#howww could you leave his arms when he needs to remember how you feel in them
skunkes · 7 months
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Im having feelings over my stupid vampire oc
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kind-wolf · 4 years
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Happy Birthday 
to one of the loveliest people I have the pleasure to call friend! 
I wrote you a little story. Although it just recently dawned on me that I f*cked up by showing you the writing from my prime time. In comparison, this seems a bit lame. But I did my best. Hope you can enjoy it at least a little!
"You can not just get her flowers for her birthday, Volodya!" Anatoly insisted.
"She's also getting this." his brother replied, suggestively grabbing between his legs.
Anatoly sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He was no expert in women and relationships either, (he still thinks it was pure luck that brought him and his wife together), but he was certain that giving your girlfriend only flowers and sex on her birthday, was not a good idea. And it certainly was not enough for a woman that puts up with his brother.
And as soon as he voiced that very thought, Vladimir rounded on him, scowl deeply etched into his features. "What do you mean put up with me?"
Toly, long used to his brother's temper only leveled him with a look.
And thus Volodya ended the discussion by huffing and storming into his office.
But in private, Vladimir couldn't help but think about his brother's words. Angela and him were so different, she was sweet and innocent, far too good compared to his calloused hardness, yet she doesn't seem deterred by his gruff behavior. But she is probably expecting more from him in this case. Something nice. Like her.
They had met in the little Russian corner store Ulyana always insisted to go to when he helped her with her groceries. It had been obvious, not only to him but also to the old Lady that this young woman was somewhat lost between all those foreign products. If it had been for Vladimir, he wouldn't have spared her a second glance, but of course, Ulyana insisted he goes and offers some help. And there was a glint in the old woman's eyes, he didn't like. Not one bit.
From that moment on, things escalated quickly. So quickly in fact that he can barely recall how it all happened. But here he was, months later, thinking about whatever birthday present his girlfriend wants. Fuck.
Days. Fucking days, countless packs of cigarettes and a very persistent headache later, he finally figured something out. It was perfect for her.
He would have to suffer though. But what is a little suffering after spending years in that shithole in siberia?
Also, a small part of him felt gleeful over the fact that it wasn't something she could or would want to return, even when she some day inevitably decides to leave him. This will be something from him that stays with her. A constant reminder.
Working on your own birthday sucked. Not that you had any big plans. It was a weekday and everyone had to work, so you figured you'd have a nice dinner with Vladimir, his brother and your friends on the following weekend.
You perked up a little when you came through the door of Vladimir's (who were you kidding? You basically lived here.) apartment and saw that the lights were on. He was home. Unusually early. Another exception made for you, after already getting up early today to get you fresh & gluten-free cupcakes, coffee and flowers before you had to go to work. You smiled to yourself. The softie.
When you entered the living room where he was sat watching some serial killer documentary with a drink in hand, you immediately spotted something out of the ordinary in the corner. Something big and square that was hidden underneath two blankets.
"Hey Volodya!" you greeted him with a chaste kiss after plopping down besides him. "What's this in the corner?"
He grinned. "Suprise for my birthday girl." When you sat up, clearly intending to have a look, he grabbed you around the waist and pulled you closer to him again. "For later." he amended. And to effectively distract you, his other hand came up to gently grasp your chin and guide you to him.
Kissing Vladimir still gave you butterflies every time. He always saw himself as this rough gangster, but when he kissed you his true self always shone through. It wasn't harsh or demanding. Sure, sometimes it was rough and dominating, but only in those moments. In general, it felt like the perfect mixture of adoration and passion. He rarely says how he feels. In fact, he had only ever said I love you once. But his kisses, they tell you every day.
It took you a second to get your bearings when Vlad pulled back. "Go get changed in something comfortable. We're picking your birthday present."
You were confused. "I'm supposed to pick my own present?"
"Don't start with that look. You'll like it. Promise." Vladimir assured you, giving you a rare genuine smile.
It wasn't long before Volodya pulled into the parking lot of a building, you had walked by a thousand times but never dared to go inside.
"The dog shelter!?" you exclaimed, voice raising with excitement. "We're getting a dog?l"
"You are getting a dog. You always wanted one, no?"
Instead of using words, you answered him by basically leaping across the seats and smothering him in kisses. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"
Vladimir chuckled and carefully pushed you away. "Enough. I thought dog might try to lick my face. Not you."
You wiggled your eyebrows playfully. "I know, you prefer when I lick something else."
"Don't start. Get out. Before I change my mind." Vlad growled, not able to hide his grin at the end.
He was probably bluffing, but still, you wouldn't take the chance and quickly hopped out of the car, almost running to the entrance.
In the last second however, Vlad caught up to you and stopped you by grabbing your wrist. "Before we go inside, you have to promise one thing, Мышка."
He was using his serious gangster tone, as you liked to call it, so you just nodded, waiting for him to go on.
"It will not sleep in bed."
"But if it's..."
"But when you're..."
"Not in bed."
"Alright, alright."
When you two stepped thru the door and up to the counter, the woman behind it greeted you with a friendly smile. "Ah, Mr. Miller, back with your wife now I see!"
You startled, confused not only at the way she greeted Vladimir, but also at the word wife.
Before you could correct her, Vlad gave her his version of a friendly smile. "Yes. She can pick one now."
