theaceofarrows · 2 years
Gus: [messaging Hunter at 3:00am] I need some advice
Hunter: [whose been getting scolded by Flapjack for having three energy drinks and two bags of Hexmix at 3:00am] You've come to the wrong person
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lollytea · 2 years
any headcanons of matt annoying hunter? he seems the type to (attempt to) do everything hunter does but just a little bit more extravagent. broken bones/ a broken ego will not stop him he has to annoy hunter at all costs
I assume this is AFTER the beef is squashed and they're just buddies who like to get on each others nerves. I figure that they're not super close in the way that they both are with Gus but when they DO hang out, it's like Matt was genetically hardwired to get under Hunter's skin. It's the little brother instinct.
Matt repeating everything Hunter says and mimicking his body language is such a little asshole move and so very like him. It'd have Hunter fucking fuming too. And he'd give Matt at least 3 chances to shut the fuck up before he attacks. Whenever Gus and Matt annoy each other enough, it devolves into petty little slap fights. There is none of that shit with Hunter. He would pin Matt to the ground and sit on him and/or put him in a headlock until he yells surrender. And then five minutes later, Matt starts the whole thing all over again. He never learns.
Also I could see them doing this. Yes, Hunter is the one to lick out of rage. He's done it before and he'll do it again.
Matt would absolutely be the person in Hunter's DMs who sends him the most gross/cursed shit ever and he's just like "Why would you make me look at this I fucking hate you"
Not like Hunter hasn't figured out that there are ways to drive Matt ballistic too. And he even takes inspiration from Matt's own tactic of copying him. It'll be like Gus tosses Matt a bag of HexMix and he's like "Thanks, Gus."
A second of comfortable silence. And then Hunter makes a show of lifting his hand to twirl his finger through his forelock, swinging his legs over the armrest of the chair he's sitting on, giggles and simpers "Thanks, Gus 💘" in an overly dramatic imitation of Matt's voice.
He does this at every opportunity. It takes such minimum effort on Hunter's part but Matt goes fucking nuclear every time. Tries to suffocate him with a pillow once.
Anyway they're very good friends 💕
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bloodyv1l · 8 months
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asmodeus-682 · 1 year
TOH incorrect quote
Luz: what's your deepest fear?
Hooty: watching all those I love die before me.
Luz: holy titan-
King: well mine is the HexMix mascot- now I feel inferior
Eda: Hooty you need therapy
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pb-loves-owls · 1 year
I just realized Darius has a weakness for sleepy bois. indiscriminately. soft for exhausted messy goblins who munch on hexmix. oh his lord Deamonne of distinguished cleanliness just loves to take care of sleepy messy ruffled duckins.
is it because he has an urge to pick them up, clean them, and take care of them? is it because he just can’t resist the icky dirt dusty sons of crumbs? does he find them adorable the same way I would a bunny rabbit? does he just look at them and instead of going “I can fix them” he goes “I can dust them off a bit”
I hope to god nobody reads this and thinks I mean this sexually because absolutely not. this is genuine, straightforward wanna take a little pal and get ‘em a bubble bath and some clean clothes action. spa day for the dirt warriors. assuming they don’t disintegrate immediately from one fizzy bath bomb.
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hexterah · 3 years
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From 2016 to 2020 I slowly uploaded a fanfiction over on AO3 called You’re The Wrong I Need. These were the notes at the beginning of the story:
Okay, so let me preface this story with a whole (lolololololol) thing: This would never ever happen. Tenel Ka going Dark Side is something I could never see occurring. But I wanted to write so bad in general that all this mess came to me and I had to get it out - so even though it’s a giant mess, I’m happy cause I EFFING WROTE SOMETHING! And it’s something long!
When I started this story, me + writing was a thing hadn’t happened in a very long time. Then I hammered out this and Galaxy Rendezvous. Well, GR was finished first cause this one was crazy but both of them are complete now! I was just really excited that I wrote something again, especially the length of the two stories and how long it had been since I wrote anything.
