#hockey ben solo
anopendoor · 1 year
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Ben 'Ice-Bro' Solo 🤙
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inayaluic · 1 month
seeing you tonight (it's a bad idea, right?) - update
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A Reylo Hockey Textfic
(E, WIP)
It was finally time for the Sabres game to start, and Rey had never been more anxious and excited and completely overwhelmed as she waited for her favorite team to take to the ice.
But she wouldn't trade tonight for anything.
If only Kylo could be there too. He would have loved to watch Ben Solo play.
Read it on AO3
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rhaenryatargaryen · 1 year
15 questions
Tagged by @aemondtragaryen. Thank you for tagging me!!
1. are you named after anyone?
Not for my first name but my middle names are the female equivalent of one of my grandfather's and then the other one comes from an F1 driver who died right before I was born. I can't explain my parentals' thinking behind that either.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Today, watching Clara Oswald edits because I forgot how much I love her.
3. do you have kids?
No, I can barely keep my plants alive.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
It's in my top three coping strategies.
5. what's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably their energy towards me. I'm a very socially anxious person so I notice whether they seem interested in engaging with me before I invest any more time in them. Otherwise, eyes and hands. Always.
6. what's your eye color?
Blue but like a stormy blue? This may just be me in denial over having grey-ish eyes.
7. scary movies or happy endings?
Both! But not at the same time, I want all of my scary movies to have a dark ending to match the failings in society they are reflecting, thanks.
8. any special talents?
I can bake reasonably well, cry on demand (and not on demand) and get lost on a straight road :)
9. where were you born?
In the U.K. but I have managed to at least move away from the place I was born over the course of my 28 years of living.
10. what are your hobbies?
I love to consume media via books, film and television, think about that media an unhealthy amount, bake, run and pretend to be cultured at the theatre and exhibitions while understanding so, so little.
11. have you any pets?
No, but my top priority now that I have my own place is to buy a cat. My dad has the world's stupidest cat and he is my angel.
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
I used to play field hockey and water polo while I was at uni, but now I just run because it's cheap and I am poor.
13. how tall are you?
I am a giant at 5'10.
14. favorite subject in school?
English Lit, History and Latin filled me with joy.
15. dream job?
I absolutely love my current job but otherwise I'd love to either go into publishing and be paid to read for a living or go into academia and study literature for life.
Tagging @shaunasjackie @tuseranita @vsenyatargaryen @ben--solos @demontargaryen @grandlovescheme @valarrtargaryen @bcygenivs @targaryeirene @targaryenbrainrot + anyone else who wants to do it :)
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
a stitch away from making it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/amJrQDE
by thtdrm
Rose starts dating a guy on the hockey team. When Rey gets dragged along to watch them practice, one of the other players catches her eye.
“You’re the girl from the rink.”
“Rey,” she corrected, amazed at her tongue for working properly and not rolling out of her mouth and onto the counter like a cartoon. She pointed at the nametag she was wearing. “With an ‘e.’”
Solo waved a hand down the front of his chest. She wasn’t sure if he was making fun of her or not, until he grinned crookedly with no malice in his expression. “Ben,” he said, “Also with an ‘e.’”
Words: 11160, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Paige Tico, Poe Dameron, Armitage Hux
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey/Ben Solo, Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - College/University, College, College Hockey, Hockey Player Ben Solo, Ballet Dancer Rey (Star Wars), Making Out, Heavy Petting, there's a little bit of tipsy kissing and groping okay it's college, also Ben is super forward but she's into it, Ben Solo is Obsessed with Rey
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/amJrQDE
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findroleplay · 8 months
💫 Hi hi! I’m Bebe, I’m 24, she/her pronouns, and I’m looking to write with those who are 18+ (preferably 20+) !!
