:54 PM Please, please don't link to it.
warwearymedic 09:55 PM Knock Out, this is an honest question. Do you think before you speak?
highglossfinish 09:55 PM I only say what we're all thinking.
warwearymedic 09:55 PM Are you referring to you and the scraplet on your shoulder, because I was certainly not thinking that
highglossfinish 09:57 PM That scraplet agrees with me, this Megatron's true calling is to look over his shoulder like he has a naughty little secret.
thenightetc 09:57 PM I'm distracted by the implication there was some kind of ramp that Optimus drove off of to come in like that
warwearymedic 10:05 PM Is that Red Alert?
highglossfinish 10:05 PM I'm pulling up old footage of Starscream after this, just to look at something aerodynamic.
thenightetc 10:05 PM Sounds like a plan!
highglossfinish 10:06 PM Dear sweet Unicron, does everyone in this universe speak and act like they're living in a cheap static vid?
highglossfinish 10:06 PM Especially their medic.
thenightetc 10:06 PM It's too early to judge, but... yes.
thenightetc 10:06 PM Absolutely.
highglossfinish 10:07 PM Typical Autobots.
warwearymedic 10:08 PM The first comment we've gotten that I've been asked to share: "Is that what I look like?"
highglossfinish 10:09 PM I mean comparatively speaking...
warwearymedic 10:09 PM Don't answer that
thenightetc 10:10 PM Hm.
thenightetc 10:12 PM Is that cloth?  Where did he get cloth?
thenightetc 10:12 PM *squints*
highglossfinish 10:12 PM It's going to get caught in his fans or seams.
warwearymedic 10:12 PM The same place he apparently got the audacity
thenightetc 10:13 PM This is going to go well.
thenightetc 10:13 PM Are those Decepticon logo chairs?
highglossfinish 10:13 PM Everyone take a good last look at Ultra Magnus.
warwearymedic 10:13 PM Oh, we've left the room, apparently
warwearymedic 10:14 PM I did not mean warwearymedic joined the party. thenightetc joined the party.
warwearymedic 10:14 PM I meant he's walked away from the console
thenightetc 10:15 PM Oh, that's MUCH clearer
thenightetc 10:15 PM Is that a giant portrait of Megatron--
highglossfinish 10:15 PM It always shows up clear as day on my end, I wish I knew why it does that.
thenightetc 10:17 PM it's a d20!
warwearymedic 10:17 PM What in the world is Shockwave holding
highglossfinish 10:18 PM I do like how he types with his blaster.
warwearymedic 10:19 PM I do not
thenightetc 10:20 PM I like how he kind of sounds like he's doing a Starscream impression
warwearymedic 10:22 PM Soundwave sounds like that voice sound on that social media application the medbay eradicons have been tormenting me with
highglossfinish 10:22 PM Optimus sounds like some bot off the street doing a very rough impression of Optimus.
highglossfinish 10:22 PM Our Optimus. Thebes joined the party.
warwearymedic 10:23 PM I've been avoiding that
Thebes 10:23 PM hello!
highglossfinish 10:23 PM Hello there!
thenightetc 10:23 PM Hello!  It's a whole new, unsettlingly boxy, universe.
highglossfinish 10:24 PM The boxes are thick and so are the lips. Thebes joined the party.
warwearymedic 10:25 PM I'm going to ask again, Knock Out, do you think before you speak
highglossfinish 10:25 PM Ahh, how I've missed having everyone together.
thenightetc 10:26 PM Yes, investigate the package.
Thebes joined the party.
highglossfinish 10:28 PM Everyone looks and sounds like everyone else.