(Also, I’m known for stupidly and sadly abandoning long J/TK stories in the middle. See also: Hollow Souls, Halfway to the Heavens, Absolved and The First Time -- which is technically a Tenel Ka/Zekk story but still fits I’M SORRY ONE DAY I’LL TRY TO FINISH THEM D:)
NOTE: I took Mara’s murder out of the equation and she’s still alive. I know he took the name Caedus after her death but we’ll pretend he took it before. Because… of reasons… I guess. SO THAT’S THAT. :D
As for the timeframe/line, it would split at some point in Fury (I believe) -- Caedus hasn’t kidnapped Allana yet and the last time he and Tenel Ka had visual contact was when she told him she didn’t want to fire on him and basically said, “suck it scrublord, bye.”
In closing: I just really wanted to write something horrible and dirty. Like really horrible. Here it is!
(P.S. It’s not required to read Galaxy Rendezvous before this, but there are definitely some callbacks to GR in this story -- both in some of the parallels that happen between the two stories and then stuff going on in a small scene or two.)
Written from April 13 - December 7, 2016.
This -- I Will Be Your Apollo -- is the playlist I made while I was writing the story and each song inspired or fits something in the story, so I figured I’d throw in my my Jacen Solo/Tenel Ka Djo fanmix mess and post it here with the rest. ;)
Playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4EuTxlGHsUK5NLfuk9pf9J?si=41d21cbc85644cc5
Story on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8864029/chapters/20323162
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aixiua · 4 years
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sebisghosts · 4 years
My #Hexmix is still being repaired at @befacosynth so I temporarily have to change the way I route the audio outs of the modular to the #MX1. This little #techno jam (part 1) is mostly using #moogdfam #mutableinstrumentsplaits and of course #digitakt. Best with 🎧! . . . #eurorack #synth #synthesizer #modularsynth #synthnerd #knobs #jamming #dawless #moog #modular #modularsynthesizer #132bpm #groove https://www.instagram.com/p/CD9RlYLqakh/?igshid=127xfq22y5pkz
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Will you do a thing about hunter being unhealthy at school?
*hunter* man I’ve never had food this good
*gus* dude that was 14 packs of hexmix
*hunter, about to see the other grimwalkers* so what?
Hmmm, seems relatable?
Not quite sure what you're asking. But yeah, Hunter needs a proper diet.
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trovarsiofficial · 5 years
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I finally met the man that makes my favorite thing in my #eurorack 🖤 Thanks Manu! #hexmix #hexexpander #bafaco I’ll see you in Barcelona soon! 😎🎛🔊 . @befacosynth @socalsynthsociety #mixer #modularsynthesizer #eurorackmodular #eurorackdiy #techno #diy #diyeurorack #barcelona #spain #knobcon2019 #knobcon #ilovesynthesizers (at Hyatt Regency Schaumburg Chicago) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2M2A2AANA1/?igshid=1kcp168gze70n
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
Lilith: Something tells me you're going to be more unhinged than usual today...
Eda: [holding a lit match and a bag of Hexmix] Leave me alone, Raine and Luz aren't home, so I'm going feral
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hataken · 6 years
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Testing new items. #modularsynth #hexmix #hexpander #dervish #eloquencer #4vox
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bloodyv1l · 7 months
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bloodyv1l · 9 months
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
Hunter: I only eat Hexmix when I'm stressed
Gus: [looking at the empty Hexmix bags around the room] Uh huh
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hexterah · 7 years
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(This mix was originally posted on LJ in February of 2008. I’m putting all my old fanmixes online w/ the info here! :D)
1960. Your name is Jack. You're the only survivor in a plane crash in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Surprisingly, you find yourself near a curious tower jutting out of the water. You wade over, climb inside and find yourself in a sprawling underwater city, complete with clubs, apartments, factories and leaks. What was this place created for? Who created it? Why? How? It's a technical marvel, why hasn't it been all over the news? These are the questions you are searching for answers to, until more questions materialize, that is. Such as "Who is Atlas and why am I helping him?", "Why is my hand seething fire, insects and electricity?", "Why are these gigantic robots suddenly out for my head?" and "Oh dear god, why is that little girl chugging the red fluid she just needled out of that corpse?" Society here has collapsed, the people have gone absolutely out of their minds, everyone is jacked up on plasmids and now you're stuck in the middle of it. Welcome to Rapture.