I would like you to be comfortable with nsfw, as I would like to have some of that thrown in there !! I strictly play fem characters, specifically ocs, so please be comfortable with fxm and ocxcanon pairings! I DONT DOUBLE EITHER. please be aware of this.
also i write on discord privately, or tumblr through reblogs ( on my roleplay blog, raspybebe )
Some of the characters (and the fandoms I’m interested in) are as follows:
haikyuu!! - atsumu miya, bokuto koutaro, Kuroo tetsurou
Star Wars - anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, ben solo
BBCs Merlin - Sir Gwaine, Sir Lancelot
stranger things - Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove
I’m specifically looking for these AUs, as I don’t really want to write in the main universe for any of these. here are some AUs I’m interested in:
Hockey player x figure skater
Modern or fantasy
(and they were) roommates
childhood friends to lovers
University / college
If you’re interested in writing with me at all, feel free to dm me here or like this post and I’ll reach out! 💫
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direnightshade · 2 years
That little bit I posted, got me writing about four pages of just pure insanity with Secret Service Ben. I am not sure if I will post it but if I do it will be on A03. Thanks to your ask about Ben and me seeing all these photos is inspiring to write some complete naughtiness with that character. God I am going to H E double hockey sticks for what is going through my head. Thank you again for me to be creative with this AU and character. LONG LIVE SECRET SERVICE BEN SOLO
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Four pages already?! Dang, I love it when inspiration strikes. 🙌🏼 I’m happy Secret Service!Ben helps to get those creative juices flowing! Can’t wait to read what you put out. ❤️
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lamilanomagazine · 4 days
Bolzano, fumogeni e disordini sugli spalti: 3 DASPO nei confronti di tifosi dell' “H.C. BOLZANO” e di un tifoso minorenne del “F.C. Südtirol”
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Bolzano, fumogeni e disordini sugli spalti: 3 DASPO nei confronti di tifosi dell' “H.C. BOLZANO” e di un tifoso minorenne del “F.C. Südtirol”.  Il Questore della Provincia di Bolzano Paolo Sartori, nella giornata odierna, ha emesso 3 DASPO – ovvero provvedimenti inibitori di accesso alle manifestazioni sportive – della durata di 1 anno nei confronti di 2 tifosi dell’ “H.C. BOLZANO” e di un tifoso minorenne della Squadra di Calcio “F.C. Südtirol”, per comportamenti atti a compromettere l’ordine e la sicurezza pubblica tenuti durante incontri sportivi. Due di questi Provvedimenti sono stati emessi, rispettivamente, nei confronti di altrettanti tifosi di hockey, uno di anni 25 e l’altro di 31, per fatti di seguito illustrati, accaduti il 6 gennaio scorso durante l’incontro valevole per il Campionato Internazionale “ICE Hockey League” tra la compagine dell’ “H.C. Bolzano” e quella dell’ “H.C. Valpusteria”, disputatosi presso lo Stadio del ghiaccio “Sparkasse Arena” di Bolzano: il 25enne, durante le fasi di gioco, mentre stazionava a ridosso del parapetto di delimitazione del settore dedicato alla tifoseria locale, indossava una maglietta riportante sul dorso una vistosa svastica sfoggiandola e rendendola ben visibile al numeroso pubblico presente sugli spalti; tale comportamento è espressamente è vietato dalla legge e pertanto è stato altresì oggetto di una denuncia alla Autorità Giudiziaria; il tifoso 30enne, invece, durante le fasi di deflusso del pubblico, nelle immediate adiacenze dell’impianto sportivo già citato, più precisamente nei pressi della stazione ferroviaria di “Bolzano Sud”, luogo ove transitavano i numerosi tifosi della squadra ospite, innescava un fumogeno/petardo di grosse dimensioni e lo scagliava contro gli Agenti del Reparto Mobile della Polizia di Stato schierato a difesa delle tifoserie ospiti; tale comportamento metteva in grave pericolo non solo l’ordine e la sicurezza pubblica, ma anche l’incolumità degli Agenti di Polizia nonché dei tifosi ospiti. Il terzo DASPO, invece, è stato emesso nei confronti di un 16enne tifoso