shoutmonishere · 2 years
He will hottokenai™ his way out of this, definitely
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wild-battlebond · 3 years
Digimon Xros Wars Ep44 Liveblog
Now that Kiriha has received some character development and embraced his ability to love, him, Taiki, and Nene have gained the ability to use Great Xros and increase Shoutmon to X7! Unfortunately, this is not enough to one-shot Gravimon.
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and straight into the fray!
i forgot about all of this Great Xros stuff. it’s pretty cool & i like how it fully establishes the three of them as a close-knit trio
this is nice. I’m glad Kiriha gets a little bit to feel emotions about Deckerdramon’s death
oh no oh god i forgot about this until now. this episode has some weird parasite-growth shit in it... anyways Taiki has like. a bit of Gravimon wedged in his arm and it’ll grow into him or something and it’s mildly upsetting. like the thing with plotlines like this is that they’re pretty fascinating in their own right (there’s a guy inside you and it could kills you wyd) but also (like i said) mildly unpleasant to watch
so Gravimon can regrow from anything (in this case, a wire), not his core, but his core needs to be intact to be able to regenerate. which is why he stuck it in Taiki, since it would either mean that his core would never get destroyed or the others would be forced to kill Taiki to destroy him (iirc that’s this episode’s main conflict)
is Taiki misquoting a saying just a mistake on his part, or is it supposed to indicate that the core in his arm is affecting him?
from here on out, Kiriha starts acting a lot more relaxed, & it is really gratifying to see him change so much. it’s like a weight was literally taken off his shoulders after he realized his mistakes and was able to embrace his love, from the way he stands to how he interacts with the group (like Shoutmon said, he’s even smiling and laughing now)
ohhh I see, it’s a decoy X7 made up of seven completely different Digimon! that’s clever!
Nene’s disguise this time is hilarious because she wore it literally just to talk to the guard and then have Mervamon kick the guard in the face.
so since they found out he could regenerate, Gravimon’s not even being slick about it this time... but he’s not showing his whole hand, either, since he still hasn’t told Taiki about the core
aaaaa that's cute how she holds Hi-VisionMonitamon's hands
Kiriha still acts like his normal self while in combat, though. so, he's probably started to understand that there's a time and place for everything -- sometimes you can relax with your friends, and sometimes you can be a brutal fighter.
this is a really good way to represent how X7 was made up of everyone's bonds (and everyone's Digimon) -- before, Taiki was riding on X7's shoulder before hopping off, and now that Kiriha is giving X7 orders he's the one riding on X7's shoulders. they did something similar a while back when X5 (i think? it's the one with Sparrowmon) first formed and both Taiki and Nene stood on X5's shoulders since X5's formation was also indicative of their budding friendship. like, swapping around who's the one giving orders (who X7 has to trust with their life) is very significant in a battle.
man Gravimon really wants to force Taiki's friends into killing him. i think he has a problem.
hmm yeah that's just as disturbing as i remember. i don't like how it does a heartbeat thing.
so now Gravimon is putting Kiriha's character development to the test by trying to goad him into killing Taiki again
"rip it out" dude it's inside his arm do you know how much that would hurt???
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well Kiriha contemplated it for a bit but then remember that Taiki has continued to trust and been nice to him him despite his betrayal, so he is not going to kill him. that's good.
so Kiriha is going to surrender by giving up his Xros Loader… leaving himself completely defenseless
or not? i guess Gravimon thinks that's too easy?
and then he was going to kill Kiriha but then Taiki jumped in the way?? he's going to try and take out Gravimon with him???
so then Gravimon had his core leave Taiki and Mervamon grabbed him and Kiriha so they're fine now
and X7 shot down the core so everything is fine now and they’re moving on to the next (and final) kingdom
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digimonlines · 8 years
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Guidemon to Ebemon X
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digimonjintrix · 11 years
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Hi-VisionMonitamon 2-022
As the newest model of Monitamon, it surpasses Monitamon in every aspect of its abilities. Also known as the 'Black Electromagnetic Wave', it acts as the Monitamons' commander and leads them to victory.
