#him saying charles lee is kinda...
sc4llywag · 2 months
Eat up babes, art coming soon 🤭
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too-deviant · 4 months
The incessant ringing of loneliness (or three weeks part two).
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Apollo!Reader
Summary: Luke is back, officially. But you can’t find it in yourself to be happy about it.
Content: angst, loser!luke makes an appearance, a lil fluff, this one is probably happier than part one
Word Count: 4k
Notes: i can’t thank you guys enough for the love on three weeks :( it really means the world, and i hope you enjoy this one too! i don’t think there’s gonna be a part 3 just because i want the rest of luke and r’s story to be up to your own interpretation - especially since his path to healing is such an important factor and it could go in any way. hope that’s ok with you guys :)
You weren’t very popular at camp.
Despite the fact that you’d been there for longer than most of its occupants, and that you’d bandaged up some of their gnarlier injuries, you just didn’t have what it took to have people know your name upon first glance.
Clarisse had her unbridled aggression — she scared people into knowing who she was. Charles Beckendorf was the guy you went to when you broke a sword and didn’t want Chiron finding out about it, plus he was six foot six and kinda hard to miss. The Stoll Twins were behind pretty much every crazy scheme that ended up in Hermes losing desert privileges. Luke was…well, he was Luke. Need I say more?
Point is, while everyone knew everyone, not everyone really knew you. They knew your face, your parentage, and your overall skill set. But they didn’t know your name, or what made you tick.
Which was fine, really. You liked the alone time you got in the infirmary when your sister would run out to gossip with her friends in Aphrodite whenever she saw them walk by. You didn’t mind that, when your cabin got their hour of free time each day, your siblings would rush off to their friends and you would simply settle down with a good book.
It’s not as if you were entirely lonely — you had your fellow Apollo kids. You, Alina and Lee bonded especially, being the older kids of the group. So you had them — the only difference was that they had other people, too.
Which, again, was fine.
Except when you started to take care of Luke, you finally felt like you had a person. You looked forward to seeing him after meals each day, and you found excuses to linger in his room whenever possible. Call it odd, but you grew to enjoy the fact that nobody else knew he was back. Because that way, you had him, he had you, and that was that.
But then Luke got better.
You didn’t even have time to worry about it — one minute you were scarfing down your breakfast, eager to bring that second plate up to the Big House, and ignoring the strange looks your siblings sent you. Then in a split moment, everyone was cheering, people were standing and suddenly you didn’t feel so crowded anymore.
You heard murmurs of excitement, but people were practically standing on the table around you — unhygienic, much? People are eating here — and you couldn’t see what they were looking at. You tugged on your brother’s leg and he glanced down at your raised brow, then he said, “Luke’s back!”
It was like you were sucked back in time. No — it was like you were sitting in a waiting room, shivering from the cold breeze that whisked in through the automatic doors. And then the doors closed, and you could release the tension in your body because the warmth was already reaching your fingers — only for someone to walk past and make the doors open again, sending the sharp sting of the cold right back to where it was before.
Yes. That’s what it was — the warmth Luke’s eyes on you had provided was suddenly ripped completely from you the second your brother's words reached your ears. Replaced with the blistering cold of nobody ever knowing your name.
So it was back to normal for you. The normal you had grown accustomed to — the normal you liked. The normal you thought you liked, anyway. 
You didn’t even catch a glimpse of Luke’s face as you stood and left the Pavilion, focusing on the floor beneath your feet rather than the crowd forming around him. Oh, but you couldn’t forget that he was back, it was all anybody could talk about. Once they’d done the math and realised he was the patient you’d been taking care of for three weeks, you locked yourself in your cabin to avoid all the questions, and didn’t see him until the very next day. 
The chatter of Luke’s return had died down when you woke up the next morning — a little later than you usually did, Lee having to shake you so you wouldn’t miss breakfast. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and pulled a clean camp shirt over your head, stumbling a little due to the fact that you hadn’t fully woken up yet. 
When you were ready, Lee was waiting by the door. A few of your siblings were still getting themselves into a line after his loud Fall in! had woken them up, so you had time to stretch your arms and let out a sigh once you had taken your place beside him. You and Alina always walked with him to mealtimes, even though neither of you were counsellors, and you greeted her with a smile. 
The air was stuffy again — so much so that even Lee let out a wince when the shining glow of the front door hit his eyes. Then he stepped out of the cabin — his usual routine of checking the garden and cabin for pranks before letting them out coming into play. But he stopped. 
He swung his head back at you, brows raised and smile growing, “Luke’s back.”
Out of instinct, you rolled your eyes, “Pretty sure we all know that, already.”
“Yeah, but —“ He turned fully then, hands on the doorframe and grin shining, “He’s back, which means the Hermes kids are finally under control again, which means we don’t have to worry about being pranked first thing in the morning!”
“Holy crap.” Alina was grinning now, both of your siblings looking at you and each-other with this excited expression that made you sort of angry – why are they perceiving Luke? They’re not allowed. 
You huffed a sigh as Lee started to lead the line outside, “He got back yesterday, there’s no way he’s already –”
But he was. As you stepped into the sun, the skin on your thighs already forming an uncomfortable layer of sweat, you looked to where the Hermes cabin was filing out of their door, led by the one and only Luke Castellan. You paused. 
He’d been back a day. Sure, his scar had healed nicely, but it was only three days ago that he was struggling to hold his own in a sword fight – if he was back to his counsellor duties, was he going back to teaching sword fighting? You were unsure he should even be in charge of all those Hermes and unclaimed kids so soon, but going back to teaching only days after coming back to camp? There was no way he was ready for that.
Should you say something? Or would he dismiss you, now that he was done with you?
You watched as he walked with Chris, chatting idly as if nothing was wrong. But you saw Chris glance occasionally at the jagged line through his brother’s eye, and you saw Luke attempt to ignore it. 
Should you say something?
You tripped. You were so busy staring creepily at Luke that you tripped over your own feet and tumbled into Lee’s back. He stumbled slightly but righted himself with a huff and a chuckle, turning and asking if you were alright. 
But you had looked straight back in Luke’s direction – he was still talking to Chris. He wasn’t looking at you. 
He wasn’t your person anymore.
Luke was unsure. 
Which didn’t happen often — as one of the oldest campers, and the one everyone else looked to in times of peril, it was sort of essential for him to be sure. He needed to know what to do, to have a solution for every situation, and to be completely calm about it. Otherwise, camp would go to shit. 
That much was obvious — he didn’t know why you hadn’t told him this in the three weeks you spent together, but camp had turned itself upside down in his absence. Apparently nobody was prepared for him to be gone for so long, and they kind of all lost their shit. 
He was happy to be back, don’t get him wrong. He lit up when he saw his brother’s faces again, when he felt their arms wrap around him. He laughed when Travis joked about thinking he was dead, and when Connor quipped that the camp was seconds away from starting a revolution. He nodded at Chiron, smiled amusedly when Mr D rolled his eyes, he scooped Annabeth into his arms, whispered to her that yes, he was alive, and he let himself be whisked to his table, the crowd following like moths to a flame. 
It was slightly overwhelming, but he was well-equipped to deal with it. He liked the feeling — if he ignored the throbbing on the side of his face, it could be like he’d never even left. The quest never happened, the dragon never happened, and people are just happy to see him because he’s their counsellor. Of course they would be. Everything was fine. 
Everything was fine — so he ignored the urge to scan his eyes across the crowd in search of a familiar head of hair. He stopped himself from glancing at the Apollo table, from looking in Lee’s direction, just in case he wasn’t standing alone. 
Because he didn’t need you anymore. Not that he didn’t appreciate all you did for him, but the healing was done. He was better, he was back at camp — he was Luke Castellan again. If he looked for you, if he met those eyes and returned that smile, it would be admitting defeat. Admitting that he wasn’t better, that he still needed his doctor. 
But he didn’t. Because he was back, baby! And he didn’t need to think about that stupid quest, his stupid dad, or his stupid scar ever again. 
He had a short chat with Chiron, who looked a little uneasy when he expressed his readiness to get back to camp duties. He told him that it was fine if he needed time to settle in, but Luke was firm. He didn’t need to settle, he didn’t need to wait. So Chiron sighed, and told him to escort his cabin to the climbing walls for their morning session. 
And that’s how the rest of the day went — climbing wall, arts and crafts cabin, strawberry fields, archery practice. Luke did it all, just like he used to before he left. If people would just stop looking at his damn scar, maybe he could pretend he never left at all. If they stopped murmuring about him being the secret camper, hidden from them this whole time, he could avoid thinking about you and the sweet touch of your fingers on his face. 
The fact that he hadn’t seen you at all since his return helped him on that front — you weren’t around at breakfast, lunch or dinner. You weren’t in the infirmary whenever he peeked through the windows. You weren’t with the rest of your cabin when they were paired with Hermes for hand-to-hand defence practice. 
Not that he was looking for you, or anything.  
“Hey, man.” Chris clapped him on the shoulder as they walked up to breakfast. It had officially been twenty-four hours since Luke’s return, and the chatter had died down significantly. That was good for him, helped him ignore the fact that he was ever not there. 
All he had to do was keep his eyes off you — who had magically reappeared in camp — as you also walked up to breakfast, the Apollo kids trailing behind you, Lee and Alina. 
“Listen, you did great yesterday.” His brother was saying, and he zoned in on it. “It was like you never left.”
Cool, that was the plan. 
“But it’s sword fighting today.” 
Luke raised a brow, “So?”
“So…” Chris sang, awkwardly waving a hand, “You don’t have to jump right back into training us, is what I’m saying.”
He scoffed, running a hand through us curls, “Nah, bro, I’m good.”
“Are you sure? Because —“
“Y’know, Chris,” Luke sent his brother a cheeky look as they took their seats around the Hermes table, “if you’re scared to get back to my gruelling training sessions, just say that.”
Chris’ face fell, appalled, and he put a hand on his chest, “Scared? Dude, you’re the one who should be scared. I’ve gotten good since you’ve been gone.”
And there it was — a reminder that it wasn’t the same. That he couldn’t pretend he had never left, because nobody else was. Whatever, it’d be fine. A couple of weeks and this would all blow over and he would never have to think about it again. 
The Amphitheatre, unlike the rest of the camp amenities, was familiar to him. He didn’t need to stand and take it all in like he did with everywhere else, because he’d been here not even a week ago with —
No. Stop. You aren’t in his life anymore. He never went on his quest. Everything is how it should be. 
The kids gathered around him were letting off a range of emotions as Luke stood before them, sword in hand. The younger ones were giddy, eager to get back to training with their favourite teacher. Some of the older ones, however, were only slightly confused that he’d bounced back so quickly. If he had to spend three weeks in the Big House before even going outside, was he ready to jump right back into sword training? Maybe he’d go easier on them today, take it slow. 
“Alright — if there’s anything I've learnt over the years, it’s that sword fighting is all about reflexes. So, today, we will be working on y’all’s dodging skills. Oliver, get up here!”
Luke was back on Mount Tamalpais. The fiery breath Ladon was shooting at him seared his skin and burnt holes into his shirt. He was ducking out of the way, but there was no room to breathe when another one of his hundred heads came at him with a fierce snarl. His sword felt useless in his hands, every swing being deflected and every jab proving useless compared to the dragon's swift movements. 
He blinked, and he was back at camp. Sparring with an unclaimed kid who’s name was lost on him. Sweat dripped down his brows but he wiped it away with shaky fingers. He gave an off-handed comment on the kids form before calling a water break. 
“Yo— woah, man!” 
Chris looked wide-eyed at Luke. He had tapped him gently on the shoulder and he had responded with an aggressive swing towards him. He stepped out of the arc just in time, but Luke still dropped the sword like it had burnt him. He stepped back, hands shaking, and stared at the ground. 
It was odd — being at Archery in the mornings. You’d spent three weeks skipping the hour in favour of taking food to Luke and ensuring his dressings were changed. Which for most cabins, was what? Three classes a week? 
Not for the Apollo kids — who have always and will always have their first hour spent on the Archery fields. Mainly because it’s when the sun is rising, shining on them in the early mornings and giving them their power to hit the bullseye. You included, even if healing was more your purview. 
So you’d missed probably around twenty classes, give or take a few. Your form was, well, subpar at best. Lee had to spend the entire hour making sure you didn’t accidentally hit one of your siblings — and that was after he had to re-teach you the basics. 
You probably would’ve been better had you not been so distracted — your mind whirring with thoughts of Luke. You wished your brain would just leave it alone, but apparently you weren’t done mulling over the situation. You wanted to slap yourself across the face and say hey, idiot. The three weeks is up, he’s healed. It’s over. But your siblings would probably look at you weird, so you decided against it. 
Instead, you threw yourself into your duties. Archery was a bump in the road, but now you were smooth sailing. You didn’t focus on anything else but what you had to do that day — not taking a moment to breathe because if you did that, you’d start thinking about Castellan again. You didn’t want that, you really didn’t want that. 
It was going really well, too. But then Chiron just had to interrupt your canoeing session, asking you to clear out any medical supplies you left over in the spare room of the Big House since nobody was staying there anymore.
Oh, great. You were thinking about him again. 
And then all the thoughts you’d been suppressing since ten in the morning were overflowing your head, and you thought you might have had to ask Mr D if you were going mad because when you cracked open the door and peeked your head in, Luke was sitting on the edge of the bed like usual and you had to blink to make the hallucination go away. 
Except it didn’t go away. Instead it looked at you and smiled, “Hi.”
Your lips parted, and you stepped in. Your eyebrows curved in on themselves, “Uh, hey. What are you…”
You were still about seventy percent sure that he wasn’t real, but nobody was there to listen to you talk to air, so you replied anyway. Luke clicked his tongue, let out a chuckle, then sighed, “I don’t think I can do it.”
Okay, fifty percent sure. 
“Do what?”
“Go back out there.” He gestured a hand to the window that pointed outside, although it was still covered with the curtain. “I thought…I dunno, I guess I got too excited yesterday. Thought I was ready to jump back into it.”
