#hphm springbreak Challenge 2022
samshogwarts · 2 years
Spring Challenge 03 - Breakfast
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Word: 857
Challenge made by: @kc-and-co​​
Challenge: is here
Warning: fluff
Summary: It's vacation time at Hogwarts and Samantha is vacationing in Romania with her husband Charlie. The two plan their vacation together while having breakfast.
Charlie knew it was dangerous at this hour, but he just couldn't help but giggle. And who could blame him? His wife sat in front of him on a small stool, her hair down and completely tousled in her dragon pajamas. In Samantha's hands she held a cup of tea. Samantha wasn't really a morning person, but Charlie always found the little morning gremlin very entertaining. It was also a little playing with fire.
The two were at Charlie's hut in Romania. Hogwarts was on vacation and Samantha was spending a few days in Romania. While the bacon fried in the pan and the eggs boiled in the water, Charlie couldn't help but have a laugh or two.
"Good morning Professor O'Connell. You look good again today. Are you trying a new hair style? suits you perfectly The lion's mane accentuates your beautiful under-eye circles."
"I'm about to throw something at you..." Samantha growled in Irish dialect.
One of the few moments where you could hear Samantha's origins. Slowly Samantha drank her tea and fixed Charlie with her eyes.
"And your charm first Professor O'Connell. You can't help but study and do your homework. I'm so jealous of your husband who gets to enjoy this sight every morning!"
Samantha tried to hide it behind the cup, but Charlie saw a small smile spread across her face. And Samantha knew that. She quickly leaned forward, grabbed Charlie's shirt and kissed him on the mouth. Now both had to smile.
They both smiled at each other briefly, then Samantha put her tea on the table and they both stood in front of the kitchen area. Charlie's hut in Romania wasn't big. Basically it was just a room with a small extra room as a toilet and another as a bathroom. Bedroom, living room and kitchen were in one room and everything was furnished in a rustic style. Basically, it was very reminiscent of Hagrid's hut at Hogwarts. Except the furniture wasn't half-giant and the windows were bigger to let in more light.
The smell of bacon, baked beans, sausages and tomatoes was already in the whole room, but now the smell of pancakes spread more and more in the room. While Samantha poured the pancake batter into the pan, Charlie put maple syrup on the table. The two didn't talk much, but that wasn't necessary at the moment. One knew what the other would do next and while this moment wasn't anything special, it was special for both of them. There was a time when neither of them ever believed that this moment could even be possible. But now Charlie knew how much Samantha loves him and she also knew how much Charlie loves her. Knowledge that both of them would never doubt again.
After a short time, breakfast was ready on the table and both began to eat. Charlie could tell from the look on Samantha's face that she was becoming more awake. So they could start planning their day.
“Today I'm with the Peruvian Vipertooth. "
Charlie knew Samantha didn't like hearing that. Considered the most dangerous of dragons, Peruvian vipertooths were poisonous and liked to hunt humans. Samantha made her displeasure at this news clear with just one look, but before she could say anything, Charlie just continued.
“But only today. The mating season will start soon and we want to prepare the nests beforehand. So no need to worry. I've already spoken to Felix. I'm on vacation next week. Shall we go somewhere then?"
Samantha chewed on her bacon and considered.
"I thought we could visit your parents for a few days. Bill is currently in France with Fleur as far as I know, but I bet your other siblings would be happy to see you."
"Good idea. I'll write mom a letter later. And then? Do you want to go to Ireland to your family?"
“No not this year. Jack is in America right now and Dad is very busy."
Charlie couldn't deny that he didn't mind not meeting Matthew O'Connell. While their relationship has improved over the years, even to this day, Matthew has made it clear that he didn't like sharing his daughter with a wizard. But Samantha continued.
“Last year we were in Germany…. I'd like to go somewhere we haven't been."
Samantha considered.
“How about Italy? We could start in the north and then go all the way down to Naples."
Charlie immediately saw the little stars in Samantha's eyes.
"And yes. Of course we will also visit the Da Vinci Museum and Pompei on the tour. I am not crazy."
Instantly known to giggle like a child, Samantha jumped out of her chair and sat on Charlie's lap and hugged him.
"I just have the best husband in the world."
About the compliment Charlie had to chuckle lightly and he hugged Samantha.
"Naturally. Not everyone can take care of such an inquisitive Irish Green.”
"I wouldn't even allow anyone else."
With that, Samantha gave Charlie a sweet kiss that tasted like maple syrup. After that, Charlie looked at Samantha and giggled.
"Your lips are still the best breakfast."
