#hopefully some day soon this won't be necessary anymore
pharawee · 2 years
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orcasoul · 6 months
Remember Cyar'ika part 2
Okay here goes. This is my first fanfic ever. I'm by no means a writer but hopefully someone will enjoy this Din Djarin story.
Summery: Reader and Din are in a relationship and have been tracking bounties together. She gets injured during a hunt and has amnesia and can't remember her life with Din. Din promises to be there for her no matter what.
Warnings: angst, swearing, violence, use of Y/N
Italics indicate inward thinking
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The next morning you wake with a sense of dread. You know you have to tell Din about your decision today. Tears start to prick at your eyes knowing that you are about to hurt him, again. This will be the last time I hurt you, you sadly think to yourself. You know it's for the best, for his sake. Without you around to constantly remind him of what is lost he can move on and try to rebuild his life, maybe even love again, sometime in the future. It hurts to know that kind of rare love won't be shared by you both and you begin to feel anger and frustration, knowing that you as well as Din have lost something so pure and meaningful. Blinking back the tears you open the bunk door and see Din in the cargo bay, checking his supplies. "Morning Y/N," Din greeted you with that soft modulated voice you've grown accustomed to, "We'll be leaving soon to deliver the bounty to the client on Coruscant. But first we'll need to make a quick trip into town for some supplies before departing."
You just stare at him, knowing today will be the last day you ever hear his voice, that soothing gentle voice, the last time you will ever see the way he moves; Everything that makes him uniquely Din. In this moment you want nothing more than to memorise everything about him and you have to swallow the lump that's forming in your throat. "Are you okay?" Din asks almost nervously, snapping you out of your thoughts. "I...uh...yeah..." is all you can muster. Din's helmet tilts to the side and you know when he does that he's not convinced. Before he can press any further you rush to the ladder and climb for the cockpit, "I'll just grab my bag and we can go," you say, trying to sound casual. As you both walk through the town you take notice of the buildings around you and come across an Inn, making note of the location as this will have to be your new abode for a while. Having collected all the necessary supplies Din informs you it's time to go. Reaching the outskirts of the town you slow down and come to a complete stop. It's time.
"Mando," you whisper sadly, causing him to stop and face you. "We need to talk." He stands silently and you find yourself lowering your head, hating yourself for what you're going to have to say next. "What's wrong Y/N?" he asks, hesitantly. "I heard you last night. I followed you to the woods and I heard.... everything." Looking up you see his shoulders slump slightly. "I'm sorry," he sighed, "You weren't supposed to see that-" "No," you quickly cut him off, "You have nothing to apologise for. I'm sorry! For everything I've put you through over these months. I'm sorry that I don't remember you, remember us!" All of a sudden tears spill down your face as the crushing weight of the guilt you've been suppressing for the last four months becomes too much to bare. "I'm so sorry Mando, I never wanted to hurt you but I can see now what this is doing to you and and I can't.... I won't do it to you anymore."
Din felt as though his heart had dropped to his stomach. He can't imagine his life without you in it. He would take any and all emotional pain if it meant you'd stay with him. He could feel tears building behind his eyes but he blinked them back, trying to calm the situation. He quickly put down the supplies he was holding and walks over to you, taking your supplies and placing them on the ground. He delicately takes your now trembling hands in his own and you look sorrowfully into his visor through tear soaked lashes. "Please don't talk like that," he replies, his voice starting to crack with emotion. "It's been hard for both of us but I love you and I'll always be here to take care of you. I'll never leave you so please..... don't leave me!" His hands tighten on yours with the last three words and his voice trembles as a single tear escapes him. You begin to sob and you throw your arms around his neck burying your face in the crook of it.
He reciprocates the hug by holding you tightly against his body and placing a hand soothingly at the back of your head, stroking your hair. He has been desperate to hold you for so long and embraces you with a burning intensity, fearing to let go as this will be the last time, and that realisation shatters his already aching heart. Slowly you pull away to look where his eyes are behind his visor and place one hand on the cheek of his helmet. "I care about you too much to see you go through this everyday. We tried...." you sigh, defeated, while shaking your head, "I've tried so hard to remember ...anything, but it's been months now and I think we both know nothing is going to change. It would be selfish of me to stay. You deserve a life and to find love again with someone in the future-" "Don't!" He sharply interjects and you can tell by his voice that he'd been crying with you. "I don't want anyone else, ever. I want you! I love you so much that words could never express the depth of what I feel for you. You are my....everything."
He pulls you back into a gentle hug and you both just stay there for a few moments, absorbing the feel of one another, the only sounds being your mixed cries. "I hope someday I can love the way you love me," you whisper into the side of his helmet. "I'm sorry, but I can't go with you to Coruscant. It's.... tearing me apart, but I have to do this, for you." "But where will you go? What will you do?" Din asks with clear concern in his voice. The thought of leaving you behind, not knowing if you'll be okay is unbearable for him. "I have enough credit's for lodging in the town and I'm sure I can find a job somewhere. I'll be okay," you try to reassure him. He sighs and shakes his head, "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" You so desperately want to change your min. It's all you can do to not give in! But it's for his sake you're doing this and you must see it through. With a sad smile you shake your head. "I want you to know I'll always be your friend Mando. I can never repay you for all you've done for me. I don't know what else to say except... thank you".
A moment of silence passes before Din proclaims in a soft voice, "I'll always love you Y/N." You wish you could tell him you love him. You do as a friend but it's not the same. You gently squeeze his hands and tiptoe to place your forehead against his helmet. "I know," Is all you can say. Slowly you turn to pick up the supplies off the ground, telling Din you'll help him bring the supplies back to the ship and collect your belongings. Din collects the items he'd put down and slowly and quietly you both make your way back to the Crest. You pass through the outer town walls and approach the outskirts of the woodland, the Crest being a 15 minute walk away. It's peaceful here with the odd rustle of an animal passing by and the lazy breeze blowing and rustling the leaves. You turn your face to the sun, trying to find some comfort in the warmth of it's rays when suddenly... BLAST!!
You turn sharply to see the shot bounce of off Din's armour. He instantly drops his supplies and launches himself at you, cocooning you with his broad body until he reaches a boulder you can both hide behind. Once he's certain you are unharmed he pulls his blaster out and frantically scans the area. "This has been a long time coming, Mando!" A deep voice booms. "Come out now and make this easy on yourself." "What do you want?" Din shouted, in confusion. "Revenge!" The voice retorts with a sickening glee. "You remember that Togruta you hunted down and killed two years ago?... That was my brother, you son of a Nerf Hearder!" "I had no choice," Din tries to reason. He remembers the quarry well. "He shot first so I took him out. Just walk away now. This doesn't have to get ugly." Of course Din can handle himself in a blaster fight but he's terrified for your safety right now. "Walk away?" the Togruta scoffs, incredulously. "I've been waiting for this moment for years. You're not leaving here alive." As he says that you both hear multiple blaster clicks, readying, coming from the surrounding trees, and you realise this guy has brought some muscle with him.
