#honestly didn't think he'd stay on the bandwagon
sunny-speaks · 1 year
Siren Friend x Reader
So this is really late to the bandwagon :((( But here we are, resident yandere Friend! But Siren version cause I can't stop thinking about the chatbot... :P
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You work a nice job, decent pay, the works.
You live near a beach in a decently populated city, you’re single and ready to mingle. But there’s no pressure! After all, your job is so tiring… There’s literally no room to romance people… But he'd change that.
Nothing too big, just studying an obscure species that emerged a couple months ago that look pretty similar to mermaids, mermen and other humanoid fish folk from mythology.
Of course, you weren’t too bothered, you just fed them and kept them occupied whilst other researchers collected data. You were more of a mer caretaker than an actual scientist.
Just the other day however… you found this really cute one washed up against the shoreline of your beachfront house !
You honestly didn’t expect much out of living so close to the water… but if that’s what it takes for pretty guys to get close to you, you weren’t arguing.
He was unconscious, dying in the sand or something when you chucked him into a bathtub.
Dark blue skin and hair the color of the sun, god, you couldn’t help but admire the pretty merman who was now chilling in your bathtub.
If you looked hard enough, you’d barely be able to see the way that the lightbulb in the ceiling catches the scales of his face in a way that makes the patches on his shoulders, cheeks and abdomen shimmer in a glamorous way.
Gold linings went up and down his body, marking contours and every dip in his body. They sectioned his abdomen and melded into his tail, they trailed up the sides of his neck to the back of his… webbed ears?
Wow, you’d probably stare forever at him until--!
You were busy admiring just how elegant the siren looked under the yellow-tinted lighting of your bathroom before you noticed his eyelashes fluttering awake under the water. How long he’d been out for, he wasn’t sure. When he saw the human that he’d always… admired from a distance hovering over him, he thought he had died and gone to fish heaven! He poked his head out of the water, black eyes looking up at you through his eyelashes, the lower half of his face obscured by the water. Water droplets accumulated on his long eyelashes every time he blinked. Which was quite a lot, seeing as how the unapproachable, ethereal human you were in his eyes, was right in front of him and had even saved his life ! He was the only one you'd saved, right? That made him special, right? He let out a small chirp in response, a little mix of shock and awe to which you awkwardly replied with, “Heeeeey?”
To be fair, you weren’t necessarily versed in talking to merfolk. It wasn’t your job- Well, it kind of was…
But you had context clues! You had diagrams and data to go off on in the lab ! 
This time around, you were too busy ogling the goddamn merperson to call your boss and tell him about a new discovery.
You were, as the kids call it, ‘faking it till you made it’ when you conversed with him.
Honestly, what were you supposed to do with a random attractive siren stranger in your house?! Just kick him out?!
Nah, you'd have to let him stay. After all, you didn't know what tests they did on the other merfolk, but honestly? You didn't want to know.
You just wanted to protect this one. You weren't sure why.
Maybe if you paid any attention the studies by scholars, you would've realized about their charmspeak and how they can lull you into a hazy state of mind...
But to the siren who’d only ever been enamored with you from afar? Only ever gazed at your smile, waiting for a day it could be displayed to him? Only ever hung onto every morsel of speech he could make out from that pretty mouth of yours?
He was hoping you’d let him stay with you… forever.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Jumping on the bandwagon of speculating on Milo's career if he'd gotten a specific role or another I'd like your opinion on 2 What If? scenarios: 1)What if he decided to stay on GG like ASP wanted him to instead of leaving after season 3? How do you think it would've impacted his career/life long and short term? 2) What if the Jess Spinoff actually took off and was a hit? What impact could that have had do you think? Feel free to ignore me if you've already answered this before.
Interestingly enough, I was just having this exact conversation with someone else today. Having Jess around for a much longer period of time would have fundamentally changed the show. Like, what would they do with him for all that time? He wasn't going to go to college (maybe community college?) and follow Rory to Yale so how would that work? Would they give him some kind of job near Yale maybe? Would he come back to Stars Hollow (I can't imagine he would be happy doing that) Would Rory and Jess date long term across multiple seasons like Rory & Logan did? There would be no Logan? Maybe a different romantic rival because lord knows Rory isn’t completely fucking exhausted by having 2 boys constantly fighting over her or anything. Rory and Jess would definitely have had sex (it's fucking robbery that she lost her virginity to Dean) So many things could change I couldn't even imagine them all. It's fascinating to think about honestly.
