#honestly I could write more if I had the time and maybe gifsets to split it between
sophsun1 · 2 years
Hey Soph! I really enjoy reading your QAF opinions so here's my question (sorry if you've been asked this before) - how would you have changed season 5? I enjoyed the finale and Brian's "it's only time" speech, but I mostly enjoy it because I feel like it was the most logical conclusion after how season 5 played out. However, if season 5 had been written differently (better), I feel like the wedding could still have happened +
without it seeming too rushed or OOC. What do you think? And I love your gifs, thanks for helping this fandom stay alive :'')
Aww that's sweet of you I mean I try, they are my favourite pairing 😊
I'm hoping to get back to a regular giffing schedule once I get my new laptop and get back in a better frame of mind (anxiety sucks, boo) But for the 3 of us out there I'm glad to help :))
I've probably answered a variation of this before but I'm gonna try and keep from writing an essay and stick to some key points. I agree the ending we got with the path the writers chose was the most logical conclusion for that. But the gripes I have with it are Justin/Randy deserved more than a fade out for their final appearance and Britin a proper goodbye at the airport with a more definitive promise they were still together and would visit each other long distance. Instead of the open ended imagine it for yourself scenario we got. LIKE NO SIRS, I WAITED FIVE YEARS FOR THEIR AND MY HAPPY EVER AFTER. FILM IT, HAVE THEM EXPLICITLY SAY IT, ALL THE ROMANCE, ALL THE FEELS PLS AND TY.
I know a lot of people were upset they didn't get married but honestly for me I wasn't, for that moment in time for their relationship. Even if it was paced better and we didn't go at the breakneck speed of the ily/engagement/Justin's new art career I still feel it would've been too soon for BOTH of them. I always viewed them as having a love that already fulfilled wedding vows (I made a gifset of this) so the"We don't need rings or vows to prove that we love each other we already know that" part rang very true to me. Maybe that's because it's how I myself view love/relationships in real life. That doesn't mean I don't think they wouldn't have got married later on, I absolutely do.
But they had already split so many times, I feel they needed to just be them. Adjust to being in a working couple, learning to communicate, going through the ups and downs and not having it end in a breakup before going into this huge commitment. Justin needed to grow into himself in his new art career and live life outside of Brian. Those 5 years revolved around getting that final stamp of approval from Brian that he was longing for and he got it. Brian learning that love doesn't have to be this horrible, conformative, suffocating thing it's your own interpretation of it and he could still be himself but also love and be loved in return.
My ideal ending would've been both of them moving to New York, Justin to pursue his art and Brian to open Kinnetic and thrive as he had always hoped to. It would've been such a satisfying and full circle end to his story. Remember Brian had always dreamed of going there, we saw him fail in S1 but what better timing for him to finally get there with the love of his life. Neither of them would be sacrificing their dreams to go there it would be beneficial to both. Honestly there was nothing left for Brian in Pittsburgh, Gus had gone, Michael had his own family and everyone had transitioned into the new phases of their lives. Brian and Justin had outgrown Pittsburgh they were made for the bold, bright, colourful lights of New York City.
It seems you would've wanted a wedding for them, I'd love to hear your thoughts if you want to share!
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televinita · 7 years
Zoo 3x08
♫ If you’re looking for truth, don’t come looking for me ♫
-- Echosmith, “Safest Place”
And if you are looking for me, I will be over here playing Mitch's new theme song on repeat while you read.
But first:
WELL ALL RIGHT THEN. Abigail found the secret passcode to earning my wrath, and it's called "emotionally torturing Jackson about his family and failure to save them and/or being responsible for their deaths" (LISTEN ZOO I know you don't know this but I am still pretty emotionally compromised about The O.C. and Ryan's savior complex and the number it did on his head after a certain fiery car accident of his own, so I don't think now is the best time to prod this wound.)
I'm not saying I can't use this footage of Jackson strung up by his wrists, or that I didn't feast like a tiger upon the spoils of said emotional torture, just that.......actually on second thought I can't remember why I came to this review complaining.