You stepped fully through the threshold, and he followed you with his eyes as you walked over to the desk. Nothing but a few spare bandages that you scooped into your arms before looking back at him. You tilted your head, “Healing isn’t linear. It’s perfectly normal to feel like you’re on top of the world one day and then like it’s crumbling around you the next.”
He stood, walked over to you. Thirty percent. 
“I don’t want to disappoint them.” 
“You won't.” You shook your head, “You made a big step, coming back to camp. That's it for now, you don’t need to take any more big steps for a while.”
He nodded, “No more big steps.”
“Not until you’re ready.”
Luke’s hands reached out, taking the bandages from where you cradled them to your chest. He put them back onto the desk behind you. Ten percent. 
His eyes bore into yours, “I don’t think I’m done healing.”
You shook your head surely, “I don’t think you are, either. And that’s okay.” 
He nodded, lips clicking when he parted them, “Which means you’re not allowed to leave me yet. You have to stay with me until I’m fully better.”
You shook your head then, stammering, “It’s — that’s not how it works. What you went through, it — you might not ever be fully better.” 
But Luke just nodded like he knew that already, taking a step closer, “I think I’m okay with that.”
“Oh.” You didn’t know what else to say. What the hell do you say to that? “Okay.”
He nodded, pressing his lips together, “So you’re not gonna leave me.”
Five percent.
A shake of your head, “Not until you ask me to.”
He wrapped his arms around you, and you froze. Okay, he was real. He was really there. You were sure. You hugged him back — he buried his face into your neck and whispered something about you never leaving him again and you whispered something in return about how you wouldn’t dream of it.
So, apparently, you severely underestimated what it was like to be friends with Luke.
You’d thought about it — of course you had. You would imagine what perfect golden boy Luke Castellan was like when he didn’t have to be a perfect golden boy. When he could just be a boy, hanging out with his friends like a normal person would. What jokes did he tell? Did he still keep up that Luke Castellan Grin or did he relax into an easy smirk? Did he make his friends follow the rules even when they were alone? Did he follow the rules when he was alone?
You wondered, although you never thought you’d actually find out. But he’d made it clear you were never leaving his side so long as he still needed you — and he was sticking to that. Firmly.
The summer sun was hot on your back — only this time your dad seemed to be going easy on you, as you weren’t completely uncomfortable under the warm cotton of your camp shirt. You still wafted it every now and then, proving some cool air to your chest, but overall you were feeling good.
You walked into the Amphitheatre with the rest of your siblings — who were less than amused that, despite Luke’s return to camp, Tyler P from the Hephaestus cabin was still running sword fighting practice. They heaved themselves onto the tiered seats with dramatic groans, but he simply grinned at them.
You paused from where you were about to sit down next to Alina when a waving hand caught your peripheral. It was Luke, tucked into the very top corner of the steps, smiling at you from the shadows.
“What the hell are you doing?” You asked when you reached him, raising your brow in amusement. He patted the spot next to him and you sat down, just as Tyler began to talk. Luke leaned in.
“I’m watching.” He muttered into your ear, then he smirked at you, “You can’t stop me from doing that.”
“I wasn’t going to.” You murmured, leaning back on your elbows and watching as your siblings paired up reluctantly. “Thanks for pulling me away, though. Gives me an excuse not to take part.”
Luke huffed a laugh, “He can’t be that bad, right?”
“Just you wait.” You smirked.
Turns out, Tyler was that bad. Every ‘new skill’ he tried to teach them either (a) they already knew, something Luke liked to whisper at you with a shake of his head, or (b) he couldn’t even do it himself, let alone teach others how to. Another thing Luke commented on from where he sat beside you, hands aching to get in there and show him what was what.
“Just one tip, and then I’ll go.�� He begged under his breath as Tyler dropped his sword for the umpteenth time. “Please.”
“No.” You didn’t even look at him, “Because one tip turns into a demonstration. And a —“
“— a demonstration turns into a class, yeah yeah.” He rolled his eyes, but you just grinned at him. He smiled, “You’re mean.”
“I know.” You said in a faux-sympathetic tone. You pouted at him, “I’m just so cruel, aren’t I?”
His eyes narrowed, and his mouth stretched into a disbelieving grin, “Damn, doc. What happened to you?”
You scoffed amusedly, “You did.”
His mouth dropped open and you smiled, looking away. He poked your side and you shuffled away with a giggle, attempting to ignore his riled up smile. He didn’t relent, for every inch you moved away from him, he scooted right back towards you. You looked at him with a narrowed gaze, “I miss when you were too miserable to talk to me.”
“No you don’t.” He shook his head. He was right, you didn’t.
He let out a slow breath through his nose, and you felt it on your face. That was when you realised how close your faces were — mere centimetres apart. You swallowed thickly, but you didn’t move away. Luke’s smile stretched, and his hand began to inch up your arm.
You squinted, “What are you doing?”
It was his turn to feign confusion, pulling his lips into the same pout you did only moments earlier, “What are you talking about?”
His hand was at your elbow now, sliding higher. You shook your head, a minute movement, “Doctor Patient Fraternising isn’t allowed.”
He gasped, pulling his hand back in favour of placing it dramatically against his chest, “It’s not?”
“Nope.” You grinned amusedly, “Sorry.”
“Damn.” He leaned back, glancing at you for a second before looking back towards Tyler’s shitshow of a sword lesson, “Guess I’ll have to get another doctor.”
You snorted, “You’re a loser.”
You stood up and went to rejoin your siblings, and Luke shouted after you, “I’m your loser!”
“What was that?” Lee asked when you stopped beside him.
“What? Oh,” You glanced back at where Luke was sat, and he averted his gaze from where he had been looking at you. You looked up at your brother, “He’s just happy to be back, is all.”
He chuckled, “Sure.”
Whatever. He was your person again and Lee could suck your dick if he had anything to say about it.
🏷️ @aceofswordsandarrows @cowsandcomics @number-onekidqueen @kestisvrse @m00ng4z3r @mischiefmoons @how2besalty @iinlovewithfictionalppl @lilacspider @l0ve-dov3 @coffi-cake @ironmanbaldes @onecojg @hiraethavis @freaking0utficrecs @delphifarms @wildlyfreemoon @candylandy8173 @sinnercry @featherofthecrow @babellucci @telliette @totallynotnic
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Chucky Lee Ray x Reader || Drabble
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Plot: When you come home from a really terrible date who definitely expects to be invited in, you do something Kinda Sneaky... and say you live with your brother and, oops! You forgot your key!!- and knock on the apartment next to yours, acting like this one is yours. Chucky's apartment.
Warnings: N/A.
Knock knock. No answer.
Knock knock knock. No answer.
Humming nervously, because why the hell why isn't he answering?? Please be home, Chucky, p l e a s e- "He must have his headphones on, the dumbass." You throw back to your date, Hank, rolling your eyes like 'brothers, huh?'.
"Hey, if you cant get it, you can always come back to my place?"
"Oh thats nice of you- " Knockknockknockknockknockknockknockknockknockknock-
"Bro!" You exclaim in a loud, totally-fake greeting as soon as the door flies open and reveals Charles Lee Ray, looking as if you just woke him up, his hair in his dark eyes and a beer-stained, moth-eaten white t-shirt on that completely washes him out and makes him look like Samara Morgan (Sweet jesus, if you weren't so desperate to get away from Hank, you would be terrified of this nightmare look). His face twists into grumpy, tired confusion but before he can ask you what the hell you're talking about- you slip your arms around his waist and squeeze him in a hug. "Play along." Dear god, play along.
When you pull back, a hostage-smile pasted to your face standing there with Hank behind you looking bored and annoyed (And wearing a stained t-shirt of his own- under a date blazer), the cranky frown on his face upturns into a smirk. Oh~
You hope to god thats a good smirk and your annoying neighbour is not about to screw you.
Its not like Hank is dangerous, or t h r e a t e n i n g, at all- no. He's fine. But after 4 hours of talking about his fucking car, and The Big Bang Theory (How funny Howard Walowitz is in the first seasons and how misunderstood he is with women- jesus), and meeting his mother at the start-- you are DONE!!
You're up to hear with him and Chucky, as annoying and rude as he is, suddenly feels like a great alternative! At least if you went out with him tonight, you might've gotten a good buzz out of it. Hank took you to a Chuck E Cheese, and he didn't bring a flask.
When Chucky leans against the door and makes room for you to slip by, smirking dangerously at your date, you happily go into his apartment. You never wanted to get in there so bad, before. You never wanted to go in there, period, before today. But now it feels like sanctuary. "So... you're the guy that took out Y/N tonight."
Oh no- he's still talking. Why on earth is Chucky still talking-
"-Yeah thats him!" You cut in, before flashing Hank a bright smile and a waive. "I had a great time- bye Hank!" Please go. Please go. Please go now-
Before your date can leave and you can never see him again, Chucky stops him- and when you glance at his face, you can see an even broader, more mischievous smirk on him. Oh no. "Hold on there, man, wait. I gotta make sure you're alright, don't I??"
"No, bro, you don't." You say pointedly, making Chucky turn that nefarious, lascivious grin onto you for a moment.
"Hehe... I think I do."
Through grit teeth, you beseech him. "Fight the urge." Or, well- beg him. You're begging. You're absolutely begging.
Because wherever Chucky is going to take this, is not going to be good, especially with that evil twinkle in his pale blue eyes. "What kinda brother would I be if I didn't check him?"
"The best brother in the world."
"Ahhhhh... you're just sayin' that. Hey Hank- " When you both turn back to the hallway and see that Hank is, actually, gone-- you're equally baffled and relieved. Thank god, but... when did he leave??? Chucky, on the other hand, pouts. "Damn. ... Maybe he wasn't that into you."
While rolling your eyes, you catch sight of a black object plainly sticking out of Chucky's pyjama pants. "Or maybe he saw the gun tucked into your pants! Is that loaded!??"
"... no."
"No!??" That did not sound definitive!!
"Well yeah, of course it is. But here's the thing, doll. Guess what?" You're about to ask a put-out and huffy 'what?', when Chucky pulls the door to his apartment abruptly closed; standing far too close to you and looking at you in that lecherous Chucky-way that makes you feel so small and squirrelly. Wait- "Look at that?~ You're all mine, all of a sudden~ Hehe,"
As you stand there, half scared/half... something else, you wonder dumbly how and when did you lose control of this situation-
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blackphanto · 2 months
Chucky predictions
I wanna make Chucky theories so bad, but I can't think of any! This show is so crazy that I can't even predict or speculate on what could happen next. There are some people teasing on twitter though and all they've been doing is making me even more hyped for how this season is going to end. So here are some of my predictions based on everything that's been teased so far.
Jake will enter the spirit realm:
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I don't think he's necessarily going to die, but he's so fixated on ending Chucky for good to the point where he refused to run away from it all like Devon suggested. And we've heard the doctor, the only way you get to the spirit realm is by dying, but what if you didn't need to die? I believe that thanks to all the supernatural shit occurring there, the White House will become some sort of passage between the two realms. Jake will cross it to try and destroy Charles' soul, but if he will fail or succeed is still debatable...
Caroline helps Chucky get young again:
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If Jake fails in permanently killing Chucky, Caroline will come to the rescue. We know she'll be back, but what role will she play in this mess? When she'll return, all hell already would've broken loose and she'll just make it worse. Her sudden entrance at the White House will cause quite the emotional reunion for Lexi and her. Yet, Caroline didn't come alone. Armed with the Voodoo for Dummies book, sure, but she brought another friend, who's none other than the Good Guy Doll creator played by John Waters. He came with a new doll, a new vessel for Charles and with Caroline's newfound knowledge of Voodooism, she'll get Damaballa's blessings and give Chucky a new body, a new chance to not disappoint the almighty Iowa and if he plays his cards right, he might even become forever young.
Grant will survive:
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I don't have any evidence to back this up, I just like him and think it's unfair that Lexy always has to say goodbye to someone she loves each season and I just don't want it to happen again. From a psychology standpoint it just desensitized her and would lead to her not getting attached to anyone else besides Jake & Devon next season, in fear of someone else always having to die because of her. And from a writing perspective it just gets repetitive, predictable and boring. So please Don Mancini don't kill him, also I love Jackson Kelly.
The past will haunt everyone:
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Charles Lee Ray isn't the only ghost the Terror Trio will have to deal with in the newly supernatural possessed White House. We've seen the past of the Collins family haunt them time and time again, we've seen Henry talk about ghosts and fearing what they told him almost every single episode. Why would that stop at Joseph or Charles? Wouldn't it be horrible for our trio to be faced with the lives they lost thanks to a doll they couldn't stop? How would Jake react upon seeing his father again, disappointed at him for being gay. And Lexy, the poor girl, facing Junior, the boy she watched die, trying to save her... Not making at least one ghost of the past come back would be a wasted opportunity.
Tiffany will survive, but Jennifer's body might not:
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Tiffany's possible death has been brought up in every interview Jennifer Tilly made following the comeback of Chucky season 3. At this point it even became a ‘will they, won't they’ situation. Does Mancini really have the guts to kill off a cult favorite character and actress he loves so much? Or will we just say goodbye to seeing Tilly on screen and welcome only her voice? I mean the trailer kinda made it clear for me that this isn't the end of Tiffany's story, but maybe that of Jennifer's body.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 1 month
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Eleven. "Trying To Get Settled."
I know a bit late today but here is today's addition to Multi-May! The long awaited update to Through The Heart Is The Only Way! Sorry for the eight fucking month long hiatus, but we are back! Hopefully updates will be more frequent from here on out! Series Masterlist is here. Hope you all enjoy this and find it worth the wait! Also partly inspired by me going to my first gay club last summer.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 4K. Charles Lee Ray/Tiffany Ray Valentine/FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Stressed And Anxious Reader. Drinking. Softness. Making Out. Fingering. Implied Threesome.
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The rest of the shift goes by in a blur. Rachel stays behind after close, you and your coworkers sit, huddled around a table, all the other ones already wiped down, chairs upside down on top of them, hushed tones as you try to comfort her. Logan makes drinks, the lights are low as you all talk it over, trying to make her feel better. By night's end she looks less shaken, you and Jackson walk to the train station, hand in hand. 
