#hide n seek pioneer
hueghost · 4 days
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hundred million more spirits and guides to draw after these…hopefully I can finish this series….🥲
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valleyofgays · 1 year
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@jellyjam @nabanna drops this and leaves
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wanderingskychild · 7 months
Season of Revival Spoiler Warning ⚠️
“I did it! It hurts every time I brave the storm, but I did what you asked. Know remind me again, why did you want me to journey to Eden!?”
“Huh, look up?”
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ejsuperstar · 2 months
assorted sky screenshots
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leafith · 2 months
dayum we haven't interacted with eachother for a long time
anyways can you draw the shortest sky spirit?
Hi! I'm so sorry for the long wait! ❤️ I had to work on many things!
Anyways, I think that this one is one of the shortest?
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Thanks for the ask!
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twinsoftriumph · 8 months
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lalut will be later i promise i just need to group everyone in a way that makes sense. ANYWAY cital and sameyi are siblings and they've got a Potion Business to run except its sorta not really a business because cital refuses any form of compensation half the time despite sameyi's best efforts. more detail under the cut
they're found family because i drew them and was like yeah ill make them siblings why not
cital wears blushing prospector hair, rallying thrillseeker outfit, saluting captain firework staff, twirling champion mask, and shushing light scholar cape
sameyi wears hide n seek pioneer hair, forgetful storyteller outfit, frantic stagehand mask, withered antlers (modified), flower crown, and winter ancestor cape
cital is a How i look with he/him in my bio kinda guy. ive made this joke like 3 times and ill make it again
nothing to smile about in his life. (this is a joke he lives a pretty cozy life he just has RBF)
hes also hard of hearing and he and sameyi communicate primarily through signing
hes a spell maker and specializes in protection potions because he started out making anti-rain spells for forest, also does enchantments for living areas (basically just a spell but applied to an area)
he operates more on a "If you bring me the right supplies ill make you the spell" basis
hes not even really a tired grumpy type he's moreso just the Straight Man (NOT HET).
however the easiest way to piss him off is to use magic carelessly. he is a certain someone's number 1 hater
sameyi's his number one promoter. sameyi travels wayyy more and will pop up literally everywhere
it's to the point where you would wonder if she's doing this on purpose and like. Maybe? but she's also just very mobile and knows all the hotspots
definitely very charming. couldve been a scammer if she really wanted to
she's a theater nerd and loves. well. the Theatrics. she herself is incredibly dedicated to the bit. if she doesn't continue the bit you know somethings wrong
when she gets cital to go along with a bit she goes BONKERS CRAZY and thinks he's the funniest guy ever
probably haunted but she has a job so she doesn't really care about that rn. will not elaborate if asked.
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traciekitten · 2 months
Random sky pics that I had laying around
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stealthy survivor and hide n seek pioneer were playing hide and seek in those pictures and I thought it was adorable
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crazywritingbug · 1 year
A/N: Im sorry but I’m emotional today
My Name is Impostor.
I’m the Liberal amongst the Conservative, the Bisexual amongst the Straights, the Nonbinary amongst the Cis.
They spew hate, using words like “Snowflake”, “Disgusting”, and “Unnatural”.
Those who say no, you must choose Jesus or LGBTQ+
I am silent. I say nothing, too afraid to argue lest I reveal myself to them.
And yet my silence only agrees with them.
My name is Impostor.
But I’ll respond to Traitor too.
I am the Hesitant amongst the Pioneers, the Ashamed amongst the Proud, the Silent amongst the Outspoken.
My silence has betrayed my people.
My people who have accepted me without question and loved me freely.
Those who said yes, you can love Jesus and kiss whomever you please.
My name is Imposter.
But I am also known as Delusional.
I hide the truest parts of me in hopes of my bloodline’s love.
I betray myself hoping for acceptance that will never come.
I seek the impossible kind word amongst the Hate.
I feel alone.
Does anyone know my name?
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In the “automotive file” from Talent since Ashland is HVAC’d till next month or so
1336 California plate at southtown market
302 GUJ at Clark Street, from his usual rolling up on me haunt of Iowa and nearby streets
We’d be remiss without red mini cooper at habitual Iowa street crossing on the way to the Ashland library; belonging, I think, to a firefighter, so there’s *that* problem with the mini cooper tailing, too. And yes, there are a lot of them as of a couple weeks ago, and always on the sinister side to the left. 