Fanmix on Playmoss!: https://playmoss.com/en/hexterah/playlist/would-you-kindly-a-bioshock-fanmix (a couple of the songs won’t play on PM cause of the companies that have their music blocked -- they can be found on the actual youtube site though, if you wanted to hunt down the songs under the cut that the playlist skips~) 
bobby darin .. BEYOND THE SEA ... it's far beyond the stars it's near beyond the moon I know beyond a doubt my heart will lead me there soon ...
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[ Take the bathysphere on down to your hometown. ]
Ignore the lies of Atlas and his parasites. Rapture is on the rise.
shiny toy guns .. STARTS WITH ONE ... only three i can’t seem to get enough anyway i can’t speak nothing to say anyway let’s show them the only way let’s show them our hearts ...
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[ Don't mind the leaks or the bodies. Just watch your step. ] ................ Andrew Ryan asks you a simple question: are you a man or a slave? ................ temposhark f. imogen heap .. NOT THAT BIG ... I can cut my heart out just like you do and I can suck the life out of it just like you do i'm gonna pick myself up and pull myself together; never revel in recovery mode for when commitment is a dirty word you can't afford to ever slip or let down your guard ...
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[ It might feel a little funny with the first injection, Jack. Just a little. ]
................ The Little Sisters Orphanage: In troubled times, give your little girl the life that she deserves. Boarding and education free of charge! After all, children ARE the future of Rapture. ................ the cure .. LULLABY ... on candystripe legs the spiderman comes softly through the shadow of the evening sun stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead looking for the victim shivering in bed searching out fear in the gathering gloom ...
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[ Andrew Ryan is your God among Men. ] ................ Approaching a Little Sister is a criminal offense. Do not approach the Little Sisters. ................ gerard mcmann .. CRY LITTLE SISTER ... cry little sister (thou shall not fall) come to your brother (thou shall not die) unchain me sister (thou shall not fear) love is with your brother (thou shall not kill) ...
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[ It's up to you, Jack, whether they're rescued or harvested, which means it's up to you whether the big brother in their chemically-enhanced fucked-up-beyond-repair family saves them or kills them and takes all the spoils as his own. ]
................ We all have bills to pay, and the temptation to break curfew to make a little extra ADAM is forgivable. Breaking the curfew is not. Stay on the level, and out of trouble. ................ three days grace .. NEVER TOO LATE ... no one will ever see this side reflected and if there's something wrong who would have guessed it and I have left alone everything that I own to make you feel like it's not too late it's never too late ...
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[ People forget that the Big Daddies were once human too. ] ................ The smuggler is the friend of the parasite. It is your duty to report the smuggler. ................ radiohead .. ALL I NEED ... I am the next act waiting in the wings I am an animal trapped in your hot car I am all the days that you choose to ignore you are all I need you are all I need I am in the middle of your picture lying in the reeds ...
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[ "Plasmids changed everything. They destroyed our bodies, our minds. We couldn't handle it. Best friends butchering one another, babies strangled in cribs. The whole city went to hell." ] ................ Rumor is the tool of the parasite. Fontaine is dead; Rapture lives. ................ videodrone .. ALONE WITH 20 BUCKS ... living, barely surviving freebasing life till its end divided soulless vices death before life could begin evil dollar bills, life stood still a tumor removed from your brain prescription refilled, a cure for my ill blood stains painted over again you tell me how to think you tell me how to feel cause I want to know what is real is anyone real? ...
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[ If Ryan is Rapture's God, then Fontaine is his Lucifer. Once smiled upon for his actions, he's now Ryan's most prominent enemy. ] ................ Attention: A new curfew will be enacted on Thursday. Citizens found in violation will be relocated to Apollo Square. ................ dave gahan .. A LITTLE LIE ... I walk alone and you know I've never felt at home I'm so hard to please and I have everything I need ...