Thebes 10:28 PM with varying levels of ANGRY1!1
warwearymedic 10:29 PM That sounded urgent
highglossfinish 10:29 PM You can tell the war's been harsh because everyone is mildly disgruntled and surly.
thenightetc 10:31 PM Megatron REALLY likes the self-portraits, huh.
warwearymedic 10:31 PM Why does "Spinster's" voice sound so familiar
highglossfinish 10:31 PM Ours absolutely hated having his picture taken.
highglossfinish 10:31 PM "Tell me or I'll give you such a pout!"
thenightetc 10:32 PM Tsk.
warwearymedic 10:32 PM Clear weather down there, is it?
highglossfinish 10:33 PM Oh, here we are!
warwearymedic 10:33 PM Oh is that what I look like?
highglossfinish 10:34 PM It's what the boxiestverse says you look like, so yes.
thenightetc 10:34 PM *leans back*
warwearymedic 10:34 PM This is jarring and I don't like it
warwearymedic 10:34 PM This is worse!
thenightetc 10:34 PM It is unsettling.
highglossfinish 10:35 PM On our Cybertron, they make you pay for this experience.
thenightetc 10:36 PM Ten dollars says he's dead soon.
highglossfinish 10:36 PM Ratchet, this you sounds like a younger Wheeljack.
warwearymedic 10:37 PM Saying that may be the worst thing you've ever done to me, and you've tried to cut my head off.
highglossfinish 10:37 PM Oh yes, I've definitely missed this.
highglossfinish 10:38 PM Oh, look who gets to go out and safely look up in the rain?
thenightetc 10:38 PM So is Megatron in charge of this Cybertron...?
warwearymedic 10:38 PM That's not very clear
Thebes 10:38 PM Are there any clear answers?
highglossfinish 10:40 PM /LIPS./ Thebes joined the party.
thenightetc 10:40 PM Look away from the lips.
warwearymedic 10:40 PM We can all see them. You don't need to point them out
highglossfinish 10:41 PM I can't look away. They're like a light show.
highglossfinish 10:41 PM Or a Seeker taking a dive into the ground.
thenightetc 10:42 PM He sound so shocked.
thenightetc 10:42 PM f
highglossfinish 10:42 PM F.
thenightetc 10:42 PM Those captions
warwearymedic 10:42 PM I looked away, what did I miss with the captions?
thenightetc 10:43 PM "[Jetfire panting] Lord Megatron..."
highglossfinish 10:43 PM Well, then!
warwearymedic 10:43 PM Ah
highglossfinish 10:44 PM Even Laserbeak is blunt and heavy.
highglossfinish 10:45 PM I never got to know our Skyfire, but if it's true that Starscream's found him, I hope they're getting along better than these two.
thenightetc 10:45 PM Yeah.
thenightetc 10:46 PM What *are* aerodynamics, anyway.
highglossfinish 10:47 PM None of that in this universe.
thenightetc 10:48 PM So he's... possessed?  Possessed by Beardy?
highglossfinish 10:52 PM How terrifying it must be to live in a universe where that's a thing that can happen.
thenightetc 10:55 PM Look at him, he's having fun.
Thebes 10:55 PM now what's going to ruin everything for him
warwearymedic 10:56 PM Historically? Everything
highglossfinish 10:56 PM Historically, everything, up to and including Starscream himself.
thenightetc 10:56 PM You're not wrong.
Thebes 10:56 PM yeah, but are we talking at once or domino effect resulting in a screeching tantrum that finishes the job
warwearymedic 10:56 PM Old. Alright.
thenightetc 10:57 PM "Hmmm.  Bold choice"
highglossfinish 10:58 PM I certainly hope nothing plants a great big Autobot insignia on that vast empty space on his chestplate.
thenightetc 10:58 PM Perish the thought.
highglossfinish 10:59 PM "Also, some organic grass is here too."
thenightetc 11:00 PM So it... tells the future??
warwearymedic 11:00 PM Can this divine projection only move one arm?
highglossfinish 11:00 PM Apparently.
highglossfinish 11:01 PM Did Prowl's voice just change completely?
warwearymedic 11:01 PM This Prowl sounds horribly inconsistent
thenightetc 11:01 PM What else is new.
warwearymedic 11:02 PM Just because you can walk through the screens does not mean you should
thenightetc 11:02 PM So is the code... magic?
thenightetc 11:02 PM Is there some reason it can't be copied?
highglossfinish 11:02 PM Absolutely none.
highglossfinish 11:02 PM "I have a virus."
highglossfinish 11:03 PM I thought he was just going to end it there.
thenightetc 11:03 PM Heh.
highglossfinish 11:05 PM "Not that?"
thenightetc 11:06 PM Honor.  Yeah.
