#hsv1 virus
Pre-Disclosure of HSV2 PT.2
I am on the verge of disclosing to my new partner tomorrow. I was doing some reflecting today and I noticed that for the last couple of days, I have been looking for things to push my new partner away with before this talk happens.
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I am afraid of two things. The first is that I could get rejected, which would really suck because I do really like him. But the second thing is that I am afraid of him accepting my status. I've really wanted to be a victim throughout this entire process and if he accepts me, I can't be. It would mean that I would have to accept that good things will still happen for me in spite of my status.
It's totally human and normal to want to run and hide. But we have to fight that human urge to get closer to what we want. Let's say that this relationship does work out, we're going to have an extremely strong foundation however, if I run and hide, I would never know what could have happened.
Wish me good vibes and good luck!
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herpagreens-review · 1 year
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herpescureindia · 1 year
Mouth Infection with the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) – herpes cure
It is known by various names, including fever blister and cold sore. The herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) is what causes this bothersome and frequently painful chronic illness. Herpes lesions (sores) generally linger for a week to 10 days. They typically develop on the gums, tongue, roof of the mouth, or lips. The sores initially appear as fluid-filled blisters that break after one or two days. Skin-to-skin contact with a carrier of the virus can spread the infection.
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herpescure7 · 1 year
Genital Herpes Simplex Virus in Pregnancy- Increases Autism Risk
Genital herpes simplex virus during pregnancy increases autism risk. It is important to treat herpes during pregnancy. Because acyclovir and valacyclovir are not officially approved for the treatment of pregnant women, patients should be advised to give informed consent before administration. However, these treatments did not increase the incidence of fetal malformations, although long-term outcomes have not been assessed.
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astralarya · 5 months
If you are HSV positive (including having only "cold sores"), I highly recommend taking a daily antiviral. There is increasing evidence that HSV increases the risk of dementia or cognitive decline. However, antivirals seem to be protective against this outcome.
As an added bonus, you shed fewer viral particles and thus greatly lower the chance of infecting others—which can occur via casual contact like sharing food. Even when you are asymptomatic!
I've often found it surprising how few people are on an antiviral regimen given how common it is to be HSV positive (approximately 1 in 6 people age 14 to 49 in the US).
This 2021 review covers the evidence surrounding HSV's association with increased risk of dementia as well as "the apparent protective effects of treatment of HSV1 infection or of VZV infection with antivirals prior to the onset of dementia".
More recent study (2022) in the Korean population that shows increased incidence of dementia in individuals with HSV1.
Notable Nature paper (2021) which failed to find association with dementia. However, the authors still found an increase of "cognitive decline".
When the 2021 review says "overwhelming evidence", they mean it. There are many studies which have shown this association which I will not repost so check out their references if you are interested.
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deliciouskeys · 6 months
After having 2 colds back to back, now my herpes simplex 1 decides to creep in under the radar. Can I have a moment without one of: terrible sore throat & complete voice loss/endless mucus/disfiguring pustules on my mouth? I’ve basically not wanted to face another human being in weeks. I work from home so this is doable, but I suspect I’m slowly going insane.
I got the cold sores from my mom’s lipstick when I was four, because back then at least in Russia apparently nobody believed that HSV1 is a contagious virus. So I’ve had an STD since I was 4 🙄. Every time I forget about it and think it won’t come back, it does. It’s honestly put a damper on my dating life too. My favorite part was whenever I’d kiss anyone with facial hair of any kind, my lips would break out the next day. My own body cockblocking me. “Are you dating? Let’s put a stop to that at once.” Ok, sir, you’re the boss.
I don’t have sex, I don’t eat carbs and gluten (so I also don’t eat out), I don’t do drugs except caffeine, I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t do anything for fun except go to the gym. I’m an ascetic monk except instead of copying over illuminated Bible manuscripts I type fics.
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living-with-herpes · 4 months
2 years on
So I completely forgot about this blog and have recently found it again.
It’s two years later and reading what I wrote makes me want to cry for myself. I honestly was so convinced my life was over and I can completely tell you, it is not!
I won’t lie, I was very low for a fair while and I cried about it a lot. I continued to google every which way under the sun and continued to terrify myself. I read so many statistics it made my mind swim.
But slowly I accepted what had happened.