The Togruta walks into full view accompanied by two Cereans. "Come out and we'll spare the girl," he demands. "Mando, don't," you all but beg him, but he slowly and confidently walks from behind the boulder to face the group head on. "Last warning, Walk away," Din warns in a cold voice, hand at his blaster. Without warning the Togruta fires his blaster followed by his two companions. The shots ricochet off of Din's Beskar armour. Din returns fire, taking out one of the Cereans immediately and jumps out of the line of fire. The Togruta and remaining Cerean duck for cover behind the trees. You realise there are more shots coming from two other locations on your left. Suddenly the blaster shots aren't the only things flashing before your eyes! In your mind you can see yourself ducking behind a large wooden crate, blaster in hand. You are cornered by four Twi'leks. you return fire with expert precision, taking out two of them. You look to your right and see Din decimate several enemies at once with his Whistling Birds.
The memories hit you like a tidal wave! It's as if you've woken up from a bad dream, a bad dream that has kept you captive for the past four months. But now you're awake. The memories keep coming; You see Din turn in your direction, running as fast as he can to assist you in your fight. As he gets closer he fatally blasts one of the Twi'leks but before he can get a clear aim for the last one, the Twi'lek throws a grenade in your direction. After that everything is hazy and painful, then all goes dark. The sudden onslaught of memories and the situation you now find yourself in is too much to process in your overwhelmed state. It's hard to breath and focus. But as you look to see if Din is okay, you suddenly feel grounded and focused as you take in the image of the man you love. Love! Your breath catches in your chest as you suddenly feel the love, care and devotion that you have for him flood your heart. You remember him! You remember your love for him! You remember all the bounty hunts you'd embarked upon together, all the laughs you'd shared, all the intimate and loving moments where you were both like one being. Upon remembering everything you are filled with a sudden determination; Protect the man you love, kill your enemies!
You creep around the trees to your left where the blaster fire is coming from. You spot a shooter about 15 feet in front of you. You look in the direction of his fire and see Din returning fire from behind a tree close by. He suddenly disappears back behind the trunk as shots fly at him from his right. He can't take all of them on, you frantically think to yourself, terrified that you'll lose him if you don't do something. You just have to get your hands on one of those blasters. With the attacker's attention solely focused on Din you stealthily creep closer, taking full advantage of the fact he is oblivious to your approach. You pick up a large rock and silently stalk up behind him. In one swift motion you bring the rock down on his head as hard as you can, hearing his skull crack from the impact. He drops lifeless to the floor. You grab his blaster and immediately feel at one with it as the training Din had given you effortlessly returns.
You seek out the source of the remaining blaster fire on your side and eliminate him with a clean headshot. Close by you can still hear blasters firing and you rush back the way you came to the boulder and nervously search for Din. As you approach in his direction you see him fling a lifeless body to the ground and everything becomes silent. But before you can call to him the Togruta sneaks out from behind a tree, blaster raised at Din's back! Din is still too caught up in the moment to notice his approach. You raise your blaster but it's jammed! Terror seizes your whole body and in an act of desperation to save the man you love you throw yourself in the way to shield him from harm. You will give your life to save Din, if needs be. A white hot pain shoots through your thigh as you let out a blood curdling scream and drop to the ground. "Noooo!" Din roars as he turns too late to stop the harrowing scene playing in front of him.
He raises his blaster and shoots the Togruta in the chest. Sprinting over, he drops to his knees beside you examining the deep wound on your leg. He rips a strip of his exposed flight suit off to tie tightly around the gushing wound. "You're gonna be okay, Meshla, I promise!" his voice is fraught with panic. "I have to get you back to the ship, now!" His chest tightens at the thought of losing you again, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. But at that moment he knows he must stay focused for your sake. He gently but swiftly lifts you off the ground bridal style, making sure to avoid your injury and runs as fast as he can for the Razor Crest. Everything is a blur of sky and treetops as you try to focus on Din but you feel yourself slipping into unconsciousness from the loss of blood. "Stay with me!" you hear him beg, even though his voice sounds muffled to your ringing ears. You force your eyes open, desperate to tell him you remember him but find you don't have the strength to even speak! Once again everything fades to black.
As your senses sluggishly come back to you, the first thing you notice is a dull ache in your leg accompanied by Din's pained voice. "Can you open your eyes? Sweetheart I need you to look at me." You blink a few times until the distorted T- shape visor becomes clear. "Mmmm..." you groan as you absent mindedly reach for Din's hand. He immediately grabs your hand and presses it to his chestplate. "I thought.... I thought I'd lost you again," he says in a quiet and broken voice. "I don't know what I would have done if he'd killed you. Why did you do that? Why did you risk yourself like that?" You stare at him with heavy eyes. "I managed to cauterise the wound and but it could have been so much worse." "I-" a cough constricted your throat. "I'll get you some water," Din began as he stood to walk away. It's in this moment you find your voice. "Din...," you croaked as you grab his wrist. Din promptly turns back to you, wide eyed under his helmet.
"Cy.... Cyar'ika?" he asks, almost afraid to believe what you had just called him. You smile up at him, tears glistening in your eyes and reply, "Yes!" At that instant Din rips his helmet off and let's it drop to the floor with a loud clank! His warm chestnut eyes search yours and your heart skips a beat at seeing his beautiful face again after so long. "I remember!" you cry out while while lifting your arms to him. Din released a breath he didn't realise he was holding and quickly pulled you into his warm embrace. "I remember you, our life together," you cry into his shoulder, "And I remember how much I love you!" You pull away to look into his eyes, glistening with tears of his own. You lovingly cup one side of his face and he stares straight back into your eyes. "I truly, deeply, love you," you declare to him as tears now run down both of your faces. Din tenderly places his hand over yours and lifts it to press a kiss to your palm. He looks back into your eyes with such joy and relief at hearing those words. "I love you so much," Din breathed and you both lean in together for a kiss that neither one of you thought would ever happen again.