thenightetc 11:06 PM Trion seems to have a problem with sticking things in people.
warwearymedic 11:06 PM I've figured out why they're so jarring to look at: their plating is so textured but their faces are so smooth
highglossfinish 11:06 PM It's very uncanny.
thenightetc 11:06 PM They all polish their faces every day.
highglossfinish 11:07 PM Then they gather around to caress each other's smooth, smooth faces, as all Autobots do.
thenightetc 11:07 PM :(
thenightetc 11:08 PM Need I remind you that the Decepticons' faces are equally smooth.
warwearymedic 11:08 PM It cost you zero credits to say that
highglossfinish 11:08 PM And yet, here we are.
highglossfinish 11:08 PM The best things in life are free.
warwearymedic 11:09 PM I should have said "not to say that" but I was just too stunned
highglossfinish 11:09 PM Speaking of which, alternate you is losing that "young Wheeljack" note and just slipping straight into Wheeljack.
thenightetc 11:10 PM Did he need to phrase it like that
highglossfinish 11:10 PM He did not.
Thebes 11:10 PM God those lips are... disturbing? I think disturbing's the right word
highglossfinish 11:10 PM Now, I must have missed something...why does Ultra Magnus have a deadly virus inside him?
warwearymedic 11:11 PM All of us on this end would also like the answer to that
warwearymedic 11:11 PM Ah, I forgot Praxus did that
thenightetc 11:12 PM Ugh.
highglossfinish 11:12 PM Was it war related? Or did he just pick it up in a bathhouse somewhere?
thenightetc 11:13 PM ...Oh boy!
thenightetc 11:13 PM Oh
thenightetc 11:13 PM Oh boy!  Stealing!
warwearymedic 11:14 PM I need you all to know that Leo murmured "a heist" very quietly under her breath and now she won't stop giggling
highglossfinish 11:14 PM Why are all Arcees save ours so ugly?
highglossfinish 11:14 PM Leo's there too?
thenightetc 11:14 PM One of those multiversal quirks, I'm sure.
warwearymedic 11:15 PM She's been popping in
thenightetc 11:16 PM Of all the things to happen, "Shockwave ties up Ultra Magnus's corpse and gives it a virus" wasn't one I expected.
highglossfinish 11:17 PM Concurred.
highglossfinish 11:17 PM Just let the storm have him.
thenightetc 11:17 PM Agreed.
warwearymedic 11:17 PM I can't say I disagree
thenightetc 11:18 PM Still, I guess Jetfire has something to prove.
highglossfinish 11:18 PM What's that little device again? I was busy commenting on Ultra Magnus and bathhouses.
warwearymedic 11:19 PM Which device, the core override?
thenightetc 11:19 PM The remote for the bomb in Jetfire's head.
highglossfinish 11:19 PM Charming.
thenightetc 11:19 PM Interesting logo.
warwearymedic 11:20 PM Fundamentally not how sparks work
highglossfinish 11:20 PM Nothing about the way this universe works is how anything works.
warwearymedic 11:21 PM But you would at least think they'd cover the basics
highglossfinish 11:22 PM A way to carry them out might have been a good idea.
thenightetc 11:22 PM What a great heist.
warwearymedic 11:23 PM How is she walking
highglossfinish 11:23 PM How are any of their hips not giving out under them?
thenightetc 11:24 PM :|
highglossfinish 11:24 PM Terrorcons. Ugh.
thenightetc 11:24 PM Oh good, saved by something unrelated to what they were doing.
highglossfinish 11:26 PM Goodbye, highly disposable member of our team.
warwearymedic 11:26 PM Ah, yes, Prowl, well-known to buy into myths and legends
thenightetc 11:27 PM So uh... is the presence of the Allspark responsible for the terrorcons?
thenightetc 11:27 PM Now roll it.
thenightetc 11:27 PM Please somebody roll it.
highglossfinish 11:27 PM "They just pulled off my arms and legs, which our species is built to survive. I'm fine...I'm not dead. Is anyone listening?" ~Moonracer.
thenightetc 11:29 PM Again, is this MAGIC code?
thenightetc 11:30 PM Are there backups somewhere?
