#herbed cheese from van
star-junk · 2 months
Only Bones
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Alastor x ReaderOC, Vox x ReaderOC, Future Lucifer x ReaderOC
Second Person POV, Change of POV, Slow burn (or fast burn - really moving through the plot quickly), please forgive the typos.
Warnings: Dark Themes: Altered state of consciousness, possessive behavior, mention of dv, non-con elements in the future, cannibalism and just things not being nice--it's Hell.
General Notes: Still not sure if Alastor will remain ace within the confines of my story. Also, operating under many assumptions for Season 2 so walk with me on this one.
Ch 2 Notes: I know nothing about TV production so I'm just winging most of this bit. Also Kudos to you if you know the song used on this chapter. Continuing with the breakneck pace bc otherwise I'd spend 5 more chapters setting shit up.
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Chapter 2:
You're packaging the last bit of the pies into neat little boxes. These are smaller than the regular size you sell at the shop, they were a pain to cut but the buyer did offer to pay extra for the commission and well, how could you say no to that? They ordered every kind you had too, including the herb and cheese ones - had to pay Kory, the local smuggling succubus, extra to get the three different kinds of cheeses you needed.
The water with the devilfoot root comes to a boil, you hurry over to take it off the stove before the root disintegrates making the whole thing undrinkable. Pouring it on a separate container to sift the bits that did come off, you then add the crimson scarab from the jar of crimson scarabs Jo catches for you—and that should do it: Your very own calming remedy!
You close the old almanac gifted to you, placing it back into your tote bag to close shop too. Jo was long gone for to rest as instructed to be up for an early start tomorrow. 
Covering yourself with your old worn shawl, you adjust your tote bag underneath to brave the elements for the short trip back home. This part of the city was usually quiet compared to others, but you could never be too careful. The dagger in your bag is always accessible if you needed it—and you had needed it before. 
As you walk you’re already thinking of tomorrow, of the financial possibilities if the buyer likes the pies and they ask you to keep coming back. You might be able to reach your goal sooner than you think and though you know you shouldn't get too excited, a glimmer of hope still shines within you.
Your steps feel that much lighter over the filthy city concrete below.
You hold on as Jo makes a sharp turn. “Are you sure you don’t want some of my tea? You seem nervous.” 
“Nah, I’m good.” He replies. You know he's a bit of road demon but today he seems more on edge, he’s also way more chatty than usual. “So anyway, I told her she needed to get real for once and… “
You take a big gulp from your thermo letting him talk through his nervousness as VoxTek Tower comes closer. It was visible from the third floor of your apartment complex and it always seemed like such a distant aspect of life here in Pentagram City, so inconsequential to your own afterlife—but up front? You can literally feel the corporate presence sucking away your soul.
You’re directed towards the back once you pull up, and are given directions to the studio coordinator who made the order. 
There’s chaos all around you when you pull up, huge props and costumes wheeled to and from. Groups of technicians with lights and camera in tow. People with phones and clipboards shouting orders. Your van and cart of pies oddly fit right along the organized mayhem. 
“This is kinda cool.” Jo says hauling down one of the carts. 
Both of you do your best to avoid running into anyone on your way to the elevators, which are thankfully big enough to accommodate the carts.
The 13th floor is just as busy as the ground floor, maybe even more. You attempt to follow the sign that reads: SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE WITH FYTOR when a horde of demons rushes past you. 
“He’s here!” “Shit, do we have everything ready?” “If anything goes wrong, I … !” 
Jo glances at you and you shrug until you see him.
Vox, the CEO and owner of the VoxTek Enterprise.
He made sure his image was unavoidable if you resided in any part of the Pride Ring, more so than any of the other Overlords if you were one to keep up to date. 
“Wow.” Jo says.
And he’s right, the Overlord has so much more presence in person, towering over those crowding him.
“Woah there, no pictures, no pictures.” He says while fixing his coat, all long limbs and charisma. “I’m here on business, my valuable employees.” 
“And so are we.” You remind Jo, who continues to gawk at the Overlord.
“I’ve seen two Overlords in less than a month, it must be a sign or something, Nuria.” He says, glancing back.
“I hope it's a sign for wealth.” You reply.
Soon you’re at the back of the set, speaking with Myrna, the bizarre horse-snake chimera mix. “This all of them?” She asks with the same thick southern accent you heard on the phone.
“Yes, ma’am, all hundred of them.” You answer. Jo is ready with receipt and pen. “Now if you could sign here just to verify our delivery.” 
She ignores you as she grabs one of the pies, taking it out of its tiny box eating it all in one bite. You and Jo look at each other, unsure now if you’ll be paid. This wouldn’t be your first time, not because of the quality of the pies but because it was Hell and people were generally assholes, specially when it came to paying up sometimes.
“Oh Goodness Gracious!” She finally says, turning around to sign your form and grabbing another pie from the cart. You breathe easy again. “Set them over there, sugar.”
“A pleasure to do business with you!” You offer a smile and a handshake. “We hope we can continue catering your events!” 
“Of course!” She responds already walking away ignoring your hand. You sigh, so much for networking. 
You get busy anyway, moving some things around in the already lavish snack table to make room for your delivery Upon seeing who was visiting, the elaborate set up made sense. “I think we’re going to need another table.” You finally admit defeat after playing tray tetris, some stuff looked too expensive to touch.
“Let me see if I can find someone.” Jo offers.
And you’re left there to wait while he does that, that's what you liked about Jo an observant self-starter, you should look into increasing his pay soon. You're thinking that watching the crew work, it really does take a lot of manpower to get production on air. You kind of wish you had been invited to the ‘Yeah, I Fucked Your Sister So What?’ Set instead. It was your guilty pleasure, putting it on as background noise while you worked on the pies for the following day. Maybe you’ll get lucky and see one of the actors on your way out. 
“Homemade pie?! It’s been decades!” A crisp male voice says from behind. 
Great, a potential customer! “Oh, our shop has been op— “ It’s Vox, the very CEO you saw on the halls before. He's leaning over the table taking in the smell.
“Are you the owner?” He asks sizing you up, his eyes going from your horns, face, body and finally settling on the wings at your hips. He quirks a brow at the sight, you hide them further back, a knee jerk reflex whenever people looked at them too long. You hated them.
“I sure am, sir. A pleasure to meet you.” You extend a hand out before he comments on the wings.
He takes your hand, doing a little bow to meet your eyes. “Well I do love a woman that can cook!” You do your best to keep the frown off your face. But aside from that, it was truly impressive to see the Overlord up-close. The light from his screen engulfs you in the low light of the set as his upper body tilts closer and you have to squint to keep the light from hurting your vision. “One so pretty as well. Are you one of the guests. What do you go by, doll?” 
“You’re too kind, sir. Nuria is the name. And no, sir, we're just here for delivery.”
“Vox, Sir! We were looking all over for you. The producer is eager to meet you.” A crew member emerges from one of the curtains. “Follow me, please.” They urge.
“Of course, of course. My apologies.” He answers, brilliant smile back on. “But I hope to see you around, Nuria.” He says letting go of your hand with a wink and a light sting of electricity from his body to the underside of your wrist. Your hand pulls back startled, he chuckles as he struts away.
Jerk, you murmur under your breath.
Jo comes back a few moments later dragging a large folding table borrowed from somewhere. 
“Let me give you a hand!”
You finish fairly quickly after that, when Myrna comes back again, taking the last bite of her second pie and seemingly ready for a third one. “You’re welcome to stay if you’d like.”
“Really?” Jo chirps. And you don’t have the heart to say no, your wrist still tingling from her boss' "greeting."
You’re herded to a corner though, where several screens show different angles of the set. One screen dictates what’s to happen at which times intervals during the show. One segment draws your attention. Special Guests, it reads, the name of the performing musical group - and then a live performance of a song you immediately recognize.
Sudden screaming from one of the hallways leading to another part of the studio has you and Jo glancing around. There’s the sound of slamming doors and objects being thrown around followed by a string of swears accompanied by several footsteps running towards the source of the screams.
“What the fuck is going on now?!” Myrna screams into her headset as she follows the chaos.
“Maybe it’s time we skedaddle?” Jo suggests scratching his cheek in mild concern.
But now it’s you who doesn’t want to leave. “We’ll be fine, Jo, besides I really want to see this.” You point to the screen. “Mamá Tozi, my grandmother, used to play this song all the time when I was little. It’s an oldie but a goodie, didn’t expect to see it here of all places.” You explain. “Want me to teach you how to dance cumbia?” 