Your lips gently meet each other's and you both desperately hold onto one another, deepening the kiss. Your hands wonder to his wavy brown hair as his hands wander to your hips. You gasp as he starts to place soft kisses down your neck, to your collarbone, then to your shoulder. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and stays there, breathing you in. You place your cheek on the top of his head and close your eyes, humming in contentment. He slowly begins to rock you from side to side and you both become lost in each other's embrace, each other's warmth, each other's bodies and each other's love once again. "I've missed you so much, Meshla," Din cooed into your neck. "I never thought I'd get to hold you again, never get to hear you say you love me. I'll never let anything happen to you again, I swear it" "I'm back, Din," you lovingly respond, slowly pulling away and tilting his chin to look into your eyes, "And I'll never leave you again."
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synthy-sizer · 7 months
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It's been 5 days since you made your choice. Every night you've stayed up late, studying the map by the warm light of your bedside lamp. You've discovered a few things as a result of your dedicated and studious searching. Your neighborhood and the farmland sit relatively in a zone labeled "barracks". Concerningly, based on the path you've taken to school, it seems the building is labeled "armory". You're not sure you even want to know what that's about. In any case, you've been able to use that fact to measure the distance between home and school, and home and the radio tower. Thankfully, it looks as though the trip to the radio tower is perfectly walkable.
The preparation hardly ends at studying, though. It's been quite a lot of work to gather the needed supplies, at least without being noticed. There's no shortage of foods that aren't perishable. Dried and canned foods aren't terribly uncommon. You've quietly snuck a few packages of jerky and canned vegetables day by day, slowly, carefully, making sure to be unnoticed. It's essential to only take enough that no one will question if it was there in the first place. At first it was hardly necessary to even hide your behavior. Why would anyone suspect you, after all? But you've come to realize that as time goes on you've needed to exercise more caution. The more you use the leniency, the more careful you have to be to ensure it isn't abused. If you stop being careful you'll be caught for sure. And you're scared of what will happen if you do.
You take off in the morning, something you've become intimately familiar with, carrying your school bag full of food and supplies. The map you found is in your bag, but you've taken the liberty of creating a handwritten version with much more vague descriptions, in case you're caught. You doubt anyone would recognize the map you found in the hatch. It would be suspicious. And you can't afford suspicion. As you walk through the neighborhood you take note of the distinct decorations for LIFE DAY. The past few months have passed by so quickly that you barely even realized it was December already. Soon the year will be over and the next will begin. And on the eve, people will celebrate the day that Luna was blessed with life by God. 'Be thankful to God, for he blessed us with eternal summer, so our crops can always prosper,' you think. It's a phrase you've had drilled into you, and you can still remember it, albeit with much more bitterness and irritation since you learned the truth.
Time passes. Without anything else to see, you think about what you were taught again. It's not like the statement is wholly correct, either. The weather has already gotten into the 60s. It may not get much lower, but you wouldn't call that summer. Heresy told you that on Earth, a quarter of the year is winter, and the land is covered in snow and ice. Nothing grows. The concept was truly foreign to you. They said that the last few months of the year for you are what they would call 'Fall'. How strange is that?
Time passes. It's been a few hours. You sit down in the grass and snack on some of the food you brought. The sun is bright in the sky now, and you have to hold your hand over your eyes to keep yourself from being blinded. Wind blows through and the tall grass rustles and sways. You look around at the nature around you while you eat. It's a beautiful place. You could imagine having a picnic here, if not for the circumstances and what you know now. The thought makes you frown. You almost forgot, lost in the beauty of nature, that the world you live in was founded on lies. You stare down at the jerky you had between your fingers and put it back in its pouch. You don't feel hungry anymore.
Time passes. What a long walk. You check your watch. It's about 11 in the morning. It looks like you're halfway there. Hopefully your investigation won't keep you too late. You keep walking and walking and walking. The grassy fields only seem to yield to circular patches of lakes. Heresy said something about them being formed from craters. It feels unbelievable that God wouldn't protect you from such a devastating impact.
Time passes. It almost feels as though the map was lying and you briefly consider if you're lost or should turn back when you spot a dot on the distance. You squint. It looks like a big gray box. Maybe that's the radio station? You walk forward and watch it grow larger and larger. As you approach you notice a dilapidated but still-standing tower of white and red metal. This must be it. You approach it faster now with renewed determination.
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megsironthrone · 3 years
Meg's Game of Tales: Tale 15
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*Familiar Characters are NEVER mine! The original story of "Rapunzel" was written by The Brothers Grimm.*
Warnings: Rapunzel AU, angst-ish, a little fluff
Pairings: Prince!Jaime Lannister x fem!reader
This hunt was not going as planned. Not at all. Not only had Jaime not caught anything, but he'd gotten hurt in the process. It just wasn't a good day. The only thing Jaime was looking forward to now was getting home, getting clean, and collapsing in bed. That was the thought that kept him pressing forward. But then? He heard it. A voice calling out.
"Y/N! Y/N! Let down your hair!" Jaime followed the sound of the voice and came upon a tower. At the bottom of a tower was an older looking woman, but that wasn't what caught Jaime's attention. it was what the old woman was climbing. It wasn't a ladder or a rope. No. It was…hair?! Jaime's gaze followed the hair up and, as expected it was attached to the head of a woman. A beautiful woman. Well, from what he could see from a distance anyway.
How had Jaime not seen this tower before? He hunted in these woods all the time. Jaime watched until the two figures disappeared from view. Jaime had always been the curious sort of man, so the need to know more welled up in his chest and it took everything in him to stay away from the tower. If the younger woman was trapped up there, it wasn't safe for him to approach while the older woman was there. So, he left, determined to come back the next day when hopefully, the younger woman would be alone and safe.
The next day, Jaime was out early, heading toward the tower. He got there quickly, hiding in the bushes until the older woman was gone. As soon as she was out of sight, Jaime ran up and called out the same phrase he'd heard her call out the day before. "Y/N! Y/N! Let down your hair!" It took a moment, but soon the voluminous length of hair came cascading out of the window of the tower.
Wasting no time, Jaime began to climb. His arms and legs burned with the effort, but his curiosity was piqued and he couldn't go back now. He had to meet the woman at the top of the tower. Who was she? Why was she there? Would she ever want to leave? Was the old woman kind to her? All these questions fueled Jaime's climb until he finally made it to the top and swung into the window.
"W-Who are you?" Jaime glanced up to see a pair of beautiful eyes staring back at him in fear and wonder. You were more beautiful up close. "I think the better question is who are you and why are you in this tower?" You arched a brow. "That's two questions. And you're the one who climbed into MY home. Now, who are you?" Jaime held his hands up in gesture of surrender.