You hold his hand very tightly, fingers interlaced, you wonder if your grip makes his knuckles ache. You walk with him and the air feels a bit tense. Jackson and you talk about anything and just about everything, filling the spaces with whatever else mundane shit that you can. When finally on the train platform, a moment of silence has overtaken. You are the one to break it. You ask quietly into the cold, breath fogging in front of your face, “Why am I so scared right now?”
Jackson’s head turns, so does yours, he looks down as you look up and concern has painted his features, his mouth opens and then closes. He seriously considers what to say before responding, “Because it’s normal. It’s really normal to be scared by this kinda thing, Rach was…She was freaking out, and we care about her, so we are freaked out too.”
You know it’s more than that, you are sure Jackson knows it is more than that, too. You remember a conversation you had with him over a year ago where he confessed to you his own story similar to the one you had about Trent.
It was winter back then too, it was cold, you and he were having a drink post work, crowded around a table, hoping the snow died down a bit before leaving as he filled you in. Jackson told you about some guy who came onto him and then, asshole that he was, got violent with him after, making claims that he “wasn’t really like that” and blaming it all on him, that Jackson was asking for it on and on. You held his hand and listened intently over half drunk cocktails and didn’t judge him, handing over a napkin for him to wipe his eyes. 
It was totally unfair bullshit. 
What happened with Rachel is another fucking reminder that this job is a touch more dangerous than you’d like. It reminds you that there are total fucking jerks at every turn, whether it be customers who treat you like shit and less than human, or even some of the good ones could be at the mercy of similarly terrible treatment. You love your job most of the time, but it is exhausting on nights like this.
You rest your head on Jackson’s shoulder, and he says as he leans his head on yours, “She is going to be okay. I am going to be okay, and so are you.” 
Your mind wanders to them, thoughts flood your brain of your newly minted boyfriend and girlfriend. You worry. What if something were to happen to them? What would you do? Your heart is beating out of your chest and your palms are sweaty, you are thankful for the gloves you wore, that Jackson couldn’t feel how slick your hands were and feel in turn your massive anxiety. Christ you are being crazy you just started dating them, you need to reel in your emotions right now, this is an outlier of a situation, this is fine, you are fine. You shake off the bad thoughts and look back up at him, a quick glance as you make the decision to try and believe him, you say, “Yeah you’re probably right. Thanks.”
Jackson smiles. It doesn’t reach his eyes. “You’re welcome.”
You stand in heavy silence once more, both your eyes and his staring forward until the train comes. When it does arrive you part from Jackson reluctantly, waves and promises to see each other the next day at work again. The ride feels too long, when you come to your stop you race home and once there you have trouble sleeping, when you eventually attempt to. 
Tossing and turning, sleep claims you after quite some time. 
Over the course of the next few days, you slowly start to calm down, but you are still on edge, the knowledge of what happened to Randall poking at the back of your mind, reminders cropping up at inopportune moments and giving you small setbacks. You should be over this, it’s been a long time, why is this sticking with you so badly?
There was no news.
You’d see Rachel at work and meet her eyes and she’d know what you were going to ask, she’d shake her head and your look would turn from pleading to know what she did, to instead sympathetic as your stomach turned and heart ached for her. 
It’s late, it’s after work on a different day, you need some serious stress relief, Jackson had the day off and so you didn’t have accompaniment to the train station, too alone with your thoughts at the moment. You can’t keep feeling like this, you can’t keep hiding, so you make the decision to do something for yourself, try to feel a bit better. 
You go to your favourite rink. 
Winter is slowly on the way out, the extreme storm is beginning to thaw, this will probably be your last skate of the season. The rink is closed this late, you weren’t planning on this and don’t have your skates, so you snagged a pair that other people would pay to rent, no one was around, not like you’d get caught. You find your size easily under the open air renting counter, and soon you are at a bench, boots off and lacing the skates up. 
Your bag is left near the bench, and you make your way out onto the ice. You start to skate, gliding on the ice easily, it’s quiet, cloudy but not snowing, it’s very still and the only sound is metal on frozen water and your breath. Mind turns to them as you turn on the ice, the last time you were here was on your date, you smile, lips turning up as you recall how shitty Chucky was at skating, how he had to cling to you and Tiff to stay upright. You wonder if you will still be together to do that again next winter, maybe you can teach your new boyfriend a thing or two. 
You pick up the pace, skating faster, sharper turns, you enjoy the speed, the wind on your face, the chill and then the silence and rhythm you had gotten into before it is broken, a call of, “Hey!”
It makes you stop short, ice shavings kicked up from the abrupt halt, a turn of your head towards the voice and look who it is, boots crunching through snow, tight jeans, a fashionable jacket and that familiar blonde head of hair with a warm smile. 
You skate up as she reaches the edge of the rink, she holds her hands out, and you take them, a quick glance and no one is around, so you do it. Leaning in, she meets you in the middle, she kisses you and the cold of the night is forgotten. The bliss is short-lived, but it is a balm to your frayed nerves and calming to your rushing mind. You pull back, smile stretching wider as you say softly, finally returning her greeting, “Hi.”
You squeeze her hands and ask, “What are you doing out?”
“Coming back from seeing a friend, just cutting through the park on the way home-” She leans closer while looking in your eyes she jokes, “-probably a bad idea with all the news lately.” 
You stiffen immediately and without meaning to, your smile faltering a little. The reminder isn’t helpful, it’s well after midnight, and you are skating alone in a park, it’s asking for fucking trouble. Gaze has dropped, and your mind is churning, one of her hands releases yours and cups your cheek, tilting you to look at her again, “Hey, you okay?”
You bite your bottom lip, and you know that you should be honest, if you can’t be with your girlfriend than who could you be? You spill, “I’ve been having some stress lately, not been feeling the best, just kinda, bogged down.”
“Oh sweetheart.” She hums, she pulls you into a hug, arms tight around you, “I am so sorry.” 
You slip your arms around her, return the affection, and melt into her closer. God, you needed this, needed her, you had really been missing her without realizing it. The smell of lingering cigarette smoke and her favored perfume has become an intimate comfort, mixing with the winter night air, it’s more than welcome, it was craved. Eventually she pulls back, her hands on your arms, and she says, “I think you need some help with your stress and if there is one thing I am good at, it’s relieving stress.”
A small laugh bubbles out of you, “Okay, doctor Valentine, what do you recommend?”
“I’m gonna take you out, night on the town just you and me, a special date.” She offers, and you ask, intrigued, “A special date?”
“Yeah! I know a great club, I think a night to cut loose would do you good.” Her eyes were alight with mischief, she seemed excited and honestly, so were you at the idea, your first official date out with her being your girlfriend. It had been forever since you’d gone out to a club, last time was probably before you started working at one, the idea of going out to one with her sounded like just what you needed. 
“Tiffany, that sounds amazing, I’d love that.” You tell her sincerely, and she makes a sound of pure delight, it’s adorable,  “Yessss! When is your next day off?”
You tell her and the date is set for then. You end up taking your skates off and returning them, she walks you to your train station as you talk and get caught up on the past few days she had, and then she bids you goodnight, leaving you excited about your next night off.
Tiffany came by to get you as opposed to you meeting her out and that felt nice, not like you didn’t like going to her, but getting picked up was still special and an appreciated gesture. 
You’d seen her dressed up for clubbing before, obviously, the many times she came to your work, this was just a touch different, almost hard to put your finger on, but then it clicks. She is wearing things you’ve complimented on her previously. The instances flit over your mind, times you’ve told her particular hem lines or cuts look good, what colours you think look best on her skin and further, she absorbed every sweet word, took it to heart and was dressed not explicitly for you, she was still dressed like herself, but had just taken what you’d expressed that you liked and applied it. Her coat was open at the moment, leather gloves on her hands to combat the cold outside your apartment building, the skirt was tight, the top was flattering, the belt sitting on her hips was more decorative than to help keep anything on, and you wanted to dip your fingers in the shiny chains and tug her close to kiss her, ruin the pretty lipstick she wore. 
Your arms open, lean close, inviting her in, the hallway is empty, and she takes you up on it, the hug is nice, the kiss is nicer, you breathe the compliment as your lips break apart, “You’re stunning.” 
“And you’re sweet.” She hums, pulling back she tells you, “And you’re one to talk, you look incredible, angel.” 
You preen under her praise, you had purposefully made sure to wear something different from what you usually did to work, typically dark colours and clothing designed to get boat loads of tips as opposed to something that reflected your personal style, not tonight. Now you’d chosen something with colour, a dress that was well suited to go out, on the tighter side, you felt good in it and hoped it’d invite her to touch, give her that same craving you found yourself always infected with when near her. 
“You ready to go?” She asked, and you nodded, your own coat was shrugged on, purse over your shoulder, and you closed the door, she stood next to you as you locked the door. Soon you and her were walking down the hall, headed to the stairs, and you asked, “So where you taking me?”
“I told you already, M’ taking you to a club, gorgeous.” She teased, and you laughed slightly, “Yeah I know that, but what club?”
She refused to tell you, not until you were there. The club entrance was a little hard to find, well it would have been hard to find if you were trying to get there solo just off the address information, Tiffany seemed to know just where it was, the front of the building was dark, a single light over the metal industrial looking door with one person standing out front to let people in. 
You were ushered in with no issue, the music now reaching you once the door was opened, you check your coats and let her lead you deeper into the bar, coming near the end of the darker hallway you ask, “You finally gonna tell me what is so special about this place?” 
In a moment of ridiculously perfect timing, you come around the corner, the music gets louder, the lights are bright, and you see the crowd, people close together, dancing and as your eyes struggle to adjust, she leans closer. Next, she is saying into your ear so you could hear over the thrum, “It’s a gay bar.” 
Holy fucking shit. 
What that means hits immediately, you can act like any other couple, can act like her and Chucky do out at your work or how you and her do in private, you can hold her hand and kiss her and more without worry. A full on date without restrictions in public. You had no idea this was possible for you and her.
You were so happy you could hardly stand it, you threw your arms around her neck and hugged her tightly to you, “Oh my God, are you serious?!”
She laughs, her hands rest on your waist before sliding slowly over your lower back, hugging you as she responds, “As the dead, beautiful.” 
You pull back, hands on her shoulders as you say, “Well c’mon, I don’t want to waste any time.”
Tiffany grins and let's go of you, taking your hand she leads you deeper inside. First order of business was getting you both a drink, you pass through the moving bodies on the dance floor towards the bar. You stand next to her, fingers lacing together with hers as you observe the people nearby, you try not to stare any place for too long, which is easy because you can’t help moving from one person to the next. You see couples not unlike Tiffany and yourself, groups of friends, easy displays of intimacy in any and every direction, it makes you feel warm and affectionate. You lean closer to her, press a kiss to her cheek, and she turns her head, saying, “You can do better than that, can’t you?”
You take her hint, the hand that wasn’t currently holding hers coming up, fingers stroke over her impossibly soft cheek, and you lean in, soon kissing her. She kisses you back, the taste of her lipstick and faint cigarettes greets you, it is easy to get swept up in it, in her, you can’t believe you can do this in a crowded public place. One thing snaps you out of it, namely a person misjudging how close they were to you, accidentally bumping into you, the kiss breaks and the person says, with a wave, “Sorry!” 
The stupid grin takes over your face, you squeeze Tiffany’s hand and say, “No problem.” 
And there really wasn’t. Just the fact that it has the potential to happen, a totally harmless and innocuous annoyance of someone accidentally interrupting you kissing your girlfriend, is a fantastic change of pace. You would gladly take it over trying to steal small moments of affection, terrified of someone seeing you and outing yourselves.
You get your drinks after that, fruity cocktails that Tiffany selected, you end up at a standing table near the dance floor, it is hard to talk over the thrum of the music, but you are just giddy to be out with her. After the first drink you can’t help it, pulling her out onto the floor, the music isn’t even necessarily to your taste but who gives a fuck about that when she is pressed against you like she is at this moment. The smile on her face is infectious, the sway of her hips captivating, and the mood is undeniably high. You realize you’ve only ever watched Tiffany dance before this, never had the opportunity to dance with her and God, you need to go out clubbing more often for the chance to. 
You love the time you spend with her and Chucky together but getting to have her to yourself is addicting, how she brushes hair aside to whisper in your ear, leading you as you dance, you find yourself forgetting your stress, all your problems seem so far away. 
After getting both of you another drink, you come back to someone hitting on Tiffany. She looks amused at the nervous attempt, the short haired redhead is doing her best, and it’s endearing, sweet, you come up and slot yourself against her side, giving her the cocktail, she takes it as you kiss her cheek, “Hey honey, who’s this?” 
“Someone who I think is trying to ask me out.” The blonde responds with a smirk. The cute girl ends up profusely apologizing not aware she was seeing you, “Oh my fucking God, I am so sorry, I wouldn’t have if I knew-” Tiff and you laugh it off, and end up having a good conversation with the girl.
The night stretches on, you end up talking to some other people, you have more drinks and dances, at one point you are in the bathroom, she is washing her hands, and you are looking at her in the mirror. Her eyes caught yours, and she grins, “What? Something on my face?”
You laugh, a shake of your head, “Sorry, just, I can’t get over how great tonight has been.” 
“Yeah?” She asks as she dries her hands, and you nod once, finding it impossible to look away, “Yeah. I am so out of the loop, I’ve never been to a place like this and coming here with you for my first time has been incredible, you, Tiffany, are incredible.”
She tosses the paper towel into the trash. She inquires, “You always this soft and sentimental when you drink?” She closes the distance, no one else is in here at the moment, funny how you keep finding yourself alone in empty club bathrooms with her. 
“Hardly.” You reach out, fingers brush down her arm as you tell her, “You just bring it out of me.” 
“My sappy little sweet thing.” She hums before leaning in, she kisses you, and it has the ability to do your head in more than any drink. The realization you are kissing again in a club bathroom is not lost on you.
