#hey i actually posted art that isn't ego related
chaseisglitched · 2 years
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i probably wont post about them much on here for now, but here is two of my ocs!
This is Kian (left) and Emmaline (right) and they love each other <3
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cod-sins · 11 months
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.ೃ࿐ Paring: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Black!Artistic!Reader
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW. Very Fluffy.
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Undisclosed.
.ೃ࿐ Format: HCs .ೃ࿐ Word Count: 536.
[A/N: What started out as drabble in my notes turned into full headcanons :>. Also non-blacks y'all are allowed to interact with this post just don't be weird.Also I didn't proofread n just kinda threw these out there.]
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Going to start this off by saying Ghost supports you 100% whether you do it as a hobby or as a full-time job. He isn't going to be going around bragging to everyone about it but he would definitely look at some artwork and be like 'Huh, Y/n could make something 100x better.'
If you work with clay/pottery he likes to watch your hands carefully dip and curl shaping whatever object you're making. He also asks you stupid questions.
"Why are you fingering it?" "Simon." - 😐. "Just wanna know why you're trying to give it an orgasm love." Feel free to kick him out.
Got really jealous when he found out you made Price a custom drinking glass. He never told you but he always glares at it whenever he's in the room with his captain.
Ghost has a lot of money from working in the military so he has no problem buying you new art supplies. Even if you insist on getting a new sketchbook despite you having several others that you didn't finish. Ghost is still pulling out his wallet for you.
Suffering from art block? Ghost is your muse!
You'd have so many drawings and paintings based on him. He's so amazed at the way you're able to capture every little detail. You actually end up boosting his confidence/ego because of this.
Would pose naked if you asked, but he gets jealous if you use other naked people as art references. "Simon I love you but I need a female body. Not a six-foot British man." "Use your imagination."
If you're a digital artist Ghost is constantly telling you to get up and stretch. You only agreed to this because he wouldn't stop calling you shrimp-related nicknames.
"Oi, shrimpy ya need to stand up for me." "Hey shrimpback time for you to stretch for me." "Your back looks like the letter C."
'It's you. 💻🖋️🦐' He would text you.
Doesn't understand why you're crying head down on your computer until you tell him your program crashed before you could save your progress.
Ghost is so amazed with your ability to create masterpieces just by using your head and references.
Would let you color on his tattoos and draw on his back and arms. He enjoys watching you doodle little crossbones on him. Or when you go all out and draw bones on his hands
If you were a painter Ghost would hang some of your artwork around his house. It would be such a surprise when you came over to visit. He'd smile softly watching you get all excited over it.
Ghost however can't tell the difference between different tones and shades.
You frowned slightly and furrowed your brows as you picked up the small tube of paint from the white bag. "What's the matter?" He asked. "I wanted lime green this is yellow green..." "Bloody fucking hell mate what's the difference? It's just green." "Pfft, what's the difference? Simon, there is a huuge difference," you exclaimed before continuing on. "It's like trying to use a sniper optic for a pistol." He chuckled at your shitty analogy before kissing your forehead and promising you to buy the right one next time.
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cookie-gal · 4 years
Ranma 1/2 modern au
Part 2 : Electric Boogaloo
Link to Part 1 -
• Ukyo was Ranma's childhood friend and their "engagement" was a similar case to Goku and Chichi, Ranma promised to marry Ukyo as a kid and didn't fully understand the concept of marriage
• Essentially Ukyo hasn't let that promise go along with the other promise Ranma made involving her Okonomiyaki sauce.
• They kept in touch throughout the years but lost touch around their teen years, probably around age 14, since Ranma started going ham with all the tournaments and training and Ukyo going to culinary school and running her Okonomiyaki business.
• So it was a bit of a shock for each other after all these years. Especially with Ranma and his curse.
• Ukyo just laughs at him "I don't know if I should feel bad for you or laugh." And Ranma just goes "stop" 👁👄👁
• Ranma acts like he doesn't remember his promises to Ukyo, but he actually remembers them and is a problem since he's now engaged to Akane. And also Shampoo.
• But Ukyo isn't going to back down from marrying Ranma. Girl is here to get her man and Ranma isn't stopping her really either. He really can't say no to most things she does since he got a soft spot for Ukyo, she was his first true friend growing up. Saying no to her makes him feel bad.
• She probably uses that to advantage to screw over Shampoo or Kodachi. She will literally go, "Hey Ranma, I heard you were hungry, let's go to my shop, I'll make you your favorite okonomiyaki" while he's dealing with Shampoo who insists they are on a date. He just shrugs and goes, "I guess I'm getting okonomiyaki" and leaves
• Ukyo, when she moved into town, she didn't really need to go to college. After all, she graduated early from culinary school since she is a cooking prodigy. But she decided to attend the same college as Ranma to at least get some sort of degree in Business Management to help her expand her business.