"Jaime. My name is Jaime. I-I saw your tower yesterday and heard the old woman call out to you. I had to know more." You let out a scoff and shook your head. "Mother says the outside world is cruel and vicious. The tower keeps me safe" Jaime nodded. "She's right about that. But I mean you no harm. I swear." You regarded him with distrust. "I don't think I believe you." Jaime chuckled. You were smart. "Perhaps I could sit with you a while? We can talk and maybe then you'll trust me." After a moment of thought, you nodded slowly in agreement.
*time skip*
"Y/N! Let down your hair!" Jaime called out. He'd been coming to see you every day for weeks now. At one point, he'd nearly been caught by your mother. That day you'd been frightened and told him to stay away. He hadn't of course, but you were slowly growing to trust him. It was his favorite part of the day, getting to see you.
Despite being locked up in a door less tower your entire life, you were very intelligent. You could sniff out a lie like a bloodhound. Jaime couldn't hide the fact that he was a prince from you for very long. You were also very sweet, but had a temper that Jaime admired. You rarely showed it, but when you did, you could scare the most fierce creatures. The only thing that bothered Jaime, truly bothered him really, was that you seemed content to never leave your tower. You wanted adventure, but you didn't want to leave your mother.
As Jaime climbed your hair once more, he went through his argument in his head. He was going to try and get you to talk to your mother about leaving the tower for good. It couldn't be healthy being locked away all the time, could it? Jaime didn't expect what was going to happen.
"Hello, Y/N!" Jaime greeted as he climbed in the window. He looked up only to be met with the face of your mother. She looked livid. "Who are you?! How did you find this place?! Did he send you?!" Jaime glanced at you in confusion. "He? Who are you speaking of?" Your mother relaxed a little, but only a little.
"Does anyone know you're here?" she asked and Jaime shook his head. She smiled. "Good. Then no one will know what I'm going to do to you." A crack of lightening sounded over heard, causing Jaime's brows to furrow. It had been sunny when he climbed in a moment before. He glanced out the window to see rows and rows of thorns springing up from the ground.
"MOTHER NO!" you cried. Jaime spun around to see that your mother was about to push him from the window. "Please, Mother, don't! Jaime is my friend. I-I think I love him." Your mother whirled around and Jaime's eyes widened. "Do you even know him?" You nodded sheepishly. "He's been coming every day for many weeks now. I'm sorry I did not tell you. I didn't want to lose him. Or you."
Your mother approached you. "Y/N, darling, how can you trust him? I've told the outside world is a horrible place. I'm the only one who can protect you." Jaime's brows came together as he processed what was being said. "Protect her from what? Surely there can't be an actual threat on the life of someone so kind and lovable. Can there?" Your mother let out a sigh.
"I suppose there's no harm in telling you now. I'm not your real mother, Y/N. Your real mother charged me with caring and protecting you when you were only a child. I was to keep you safe until she reached out to me. But then she died and the threat to you grew worse."
"I ask again, threat from what?" Jaime asked. He wasn't one to draw out stories longer than necessary. That was more Tyrion's expertise. The woman rolled her eyes, but continued on, "The threat from Lord Gregor Clegane," she stated before turning back to you, "Your brother."
"M-My brother?" She nodded. "I know Gregor. He's a monster," Jaime stated, "Your mother was right to send you away. I'd forgotten there was a third sibling. After Gregor held Sandor's face over the fire, the third child was said to have disappeared. Some said she was murdered by Gregor for trying to tell people the truth about what happened instead of the story the late Lord Clegane told."
You looked between Jaime and the woman you knew as your mother in disbelief. "I'm a lady? Like…a trueborn lady?" They both nodded. "That's why I've kept you here. For your own good." You nodded, but Jaime wasn't having it anymore. You had said you thought you loved him. He wasn't sure anything would come of that love if you were stuck in the tower for the rest of your life or Gregor's.
"She doesn't have to stay in the tower. It's true Gregor is still alive, but I doubt he would recognize either of you. And even if he did, you would be safe. Your brother Sandor is still alive as well. He lives in the castle as part of the guard. You would be protected and safe anywhere you went. I swear it."
Your mother immediately began to protest while your eyes were glued to Jaime's again. For a moment, the two of you stared at each other while your mother droned on in the background. After a bit, you spoke again. "No, Mother. I won't stay here," you said, turning to her and taking her hands in yours, "I love you. Very much. I know you want to protect me, but I need to be out of this tower to discover this new part of who I am and if Jaime says he can keep me safe, I trust him. He hasn't broke a promise to me yet. Please, Mother. Let's leave this place together."
The older woman turned to Jaime and in a stern voice asked, "Can you keep your promise? Will you keep her safe?" Jaime nodded without hesitation. While he wasn't sure if he loved you romantically, he did have a love for you. He always protected those he loved. She stared into his eyes the same way you always did when you were trying to figure out if he was lying or not.
"Very well. You have my blessing. I will return to my former cottage, but you two will go to the castle and enjoy life together. If you ever have need of me, you will know where to find me." With that, she placed a kiss to your forehead and nodded to Jaime. She waved her hand to cause the thorns to disappear.
Using your hair, she left the tower to return to her cottage. Jaime followed her down and waited for you at the bottom. You gripped tight to the hair that was going to be your way to freedom. Taking a deep breath, you began lowering yourself from the tower for the first and only time, ready to start a new adventure.
(a/n: That's our 15th tale! Only 3 more to go, plus 2nd parts for "A Hound-Shaped Helm" and "Three Days".)
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mistaeq · 3 years
➵ . . . 4th raffle prize for @orangesstuffstuff : love letters from nijimura okuyasu, hazamada toshikazu and hazekura mikitaka
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"forgive my language, but i literally suck at writing letters. i can do my best, though. i'd be too shy to say all of this in person to you, so i should have done this anyway... but even if it's not the best, please accept it! i promise i'm doing this with a lot of effort.
well hello...
i don't know if this is meant to be a confession letter or something, or whether it might turn into me making a fool of myself. i just know that trying and failing is always better than not trying at all and ending up regretting it afterwards. i'll accept a rejection as well, i just want to... try. someone told me i shouldn't have given up on you, so, i won't. maybe you were expecting something better, but this is as much as my money can afford. i'll make sure i'll spoil you more in the future, i'll spend all my money on you, if necessary. if you'll accept my confession, that is.
i'm perfectly aware of the fact that i'm not the best guy someone would want to receive a love letter from, i'm aware of the fact that there's much better out there, you know... better fish in the sea. but i'm also aware of what i can give to the person i love. i might not have the money to buy you expensive gifts, but i'd never let you lack anything. i'm not smart, but caring enough to understand when you're down. i've been thinking about approaching you, days when you looked sad. but never found the courage to. but now that we're here... go out with me please?
hopefully yours, okuyasu."