Too late you’re already grabbing his hands, placing them in position. “Let’s see, it goes 1, 2, 3… Nunca es suficiente para mí… ” You step forward, tilting one hip to the side and then to the other. It’s a bit difficult without the actual beat of the song but you manage following your own, “Tan-tan-tan, tan... “ Jo tries his best to follow along. “Porque siempre quiero más de ti. Yo quisiera hacerte más feliz.” And then a hum for the parts there’s no words for. You move his hand while keeping the other in a loose grip so you can do a half twirl and return to position, then motion with your hand for him to do the same. He follows through and you giggle as Jo rolls his eyes but continues to follow along. “Mi corazón estalla por tu amor. ¿Y tú que crees que esto es muy normal? Acostumbrado estás tanto al amor.”
“You know the song?” Myrna asks out of nowhere, you let go of Jo's hands (you hadn't notice when she came back.) “Have you performed before?” She presses.
“No… ” High school and karaoke performances didn’t count, though you had been told you weren’t half bad.
“Well there’s always a first time for everything.” Oh you did not where this was going.
“Turns out the vocalist for our scheduled group is feelin’ a little under the weather t’day, and by that I mean she’s too fucking wasted to even stand up, so we’re gonna need to improvise.” We? Who’s we? “Our CEO is here.” Our?
“Well I do wish you the best of luck and would you look at the time, Jo, we should be driving back soon.” You say looking at the black screen of your phone, then search for Jo’s hand again to get out of there as quickly as possible. But Myrna’s talons snatch your arm first. 
“Hey!” Jo tries to reach for you, but she easily pushes him back with the other hand. 
“You’ll do just as well.” She sneers.
“There’s no way you think I’ll get out there to put on a professional performance! Are you nuts?!” You drop the professional act, glaring at her instead - trying not to wince in pain, her grip hurts.
“I don’t think - I know you will.” She says, you’re standing on the tip of your toes with the way she continues to hold onto you. “Or there won’t be any payment for the order, AND I’ll make sure to run your little shop’s reputation to the ground. Would that be enough motivation for you?” 
“Oh yeah?” Jo speaks up, “You don’t know who you’re messing with!” Myrna hisses at him as response.
“I want triple the pay for the pies.” You say before Jo says anything else. There’s no need to involve Rosie.
Her eyes narrow. “Whatever.” She says and calls for a dressing room assistant. 
“Nuria, but… “ Jo whispers.
“It’s okay, I’ll be fine, and we’ll make a killing on this one.” You smile as Myrna drags you further back. 
He sits right on the front row.
Fights the urge to yawn while waiting for the next section as his employees scamper behind the camera. Someone offers him a second cup of whiskey which he takes without even looking to see who is offering it, he should really try to make an effort to actually engage with them. It was easier to win them over with feigned kindness than by force (though his peers would disagree). Especially now that they had the entire playing field to themselves.
It was the reason why he was there at all. To ensure the 'magic of TV' ran smoothly for captivating quality content. Their plan to monopolize Hell depended on them capturing as much support from the public as possible, by any means necessary. Indeed, with the battle against heaven broadcast he could feel himself growing in influence and power as every wretched sinner tuned in to watch. So strike and improve while the iron is hot was one of his many mottos.
It’s all he thinks as he watches the Host announce the next performer.
The lights dim as the cameras focus on the stage.
The lively melody of a trumpet is followed by the rest of the band’s instruments as flood lights cast over the vocalist at the center of the stage.
A tight sequin dress glimmers with the curve of her swaying hips, her shoulders also moving to the beat of the music.
But then she sings and suddenly it's the most interesting thing he’s seen all week. 
“Oh thank fuck!” Vox overhears one of the producer’s heads loud-whisper to someone on his right. 
“ Y tú te vas jugando a enamorar. Todas las ilusiones vagabundas que se dejan alcanzar.“ Her voice young and smooth in Spanish, he understands very little but knows them to be of a romantic melancholic nature. She spins, grabbing one of the trumpet players to accompany her on her dance and her solo dance from before flourishes with the new companion.
“Who’s that?” He finally asks, curious.
“She’s ah… an up and coming artist.” The producer’s heads answer in unison, then go over his notes to look for her actual name. The CEO watches as the ratings are directly sent to his screen. 
“Oh yeah?” He says taking a swing of his whiskey, liking the data he’s receiving.
“Nunca es suficiente para mí. Porque siempre quiero más de ti.” Her voice rises without losing the harmony in it, the musicians behind her faithfully follow her rhythm, nearing the end of the song. The numbers on Vox’ screen hit are all time high for the month, impressive considering this show’s underperformance in ratings.
“Wowowee!! How do you like them apples?” Fytor, the Host, gestures for a round of applause that goes on for some time. Someone whistles in admiration. “Los Demonios Azules!! Premiering our cultural segment, everyone.” He says for one last round of applause before the cut. 
And just like that, the vocalist who sang with such charm and charisma only moments prior drops the microphone and yanks the colorful fur wrap off her shoulders to throw it on the floor as well. Vox barely catches the moment she also yanks the gloves off her hands, stomping off the stage in a petty tantrum that could rival one of Val’s. 
“Well, looks like your little variety show gets to survives another year!” Vox remarks as he gets up from the chair. Both of the producer’s heads beam at the news. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” He says, adjusting his clothes in place before zapping himself away from the set to the dressing rooms.
You’re taking off the gaudy and incredibly heavy earrings you were made to wear when a spark of electric blue appears behind you and you get up alarmed holding onto the dresser behind you. “Holy— “
VoxTek’s CEO materializes before you. 
“Greetings, my dear!” He smiles, “I don’t believe we were introduced.” 
The initial shock wears off quickly. “Yes we were!” You tear the humongous blonde wig off your head, then smear part of the makeup off with one hand. 
There is a pause where only the muffled screaming of the neighboring dressing room is audible. The band you performed with was infighting over the close call they had thanks to their drunken vocalist. 
“The pie girl?!” He asks incredulous after a moment before doubling over in laughter as if you just told the funniest joke he'd ever heard. Your fists tighten at your sides.
“Is everything ok in there?” Jo asks knocking at the door. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Be there soon, just taking care of a new fan.” You shout, voice dripping with sarcasm. You’re angry at being made to perform like a little wind up monkey but him laughing over it infuriates you even more. “Your bitch of an employee, Myrna, threatened to withhold my pay for the pies if I didn’t replace the singer.” You struggle to untie the gladiator shoes. How the fuck did they tie these damn shoes on you?! “Your guests suck, by the way.” 
“My sincerest apologies, my dear. I’ll make sure you get paid, money is not an issue.” He says going on knee to undo the knot. You pause, surprised by the gentleness in the sudden action. He takes all the time in the world taking off the shoe, then motions for the other foot placing it over his knee, no minding soiling his very expensive looking trousers.
“Ever thought about a career on television?” His tone is casual as he works.
“No, sir,”  You reply, all anger fizzled out, but quick to take your foot back, “I already have a contract with someone.”
The expression on the screen changes, now intrigued. “Oh? And may I know who the lucky demon is?” Hoping the answer will deter further questions you answer truthfully. 
His screen glitches for a second, distorted static repeats the name. “Ro-rosie? Cannibal Town's Rosie? You don’t say!” 
You immediately sense that might have been the wrong answer, having forgotten the intricate web of relationships Hell’s Overlords maintained - and if his reaction was anything to go by, Rosie might not be someone he particularly cares for, for whatever reason. 
You reach for your clothes inching towards the door with the sequin dress still on, you don’t want to find out what else he might say. Or do over the new information. 
“Yes, sir, now if you’ll excuse me.” 
He slams the door shut when you open it and for a moment prickling fear overtakes you. Shit. You’re too scared to meet his eyes, feel him instead stand very close to you, but then the tie holding your wings together at your back to hide them comes off.
“This one hid from me.” You don’t need to see the cocky smile displayed on his screen as he speaks, “Here’s my assistant’s contact if you ever get tired of making pies, doll.”
“Thank you, I appreciate the offer, sir” You whisper, tone calm despite the lump in your throat, taking the card offered. 
Jo straightens up when the door opens. You school your face into neutrality so as not to freak him out. 
“C’mon, let’s go.” 
Though you’re sure he catches a glimpse of the CEO as the door closes behind you.
You work in silence for the rest of the week, the small tv in the shop’s kitchen remained disconnected, missing several episodes of Yeah, I Fucked Your Sister, So What? Testament of the bad taste the trip to VoxTek Tower left in your mouth. But it was nothing a good bath of crushed roses and herbs couldn’t fix. You had Jo do the bath too to make sure las malas vibras didn’t linger, even if “This is Hell, Nuria, we are all made of bad vibes.”
And before you knew it, Rosie’s new shipment arrived and that occupied your mind instead.