(Also wow I really enjoy the part where Jackson started to snap out of Zen mode when he heard she'd compromised Mitch, and him desperately trying to talk Mitch out of Duncan mode. I still do not know quite how to articulate what it is that delights me about their relationship to each other, but Jackson's side of it was on full display)
Alpha Ship
Keep you far, keep you far from what I know You'll be fine, you'll be fine, just don't look closely now
First of all,
"Aunt Jamie can't really hold her liquor" OMG. I'll take "things that definitely still happen in the AU where Mitch and Jamie had a life together" for $200, Alex. (that quote in some context, at least. maybe not the two-man abduction carry)
Anyway I am just gonna be over here making high pitched squeals about Mitch smoothing her hair out of her face and everything else about these 4 seconds before Max starts talking, because I kinda feel like this is as close to an aftermath-of-rescue with them in these positions as we're going to get this year, and I would like to to wring every drop of visible Caring I can out of it.
"If the team finds out what I've done, I will lose everything. I'll lose Clem -- Jamie -- everything."
Well that hurt me good and deep. Can someone please call all the ambulances? My heart is under attack.
He has a fair point to be worried about: even if they understand, how would they in good conscience be able to keep him around if they don't know what he can do as Mr. Duncan, or how Mr. Duncan takes over? How can they be sure of their own safety alone with him, given how the biodrive might affect things?
On bright side: I forgot I had seen the kiss in this episode early, so that was a bolt out of the blue of PURE UNADULTERATED SHIPPY JOY when my eyeballs encountered it after seeing the context of Mitch being Sketchy As Heck and deserving none of Jamie's wholly sincere reassurance*, but desperate for it anyway. I choose to believe he was on the verge of spilling the beans at that point, but maybe not quite all the way there until the kiss sealed it.
*you are hereby forgiven for the Reiden Tower lies
Morgan & Morgan
I love Squirrelly!Mitch and I loved everything about him and Max working together and accidentally almost having some heart to hearts. Especially Max The Number One Mitch/Jamie Shipper giving him advice that Mitch actually takes about coming clean (or tries to take; thanks for being both the solution to and the cause of all our ship problems today, Max!).
The temporary blindness side effect was my favorite part, especially his insistence on hiding it when Jamie needed an actual airplane-crashing scenario to be distracted enough for only moderate concern at his short-circuiting and Max's oddly eager intervention (honestly, at a certain point he might as well have been hopping along singing "We're off on a secret mission!"). I enjoyed the humorous elements, but would not have opposed a multi-episode arc for the more serious, if this show had made room for it.
Bizarro Alpha Ship
Lies unfolding, cover your eyes
I've remained pretty neutral on the whole Duncan Reveal thing, and I think the reason is: listen, if you want to give me two Billy Burke characters at the same time on one show, then that... well, let's just say this is a fair imitation of the list of Billy Burke characters I have scoured the far corners of the internet, libraries and streaming video sites to enjoy.
But. THE ENDING. 100% agree with empress-of-snark's assessment:
I’ve never really wanted to see one of my otp’s beating each other up, but like…. I get it now. There was something immensely satisfying about seeing Jamie elbowing/kicking Mitch in the face, and I don’t understand but I enjoyed it (probably cause it wasn’t really him technically, but).
I also really enjoy when he first turns around with that eerie, dead-eyed stare (oh hey Gary Matheson redux) and she realizes who he is. This is ONE thing I'll admit sci fi does well -- the mind control / body takeover trope. I delighted in this exact same thing once on Under the Dome’s third season. There is nothing more chilling than seeing a character you would have sworn on your life would never harm their significant other be prepared to do exactly that, with no off switch. It's a much better experience as a viewer to know that it’s beyond their control than to find out they are actually human monsters, though.
And it's an even better experience when Jamie just steamrollers over any unhelpful emotions she's about to have with the steely resolve of Fine, It's A Beautiful Day To Kick Your Ass, and suddenly I'm wondering how low-prole it would be to edit and remix this fight with a subtle backing of "Move, Bitch." (why is the chorus of this song always relevant to my interests)
In other words: all fear and trust and betrayal issues can take a backseat for now because Jamie has one job right now, and I love that she has enough confidence and skill to know she can go through him if she has to.
Odds and Ends
I sat through Logan's entire waste of screen time in order not to lose my understanding-the-plot momentum, and so far I regret that decision.
Okay fine the Kenyatta family spooning was pretty adorbs.
Max trying to use the L word = aces
Out of all of AI Logan's comments, "I have an unfortunate announcement" is my very favorite. I want to use that all the time. Why isn't easy embedding of sound clips a thing.
Jackson attempting to strangle Abigail with his legs? Kinda workin' for me.
