#honestly all but the paper ones
Artist ask game from yesterday: 3. your favorite piece(s)?
God there's so many to choose from, not to mention the ones I lost, but here's the ones I could find:
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These four didn't translate so well because my phone camera is shit, but for a time period I was making these real grotesque pieces (which most of them I kept) that, while I'm not in the same headspace anymore, I still love dearly. Popping these under a readmore just in case, and I hope Tumblr doesn't murder the quality too much.
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theproblemsofdonhi · 2 months
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Big Luffy finds a weird looking cat.
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beatriceportinari · 9 months
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Origami jellyfish, one square sheet of elephant hide paper. Colors are inspired by Thysanostoma loriferum. Zoom in to see the glitter!
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Okay, starting off is the mask.
I figured I should post a sort of "devolution" to show where it started and what it became, because you cherish the end product more if you remember where you came from.
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sainzset · 3 days
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yayforocs · 5 months
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I Have Once Again Been Consumed By A Fic (Redstone and Skulk by @silverskye13
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sysig · 8 months
If your almost out of requests I'll send my second allowed one! Didn't want to send a second one at first though to give other people a shot lol
Howsabout.... something something Scriabin with the vibe from the song "This is Love" by Air Traffic Controller? If vibes from songs are allowed ofc xD
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Day 13 - I know wrong, I know right, I just love to pick a fight
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grave-st0ned · 3 months
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they just keep coming ahhhhh
presale is tomorrow (mar 8th)
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imsoogay · 5 months
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theteapotofdoom · 6 months
The Tsunade arc in Naruto drives me crazy … because it makes me want to grab Kishimoto by the collar and shake him like: "you mean to tell me that you actually CAN write interesting and powerful female characters??? you’re telling me that you actually KNOW how to write women who are complicated and messy but still full passion and ambition??? all this time you could do it but you chose NOT TO???????? AND THEN YOU NEVER DID IT AGAIN???"
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essektheylyss · 2 years
I am once again BEGGING folks in the critrole fandom to understand that terms for problematic queer tropes have actual meaning and context.
Queerbaiting cannot exist in the context of "the queer relationship I prefer didn't happen but another one did." Nor does it mean "a queer character doesn't get into a relationship with someone they're implied to be attracted to." It cannot exist because one character you wanted to be queer was not confirmed as such and did not have the chance to explore a relationship the fandom wanted, in spite of a plethora of other queer characters and relationships in the media.
Because queerbaiting means an intended, marketed implication that there would be a central queer relationship that was never actually going to be delivered on, in an effort to attract queer audiences without alienating straight/homophobic ones.
Bury Your Gays cannot exist in the context of "character I ship in a queer relationship died." It cannot exist in the context of "other characters of canonical queer status lived." It cannot exist if the story and setting otherwise strongly and repeatedly refute the idea that any experienced queer happiness must be punished. It cannot exist if the character you're talking about has not been confirmed queer.
Because Bury Your Gays is a term for introducing a queer character into an otherwise straight work (usually in a tokenistic way) and then killing them off without ceremony or purpose—often or, depending on the definition, exclusively just after they have started or consummated a relationship, as it is an implication that queer happiness must be punished as a cosmic rule of the setting.
These tropes virtually cannot be present in a work if they are otherwise refuted by the work itself due to the presence of other queer characters. They suggest a rule of the narrative that queerness is anathema to the narrative and world, and cannot be allowed to exist, which cannot apply if the world and narrative is otherwise very supportive of queerness. In fact, the context of these tropes when they were established implied that this was applicable to the only queer person or relationship in a work, because in the context of their inception, it was nearly unfathomable to have even a semi-mainstream media with numerous queer characters and queerness normalized and expected within the setting.
EXTREMELY specific parameters would have to be met to have either of these tropes in particular present in Exandria at this point, and even then, the question of whether or not it would still apply given the conceit of the setting's relationship to queerness and gender as well as the improvisational format of the medium is something that would take whole dissertations to discuss and come to anything approaching a definitive answer.
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araneitela · 23 days
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/breathes. This icon is called killme003.png for the sake of this post because honestly, where yesterday I was rather demotivated from writing up more meta, I woke up today with the strength of all Aeons in existence (and... not-so-in-existence-anymore) for intense research. So I put my thoughts through the sternest 'let's try to shake and shoot up the perspective/logic/theory' process that I could manage, and it's still standing. If anything, I'm more certain than I was yesterday or a week ago, that MHY is doing something substantial, and vastly nuanced with this damned character. I thought I had big-brain thoughts on/for Guizhong, but I don't know if those hold a candle to the ones I have for Kafka (actually, they really do). My issue with this lady in wine though, I don't know where to start writing it all down. It's like 10 messy whiteboards that are hypotheses on her trailer, the words she uses therein, "Don't be afraid, listen to me, wasn't it you, who invited me?", "Destiny has thousands of faces, why does it choose to wear this one?", "Stealing a glance?" during someone's final moments during her spirit whisper? Like, come on, you can't tell me she doesn't play into fate somehow beyond what we've all obviously gathered. You can't tell me that there isn't a more authentic face that has been staring right at us this entire time. She borderline if not directly says it right to us, but we're almost taught to not listen anymore, to think that there's more to something, but what if writers are using that against us, what if this is an instance where we should take words at direct face value? On top of everything else, of course. Fate is "inevitable" and right in front of us always, after all.