133 CNN at Case coffee. Not the plethora of red honda fit’s I’d become acustomed to, but all the same; -EJL red honda met me at the 99 intersection down from Collier on the way to Dollar General (which seems to have survived the fire, if you leave out the giant Snap Fitness next door in very “doesn’t get the paperboy news anymore color”.
122668 motorcycle thing, that has stalked me about Ashland for some time, and actively “leading” a mini cooper next to britt hall. But not before following a lithia.com plated van just a little to close beside the Zen Center as a I walked by. Suggesting it’s stalking and that guy knows it, and was trying to hide out while tailgating.
Ashland library director drives a Subaru in an uncommon color that has since turned up at all kinds of intersections. Again, just as I reach them, beginning with 031-KSU driving in a circle (yes, they’re ALL the same color as the library director’s) at Hargandine where it dead ends into Lithia Park above the theater.
There’s very gay Phil, with dog “anna” that once sought me out over and over down at Ashland railroad park to offer “milk and cookies” (which I’m sure is some kind of a euphemism). Appearing not only at sixth street, but at the sixth street alley when I reached it on the habitual walk route to the Co-op from across town.
There’s Pioneer street down from Ashland library, where not only did a cooper appear *at the top of the street* meeting me at the Fly Shop corner where I was currently standing, but then, a Metal Masters service van followed me the length down it, teriminating in the Grange Co-op, where *another* mini cooper pulled up just as I reached the building. (And these are all socketed intersections along my walks to and from places; before they were blue ford’s, as next to Get n’ Gear alley. And then, red honda fit’s. Now they’re coopers for the most part.)
There’s a surveillance immediacy in punctuating my comings and goings with coopers, driven by people who presumably have more to be doing than walking the streets. Their time, their money, their cars, their stuff. 
A priori, there were a few coopers in *all of Ashland*. A redheaded woman in the vicinity of the high school on Iowa leading in. The firefighter’s clown car, as I mentioned above. And perhaps one more on Auburn or so. Now parked at the tops and bottoms of many streets, rolling up on me anywhere an “ethnic theme” can be spotted on a business’s sign. 
Any and all of them, to the point of rolling up by Xerxes, then by the nun’s house with prayer flags up on Siskiyou and so on and so forth, the *entire length of Siskiyou* to downtown Ashland. White dodge neon’s used to be “the thing” of maximum antagonism, until they branched out into other colors but still neons.
Coopers next to what was the katwok. Next to the theater building. Next to the black swan. Rolling up to park in front of me when I crossed Siskiyou next to the fire department. It’s not random and it seems to serve no purpose save amusement to someone.
Maybe it’s the automotive wholesaler based here.
Maybe it’s a high school dropout with abnormal pull with people who drive certain cars. 
Maybe it’s anglophile econ major from SOU party college and the brother of the dropout.
Maybe it’s the FBI nursing some theory that seeking me out with certain makes and models of cars at the *same locations along the way* any time of day or night that I happen to pass there, will piss me off. And it does. 
It’s not an “impediment to housing” not an “obstacle to employment” that’s being treated by any of this. It is sort of pursuant to legal action in the sense that “intending someone be late to work because you’d find it amusing” is still wrong, crowdsourced, and very much syndicated activity not unlike gangs. And it’s not funny.