She directed another smile at you. "Very well. Let me just get my colleague, she'll show you around."
As soon as she was out of earshot, you turned to Vlad, eyes still wide. "Mr. Miller? Wife? What? You've been here before? What?"
Vlad snorted at your obvious confusion. "да. Been here and asked what we need for dog. And to get papers ready. With fake information."
"So that's the box in the living room." you mused out loud. And before your brain could catch up with your mouth, you added: "You shouldn't have made me your wife. I don't even wear a ring."
Vlad gave you one of his calculating looks, where you couldn't tell what was going on in his brain. "So, you don't want to be my wife. I'll remember that."
"Oh. I- I didn't... That's not.. " you stuttered, face heating up immediately. That was really not what you were thinking. It just caught you off guard. Especially since you didn't think he would be the kind of guy that thinks about marriage.
Volodya's quiet chuckle and his hand squeezing yours stopped your brain from going into overdrive. "Мышка, it was joke!"
Thankfully you were saved from further stuttering by the woman returning with her colleague.
Time to pick your new companion!!
Vladimir couldn't stop the smile from showing on his face as Angela's eyes lit up at seeing the first dog.
"Look Volodya! He's so fluffy!"
"Awww! Such a cute snout!"
"Those eyes!"
"What tiny paws!"
"See how she's wagging her tail!"
"His fur is sooo smooth!"
"Naww! How gentle he is!"
It went on like this for what felt like forever. And he knew they would spend the whole night here if he doesn't reign her in.
He stepped closer to the bars of the cage she was currently petting a little creme-colored rat-chaser. "You have to pick one Мышка. You know that?"
Her head whipped up and her mouth opened, ready to protest, but it seemed that reality slowly dawned on her.
The light in her eyes dimmed a bit. "I know. But howww?"
He extended his hand for her to take. "Pick one. If you don't like it we bring it back." Vlad offered with a shrug.
Instead of taking his hand Angela smacked his arm. "What? No! Don't be mean."
"Just pick one." he grumbled in return, clearly not seeing an issue with his statement.
She wandered slowly along the cages, Vladimir silently following behind.
"I- I think it's that one. He just looks so sad." Her voice nearly cracked when she crouched down and stuck her hand thru the bars of one cage.
Vladimir, feeling this weird prickling in his chest, crouched down beside her and pulled her against him with an arm around her shoulders. "Won't be sad anymore when he's with you."
A tiny smile from her was all the confirmation he needed. So he pulled her to her feet and gestured to the employee that has been waiting at the end of the corridor.
And since Mr. Miller had been here the day before, only the dog's information needed to be filled into the adoption papers before they could get out of there.
Angela struggled to carry the slightly too-big-to-be-carried-by-her dog, but she insisted on carrying her new baby.
"I really hope the other dogs will get adopted too." She said, while they waited at the counter.
Before he could comment, the employee came back with the papers. She handed Vladimir the dog's ID and told him the adoption fee.
Angela's concerns fresh in mind, Vlad hesitated only a moment before thinking fuck it and pulling a thick wad of cash from his pocket.
As soon as he pushed it over the counter, the woman's eyes went wide. "Sir, that's... that's way too much, we only ask for..."
"Rest is donation." He cut her off, with a tone that made it clear there would be no further talk about it.
"Oh. Ah, thank you then. And I hope you will be happy with the new addition to your family."
Once again a smile plastered on her face, Angela thanked the woman before walking out the door Vladimir was holding open for her.
"That was really sweet Volodya!"
He glared at her, even tho he already knew it didn't have that much effect on her anymore. "Get in car."
Angela giggled, knowing he hated it when she pointed out his soft moments.
It's been a week. A week with that little furry pest.
And while Vladimir usually looked forward to coming home, especially knowing she was there, waiting for him, his excitement was slightly dimmed these days. It wasn't that he doesn't enjoy seeing her so happy. He did. It was just, that dog needed too much attention. He couldn't even sit down and have a drink and just be, after a long day surrounded by idiots, before that little thing was climbing into his lap, trying them like his face, or even worse, chewing on the seam of his pants.
This day when he closed the door of his apartment though, it was eerily quiet. And neither Angela nor the dog came to greet him, despite it being not that late at all. He scowled but resisted the urge to immediately reach for his gun. With slow and silent steps he crept through the hall.
His posture relaxed though, when he stepped into the living room.
There, in between a mess of toys the two were. Curled up and peacefully sleeping on the floor in front of the couch.
Vladimir's little scoff must have finally alerted the dog to his presence because he blinked at him and thumped his little tail against the floor.
"You have to get better at guarding your мама." Vlad mumbled while slowly approaching them and bending down to pick Angela up. She stirred when he pushed his arms under her, so he tried to sooth her. "Shhh Мышка, 's just me. I'm taking you to bed."
Despite his efforts, her eyes slowly blinked open, while he walked to the bedroom. "But I still gotta walk him."
Vladimir tried to keep his face neutral and suppressed a sigh. Still, his voice sounded grumpy, even in his own ears. "I will do it."
"But, you don't want to." Despite her protest, her eyes were already closing again while he placed her onto the bed and put the blanket over her.
"Sleep, Мышка." He insisted, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head.
So there he was, walking the dog.
Suffering, just as he predicted.
Was it worth it tho?
да, she was worth it.
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