The time together flies by after that. 
The club is getting near closing, you and her are splitting one last drink, you ask over the music, “Can we come here again sometime?”
She beams and tells you, “Anytime you want.” 
Lucky you. 
The last dregs swallowed, the last call completed, you and her are headed back out into the night, you see that redhead from earlier ended up with someone else, and it makes you happy to see. Your coats pulled tight around yourselves, holding hands and unable to stop smiling.
“You wanna come back to our place?” She asks, and you couldn’t agree faster. 
Your feet ache, and you feel lightheaded and joyful as you stumble into her apartment, heels are discarded, you are moving backwards towards the couch, fumbling to get your coat off. She has shrugged her own coat off, letting it drop onto the floor along with yours, you’d pick them up later. 
Her mouth is moving down the side of your jaw and down your neck and soon the backs of your knees hit the edge of the couch, and you flop onto your back, hands hooked on the straps of her top you pull her down on top of you. 
The heat sparking inside of you is stealing your breath away, you gasp her name as her leg slots between yours as she starts to suck a mark into your collarbone. You tug uselessly at the straps, she is already as close as could be, but the move shows just how needy you are, a move of your hips, grinding on her thigh you let out a weak moan. 
She breathes out your name as your hand moves, slides down her body and between her own legs, her head tips forward with a sharp inhale from the rush you provide her. You are constantly taken aback by how she can make you feel, whenever you have a moment like this, that you affect her in just the same way, it does everything for you, strokes your ego, turns you on further. 
She helps with her clothing in the way and your hand is in her underwear now, you can feel how wet she is and when your fingers slip inside, curling to find that spot you’ve come to know so well, you remember you aren’t alone. 
“Man, you two are not good at being quiet.” Your head jerks up as does hers, a look over, and you see Chucky standing there in the doorway of the living room, cocky half smile on his face. 
“Who says we were tryna be?” You giggle as you press, fuck your fingers in and out of Tiffany, and she moans louder, unapologetic smile on your face at the sound you dragged from her. 
“Ye-ahhh, sorry sweetface, did we wake you up?” Tiffany asks with a small upward curve of her own mouth. 
“You did! Terrible, the both of you.” He laughs, very amused, as he comes over. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, or socks, just a pair of pyjama pants sitting low on his hips, and you want to reach out and touch him too. 
“We are the worst. You should come teach us a lesson.” You tease, and he gets onto the couch next to you, a hand reaching down, fingers stroke under your chin, tilting your head up, and he says, “Yeah I think you are right about that. Can’t let you go around thinking you can just do whatever you want, when you want.”  
“Mmm, that would be truly awful.” Tiffany mused, watching as Chucky kissed you, making you melt. Being pressed between both your partners, passed back and forth, in the early hours of the morning, there isn’t anything better than tasting the heady mix of him and her.
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teecupangel · 1 year
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Submitted by @saberamane
Saw this artwork by astarcis and my mind immediately went ‘what would the ancestors do if they found this, and it was actually Desmond reincarnated after the eye?’ Like the various animal Desmond’s people have submitted.
Altair would probably find it fascinating, and Maria would not want it around the kids at all, it’s at least partly snake, what if it bit the children? Jokes on Maria though, the children love this strange abomination, and Desmond in kind loves kids. And with his knowledge, he’d be able to stay behind and protect Malik and Sef when the others leave to kill Genghis Khan. Give Abbas an agonizing death with his venom or something.
I feel Ezio would probably find him somewhere and take him to Leonardo. He’d maybe say something stupid to Leo like 'what kind of dog is this? I’ve never seen such a thing before.’ And Leo, bless his soul, would be like 'you can’t be that stupid Ezio. Thats not a dog. I don’t know what that is. Where did you find it?’ 'I’m going to keep him. He’s kinda cute.’ Desmond is very sweet to Maria and Claudia, which just cements Ezio’s thoughts that he is some kind of weird dog. It wags it’s tail and everything like a dog. Even if it does swallow it’s food whole…
Ratonhnhaké:ton and his tribe probably think of him as a forest spirit or something. They’d definitely know he wasn’t 'natural’ and therefore would try to honor him so as to not bring misfortune on the tribe by being disrespectful.  Desmond would hang around the temple a lot, trying to find a way to destroy Juno, or at least make it so she can’t communicate with Ratonhnhaké:ton. And Charles Lee would definitely die horribly by his poison bite before he could kill the tribe. Once Ratonhnhaké:ton was older, Desmond would probably start following him around more, leaving the temple more often. Helping with hunts and such. Of course, the tribe would then think Ratonhnhaké:ton was the 'chosen one’ or something by the spirit and would start to ask him what Desmond wanted for tribute or something lol.
(The creature is called a 'nightstalker’ from fallout new vegas, i’ve never played that series myself, but it seems to have a lot of interesting creatures from the nuclear fallout that occurred.)
Any additional thoughts or head-cannon’s?
(Additions from teecup)
Well, first and foremost... don’t look at the actual nightstalker from Fallout New Vegas. They don’t... look as cute as the one above. XD
Also, here’s the tumblr post of that artwork
As for additional headcanons and thoughts:
I like to think that Desmond is one of those nightstalkers that can turn invisible and the first time he does it, everybody panicked because they thought he flatout disappeared.
Sef definitely loves Desmond the most as he grew up with Desmond being both his guard dog and babysitter. Sef’s daughters also love Desmond and likes to hug him. Unlike Maria who had been worried, Sef absolutely encourages his daughters to play with Desmond.
Malik’s son, Tazim, was once dared to tug Desmond’s tail. Just to be a jerk, Desmond howled loudly and pretended to die for dramatic effect. It traumatized Tazim so badly because he honestly believed he killed Desmond. Desmond felt super bad especially since no one could stop Tazim from crying even after Desmond showed that he’s alive and well.
Desmond didn’t think it would be a big deal since Darim’s preferred method of stopping him from doing something stupid was to tug his tail anyway.
Leonardo would definitely draw sketches of Desmond which would baffle historians in later years. Leonardo is also the only person to wonder how Desmond reproduces (Nightstalkers lay eggs… and… uuuhhh… every nightstalker has a chance to drop eggs if you kill them so… I’m not saying Desmond can lay eggs… I’m just saying… the possibility exists?)
Desmond mostly communicates with growls and whimpers but whenever it’s time to poison someone, he hisses and rattles.
The preferred poison of the Assassins was based on his venom thanks to Altaïr’s studies. This means that old Assassin families are immune to his venom. This includes Haytham.
Desmond definitely destroyed the crystal skull that Juno uses to communicate with Ratonhnhaké:ton’s tribe by playing with it like it’s a ball of yarn. The villagers just assumed it was the will of the spirits.
Whenever anyone asks Ratonhnhaké:ton what Desmond wants for tribute, Ratonhnhaké:ton always answers that the best tribute is a kill by their hunters that will be shared with the tribes as some kind of festivity. It took months for Desmond to be able to explain it to Ratonhnhaké:ton using charades and Desmond was actually just saying ‘a meal together’.
George Washington cannot get near Ratonhnhaké:ton because Desmond hisses and rattle any time he tries... Haytham also gets the hissing and rattling treatment.
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My non-kpop little sister ranks kpop group members day 1 (Stray kids)
My commentary in green
For pperspective she's 13 and a hardcore odeteri Stan.
Also imma include quotes from her in purple
Bangchan: 6 "he's kinda mid" *gasp* 😐
Minho: 6 "ummmmm" as a minho bias I disown this child 🙂
Changbin: 1 "ewww imma give him a 1" as a hardcore stay I'm actually fuming cuz how dare she insult r dwaekki like that 😒
Hyunjin: 9 she kinda just looked at me funny as if to say he's hot but not wanting to say it cuz she has an ego so I guess we're getting somewhere. 👀
Han: 2 "his cheeks r weird and his eyes r to close" she also gave the most judgemental look when I said he was my besties bias HIS EYES AREN'T TO CLOSE AND HIS CHEEKS R ADORABLE. I'm plotting her murder at this point istg 😤
seungmin: 5 "ehhh 5" like tbh she could've said worse but like is she blind? 😐
Jeongin: 2 "*insert rly judgemental look* yeah no he's a 2" No. Bc I actually draw the line at r maknae and I'm also Jeongin biased so ain't no way she just said that to me with a straight face like I'm surprised I composed myself enough to walk out the room and not slap her 😃
I'll get her to rank xdinary heroes next, when I finally recover from this bc I'm outraged 😶
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 432 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
I’d like to say, thank you for reading my reviews and thoughts for each chapter so far. And thank you for liking the memes. 😳💖 But bruh, this chapter man… There’s a lot being revealed, so let’s get into it!!! 😌✨
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Well crap. Eugene’s got some leverage on James Lee too. Wtffff 😭😭😭
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And let me guess, you gonna do that to James too...? 🤔 
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GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!! HAHAHAHAHA... 😶 (Also, James. That’s Crystal’s dad too. She’s might hate you for it lol. UNLESS-  👀 Plot twist: she hates her dad too.)
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Ok, I kinda get WHY he’d bring up James’s murder case in the first place. It’s like the “check and balance” thing where you counter them if they do something wrong or betray you. I get it. Eugene and James both have dirt on each other in case one betrays the other, but it sucks to think that Eugene has the upper-hand here because of his connections with the police. He can cover up ANY dirty thing that he does. Also, he can use his knowledge against James whenever he wants so James is just... stuck. Poor guy. Imagine having your ex-boss blackmail you and NOW your new ally blackmails you just to help him. 😭
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Yayyyyy killer bros together!!! 😍😍😍 The Psycho Alliance has made a brand new treaty. 🤭
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Literally, it really be like this. 
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Ok, but why do I find this hilarious? They’re still young, and they have so much time and opportunities to spend their youth without doing any illegal or gang related activities. Yet, their main goal is to kill an old guy. LMFAO OK, JUST IMAGINE. A random old guy sees them chatting outside in front of a cafe or something. discussing their plans about taking down Charles Choi. Then, this old man walks up to them, right? He asks them, “Oh my, you kids are so young! Don’t you have any special things that you want to do in your lives? Don’t just sit around and let time go by. You should go out and do something with your lives!” and then they reply with, “Oh, we are! We’re off to kill an old guy because we hate him!” Like... 👁👄👁  Bros, are you good? LMAAAOOOOOOOO 
Also, if you think this template is familiar, then you’re right. I couldn’t resist reusing this template because EUGENE REALLY GOT +25 CARDS UP PEOPLE’S ASSES. ESPECIALLY JAMES’S IN THIS SITUATION.
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“Hey Alexa, play Often by The Weeknd!” 🥵🥵🥵
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I’M SORRY. YOU GUYS ARE TIRED OF ME OBSESSING OVER THIS MAN, BUT LOOOOOOOOOOK AT HIM!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 LIKE GAAHHH DAYUUUUUUUM. THIS MAN CHANGED INTO A SIMPLER OUTFIT, BUT HE STILL LOOKS SO FIIINNNEEEEE!!!! UGGGHHHH. Ayo he can bend me backwards bro, I DON’T CARE. Gawk Gawk 9000? Uhhhh... LET ME CONSIDER- 👀 NAH I’M KIDDING... Or am I...? 😏 I’D LET HIM FOLD ME TOO. 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀 (And ofc he’s drinking Hibiki. 😂 Like brooooooo... hottest Yakuza I’ve ever seen. You can’t DENY.) 
*N S F W  M E M E S  W A R N I N G*
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Sorry. I just had to. 💀 ALSO, COMPLETELY UNRELATED BUT...
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*E N D  O F  N S F W  M E M E S*
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AAAAAAAAND THE OLD MAN AGREES. HAHAHAHAHAHA Bruh, I’ve never seen him genuinely smile before. Is it just me? He always look so grumpy and serious all the time like  >:(  Tbh this panel really surprised me lol. 
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OK, BUT THIS IS SO NOSTALGIC!!! SEEING LITTLE DANIEL BEAT THEM UP. 🥺🥺 This makes me reminisce the older Lookism chapters.
Also nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. You’re all getting your asses beaten for sure. Daniel will clap you all. Each. 👏🏽 And. 👏🏽 Every. 👏🏽 One. 👏🏽 Of. 👏🏽 You. 👏🏽
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These fools. Smh. 
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OMGGGGGG IT’S DANIEL’S MOM!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH IT’S BEEN FOREVER. 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ BEST MOM EVER!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!! ALSO, NAH. YOU FUCKERS ARE FUCKED NOW. HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT SOMEONE’S MOM, LIKE WTF IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU? Do they not have respect for anybody? Sometimes I think about these so called “bullies” in this Webtoon. Like no wonder you guys are so fucked up, y’all don’t got any parents or something? No guardians who’d teach you how to be a decent person??? Any manners? 💀 At least Daniel has a mom who knows how to treat her own son. I’m guessing y’all are just jealous that you don’t have a great mom like Daniel who’d sacrifice herself just for her son because she LOVES HIMMMMM!!! 😤😤😤😤 If any of them approach me, I’m throwing hands. Idc. 
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 Daniel Park for FIFA World Cup 2026. ⚽️🏆
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And when that one bitch from your old high school called you ugly, but now thinks you’re hot... 😑 
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He has matured into a very good man. And a fine one too... I’m so proud of him. His character development had come such a long way. 😭💞
THIS IS JUST MY THEORY. (Before any of you argue about this and flame my ass, I’m telling you now. This is just my opinion. Pls don’t get heated by it. Thank you.)  💀
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You know it’s about to get serious when an old person did the, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” pose. 🚨
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FINALLY. Jinyeong Park’s time to shine. 🤩 I’m getting a Darth Vader and Luke moment here. “Luke.... I am your father.” (That’s the only Star Wars reference I know. My bad.) And Jinyeong belongs to the dark side (The Worker’s First Affiliate), while Daniel is the main protagonist who belongs on the good side. Call me goofy, I know. Because my wack ideas make me think about my life choices sometimes. LMFAO But ANYWAYS, I CAN’T WAIT FOR DANIEL’S MOM TO EXPLAIN WHO JINYEONG PARK IS. I’m just glad that Daniel got to see his mom after everything that he had been through. The kid needs a break, and I’m here for it. ❤️
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black--cherryy · 4 days
Chucky x reader [Maybe I was wrong...]