warwearymedic 11:30 PM This Red Alert is not nearly paranoid enough to be Red Alert
highglossfinish 11:30 PM The same magic code that they apparently all injected when they split into political factions, just so they could have one more additional way to kill each other.
thenightetc 11:31 PM I guess Megatron doesn't join in on the face-polishing.  Has other things to do.
highglossfinish 11:31 PM He polishes his lips and nothing else.
thenightetc 11:31 PM Or does he have someone polish his lips FOR him?
highglossfinish 11:32 PM He puckers his lip components and chases everyone around the base for an hour and whoever's left standing gets polish duty for that day.
warwearymedic 11:33 PM Every time you speak it gets worse
thenightetc 11:33 PM Speaking from experience, eh?
highglossfinish 11:34 PM Our Megatron's mouth is violently incompatible with lips.
thenightetc 11:35 PM Polished until there was nothing left.
thenightetc 11:35 PM Sounds like one of those cautionary tales.
warwearymedic 11:35 PM Gladiators were either known for excessive attention to appearance, or almost aggressive lack thereof
highglossfinish 11:36 PM They were fun that way. Rajkumar99salam joined the party.
Rajkumar99salam 11:38 PM hi
highglossfinish 11:38 PM Mysterious stranger.
thenightetc 11:38 PM And who could have seen that coming.
thenightetc 11:38 PM F.
thenightetc 11:39 PM Wait how did it land point-up?
thenightetc 11:39 PM :|
highglossfinish 11:40 PM This is a mess.
thenightetc 11:40 PM Once again, the Allspark is hurled randomly into space.
highglossfinish 11:42 PM Now who will patch up all their internal trauma with his lush, velvety voice?
highglossfinish 11:42 PM Fightin'.
thenightetc 11:42 PM Who indeed.
warwearymedic 11:43 PM Has Ironhide spoken at all
warwearymedic 11:43 PM Ours never managed to stop talking
thenightetc 11:44 PM "Died".  Right.
highglossfinish 11:44 PM I would be up all night laughing if they'd all just died immediately on the ship.
thenightetc 11:45 PM You know they're fine.
highglossfinish 11:45 PM Yes, but it would be *funny.*
thenightetc 11:46 PM Oh boy!
thenightetc 11:49 PM Gun... orfices... :|
highglossfinish 11:49 PM Oh yes.
thenightetc 11:50 PM This sure is how everything works
highglossfinish 11:50 PM It certainly is that.
thenightetc 11:51 PM Nice.
Thebes 11:55 PM only the most rigorous scientific method around here
thenightetc 11:55 PM Just hollow out the entire planet.
highglossfinish 11:56 PM He's angered the gods.
thenightetc 11:57 PM Oh my
highglossfinish 11:58 PM Amazing.
thenightetc 12:00 AM I am in awe.
highglossfinish 12:00 AM I want to have his capacity to see opportunities.
highglossfinish 12:02 AM ....I've been given a suggestion for what we're closing the night on, and it's very short and it's needed.
thenightetc 12:02 AM Ooooo?
thenightetc 12:02 AM Sounds promising!
highglossfinish 12:02 AM You'll see!
thenightetc 12:07 AM I love it.
Thebes 12:07 AM I am reminded of Dwarf Fortress.
thenightetc 12:09 AM Dear lord.
highglossfinish 12:09 AM Here we go.
highglossfinish 12:11 AM Dear sweet Unicron.
thenightetc 12:12 AM Nice.
highglossfinish 12:13 AM Here comes boxiest Megatron!
Thebes 12:13 AM was not expecting things to end in nuclear armageddon!
thenightetc 12:13 AM *squints*
Thebes 12:13 AM OH NO
highglossfinish 12:13 AM OH YES INDEED!
thenightetc 12:14 AM Er
warwearymedic 12:14 AM It was decided that that's what he looks like
highglossfinish 12:14 AM Megatron before he set his sights on Cybertron.
thenightetc 12:15 AM My god
thenightetc 12:16 AM "If you're turned on, then just turn off"
highglossfinish 12:16 AM That certainly was a lyric.
thenightetc 12:16 AM It sure was.
highglossfinish 12:17 AM And that, dear friends and Ratchet, is where we close! KIMBERLY06 joined the party.