On the personal side of things, if he had stayed on Gilmore Girls he wouldn't have done Heroes, but that show seems to have been a mixed blessing for him, it was a huge deal in the first season apparently but he admitted he slowly lost passion for the show after the first season until he was basically doing it just to collect a paycheck, when it was over he couldn't find work for a year and almost quit acting . If he hadn't done Heroes he wouldn't have gotten into that mess with Hayden Panettiere either but that's another story. It wasn't a great long term boon for his career imho. He meddled in mediocrity after Heroes ended between 2011-2016 making a bunch of godawful movies and a bunch of short lived tv shows no one had ever heard of unti he finally landed This is Us.. My friend asked me why I think Milo didn't want to continue on Gilmore Girls and I can't remember him every saying why. So without knowing, my only guess is that a lot of new actors think the "Grass is greener on the other side" and sometimes don't recognize a good thing when they're in it? And maybe the failed spin off played a part in it. Let’s face it he used to be a cocky little shit and told Amy Sherman Palladino he wanted Jess to get hit by a bus to make things “interesting”. If anyone complains that Jess leaves to soon on Gilmore Girls the blame is 100% on Milo because Amy Sherman Palladino adores the hell out of him and would have given him the moon and the stars.
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voidstilesplease · 4 years
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i’ll never wear clothes again
For @sterek-kinkmas​ day 2: Exhibitionism
Tags: Alternate Universe-Human, Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are the Same Age, Alternate Universe-College/University, Best Friends Stackson, Roommates Derek/Jackson, Humor, Fluff, Mentions of Nudity
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 1,601
"Tell your roommate to fucking wear clothes."
"Tell your roommate to fucking wear clothes," Stiles hisses through the phone, shoving clothes after clothes into his duffel. The response he gets to his complaint is a groan from Jackson.
"This is still going on?" His tone suggests that he's exasperated with the deep rumbling from his throat, but Stiles can hear the undertone of amusement. "Just fuck already, for Christ's sake."
Stiles pulls the phone away from his ears and gapes at it for a second. He scoffs and presses it more firmly to his ears, putting the speaker close to his mouth so Jackson can hear his every word and intake of breath. "How many times," Stiles even stops his packing to wring his other hand and place it on his hips. "must I tell you that I'm never going out with Derek Hale?"
"At least a hundred more in the next 24 hours," Jackson deadpans.
It makes Stiles's agitation grow because, honestly, what kind of best friend would not take this harassment seriously? "Jackson, he's flashing me!" the hand on his hip is now in the air brandishing like a fly swatter. "Whenever I'm over at your apartment, and you're not around - hell, even when you are," he shakes his head. "Derek parades himself naked, putting all that," he gestures wildly in his silent room, having started pacing as well. "rippling, flexing muscles and huge fucking dick on display like a fucking porn star!"
Stiles is not expecting Jackson to be sympathetic to his plight, but he should, at least, show a little concern for Stiles. Instead, what he gets is one of the done/finished/over-and-done-with exhalation that means he's ready to drop the call and leave Stiles to his predicament. Jackson really could show a little care since it's his roommate that's giving Stiles nightmares in both waking and sleeping worlds.
"If you want Derek to stop inviting," there's a sound of a car door shutting close in the backroom and the jingle of keys. "Then stop looking like an interested guest."
Before Stiles can ask what he means by that, Jackson has started the ignition and clicks the disconnect button. He sputters for a moment and then drops his arm with a resigned huff. As usual, Jackson is a useless friend.
Stiles sighs once more and goes back to packing. This weekend is going to be hellish. He's spending a few days at Jackson's place while the heater and ventilation are getting fixed at his second-rate dorm. 
He pulls the sleeves of his red hoodie down on his hands. He's going to die freezing if he doesn't stay over at Jackson's, and there's nowhere else to go. California in winter months are still frequently sunny with a mild temperature, but this is one of those times not covered by the term. It can get frosty when it deems to be. Jackson's apartment is the logical, financially-wise option. But of course, Stiles has to be prepared for Jackson's roommate. Derek is the worst -a flasher and an overall douche. Of course, he was also Stiles's sexual awakening in high school, but that's beside the point.
His hand hovers at the box of condoms on his nightstand. He hesitates, nibbles on his lower lip, grabs the box anyway and stuffs it inside along with his clothes and toiletries. He zips up the duffel bag, hating himself.
He's not an interested guest, and the condoms are not part of his preparations for Derek. Yeah? Okay.
He picks up his bag, thinks belatedly about stopping by at the pharmacy to buy lube, and hates himself some more.
But Stiles hates Derek the most.
Also, Jackson, because where the hell is he?
Stiles has been in the apartment for five hours, but the asshole hasn't gone back from the university yet. Stiles knows he should be back by now, but he's not even responding to text messages. It's like he vanished on purpose.
Now, Stiles is stuck sitting stiff as a board on the couch in front of the TV, absently watching a show he doesn't even like. Derek is on the far end of the same couch, cozy, and very relaxed like he's not lounging about in his tight underpants and plastering his bulge and abs all over the place, the fucking exhibitionist.