I'm going freestyle for that one..Probably no smut and no trigger warnings.
Also I'm writing for the human form of Chucky so Charles lee ray and cuz I love vintage it will be around December 1988.
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You were one of Tiffs sisters. The edgy middle child rocker. U were in a crappie band that didn't have enough money to do shit. Annoyed with your life u also were annoyed by Tiff and her fucking personality.
You thought of her as a dumb teenager. What adult ass woman truly believes that a fucked up psycho is going to love her? Psychos have no feelings for anyone, they're just using you for their sake and dumb bitches like your sister fall for it.
God her stupidity made you mad.
After rehearsal with your shitty ass band that took 1000 tries to remember one riff, you had to go for a cigarette.
"God annoying fuckssss!" You thought.
It was already 11pm. It was already super dark and a little windy which you LOVED.
You only had black leather pants and a Black sabbath tank top on but your synthetic leather jacket kept you warm.
You walked over to your favorite place to chill which was on the roof of the rehearsal building. From up there you had the perfect view over the city.
You lit your cigarette and let the wind blow through your hair while your eyes were closed. You really needed that silence after the loud rehearsal.
"Fuck what is it this time? Can't the world just shut up for a second?!" You thought in your mind and opened your eyes to some loud noises from under you.
You saw charles and his companion making some mayhem. You rolled your eyes and continued smoking your cigarette.
After a while you heard some noises on the building. As if someone is trying to climb up on the roof.
You didn't bother to check what it was so you just let fate do it's thing. Your layed your head back and shook your head a little.
"It's bad time for little girls like you." You heard charles say and rolled your now open eyes.
"Fuck off." You said and threw your cigarette away.
He sat next to you.
"Rehearsal didn't do according to plan?"
"Since when do you care about it?" You replied annoyed.
He smiled a little.
"Just asked. No need to get pissed at me."
You turned your head away. You didn't like him. He was a psycho and sick and just cared for himself. You couldn't understand what your sis saw in him but that's her nature. You stroke with your hand over your arm.
"So why did you decide to come up here?"
"I saw you here alone, how could I miss such an opportunity."
You turned your head to him in disbelief.
"Just kidding, don't get fucking mad woman."
You smirked annoyed. "He is a maniac.." You thought.
"So?" He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and came closer looking at you.
He continued speaking: "The night is so romantic, yet so dangerous...Isn't it right y/n?"
"What do you mean ?" You looked into his eyes.
He had something charming in him but you just didn't want to admit it. You didn't want to be like your sister. The thought disgusted you but for some reason Charles was growing on you.
"Simply that little ladyies need to be more careful or need someone to protect them."
You rolled your eyes. "Thanks but I can protect myself." You stood up and were about to leave but Charles stopped you, holding your waist.
You looked up into his eyes almost in disbelief cuz why tf is he touching you?
"Excuse u?" You said almost pissed.
"I see big potential to kill in you. You're rebellious which I like." He smirked
It didn't surprise or disturb you to hear your potential and being sick in the head yourself you kinda liked it. You took it as an compliment and blushed while smiling and leading your eyes down.
"So? Next monday at night? Slashing date?"
"And what about my sister?"
"Fucker her. You're better anyway." Charles said and left.
The night in front of the toy store were charles was killed, was the night u guys had that "date" later u used the voodoo spell to turn him into a doll.
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gloxerynizzdedd · 8 months
Ok so many people think that James Lee was the one who killed gapryong Kim but in the recent chapter jinyoung says that Jake's brother killed gapryong
Basically Charles killed gapryong so there's a possibility that Jake's brother is working with Charles abroad OR JAMES LEE IS JAKE'S LONG LOST BRO (this doesn't make sense at all LMFAOOO)
Edit- ok so i reread and it's not James Lee but he's related to him in some way or other (i kinda missed some chapters so i didn't know so sorry T_T)
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l0sercat · 2 years
Slashers with a S/o who is a metalhead/gothic who enjoys horror and true crime
Ngl I kinda inserted myself into this a bit. I just relate lmao :v
@raven-the-cryptid I saw the one post and I had motivation to write lmao 💀 I gift you this mess 😻 (Lowkey kinda proud of myself for writing this in a few split up hours, kinda pulled these out if my ass :p)
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Bo Sinclair
A fucking prick I'll tell you that, he'll tease you soon much. He'll make fun of you and say he's joking. He doesn't really mean anything by it but he just can't help it. He thinks your love for true crime is weird but hey like he has room to talk. He enjoys seeing your face light up talking about it. He will never admit it but likes the way you dress.
Vincent Sinclair
He enjoys your aesthetic. If he could he'd dress in a similar way. He enjoys the metal music and will let you listen to it if you guys are chilling in the basement together. He just loves to draw and has a full sketchbook dedicated to you. He never gets bored of drawing you because your just so fun.
Brahms Heelshire
He's a little intimated by you. At first he's weary and a bit judgemental but warms up. He hates scary movies but since it's an excuse to cling onto you he'll push through it. He loves to hear you talk about your love for horror and music and can and will fall asleep during your rant not because he's bored but because your voice soothes him.
Billy Lenz
A bit curious but thinks your the prettiest piggy he's ever seen. (Please don't take offense to that)
He loves/likes you regardless but your music...yeah maybe make sure your keep it low. He's very sensitive to sound and doesn't like the loud music. Don't get me wrong he isn't judging you but with how loud and all the screaming reminds him of his past. Now your love for horror doesn't faze him and will listen to podcast of crime with you if you either play with his hair or let him play with your hair.
Bubba Sawyer
He loves it!! It's just so different than what's he is used to and fucking loves it! He only See's the regular country get up but seeing someone dress like that makes him squeal in excitement. Please do her makeup and dress them up like you please! He wants you to paint his nails like yours and generally wants to dress like you. It's not all the time because your in Texas and it's hot as hell and he has work. Since his brother listen to similar music he likes metal as well and will gladly listen to it. As ironic as it is he isn't that big fan of horror. He jumps a bit at the scares but will sit threw it.
Michael Myers
Bro is the embodiment of evil and has been through hell. So he isn't fazed nor has the time to care. Your music doesn't faze him he actually enjoys it and if he zones out and you catch him off guard you'll see him nodding his head. He watches horror movies with you and will silently judge the 'survivors' with you.
Charles Lee Ray
He dated Tiffany before soooo. He finds it hot and loves it and will slap your ass. He wants you to be his partner in crime since you know so much. If your uncomfortable or don't want to then that's fine but expect to see a ton of photos of the crime. He loves your taste in music and while you have a smoke sesh he will blast the music.
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alsaza · 5 months
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        Living Dead Girl |Charles Lee Ray pt.1
“Hey. Gimme a shot of that straight whiskey.”
The bar keeper hands Charles the drink and he puts 10$ on the counter.
“You know I’m just looking for someone here. A girl, to be specific.” 
“Dude Chucky, I know that, but please don't tell me every fucking time I’m working my shift here. Besides when did you become so desperate? That's kinda embaressing.”
Charles finishs his drink and leaves the counter.
“Who are you? Never seen you here before.”
“Dumped my ex in the river. What do you think?”
“Well it's normal to see a girl like you alone giving herself the last shot if she’s not some drug addict from the street and you definitely don’t look like one to me.”
She laughs “I’m y/n.”
"I’m Charles, wanna give ourself the last shot?”
“Were you serious with your ex? Come on tell me.”
“I mean if you’re sensitive I wasn't, but you can take it how you want.”
“Y/n, you see that little fucker over there?”
“You mean the bar keeper?”
“Yea, he’s some ‘friend’ of mine. Why don't go get a room and take him with us?”
“I don’t like taking things really long so sure.” says she and kisses him.
"Okay, go check in I’m gonna get him to go with us then.” Says Charles and hands her some cash.
"Eddie! See that girl there leaving? Her and I are taking a room in the Knights Inn motel you wanna join?”
He agrees and comes with him to the motel across the street.
"I booked room 8” say,s y/n and hands Charles the key.
He takes it and they go up to the room.
“I knew this place wasn't the best but god damn.” says Eddie.
"Dude just relax we're gonna have a good night here man.”
Chucky takes a chair and punches him unconscious.
"Oh my god Charles that was insane.”
“I know. Now let’s tie this dipshit on the bed and we'll see how it goes.”
Not even minutes later he awakes tied up with bed sheets and some in his mouth to prevent loud screams.
"I always thought you were a dick” says Chucky while getting a sharp knife out of the kitchen.
“Charles I tied that bitch up give me the knife first. And to answer your question, I did dump my ex in the river. says she and laughs while and stabs on Eddies leg.
“That was good, now cut his toes of slowly I like watching the blood flow down.” says he and takes his coat and shirt off.
“Of course, besides why don't you boil some water? I don’t like anyone watching.”
He understands what she means and fills the kettle with water and boils it.
"Eddie! I got something for ya!” Says Charles and pours the hot water over his stomach and laughs hysterically.
Eddie screams but nobody hears him..
“Charles you should’ve had pour it over his face, not his god damn stomach!”
“No no it’s okay babe. Is there a chance you maybe got a lighter with you?”
"Yes are you gonna burn entirely or what?”
He doesn't even respond and lights up a cigarette.
"Eddie you stupid fuck, but I promise to let you keep your heard.” He laughs and pulls the cigarette in both his eyes.
“Now you’re fucking blind you shit! But y/n, yk I ain’t fucking with ya yet?”
"What the fuck Charles, I thought that's what we were going for? Kill this man and have sex in this room! You're being ridiculous”
"No, doll, why don’t we give us some time? Besides HE is still alive!”
She wanted to respond but he puts his knife on her lips.
"Just relax babe.” he hands her the knife and she cuts Eddies throat.
“Fuck.. I needed this.”
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I’m still thinking of those beaded smiley-face hair pieces
I love Kanen’tó:kon and Connor’s relationship so much and their development as it leads towards their fallout
It’s a real god damn shame Charles Lee was a catalyst of it ending for good
I have more ac3 thoughts under the cut
Like,,, he wasn’t needed ????? Their motivations for splitting was pretty clear already
They didn’t need Lee’s intervention bc that but of writing is just kinda ,, unnecessary and does Kanen’tó:kon’s character a disservice
Like he has a hard time enough trusting Connor due to how closely he’s working with colonists already and seeing his own village’s involvement in the war as inevitable, so the game choosing the easy way out with having him trust Lee over his Own Best Friend (and likely cousin) is eh
I have ideas for rewriting but I don’t rly feel like sharing all of em in detail rn without supervision/proofreading/sensitivity reading
Just making Kanen’tó:kon join Connor on a few more missions, making the Tea Party event more accurate to history which makes Kanen’tó:kon and Connor hate the colonists more (though Connor continues working with them as a means to an end to fight off the Templars), the inclusion of Joseph Brant (NOT as a Templar or an antagonist or anything like that, he’s just here to rally and give their village the option to join the British), have more conversations with these two,,,
If I could help it, I’d remove Kanen’tó:kon’s death entirely? Him and Connor could still get in a physical fight, but his death really sucks (it’s such an emotional scene so I’m just bummed out this character is being sent off especially with the Lee thing).
He’s set up as a good leader, so if he recovers after the fight maybe it’d be his idea and initiative to move the village without Ratonhnhaké:ton? (After counsel permission and Oiá:ner first of course) It’d still be a bitter ending, but it cements how these two have truly parted after everything and have changed so much.
Both these characters have incredibly strong conflict in the same problem: Keeping their village safe. The way they differed was great enough drama already.
I’m just saying, Lee didn’t have to be here. Or if he did, Kanen’tó:kon would need to have seen and been with Connor through a lot more in order to break off their friendship completely
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Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Eight. "I Can Fix This."
Oh fuck, here it is! I know over a month without an update but shit has been wild for me as of late, creativity was sapped hard but hopefully with this job change that will fix things, I should know very soon if I got the job! So, let’s get into this juicy update and not take too much time to get to the goods. Masterlist for the whole series is, here.
Rating Explicit. Length. 8.4K. Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Manipulation. Gaslighting. Mild Stalking. Trent Is A Fucking Creep. Emotional Vulnerability. Making Out. Dirty Talk. Teasing. Banter. Blow Job. Guided Oral Sex. Swallowing. Praise. Tiffany Is A Sweetheart. 
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He motioned for Tiffany to come closer and she did, leaning over, his hand hiding his mouth from your view as he whispers something you cannot hear to her. She considers it before doing the same action, she says something back to him that again you can’t catch and then they are both turned back to look at you head on. He speaks up and asks, “How exactly do you plan to make it up to us?”
A great fucking question honestly and one that you really should have given some thought to before you presented them with this offer. Luckily you were smart and you thought fast and so working off the model of first thought best thought you offer up, “How about you come over to my place and we can talk this all out?”
A glance between them, the silence too much, you worried it wasn’t enough so in a slight moment of panic you add on just a touch too quickly, “I’ll cook?”
The pair shared yet another look and then Chucky says, “I think I am thirsty now. How about you Tiff?” 
“Positively dehydrated. I’m practically withering away.”  She drawled with a slight pout and you asked quickly with a nod, “What would you like?”
“You’re pretty good at picking out drinks, surprise us.” He said easily and so off you scurry back to the bar to fetch them some refreshment pronto. 
They watch as you go and unbeknownst to you a conversation is struck, him inhaling deeply from his smoke before Tiffany plucks it from his fingers and he lets her, as she takes a drag he asks, “So what do you think?”
“Dinner at her place?” She asks on an exhale and he nods with a hum,“Yeah, thoughts?” And she responds as she glances at him with a big smile, “I can’t wait.” 
“Not gonna lie, I’m impressed with the idea too, seeing how she lives, having her cook for us, it’s got a certain kinda appeal.” He says with a nudge of his shoulder to hers, she smiles, nose wrinkling with a fond muttering of, “Course you’re into this.” 