veneziano, il quale, lo scorso 10 febbraio, presso lo Stadio Druso, durante l’incontro di Calcio tra il “F.C. Südtirol”  ed il “Venezia F.C.”, mentre si trovava all’interno della Tribuna “Canazza”, settore dedicato alla tifoseria ospite, innescava un fumogeno/petardo di grosse dimensioni, lo gettava al suolo vicino ad altri spettatori, i quali, colti dal panico in quanto avvolti dalla cortina fumogena in uno spazio ristretto, cercavano in maniera scomposta di sottrarsi alla intossicazione respiratoria che li stava colpendo, in una situazione di concreto pericolo per la loro incolumità. Resosi conto di quanto aveva provocato, il tifoso veneziano minorenne, al fine di non farsi individuare, si era travisato il volto utilizzando uno scaldacollo, un berretto ed il cappuccio della giacca. Grazie alla collaborazione con la DIGOS di Venezia, i colleghi bolzanini sono stati in grado di individuarlo e consentire al Questore di emettere il DASPO nei suoi confronti, tale da sanzionare l’improvvida condotta che ha messo a serio rischio la sicurezza pubblica e l’incolumità delle persone che si trovavano in tribuna ad assistere all’incontro di calcio. Il Provvedimento emesso dal Questore è stato limitato ad 1 solo anno in considerazione della minore età del soggetto destinatario. Quale conseguenza del DASPO il 16enne tifoso veneziano – così come i due summenzionati tifosi di Hockey –  avrà ora il divieto di accedere a tutti i luoghi in cui si svolgono manifestazioni sportive sul territorio nazionale, relativi ai Campionati nazionali professionistici e semiprofessionistici, ai tornei internazionali, agli incontri amichevoli nonché in tutti i luoghi interessati dallo svolgimento degli allenamenti delle squadre impegnate nei suddetti campionati e nelle competizioni che si svolgono nell’ambito delle attività previste dalla Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio,  ovvero Enti ed Organizzazioni riconosciuti dal Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano (CONI). Il divieto è da intendersi esteso, in occasione di ogni incontro dello sport indicato nel Provvedimento e per il periodo tra due ore prima dell'inizio e due ore dopo il termine di ciascuna manifestazione sportiva, anche alle Stazioni Ferroviarie, ai caselli autostradali, agli scali aerei, agli autogrill ed a tutti gli altri luoghi interessati alla sosta, al transito o al trasporto di coloro che partecipano o assistono alle competizioni medesime, sempre per lo stesso periodo a decorrere dalla data di notifica del presente provvedimento; in caso di inottemperanza, il trasgressore verrà denunciato all’Autorità Giudiziaria. Per luoghi interessati alla sosta, al transito ed al trasporto si intendono tutte le strade, vie, piazze limitrofe all’impianto sportivo, nel raggio di 500 metri dal perimetro esterno dello stesso. Per quanto riguarda le Stazioni Ferroviarie, caselli autostradali, scali aerei, autogrill e tutti gli altri luoghi interessati alla sosta, al transito o al trasporto di coloro che partecipano o assistono agli incontri sportivi, il divieto opera nei confronti di tutte le strutture esistenti sul territorio nazionale. “Non è possibile che chi si reca in uno stadio per assistere in tranquillità ad un evento sportivo debba correre rischi del genere a causa della sconsideratezza dei comportamenti di una esigua minoranza, ovvero assistere ad atteggiamenti provocatori palesemente contrari alla legge – ha evidenziato il Questore Sartori –. Per questi motivi ho deciso di adottare questi Provvedimenti, sperando che possano servire a rendere consapevoli questi individui di ciò che sarebbe potuto derivare dalla insensatezza dei loro comportamenti ”.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Il portiere Charlie Lindgren aiuta attivamente Washington Capitals
Questa partita è stata una sorpresa per Charlie Lindgren, che ha effettuato ben 27 parate. L'attacco dei Winnipeg Jets è stato molto feroce, ma il portiere dei Washington Capitals Charlie Lindgren non ha dato al suo avversario la possibilità di segnare. I tifosi dei Washington Capitals sono proprio dietro il loro portiere Charlie Lindgren e guardano la sua maglie hockey nhl numero 79 sul campo.