KIMBERLY06 12:18 AM hie
thenightetc 12:18 AM Well, thanks for hosting!  It certainly was a trip.
warwearymedic 12:18 AM I suppose I should say it was a pleasure, but that's questionable
highglossfinish 12:18 AM Thank you for coming!
thenightetc 12:18 AM Goodnight!
highglossfinish 12:18 AM It was wretched. Thank you all for sharing the burden of it.
highglossfinish 12:18 AM Good night!
thenightetc 12:18 AM Ha.
0 notes
“So.  You screwed up that bad, huh?”
Siildore sagged into the chair she was sitting on, head in her hands.  Gloomweaver had a way of cutting right to the heart of the issue, setting Siildore straight when she worked herself up too hard.  
“You are a passionate one, and while that can be an admirable quality, you often let it blind you.”
“In my defense, he was being an ass.  It was not right what he did, nor was his continued smugness.  He needed his behaviour called out.”
The woman across from Siildore blinked blankly, staring back at her.  “You called him a liar, a coward, unfit to lead, a bigot, and...what else again?” Siil sighed again, wincing at the dull pain in her joints.  “Just...shut up, will you? I know I was wrong-”
Gloomweaver stood from the crate she’d been sitting on, lowering her hood to glare at the other.  “Know, you didn’t ‘know you were wrong.’  You let yourself get worked up over something stupid, something insignificant, and something not worth fighting for.  You did exactly what Umadon taught us not to do.  Tell me, how many of your order still look at you as a monster? Do you still earn sneers when you walk down the street? You were punished by the Light, Siildore! If you ask me, you deserved exactly what you got.  Why don’t you learn, you dense, hopeless romantic!”
Siildore’s head sunk lower, hands rubbing along the back of her neck.  Her breath crystallized against the sleeve of her shirt, head shaking slowly back and forth.  
“How long have we been friends, Frostlotus? Since you were raised, when Umadon showed you how to wield a blade, when I taught you how to freeze the air? When did you begin showing affection to these people, to these ideals? We taught you all you needed to know to defend this world, to conform in a way that would still let you fight, and you’ve thrown all of it away.  You reconnected with your daughter,” She held up a hand and began counting on her fingers, each infraction bringing one to stand, “You pledged an oath to defend a nation, you have a ‘relationship,’” Gloomweaver spat the word like it was dirty, “with that demonic abomination you call-” Siildore’s voice cut her friend off with a dangerous edge, “Weaver, shut it.”
“-a lover.  You have...relations with them, you have friends among them.  You’ve become just what Joshua said you were, a weak, bleeding-heart breather lov-”
The fist that crashed into the side of Gloomweaver’s face made a resounding crack as the jaw bone fractured, teeth broke free from their sockets, and capillaries burst beneath the saronite-backed skin.  She stumbled from the blow, hand flying up to check the damage to her jaw.
“Weaver, I am choosing my own future.  Regardless of who I was or what I have done in the past.  My daughter, Feyrintha, my oath, the troubles I have had in the Sunguard, all of it.  They are my choices, and I will own them.  No, I do not think it was wrong of me to challenge Zalin on his decision.  I still believe what he did to me was beyond cruel, even for my second offense.  And I am so, so very tired of everyone abusing the Light to exploit the weakness we all share.  But I am not going to give up my ideals, and I am not going to give up on spreading them.  We can be more than just weapons to provide them a second chance, doing the things that they will not do.  We have a unique perspective that they don’t have, one that can be used to make them better than they are now.  We can be more than just monsters in the dark, Weaver.”
Every bone in her hand ached from the punch, the skin along her knuckles bruised and flaring with the Light from the motion-activated runes.  Her mouth twitched at the corners in pain as she stood resolute, an outline in the darkened room they shared.  
“You can accept that choice, or you can not.  It is also your choice.  But do not judge me for trying to find my own place in this world while you remain a slave to the tenets of a man twice-dead.”
The other woman had recovered, setting her jaw back in place with a sickening pop, teeth finding their place and the blood beginning a slow crawl against gravity back into her mouth.  Like a slow motion recap, played in reverse.  As the last drop found its way back between her lips, she worked her jaw back and forth to test it’s reformation before speaking.