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"i haven't written a letter my whole life. i've never even tried and i would have never imagined i would have found myself struggling over it soon like, right now. i don't even know if you like letters, i just wanna avoid awkward silences or some stuff.
okay uhm. how do i start a letter?
should i start with "hi, my dear" or something? i really don't like it, it sounds fake as shit, people even start complain purposed letters with it, so i just won't start this in any way. look, there's no need to play with words anymore or lose any more time. i just wanna know if you're interested in dating me or if our relationship and empathy is just in my head, because i'm genuinely confused and in need of answers. are we playing or are we onto something interesting? it's not like i'm the guy someone would ever settle and shoot for, above all in this school. just wondering.
i'm not the annoying, handsome, playboy higashikata josuke, i'm not even the famous mangaka rohan kishibe, and i'm quite short. shorter than koichi, if i have to be totally honest, but height means nothing if you have a good personality, does it? it's not like i'm implying my personality is good, but maybe in your eyes it is. i know this isn't making any sense, i'm just refusing to end the letter and giving it to you because i'm honestly afraid of the response. but i can take it in any case, i promise. i'm a grown man now, you know. i can perfectly handle rejection.
just answer soon, 'kay? -hazamada"
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"josuke told me about these things called letters. we don't have them on my planet, we communicate through digital messages or even through our minds, when it comes to people who's used to it. i wasn't, though... i'll be trying these letters things.
i don't know how to write a letter, though
am i supposed to say hi? i don't think it's necessary to write it perfectly for you to understand what i want to say. you're smart enough for it. i like analyzing people's minds. it helps me. i want to know you more. but i'm not intentioned to scare you in any way, it's not like i want to use you for some mad alien experiments. all i want to say is that i'd be glad to deepen our knowledge about each other. how do human say that, i'm pretty sure i've heard josuke and okuyasu saying something about that word. dating. is that it? dating, that's what i'd like.
as you might suspect, i've never dated before, and back on my planet nobody had time for it. but the amount of emotion and the energy i felt on earth made me feel refreshed and amazed. above all, being around you makes me feel things i don't feel when i'm around other friends, so i'm interested in understanding this more. koichi told me it's too early to talk about love, since i don't even know what you think about me, and i'm infact interested in understanding what this means for the both of us, and if you happen to feel the same when you're around me. let me know what you think. i'll ask josuke where to drop this letter.
have a nice day! from Mikitaka"
disclaimer: the raffle prizes will be posted in the chronological order of who contacted me and requested first. not by the ranking you got.
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sailtoafarawayland · 3 years
The Things We Don’t Say (modern AU - Actors)
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Summary:  No one is perfect, and sometimes, two people are just so perfectly flawed that those pieces fit together and make something beautiful. When sparks fly between two leads of a new hit show, is there a happy ending in sight, or will their own mistakes overshadow any chance they had at something worth fighting for.
Rated: Explicit    
Warnings:   This is a joyfully Captain Swan story, but there are a few warnings. It does start with Emma/Neal and Killian/Milah. I don't write non-CS, so there won't be any sexual anything happening 'on screen', so to speak, between those couples, but I won't guarantee there may not be a mention. This story contains numerous episodes of cheating. If any of these things make you squick or are not your bag, carry on.
AO3 - FF 
- or read below the cut - 
As always, let me know if you’d like to be tagged for further updates. 
Tag list: @xarandomdreamx @jrob64 @wefoundloveunderthelight @teamhook @tiganasummertree @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda @kmomof4 
Chapter One
Emma scrolled through the email her manager had sent detailing the new role she was being offered. It was something fresh, something different from what she normally focused on—no hint of a police procedural in sight—and based on the tone, it sounded like they were very interested in getting her signed for one of the leads. She stretched her legs out along the couch, digging her cold toes underneath the pillows in search of some warmth, only to yank them back when she encountered something both crinkly and wet.
“Dammit, Neal! What the hell is this?” she growled, glaring at the brown sludge coating her foot.
She leaned forward, careful to angle her toes away from any other surface, and peeled the throw pillow from the couch. Smeared across the white fabric and the expensive leather was what looked like the remainder of a milky way bar, the wrapper still clinging to the puddle of caramel and chocolate.
“You have got to be kidding me. Neal!”
The only response she got was the sound of something hitting a pan full of oil in the kitchen, the apartment filled with the sizzling hiss of something frying. Dropping her phone and forgetting all about the email she’d just been reading, she hobbled down the hall into the bathroom to clean up, wondering how in the hell to get out a chocolate and caramel stain. Why he couldn’t just learn to clean up after himself was beyond understanding. Sometimes it felt like she was living with a teenager who never wanted to grow up, and she couldn’t help but long for the days when her apartment was clean and didn’t smell like whatever weird odor it was that Neal always brought home—grease and cigarette smoke, maybe.
Her foot finally clean enough to be walked on, she headed into the kitchen to get some paper towels only to be greeted by what looked like every dish she owned spread out on the counters and island. Every surface was dusted in flour and drips of batter, measuring spoons leaving trails of oil and sugar across the floor and counters alike.
“Oh my god,” she cringed, knowing the mess would be left for her. “What are you doing?”
“I was wondering when you’d get off the phone,” Neal poked, giving her a quick glance over his shoulder before motioning proudly over the mess that just seemed to get worse each time she looked at it. “I’m cooking.”
The casual way he always stabbed at her phone use was exactly what she didn’t want to hear right now. Maybe she wouldn’t have to spend so much time working if he bothered looking for something himself. He’d had a recurring role on a family comedy when they met, but he’d been fired not long after, and for the last six months, Emma was pretty sure he hadn’t even gone to any of the auditions she’d mentioned. In fact, she wasn’t even sure if he had an agent anymore. 
“When was the last time you had a Milky Way?” she asked, choosing to ignore his snide comment. She just wasn’t in the mood.
“That’s a weird question. I don’t know, maybe last week? You didn’t pick any up the last time you ran to the store.”
Emma nodded, her lips drawn tight as she tore paper towels from the rack and returned to the living room, pulling what she could of the melted mass from the couch and thinking she’d need to resort to Google to get the rest out. Her anger bubbled with every sticky string of caramel that wrapped around her fingers. Why couldn’t he go to the store on his day off? He only had seven of them. She stomped back into the kitchen, hitting the garbage can a little harder than necessary and tossing the mess of chocolate and paper inside.