Stiles pointedly trains his eyes on the screen, seeing motions but not comprehending them. All he can focus on is the loud hammering in his chest and the stirring low in his stomach. He's getting bothered just by Derek's proximity. Jesus, it is embarrassing even for his standard. It was probably forgivable when he was sixteen, having his first sexual fantasies about the unattainable, out-of-his-league lacrosse star Derek Hale. But Stiles had survived high school, his hopeless crush, and Derek toying his feelings wearing a straight face. He's a big college boy now, who has gotten rid of his spectacles, might still flail a little, but has gotten the attention of a few people. He shouldn't be falling back into the Derek Hale bandwagon; he was over that.
"Are you okay?"
Derek's voice startles him. Stiles jerks back wide-eyed as he turns to Derek's drawn eyebrows. His throat catches, he clears it, and then says in a hopefully even tone, "Yeah."
"You're sweating,"
Stiles is sweating in the forehead; he usually is when he's nervous, tense, or aroused. It isn't all that fulfilling to note that he's all three currently. He averts his eyes back on the screen, "Something must be off with your air-conditioning."
In his peripheral, Stiles can see the smirk on Derek's stupidly gorgeous face. God, Stiles hates people like him. They know they're attractive, confident with their toned bodies, exuding sex-appeal, and they make others twitch in their seats uncomfortably, racing with their heartbeats and gasping for air. Oh, and sweltering at 80°F.
"I'm sure that's not the case,"
Stiles must have imagined the suggestive tone when Derek says it because there's no way, right? He ponders for a second before shifting back to face him. Derek's staring at him, shamelessly, blatantly running his eyes all over his flushing face. Stiles's pulse quickens at the hooded looks.
Derek's eyes meet his again, "If the heat is bothering you," he starts, lips stretching to a small smile. "You should take off your clothes."
He's too stunned inside, but he forces himself to face away once again, feeling his skin beginning to burn. "Not all of us have washboard abs to show off."
"Your body's fine," Derek says offhandedly, but Stiles is tingling from the words.
"How can you know?" He tries to sound indifferent, but the pitchy quality of his voice is not helping his case. "You haven't seen me."
Two beats pass, then, "So, show me."
Stiles can't whirl his head fast enough. He gapes at Derek's serious expression. "Is that-" he sputters, surprised. "Are you-"
Derek cocks his head to the side, "Finally catching up?"
He gapes in disbelief; even his breathing falters. Words escape him for a moment. Then, he exhales, "What are you saying?"
Derek adjusts in his position, moving closer to Stiles. This near, Stiles can see the nervous tick on his jaw, which -unreal. Derek Hale doesn't know anxiety. He's the epitome of arrogance and narcissism and unwavering confidence.
Derek's green eyes settle on his dull browns, "I don't strut around naked for just anybody."
Stiles's eyes stray down to Derek's red lips and lock there. He licks his lips, instinctual, "Well, why didn't you ask?"
A bashful expression crosses Derek's features. He ducks his head a little, "I tried. You rejected me."
At this, Stiles rears away, incredulous. "Rejected you?" He puffs a laugh. "Me, turn you down? In what universe, Derek?"
Derek's brow draws together, looking confused. "In senior year," he tells him like it's obvious. "I asked you to go on dates with me," a shadow passes his face, lips curling downward. "You sneered at me every time."
He hears his jaw hitting the floor, remembering all those times, but dismissing them as Derek's asshole antics, "You were serious?"
Now, Derek looks offended, even hurt. "I sent you notes, blackmailed Jackson for your number, asked you in the middle of the cafeteria, even went to your house one time -how did you think I wasn't?"
Stiles sags on the couch, shocked and disoriented at the turn of events. When he is composed enough, he lifts his eyes back to Derek's expectant gaze. "So, you decided to," he gestures at Derek's lack of clothing. "Strip for me?"
At this, the smirk returns. "It seems to be working," Derek points out, glancing brazenly at Stiles's middle, where his boner is apparent.
He gets flustered but doesn't deny it. There's no point in pretending he isn't affected. Stiles laughs breathily, "Fuck, you have no idea."
It must be the correct answer because Derek's face breaks out in a cheeky expression. "Then, I reiterate," Derek moves to his feet, and stands before Stiles in all his half-naked glory, boxers tenting. It's the most covered he's been since this whole shenanigans started. Stiles's mouth waters at the view, and he swallows conspicuously, Derek watching the movement of his throat. His green eyes darken when he tips Stiles's chin up to bring their gazes together. "Show me."
"Wait, Jackson knows?"
"Yes. I blackmailed Jackson again so he'd stay out tonight. Or he can come home and watch, I don't care. Now, will you please get back to what you were doing with your tongue?"
"Oh, fine."
"Yeah, that's -ah. Yeah. I'll never wear clothes again."