He scoffs, “Like you’re not.” She shrugs and says, “Never said I wasn’t.” A deep sigh before asking, “So how do we play it?”
“Let me lead.” He insists and she passes back his cigarette as she sighs, tucking a loose piece of blonde hair behind her ear with the other hand as she says, “I dunnoooo-”
He lets out a small groan around the smoke in his mouth, “C’mon, trust me-”
Back with you, currently on edge as you stood at the bar, nervously tapping your manicured nails on the lacquered wood, nearly whining, “Logan, come onnnn man! I’m fucking busy, I need these drinks yesterday.”
“You wanna try asking that again a little nicer this time?” He inquired as he slapped the shaker to loosen the bond before pulling it apart and pouring the mixture into the first of the two laid out glasses. 
“Lo do not test me right now, please?” You begged and he got this look on his face that you had come to know that meant he was going to deliver some truly cringe worthy joke and you cut him off with a small stamp of your heel and a smack of the tray in your hands against the bar. “I mean it. Don’t.” 
“Jesus, who pissed in your punch?” He asked with a pinched brow and you groaned, “I’m sorry just, people at my tables are being difficult tonight-”
“How difficult? What kind of difficult?” The concern was immediate, he had paused his current action of passing the now finished cocktails to you so you could put them on your tray. You really didn’t want to expend a lot of time or energy reassuring him, you wanted to get your drinks and go back to them so you simply said, “Nothing serious Lo I swear, they just want their drinks strong and service speedy.”
“Honest?” He asked, still cradling those glasses as he looked you over and the response you gave came paired with a nod, “Yes, sorry for snapping at you, it wasn't cool.” 
He stared you down for only a moment more giving over the drinks, placing them onto your tray and said, “You are lucky I am so generous and forgiving you know.”
“Yes, yes I know, you’re the best, you’re the man, I’ll stroke your ego and verbally fellate you later, alright?” You said it with a big and actually genuine smile and he returned it, “I’ll hold you to that.”
“I’m so sure.” You call from over your shoulder and you speedily make your way back to their table to find them waiting for you just as they had been, smoke stamped out in the ashtray in the centre of the table and both of them looking expectantly at you. 
You set the tray down and gave over the drinks, Tiffany taking hers with a thank you and Chucky taking the next one as he says, “Pretty fast, did you sprint?”
“In these heels? You flatter me and my waitressing ability.” The joke earns a smile and you bite back one of your own. You can’t wait, so you ask, “So have you thought over my little proposal?” 
He speaks up and says, “Yeah we talked it over and decided we are open to it.”
“Really you are?” The excitement bleeds into your tone heavily, and Tiffany leans closer, her chin on his shoulder, “Really we are. But we aren’t sold on this all yet, you still got some work to do.”
You do let yourself smile now, “Oh don’t worry I know but thank you, I don’t think you’ll regret it!”
“We better not.” He threatened, the tone makes you laugh and after that your evening is significantly lighter, they stay for a while, finish their drinks, you tend to them and so it is decided in three days time they are going to come to your place for you to make dinner and all of you to talk this through. 
Which means that now, you have a menu to plan.
The rest of your shift is good, you feel lighter and before long it is after close and you are rushing through your closing duties and everyone notices how quick you are moving, Marcy calling you out as you are quickly counting out your tips, “Your train isn’t coming that soon is it?”
“What?” You ask as you keep your mental count, bills passing through your fingers swiftly, laying out the neat piles in front of you. 
Logan joins in, mocking you, repeating what you said in a high whiny tone, “What?”
You flip him off with a sneer that makes him return the gesture with a grin and Marcy expounds, “You’ve been running around like nuts tonight, what is up with you?” 
“Nothing, just a busy night.”  You lied, as if you weren’t used to working under pressure and flourished during busy nights, as you banded up your tips. “Yeah so you said earlier when you were rushing me through making those drinks, did they like them?”
“Yes they did and thank you again for that by the way.” 
“Oh yeah no problem.” He let it hang for a moment before saying, “I seem to recall some promise of verbal fellating and ego stroking?” He reminded you and you groaned, he refused to drop it, drawing out your name in this annoying sing-songy way that had you conceding, “Okay, okay! Fucksake-”
A deep inhale, Logan nudging Marcy as he says, “This’ll be good.”
You begin your praising session towards him, the words over the top and everything he wants to hear but your tone is less than impressed. Honestly it is hilarious to listen to, Marcy is trying to stifle her laughter behind her hand and failing. “Logan, you are the best bartender in the whole city, no one makes a manhattan as good as you, I am jealous and wish I was so talented. In fact that story you tell at parties about how you invented the drink sex on the beach is totally true and next time you try to impress a girl with that I’ll wingman and back you up. There. Happy?”
“You left out the part where I am a living God amongst men but I guess that is good enough.” He assured you with a shit eating grin so large you thought it might just split his face in two. A shake of your head as you say, “I’ll make sure to slip that in next time, kay Lo?” 
Marcy turned to you and asked, “What did you do that required you to say all that to him?”
“Don’t ask.” You tell her as Jackson walks up, his coat on and yours in his grip along with your bag having snagged it from the break area, “Ready to go?”
“Dear Lord, yes.” You got up from your stool as Rachel came up asking, “You not coming out tonight?”
“Nope, something important on the docket tonight, sorry.” You tell her as you take Jackson’s hand and tug him along, he waves with his other hand calling out, “Bye guy’s, see you tomorrow.” 
Thankfully Jackson was so busy on the walk to the train station filling you in on how well his date with that busboy went that he didn’t even think to ask about what was going on with you.
It has been two days and you are struggling to come up with something adequate to serve them. Everything just doesn’t seem right and you are getting more and more frustrated, the more you think about it. You look through cook books you own, pass over elaborate meals deciding they were too tryhard, you felt that vibe didn’t fit the occasion. You remember their rant over their shared distaste for New York city and all its pretension, you didn’t want to offend or alienate or  the last thing you wanted to do was to make them think you were trying to manipulate them into forgiveness by presenting some ridiculously fancy meal. Further even if it was right, it wasn’t like you had the skills to cook something of that caliber anyway.
You searched through your other books and again over and over nothing was quite what you wanted, or within your skill level or wheelhouse, hell you even went to the library and still came up empty. 
All this thinking about food had gotten you really hungry and you’d been running around all day and so you hadn’t had dinner yet, you needed to eat before your shift too so you went to that diner you liked to frequent, the same one you had run into the duo that one rainy evening a while back. 
You sit yourself at your favourite stool at the counter and a menu is handed to you, a thank you is uttered, your eyes scanning over the laminated sheet, trying to decide what you want, breakfast or a sandwich or an entree’ or-
Inspiration hits you like a freight train. 
They loved pizza, breakfast food, this diner, they loved more easy, comforting foods.
You were making this way, way too hard, you need to keep it simple. Your lack of complex cooking skills would actually be an advantage and an asset here. The gesture of you doing this is what is really important, the effort and care, you can make a stellar version of an old classic and wow them, you had this, you could do this.
Emboldened, confidence resorted, you allow yourself to enjoy your lunch, leave an ample tip and then you go shopping for ingredients. 
Work that night was a breeze, nothing could touch you, not a thing could ruin your mood, you even indulged your co-workers post shift, went out for a drink with them and you were very glad you did so. When you go to bed that night you feel ready for tomorrow. 
You have the whole day off, when you get up you devote some time to cleaning the apartment up, making sure everything is looking good, before doing some food prep and then ensuring you are looking good. You don’t go over the top, try to go for a bit more modest and understated just elevate something you would wear at home normally. The jeans fit well, the top a little low cut but not ridiculously, a few more well picked pieces of jewellery, makeup you thought Tiffany would like and hair half up you set to work on dinner seriously. 
You lose yourself in the music on the radio and in the meal prep, you are on schedule and speaking of on schedule, they show up right on time. You hear the knock on the door and drop what you are currently doing, dish towel picked up, hands dried as you walk to answer their call, one hand slinging the slightly damp fabric over your shoulder and the other opening the door. 
The smile that crosses your face upon seeing them standing there is as natural as breathing, said smile broadening slightly as they greet you, “Hey!” 
You respond with an enthusiastic, “Hi, you’re right on time, come on in.” Stepping aside to allow them entrance. 
“Wow, l love this-” Tiffany said with a point, gesturing up and down to your whole outfit, before her head turns and she is starting to look at the space you called home, “-you look great.”
She says it so easily, as if it still doesn’t blow you away that she thinks YOU look great when she is now standing in your apartment for the first time. She is removing her coat to reveal she is in a dress that looks like it could have been painted on her, that is in a colour that suits her so well, beautiful blonde hair piled up, exposing her neck, looking just stunning and so thoroughly her. You compliment her in kind, managing to keep your voice light as you take her and Chucky’s coats, “Amazing dress Tiff.”
He was a bit more dressed down, short sleeved button up shirt, with the first few top buttons undone and slacks, you still eat it up and make sure to let him know. “Here we are going around in circles and not telling ol’ Chuck here how good he looks.”
“Finally, some Goddamn recognition.” 
“Awe sweetface, sorry for not saying something sooner.” Tiffany cooed as she leaned over, a small kiss to his cheek and you wished for the same treatment but wouldn’t dare dream of pushing for that yet before you were sure you were back in their good graces. Since it is their first time in your apartment, naturally you give them the tour.
You really liked your apartment honestly, had found a lot of ways to make it your own, knick knacks, personal touches, pops of colour to place emphasis on certain parts, since you were renting and couldn’t paint of course. You had a few windows, two in the living room on either side of where you had placed your tv, coffee table, some book shelves, and your couch. Your kitchen was nice, if not just a touch messy from you being in the middle of cooking, window was open in there to help keep it cooler so you didn’t overheat when you worked, after showing them the bathroom and your bedroom you then led them to the separate table you had that occupied the space between the kitchen and the living room. 
They hold hands as they walk around, small moments of that easy affection they have and you do your best not to let your stare linger, it hurts too much. You are reminded of what it was like for you before you all got together, a weird layer of separation, on the outside looking in. 
Shrugging off those emotions and complex feelings, you instead provide some drinks and tell them dinner will be ready soon before retreating back into the space to finish up making the food. The pair of them have to admit, especially since you were away from them at the moment, “I like her place.”
“Right? I wasn’t sure what it would look like but it’s cute, totally her.” Tiffany praised as she leaned forward on her elbows, keeping her voice low and he hummed with a nod but the conversation they had didn’t last much longer than that before you were bringing out the plates. You set them down on the table in front of both of them, you had decided to make burgers and hand cut fries, had gone to the trouble to make the patties yourself and took a lot of care to get some ingredients and put your all into this.
Tiffany is in shock. Chucky is making some joke that she can barely hear, something along the lines of, “-this is the best you could do?”
But she didn’t care, wasn’t listening at all, instead she was picking up the burger, taking a close look at it, pausing before taking a bite and practically melting. 
It tastes perfect to her. It tastes like home and like the burger her favourite diner made back in Jersey, the one her mom would get for her whenever something good happened or they had something to celebrate, big milestones, birthdays. It hits the spot perfectly, she is barely able to suppress a moan of pure delight at the flavour exploding over her tongue, and after that first bite is swallowed, eyes back open and she realises her partner is still being kind of an ass to you she refuses to set the burger down and gives him a very pointed look as you turn to go fetch your own plate.
“What?” He asks quietly when you are out of earshot, and she says simply and firmly, “You know what. Cut it out.”
“But-” He starts and she cuts him off, “It’s time to stop, Chuck.”
“Ughhh, not Chuck-” He knows he has been beat. It’s time to drop the act and stop being such a dick. He sighs and says, a hand raking through his hair before he is holding both his hands up, “Alright, alright, fine. I’ll ease up.” He picks up his own burger and after taking that first bite he too had to admit that it was a really fucking good burger.
Dinner is good.
Sharing a meal with them that you crafted with your own hands is really good, you honestly can’t remember the last time you cooked for someone other than yourself. The act of it fed a part within yourself that you hadn’t expected. 
During the meal they feel much more like the them you had been getting to know previously, throughout dinner much conversation is had, and when they complimented what you cooked it made you preen under their praise. Tiffany was hardly able to restrain another moan after another mouthful, “This is so delicious.”
Chucky asked, “Seriously, where did you learn to make a burger this good?”
“Would you believe it was the first thing I learned to make when I started cooking?” You asked and he said, “No shit. You know how to cook a lot?”
“Oh God, no, hardly. I know enough to get by, how to make a few good things for myself,” You shrugged and he looked over to Tiffany and said, “Ooh you could show her a thing or two.”
“Do you cook a lot?”  You asked.
She gave a coy sort of smile, “Well not to brag but I’ve got some skills in the kitchen.”
“She is way underselling it.”  Chucky insisted before he complimented her further by saying, “You should see her knife skills.” She said to you with a fond look on her face, “He’s such a flatterer, isn’t he?”
“I think he’s just a fan of you and honestly I can’t say I blame him.” You pluck up a fry on your plate, raise your eyebrows and look back at Chuck who asks, “We gonna be the co-founders of the Tiff fan club, you and me? What do you say?”
“I say fuck yes, obviously. We can spread the good word and convert people like that.” Punctuating the end of your sentence with a snap of your fingers. 
As Chucky dragged one of his fries through the ketchup you had placed on the table earlier, he said, “Thanks for providing my supposed, what did you call it again? Juvenile?-” A nod from you remembering your lunch you had post skating date, he then finished the thought, “-Preference.” 
“Hey it’s what you like and I’m hosting, it is the very least I could do.” You say simply. “And you didn’t provide any mayo for me?” Tiffany asked, tone taking on the hint of mock offence and you laugh. 
“You just said that is what some people in the world do, not that you like it!” You defend and she says, tone still light, “Maybe I wanna try it?”
“Maybe we should all try it next time?” You offer, your previous stance on the subject softening along with your voice, “If there is you know a…A next time.” 
None of you had talked about the real reason they are here. For you to all hash out and talk through what happened previously and with dinner mostly eaten it seemed like as good a time as any.