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samshogwarts · 2 years
Spring Challenge 02 - Sibling
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Word: 926
Challenge made by: @kc-and-co​​
Challenge: is here 
Warning: none Summary: Teenage vampire Andrew ran away from home with his friends and is now living the wild musician life he always dreamed of. But he can't let go of his family completely. His two siblings, Hel and Matthew, are still in touch with Andrew. And it is precisely through this strong bond of three that Andrew can help his friend.
Andrew, Hel and Matthew. Three siblings, so similar and yet so different. Sometimes Andrew could have smashed his siblings against the next wall, but on days like this he missed them both very much.
It was a rainy Sunday afternoon and Andrew looked out the window with tired eyes. At that time Andrew was actually a bit too big for a youthful war, but basically Andrew didn't even know if he was still youthful. He and his twin sister Hel never knew how old they were or when it was their birthday. But basically it didn't matter. Basically, that made Andrew's situation even easier. A year and a half ago Andrew was fed up with his parents and the life that was forced upon him. So he packed his things and left with his best friend Aeryn. They formed a band together, found new members and are now known in the country as an indie teenager band. Andrew did not contact his parents during this time. He feared that his father would bring him back.
Only one person in the family knew where he was. His twin sister Hel. He would regularly write her letters and tell of his adventures and she would write back to tell him about her home. Of course, both used a code for this, so that in the worst case, Frey and Loken could not be announced where he was. At least that's what Andrew thought at the time...
Tired, Andrew shouted to himself his eyes were clouded by a mix of fog and light rain, the view out of the window. A small package lies on the floor next to him. Andrew hadn't opened it yet and actually he was too tired. He had been writing new songs for the band all night and all day. With a loud bang, the door opens and the youthful Thomas enters the room.
"Hey you meatballs. Here you are too. Aeryn and Felix want to go into town and shop for supplies. Do you want to come along?"
Andrew remembered. Soon there was a full moon again, which means Felix will transform again soon. Felix was the only non-vampire in the group and not even a wizard at all. He was a muggle born to a criminal werewolf a few years ago. Andrew, Aeryn and Thomas found Felix and took him in. They helped him understand what happened to him. Within a year, the four became like a family. Shortly before the full moon, the four chaotic buy supplies and new wolfsbane. In fact, most of the money goes into this potion. But Felix didn't know that. He would feel too guilty.
While Andrew was still wondering if he wanted to go into town today, Thomas saw the package on the floor.
"Oh! New message from home? Has Hel sent you some more stuff?"
Andreas Nickte: "Yes, but I don't know what yet. This time it's a bit harder than normal and really weird.”
Thomas seemed to have changed his plans and also sat down on the floor next to the package: "What are you waiting for? open it I want to see what stupid hat she sends you this time!”
Since Andrew and Hel exchanged letters, Hel occasionally sends packages with gifts. For Andrew it's always a horrible looking hat that doesn't match Andrew's punk/metal look in any way. Despite this, Andrew always wears one of these hats in public without explaining why. It was a little game between the twins.
Andrew knew he wasn't going to get Thomas out of the room anyway, so he sat down next to his friend and opened the package. The content made both eyes widen.
The package was filled with Wolfsbane potions and a letter. How did Hel...? Andrew immediately opened his sister's letter and began to read it.
"Hello idiot.
I know what's going on with you guys, so I'm not really interested in discussions. The potions are from Matthew. It's the current holiday at Hogwarts and Matthew tells me he's mastered the potion now. I know how expensive that shit is so we got the ingredients so we could practice mate. So these potions are something special! If you throw them away, I'll shave your head when we meet again. Don't think I would send you money. I know you'd be too proud to accept it. Oh yes, the hat is for you. Don't fail at the next concert! Otherwise I'll have to be ashamed of you."
I love you
Your best sister Hel"
Thomas left the letter with him and burst out laughing: Can't your sister even write a normal letter? I always don't know if she's serious or not!"
But Andrew was silent and smiles at the letter. He got it right away. Hel knew about Felix and she knew that the band uses almost all the money for him. But they also knew that Andrew would never allow Hel to send him money. Instead, she checkmates her brother and sends him homemade potions from Matthew. Andrew had to admit that having a brother who goes to magic school can be an advantage. So Andrew couldn't send the things back. Andrew took the pink cowboy hat with feather boa out of the package and put it on.
It was moments like this when he was not only proud but also incredibly grateful for his siblings. Of course, Aeryn, Thomas and Felix were like family to him too. But nobody ever understood him as well as his sister and younger brother.
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samshogwarts · 2 years
Springbreak Challenge Day 1 - Flying
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Words: 1123
Warning: None
HPHL - A brief insight into Gisela's history and her first flight lesson. Nothing can go wrong!