I think my favorite thing about Max and the Summoning Rod is that it's very much like the things Mitch ran Jackson through last year. Not so fun to be the guinea pig getting told to buck up, is it?
Should it concern me that I didn't even realize Clem was absent (off in Tankland) until they mentioned her?
Overall: minus Logan's non-AI scenes, WHAT A FUN AND WILD RIDE THIS WAS. By far the highest quality-per-minute density of the season for me. Superb sister episode to Howler Sloth.
I've had so much fun skipping back through it and watching the characters run around*, I keep legit forgetting the plane is going crazy because there is an octopus with snake legs (or something) they had to hack to death. There is so much IN this episode I can't possibly cover it all. It feels like lasted 900 years in a good way.
*or in the Morgans' case, sometimes, remain calm and blissfully unaware while the women nearly die following the Bitches Get Stuff Done model; the juxtaposition between the two drastically different panic levels cracks me up every time.
I have already watched a few minutes into episode 9 because that was a WTF cliffhanger, but I think this is as far as I am gonna get before next new episode.
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andsmile · 4 years
okay here are my two cents, not everyone’s cup of tea but here we go
the article is real. yes, it’s not well written. yes, everything sounds like a fever dream. but this show has been a clusterfuck for years and now they managed to touch the one good thing they had going on (their solid core four ships) that are about to become a clusterfuck too.
however, the reviewer who wrote that seems to be VERY b*rchie biased and literally gushed over the ship happening all over the recap, not stopping to actually talk about what it means for bughead and varchie, or veronica and jughead. they ignored the glances that we know from the stills the core four shares (bughead and varchie), and only said “veronica looks at archie” / “jughead looks at betty” and enhanced b*rchie glances again. whoever wrote it likes the idea of b*rchie so we can’t trust it completely.
cheating SUCKS. sucks, sucks, sucks. however, it’s not the first time it’s used as a plot device to shake things up in a teen show. it won’t be the last. riverdale thrived on the stability of their core ships but they probably wanted to shake things up while simultaneously catering to another part of the fandom, so there you go.
i understand if you’re a thrown off by cheating but (and that might be controversial) i don’t think this invalidates bughead’s or varchie’s journey. the writers have failed to show us why b*rchie would be “confused” to a point that they’d cheat on their significant others (and that’s where the story diverts from other triangles/quadrangles from other better written shows) but this is just another storyline they’re pulling out of their asses too quickly. either way, it doesn’t change what happened so far for varchie and bughead. it’s “the darkest storyline” that you can and should ignore.
this is not real life so if you feel like “forgiving” archie or betty for doing this, it’s okay, it doesn’t mean that you’d be a cheater on real life or that you’d condone this attitude. also, when in doubt, go with the characters reaction: if jug and veronica do forgive them, and you still like the ship, why wouldn’t you?
it’s also okay if you want to jump ships or to leave the fandom. do what’s best for you!
what matters more to me right now is: how will they follow this up? what will happen afterwards? are b*rchie going to honest? are they engaging on an affair (sounds crack but)? are they honestly just going to choose jug and veronica and that’s it? does it mean anything for real, or is it just a thing that happens in the musical, a “showmance”?
we can only expect bad writing, so i don’t think we can expect archie or betty to tell their secret to jughead and veronica. with the tapes thing going on, i feel like they will go back to their relationships and ignore this ever happened, when someone leaks a tape that blows up the core four. and we initiate season 5 with the core four all split up. with a time jump, many things can be forgiven and it’s a set up for angst.
it’s a weird thing that this episode is using ALL of the b*rchie cards and trumphs wrapped into one. flashbacks for kiddie stuff? pilot reminiscing with a song about mistakes and goodbyes? window scenes? “longing”? er... if i was a b*rchie shipper i’d be wary. it’s a huge b*rchie sandwich and it could literally be giving all possible content so they never visit that again. also, i, for one, am glad that these flashbacks are happening now and not in episode 18. maybe they want us to believe b*rchie have been waiting for each other but we just won’t believe it and the writers are on crack but they know their audience, don’t think they don’t.
let’s not blame the cast, reviewers, or even the characters that have existed for 78 years on this bullshit story line.
maybe i am too detached from canon, or maybe i have seen enough shit (that always, inevitably, hits the fan on the fourth season) with my other ships to feel really upset. thing is, i have always been on the loser side of the cw shows before, but that was always the smallest fanbase (with brucas, stelena, dair, etc) and i’ve always watched the big fanbase win over the small fanbase regardless of the writing or continuity. this time we, the bughead and varchies, are the big fanbase. we can boycott, be heard, let them know we hate it, that we won’t watch, and they will listen. the cw has fired producers for that before, and riverdale is the cw’s cash cow. let them know that you hate and don’t watch, especially if you live in the USA.