A hard swallow, you asked tentatively, “Will there be a next time?”
The pair shared a look, he placed his hand on hers and Tiffany’s gaze broke away from his first, looking at you, “We think we’d like there to be.”
There it is again, that funny feeling, warmth and hope in your chest.
“We just want to understand where you are coming from.” He said and you had to admit that was fair, very, very fair. 
You did think a lot about this, had every intention of giving them more information and thought a lot about what you wanted to say. 
“So. Way back when I first came to Chicago, I had a string of not so great jobs, right? But then, I got this job at this really nice restaurant and things were looking up. I discovered I am really, really good at waitressing and was finally earning some decent, consistent money.” 
A small sigh, “And there was this thing that happened while I worked there that changed everything, that made me want to stop giving out my real name and be more cautious.”
You were going to hold some back but you hadn’t talked about this in full maybe ever? And being here with them, how they were looking at you, listening, you felt safe and like maybe it was all okay. So without you really making the conscious decision it all starts to come spilling out.
“I had this regular customer, Trent, he was in finance, he loved our restaurant, had a lot of money to throw around and decided that he wanted to throw a lot of that money around on me. I kind of became his favourite waitress. It got to a point he didn’t even have to ask, everyone just knew and he would be sat in my section, I’d serve him spectacularly and he would drop just stacks of tip money on me. He’d bring in business clients and I’d help him wow them and he’d close deals, ergo more money, ergo more tips for me. It sounds great right?”
A nod from them both and on you press, a gesture of your hands as you do. “And it was, for a while.”
You take a brief pause before continuing, “Trent was a charming and funny kinda guy, he could make you feel at ease and also important all at once and I thought we had a good thing going, a simpatico relationship between worker and patron but that is all it was.”
You wished you had a drink right now.
“He apparently didn’t see it that way. So this one night, months into me knowing this guy and him coming in, he closed the place down, like stayed for hours. I can’t tell you how much he spent but it was a lot. He clinched this huge deal that was months in the making, he was feeling good about it and so he celebrated it up late. I didn’t have a ride home, I usually didn’t, but he was there and when he found out I didn’t he offered. And, like an idiot, I agreed because I’d known him for like six months, I ‘knew him’, so it was fine, right?” 
You were feeling some serious nerves as you approached this part of the story, “He had a nice car. The drive started out okay but quickly then he started asking all these probing questions…Ones that were just uncomfortable and way, way too personal. I felt small and claustrophobic, and just, weird. It felt different when I was at work with him but now I was very aware of how uhm…”
Then this laugh breaks out, small and bitter before you said, “Fucking stupid this idea was.”
Eyes closing as you go further, “It really sunk in when he made the suggestion of taking a detour to his place, he put his hand on my thigh-” You were staring down at your hands, couldn’t look at them at this moment. “-he made what he wanted from me crystal clear and I started to seriously freak out, wondering just how I could get out of this, I was having what felt like the worst panic attack ever, I could barely rein in my breathing.”
You shake your head, fight off a shiver and then say, eyes opening again, “But thankfully, we stopped at a red light and I took my chance, I unlocked my door and fucking bolted from the car. I heard him calling my name, over and over as I fled and I ran until I couldn’t hear him any longer. I got home shaken but safe that night.”
You finally manage to glance up at them, their eyes still fixed on you, before your eyes go back down and you say, “I kept working that job. He kept wanting me to serve him, I kept refusing and kept my distance as much as I could but one night he cornered me near the bathrooms and he talked at me, not to me. At me. And I hate when people do that.”
Hands curl into fists and you pull your napkin into your lap and twist it in your hands. “He asked me what happened that night? He thought we were getting along well and clicking or something. When I ran off he was totally confused, I tried to tell him that he was imagining things, that we weren’t a thing but then he got angry with me. He told me that he deserved it, I owed him for all the money he threw at me and that clearly I wanted it, he put his hands on me and I-”
You stopped. A deep breath. “I ran again. I quit on the spot. I have never been back to that restaurant, I have never seen him again and I steer clear of the financial district where I know he works.”
Tossing your napkin back onto your plate you say next, “I started lying about my name at my jobs and keeping my distance, being careful about who became my regulars, what I said, what I did. I let myself be close to my co-workers and through that I learned my story isn’t the only one like that sadly, similar things have happened to similar people in my line of work.”
You have been talking for a long time, you realise, you try to rush through the ending “Anyway after that I have always kept customers at arm's length. I started to think that they were only good for what I was there at work for anyway, money. I used em as such and I didn’t feel bad about it either, I didn’t think there were any good people left who come into the places I work at. The only good people are behind the counter, not in front of it.”
Finally you gain courage to look at them again, “Until I met you both. I didn’t think there were any good people left until I met you two.”
You clear your throat, “So uh, again, I should have been upfront and told you my real name sooner but I hope you have a better understanding of why I hide my name the way I do.”
Of course they understood now. Your forearms are resting on the table now and then you feel them, each of them taking a hand, you look up and see them staring at you, concern and worry clear in their expressions.
“We had no idea it was all like that.” Tiffany said quietly. 
Chucky cleared his own throat, gaze shifting to his partner briefly before he said, “Right, no clue but it totally makes sense why you hide your name.”
You nod once, “Yeah I uhm…It’s just easier, makes me feel safer. Harder for someone to really track me down if they are looking for the wrong name.”
“Wait, did Trent ever try to hunt-” Chucky started to ask and you cut him off, “God no, when I stopped working there he dropped it, I mean it, I’ve never seen him or heard from him again, thankfully.”
The pair relaxed slightly at that, “Okay good. But fuck, the fact you had to go through all that.” 
Tiffany agreed, “Yeah, and thanks for sharing it with us.” 
“No small thing to admit all that, especially after what you have been through.” He added on.
You felt better, much, much better for sharing it, for them understanding you, hearing you out and being so reassuring. 
“So are we okay?” You asked and Tiffany said, “Of course we are! Everything is all good, right Chucky?”
“Naturally!” He said it so easily as if it was obvious.
You breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you so much for hearing me out. I’m glad we could work through this, work on moving past it.”
“Me too.” Tiffany said and Chucky gave you a reassuring squeeze of your hand.  
So you were all going to keep seeing each other. You felt immense relief, so much lighter, you felt a smile spreading on your face, just happy this wasn’t over and you were going to see where this went. You ended up clearing the plates, and then set to making dessert. You brought out the tray with what you had made on it. 
“Seems like you are always bringing us drinks.” Chucky mused and Tiffany said, “Right? We should bring her some drinks sometime.” 
You let out a light laugh, as you set the tray down, saying,  “Oh I’d love that.” 
Taking your seat again as you said, “I made us malts for dessert.”
“Shut up, no you didn’t!” Tiffany exclaimed and you said, “I did! Chocolate, classic.” 
Chucky was already picking up his drink and he took the first sip and he was thoroughly impressed, setting it down before saying, “Holy shit.”
Tiffany took a drink from hers too before agreeing, repeating those two words in a shocked tone that made you laugh too hard.
“So malts.” Chucky started and you nodded, “Not milkshakes?” 
The straw popped out of your mouth and you leaned closer and said, “Okay so a milkshake is bullshit in comparison, a milkshake wishes it was a malt. A milkshake is a poor excuse for a treat, lacking depth and nuance. It is cloyingly sweet and just ugh, just fucking awful-”
The pair shared a small look as you continued, “-milkshakes are just so tired, so cliche’!”
“And what makes a malt better?” Chucky dared to ask and you said, “What doesn’t make a malt better than a milkshake?”
“Better question, what makes a malt?” Tiffany asked and you proceeded to expound on the process, a small thought in the back of your mind that you were happy that you managed to finally get your own rant about something when with them.
Once the malts were done, and the small heaviness from your previous confession about what happened to you back then had totally left, it was getting late. You were about to clear away the last of the dishes and an offer to help clean them was given but you refused, brushed them off saying, “I can do it, don’t worry, you are my guests after all.”
“She’s too much.” Tiffany said and he had to agree, pitching up his voice a touch and saying in an overly cheery tone, a small shake of his head, nose scrunching as he said, “The most.”  A joke made that got his partner rolling her eyes with a smile and him snickering from the response. 
You walked them to the door, another conversation struck, “So when are we gonna meet up again?”
“Oh we might be busy for a few days, got something going on but how about we give you a call when it’s sorted and figure it out then?” Chucky offered and as you leaned against the doorframe beside your front door you agreed, “That sounds great.”
It is quiet for a moment before you say, “Thanks again for hearing me out.”
“I am really glad we did and got the whole picture.” Tiffany said as she reached out, her hand on your arm and the contact made you feel warm. 
Clearly the now obvious date was coming to an end and you wanted to reach out, wanted to touch both of them, kiss them, say goodnight properly but again the trepidation was there, not wanting to overstep. Before you could try to really think about how to initiate it, you didn't have to figure it out because she asks so sweetly, “Are you going to kiss us goodnight or?”
You try to school your expression and not appear shocked, instead you just did what felt right and natural, what they wanted from you, leaning closer and into her first. 
The second your lips touched hers, the thought that ruled over all was: God, you missed this.
The heat of her body, the taste of her tinted with her lipstick and cigarettes and the heady smell of her perfume, it was floral but not too sweet, there was more to it. Your hand comes up, touches her face softly, cups her cheek, draws her closer, you can’t stop yourself around them both, they make you feel a little out of control in a very good and very welcome way. You are such a cautious and careful person, maybe being a little more reckless, a bit more spontaneous, giving into the moment a little more is good for you?
You think that they are both good for you. 
His hand is on your wrist and you are reminded of him, you break apart from Tiffany, he has moved much closer, you don’t waste time in making sure he feels included. You race forward and kiss him next and what should have just been a simple good night kiss didn’t stay that way for very long and it was shockingly not his fault, it was hers. Your lips were encouraged to move more fervently against Chucky’s when you felt her hands on you, pushing you closer to him, his own hands meet the back of your neck and you are pressed between them, can feel her against your back. 
Her curves are almost as distracting as Chucky’s mouth, his tongue parting your lips with a tilt of his head, the taste of him invading your senses. The heat sparks in you so quickly, you had been so nervous and keyed up and distracted you had been neglecting yourself, the last time you got off was with them, over a week ago at this point and now that you were kissing him, that need rocketed back into you at a blinding pace. In three short minutes that flew by you were feeling less than steady, hands on him, needing to cling a little closer to him to stay standing upright. Tiffany’s hands slide up your arms, squeeze your shoulders when she reaches them, she leans in closer and you feel her lips brush the shell of your ear, “Seems like you are really into this.”
A hum, refusing to break the kiss with Chucky, particularly when he bit your bottom lip, you were very into this. He was the one to break it, asking,  “Did you miss us?” 
“So much.” You breathed, “Too much.”
“Not sure I believe you.” His tone did something to you, made your need sharper. Still nearly pressed to you, from how you were holding onto him, 
“How can I prove M’ serious?” 
Tiffany says then, “I think I have a way you can.” You felt her hands starting to push down and you took the hint, sinking to your knees. As you sank down, your hands slipped with you, trailing down his sides until they were resting on his hips for a moment before you started to go for his belt. You had thought about this a lot, about finally returning the favour, you thought you’d never get the chance when your little lie came out, but now here you were in your apartment, things smoothed over, safe and warm and in between them, about to do what Tiffany suggested back in that diner, about to “indulge.”
“Oh she is so eager.” The mirth in the blonde’s voice made you smile, the belt in your hands now open, busying fingers with the fly and zipper you say, “Can’t help it, s’ been a long time coming.” 
The hands still on your shoulders squeeze again, “I’ll say, how many times have we both gotten you off so far?” She teased and you say, “Oh at least two each, I got some catching up to do.”
“Damn right.” Chucky affirmed, you could hear the grin on his face. 
You stifled a laugh as you started to pull the fabric down his hips, there was something about this, all of this, that made you feel good, the cocky confidence was worn much too well by him and you found it more amusing than you probably should. 
But the giggles died when you got his pants down, you had felt him, hell, you had him in your hand, made him cum, but you also had Tiffany partially undressed and grinding on your thigh so you were a bit distracted at that particular moment. In fact you had been pouring over that hook-up a lot after it was over, moments break into your mind unbidden constantly as you appreciate it in a way you couldn’t when so caught up with satisfying them and yourself, mind and body overtaken by baser urges to chase sensation.
Now, you could take some time, breathe, really take him in while still in this moment, rather than upon reflection. Fingers hook in the waistband of his underwear before you tug down and are greeted with a more than generous handful of him, hot, heavy and thick mere inches from your face. 
You look up, catch him already look at you and his stare, fuck, it’s intense, just like that first night you met him. It makes you clench around nothing, the still confident grin on his face almost screams, “It’s not gonna suck itself.”, even though he doesn’t actually say that, the energy radiating off of him showed he didn’t have to verbalise it, to get the point across.
More wetness seeps into your panties and without breaking eye contact your hand reaches out and closes around him, you watch the shift in his expression as you do, starting to stroke slowly, purposefully before leaning in, your tongue peeks out from between your lips and you lick, tongue on bare skin for the first time. The taste of salt and pre-cum is a good one, to be honest, one you hadn’t tasted in too long. It makes your eyes break away, wanting to roll back but instead you lean closer, tongue runs from base to tip before your lips close around the head of his dick, nestling into that sensitive ridge before it becomes the shaft and you suck. 
Tongue lathes over, he moans, you are further emboldened and you set to work.
The pace and rhythm is easy, it feels startingly natural considering the amount of time since you last went down on someone, but hey, you’ve known your way around a dick for a damn long time, it isn’t exactly something you forget, especially when you enjoy it as much as you do. 
Is oral your favourite thing? Hard to say, you think pleasing your partner is your favourite and being on your knees is a fantastic way to accomplish that, one you have a lot of skill and natural talent at, it makes whoever is receiving feel special, important, cared for, right? Appreciative of the effort being expended. You liked pleasing, feeling useful, it fuels you, turns you on further. 