What on earth had Gisela done to deserve this? She had always been good, always followed what her parents told her, attended church every day, and lived by the Word of God. And yet here she stood. In the worst place she could imagine. Hogwarts - a school for... WITCHES and WIZARDS! And worst of all - it seemed that Gisela was a witch herself. A wife of Satan, a lost soul who would never enter the heavenly gates of God's kingdom of heaven. And as if all that wasn't bad enough, Gisela was now standing outside with her class of lost souls and they had a pile of brooms in front of them.
It was the first broom flying lesson for Gisela and her class and Gisela would have liked to run back inside. She clutched the only book she always carried with her - her Bible. Everything that had happened in the last few weeks was still too much for her and she felt hopelessly lost. Gisela had been the daughter of a Prussian minister until one day her family received a letter from that horrible place saying that Gisela was a witch. Gisela's father was completely freaked out. Like everyone at the time, Gisela's family was strictly Catholic, especially since their head was also a priest himself. Gisela didn't want to believe it herself, but suddenly things happened around her for which there was no explanation, which only made her father even angrier. The devil had already taken possession of her soul and Gisela's father locked her in the basement. Gisela didn't know how long she had been down there, but when she was already more dead than alive, one of the Hogwarts teachers had picked her up and brought her to England.
Gisela knew her soul was lost. She had a wand now and needed to use it. At Hogwarts she learned all kinds of devil's work, but that was now too much. Fly! On a broom! No, that went too far again. Gisela's eyes filled with tears and she shook her head wildly. Even if her soul was lost, she would not give up her faith that easily. A deep voice sounded annoyed.
“Stockhain…. not you again Now put down your funny Muggle book, line up with the others and call your broom!”
Gisela came from Prussia and couldn't speak English, but because of a devilish brew she had to drink every morning, she understood the language of the devil and spoke it herself. That's why Gisela hated to speak now, but she had no choice.
"No! If God wanted us to fly, he would have given us wings. Only birds and angels are allowed to fly!”
Wildly, Gisela shook her head and tears streamed down her face while her so-called classmates made fun of her. A ritual that is still daily, since Gisela had defended herself against pretty much everything at first and tried to explain to everyone why they would worship the devil through magic. Of course, witches and wizards had no idea about the Bible.
While the children continued to laugh, the teacher continued to speak.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, but if you keep refusing you'll get detention in the library!"
Every teacher at Hogwarts knew by now that this sentence was very effective with Gisela. She hated the library because, according to Gisela, the devil's collected work was there. Just touching a book there would be a sin and Gisela would cry with every single one. Of course she would cry a few more times in class. Gisela cried a lot.
After the threat, Gisela almost jumped next to her broom. Still clutching the Bible, she looked around.
"Where's the helmet? Or pillow?
Amid the students' laughter, the teacher looked at them in confusion.
"What do you want a pillow for? You shall fly and not sleep!"
"And what if we fall down? We could hurt each other."
The class kept laughing and the teacher rolled his eyes.
“There is no such thing, it has never been used and there will never be. Do what I say and nothing will happen. And remember, brooms can also act on their own. So pay attention.”
Gisela once again had no chance of escaping and took part in the lessons. Students should hold their hand over the broom and say "Up." For some, the broom jumped into their hands immediately, for others it took a while. With Gisela, it took a whopping 28 minutes for the broom to hit her in the face. After all the students had their brooms, the teacher explained how to proceed. The students powerfully pushed off the ground and actually floated in the air. The first graders were very excited and everyone else has been looking forward to this lesson for days - everyone except Gisela, of course.
She still hadn't gotten off the ground and was bouncing back and forth in place. The teacher tried to help her and explained that she should not hop but push off. A feeling that Gisela rarely had suddenly shot into her head. She got angry. Mad at that stupid piece of wood between her legs. She jumped again, but this time more powerfully than before and suddenly Gisela shot up with her broom.
Even without the astonished and frightened exhalation of her classmates, Gisela knew that her broom rose far too quickly and she herself could only scream. Tears rolled down her face again and she clutched the broom handle as tightly as she could. She did not hear the teacher and his calls.
Gisela was now hovering about 10 meters above the ground. Only the ringer of a church tower bell should be so high and Gisela felt nothing but fear. She was shaking terribly, crying and her nose was running. At least the broom stayed still.
But too soon. The broom noticed Gisela's insecurity and began to dance wildly back and forth. Gisela screamed again and held on as best she could. But unfortunately she was anything but strong and so it was easy for the broom to throw Gisela. Gisela felt nothing but free fall and this feeling and the sheer fear she was feeling would be burned into her memory forever. The flight instructor drew his wand and yelled some magic spell, but Gisela fell almost unchecked onto the lawn of the school grounds.
From that day on, Gisela was the first and only student at Hogwarts who would be given protective gear during flight lessons. She was also certain that she would never be able to get any closer to heaven again.
But Gisela Stockhain will only realize all of this when she wakes up in the hospital wing.
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