“No heads this time, Theo?”
“Nah, old hag Susan got it in her head that she wanted to start a forever soup business. Rosie would only let ‘er have the heads though.” 
“I see.” Works for you, that was the least favorite part you liked to work with, all that hair and eyeballs… made it hard to pretend it was sinners—not just regular game meat. Some things you don’t think you’ll be able to get used to no matter how many years passed down here.
You worked quickly, more than usual, finding yourself eager to see Rosie. Maybe out of some odd need to feel reassured under her protection. Which is how you found yourself at her place in less than two days.
You’re almost done at the Town’s plaza uneasily distributing the pies, without major incident. They listen, for the most part, Susan giving you a bit of a hard time but Theo was there to reinforce authority where usually Rosie would be the one overseeing the distribution. Today though, you were told, she was entertaining important company.
“Well, that’s the last of them.” You keep one for Rosie. Theo walks you to her place, chatting about the colony’s new found reputation from dangerous bloodthirsty savages to dangerous heroic bloodthirsty savages. 
“I’m sure that’s gotta count for something, Theo.” You nod along as you walk up to Rosie’s.
“Nuria, my precious girl!” Rosie calls out as soon as you enter her place. She’s coming for a hug, you barely have time to move the pie out of the way as she smothers you into her bosom. She seems more cheery than usual. “Come, come. I want you to meet my friend.” She says pulling you along to a table at the back. You don't think much of it this time either - as she's always trying to get you socialize more.
“Alastor, honey, this is Nuria! The girl I told you so much about.” 
Her long fingers wiggle as she motions to the man sitting by the table.
Alastor? Oh but that can't be...
You're frozen, pie in hand as the Radio Demon himself stands, the shadow covering his form dissipating to reveal his tall slender form. 
So this was The Important Company. 
“Charmed!” He smiles, the crackling static of his voice immediately setting you on edge.
Rosie's hand at your back gently pushes you forward to respond.
“Likewise, sir.” You manage, taking his hand in greeting. The handshake is solid and unexpectedly friendly.
"Oh now, Nuria, is okay—he doesn't bite, for the most part!" They both chuckle at the shared joke. You force yourself to chuckle along too.
“I stopped by your pie shop the other day, but it was about to close I’m afraid.” Of course, you heard all about it from Jo.
“Ah y-yes, my assistant did mention it. But please do visit again, we do make a couple of extra pies for special clientele.” You had to, some people didn’t take no for an answer.
“It wasn’t necessary, I was just passing by and the smell got my attention. It worked out for the best, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to try them in such good company.” He motions to Rosie.
“Oh Alastor, there you go again.” She says absolutely smitten. “Let me make us some more tea now that the refreshment is here. I mean the pie, Nuria, don’t fret.” You laugh; ha-ha! Yes, funny.
“Well then,” Clearing your throat you set the pie on the table, “it’s been a pleasure— “
“Aht, aht aht! I know what you’re about to do, dear, and I’m not having it.” Rosie’s hands rest at her hips. “Sit down, you’re a guest today.” 
“Oh but I… “ You shut up when she levels you with a look, not quite threatening yet, but getting there. You have never taken her there. Still, “I can help prepare the tea, I know this great recipe— “
“Sit down.”
You sit on the nearest chair. 
“Be right back~!” She shimmies away to her kitchen.
So you’re left alone with her friend. You knew at the periphery of awareness of the rumors about Rosie and the Radio Demon being close, but you never expected, nor in all honesty wanted, to run into him or any of her acquaintances. In and Out was your tried and proven method of operation. It had kept you safe, figures the one time you decided to stay at the VoxTek Tower you would—
“Lovely weather we’re having today.” His static voice takes you out of your thoughts.
“Hm? Oh yes, quite nice, I mean as nice as it can get.” You answer. 
“My, Rosie was not kidding when she said you were a very new here.” He observes, and you’re not sure how to take that. “How are you finding the new lifestyle?” He asks, tone polite.
What an odd thing to ask, miserable of course - everyone was miserable down here, but you get the feeling he wasn’t looking for honesty as much as just conversation. So you oblige. “Well, all things considered. It’s not too bad I suppose. I haven’t been purged yet so there’s that.” 
“Ah, an optimist, a rare breed. My cat could learn a thing or two from you.” He says crossing his legs.
“Your cat, sir?” 
“Please, call me Alastor, we can’t be that far apart in age when death came to us.” 
True, but calling him solely by his first name felt odd with the way he talked and just his general seniority over you in hell. “Um, what year did you… erm pass? if it’s not too rude to ask of me?”
“1933! And what a year it was.”
Oh wow. “That was during the Great Depression, am I correct? My grandmother was born during that period in history, quite amazing when you stop to think it.” 
“Well I have been called old in nastier ways I suppose,” He laughs, your hand covers your mouth.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult.”
“Oh it's quite alright, I was merely messing with you!” He chuckles, “It sounds like your grandmother was very precious to you.” 
“Of course, my grandmother was a very wise woman, though I think most would say that about their mothers.”
“And you would be right, my dear, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchs—all irreplaceable pillars of support in a decent society.” He responds and maybe you were being way too dramatic when Rosie introduced you to him.
“Tea is ready~! I hope both of you are getting along.” Rosie sings-songs with a tray of freshly brewed tea. 
“We’re getting along just fine.” Alastor replies. 
“Good, good.”
You busy yourself with helping Rosie cut the pie, serving two slices, relieved Rosie thought to bring cookies alongside the tea so you would have that instead. 
“I hope it’s to your liking.” You serve Rosie’s guest first as she watches on, pleased.
“I’m sure I will, dear.” He replies. And it’s so strange how different, how normal, he actually is from the rumors on the street. They made him seem almost otherworldly even by hell’s standards. 
“Delicious as always, Nuria.” Rosie exclaims at the first bite. You smile in response. “Go on, Alastor, give it a try.”
He follows suit. “There has yet to be the occasion where you have been wrong, my dear friend. One can still taste the panicked screams.”
Now that made him sound closer to the stories about him. “Thank you, sir.”
“Oh she calls you ‘sir,’ Alastor, isn’t she precious!” She says pinching your cheek. 
“I already said there’s no need. But I do appreciate the good manners.” He replies before taking another bite of the pie. “You know Charlie has been talking about a Grand Re-opening ceremony for the Hotel. I think these tasty treats would do a wonderful addition to the event!” 
You almost choke on your tea.
“My Goodness, you are right!” Rosie’s dark eyes set on you expectantly. “What do you say, Nuria?”
Clearing your throat, you think of the nicest way to refuse. “I’d love to but I think we’ll be taking a break from commissions for a bit.”
“Oh? But didn’t you just get a really big one from VoxTek?”
You cough to clear your throat, oblivious to the way her guest’s eyes narrow at the mention  “Yes, well… “
“Don’t tell me they didn’t pay you!” You can hear Rosie’s mood quickly souring, her demeanor darkening.
“No, no! On the contrary, they paid me thrice as much but—hm. I should, maybe I should start from the beginning.” So you tell them how your little jokey-joke dance forcefully landed you in front of the cameras and consequently with an offer by VoxTek’s CEO himself to work for his company, omitting the specific detail of how the offer was extended to you. “The whole ordeal was very degrading to be completely honest. I’m just thankful Jo and I were able to leave in one piece.”
“Ha! Why this sounds like the plot of a spicy novel!” The Radio Demon chuckles bemused. “A regular girl’s break into stardom by a sudden twist of sheer luck!” Rosie swats at him with her fan when she sees you’re not laughing along this time.
“Alastor, can you not this once?” After glaring at him she turns to you. “That’s terrible, darling! I’m sorry that happened. But do let me know if they ever give you any more trouble.” She says placing a hand over yours.
“Thank you, Rosie.” You already feel better about telling her about the ordeal, all you needed was to feel safe. “I think I got it for now.”
“That’s my girl.” 
“Well rest assured, Nuria, Charlie has far more class than the demons at the Vee tower. I can arrange for a visit if you’d like. I think it would benefit you as Rosie tells me you're saving up to move out of Pentagram City, though I can't imagine why anyone would want live away from such wonderful daily entertainment.” Oh wow, Rosie really did talk a lot about you. “Think of it as helping a friend of a friend.” His face and eyes are all sweet charisma, they look almost genuine. And you wonder if he’s only nice to you due to his friendship with Rosie or because he really is just like that with some people. “The reward could be handsome, she is the Princess of Hell after all, I’m sure you’ll be able to name your price once you charm her.”
Oh boy, the delivery van will be due for maintenance soon too…
“Does she have a date for the re-opening yet, sir?” 