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Season 8 Episode 19: Taxi Driver
- Ooops. Crowley is in Kevin’s head and making him hallucinate losing limbs and breaking bones? Oh boy... The second trial is to get a soul out of Hell and deliver it back to Heaven?? But if it’s in Hell, will Heaven even accept it?? How does that even work?? And how do you even pick which soul? And how would you get that past Crowley??
- Haha! Rogue reapers. More like Charon from the River Styx than coyotes, Sam. WELL!!!!! We know what soul they’re gong to be saving now!!! Bobby’s in Hell?? I’m sure Crowley is overjoyed to have his company. 
- Who’s the creepster who saw the whole interaction? 
- Uh... That’s Purgatory. We are intimately acquainted with it from Dean’s flashbacks. Why did Ajay take Sam to purgatory??? HAHAHAHA!!!! “A back door to hell. Trust me, it will work.” “Wait, so you’re not coming with me?” “*Ajay chuckles* Don’t be ridiculous. Smuggling a mortal across the border is risky enough. But gate-crashing a Winchester into Hell seriously blows.” LOL!!! Love it. so Sam has 24 hours to get through purgatory and into Hell, get Bobby, and get out and back to where Ajay is dropping him off. Awesome. Well, Sam will get a small inkling of what Dean went through the past year.  
- Poor Kevin. He’s totally losing it. HAHAHAHA!!! Kevin took him pie. Probably out of spite. That’s what happens when you tell people to buck up instead of being sympathetic, Dean. You lose your pie. 
- MEEP!!!! CROWLEY IS IN AJAY’S CAR! NO GOOD!!! SAM IS STILL IN PURGATORY/HELL!!! Was creepster a demon spying for Crowley?? Aaaaand Ajay is dead... So how is Sam going to get out of this one...?!
- I wonder if Sam is going to get flashbacks from being in the Cage. Although I imagine that was very different from being in Hell. LOL! Sam putting his watch where the back door is located. So, if Crowley knows Sam is down there, does he have demons looking for him? Also, I thought Crowley had reorganized Hell so that it was just one endless line. Did he redecorate again?
- Huh. Crowley hasn’t figure it out yet. Winchester jumbo size. Man, I LOVE all the new ways they find to make fun of Jared’s height. 
- Oh, hi Naomi. Dean will likely try to kill you now. You know, Amanda Tapping looks much better as a brunette than a blonde. Well shit now. Dean just found out that Sam’s going through Purgatory. Of course, that is the LEAST of your problems now! Cause Ajay is FUCKING DEAD! So who the fuck is going to get Sam and Bobby out of Purgatory?? Tessa?
- HAHAHAHA!!! Oh Bobby. He stabbed the closest Sam and took the 50/50 chance. LOL! Sam’s face. I have missed Bobby :(
- And Dean just found Ajay dead in his taxi. Ooops!!! Now what? 
- HAHAHA! “What is this place?” “Don’t get all pissed off. Purgatory.” “Balls!” 
- Ah, Benny. 
- “Well, I guess if there has to be an eternity, I’d pick heaven over hell.” “Yeah. ‘Cause there’s nothing screwy going on up there.” LOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!
- Oh. Wow. Benny is going to let Dean behead him so he can get to Purgatory and show Sam the way out?? Are you serious?? Awh, poor Benny. He’s finding out he doesn’t belong on Earth anymore, with humans or with Vamps. He’s a drifter, with no family or ties to anyone or anything. Oh Dean, pretty sure Benny will not be coming back topside. He doesn’t seem like he wants to come back. Man, Jensen Ackles is such an amazing actor. 
- Hah! Bobby riding on Sam cause he didn’t try to get Dean out of Purgatory. Sam had NO IDEA where Dean even was for that entire year! And there’s Benny!!! 
- Creepster demon is still there, and knows Dean was plotting something with Benny. 
- Yep. Benny wasn’t never going to try to make it back up top. 
- AAAAAAH!!!!!! CROWLEY YOU ASS!!!! YOU STOPPED BOBBY FROM GOING TO HEAVEN!?!?!? Where’s Naomi when you need her??? THERE SHE IS!!! I knew she’d show up. Now that Cass is (literally) in the winds, she better hope that Sam and Dean get the job done and close the gates of Hell. That’s the only way she can stop from worrying about the demons getting their hands on the Heaven tablet. LOL!!! “Don’t call me a bureaucrat.” 
- Ouch! Glowing hand is bad!!! Poor Sam...
- They killed Kevin’s mom?? And got his address off her smartphone?? Awh man. Sorry boys, you’re Kevin isn’t home anymore. Crowley’s got him now. WAIT! No he doesn’t!!! The windows are still intact! Kevin went totally 100% off the rails! And took stashed the tablet who knows where! Awh, man. Now what?!?!?!?
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