“You’re a damn cheater when you throw a punch, you know that? I don’t have the luxury of saronite to keep my bones intact.”
“You are just upset that you could not freeze my blood fast enough to slow me down or stop me,” Siildore fired the comment back with little pause.
Gloomweaver sighed, lowering her head and shaking it in response to the quip.  “So you are sticking around then? This is a permanent arrangement now, you with the Sunguard, me as your...what did they say, retainer?”
“I prefer the word lieutenant.  It provides a clearer definition of your position.  Disciplinarian is a good description too, but that only applies in a few cases.  Lieutenant is the better of the two.”
Siildore’s opposite sighed again, pulling her hood up over her head.  “Well, alright then.  Glad we had that conversation.  I still think you’re a damn fool for casting your lot in with these…” Gloomweaver raised a hand like she was shooing away a bug or some unsightly dog, “People.  And you’re doing a disservice to Umadon by abandoning so much of what he taught you.”
“Expanding, not abandoning.  Get it right, Weaver.  The difference matters.”
“Fine, fine, ‘expanding,’” She held up her hands in a set of air quotes.  “Still think it’s a waste.”
“And that is the wonderful thing about living outside Acherus, Weaver.  Experimenting and exposure to ideas and ways of thinking that you never heard back there.  Such as having an ass for a superior officer and learning how to live with him.”
“That’s not new, Siildore.  We had ass’s for superiors when we were training.  Umadon wasn’t exactly nice either.”
“I know.  Still...come on.  We need to get going, there is a war to fight, with many demons to kill.  We have a lot of work to do.”
Siildore piece that’s been...two weeks in the works? Writing is hard.  Anyways, tags: @curiouslich @sakialyn @dorksworn @she-wants-the-d20
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cresselian · 7 years
11 Questions Tag: Writer Edition!
Tagged by @mangaluva (aaaa my fave writer noticed me)
1) How many works in progress do you currently have?
Counting original works:
1. My Otherworld setting, which I am currently working on the first book of. Modern fantasy with fairies! And super involved metaphysics because I enjoy that sort of thing
2. A web video series I’m doing with a good friend based on Dungeons and Dragons, which is currently in the first draft phase.
Counting D&D stuff:
3. A running journal for my character in a friend’s medieval stasis campaign, which I really need to take some time to work on. Maybe I should just put a few lines for each session? But that would be reductive...
4. Nihularian, a D&D setting of my own, which I plan to run at the end of this month/start of next month. I made like 12 new races, and the world is the inside surface of a sphere, because I am Just That Extra.
5. Nibelung, a D&D setting that I pumped out intending to run for my sister and her friends. It’s a lot more conventional than Nihularian, but I enjoyed putting in politics and magic.
btw I plan to run Fate Core, not d20. d20 would be too complicated to build a totally original setting in.
Counting fanfiction that I’ve at least started:
6. My Pokemon self-insert series, AKA my first fanfic, which is so dead I can’t even describe how dead it is. I had planned all the regions, and then crammed The Legend of Zelda and Kingdom Hearts onto the end with the same characters, because I was small but ambitious.
7. The Multiple Personalities of Artemis Fowl, AKA my second fanfic, which is dead because I was so disappointed in The Last Guardian I couldn’t write in that universe anymore.
8. Pokestar Studio Productions, which I swear I’ll work on again someday. I thought it would be fun to write fanfic chapters based on the Pokestar Studios movies from Pokemon Black 2 and White 2. Mostly it turned out to be tedious, but rewarding.
9. Satisfaction and Skating, which is the only fic I’ve completed an arc for. Hi, Check Please fanfic! We start you now! A Hamilton/Check Please crossover fic that I wrote for the Check Please Big Bang last year. Planning to write more of it this summer.
10. A Kingdom Hearts self-insert series I was working on with a friend, but never posted. It was a fun experiment in writing with a full co-author, and I’m still slowly plugging away at it for writing practice.
And now, counting fanfiction that I have at least partially planned, 90% because @a-canker-in-a-hedge is an enabler:
11. A Check Please/Pokemon crossover I toyed with before the release of Sun and Moon last year.
12. A Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812/Jupiter Ascending crossover, 30% because it would bring a better plot and 70% so I can do lavish descriptions of SPACE BAROQUE.