Both Rosie and her guest share a smug look of triumph. 
16 notes · View notes
theretirementstory · 4 months
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Greetings from a cloudy Bar sur Aube, where it’s 7c at the moment. We are due a maximum of 10c so it’s not going to be that much warmer. It has rained a lot but we have had some high ish temperatures along with a weak sun but it’s the rain you remember especially when it’s a very heavy downpour and you are soaked!
I did smile when I saw the Drappier Champagne van at the Gendarmerie, the Drappier driver wasn’t delivering so I wonder if he had been speeding or worse still “drunk in charge of the champagne van”.
Anie messaged on Sunday afternoon to say could she come visit me, of course, I produced mince pies and coffee cake along with one of the new teas Monique had bought me for Xmas. She stayed for about an hour, it was enough really, I am finding it hard to concentrate on hearing French for longer than that. She always brings some gift and this time it was a small jar of the herb sariette and a jar of marmalade. I baked a batch of cheese scones yesterday, I added some sariette and herbes de Provence, they were really lovely.
Monique has been in touch keeping me up to date with her blood tests, appointments etc.
My fortnightly blood test was due and the nurse arrived promptly. The results are not coming back as quickly as previously but perhaps it’s the tests requested that make the results arrive later.
The plumber came to install the new boiler, amazing all finished in 3.5 hours! Oh the luxury have having lovely hot water “on tap”. You don’t miss something until it is taken away from you.
My grandchildren are with “The Photographer” this weekend and then it’s “the big adventure”, they are going to London from Monday to Thursday to go to the Zoo and the Natural History museum.
“The Ex-Graduate” will be starting her final week at the bar, where she worked part-time while studying and full time since her studying finished. She starts her new job in a couple of weeks so she will be given a new title on here too 😊.
“The Trainee Solicitor” is working his socks off and will be looking forward to a little break away from home for a few days. Next week will be busy at work as two staff members are on holiday but you can only do as much as you can do in the hours you are at work so just keep that in mind!
So let’s have a look at my music choices this week. I don’t know how I hadn’t thought of this one before now. I have no idea what makes a good guitarist I just know that some music just gets to you. Here is one of the guitar greats doing what he does best! The song was released in 1999 😳, it is “Smooth” by Santana featuring Rob Thomas. Well if that doesn’t get you moving I am not sure what will!
The second song is one that always makes me “feel good”, I want to get up and leap around. We go way back to 1970 for this hit from George Harrison, the song is “What is Life”. Enjoy listening to these tracks today.
So today was the day I had been looking forward to, the day of the visit to the gorgeous “La Belvedere” restaurant for lunch. I was disappointed when Maud messaged to say she had had bronchitis and was still coughing so thought it best to cancel the restaurant. Oh well until the next time 😉. I am going to make myself something “tasty” for lunch 🤞and if I get out of bed now, I may be able to prepare a super dessert too.
It was the knitting group on Friday and I must say we were a little depleted! The 92/93 year old lady is suffering with her back so was unable to attend. The newest member of the group had previously been into hospital for an operation and therefore didn’t arrive until about 4pm. Helene, a lady who suffers from some neurological problem couldn’t come as she was unwell and her husband (who brings her) was also unwell. It was just as well I had decided to go! I was only going to stay for a couple of hours and forego the cake and drink, however, I brought the “tarte” home with me and enjoyed it after my evening meal. We were discussing the best things to make to sell at the markets. It was suggested that we tried key fobs, I produced a pattern for some pendants and earrings and will photocopy the pattern to take back in a fortnight. The ladies were impressed with my little cardigan . It has been decided that from now on a receipt needs to be produced to show the cost of materials, I guess that puts paid to a refund for me, as the wool I have had for years, so no longer have the receipt. Oh well does it matter, it gets the wool used up 😊.
Now I am going to “put my best foot forward” (wish I knew which one it was 😂) .
I think this photo should be called “house on the hill”.
I wish you all a good week until next week.
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severinesaloppe · 1 year
Vincent Griffith at the farmer's market fanfic Ep 2
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" Got a fresh batch of spring onions Vince" 
 the vendor Sagine uttered while walking out of her van. I sped towards her and grabbed the wooden crate packed with a few herbs and radishes, and carried it over to her tent. I grunted from the feel of the heavy vegetables pulling down my arms. Behind me, Miss Sagine's feet shuffled on the grass 
" Where do you want em?" 
" You can put them on the table, it'll make the work easier with my back and all" 
" No problem ma'am" I said , catching my breath and running a hand over my throbbing palm. I've been helping Sagine install her tent at the annual Black farmer's market since this morning—-an initiative the council chewed, argued, made casual threats on behalf of the people it would benefit to make it happen. 
With agricultural oppression blowing so much  breath at the back of our necks and the blinding indifference of white folks in this forsaken town, there was only one way to effectively pull this off and get everyone on our side— get Marcel invested. Urge him to see the light. Which is exactly what I did. I still remember the gleam in his eyes, that devilish grin that lived beneath his features waiting to be summoned at the right time, for the right ideas. This wasn't just about good will, although for me that would've been enough. Except, being entangled with the supernatural, I've learned long ago that for some, righteousness is hardly a motivator to enact good deeds. Money does, blood and the promise of status —-and dealing with someone like Marcel Gerard? Well, let's just say that the odds were leaning dangerously in my favor. How predictable. 
Marcel knew in order to maintain the peace, he needed to apply pressure for every member at the city council to say yes. He knew catering to Black farmers in this city meant preserving the wealth of his blood empire, keep the human factor and witches wrapped around his finger—-which are the demographic this affected the most—-it meant more money flowing into the local economy, depends on how well that went, it meant more curious outsiders seething to get their hands on our local goods, to invest, travel and food influencers coming in. More buzz, more tourists, more tourists, more blood. We gathered 22 ay, only 9 nays at the final vote— My plan had worked.
 Dozens of farmers and fishermen traveled from nearby counties to be here. Their laughter glazed over the early afternoon, while they replenished their supplies of cheese, bread, oysters, local honey and a ridiculous amount of veggies—Some I hadn't had the chance to taste myself. My cooking has been a bit rusty these days. Occupying my newest role in the community had its perks and equal sets of downfalls, a haze between meetings, counseling youths,  long nights and days relying on takeout and boxed mac and cheese while revising old spells and developing new ones —not for the faint of hearts but the job had to be done. People were counting on me to maintain order not only in the ancestral realm but in the household of people who made up the 9 covens.
 Sometimes that included making housing arrangements for those who needed it and making sure they had food on their table, that bills were being paid and their children were safe. I admit, it was at times emotionally draining. The shit going on around here, the housing crisis, the wage gap, stuff the average tourist had absolutely no idea about. 
I clenched my teeth then released. Take a breather Vincent, you're good man, shoulders relaxed, your breath is a bundle of rosemary let the scent appease you, your heart your soul, every muscle.in our body. Feet to the ground, feet to the ground
I repeated this mantra a few more times in my head, allowing every syllable to penetrate every fiber of my being like smoke. When I cracked open my eyes, the trees, the clouds and dwellings in the distance became sharper. My feet settled, my heartbeat slowed and i can feel the ground beneath my toes. I was suddenly in the mood for coffee. 
" I'm gonna go ahead and grab a cup of joe, miss Sagine can i get you an—" 
The old woman waved me away before i could even finish. I grinned, amused by the annoyed expression on her face. She swatted flying mosquitoes lingering on her wrinkled arms " Get outta my face boy, you've done enough, go on stretch those legs, it's good for the health" 
I raised my palms up " that's all i needed to know. Doctor's orders then" 
" you're damn right" she offered. 
The aroma of caramel and roasted coffee beans rocked me into an unusually good mood. I stirred some brown sugar into my americano with a wooden stick, examining the scene before me. Pedestrians carrying bags wandered, pointed and ate samples on paper napkins and plastic ramekins as they went. 
Across the street a tent with bouquets of some of the healthiest eucalyptus i had ever seen sat in white buckets. They were wrapped in clear plastic sheets and pulled the attention of anybody that brushed past them. Adjacent to the aromatic plant was an installation of small jars filled with whipped butters I had seen Eva use around the house, soap bars and other toiletries laid on a riverbank made of colorful satin cloths.  A woman with a flowy black dress cut to her upper thighs engaged in conversation with her customers. The matron I suppose, the woman with the orange hair I saw at the bar just last week. Her hair was wrapped in a bright purple headwrap today and she wore a series of earrings along her earlobe that flowed down to meet her bare shoulders. I don't think she could ever look any more stunning than the last time I saw her. Oh but she did. The frothy drink moved down my throat, to my chest like a warm and cozy hug. 