Il capitano dei Washington Capitals Alex Ovechkin non sorride felice da molto tempo e sa che lo stato del gioco della sua squadra non era buono la scorsa settimana. Non vuole che i Washington Capitals perdano i playoff per due stagioni consecutive e desidera aiutare di più la squadra. Con i Washington Capitals che affrontano i Winnipeg Jets in questa partita, Alex Ovechkin ha trovato la svolta dietro una prestazione stellare del portiere Charlie Lindgren. L'attacco dei Winnipeg Jets è stato aggressivo per tutta la partita e gli avversari hanno inaspettatamente negato loro la porta inviolata. Finché l'attacco dei Winnipeg Jets si sposterà rapidamente sui Washington Capitals, questi ultimi difenderanno davanti al portiere. Il portiere dei Washington Capitals Charlie Lindgren è grato ai suoi compagni di squadra per averlo protetto dagli infortuni. Il portiere Charlie Lindgren dà ai suoi compagni di squadra un maggiore senso di sicurezza poiché non permetterà ai suoi avversari di segnare.
Dopo la partita, Alex Ovechkin ha preso l'iniziativa di abbracciare il portiere Charlie Lindgren. Le loro maglie Washington Capitals erano l'orgoglio dei tifosi presenti sulla scena. Il tiro di Kyle Connor dei Winnipeg Jets è stato bloccato e lui e i suoi compagni di squadra hanno assistito a un'incredibile parata del portiere avversario. Questa partita ha dato fiducia al portiere dei Washington Capitals Charlie Lindgren, che ha trovato la sua forma migliore solo nella stagione regolare.
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laresearchette · 4 months
Sunday, January 07, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NETFLIX CANADA MR. D (Seasons 1-3)
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4/TSN5) 1:00pm: Falcons vs. Saints (TSN/TSN4/TSN5) 4:00pm: Bears vs. Packers (TSN/TSN5) 8:20pm: Bills vs. Dolphins
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 3:00pm: Flames vs. Chicago (TSN2) 7:00pm: Jets vs. Coyotes (SN) 8:00pm: Red Wings vs. Ducks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 6:00pm: Pelicans vs. Kings (TSN4) 8:30pm: Raptors vs. Warriors (SN1) 9:30pm: Clippers vs. Lakers
SATAN WANTS YOU (CBC) 8:00pm: The story of how a young woman and her psychiatrist ignited the global Satanic Panic with their book, "Michelle Remembers."
SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (Global) 8:00pm: Young Han Solo and his gang of smugglers devise a daring plan to steal coaxium from the planet Kessel. In need of a fast ship, Solo meets Lando Calrissian, the suave owner of the perfect vessel for the dangerous mission -- the Millennium Falcon.
EUROPE FROM ABOVE (Nat Geo Canada) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): An aerial tour of the Mediterranean reveals a lonely lighthouse and Christmas celebrations in Malta.
DR. DEATH (Showcase) 9:00pm/10:05pm (SEASON PREMIERE): In 2012, Dr. Macchiarini performs a breakthrough thoracic surgery, but some colleagues in Sweden question his science; in the present, Macchiarini operates on Hannah and becomes romantically involved with Benita, a news producer covering the surgery. In Episode Two, in 2012, Macchiarini's research gets published after his patient in Sweden is asymptomatic two months post-surgery; in the present, Hannah suffers complications; Paolo and Benita grow closer; Paolo seeks new patients to expand his practice.
SCIENCE FAIR: THE SERIES (Nat Geo Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Students begin an intense journey to ISEF; before they can advance to the international science stage, they have to compete in local fairs.
EXTREME CHINA (Nat Geo Canada) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Ben Horton travels to the Ningxia Autonomous Hui Region, located in northern China.
THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND (History Canada) 10:00pm: When the team experiences a frustrating setback, it is stunned to learn it may have led to a breakthrough discovery.
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roleplay-today · 8 months
💫 Hi hi! I’m Bebe, I’m 24, she/her pronouns, and I’m looking to write with those who are 18+ (preferably 20+) !!