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
See above. I mostly write fanfic, because I think it’s fun. I do try to do something original with it, though, because I wasn’t raised on the fanfic conventions by which character interactions constitute a plot. I need to have some sort of external driver to what’s happening to enjoy what I’m writing.
3) Do you prefer real books or e-books?
In theory, e-books. In practice, real books.
I like the idea of e-books because then I could get rid of so much clutter in my house, and they make so much more sense than using dead tree to store all our words. But in practice, I can’t survive without the feeling of an actual book under my hands. But I won’t write in either; that’s blasphemous.
4) When did you start writing?
My first piece I remember was in Grade 1, but that was a class assignment and it’s only notable for being the first time a teacher said that I’d been really exceptional at something. I believe that I can call that a catalyst?
I posted my first fanfiction when I was 14/15, but started working on it when I was 11/12. I started doing original work in earnest about a year ago, when I was 18, once I started seriously thinking about doing a university creative writing program.
5) Do you have someone you trust to share your work with?
That would be @a-canker-in-a-hedge for my fanfic. I’m remarkably cagey about original WIPs, but once the draft is done to my satisfaction I will throw it at literally anyone I think can give me feedback. The more perspectives I can get, the better.
6) Where is your favourite place to write?
I plan on the bus or in other public places when I don’t have other entertainments. I have great ideas in the shower (and then desperately hope I won’t forget them). When I write by hand, it’s mostly in bed or on the couch, and when I write on the computer, it’s in my university’s library that I get the most done. I try to write from my desk a lot, but it never works. Tumblr calls to me...
7) Favourite childhood book?
The Redwall series by Brian Jacques. I reread it continually from when I was in Grade 3 to Grade 6, without ceasing for almost anything else. There were just enough surprises mixed in with Jacques’ formulas that I could be interested but never shocked, which was perfect for a kid who loved everything to be just so.
You could probably qualify the border between my childhood and adolescence by the point at which I put Redwall aside for good and dove into my high school’s fiction section to finally read Percy Jackson and Septimus Heap.
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
I’d like to add a third option: I write online for validation. What other skill do I have that people will adulate like my writing? None, that’s the answer.
For real, though, I write because it’s my favourite thing to do, and because I hope to someday get published/self-publish. As one of the TAs in my Creative Writing class this term said, if I had to stop writing I’d probably lose my mind, so I may as well use it to its best advantage.
9) Pen and paper or computer?
I write so much better by hand, especially when I have a plan. It forces me to think through what I’m about to write before I get there, and it distills my thoughts to make them more easily transferable to other people. You better believe I do all my planning by hand: I think in flowcharts and diagrams, and putting those into a digital universe is too time-consuming and involved to be practical.
However, my writing is more spontaneous on the computer, and it ends up... passable, I suppose. Because University, I rarely have the time to do a draft by hand followed immediately by drafting on the computer, so I write directly onto the computer based on the planning I did in my notebooks. If I had the time to do it all by hand, though, I would.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
I decided to become an author in a grade 6 class called Reading Writing Workshop, because I was the best at it. I do a lot of things because I like being exceptional with minimal effort.
In the term I just finished at uni, I took a class on writing for children (there was a bit of good info) and last summer I took an introductory class on fiction writing at the university level (it was useless, and the classroom smelled of cleaning products).
The purpose of taking a writing class, I think, should be to force the students to produce a large volume of good work for deadlines, because that’s what I need to improve. The craft of writing is something that I, personally, learned primarily from reading voraciously, and from large amounts of practice and getting things wrong.
11) What inspires you to write?
Screaming with @a-canker-in-a-hedge.
Seriously, though, it’s reading, and playing games, and going ‘huh. that’s not how I would do that’. And then the idea takes root and suddenly there’s a new writing project. Often, I won’t actually write it until there’s a deadline, and then it will get done and it will be wonderful but I won’t be pleased because I couldn’t do it until the last minute and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
I tag @a-canker-in-a-hedge, @sakura-deserved-better, @ohthewhomanity, and any other writers who happen to see this! Do the thing! Then write something!
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