There was just enough room in the overload sink—what had he used the colander for—that she could wash her hands.
“There’s leftovers in the fridge. What was so important that you had to turn the entire kitchen into a complete disaster?” she questioned, already adding up how much time it would take her to wash and wipe everything down.
She’d be lucky if she was able to get back to her manager before tomorrow as requested.
“You remember that travel show we watched the other night?” he prodded, his eyes glued to the pan as it hissed on the stovetop, a spatula held ready in his hand. “You mentioned you hadn’t had good churros since that trip to Mexico, so I thought maybe I’d make you some.”
The anger that had been just about to boil over slipped away to that place far enough below everything else that she could just go back to ignoring it.  
“Neal,” she sighed, suddenly more exhausted than anything else. “Thanks.”
“Of course, Ems—anything for you.”
In the living room her phone blared to life, the dark tones of The Imperial March echoing as it vibrated across the coffee table.
“Work calls,” Neal sniped, a trace of resentment running beneath the pleasant smile he fixed in her direction. “Wouldn’t want to keep Regina waiting.”
It was amazing how quickly that anger came right back to the top of everything, and she found her feet pushing her as far away from Neal as possible, snatching her phone from the table and forgetting entirely about the couch as she stormed into the bedroom.
“What?” she hissed, slamming the door behind her and clenching the cell like it was something she wanted to crush. “What is so important that you couldn’t give me a few more hours, Regina?”
The other end of the line was silent, as if Regina had either hung up, or was waiting for an apology. Well, she wasn’t getting one—not today.
“Is there something you needed, Regina?”
“Are you okay?” Regina asked, not as a friend, but as an employee that was curious to know how soon she would have to contact Emma’s PR team and inform them a mental breakdown was imminent.
“I’m fine. It’s just a bad time. I got the details you sent. I just haven’t read through everything yet.”
“Well, that explains why I haven’t heard from you. Honestly, I thought you cared more about your career than that. I was quite clear this was urgent. Don’t take your time with this one, Miss Swan—they want you, but they can’t wait much longer.”
The line went dead after Regina had delivered her scolding and Emma sighed, dropping to the bed and rolling onto her back as she flicked back into her email and started again from the top. It was an interesting premise with even more depth than she’d originally thought—a new series that centered on the mental health of a man who had developed delusions after a car accident that took his brother, leading him to believe everyone in the hospital was a character from a fairy tale world—but then she got the part that Regina really focused on, the money.
“Holy shit!” Emma gasped, double checking the figures and thinking how she’d never seen such a good offer—not for someone in her bracket. It was unheard of. “I guess they really do want me.”
It wasn’t until she read through the rest of the itinerary and details that she wondered if the big paycheck wasn’t recompense for the filming location and duration—the middle of Nowhere, Maine, as if Maine wasn’t already considered the middle of nowhere.
She read everything twice before she shot Regina a quick text.  
E: I’ll take it
The message had only just sent and there were already three ellipses following. Emma could practically hear her manager’s smug response.
R: I knew you would. I’ll be in touch.
There should have been nerves fluttering in her stomach, or at least a solid pit of dread at the prospect of having to walk into the kitchen and tell Neal, but there was nothing. It was a big decision to move across the country for what could be a long-term role, but it was still her decision to make.
Hopefully, he would be happy for her, he would understand that this had the potential of lifting her out of her rut and providing great income for the foreseeable future. There were some great names attached, veterans of the industry that were looking to branch out into a new genre.
She was excited for the first time in a long time.  
She didn’t need to feel guilty, at least that was what she told herself as a niggling pang of guilt worked its way into her chest.
It would be good to break it to him gently though, to put a good spin on it.
The minutes ticked by and she finally realizing she couldn’t put it off any longer, she wandered into the kitchen, her arms crossed in front of her as she looked for him, but the apartment was empty. The stove was turned off and a plate, probably the last clean one, was waiting on the counter with a pile of golden churros perched on top of a greasy paper towel.
Next to it was another torn paper towel with a note scratched onto it in sharpie.
The boys called and I’m heading out for a few beers. Don’t wait up. Enjoy the churros.
She waited for the anger to bubble back to the top, but there was nothing—no anger, no guilt, just a deep, hollow nothingness that grew and yawned as she fingered the scrap of a note transparent with oily fingerprints. Feeling like maybe this job had come at the best possible time, she picked up the plate of churros and walked over to the trash, watching them slide in with the rest of the garbage.
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mythicthread · 2 years
post 6, day 36
(the following post was written on day 35)
Today was busy, and mostly consisted of lots of driving around Marietta. We finally tried MOD Pizza, and I'm now a big fan. Roasted broccoli and garlic as free toppings on my pepperoni slice? Sign me up. What a treat. K ordered a bunch of stuff for us to upgrade our techie things, and all we had to do was swing into Micro Center and pick up our order. Got my first rgb keyboard, and I'm already in love. The buttons are super squishy and it's nice for typing. Technically it's sold as a gaming keyboard, but I'm more of a console fan when it comes to games. K got a huge laptop, which I joked would soon be our TV in our future (for now!) weekend warrior van. We did some grocery shopping, but didn't get to snag another bag of our favorite coffee from Sprouts, which honestly was our main reason for going to Marietta in the first place. Luckily we aren't out yet, so we'll make another trip on Tuesday and hopefully pick up some then.
We spent so much time away from home today that it feels like we were never even here. Now that we've been home and settled for a few hours, I feel tired but restless. It was a very good and stress free day [although we did spend a bit more money than we should have] and I'm thankful for everything we were able to get-- even if some of it was a little splurge-y for once. We tend to treat ourselves when we can. The most important thing is that we came home in one piece with gifts and nourishment for ourselves and our babies. Food is probably our most splurge-y expense... mainly because we like to eat well, and eating well isn't exactly cheap, TBH. We make do even when we eat cheap. We're just trying to make a promise to ourselves that we won't punish our bodies with fast food anymore, mainly.
Every time we eat out-- excluding a family-style restaurant-- we always end up regretting it by the next morning and every single time we vow to never eat out again... until K has a late night out with sports and we don't feel like cooking when he gets home. I wouldn't mind cooking dinner & keeping it warm until he gets home, but part of my enjoyment of the food
I make for us is being able to share it together, so it weirds me out to eat without him [unless we're both just starving and it's necessary].
All in all, it was a nice day to get out of town and get some stuff we needed. Now that I have a better office setup maybe I'll be motivated to write/journal daily.