I would like you to be comfortable with nsfw, as I would like to have some of that thrown in there !! I strictly play fem characters, specifically ocs, so please be comfortable with fxm and ocxcanon pairings! I DONT DOUBLE EITHER. please be aware of this.
also i write on discord privately, or tumblr through reblogs ( on my roleplay blog, raspybebe )
Some of the characters (and the fandoms I’m interested in) are as follows:
haikyuu!! - atsumu miya, bokuto koutaro, Kuroo tetsurou
Star Wars - anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, ben solo
BBCs Merlin - Sir Gwaine, Sir Lancelot
stranger things - Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove
I’m specifically looking for these AUs, as I don’t really want to write in the main universe for any of these. here are some AUs I’m interested in:
Hockey player x figure skater
Modern or fantasy
(and they were) roommates
childhood friends to lovers
University / college
If you’re interested in writing with me at all, feel free to dm me here or like this post and I’ll reach out! 💫
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glenngaylord · 1 year
Swoosh! - Film Review: Air ★★★★
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I’m not the world’s biggest sports fan, although give me two weeks of Olympic Games and I’ll watch almost every solo event. I enjoy watching people push past their own limits, seeing the years and years of training right there in the focus of their hard stares and that beautiful release when they stick their landings. Team sports, however, trigger me, sending me right back to gym class where the dumb jocks would knock me down onto the basketball court surface for a rousing game of “Trip-A-Fag”.  I’d always get up, brush myself off and adopt a “You guys!” attitude, but inside, I died just a little bit each time. So is it any wonder I can only stomach the halftime show at the Super Bowl or watch a graceful gymnast execute a perfect dismount as she vies for the gold?
 Despite all of the past trauma, I still enjoy a good sports movie. When Jimmy Chitwood promises to make that final winning shot in Hoosiers, he’s swearing a blood oath to all of us hoping for a better tomorrow. Is it possible to look at the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s entrance steps without thinking of Rocky and the promise the title character represents?
 The same feeling, I thought, must be true for any sports fan who first tried on a pair of Air Jordan sneakers and recognized what it meant to step into the shoes of the most legendary basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan. In Ben Affleck’s fifth feature as a director, Air,  he, with debuting writer Alex Convery, explores the incendiary time in 1984 when Nike sought to sign the then little known basketball player to their company, changing forever the way athletes participated in the profits of products to which they attached their names. It may be your typical David vs. Goliath story, but it’s still a tremendously fun triumph nonetheless.
 The story gets told through the lens of schlubby Sonny Vaccaro (Matt Damon, a far cry from his 2007 People magazine Sexiest Man Alive days, and relishing every bit of it), a sports marketing executive for Nike who we meet as he scouts players for his company’s flailing product line. He has a career going nowhere fast and needs to prove himself. Desperate to compete with the much more popular Adidas and Converse brands, Vaccaro faces an uphill battle when met with a dwindling budget and CEO Phil Knight (Affleck), who doesn’t think they have much of a future with basketball shoes at all. Vaccaro’s fellow marketing pals, led by the wonderfully deadpan Rob Strasser (Jason Bateman) don’t seem to have one good idea, until one evening, Vaccaro watches footage of a young Michael Jordan, replaying a particular shot over and over. Something about the way Jordan handles himself clues Vaccaro into the fact that he was witnessing a once in a generation player.
 Vaccaro springs into action willing to go all in on Jordan. He confers with fellow exec Howard White (Chris Tucker, delightful here) and decides to break some rules to get what he wants. That includes bypassing Jordan’s Agent David Falk (Chris Messina) and going straight to Michael Jordan’s parents, wonderfully played by real live spouses, Julius Tennon and Viola Davis. While Davis delivers a strong performance and gets to the heart of what really matters, that those who get taken advantage of, be they athletes, artists, writers, or any number or people who are not the 1%, deserve their share of the pie, for me, it’s Messina who nearly walks away with the whole film. His Falk, who spends most of his time on the phone, delivers some of the funniest and filthiest arias of anger I’ve heard since Paul Newman put on his hockey gear in Slap Shot. Matthew Maher also proves memorable as Peter Moore, the designer of the original Air Jordan prototype and who arguably came up with the name. His scenes crackle with the awe of a man who loves his own creativity.