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shoutmonishere · 2 years
He will hottokenai™ his way out of this, definitely
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wild-battlebond · 3 years
Digimon Xros Wars Ep32 Liveblog
Kiriha is having a bad day because he’s worried about being weak. More importantly, Nene and Sparrowmon are back!!
a new Big Dramatic opening speech to remind everyone that this is Big Dramatic Time
so OmegaShoutmon is still fighting Dorbikmon & co. and is now losing badly. also I forgot to mention this last time but it’s important for context: the Bagra Army’s 7 world bosses all got mass-produced Darkness Loaders (evil xros loaders (it’s been a while since the last time that was important)) from DarkKnightmon and can now sit around and digi xros to their heart’s content. and i’ve finally figured out why this is so significant when compared to the combinations/unions/fusion-like stuff the Bagra Army could already do: it’s reversible and recombineable, so the enemy can do all sorts of different xros combinations or split up -- basically, it’s more strategic than just absorbing your allies and getting stronger
NENE!!!! i really did think she was a Digimon at first, lol. i guess that’s proof her disguise works well.
SHE USED THE SAME FAKE DIGIMON NAME TAIKI DID?! it’s basically “TheFlowermon”. how do they all believe that.
I still wonder how Nene and Kiriha got new clothes. I suppose Nene probably made hers herself, since she’s also making all these disguises.
So Nene threw a bunch of flowers that dragon Digimon are allergic to at Dorbickmon (but doesn’t seem to affect Shoutmon or Dragomon?). she spent a long time gathering intel from the local flower Digimon, and had planned on meeting up with Kiriha and working together with him after she found the flowers.
so there’s the rest of Xros Heart. they’ve been put in space-time stasis (which seems excessive (was it meant (writing-wise) to prevent them from changing at all during Taiki’s abscense?)) and are going to be executed at a waterfall. because of all the moisture at the waterfall, Nene’s flower trick won’t work twice.
but Taiki’s got a plan... This seems familiar, are they going to have Dragomon dig a tunnel and shoot the flowers up through that?
Kiriha is still mad about Dragomon being weak and is even more mad now that Taiki is planning around Dragomon’s abilities, so he’s stormed off into the forest
y’know I never really thought about it before, but since Nene and Kiriha were allies for a while, they kinda know each other. like unlike Taiki, Nene has a pretty good idea of what Kiriha’s problems are because they’ve hung out more.
“being weak is evil. so i have to crush this tiny crying version of myself in my hand.” ok Kiriha
maybe Nene is the one who made Kiriha’s new clothes and she, like, sent them to him. since she was planning on joining him after she found the flowers, anyways.
but now Kiriha seems to have more admiration for Dragomon? he’s asking Dragomon how they’re able to keep going. I guess because Kiriha is feeling down, he’s impressed to see someone who he considers weak like Dragomon continuing to fight on.
his Digimon are raring to go despite still being in the process of healing, but Kiriha is still hesitant... I wonder if thinking about his past and dead parents makes him worry about pushing his Digimon while they’re injured?
and now it’s execution time. is that really all of Xros Heart? I guess it is. it just seems like there was more of them.
wait no it’s not. where’s the taiko drum Digimon? where’s my boy?
so the plan did involve tunnels, but not shooting flowers through a tunnel. rather, Dracomon found a weakpoint in the waterfall and blew it up, then Hi-VisionMonitamon shot balls of the dragon flower’s pollen at the dragon Digimon. Shoutmon and Dracomon are still, mysteriously, immune to this.
what a bunch of smart 12-year-olds
and now Dorbickmon has crossed with his entire army, which, again, doesn’t seem that different from what the Bagra Army was doing before.
the team is back together again!
now it’s time for a digi xros! I wonder if X5B will fare better than OmegaShoutmon did?