I was so angry about it and so upset. I did some research into testing for it and in the uk apparently doctors don’t routinely test for herpes for 3 main reasons:
1) the tests are roughly 50% accurate if it is not swabbing an actual sore. A blood test will just test for antibodies and as not every person who carries the virus reacts to it, some people might be carrying the virus and not have needed to produce antibodies
2) the nhs doesn’t consider herpes to be dangerous enough to need testing for regularly. Let’s face it, you wouldn’t go to the doctor after kissing a stranger on a night out and ask them to take a blood test to test for a cold sore (hsv1 herpes) just in case
3) doctors consider the mental health implications of knowing you have the virus, worse than the symptoms of the virus itself so they almost think it’s better that sometimes people don’t know. I can personally attest to this.
Every site you go to the statistics vary slightly but the general consensus is that roughly 80% of the population have herpes (hsv1/hsv2).
I thought this diagnosis would be the end of my sex life, no one would want to touch me again. I was so wrong. Using barrier contraception like condoms really does minimise the potential for passing it on.
There is lots of talk on the internet of whether people need to disclose a herpes diagnosis or not to new partners. Again after all, people would disclose that they’ve had a cold sore before. I’m still undecided on this one but so far I have told my partners before sleeping with them. I can tell you now that no one has ran for the hills, in fact most don’t even care.
I’ve learnt a lot, in fact if I was on mastermind now I think my specialist subject could be herpes!
Basically the herpes virus lives in your nerves and can flare up from time to time, lots of things can trigger this from a cut, to stress or illness. Not every time you have a flare up, you have an actual outbreak with the little blisters. When you have a flare up with or without the blisters, it’s called viral shedding and this is called viral shedding. You are particularly contagious when viral shedding, and if you don’t always have blisters, this is why it’s so important to use protection as you don’t know when this happens.
Your first outbreak is usually considered the worst and in my experience it completely was! Since then I’ve had a few outbreaks. But now an outbreak consists of one tiny blister.
My doctors put my antiviral on a repeat prescription for me so I have made it so that I always have a pack in my bathroom cupboard so I can start them as soon as I feel one coming. It’s only a two day course.
Honestly it doesn’t affect my life massively at all now. It’s all manageable and I had no reason to worry.
Obviously I would prefer to have continued living my life without herpes. But it really is no different now I’m living with it.
I’m even now at the point where sometimes I go weeks without remembering that I have herpes.
Honestly all I could say to someone going through a diagnosis is, be sad if you need to be for a while but know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it does not mean your life is over.
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nathank77 · 1 month
2:18 a.m Updated/Edited/Added to
So I struggled to fall asleep last night. I took my half at 5 a.m and I still wasn't asleep by like 7:23 a.m so I ended up taking a Benadryl bc I had my eyes closed for over 30 minutes and I just didn't fall asleep. This is two nights in a row I had to mix Benadryl in to fall asleep well sorta. Last night I absolutely did.
The night before that, I snored myself awake. I tried to fall back to sleep and I ended up taking a Benadryl. I haven't touched hydroxyzine though either night. I had to use Benadryl half way through the night when I woke up like 3-4 hours later.
I'm worried the half is losing effectiveness. Yet I started Coq10 the day I snored myself awake.. I did technically fall asleep without the Benadryl but Coq10 can cause insomnia. I don't really think it is...
That night I snored myself awake I was stressed about going to Katie. Last night I really wasn't stressed as I absolved myself from it by writing it out and remembering my true intentions.
Another consideration is I've been on methimazole every other day for at least a week now. My resting heart rate was around 85. Now it's 64... idk... all i know is my appetite is picking up and I'm using the bathroom a little bit more.
I'm still getting cold... idk if I'm normal or going hyper. I won't find out until the 16th. I got to monitor my heart rate and I have more metoprolol, my doctor perscribed me 50mg instead of 100 of succinate incase I go back to hyper... so that could be throwing me off.
Idk what normal feels like. I know what hyper does. And I don't think I'm very hyper if I am. I kinda know what hypo feels like. I was def falling asleep faster when I was hypo...
So all of this can be playing a role. I hate that my thyroid is an experiment right now.. I'm glad I scheduled it for the 16th instead of the 23rd.
I am worried about tepezza still. It can cause autophony, tinnitus and significant hearing loss.
I did a full std panel as it's been over a year since Katie. Everything came back negative. I mean the lot. I got tested for even hepatitis all of them. Syphilis. Hiv. Etc.
Although tbh I have herpes simplex 1. Aka I've had a cold sore before. I've had like 4-6 throughout my life. She did the blood test for herpes 1 and 2... my herpes 1 came back as equivocal. Meaning neither the absence or presence. And my herpes simplex 2 came back positive in the low index category at a 1.6....
I've never had symptoms... the problem with this test is it's got a 1 in 2 chance of being a false positive. Aka 1 in 2 people will have a false positive.
As it only picks up the herpes virus and doesn't distinguish between hsv1 or hsv2.