i know it’s hard to even think about your ship in a good way right now but remember that the archie comics characters have been around for decades and that this isn’t their only universe. which means, you can still love your ship and ship them in the comics or, especially if you want the riverdale timeline, content fans create for you. it’s really the time to support your fanfic writers, fanartists, gif makers, video makers, etc. this is the time we come together as a big community and support each other until this is over.
the fanfics you read, keep reading them. they don’t have any relation to the source material. the arts and gifsets you reblog, keep reblogging them. keep stanning your version of your ship, this is what’s going to matter in a few years from now when the show is over and there’s nothing more to “feed” from.
be respectful to your fellow bughead and varchie shippers now. i guess this is crucial. we can win this war TOGETHER, but not apart. it doesn’t matter that you think archie is the fuckboy that should die - don’t say it to a varchie shipper. it doesn’t matter if it pisses you off that betty always gets excused - don’t say it to a bughead shipper. let’s be friends, let’s stick together, this is the writers fault, and archie and betty as characters also deserve better.
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💘choose five of your own favourite edits and do a short commentary on each, write what you absolutely loved about it as well as what you’d do now in order to improve and other comments!💘 tag ten mutuals of yours to provide an opportunity to amazing content creators such as yourself to appreciate their edits and spread love!!
Tagged by @sulietsexual, thank you, my lovely ❤️
Generally, I consider myself as a very modest person, but it was so difficult to narrow this down to five choices. I think it’s because of the time, effort and dedication that goes into making edits and the personal meaning they can hold, it’s like choosing your five favourite photographs from your life. I selected ones based on personal attachment instead of the ones I’m proud of because they’re pretty (not that there’s many of those haha). Anyways here they are in no particular order:
1. ‘Maybe love is like rain’ (Game of Thrones)
I love this little poem because I think it’s a lovely description of what love is and can be, and the metaphor of rain encapsulates it really well. The original place where I saw this poem used is still to this day one of my favourite edits and it was the inspiration for my edit. This is one of those edits that I actually took time to plan out. I carefully selected the characters/relationships I wanted to use for each line and tried to select scenes that I felt best reflected the lines associated with them. Because GOT has so many characters and relationships, it was a huge challenge to try and represent as many of the characters and relationships from the show as possible. It was also hard to be fair and to not let any of my shipper biases get in the way, but I was so pleased with the end result. Hopefully when people see that edit they can understand why I chose each scenes to go with the line they are with.
2. Prue Halliwell character profile (Charmed)
Prue Halliwell owns my heart, anyone and everyone that follows me or has ever looked on my blog for a second will know that. I planned out this gifset about a year ago and spent time over the months taking personality tests (as Prue ofc) and reading various trivia about Prue and personality types to create this gifset. Once I’d chosen the details I wanted to include, I picked out the key words I wanted to use and then the scenes that I felt best fit with each type. I agonised for so long over scene choice and for anybody else that sees it they might not necessarily see that, but each scene was carefully selected. So I guess you could say this gifset is double-y special for me because it’s dedicated to my favourite character but I also put my heart into planning and making this edit. And unlike a lot of the other gifsets I plan out, I was satisfied with the end result. 
3. Gemma and Tara parallels (Sons of Anarchy)
You may see a pattern emerging here, but this is one of my favourite edits I’ve made because of the time and effort that went into planning it. On one of my many SOA rewatches during a scene in season 6 where Tara says “You’ve been my teacher, Gemma, my old lady coach” I was struck with inspiration to make this. I find it so ironic that Tara started out the series loathing Gemma and everything she stands for, yet as the seasons progressed, Tara began to morph into Gemma. The problem I had was actually finding direct scenes that paralleled one another to reflect these similarities they had. It took me a long while to fish out these scenes and I was really happy with the end result because I feel like it accomplished exactly what I wanted to achive by showing those similarities Gemma and Tara shared, and how Tara’s evolution in some ways mirrored Gemma’s, despite them being on different trajectories. 