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[ "Me family's in a submarine hidden in the foundation of Fontaine Fisheries. I'll meet you there." -- You'd better get used to being lied to, Jack. ] ................ Wanting an item from the surface is forgivable. Buying or smuggling one into Rapture is not. Stay on the level, and out of trouble. ................ joydrop .. BREAKDOWN ... and all the days you pushed around and all the times you lied to yourself and all the dreams we had just might breakdown ...
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[ She seems to be the only one with a conscience on this sinking heap of metal. She also acts as yours. Listen to her. ] ................ Andrew Ryan reminds us: we all make choices, but, in the end, our choices make us. ................ kate bush .. EXPERIMENT IV ... they told us all they wanted Was a sound that could kill someone from a distance So we go ahead and the meters are over in the red It's a mistake in the making ...
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[ Nothing holds back the experiments in Rapture. And nothing is saved from them. Plants, animals, children -- all up for grabs. ] ................ Wallet a little light? At Surgical Savings we'll happily work out an affordable payment plan for any major procedure. Potentially terminal illnesses won't wait until payday. Should you? ................ coheed & cambria .. THE HOUND (OF BLOOD AND RANK) ... come on, you've got to give it to me as though you want it too come on and set me free i'll dig it till we've made your grave oh, you've been a bad, bad boy i'll cut it 'til I carve it out and stick it in a sad, sad song why the bother, you're no brother you’re the wrong I need boy, we all found an audience while you found the worst of me ...
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[ The body is a terrible thing to waste. So says the artist. One does the cutting and the carving and the other does the sculpting and the performing and they're two sides of one horribly twisted and beautiful coin. ] ................ Attention: Any public congregation of more than four persons is considered an actionable offense. ................ frou frou .. PSYCHOBABBLE ... do just what I tell you and no one will get hurt don't come any closer cause I don't know how long I can hold my heart in two make no sudden movements and no one will get hurt you're not coming over if you know what's good for me why would I be leaving you? ...
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[ Andrew Ryan has a way with women, yes? Well, he also has a way with his children. A man chooses, a slave obeys. ] ................ The bottom of the ocean is our home, but it can also be a dangerous place. Any leak is a bad leak. Report any unexplained water promptly to the Central Council. ................ the birthday massacre .. PLAY DEAD ... thinking hurts and thoughts don't rhyme to those of us who've never tried to find a face behind our lipstick smiles and as our pretty faces die our plastic hearts will wonder why the make-up just won't hide the scars of time ...
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[ "Now, would you kindly find a crowbar or something? Bloody splicers sealed Johnny in before they ... goddamn splicers." -- They were the citizens of this once thriving metropolis. Now they've been reduced to babbling, deformed maniacs who are only out for another high. ] ................ We all move the Great Chain, and the Great Chain moves us all. ................ moving units .. THE KIDS OF ORANGE COUNTY ... a suburban tease you can see their dirty knees you can see them bounce off a wall like a racquet hits a ball but they always come back again a Jamaican breeze you can smell the anti-freeze you can see the world is a maze when you're young and you're free to be anything you wanted to be ...
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[ It's all about class, dollface, and you don't fit in! Parasite! ] ................ The parasite hates three things: free markets, free will, and free men. ................ brand new .. WELCOME TO BANGKOK [ instrumental ]
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[ "Don't know what I was thinkin'. Never spliced up once the whole time I was down here in this aquarium. Figured it was bad to mix business with pleasure, but WHOOO! Forget all the nose candy and floor polish I been wastin' time with! THIS stuff is the mothers milk!" ] ................ "That's just the Plasmid Blues, Mary. You just need to slow down a bit on the splicing. Before you know it, you'll be as right as rain. Remember, a smart splicer is a happy splicer." ................ ambo .. BLUEBIRD ... and the sun was brilliant too ...
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[ Maybe one day you'll see the sun again, Jack. ]
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