Speaking of being turned on further, Tiffany sinks down beside you, her hands hadn’t left you this whole time, leaning in closer, clearly watching and that thought is amazing, her watching you please her man with rapt interest, more than all this, I mean she suggested it. 
“You really seem to be enjoyin’ yourself.” 
A hum around your mouthful, fingers still locked around the base as you bobbed up and down the length of him, another moan ringing out from above you and Tiffany asked, “Feels good sweetface?”
You suck harder, take him in deeper and he groans out, “Fuck! Yes, so good, she’s, ugh, so-” That same hand slides down, cups and toys, he feels full, heavy, you know the load is going to be impressive. 
“Sooo?” Tiffany asks, “C’mon Chucky, expound.” 
He opens his mouth to try and do so but you take him deeper still, tongue pressed to the underside of his shaft as you pull back up and any attempt at praise is broken into another strangled sound of pleasure. “Damn, you really are good! What a talented mouth on you. It isn’t easy to make him speechless.” 
“But I think it can still be better.” She sighs, she moves, fingers brush over your neck, you shiver before her hand is on the back of your head and asks so sweetly, “Can I give you some pointers?”
Who knew better how to please him than her? You also are very turned on by the idea. You nod, refusing to break stride and she says, “Good girl.”
Her fingers grip and she pushes and pulls you, changing up the rhythm, leading you as you blow him, and you follow along no problem. She speaks right in your ear, “Oh there you go.”
Her praise makes you squeeze your thighs together, “Okay, now, pull up more, mmhmm, good now I want you to-” She told you just how to swirl your tongue around the tip in a way that made his knees get visibly weak and you are dying over how great this all is. 
In another two minutes of her guiding you, telling you how good you were doing, how hot this was and you looked, Chucky had to lean against your door for more support as you practically sucked like your life was dependent on it. “Do you know how long we have been talking about this?” 
You hum with a small shake of your head, not wanting to stop, you could feel if you kept it up he would be at his end soon and you wanted it, so, so badly. 
“Wanna tell her?” She asked and he ran a hand through his hair, a nod, a hard swallow and he tried, “Fu-fuck, she kept going on and on this one night, God, about how she wanted to do fuckin’ this, this shit right here-” He gestured down to you and looking at you and her, staring up at him, his dick half in your mouth, it made him pulse on your tongue and you know he isn’t going to last. 
“About you, being on your knees and her watching, seein’ how you like to do it and how much I wanted to feel it an-and fuck, don’t stop-” The light thunk of his head hitting the wood of your door as another groan leaves him brings you so much satisfaction, “You heard him, don’t stop. He’s real close. Don’t you want him to cum in your mouth?”
Of course you wanted that, you wanted it more than you thought you wanted air in your lungs, your mind was swimming, so totally lost in this moment, in them and what they had confessed. They had talked at length about you in this very scenario, she was filling you in further. You hum the affirmative, hand moving in tandem with your mouth as you take him, a bit messy at this point, spit acting as lube, gliding along with ease, movements just a tad sloppy but undeniably passionate in a very endearing fashion, giving away just how invested you were in this, in the now. “Of course you want it.”
She was whispering in your ear, as if sharing a secret even though you know he knows whatever she is about to divulge, the act still makes you feel special. One of her hands running teasingly down your side as she tells you, “I was on my knees for him last time we talked about it, I played pretend and did to him what I thought you would do.”
Jesus fucking Christ they were going to kill you.
“But seeing it? I gotta say, I didn’t do it justice. You look so, so much better than I ever could have dreamt up.” Her praise is punctuated by that hand leaving your side and palming one of your breasts through the top you had on. 
Then you hear it, him above you, all your work and effort, which while it was impressive, wasn’t that long, him warning you, “Gonna cum, fuck-”
“Ooh, what are you gonna do?” Tiffany asks, louder so he can hear and you don’t even have to think, you look up at him, stare into his eyes and feel it happen, your hand slips away and you push yourself, take him as deep as you can reasonably allow without gagging yourself and he spills into the wet warmth of you. The moan of your name, your real name, the one that when revealed almost unravelled all this and fucked everything up, it passes his lips and the feeling it invokes is as if you have only just really heard it for the first. You didn’t think you could like the sound of your own name so much, but just like with many things you had experienced with them so far, you are proven wrong once again. 
You swallow him with ease, took all he had to offer before you slowly and carefully pulled him out of your mouth, looking up to see the state he is in; his pants open and sitting low on his hips, hair worse for ware from where he had dragged his hand through it, trying to catch his breath and recover post orgasm. 
You feel good, really, really good. You feel better when you hear the soft laugh beside you, her hugging you from behind, her chin on your shoulder as she says, “Oh she swallows! No prompting or anything.” 
Chucky laughed, this breathless amused kind of laugh as he began righting himself, pushing away from the door, doing up his pants, “Yeah she’s a keeper.”
Letting out a laugh yourself, the back of your hand smacks him gently on the thigh as you say, laced with affection, “Asshole.” 
Your knees ache from kneeling on hardwood, you lean back into Tiffany’s hug before asking him, “Help me up?”
“Yeah I gotcha.” He takes your hands as Tiffany untangles herself from you and he helps you stand up. 
You are wondering about what to do for her when she is handing him his coat and plucking up hers from your coat rack. “And what about you?”
“What about me?” She asks, you think she is playing dumb for a joke but you go further anyway, “Don’t you want me to-”
She leaned forward, cuts you off with a kiss that has you melting before she pulls back, “Appreciate the offer but I’m okay and we have to get going but this?”
“Was amazing, totally amazing.” He finished her thought as he pulled his arms through the sleeves of his jacket, and she agreed doing the same, “Yes completely, but it’s late and we gotta get going, I wish we could stay.”
You wanted to tell them,”So stay. If you want to, then stay.”
But you just fixed things, you didn’t want to push, you realise yourself and that tonight was a big step for you all, it’s fine, there will be time for more in the future. You need to give them space and honestly, you think you need some yourself. So you know it’s all good, especially when she says, “We mean it, we’ll call you soon about going out again.”
So instead you say, “Sounds great.”
Another goodnight kiss is shared, this one more chaste then the one previously, you joke, “Good to know you aren’t one of those guys who doesn’t kiss a girl after she swallows your load.” 
That gets a good laugh out of the pair, another joke from him, “You dunno how tolerant I am of bodily fluids.” 
“Yours or other peoples?” You follow up as you open the front door, and as they breeze past you and take a step out the door, she says as, “Wouldn’t you like to know? Goodnight-”
And she said your name, it makes you feel just like how it did when he said it earlier. He follows up with his own, “Yeah goodnight, get home safe.”
The jokes never stop and you say, “I’ll try, night.”
You close the door, walking into the kitchen you see the sink full of dishes and decide to leave them for tomorrow, you turn off the light and think about that question she asked. You go into your bathroom to start getting ready for bed and her voice vibrates around your skull, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You think you really would.
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
let’s discuss - shit the fandoms wrong about
altaïr pre character development - this guy is a COMPLETE asshole he was a DICK he thought about himself only and al mualim teaching everyone that emotions like love made u weak made him learn the wrong way to act and behave
but ppl just tend to stop at that which is WROOONG this guy might be an asshole but he is emotionally very vulnerable and that’s what made him difficult because he couldn’t process his emotions correctly i mean he was very stoic and u could say that was due to the time of how games were made but see how he never audibly grieved ? basically yeah sure he was rude af but that was because he didn’t know what to do with sad feelings - he just processed it all into aggression
altaïr post character development - he became really wise and loving true and i haven’t read any of the books so correct me if i’m wrong but i feel like he would’ve made hella mistakes as a parent, i.e getting angry often, patience running thin often, raising his voice, learning how to empathise with his sons lmk if it’s specifically stated anywhere where he was a gentle parent but imho i feel like he had to relearn controlling his emotions and i don’t think he was a perfect parent at all
malik - how many times did he call altaïr a novice? once? twice? it’s cute but some of u are overusing it in fanfics that’s eNOUGH SLICES… also he’s not grumpy all the time, he was just angry at altaïr i mean tbf we only ever saw malik interact with altaïr tbf but he did also have a wife and kids and altaïr did accidently end up indirectly killing kadar so… imo he was not grumpy with everyone, maybe a little, but after his brothers death he’d be more reserved and quiet however i don’t think hes legit always super grumpy and angry
ezio - every fanfic he’s throwing a party. stop. just STOP. ezios been one of the most hard working assassins in the series hes not constantly throwin parties if we’re talking about young ezio then it works otherwise he’s probably building a career in a modern au or smth. he fell under the ‘one aspect in the media and we’re gonna run with it for his whole personality’ category
connor - i don’t think connors the most sensible person ever. i think he’s a little selfish, not in the sense that he’d let any harm come to his loved ones but he’s always been straight forward about what he wants (which is always with good intention). he doesn’t need to always be the most sensible and logical 24/7 guy. also i think he’s a little clumsy just a bit ik he was more clumsy as a kid but i like to hc he still kinda is as an adult. the connor is always looking for charles lee jokes are not that funny anymore btw…😭 he’s not your soft uwu brown beat this man is snarky and rude when he wants to be remember he IS a kenway…
edward - he has to be one of the most emotional ppl in the series. he’s always shouting and upset about smth and the fact that he married at like 19…? yeah he’s a bit of alcoholic and likes to have fun but he’s also true to his emotions and i wanna see him be more vulnerable
arno - before i played unity i thought this guy was emotional and stuff but after de la serres death he became a lot more stoic. and work oriented. he reminds me of connor tbh because they were much happier younger and both were hardened by deaths and what the templars did. he’s still a major simp i think but idk why i personally feel like it’s infatuation and elise would never have given him the love he wanted
arno before de la serres death - HES SO CHARMING? hello no one ever talks about this arno he’s so upbeat and funny and sarcastic please whyyyyyyy do we make ezio a whore and not arno like come on
evie - i’ve said it before i’ll say it again yall fuckers NEED to STOOOOOPPPP making her a goody two shoes she wasn’t ‘doing the good thing’ all the time if it wasn’t for the rooks shit would’ve been harder, basically jacob was right to make the rooks cuz u end up taking over areas and reducing resistance and gaining power making it easier to take down crowley with less repercussions in society and she was kinda wrong for making jacob feel dumb sometimes when she was so hard on him for not basically doing what she wanted
jacob - idk if i made evie sound like a villain and ofc jacobs weakness is doing what he wants but he’s still smart he would not be working with evie or fighting alongside her OR assigned work WITH her if he was dumb frfr hes HAS to be academically AND street smart that’s how he knew making the rooks was a good decision. what evie lacks he has and i don’t like when jacob is a COMPLETE idiot. hes dumb sure but he needs more credit than some of u give him. i do also sometimes use that take but he’s one of the more popular assassins because he’s so different to everyone else. hes not serious but that doesn’t make him a total dumbass
bayek - i haven’t played origins so this is a harder one but he seems a lot happier than we make him out to be and yes he seems to be the responsible father but i also feel like he can be kinda goofy sometimes idk like when he’s serious he can be completely terrifying but otherwise he’s extremely sweet
kass/alex: another person who’s very emotional i think they cry like everyday genuinely they are what ppl make jacob out to be
des - i feel like hes bummy af like this guy doesn’t wash his hands as much as he should…
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James lee yes James Lee not ‘DG’. Middle schooler red haired James having a crush on his best friend who fought along with him in the gen 1 fights. ?
then later on became couples !!!!!.?!
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being james lee's best friend and eventually his lover
details: gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, general canon au
a/n: OOH FUN IDEA,, i also kinda went all out with this one 💪 thank u for the request, plopifuee :] hope these headcanons work for u!! 💖
> this scenario would make for the ultimate friends to lovers, will-they-won't-they, slow burn fanfic of all time but. i don't have the skills for that so i offer these sprinkles of ideas instead T_T
> james was definitely more wild back then. not on goo's level, but he was less calm and more flashy
> worked as a lone wolf until he met you. before, he insisted he could handle whatever jobs needed to be done alone (was also more arrogant back then) but when he saw how capable you were after charles introduces you to him, he went, "actually, i don't mind having a partner as long as it's them."
> he just loved that he felt like you two were on the same wavelength; being the same age and knowing you could catch up with him/handle him was really exciting
> not a complete fool, of course, it took some time before he started truly considering you a dear friend and his ride or die
> vaguely flirty but played it off too well to seem suspicious at all. also liked showing off if he could!
> lowkey did that "boys who bully you like you" thing (future him is embarrassed, don't worry). something he often did was gross you out with body parts stolen from an opponent--assuming taesoo's eye is not the only body part he's taken from someone 😭
> you two were charles's favorite kids; the original gun and goo, dare i say, but if they actually liked each other. a fearless and powerful duo >;]
> the two of you have always got along, even with the occasional scuffles any friendship would have. james had fallen for you long ago though, back in his earlier middle school days with you (which is why he was vaguely flirty) but kept it on the low because he prioritized your friendship with him as well as accomplishing his goal more
> after accomplishing his goal, james went into hiding. he had you go into hiding with him because he didn't want to leave you behind. if james lee disappeared, then people would naturally try to find the person who always fought alongside him for answers. so, to keep you close by, you were turned into the manager of james who became dg, a pop idol
> over the years, james naturally matured and looks back at his old days with embarrassment. not only because of his attitude, but because of how he treated you. and... well, he mostly treats you the same, just with more cool-ness now lol
> eventually asks you out after much careful planning and consideration~ things honestly don't change much, it's just james being more openly shameless about flirting with you. plus he gets to kiss you and it won't be weird anymore ^_^
> charles isn't super supportive of the relationship because of the risks that come with it ("manager dating idol" scandals, specifically) but he trusts the two of you enough to be careful about it
> you two don't really care about that old man's opinion. anyways nowadays you both basically just do your jobs, hang out, and clean up "trouble" if needed. things have calmed over the years, after all, but those 2nd generation kids sure are causing a fuss 👁️
> "so... want to make a bet? i wasn't sure at first, but i think that daniel kid might actually do something to the 4 crews."
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