X5B did not fare any better than OmegaShoutmon did.
now Kiriha is here to save Dracomon from being squashed by Dorbickmon. (man do I hope I’m remembering this boss Digimon’s name correctly... they’ve only said it like once...)
now MetalGreymon’s horn is cracked. ouchie.
now Kiriha’s been hit in the head with a rock.
oh wow I guess that rock hit his head harder than it looked. there’s blood streaming down his face now.
*checks my notes on what pretty cure series i can randomly associate with this show* wow this is just like hugtto pretty cure because Dracomon is cheering for Blue Flare (this is nothing like hugtto pretty cure)
so... MetalGreymon’s evolution is also triggered by bonds of friendship? that’s what it seems like, since responding to Dracomon’s cheers is what did it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kiriha completely misunderstands that later.
I guess it could also be a matter of feeling prideful, though, since that’s what Kiriha and Greymon just got done chattering about
and now they’ve won! the zone has automatically fallen under the control of both Blue Flare and Xros Heart!
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friends :)
but the land boss has a parting message for them... he points out how everyone really struggled just to beat him, and that they don’t stand a chance against the other land bosses. and that is true, they did have a lot of trouble with him. so they’ll either need to get stronger, or figure out even smarter plans. or both, both would probably be best.
Everyone is officially traveling together now! Next time, they go to a vampire land — I remember that land being pretty fun watch!
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wild-battlebond · 3 years
Digimon Xros Wars Ep24 Liveblog
The time for comedy is over — now, Xros Heart has both to defend the Code Crown and save the princess of the Shinobi Zone! So they split into teams, amd Zenjirou gets to go on a life-changing adventure.
so the team has a two-pronged plan of attack — most of them are going to stay behind and defend the Code Crown, while Zenjirou is going to go save the Monitamon princess because he wants to impress Nene. and, since he has fought & acted as a general before, Taiki trusts Zenjirou to take care of things.
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but Zenjirou might’ve been overzealous because he (and the flunkie Monitamon he brought) are having a tough time infliltrating the castle and keeping up with Dorulumon. so Dorulumon tells him to just leave if he can’t handle it — Dorulumon does kinda have that “if you can’t do something well then there’s no point in pushing yourself” ideology. but now Zenjirou’s watching everyone else fight to protect the Code Crown on the Monitamon’s screen so maybe after that he’ll be like “no... if my friends can give it their all, then so can I!”
yeah that is what he did. he saw that everyone was giving it their all & that Taiki believed in him so he picked himself back up and went back to infiltrating the castle. his kendo skills are coming in handy again, now, too — he was able to defeat a little kendo Digimon and held his own against the big boss Digimon in the castle. man I wish this show had little dex entries whenever a new important Digimon appeared, I am having a horrible time remembering any of their names.
noticing that all of the Digimon have, like, little golden glowing wounds where they’ve been struck. that makes sense given the fact that they explode into gold-colored flecks of data when defeated. maybe the writers also thought it was weird when Lilithmon bled real blood so they made it all into a glowing gold blood-like substance,
Nene’s Xros Loader has changed color now that she’s helping her friends (she flew in on Sparrowmon to save Zenjirou)! it’s lavender. part of me really likes that b/c I really like purple, but part of me also thinks it would have made more sense if her’s was yellow. also, she xrossed the red rookie Monitamon that Zenjirou was hanging out with into Hi-VisionMonitamon, who looks pretty cool! it makes sense that xrossing the same Digimon would result in a bigger/evolved version of them.
that wraps things up in the Shinobi Zone! the princess is safe, the red rookie Monitamon have joined Xros Heart, and Nene’s given the Code Crown to Taiki (without laughing...?). she mentions that the red Monitamon can keep in contact with the Monitamon on her team, so I wonder if she’s going to be leaving soon? that kinda seems like what she’s implying.
oh, I figured that the princess would be a Monitamon... i guess they just really had to pull the ‘pretty lady is an old lady’ “joke”.
The next episode is pretty interesting, if I remember right! Shoutmon looses his confidence for whatever reason, and his Digi Xros begins to fall apart. And at the same time, a zone falls apart!
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digimonlines · 8 years
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Monitamon to Ebemon
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