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baesketballers · 7 years
Romeo and Juliet AU with Akashi please, don't worry about not doing it as exactly as the original one, I won't ask for that, only the general story line. About their family, can you put in some canon extras (GOM, or other minor charas that are not frequently requested here), and for the ending, rather than both Akashi and reader dying, can you make them run away together instead? Thanks and hopefully this is okay. ^^
Long overdue, I’m so sorry if this doesn’t turn out satisfying since I took a really different, more lighthearted route with slight comedy (and a vague ending, sorry anon)! 
This is a modern day Romeo and Juliet AU, where Reader and Akashi are both adults in a family of rich people. The companies that their parents own are rivals. I hope everybody enjoys it!
Female!Reader ahead
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Business parties are an absolute bore, as you’d rather stay home and spend time doing your hobbies instead of faking interest for hours on end—until six months ago, when you started attending these events without a single peep of complaint or any specific signs of enthusiasm. Your parents didn’t question why the sudden change, perhaps due to the fear of having you retract back into your shell again.
Family appearance is important to them, which is why attending these parties are absolutely necessary: to show every important people that you are a happy family that get along together very well, all smiles and warm words, but it’s all for show. Your parents aren’t that bad, but regrettably a lot of the things that they do or expect you to do are to impress and maintain their social status.
“Being rich isn’t easy,” you start, sipping your drink as Momoi observes from across your seat, “everybody’s nice to you just to get on your good side or to use you to their advantage.” You pause, only to send a skeptic look at your pink-haired friend while she innocently drinks her latte from a straw. “You’re not doing that, are you?”
She laughs hard. You’re clearly joking, because you’re smiling at your own joke—Momoi’s family has been working in your family’s company for four generations, and relations are still tight today. She calms herself down after a mere few seconds of laughter because she’s got something in mind that she’s been dying to ask about.
“But no seriously,” she begins, leaning forward with both hands clasped like a journalist ready for her scoop of the year, “Mom told me she saw you at the partnership party last week and I was like, no way, again? What’s gotten into you?”
You groan quietly, cheeks involuntarily flushing at the answer you haven’t said out loud. Momoi takes this as a sign of major happenings behind her back that she didn’t know before, and is very eager to find out now.
“Come on, __________!”
“Can I trust you not to tell this to anybody?”
“Of course, who do you think I am?”
“Not even to your mom, okay?”
“Alright, alright, I won’t, I swear to anything that can be sworn to.” She says, offering you a handshake. It’s a sign of a deal she can’t break. “Now shoot.”
It takes you a full five seconds before you open your mouth to answer.
“It’s a guy.”
“I knew it!!” She shrieks, and at that moment all the innocent café customers turn their head to your table with faces that are either shocked or highly irritated. Momoi sends them an apologetic look before quickly looking at you, eyebrows scrunched. 
“Tell me more.”
“The thing is,” you sigh, cupping your forehead tiredly, “he’s… he’s the heir of a rival company, and if anyone ever finds out I am royally screwed.”
You don’t think Momoi remembers that her latte exists anymore upon her knowledge of this piece of scandalous news—the poor drink sits at the edge of the table, near the window, forgotten and cold. 
“Wait a second. Are you talking about the Akashi family?” Your companion replies, lowering her voice down to a whisper at the mention of the surname. You can only nod, looking at her with your palm propping your chin up. The next second is basically her jaw dropping.
Momoi mouthes oh my god and you form a silent I know with your lips, enough for her to read. She grips your other hand on top of the table with both of hers, purposely shaking it lightly in… excitement? Is that what you see in her eyes? 
Well, you can’t blame her—the thought of Akashi is also enough to put you into a level of excitement like Momoi’s right now. The only difference is that you’re good at covering up. More like you have to. It’s the kind of secret that will hurt a lot if anyone, especially your parents, finds out.
“How did it happen?” Momoi asks breathlessly.
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You turn upon hearing a male voice behind you, breaking the spell that had you staring at the bubbles in your drink in hand for minutes. It’s dim out in the balcony, and a little bit cold too, especially with you in your dress, but the lighting is just enough to let you see the visitor. That red hair captures attention even in the darkest of rooms, you think, because it also lets you know who he is.
“Evening,” you reply, sipping your drink as he walks until he’s standing next to you. “You know, I know who you are. Might not be a good idea for you to be seen with me.” The sentence is uttered with zero hostility, and Akashi, obviously, takes note. You smile, something that’s sad and cynical but at the same time uncaring and somehow undeniably attractive. He smiles back.
“Well, I know who you are, too,” he says, “and I know what you’re going to say.”
There’s a slightest raise in your eyebrows though you keep quiet.
“‘Fuck what people think’, right?”
Your lips fall open and you let out a small surprised laugh at the fact that Akashi Seijuurou, heir of the Akashi Group, your family’s biggest business rival, just used a cuss word. He chuckles, eyes crinkling charmingly at your baffled expression—you shake your head when you recover, leaning against the balcony.
“I take it that I’m more or less correct.”
“I didn’t know the Akashi family have telepathic abilities. No wonder they’re so successful.”
“I could say the same to yours,” he replies smoothly, “nobody can resist a deal with that kind of charm walking around.”
You look at him in the eye, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly and praying that he can’t see before shifting your gaze towards the golf course that stretched beyond the building, drink still in hand.
“Straightforward, aren’t we?”
He sighs a bit, turning to mimic you, scanning the stretch of green below, his hands laced together as he looks at you from his place by your side. It takes great courage for you to make eye contact.
“Why?” You ask.
“I don’t know, to be honest,” he answers casually, something you’re surprised (and is that delight brewing in your stomach?) an Akashi man could do, “I feel like I wanted to get to know you better.”
You give him a skeptical, cautionary glare, one that you’ve learned to do since you were young and learning the true nature of people. 
“This is not something along the lines of I’m-flirting-with-you-and-getting-you-drunk-to-get-some-company-secrets, right? Because that’s gonna turn out awful.”
Akashi makes a face as he stifles a laugh, which kind of makes you want to laugh too, but then you realize by the sound of it that he might actually be more similar to you than you think. A young man from a rich, well-known family… adding his excellent looks and charisma to that, how many girls have gotten in line just to satisfy their desires? He must have trust issues to a certain degree as well.
“No it’s not, though I don’t judge you for asking.” He answers. Did he just step in closer to you, or is it too much champagne already in your circulation?