I forgot to mention to my doctor I have had cold sores... it's factual I have hsv1...
I'm not concerned, as the false positive rate between 1.10 and 3.0 is very high. If I was over 3 it's has a 90% accuracy rate. Under 3 especially under 2 and closer to 1, it's very inaccurate.
I got a 1.6, 1 in 2 tests are a false positive. They discorage doctors from doing the test for a reason unless the person has symptoms and I never have.
The issue with this test is in order to be certain they have to order an inhibitor test to inhibit hsv2.. and if that comes back positive you have asymptomatic hsv2.
Incase Elise is reading this I want this out in the open. I do not have hsv2. I'm going to ask for the inhibitor test in May for my next appt to keep it on the down low, I don't want the office staff thinking I have genital herpes.
If i knew how inaccurate it was I wouldn't have done it. Basically the test only looks for the herpes virus and can't distinguish between hsv1 or hsv2.
Getting equivocal on hsv1... and knowing I've had cold sores is an almost guarantee the hsv1 test didn't pick it up bc it was an inadequate sample. While the hsv2 picked it up bc it can't distinguish between the two.
My lab results say it very well can be a false positive and I need the inhibitor test to confirm as my index is low...
Tbh I'm not anxious about it at all. I know bc it can't distinguish between the two, it picked up that I infact do have the herpes virus but it's hsv1 aka cold sores. Mouth herpes. I'm not anxious, I know I'm right bc of my research.
Of course I'm worried that Elise would be hesitant to be with me, if she loved me if I did the inhibitor test and it came back positive. I'd never lie. Just bc I am asymptomatic doesn't mean my next partner will be. However I know bc of my research it's a false positive. And my hsv1 test was a false negative for sure.
With that being said of course I'm worried about the stigma and if it was a real positive that no one would be with me. Despite this I know it's a false positive and I'll stick the course and get the inhibitor test.
I've never had symptoms, that does not mean you can't have it. However I've thought long and hard about who I have had genital to genital contact with.
It's been like 2 people. I've had a decent amount of oral sex in the past but I was like between 14-18.
Genital to genital, it was seriously two people.
I truly don't think I have it. I think I have a false positive that picked up the hsv1 virus...
If I did the inhibitor test, and found out I had both I'd write that here as I'd never try to pull the wool over someone's eyes, as me being asymptomatic doesn't mean the other person will be....
Either way I know in my heart it's hsv1 cause of my past symptoms and I read the research.
Despite this, if Elise does love me, I want her to know there is a chance I'm an asymptomatic carrier. Although I feel it's a 3% chance given they can't distinguish between hsv1 and hsv2 without the inhibitor.
If my test results read that they used the inhibitor, I would feel very differently but Quest is saying don't diagnosis him do the inhibitor.
So yea maybe reading that kept me up last night cause I did a lot of research.
I got to submit a urine test for the last two std tests.
I have a feeling once I do that inhibitor test I'll have a clean bill of health minus hsv1 cause yea I got it.
I hope Elise would still be with me regardless of if it's hsv1 only or both. Although I wouldn't blame her if she wouldn't.
Although I do think that inhibitor test will show what I've been writing about. The cdc discourages using the test she used on me. Either way safe sex is important.
So I'll do the test and if I happen to have hsv2, well I guess whoever I end up with has to love me despite this. It's going to be hard to sell myself as a transman ingeneral but with hsv2 I might as well expect to spend my life alone.
I refuse to pull the wool over anyone's eyes though but I'm sure in May I'll be saying I have confirmed hsv1 and my hsv2 test came back negative.
If you're reading this and you're not in love with me you probably shouldn't read every entry cause I get kinda personal here. This truly is my dairy.
If you do love me, if the test goes badly I hope it won't change your feelings for me. Although I do truly think it is a false positive.
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nurseshannansreviews · 2 months
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🌿🫒 Do you or a loved one have eczema or psoriasis? My daughter has #eczema so I was thrilled to find this natural olive leaf extract remedy from @oleavicinremedy! I tried the Eczema & Psoriasis treatment on all of Zelah's eczema trouble areas and it works wonders! It instantly soothes the irritation and reduces inflammation. The reason it works so well is because it's made of a combo of #oliveleaf extract and a blend of other botanicals that have unique healing properties. People have been using olive leaves for over a thousand years as a salve for #skinproblems because it naturally reduces redness & inflammation, hydrates and stimulates new tissue growth. It's an effective antioxidant and anti-viral. Oleavicin's patented olive leaf formula is even effective for the treatment of cold sores (#hsv1 / #hsv2 /zoster virus).