 The woman picked up a product on the table, showed it to the interested parties before proceeding to demonstrate the pasty substance on their skin . The golden bangles at her wrists moved up and down as she rubbed the product in and watched it melt. Whatever she was doing, had her focused on trying to make this thing work. That charisma alone was enough to make any customer fold, I know I would.  Passionate people always had a way about themselves, I can recognize them from a mile away. That flame had once burned within when it came to my gift, the magic running in my blood. I'm not sure when that changed but sometimes i feel myself hovering on the edge of that void.
The woman's brows knitted in dedication, bringing a kind of intensity to her face that seemed foreign—her features struggled to adjust, not knowing what to exactly do with it but it looked good on her. I found myself admiring the dip at her cupid bow, particularly the bubbles of sweat piling up in there from the Saturday heat and labor. She reminded me of old books, a craft table smeared with old paint, suggestions of geranium leaf and metal still pungent in the room, more importantly she reminded me of dragonflies dancing with the southern sun on a summer afternoon. Something funny awoke in my stomach. I straightened my shoulders, zooming out to look for any sign of Marcel. He wasn't here. At least not yet. As much as I appreciated him vouching for this, I don't think his presence would've necessarily been a good idea. We were not on the best of terms, if ever. Our relationship was strictly business, and tie to a common cause. I avoided places he frequented as much as possible, carving new ones of my own. 
So I plumped down on the grass, feeling the weight of the world hesitating to come down with me. This distance that I so often denied myself was perhaps a good thing, a necessary thing. 
The woman counted money and pulled change from a fanny pack wrapped around her waist. She smiled and waved at her customers, excited by their brand new purchases. I reveled in their joy. They were a family of three. The little girl with afro puffs was blowing bubbles at her dog's face while her parents beckoned her over. I chuckled. When my gaze left them i was met with something so unsettling, earth shattering or maybe even pleasant. Pleasant? I thought. But that didn't make the woman staring at me any less intimidating. This could end here if I choose to. I could walk away, go about my business and never think of her again—-if i could get my legs to work. That was the power she iminated, without ever touching people . A goddess standing on her own, reeling you in towards her altar. A faint voice—-the irrational part of myself, the untouched, sanctified in innocence —who didn't care about my footmarks in this world wanted to see about this religion, its jubilees, its sacred texts—-i wanted to worship her.
The last thing I heard myself say to Simoli was something about me taking 5.  I didn't linger much. I handed him the fanny pack, the car keys and trusted his common sense to hold it down while I was away, on a so-called coffee break. My toes plunged into the bed of grass coursing up the small hill, making my red painted toenails look like ladybugs. Just for a moment, I can pretend the beignet stand is the thing calling to me and not the guy who finally made eye contact with me at Rousseau's just last week.
 I'm starting to think he's a weirdo that one, or a loner of some sort. Somehow, he strikes me as a religious man, or a man bound to a lifestyle that keeps him closed off, isolated and intense.  Everytime i see him hanging around these parts he is always by himself. Something about him reminds me of bayou tree barks, incense, and old ancestor songs from the countryside back home. When I imagine safety, to hold someone's hands in the early mornings and being made love to by a running river, I think of him.  I can't really explain it but the feeling is equally exhilarating as it is suffocating—-a pulse of peace i can't seem to necessarily wrap my head about. The plush and gentle expansion of it leaves me weary. An ache throbs in my underwear, circling around my needy clit and I am aware of the sweat trailing down my back. Great
When I make it to the small wooden table serving desserts and coffee, I place my order, and try to focus on the powder sugar dusted treats that await me and not the guy sitting a few feet away sipping on his coffee. On instinct i pull one of my coils and starts to mindlessly twist it around my fingers, i arch my back a bit more and start to think Mélisse what the fuck are you doing?  Maybe I'm just a fan of the dress I am wearing today, that my ass surely looks good in and want others to notice it as well. 
My heart thumps while I think of a million scenarios where me and stranger guy would be talking. I come up with none. Idiot. I bite on my lower lip whirling in this sudden interest I have to speak to him. Gosh I have a crush don't i? I groan, rolling my eyes at my own predicament. It's been a minute since I've had one of those. One forgets how tedious all of it can be, the yearning, the guessing, the tiptoeing at the beginning and knowing me, I hang on to people for a while. Once a person falls under my radar, I obsess over them for months, sometimes years. That's why I chose to  be single for this long and try to keep my head down so I can make jardin the best that it can possibly be while i heal some of my shit out. 
Doing so has allowed me to discover things that i liked outside of a romantic scope, like cooking, beading. In the past few years i've discovered a liking for dancing, reading, masturbating and oh how could i forget the joy of attending carpentry workshops so i can learn how to make my own furniture— mainly because i was obsessed with interior design and the shop has been my main domain to experiment with it. It would take a special kind of person to infiltrate all of this now. It has taken me a long time to build this nest around me, the heavens would be melting like candle wax out of the Louisiana skies before I ever let anyone barge in and ruin my focus.  Maybe this is what i've been reading about, Old patterns is it? Abandoning the margins of my spiritual books to be more than just a theory, a conspiracy that happens to other people. A nuisance, a ghost long buried gearing up to take breath over my life. Fuck this. 
"Medium coffee with milk and three beignets" 
I jerk up and cease my rambling. I take the neatly folded white paper bag from the young cashier and my cup of coffee. I can smell the vanilla extract and fried bananas concealed inside. I look forward to sinking my teeth into them and forgetting about all of this. I am tossing the layers of temptations over my shoulders, shedding the flashes of his angular face and dark eyes, the thought of a smile meant for me spread across his face. I am determined to forget all about him by tomorrow morning when I hear someone shouting behind me, with running feet following. I pick up my pace, fixating my truck and table ahead. " Hey" the voice a panting mess comes into my periphery, I turn around to meet it ,startled but ready for a confrontation in case this is a catcalling situation.
 My brows softened when the stranger came into view " Oh.."  It's him. As I feared.
" Didn't you hear me calling you back there?"  He says with a reprimanding tone, huffing and puffing. I tilt my head and narrow my eyes . What the hell?  " No i…" 
" You dropped a 20" he says, thrusting the crumpled bill in my direction. His thick brows shoot up to meet his hairline, his look expectant. I smile and shake my head, flushed with embarrassment. He's just trying to be nice. Be nice. I tuck my guards away 
" I'm sorry" I say, grabbing the retrieved item from his hand, our fingers accidently touching the other's, sending a sliver of electricity towards my pussy. " it's been a long day" i chuckle " thank you." 
" No big deal, we all have our days" he says with a plain shrug. My toes wiggle for more room inside my leather sandals. For a brief moment he looks at the paper bag still clutched under my arms. Then back at me. We wait for one another to speak, for someone to break the ice, but none of us do. I'm too busy averting my eyes, focusing on the things around him, the canopy of trees, the cloud patterns in the sky, the lint on his shirt, the way black beads adorn his neck, anything other than his thin umber lips that i so want to be claimed by.  His gaze runs across my face with something like staggering awe ,caressing my cheeks like a florist examining a delicate flower. I swallow, my mouth dry. " w-well um i have to get back….thanks for this"
 I flash him the now sweaty bill. He nods, clasping his hands behind his back " it's my pleasure" 
" Kay. See you around… i'm gonna " my thumb darts towards my truck, my legs taking slow strides backwards 
" of course…" he replies. I turn to leave. 
" You're a regular at Rousseau's right?" His words bring me to a halt. The hairs at the back of my neck rise, the air suddenly crisp against my forearms. So he noticed. " I go there sometimes. You know the owner or something?" He smiles, tiny wrinkles creasing at the corner of his mouth and eyes. It's so contagious I can't help but smile too.  
" No…but we go way back"  he hesitates, then continues " a close friend of mine bartended there for what feels like centuries ago" 
" That's nice. Friends are good, God knows I forgot how to make those "  i supply rocking on my heels. It's true. The older I get the more difficult connecting with others has become, like a dormant muscle I can't seem to make flexible again. I quickly recover, biting my bottom lip " and you're the regular who has a habit of stuffing his face with french fries while reading shitty classics… very neat" 
" Excuse me?" 
I click my tongue, resting a palm at my waist. 
" So was it not you?" 
" W– well, technically yes, yes…. minus the shitty classics part" 
" Oh! So you weren't diving head deep into some of the most boring volumes literature has ever seen?" 
The space between his brows knits with tension, his lips curling up in amusement. He licks his bottom lip " You seem to have strong opinions about Marcel Prousts" 
I take a sip of my drink, anxious that it might go cold amidst this conversation but more than anything I could use all the reinforcement that i can get. My heart lifts at the coffee's warm touch " There's no beef there at all, i just find your talent to skip over the good stuff fascinating" i drawl. 