“I suppose it’d be nice to have a friend that understands. My friends are nice, but I envy them from having a normal life,” you say, looking down at the golf course. There’s a rowdy cheer in the banquet hall and in the back of your mind you note that the party’s not going to end soon—something you never thought you would be grateful for.
Akashi rests his face on a palm, surveying your face with great interest and somehow managing not to look like a creepy dude. Maybe it’s just thanks to how good-looking he is? The earlier thought of how many girls have chased after him creeps back, and you take a wild guess in your head, distracting you from the conversation. Twenty wouldn’t be an exaggeration. He can certainly take twenty girls to bed: at the same time or one by one, doesn’t matter.
“Tell me.”
“Tell me what you talk to your friends about.”
It takes only three seconds of silence until you tell him. About things: about the sad rich life, about trust, about boys and girls that love and hate you. About you. As the night turns darker, your connection to his becomes stronger, what with him telling you about him: about his family, about youth, about the fact that he rarely talks about everything he’s talked about to anyone except you. About how he sees a friend in you.
So you exchanged numbers.
“And then?” Momoi demands, like a child unsatisfied with her bedtime story.
“And then,” you fall into a pause, trying to find the right words. “We started texting each other. Occasional turned frequent. We met secretly during parties, making sure no one saw or noticed us.”
“And then??”
“And then what?” You ask back. “It’s been like that for six months.”
“Yeah but like you’ve kissed him, right??”
Instead of answering, you bury your face into your palms, and Momoi instantly knows the answer is affirmative. Why does she have to be so perceptive?
“That guy used to be my friend in middle school!” She says and you have to let out a small gasp. “Back then he was so much like a prince charming too, I tell you, but then he turned cold,” she pauses, “like you.” 
You pout.
“I guess that’s the defense system of the rich,” she jokes. You swat her hand but laugh along anyway. “I know that he’s a good person underneath, but I never thought he’d open up so fast to you. Dare I say he loves you, __________!”
“I’m in love with __________,” Akashi Seijuurou declares several miles away. His adviser, Midorima, does a double-take from his notebook to the heir’s face with an expression that only says one phrase: are you crazy?
“Are you crazy??” The green-haired male exclaims, snapping his small thin notebook shut so hard that it’s audible. “__________, the daughter of the group you are trying so hard to beat within the past couple of years??”
“Is there any other __________ you know of?” Akashi asks, ignoring his companion by attending to his necktie. A glance through the mirror tells him that Midorima is both dumbfounded and… just dumbfounded. 
“Why tell me.”
“I figure you need to know.”
“You made that clear, but why.”
Akashi stands up, grabbing his suit jacket and wears it, putting an arm in one sleeve.
“I’ve been secretly meeting her during parties for six long months. It’s a given that one of these days I want to sneak out.”
Midorima’s mind is spinning, he’s lightheaded, he’s dizzy, maybe he’s going to die from a heart attack in a few seconds, but he’s rational enough to acknowledge that these are merely effects of several secret breaking news revealed to him within such a short period of time. Not even years of his advisory training can help him solve this situation.
“Oh, and Midorima? Don’t tell a soul.”
Midorima’s eyes narrow at Akashi.
“I mean it.”
And with that, the redhead is gone, leaving Midorima alone in the hotel room as he slowly makes his way towards a chair to sit on. He needs to breathe.
The kiss that Akashi leaves on your lips makes you want more in its tenderness. He has you in public, exposed to the eyes of anyone who wants to look, arm around your shoulder as you sit side by side on a secluded couch in a bar at the edge of town. The two of you agreed for the first time to meet up outside of those ridiculous parties (he honestly doesn’t know how he could last half a year), each offering some sort of excuse to your parents as you’ll be out late. Yours was a sleepover at Momoi’s place, and she is more than happy to cover for you, especially since she doesn’t live with her parents anymore. Akashi’s was simply a gathering with friends.
Which is not entirely untrue, but the way he’s kissing you and putting his hand on your knee is more than just friendly.
If journalists were to be around, tomorrow’s headline will be all about two big companies’ children, one heir and the other a daughter, caught making out with each other and obviously can’t keep their hands to themselves. Which is also not entirely untrue—you’d like to think the two of do not act like you’re so sex depraved.
“God, I want you,” Akashi growls, begging you to think otherwise. Somehow you’re on his lap, a comfortable position for you to go on and pull him into another searing kiss, but there’s something in the back of your mind that’s been bothering you. Being the perceptive person he is, Akashi notes your silence and peers into your eyes questioningly.
“How long are we going to keep this a secret?”
The redhead senses this coming from you. He admits that he also has been asking the same question himself, but he supposes that you might as well talk about it sooner than later. With that, he helps you shuffle back to the seat next to him, his arm still around your shoulder and playing with your hair.
“Do you see a probability of your parents accepting our relationship?”
“To be honest… I don’t really know,” you reply, leaning into his touch for comfort. “But by the looks of how they’re working hard to, you know, outdo the Akashi Group, it’s sort of logical to assume they won’t. I mean, my mom’s been worrying about my dad overworking”
He hums.
“I see where you’re coming from.”
“What do you think they’ll do if they find out?” You ask, voice nothing above a whisper. Akashi’s eyes are half-lidded, an expression of thinking. 
“I fail to see how this escapes my logic,” he begins, his tone a little bit more serious and suddenly you’re focusing everything into what he is saying, “but from a business point of view, our relationship, especially if taken to the next level,” at the mention of that your heart flutters—
“…is like a merger.”
Akashi can see the realization seeping into your expression.
“Of course it would have to be a horizontal or market extension merger to be fair, but what I mean to say is that it’s definitely a good possibility.”
“M-hmm.” You nod, dazed.
“Do you think so, too?”
Akashi looks at you like he expects you to say something.
“How do you think they would feel about a merger, though? There are chances that one of us might be at a disadvantage, and I don’t know if our parents are willing to take that risk.”
“Risk is the basis of progress in business, sweetheart,” he says, going back to stroking your hair, “like investing and developing new products. Those are risks. You need to take it to reap the harvest.”
“But how do we convince them to take it?”
Akashi smiles, lifting you up by the waist to situate you on his lap again, pressing his lips to your forehead. You can only hide your face in his neck, and he chuckles.
“It’s simple—we build a business proposal.”
You might not entirely understand his vague answer, though the rough ideas floating in your head (including another kind of proposal) are quickly thrown out the window at the sensation of his lips meeting yours for the umpteenth time that night. You don’t know if Akashi really has the solution to get you out of this secret relationship without doing any harm, but the way his tongue asks for entrance is too sweet to ignore.
You tell yourself you can think about it tomorrow.  
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