🌿🫒 This entire Oleavicin
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🌿 You can also find them @Walmart and @Walgreens nationwide.
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livewithherpes · 5 months
First herpes outbreak female: What to Expect
Discovering that you have genital herpes can be an emotionally charged experience, particularly when faced with the uncertainties of a first outbreak.
Lots of women are looking for other women's stories, and haven't been able to find much.
In the following experience of a real woman, we aim to shed light on the intricacies of the first outbreak of genital herpes in women, providing valuable insights into what to expect and how to navigate this challenging period.
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Here's my long, long story, so far: I recently started seeing a new partner. We fell hard and fast for each other and had unprotected sex the first night we hung out. I know it was stupid, and we talked afterward about how we should've used protection. Since then it's been amazing - passionate sex, all the feelings. He's great. Six days ago (Monday) I woke up with a fever, aches and pains, smelly discharge, and what felt like menstrual cramping. I assumed I had a bruised cervix (my new partner is large, and we were having issues with him hitting my cervix during sex) or a yeast infection. I used Monistat. The symptoms persisted, so I made an appointment with my gynecologist. Yesterday I had my appointment. As soon as my doctor looked at me in the stirrups, she knew it was herpes. I had small lesions that I was unable to see on the farther end of the opening to my vagina. She ran every test she could think of, but she told me she was almost certain it was herpes. Aside from the lesions, I also have the telltale signs of an initial herpes outbreak: fever, swollen lymph nodes between my legs, and aches and pains. She prescribed me a 10-day run of Valtrex. I'm still waiting to get all the lab tests back. I immediately called my partner, and judging from his response, he had no idea. He gets tested regularly and has never gotten positive for Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (genital herpes). He's also never shown any signs of herpes or had an outbreak, aside from cold sores in his mouth (Herpes Simplex Virus 1). I definitely got herpes from him - the timeline is solid. He's been incredible - wants to learn everything he can, and wants to be there for me through this. I'm actually surprised at how well I'm taking everything. Don't get me wrong, it sucks, but I'm still wading my way through information and coming to grips with what this might mean for me going forward. In 24 hours I've done extensive research on herpes, and here are some things I've learned: Herpes is extremely common, but most people with herpes never show symptoms (have an outbreak of lesions), and therefore don't know they have it Herpes is not typically part of an STD screening Herpes Simplex 1 (oral herpes, cold sores, etc) can be spread to your partner's genitals and result in an outbreak, even though it's uncommon Condoms are not a guarantee you won't spread herpes - skin-to-skin contact and oral sex can also spread it. Some people have an initial outbreak and never experience one again. And some people experience multiple outbreaks multiple times a year. It all depends on your immune system and the strain of herpes you have. You're most likely to spread herpes to your partner during an outbreak. Many couples have unprotected sex when there is no outbreak, and never end up infecting their partner. The initial outbreak is the worst you'll experience, and thank god, cause these fuckers hurt. I'm most nervous about how often I'll have outbreaks in the future. If anyone here has any experience they'd be willing to share, I'd be extremely grateful. There's nothing like hearing from other women to make you feel less alone!
Here is another real story.
 I have Genital HSV1. I contracted it almost 5 years ago now through the classic 'oral from someone who didn't have a visible outbreak' method. The first outbreak sucked but thankfully I had a close friend who had been through the same thing before to guide me. I haven't had an outbreak since and I don't take Valtrex so I consider myself very lucky. I think it is awesome that you're so open about your diagnosis and willing to post about it. It took me a long time to 'own' my diagnosis. Proud of you!
Connecting with nearby people who have herpes
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No.1 Herpes dating site. Meet nearby singles with herpes. Join free.
Connecting with others who have herpes through support groups or online herpes chat rooms can be immensely beneficial.
These communities provide a platform for sharing experiences, advice, and emotional support.
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rotationalsymmetry · 6 months
HPV rant short version:
For people with cervixes, this can be tested for with Pap smears, but the cervix isn't the only place HPV can live so a negative result doesn't mean you don't have the virus. For people who don't have cervixes, most likely you can't get tested even if you want to. But that doesn't mean you can't pass it on. So...basically, you use condoms, you get tested if you can, you communicate with people, you get vaxxed if you can. And you don't treat people who know they have the virus like pariahs. Especially since you're not even going to know about most of the people who have it. Because they won't either.
It's more or less the same with herpes/HSV, except getting tested or not isn't anatomy-based but does seem to vary by region or something? Some people insist their insurance covers it anyways? Mine never has? Some pay out of pocket, most don't, and there's the added complication that it's possible to transmit HSV2 or especially HSV1 sexually from someone who didn't get it from sex. So. There's that.