" Fascinating huh" he replies seeking comfort in the pockets of his jeans " i guess i deserve that. And the criticism over my reading habits is on behalf of?" 
I smirk. Oh he is smart, more reason for me to give him my name. " Mélisse" . 
He nods, trying to collect the name with the woman standing before him. " Mélisse" he repeats " Beautiful name…very botanical" 
" What can I say, I have a green thumb!" I beam
" Mmh" 
" I didn't catch your name?" 
" Vincent" he responds with eagerness. Vincent, Vincent. " Nice to meet you Vincent" 
" Pleasure is all mine Mélisse" 
Not once have I ever seen him smile at that bar, not when he's alone or with friends and yet standing here talking to me, he couldn't help himself but do just that. I have a hard time associating this jovial side of him with the one I've previously been exposed to—- Intense, removed and always pensive as if measuring the weight of the world on his shoulders. 
I cut the conversation short, making an excuse to rejoin my cousin, despite every part of my body instructing me not to. I was a bit disappointed when he stood behind and didn't fight back. I wanted him to, to insist more, to impose himself against my better judgment. I wanted him to ask for my number, invite me out for a drink, and I wanted to have exchanged more than a few words with him. 
Throughout the remainder of the afternoon I searched for him, to no avail. When we pack I scout the perimeters one last time, hoping to say goodbye, but my assumptions tell me he had already left. What a shame. 
Later that night, when I came home, took a shower and scrubbed the day off of me, I summoned him from my memories. His gentle fingers washing my hair, the stream from the shower head cascading over us, his beard oil and the scent of tree moss dissolving from the steam while we swap stories and long kisses. When I finally reach my bed and melt within the sheets, the aftershocks of my orgasm are still reverberating through me. I sigh, and close my eyes, Sade's voice serenading on the radio, weaving along the lace curtains. I drift into a peaceful sleep, knowing full well soon enough this man would become a delicious problem. 
Photo credit: pinterest
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Thursday, 16 May, 2024.
The Weather-Lady says that Thursday will be the prettiest day of the week, and it was !!
3 Rounds
4 Dead-Hang Pull-ups
6 Push-Ups
8 Squats
Power Cleans
60 to 80% 1 Rep Max
3 Reps EMOM X 7
Touch & Go
Chase=195 Ed=175 Nathan=155 Smoothie/Chad=145 Sam/Dana/Herb=135 Tom=105 Coach/Joe=95 Sue=85 Shannon=75 Kayla/Tim/Angel/Alicia/Linda=did it
Equipment Needed
Loaded Barbell
Jump Box
Sharing Of Equipment Is Encouraged
Run 800 / Row-Ski 1000 / Bike 2000m
6 Rounds
5 Deadlifts.....(225/185/125)
10 Box Jumps.....(24/20)
15 Kettlebell Swings.....(70/53/35)
Joe=14:15 Nathan=14:20 Linda=15:30 Sue=15:39 Dana**=15:49 Smoothie=16:19 Coach=17:48 Shannon=18:00 Ed=18:09 Tom=18:38 Chase**= 19:20 Tim-19:58 Chad=20:42 Herb=22:49 Alicia/Sam/Angel/Kayla=no post
Wine and snacks to follow. Bring a snack, bring a bottle of wine, bring a friend. Any, all, or none of these is required to attend. We should enjoy a beautiful evening around the picnic table.
The quietly generous and charitable Mr.Butler bought us all pizza tonight. It was just exactly the right types and amounts so that everyone was well fed and satisfied. It was a veritable sermon taken from Matthew 6:2-4. If Herb wants he can call me and I will read the passages to him from the Christian Bible.
Miss Anna made a tasty home-made dessert (it had a name but I forget) that we fought over. Alicia made a warm dip (that also has a name) made of spicy cheese and meat (chicken?). Kayla/Linda/Smoothie and others joined hands and came up with all sorts of chips/nuts/deli meats/and cheeses and other stuff, and Robert bought several types of pizza that were delivered (late).
There were 6 or 7 very fine red wines, one excellent white, and a Rose'. I think there was one red left over. We were fortunate to have so many good wines to wash Robert's delicious pizza down.
It was getting late when Robert's pizza was delivered and Sammy D was leaving while speeding and horn-honking as is his custom and had to swerve off my driveway without slowing down fish-tailed through the lawn and irrigation heads but with consummate slalom canoeing skill managed to avoid a head-on with the pizza delivery man. I texted Sammy that he should return for a slice of Robert's delicious hot pizza that were of several different types and exactly the correct kinds but he had places to go and things to do.
I regret that I didn't hear every word because his mouth was full of pizza, but apparently Robert gets pizza half-priced because he purchases van-loads of pies and has them delivered to the baptist Children's home twice a week. I could have misunderstood.
I'll have to take some Tum's and sleep with my head up on 2 pillows to avoid having heartburn and gastric reflux from all that rich pizza of 2 different types that I enjoyed thanks to Robert.
Saturday at 0730 and 0930. It might rain.
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soopsiedaisies · 2 months
hii!! for the "i'm not from the us ask game" (which is so interesting btw)
4, 5, 11 and 23
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dw, i’d almost entirely forgotten about it!!! 💀
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
Stamppot rauwe andijvie, always.
Andijvie is a bitter leaf-vegetable related to endives (its latin name is cuchorium endivia). I can’t find any references on it being eaten anywhere other than the Netherlands but please correct me if I’m wrong about that lmao. You can boil/blanch it, but generally we eat it raw. It’s (in my humble opinion) fantastic in ‘stamppot rauwe andijvie’, which is basically just mashed potatoes, chopped andijvie, some spices, and (usually) thick, baked-dry bacon bits. Some people also add cheese, if they finish it off in the oven like a casserole. We tend to add smoked sausage as well.
5. favourite song in your native language?
(choosing was hard) my favourite song is probably Het Regent Zonnestralen by Acda en de Munnik (‘It’s Raining Sunbeams’). I keep coming back to it.
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Omg I don’t actually read a lot of Dutch books anymore, but I suppose Harry Mulisch! He was a Dutch icon and a tremendously prolific author.
Books I enjoyed by Mulisch are Twee Vrouwen (Two Women), a tragic queer romance that plays with the Orpheus and Eurydice myth (opinions on it are… mixed), and De Ontdekking van de Hemel (The Discovery of Heaven), which is considered a masterpiece (it is) and I really… can’t describe it, largely because it’s so long and so much. But it’s beautiful nevertheless.
Some general lit recs (of which there are English translations):
I also really, really enjoyed De Engelenmaker by Stefan Brijs, a Flemish author—‘The Angel Maker’ in English. Creepy and intriguing and wonderful. Brijs sets an incredible tone. Love stuff that plays with hubris.
The other one is a classic and also has a movie: Het Gouden Ei (The Golden Egg) by another Dutch icon, Tim Krabbé. It’s a short thriller and an easy read. Totally recommend it.
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
Beer lol. Can’t go wrong with beer here. There’s some spirits too: jenever (the ancestor of gin), a variety of kruidenbitters (spice & herb liquor, very flavourful), and my beloved advocaat (an almost custard-like liquor made of egg(yolk)s, condensed milk, sugar or honey, and an eau de vie).
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
1. PFAS pollution in Brussels tap water: New tests expected this week
Heading into its third week, the PFAS pollution scandal continues to concern citizens in Brussels and Wallonia over the safety of drinking water. Over the weekend, it emerged that there was a higher presence of PFAS in the capital's water network than first communicated. Read more.
2. Corporate profits drive inflation as EU salaries fall
Real wages have fallen across Europe over the past year while corporate profits have soared, according to a recent study by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). Read more.
3. Hundreds of 'vulnerable' unaccompanied minors will finally get guardian
Unaccompanied minors arriving in Belgium are often very vulnerable given their age and new, unfamiliar environment after a long and dangerous trek from home. They are therefore entitled to a guardian to represent them and ensure their wellbeing. Read more.
4. From tasty Trappist to bold Berloumi: A guide to Belgium's finest cheeses
While Belgium is not traditionally seen as a country of cheese makers, the fact that it is sandwiched between the two leading 'cheese nations' (the Netherlands and France) means it is hardly surprising that producers here have tried their hand at the craft. Read more.
5. Money, money, money: Who are the richest people in Belgium?
While many are familiar with names such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos when speaking about extremely wealthy people, names such as Eric Wittouck and Alexandre Van Damme may be less well known. Read more.
6. From one stranger to another: It wasn't all bad in Belgium...
Sometimes it's the little things that have the biggest impact. In this week's round-up of positive news, read about a man who "brings a bit of sunshine" to people's day by sticking letters around cities worldwide. Read more.