• Ukyo herself can relate to Akane to the struggles of femininity and masculinity. And this helps establish a friendship between them, much to everyone's surprise. Though their friendship doesn't stop their rivalry for Ranma, they are just more tame and aren't purposely trying to sabotage each other.
• P-chan is not Ryoga. (Personally I found it creepy that he relied on his pig form to get close to Akane which as resulted in their one sided romance) P-chan is Akane's pet pig that Dr. Tofu gifted to her.
• Ryoga, sometimes when he's in his pig form gets mixed up with P-chan but he GTFO once he gets the chance because he feels like he's invading on her personal life without her consent.
• Nabiki is still a trickster and trying to make coin anyway she can.
• Absolutely tries to become Red's manager, when she finds out that Ranma uses his female form to be a twitch streamer. She is the one running his online merch store and managing his social media accounts of Red.
• Though the easiest person for her to swindle is Kuno. She can easily be like, "Hey, you wanted a a shirt owned by Red. I will let you touch and look at it for 21,000 yen (roughly $200 usd) If you want to own it Kuno baby, it's 52,000 yen (roughly $500 usd)" Anything, from a hairbrush owned by Akane, photos, doing small favors like delivering gifts to Red or Akane, she charges a lot.
• This is why she's out her flexing by wearing only designer clothes and has all the latest tech. Akane over hear still using wired headphones while Naniki laughs in airpods with custom charging case. She probably walks up to the dinner table wearing designer clothes, with her airpods in, and holding onto her new phone, going "Sorry, I don't speak poor" Kasumi or Mr. Tendo scold her and she drops the attitude.
• She's in her early 20s, probably 21, and majors in Business Economics. She doesn't really have a set career in mind, she just goes with a flow.
• Her and Kuno's relationship is odd to everyone. She isn't flat out repulsed by him and doesn't fight him like Akane does. She just messes with him. But it seems like they have a deeper relationship underneath Nabiki swindling him. No one knows whether they secretly actually have a thing for each other, their just business partners, or just friends. But from the looks of it, Nabiki will continue to swindle him to make some fast cash.
• Kasumi had to grow up quickly since her mother passed away when she was a teen. Being the oldest, she helped her dad with raising Nabiki and Akane.
• This definitely influenced her to persue a career as a school teacher when she reached college. Currently she works at a local elementary school as a kindergarten teacher.
• Since she had two help raise two girls and now is a teacher, and is essentially raising several children, she is like in full mom mode most of the time. You know she probably has the cabinets in the Tendo house full of kid snacks or normal snacks cut down to size. Absolutely no alcohol, she got that locked up somewhere. Absolutely decorated the house with bright little colors. No one wants to tell her to tone it down since they are either used to it or just can't help but find it cute and or hard to say something to Kasumi.
• Dr. Tofu, although he is good friends with Kasumi, still gets flustered around her. He is hopelessly in love with her while Kasumi is as dense as a rock when it comes to her love life.
• Honestky it's like she and Dr. Tofu are talking about Ranma and Akane's relationship and goes, "Don't you hate it when two people clearly like each other but are as dense of rocks. It's so frustrating. It much be really frustrating too to be in love with someone when they don't notice you." And he's in the background screaming in pain.
• 100% they were friends in high school. And since high school, Dr. Tofu got that fat crush on Kasumi.
• Though something to note, Kasumi might not have any desire to run the dojo, but the queen is fit. She and Dr. Tofu have been work out buddies for years. Kasumi isn't staying fit for attention, rather she does it for herself and to stay in good health. So during high school, she and Dr. Tofu became work out buddies to help each other stay healthy.
• Kodachi is a gymnastics prodigy. From a young age she started training and completing in gymnastics competition. So she did online school for a good chunk of her life.
• This resulted not only in her big ego, but also her competing in the Olympics for Japan from a young age, 17 years old.
• She knows she can be set for life as a professional gymnast, however she needs a back up plan in case she has to retire early from that career. This is why she is currently studying in college to be a theatre teacher. She loves performing so she's okay with becoming some sort of teacher that involves performing.
• However she's not going to the same college as the rest, she goes to another one, a prestigious school, and she's on their gymnastics team as the team leader. The only time the gang sees her is when she has to compete against their college's team, or around town
• Kodachi growing up knew if she were to marry, she wanted to marry someone who was confident, can kick ass, and is genuine. Well Ranma falls into those categories for her and she started to fall for him when she saw him compete in a martial arts tournament that was happening in the same town where she was competing for a gymnastics tournament. They were about 18, Kodachi remembers him but he doesn't remember her.
• She sees him in town expecting to run into his arms and go on a date but Ranma is out her going "I got a smooth brain, who are you?" Then he proceeds to go to Ukyo's restaurant to eat okonomiyaki with Akane.
• Rip Akane, she's frustrated that Ranma has 3 girls after him along with Kuno trying to hook up with her and Red. So technically Ranma has 4 people after him when he's supposed to be engaged to her.
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