And consistently there are some people who assume "I've never been told I have this" means that they definitely don't have it. That's not how this works! That's not how infectious diseases in general work, but especially not a disease that's not routinely tested for!
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herpescureindia · 1 year
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Free Treatment of Herpes Simplex virus In India | Herpes Cure
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herpescure7 · 1 year
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📆 Aug 2022 📰 Viral role in Alzheimer's Disease discovered 🗞 University of Oxford
In the latest study, published today in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Professor Itzhaki, now working at Oxford’s Institute of Population Ageing, jointly with researchers at Tufts, expanded the study of viral roles in AD to include another type of herpes virus, varicella zoster virus (VZV), which causes chickenpox and shingles.
They investigated whether VZV can play a similar role to HSV-1 - that might implicate VZV directly in AD development. Using both laboratory-grown brain cells and a 3D brain model, the researchers looked at whether VZV infection caused the accumulation of beta amyloid (Aβ) and abnormally phosphorylated tau (P-tau) and other AD-like features, as is the case with HSV-1.
They found VZV infection of lab-grown brain cells does not lead to the formation of Aβ and P-tau, the main components respectively of the characteristic AD plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. However, they did find VZV infection resulted in both gliosis and up-regulation of inflammatory cytokines. This makes it unlikely that VZV could be a direct cause of AD, but suggests instead it has an indirect effect by reactivating dormant HSV-1.
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They also found upon VZV infection of cells containing latent HSV-1, reactivation of HSV1 occurred and a dramatic increase in levels of Aβ and P-tau, suggesting severe VZV infection in humans, as in shingles, could reactivate latent HSV-1 in brain, which, in turn, could lead to formation of AD-like damage.
Professor Itzhaki, Visiting Professorial Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and Emeritus Professor at the University of Manchester, said: 'This striking result appears to confirm that, in humans, infections such as VZV can cause an increase in inflammation in the brain, which can reactivate dormant HSV-1.
In fact, researchers at Manchester University in an epidemiological study, together with Professor Itzhaki, discovered that vaccination against shingles reduced the risk of AD/dementia (Lophatananon et al., BMJ Open, 2021).
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herpesdatingsiteusa · 9 months
Finding Love and Support: Herpes Dating in California at HSV Singles
Embracing Love and Acceptance in the HSV Community:
Dating with herpes in California doesn't have to be a challenge. HSV Singles offers a safe and welcoming platform for those with HSV1 and HSV2 to connect, find love, and build meaningful relationships. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of herpes dating in California through HSV Singles, a leading online herpes dating website and app
HSV Dating - Breaking the Stigma:
Challenging Stigma: Understanding HSV Before diving into the world of herpes dating, it's essential to dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding the virus. Learn about the realities of living with HSV1 and HSV2 and how to navigate the dating scene with confidence.
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The Rise of HSV Dating Sites Discover how herpes dating sites like HSV Singles have reshaped the dating landscape, providing a supportive community where individuals with HSV can connect and find love.
HSV Singles - Your Gateway to Love:
Exploring HSV Singles: A Community of Understanding HSV Singles is more than just a dating platform; it's a community of individuals who understand the challenges of living with HSV. Learn about the features and benefits of this herpes dating site.
Joining HSV Singles: Getting Started Get step-by-step guidance on how to create an appealing profile on HSV Singles, maximizing your chances of connecting with compatible HSV1 and HSV2 singles in California.
HSV Dating App - Love in the Palm of Your Hand:
Herpes Dating on the Go: Introducing the HSV Dating App Discover the convenience and accessibility of the HSV dating app, allowing you to browse, chat, and connect with potential partners on your mobile device.
Navigating the HSV Dating App Explore the user-friendly interface and features of the HSV dating app, making it easier than ever to connect with HSV singles in California anytime, anywhere.
Success Stories - Finding Love on HSV Singles:
Real-Life Love Stories Read inspiring success stories of individuals who found love, support, and acceptance on HSV Singles, proving that herpes doesn't define your relationship potential.
Online Herpes Dating Etiquette and Tips:
Navigating the Online Herpes Dating World Get valuable tips on how to approach online herpes dating, from initiating conversations to disclosing your HSV1 or HSV2 status with potential partners.
Building Meaningful Connections Learn about the importance of open communication, trust, and empathy when building connections with HSV1 and HSV2 singles in California.
Love, Support, and Community:
Embracing Love and Acceptance HSV Singles provides a welcoming community where you can find love, support, and acceptance while living with HSV1 or HSV2. Start your journey to meaningful connections today.
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