7. Hidden Belgium: Cafe Zennegat 13
Cafe Zennegat 13 is a friendly, relaxed village cafe furnished with old wooden tables, oil paintings and piles of books. It is located in a strange damp region of marshes and tidal rivers that is virtually uninhabitable because of the risk of flooding. Read more.
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theblogs2024 · 11 months
Healthier Food Truck Choices: In This article’s What a Registered Dietitian Orders
Foodstuff trucks are taking pleasure in their instant and we’re completely on board with this. Generally.
When it’s very easy for getting sucked in to the land of donut holes and cheese curds, we nonetheless want you to Eat Empowered and make wonderful alternatives Whilst you’re taking pleasure in a nosh on the run. But do healthy foodstuff truck solutions even exist? And when so (spoiler alert: they do!), What exactly are they?
Keri Glassman, our founder and resident Registered Dietitian Nutritionist extraordinaire, shares her top rated balanced meals truck menu picks for some of the most typical foods vehicles you’ll face this summer months.
Taco or Mexican Food Trucks Chips, cheese, rice, refried beans—they’re all there for your using!
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But don’t take them!
In its place, choose lean proteins and new substances to generate your Mexican meals truck experience further tasty—and many healthful.
Go for: Smooth tacos Pulled chicken or pork, or black beans Salsa or slaw Guacamole or avocado Incredibly hot sauce Stay away from: Tostadas or fried shells Chips Fried fish Cheese BBQ Food stuff Trucks Very little states summertime (even within the Winter season!) more than the scent of BBQ. Luckily, you are able to benefit from the smoky, saucy goodness all calendar year round with many smart and healthful menu decisions.
Go for: Pulled pork Roasted chicken Corn or eco-friendly veggies (like a back garden salad), which you can usually come across on these vans Coleslaw Avoid: Baked beans (typically loaded with sugar) Mac & cheese Potato salad French fries Pizza Foodstuff Vans A great slice of pie is fast, relatively simple to try to eat, and mouth watering. Moreover, pizza trucks are just about everywhere plus a no-brainer when you’re on the lookout for something The complete spouse and children will love. The nice information is you can even stop by a person and continue to keep in keeping with your healthier taking in practices.
Choose: Thin crust (often served as unique pizzas or as squares) Total wheat crust, if readily available As a lot of veggie toppings as feasible Grilled rooster or prosciutto for some protein Stay clear of: Deep dish crust Many cheeses Meats like pepperoni or sausage Relevant: Check out the Nutritious Everyday living Pizza Recipe Library Grilled Cheese Food items Trucks Ooey, gooey, tacky, and buttery… each of the things you imagine once you visit a food items truck with grilled cheese as the key attraction. And while we gained’t claim this to get the healthiest meals truck alternative, you'll find cleaner and more nutrient-dense ingredient alternatives on the regular substantial-fat, processed fare.
Choose: Fresh new mozzarella cheese (reduced in energy and fewer processed than These uber-yellow cheeses) Extra tomatoes Whole grain or sourdough bread Stay away from: Various cheeses White bread Creamy sauces Lobster Roll Meals Vehicles If you like a good lobster roll, the allure of a specialty lobster roll foodstuff truck is usually difficult to resist.
Choose Keri’s picks underneath and be sure to apply aware taking in. You’ll fulfill that seafood siren connect with and luxuriate in each final bite.
Choose: Lobster cocktail A conventional roll, but … (see under) Prevent: The jumbo rolls Clam chowder Anything fried Center Jap Food stuff Vans Daring flavors, sensory-tingling aromas, dazzling hues, and interesting textures—these are the dreams Center Jap food items vehicles are made of. And given that Middle Eastern Delicacies is mostly very healthier anyway (with its veggies, grains, spices, seeds, herbs, lean proteins, and healthful fats), you'll be able to typically discover some Tremendous balanced selections at these foodstuff vehicles.
To know more details visit here: food truck catering los angeles
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Napoli's Pizza Kitchen - The Best Pizza in Studio City and Van Nuys
Napoli's Pizza Kitchen is a well-known pizza restaurant in Studio City and Van Nuys, California that serves up delicious pizza that will satisfy any pizza lover's cravings. With a wide range of toppings, crust options, and sizes, there is something for everyone at Napoli's Pizza Kitchen. In this article, we will discuss why Napoli's Pizza Kitchen is the best place for pizza in Studio City and Van Nuys. Authentic Italian Style Pizza At Napoli's Pizza Kitchen, the chefs use traditional Italian pizza-making techniques to create an authentic Italian-style pizza. The crust is thin and crispy, and the sauce is made from fresh tomatoes and herbs. The toppings are fresh and high-quality, making every bite a delicious experience. Each pizza is cooked in a brick oven, giving it a unique and delicious flavor. Variety of Pizza Options Napoli's Pizza Kitchen offers a variety of pizza options to choose from. Customers can choose from classic pepperoni pizza, cheese pizza, sausage pizza, or go for something more unique like the Margherita pizza, BBQ chicken pizza, or Hawaiian pizza. Napoli's Pizza Kitchen also offers customizable pizza options, allowing customers to create their own pizza with their choice of toppings. In addition to their pizza options, Napoli's Pizza Kitchen also offers salads, pasta dishes, and desserts. Friendly Atmosphere Napoli's Pizza Kitchen offers a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for customers. The staff is knowledgeable and helpful, and they are always happy to assist customers in finding the perfect pizza. The restaurant is also clean and well-maintained, making it a comfortable place to dine with friends and family. Affordable Prices Napoli's Pizza Kitchen offers affordable prices for their high-quality pizza options. Customers can enjoy a delicious pizza without breaking the bank. The restaurant also offers daily specials and deals, making it even more affordable to enjoy their delicious pizzas. Online Ordering and Delivery For added convenience, Napoli's Pizza Kitchen offers online ordering and delivery services. Customers can easily place their orders online and have their favorite pizzas delivered straight to their doorstep. The restaurant also offers pickup services for those who prefer to pick up their orders. Location Napoli's Pizza Kitchen has two convenient locations in Studio City and Van Nuys. This makes it easy for customers in both areas to enjoy the delicious pizza options that Napoli's Pizza Kitchen has to offer. Conclusion Napoli's Pizza Kitchen is the best pizza restaurant in Studio City and Van Nuys. With authentic Italian-style pizza, a variety of pizza options, a friendly atmosphere, affordable prices, and online ordering and delivery services, it's no wonder that Napoli's Pizza Kitchen is so popular. Whether you're looking for a quick lunch or a casual dinner with friends and family, Napoli's Pizza Kitchen has something for everyone. So next time you're in the area, be sure to stop by Napoli's Pizza Kitchen and try some of their delicious pizza options. You won't be disappointed!
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vinesuk · 1 year
Best 5 Street Food Ideas For Your Big Event
Big event means a lot of preparations from music, to gowns, to floral decorations, to Marquee hire. There is a lot of undertaking and planning to make marriages heavenly. Marriages require a plethora of preparation, and you don't want your big day to spoil in any situation.
Hence sometimes hiring a Certified Wedding Planner, is the best decision you can take from booking your wedding on the vines community platform. You may have a variety of plans like DJ night, hot showers arrangement for guests, buffets,  luxury marquee hire, Affordable Wedding Catering, and many such dreams for your marriage day.
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When it comes to food arrangement there goes a lot of planning, arrangements, and decision-making to decide, what foods and drinks will you serve, what street food you will keep to glam up the taste buds of guests and visitors, and what special servings will be selected for newlywed, bride and groom and their family servings.
Adding up street foods to your menu may enhance the menu overall, and the guest may love to explore the different subtle cuisines to make the day memorable and remarkable. So we have come up with the best 5 Street food ideas, for your wedding day. Go, check them out, and pick up the one, which you love.
Top 5 Street Food Ideas To Include In Your Catering
Street food is loved by everyone. Gone are the days when dodgy burgers and kebabs were loved and appreciated. Now the concept of street food has changed drastically. People love to eat healthier and cleaner street food as compared to preserved ones. Because preserved street food can affect your overall health in the longer run. Hence people love to eat fresh, exciting street foods.
 And hence adding the right street food to your menu for weddings can bring magic into the wedding day. Everyone will enjoy it more. It's the best way if you want Affordable Wedding Catering or Street Food Catering. Hence we have picked up a huge array of cuisine, styles, and wedding catering to pick the best one from.