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amity206 · 1 year
Lil base pants redesign
it’s dark here and my camera won’t focus so I’m sorry the moth is blurry (also ignore the thing at top left that’s the foot of another skykid I drew earlier)
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I was looking at the base game spirit outfits and the Hide n’ Seek pioneer outfit and thinking it would be cute if the other pants had the little triangle bottom on the shirt, it’s such a simple pattern so it wouldn’t overcomplicate these outfits but it would be a nice detail
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vela-pulsars · 2 years
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inspired by what i saw in xochimilco and the nintendo switch trailer showing ancestors wearing colorful clothes
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thatskyafro · 4 years
Yeah, I ship them now. Now scroll
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viridiave · 3 years
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[Hidden in the Forest] + Crab Call
my god with the newest update I can't help but feel weird shipping the Prospector with the Pioneer but this started with a joke where I was like 'hey the Postman is basically just if the Blushing Prospector and the Hide n' Seek Pioneer had a lovechild' and it held up a little too well with me cjfjskdjsj
Headcanons/Theories present:
-The Hide n' Seek Pioneer is a giantess- without her mask, her size would be on par with that of an Elder's
-Blushing Prospector thinks that the Pioneer is beautiful with or without that masks- it took a while to realize it was in fact, love
-Prospector and Pioneer were both students of the Prophets that went their separate ways after the coronation
-Dismayed Hunter and Courageous Soldier are siblings
-Dismayed Hunter and Whale Whisperer consider each other arch-enemies due to their professions
-The Whale Whisperer died trying to guide a Whale to safety; the Dismayed Hunter was among the group that shot it down
-The Whisperers were among the six unnamed Ceremonial Worshippers- those who valued the relationship between creature and Ancestor. The Whisperers left after some time on their own in order to pursue greater depth to the relationship they share with their creature of choice
-The Crab Whisperer was among those Worshippers before she joined the Lightseekers in their quest for light
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vivi-the-sky-kid · 3 years
Oh actually just thought of something that needs clarifying
So today's Daily Tip is this:
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Now, this tip was created before TGC added some extra items to the Elder constellations, namely the Tier 2/edged capes, and the dress from the Hide 'n' Seek Pioneer. Here's a shot of what I'm talking about:
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To all new players: you do not need to get these capes, the Hide 'n' Seek dress, and the wing buffs locking them away in order to "finish" a constellation and get the gift from the Elder. These were added for the sake of veteran players and can be considered bonus cosmetics
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skybirdstyle · 2 years
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"Dance with me! Lets have some fun!"
Apologetic Lumberjack Hair: 3 ❤️
Hide 'n Seek Pioneer / Chibi Mask: 20 ❤️
Butterfly Charmer Yellow Cape: 3 ❤️
Ushering Stargazer Pants: 4 ❤️
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harvardfineartslib · 3 years
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The Studio Museum in Harlem opened in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City in 1968. The museum is dedicated to advocating for artists of African descent, whether African Americans, members of the African diaspora, or artists from the African continent, by collecting, preserving, and interpreting their work. It has served as a place where artists and community members gather, learn through various programing and an Artist-in-Residence program, and promote works by Black artists who have been severely underrepresented in major US museums.  
A 2019 study conducted by a group of mathematicians, statisticians, and art historians showed that diversity in 18 major US museums is extremely weak (published in PlosOne on March 20, 2019.) 85% of artists represented in these museums are white and 87% are men, while African American artists had the lowest percentage at just 1.2%, Asian artists at 9%, and Hispanic and Latino artists at 2.8%.
In terms of gender and ethnicity, the most predominant groups were white men at 75.7%, white women at 10.8%, Asian men at 7.5%, and Hispanic/Latinx men at 2.6%.  All other groups were less than 1%. In all the collections at these 18 major US museums, 44% of artists are from Europe and 44.6% are from North America. By contrast, the remainder include 8.7% from Asia, 2.1% from Latin America, and .4% from Africa.
The Studio Museum in Harlem stands as an important space for Black artists, offering much needed space, recognition, and voice to truly represent our deep history and culture.  
Image 1: Front cover: with “Lawdy Mamma,” 1969 by Barkley L. Hendricks Image 2: “Cotton Hangup,” 1966 by Melvin Edwards Image 3: “Free, White, and 21,” 1980 by Howardena Pindell Image 4: “Hide ‘n’ Seek, Kill or Speak,” 2004 by Wangechi Mutu
Black refractions : highlights from the Studio Museum in Harlem Choi, Connie H. [author]   New York, New York: American Federation of Arts; Harlem, New York: The Studio Museum in Harle ; New York, New York : Rizzoli Electa, [2019] 231 pages: illustrations (chiefly color), portraits, photographs ; 30 x 24 cm "Through exhibitions, public programs, artist residencies, and bold acquisitions, this pioneering institution has served as a nexus for artists of African descent locally, nationally, and internationally since its founding in 1968. Rather than aim to construct a single history of "black art," Black Refractions emphasizes a plurality of narratives and approaches, traced through 125 works in all media from the 1930s to the present." English "Published on the occasion of the traveling exhibition, Black Refractions: Highlights from the Studio Museum in Harlem, organized by the American Federation of Arts and the Studio Museum in Harlem" ISBN : 9780847866380 ISBN : 0847866386 HOLLIS number: 99153772228403941
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