4. Game of Thrones autumn
Honestly, I’m just so damn proud of the colouring on this gifset. Not to toot my own horn, but I think it’s really pretty and considering I was still so new to colouring my own gifs I’m so impressed with the outcome. Looking back at it now, I’d probably make the colours a bit more consistent if I made it again, but in a way I think the fact that it’s different shades/tones of red, yellow and orange makes it look more authentic and autumn-y. 
5. Daenerys Nikita Gill phoenix poem (Game of Thrones)
This edit has the most notes I’ve ever got on anything ever, but that’s not the reason it’s one of my favourites. I like this edit because, once again, I put a lot of thought and effort into planning and making it. The second I saw the poem Daenerys came to my mind and I knew I needed to make an edit, so I do what I always do when I’m struck by inspiration (I’d be curious to know if anyone else does this btw?) and wrote out the poem in the notes on my phone, then I split it up into different lines for each gif and started to brainstorm scenes that would fit with each line. For other editors, you’ll all know that sometimes when you make edits using poems, quotes or lyrics it can be impossible to find a scene that specifically fits with a certain line, so you just kinda have to pick any random one. But I feel like this is one of my edits where every single scene fits with the line and I love that with just 7 gifs I was able to tell a story and encapsulate Dany’s character and arc. 
I’m tagging @rebeccabunchs @lea-dilallo-rights  It’s late and I’m tired so I can’t think who else to tag, but honestly, all content creators should do this - it’s fun and it’s good to reflect on and appreciate all of the hard work, effort, creativity and skill that goes into making them (particularly since it’s something that seems to be less appreciated by others in recent times)
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itsallaskam · 7 years
sorry for so many but 7, 12, 17, 21, 27, 30, 34, 37, 40, 46, (girl squad) 51, 53, 55, 57, 67, 73, 76, 77, 78, 80
Sorry this took so long to answer but there were a lot of questions!
7. Who of the actors is your favorite and why?
Ooh, this is really tough because I really think they are all so talented. They all do such an incredible job portraying emotions without having to say anything.
However, I do think that Josefine and Thomas did a really incredible job in season 2. I think Josefine especially does a lot of good job of portraying emotions without speaking. There are so many scenes I can pick out where I could feel what she did, just from a look. I also think they together were great, they seemed to have a lot of natural chemistry that didn’t seem forced. I will also probably never get over the anxiety scene. They played off each other so well. Hence why I’m still mad that Thomas bailed, so much potential.
12. Do you think skam handles what it’s like to have a mental illness right?This is difficult since the only main character that we see firsthand experience anything (which we don’t see diagnosed) is Noora and her anxiety. I do think it was very important that they did show it and a way to help someone with anxiety. Of course there is Even with his bipolar, but you only see Isak’s experience with Even. Having a mental illness and being around/helping with someone mental illness are two very different things. There is also Vilde who is it is implied has an ED, possibly Noora has experience with that as well. I do think that Skam does much better than most television shows with addressing mental illness, but they haven’t yet really delved into having their main character having a mental illness which would be interesting to see for sure. Especially to further undo stigma attached to mental illness. To wrap up this long answer, I don’t think skam has properly handled what it’s like to have mental illness right, since they haven’t had a main character directly experience and deal with it every day.
17. Do you know any series similar to skam?I really can’t think of any American shows that are really similar, I would maybe say Friday Night Lights, only because I think it has that element of realism and emotion that Skam does. But really American shows about high school don’t come close to Skam at all.
My Mad Fat Diary is a good one I think that’s fairly similar. I think that handles mental illness in a real raw and good way where the characters are also in high school. I highly recommend that.
21. Would you want to go to Nissen? Why?I would want to go to Nissen solely so I could experience russfiering because it looks really fun and I’m sad I didn’t have one. I am a little bitter I didn’t get to be a Russ, because who doesn’t want a month long country endorsed party while you don’t really have responsibilities? Also I really want to know what their schedule looks like? What time do they start and end? My high school was much different. But, I have no desire to go back to high school.
so this doesn’t clutter up dashes I’ll put the rest under a read more!
27. What scene made you the happiest and why?This is also tough. Honestly I love all of the slomo scenes, but the top would be between the girls walking to the penetrator party and William and the boys getting out of his car or the hills but that kind of doesn’t count.
Overall I’d have to say the scene where Noora tells William off for being an asshole. The girls really hadn’t been friends for that long and Noora really went to bat for Vilde. And I think girls supporting girls is very important. Especially to the guy who really seems untouchable and is never put in his place. It’s also impressive that she essentially does this to the most popular, coolest guy in the entire school as someone who is brand new to the school. I love the idea of her taking back the balance of power from the boys. Plus I mean there is no better song for the end of it than Bossy by Kelis, it’s perfect. I love that scene a lot.