God, imagine a being tied so intricately woven into fate (vastly differently from Elio, mind you), speaking quotes upon quotes about the inevitability of fate, and being tied to nihilism, and yet firmly holding some sort of faith into choice, and hounds us on it. I mean come on, one of the main quotes in the entire story of HSR are her words: "When you have the chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret." And she directly tells us in her own SQ, and it is a confirmed truth and not a lie, that Kafka herself does not believe destiny to be predetermined. Now to what capacity? We don't know. But the contrast of this, the rich nuance in this drives me insane. The duality of this woman, the spider (which itself is already a duality of a creature) and the butterfly (not necessarily as juxtaposed as one would believe, it all depends on perspective), the curiosity/fascination opposite her boredom, the ease of her killing which is reinforced with the emotional distance of her submachine guns, and yet she speaks how we should "let morality be our (your) guide", which fits perfectly alongside the decision of having her wield a katana, a blade that was worn by those following the highest code of honor? Speaking of emotional distance, the way she speaks of humans and humanity feels so distant, along with her talk of fragility. God, I just, want to shake HVY very firmly and fiercely. The fact that her eyes are highly likely to be concealed (hello, red), the fact that her voice is altered consistently, and yet we're shown the depth and warmth of her actual voice, and the empathy it holds consistently around primarily one person (almost two).
I love writing meta, but I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start, but I'll get there. I just wanted to show how messy my mind is, I suppose. It makes perfect sense in my head, I've seen the dots, I've connected them, I see you MiHoYo, and you're giving me everything my brain needs in terms of latching my claws into something. But my god, where do I start writing it all down.
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hellbatschilt · 8 months
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Recently organized, and added new stuff to my Yokai Watch collection!!
#merch tag#yokai watch#can you guys guess my favourite yokai? (it's agent x! count cavity is my second fave)#also apologies for using flash the lighting in my room is not that great lol#anyways!!!#can't believe i've been collecting yokai watch merch for 7 years o(-< never thought i'd be able to add more stuff to it too#i got the sakich*n skysh*riman and dr. k*gemura dream medals today!#dream medals are actually my favourite medals they've made :'^) so happy count cavity got one#cc actually got so many medals which is like yippee!!!!#anyways for those who want to know i collect my main team + the ghoulfamily + whatever other yokai i like#my main team is cc tattletell snee rimo kimetemaou and sighdurr :^)#the other yokai i collect are skysh*riman sakich*n and dr. k*gemura! i actually need to grab some h*kai stuff too though#honestly i just like yw3 related merch a lot. it's my favourite in the series! plus my favourite yokai villains are in it hehe#anyways uh this isn't even all of my merch lol i have some other stickers and flat items + the cc and rimo's metal charms#and cc's omamori charm! which i do want to take outside with me eventually but i should get a dupe of it in case it gets -#- damaged or lost#oh i also have some 4komas and some manga that my faves show up in#trying to figure out if i have any grails for yw merch and honestly? a few years ago they released a halloween ramune case and timidevil -#- was on it but i've never been able to find it for sale :'^) tragic... not like i have room for it anywhere but still#there's also a yw3 sticker(?) set that has most of the ghoulfamily on it and they're playing rock paper scissors?#i have a photo of it but have never seen any listings... hard to find it without having a specific term to check i.e the omikuji stickers#some of my tags got eaten </3 so i can't ramble on more :^( please talk to me about yw merch
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androids-insides · 8 months
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This one has a story on it that I just made up!! I’m tempted to use it for something… We’ll see! Anyway, I’m going to sleep mode now, byyyeeeee!
(The papers 👍)
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networkunsupported · 1 year
stanley parable bible symbolism (the crowd goes wild)
honestly i put too many details into snookie9 over here look at the fact their headphones are unplugged cause their ass is not listening look at the fact theyre uhhh apple headphones (im so funny) and the cookie and eveyrhting just look at them
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also the snake, thats,, not subtle of me in any way
[cookie9 design by tumblr user pilksus!! as per use khdg]
i couldnt resist drawing a lil 432 so. you get him too. my love. hes john-the-baptist themed (what if you wanted to prelude the main guy and do some cool stuff and be associated with commonly sacrifical animals but then you get wiped out the story like a loser) except hes no animal handling training so pls ignore how terrified the sheep seems
i would be too honestly
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also this is the first time i think ive ever posted a proper drawing of him!! and this is what you get! wow thats memorable huh
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brookbee · 3 months
sometimes I remember the fact that in an interview david bowie talked about how he liked nyc because no one bothered him, and in the same interview john lennon comes up in conversation twice. who was then shot literally the next day. then I go insane
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