 Air has that uncanny ability to maintain suspense despite the audience already knowing the outcome. The entire film has a natural quality which feels like it was made back in the 1980s, like some long lost journalistic procedural. It has this understated aesthetic thanks to Robert Richardson’s unfussy cinematography, William Goldenberg’s well-paced editing which flies by yet allows for grace notes, Francois Audouy’s perfectly muted production design, and especially Charles Antoinette Jones’ costume design, which hilariously nails every pleat on Damon’s khaki’s and every shade of purple on Affleck’s track suit.
 As we follow Vaccaro on his journey, I started to feel something for him and the other characters. Even though this is a story of a corporation trying to stay afloat and probably screw over a young fledgling athlete in the process, it spoke to me about the dream of excellence, of talent, of Black excellence, of breaking the rules to go after what you want. Every character in this films pops and has a chance to shine. Other standouts include Marlon Wayans in a brief scene as a former coach who dispenses great advice to Vaccaro, and Affleck himself, who brings a prickly yet bohemian quirkiness to his big boss character.
 If I had to gripe about anything, and I hate to because this is one funny and sweet film, it’s the fact that it has a surplus of endings and still misses out on one. Earlier in the story, Bateman’s character sets up something so emotional, I was certain it would get paid off in the end. I imagined it in my head, knowing when I saw it, I would cry. In fact, I get teary-eyed thinking about it even now. Yet, the filmmakers decided not to include it, opting instead to overplay their hand with 10 other endings. Oh well, all is forgiven when you can get a guy like me to stand up and cheer for a sports movie like Air.
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ao3--gingerrose · 1 year
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inayaluic · 1 month
seeing you tonight (it's a bad idea, right?)
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A Reylo Hockey Textfic
(WIP, Ch. 2/?)
Ben never meant to keep his identity a secret from his discord friends - especially Rey. It just sort of happened.
But now he was stuck. How was he supposed to explain that Kylo Ren was really Ben Solo - the star defenseman for the Chandrila Sabres?
Read it on AO3
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sudokulife · 2 years
Domenica 4 settembre 22 h 12 circa
Arrivato settembre purtroppo o per fortuna, si ricomincia. Ovvio non tutto ma si ricomincia per la gran parte delle cose.. novità ? Abbastanza si sia belle che schifose ma preferirei soffermarmi sulle belle per ora, già sto di merdissima ancora mi metto a scrivere le cose peggiori e mi do la zappa sui piedi da solo.. innanzitutto ho cominciato a provare a fare hockey e devo dire che mi piace da matti nonostante ci vogliano parecchi muscoli che io ancora nn ho, spero di migliorare il più possibile e al più presto ecco, poi questione gruppo di supporto si dai ci sta , ero in po timido e sulle mie ma penso che pian piano prenderò confidenza e sarà molto più scorrevole dai. Poi ultimamente sono andato al cine, cosa che nn facevo ormai da tanto e per caso ho beccato un film che mi è piaciuto un sacco e che prima o poi vorrò rivedere sicuro. Altro? Si dai mi sto ripigliando dal trauma rapina ecc e tanto altro da cui non penso mi riprenderò però vabe non ero qui per scrivere o dire cose negative sincero o che mi potessero far male dato che già ci penso costantemente quindi nulla, domani passerò in banca per controllare se è arrivata la mia carta e poi magari andrò a prendermi qualcosa al supermercato, poi dopodomani elettro cardiogramma per il certificato sportivo così poi posso andare di nuovo sul ghiaccio sta volta sul serio! Ee bu penso vada ben così perché tanto il resto fa tutto schi
Adieu Leo
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
the same far away
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CxKk2uQ
by emphemeron
Everyone knows that certain alphas get perks. So if star hockey player Ben Solo wants to use Rey as a glorified omega body pillow for his away games, it's probably going to happen.
Someone tell her that.
Or: the high school a/b/o hockey fic
Words: 2930, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - High School, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Alpha Kylo Ren, Omega Rey (Star Wars), Size Difference, Size Kink, Hockey, High School, they're both over 18 ok if that helps, slightly feral Rey, Hockey Player Ben Solo
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CxKk2uQ
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see-u-space-cow-boy · 4 years
We deserve a stand alone Rey movie🥺
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