Also in the running are when William tell Noora she’s beautiful and when Noora sings Justin Beiber to Eva and when Noora gets caught lying about Eskild not being home.
30. Is Skam your favourite series?I have a hard time ranking shows, but I would say that Skam is definitely up there as one of my favorite series. It’s just so well done and really doesn’t sugar coat things and treats teenagers like people. It’s handles a lot of difficult topics well and has very relatable characters.
34. If you could be best friends with any character who would it be?I would have to go with Chris because I love how she just doesn’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks of her, which I could always do more of and she’s hilarious. I think she’s a very underrated character.
37. What is your opinion on (character name)?I didn’t see a specific character for this, so I’ll skip it for now, but if you want to ask again and pick a character I’ll do it!
40. Which character is most like your best friend and why?I think my best friend is a combination of Noora/Sana/Chris. Noora’s style/makeup. Sana’s protectiveness and fuck you attitude when necessary. Chris’ goofiness and humor. If I had to pick one though, probably Noora just less serious.
46. Do you think skam handles sexuality right?This is a very complicated question. Sexuality is a spectrum and basically in all media it is lacking. I do think that skam did a good job with Isak’s season to address his struggle with coming to terms with his sexuality. I think it was especially important his conversations with Sana about religion and sexuality and also when Eskild got really real with Isak and his bias/prejudices. Isak is a very flawed character and so was his story.I also think that they did a good job handling Noora and how she felt about her sexuality after her experiences with her prior boyfriend and also the entire Nico situation.Sexuality is deeply personal and complicated by our own experiences.I do think with what skam has addressed, it’s done a good job, but as with all media they have a lot more they could do in terms of representation, but they’re doing better than most shows. Especially in regards to teenagers.
51. Who is your favorite squad member and why?I would have to say Sana, because she gets really real with all the girls and comes off as a bit rough and prickly, but she protects and takes care of her girls and wouldn’t let anything happen to them. I love her humor and how she handles when people question her and her choices. The talks she has with Noora and Isak are so important. I think she has a very mature viewpoint.
53. What do you think is most important about the friendship of the squad?What I think is most important about the friendship of the squad is them just supporting each other. They start out really not having close friends at a new school and very quickly are supporting each other. From Noora defending Vilde, to Sana throwing a drink at Pepsi Max for calling Vilde a slut, to them all leaving when Sana runs out of the party, to them going to the doctor with Vilde twice, them taking care of Vilde when she drank too much, to the fight with Iben, to them at the cabin, to them all being there for Noora when she thought she’d been raped to when William left. I just think that it’s important that they’re there for each other. 
Especially in high school which is a complete emotional mess, I love that they have each other. They fight, but at the end of the day they’re there for each other and protect each other.
55. What do you hate about the squad?I wouldn’t say that I hate anything about them. I think I just dislike how judgy they can be of each other at times, but teenage girls are judgy. I guess I also don’t like how at parties sometimes they just split up and not see each other again? Like at the help the penetrators party or william’s party in 2x3. But there’s nothing I really hate.
57. Do you have your own squad?I do! It would be the girls I lived with in college (lol this is where everyone figures out I’m old). We have a named group text and everything and I pretty much text them everyday.
67. Who would you want to share rooms with?already answered!
73. What is your favorite fanfic or headcanon & why? I honestly don’t read/look for much of either but let me swoon over you by @kiranstein is super cute and I love it. Go bug her to write more!!
76. Did you learn Norwegian for skam?I have started doing duolingo for Norwegian almost every day since I started watching haha. It’s actually been really good for me getting back into language learning.
77. What is the most crazy fan theory you’ve heard so far?That s1 or s2 was just build up to s3. Because both Eva & Noora had incredibly important journeys. The illogical William hate. Or that Noora isn’t a feminist or vastly changed from s1 to s2 because of her relationship with William.
78. What is your most favorite gifset?There are a lot of good ones so this is terribly hard but two of my favorite colorings are this one and this one even if the scenes are sad. Also one where they managed to make the super purple more than words scene look normal but I can’t find it.
80. What is a fandom related url you wish you had?I actually quite like my url, but I think initially I wanted damnskam, instead it’s the title of my blog.
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