#hhhh i wish i had more patience to DRAW this stuff but i guess talking about it is ok
mikunology · 2 years
"The prsk kids are part of VA" 👀 you can't just drop that and not expand on it, that's such a cool concept, spill
ah yeah, that :0c
you can consider them AU versions of the prsk characters, since obviously there's only one Miku in my verse and SEKAIs don't exist - but everyone is still there! except maybe niigo but that's because I'm not actually sure what I wanna do with them. working on it
plus obviously everyone is now in Sapporo with everyone else rather than Shibuya but look ok. it's fine
uhhh lemme get my notes...rambling under the cut ig
Leo/need go to the same high school like in canon, and they go to Miku's school in particular - Ichika actually sits a ways behind Miku and she's a big fan so you can only imagine how she's feeling
MORE MORE JUMP! is still doing freelance idol stuff, I actually had an idea for a possible story where they get mixed up in one of Maika's plots and they get to help Miku and co. save the day and a bunch of fellow idols
VBS exists and I'm still looking for a good plot to include them in. I am doing my best
New development! Pheonix Wonderland is now a thing that exists in Sapporo. WxS still does shows there. Rui and Nene actually go to the same school as Gumi and she sees them sometimes
Also had an idea for a plot where Tsukasa gets Module-fied into a villain maybe???????????? maybe though. still mulling over it a bit
uhhh and even though SEKAIs don't exist they're all very conscious of Miku, given she's a hero and all
uh for now that's all I got
I did also have headcanons for a hypothetical situation that my versions of the loids meet the sekailoids but that's for another post hahaha thank you for asking
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