#hes so stinkin CUTE
baekonbaek · 2 years
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my big head king 
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jjanguri · 1 year
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pouty hao
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mirkwood-trash · 7 months
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He do a splootin
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simstuition · 2 years
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minibunz · 2 years
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Everyone say hi to the new household kitten Panko!
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hayakawapartner · 1 month
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i booped his nose and he pouted until he got a hit from my vape
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f1-birb · 3 months
he is this 🤏 big
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skyloftian-nutcase · 20 days
Lovelies, I commissioned @smilesrobotlover and she did not disappoint, so have a scene to go with her fantastic art <3
Link had never dreamed of being in a situation like this.
It was difficult really to say what he could and couldn’t imagine being possible anymore, given that a time traveling miniature guardian had helped save Hyrule from destruction, but this was still more than he could have ever thought would happen.
With the castle floating in the sky, the former king frantically taking control of a terrified and fracturing nation while the queen was missing, and Zora’s Domain barely holding together after a phantom version of its own prince tried to kill its king, Link was ready to fall apart at the seams. His fellow champions were in disarray, Zelda was gone, Mipha had to recover and hold the Domain together while her father healed from an attack that was staged to look like Link was the culprit, and—and—
And his son snuck after him when he went to help the rest of the kingdom.
It was honestly… fun. Exciting, even. But also completely terrifying. His little one was too young to be in such dangerous situations, but his magic that he was seemingly cultivating helped shield him from danger.
Link tried to hold on to the comfort of still having support, despite the chaos. Mipha was working to help the Domain realize that Link had not, in fact, attacked King Dorephan (a majority of the Domain already understood this, but it was hard to refute when the imposter looked like Link), and his father was working with the Hyrulian soldiers to reel in monster encampments, allowing Link and Koden to move somewhat unobstructed across the country.
Somewhat unobstructed. As in, there were still monsters for him to fight, and oh how Link worried, but also—
Link snarled as he shoved a bokoblin with his shield. He heard a grunt behind him, a pleading appeal followed by his son’s shy voice, “Papa! Papa!”
Koden didn’t sound distressed, but Link felt his heart skip a beat nonetheless. Turning, he saw his boy standing seemingly calmly as if there weren’t a battle happening right in front of him, and he signed that he had to pee.
Of all the— “NOT NOW!” Link yelled louder than he really wanted to as another bokoblin shoved a sword too close to his face.
Koden whined, starting to do a little dance, and Link finally finished off the last of the horde that the larger ‘blin had been leading around the field. Sighing heavily, he wiped the sweat off his brow as Koden started to hop all around him, only stopping out of curiosity when he saw the monster parts left behind.
Link sighed heavily. “Ok. Now we can go pee.”
He could practically hear his father laughing at him.
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mr-babish-the-bunny · 8 months
Its honestly the cutest thing ever to give him 😍
his little tongue 👅
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justgaara · 1 year
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LookUp NARUTO Shippuden - Gaara Figure
add him to your collection here
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no0t2 · 10 months
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i've seen people draw benry with beady eyes so i decided to try them out on my benry. i'm in tears /pos
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bird-inacage · 7 months
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Call Me By Fire S3 | Dorm Antics: Jeff go plop!
He can't be good at everything guys 😂 I love how the other brothers found this hysterical. Elegant Jeff scaling the rope like a torpedo and then proceeds to fall on his ass like a sack of rocks in 3 seconds flat.
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iheartjameshetfield · 8 months
Okay okay I know I would kill for James and the urge to be his girlfriend is killing me but imagine being his girl bsf.
Like from kindergarten you and him where friends and now you two are inseparable. Just for him to be so comfortable around you makes me feel a type of wayyy. And you two tell each other like EVERYTHING.
Because your parents are always out of town, James would always come around to your house and stay for days on days.
(Like when you two are like 15 or something) You somehow manage to get alcohol and cigarettes. So you two would just get drunk to a degree and mess around in your back yard.
Like having that kinda friendship with James to the point where you are like brother and sister is so fucking cute like OH MH GOD SOMEONE HELP ME. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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Someone send help this boy is too cute
like as much as i literally wanna marry this beautiful specimen of a man, just imagine being his best friend in the whole world.
you would’ve been there for all his shit and he would be there for all of yours. i feel like james use to be the type of person who didn’t know how to comfort someone that much, like he’d be more awkward ‘how do i stop her from being sad’ he would mean well but he just wouldn’t know what to do
but with you? god you’ve been friends for lord knows how long, he knows that he doesn’t even have to say anything. he knows that you just being in his embrace, hugging you for as long as you need it and him murmuring sweet words to you is enough. he knows that you’ll be ready to talk about it on your own pace. he knows not to try and give you advice. he understands that you just need someone to understand and hear you
during classes, you two wouldn’t even focus. you would just keep talking and talking, shit talking everyone you can, drawing the weirdest shit you can think of in each other’s notebooks or playing games like tic tac toe.
most of the time, one of you, if not the both of you, were asleep. you grab his wrist slowly to be sure not to wake him up and draw on his hand or write meaningless notes or insults on him. or when you’re the one who is asleep, he’d mindlessly play with the ends of your hair. i feel like he would also take notes for you if you fell asleep during smth important. you couldn’t even count the amount of times you both were late to class because both slept throughout the session, james’ back slouched against his chair while you rest your head on his arm.
he would alwayssss make sure to walk you to your class first, not caring how late he would be to his own.
sometimes, when you both were sooo done with school, you’d ditch. you would leave early and go back to your house. you would eat whatever snack you found while he shows you something new he learned on the guitar, or you’d both be in the back yard, listening to whatever was on the radio while you pass a joint back and forth, talking about whatever came to mind since there were no secrets between the two of you
james would teach you how to drive since your parents didn’t have the time. he’d make silly remarks, pretending to clutch onto the seatbelt harder than necessary as he prays to god to forgive him for everything he’s done while you tell him to shut up and not be overdramatic.
during prom, you were sort of down that no one had asked you, although you weren’t surprised since you didn’t really interact with anyone from your grade other than james.
to make you feel better, he would buy you flowers and ask you instead. he’d do the whole matching his tie with your dress and even pick you up from the front door like a gentlemen.
when you guys were in middle school, you started using this camera that you found somewhere in your house. you would take pictures of the weirdest things or take pictures of james during the most unusual timings. he could be opening a can of beer, or picking out a record, or even tuning his guitar and every three seconds, he’d feel you take a picture of him.
it annoyed him a lot at first, which only made you take more pictures of him, but after a while he got used to it. in fact, he enjoyed it and would sometimes use the camera to take pictures of you or the both of you together.
james sees you as his little sister, so he hates it whenever you’d wear something a little showy. whenever you’d go to a gig with him or a club or just anywhere, he always makes sure to stay close to you, chasing off any guy that even thinks about making a move on you. you get annoyed at him most of the time but other times, you were thankful. although you did find it irritating whenever he’d pull your shirt up or your skirt down or even giving you his jacket, telling you to cover up.
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this picture of james is so childhood-best-friend trope i cant explain it, but he would totally smile this way with you only or when you tell him to smile big for the camera, he’d give you this goofy grin 😭😭
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mirkwood-trash · 9 months
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howlingdemon13 · 2 months
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Can you tell I'm struggling with his hair again?
I'm trying something new with breaking stuff into simpler shapes and idk if I like it yet.
anyways smushing and pinching his cheeks
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mysonsareturtles · 3 months
Canon 1987 Michelangelo in my heart
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