They are as follows-
1.   All things Americana
American cuisine is taking over UK cuisine and is more popular than previously. Ribs, Burgers, and hot dogs are universally appealing. You can choose a couple of van suppliers that deliver street foods freshly made or an American Barbecue that will grill out throughout your reception, and people are going to enjoy it. This option will go perfectly for heavy meat lovers, but you will have to think about the Vegetarians and bring something accordingly for them also.
2.   An Indian Banquet
People living in the UK are fond of eating Indian cuisine. The spicy taste and beautiful blend of herbs make Indian cuisine a beautiful and wholesome experience. Indian food is the UK's favorite pick to try at weddings. You can choose easy peasy delicacies like Pav bhaji, Vada pav, a variety of curries and rice, and even Idli, dosa, and many classy dishes. You can keep a buffet style, where everyone can serve themselves and enjoy relaxing.
3.Paella Street Party
A Paella Street Party is a wonderful option for Street Food Catering, where you get to enjoy colorful food, shareable, filled with delicious fragrances, and vivid colors that are perfect to enhance your wedding party. You can even serve this street food by adding a touch of Latin cuisine To it like Manchego cheese and Serrano. Watching Paella street food made in a giant paella pan, can enhance the party environment and add more fun and Etsy to your celebration.
4. A Pizza Street Party
You can hire Pizza Street Food Catering on vine community that serves you the best freshly baked, mouthwatering pizza and that also has very good speed. Well, we know how much craze comes with Pizza. Everyone loves to eat pizza. Then why not give it a shot on your big day celebration by hiring the best Pizza street caterers, that everyone will enjoy?
5.  Mexican Street Cuisine
Adding a few Mexican street street-styles like Tacos and Nachos in a variety of ways can add spice to your menu choice and the guest will love cribbing over the Tacos. Being easy to eat, Tacos are the best street foods everyone's favorite.
So we are sure you love these best street-style food ideas to add to your wedding menu. To get all preparation perfect you can hire a wedding planner so that you don't stress out in preparation and minute details and get everything as expected from vines.
We hope that this article will help you to add some interesting things to your menus when it comes to big events. Wanna know more about such kinds of food on your menus or wanna hire professionals the deal with it? Look no further than Vines, a Certified Wedding Planner which provides Affordable Wedding Catering and other types of services for big events, especially when it comes to marriage. For more info, visit https://www.vinescommunities.co.uk.
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movieboyfriend · 1 year
11 and 18! :D
11: Something you want to do again next year?
this is very specific but i did a bunch of weaving this year for uni projects and i am so ITCHING to get back to it. currently am so burnt out from said uni i can’t even use my sewing machine but i know that won’t last forever so i am very excited to get back into my textiles when i feel ready! the little corner of my brain that sees things and tries to translate them into weaving drafts is still very much alive and ticking. I also went to some fibre guild meetings and i would love to go to more of those!
18: A memorable meal this year?
in feb maybe i went to the hawkes bay farmers market and bought the most beautiful heirloom tomatoes i’ve ever seen and ate them on toast with some garlic herb vegan cheese spread thing (also from the farmers market. best non dairy cheese i’ve ever eaten but the man did try to convince me to invest in crypto so) and some basil and a drizzle of olive oil and ate it sat out the back of the van in a camping chair in a field in the sun. it was glorious. went back a week later to buy more tomatoes and cheese to recreate it.
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kappavision · 2 years
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Bigilla, the Official Maltese Dip, has quite the celebrity status on the islands. Made from dried broad beans, this traditional dip is another standard BBQ appetizer, or any kind of appetizer really! (Photo 3 of 4). Joe Sacco tal-bigilla jbiħ mil-vann tiegħu. KIEN JIĠI TAL-BIGILLA, BIL-KARRU W L-FANAL… Here comes tal-bigilla! For many years bigilla street hawkers roamed the streets of villages across Malta selling their freshly made bean paste from their donkey-drawn carts. Today, vans have replaced the karettuni, but the goodness of this traditional Maltese food remains the same. So it’s no wonder that bigilla has retained its status as one of the mainstays of Maltese cuisine. Attracted by the shout of his recorded tune, we met Joe Sacco from Birżebbuġa while he was doing the rounds in his small white van in Birkirkara. As they say in Malta, ‘l-għajta nofs il-bejgħa’ (the call is half the sale). WHAT IS BIGILLA? Bigilla is a spicy bean paste or dip. It is made with basic ingredients, namely broad beans, garlic and herbs. This traditional Maltese appetiser or snack is delicious served warm with galletti (water biscuits), crackers or bread, or else along with other vegetables, olives and cheese. ORIGINS Bigilla has been around in Malta for a very long time. Its origins in our country date back to the Arabs, who are thought to have introduced it to the islands. In countries like Egypt, bigilla is a very popular food. FRESH AND GENUINE People are drawn to buying from bigilla street hawkers like Joe Sacco. Customers appreciate the fact the bigilla is made fresh daily without any added preservatives and served warm. (at Birkirkara, Malta) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChjZOT2oWLi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abramsbooks · 2 years
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RECIPE: Red Lentil Soup (from Home Made Basics by Yvette van Boven)
I have various ways of making this hearty soup. I love the smoky, fatty flavor of chorizo, but I eat so little meat that I sometimes also simply replace it with, say, feta or goat cheese. So just use this recipe as a base. I’ll offer further suggestions for toppings below. Pick one from each list for the right balance.
Prepare: 15 minutes Cook: 30 minutes Serves 4
1 tablespoon olive oil, plus extra
7 ounces (200 g) Spanish-style cured chorizo, cut into small pieces
1 large onion, chopped
2 carrots, cut into small cubes
1 teaspoon ground cumin
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon smoked paprika, plus extra
2 teaspoon honey or granulated sugar
2 to 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
8. ounces (250 g) red lentils
1 (14.-ounce/411 g) can whole peeled tomatoes, the tomatoes squeezed
4. cups (1 L) vegetable or chicken stock
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 tablespoons (120 ml) yogurt
Heat the olive oil in a large pan. Fry the chorizo pieces until crispy. Remove the chorizo slices from the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside on a plate.
Sauté the onion, carrot cubes, and cumin in the same pan for about 10 minutes, until the vegetables are tender. Add the garlic and fry for 1 minute. Add the smoked paprika and honey and deglaze the pan with a splash of red wine vinegar.
Stir in the red lentils and pour the squeezed tomatoes and stock into the pan. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook the lentil soup, partly covered with a lid, for 30 minutes over low heat. Occasionally check whether the lentils are done, or if necessary, cook them a little longer. Add a splash of water if the soup gets too thick.
Puree the soup with an immersion blender until smoother, but not completely smooth. Some individual lentils should still be visible. Taste the soup and decide whether to add salt and pepper.
Serve the soup in large bowls, each topped with 2 tablespoons yogurt and sprinkled with the fried chorizo. Drizzle the soup with a little olive oil and sprinkle with more paprika.
Croutons, baked in butter with anchovies or sea salt
Seeds, popped: like whole buckwheat or pumpkin seeds
Bacon cubes, fried
Nuts, crispy fried (in butter/ olive oil), possibly with spices and/or garlic
Tortilla chips, crumbled
Crispy fried onions
Double cream
Crème fraîche
Quark cheese or yogurt, stirred
Cashew cream
Coconut milk
Cheese, any kind of grated or crumbled
Olive oil or pesto
Avocado, cubed
Egg, hard-boiled or poached
Fresh herbs, finely chopped
Onion, chopped and briefly pickled in vinegar
Watercress or sprouts
Scallions, cut into rings
Celery, or other raw vegetables, cut into very small cubes
Apple or pear, cut into small cubes
Jalapeño, fresh or preserved (from a jar), finely chopped
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From acclaimed cookbook author and illustrator Yvette van Boven, a comprehensive kitchen resource for making hundreds of simple dishes from scratch
In her latest cookbook, Yvette van Boven shares step-by-step explanations for the foundational dishes that can transform how you cook and what you eat at home. Accompanied by her signature illustrations and beautiful photography, van Boven offers more than 400 recipes for delightful dishes that tell you how to make everything: simple dressings, vegetables, pastas, gnocchi, tortillas, perfectly poached eggs, and much more. Whether you're new to cooking or an experienced home chef, this cookbook teaches you to make satisfying food without a lot of fuss or complicated ingredients. In her unique and friendly voice, the author guides you through every step of cooking simple, well-made everyday meals.
A staple for everyone who loves to cook at home, Home Made Basics offers fresh, healthy, and original meals you'll want to make all year round.
For more information, click here.
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This was a verbal conversation between Simlah “Shimmy”, Danny and Justin on April 5th, 2021 at Mission Chinese in Brooklyn, NY. The recording was transcribed into the Q&A below. I hope you enjoy! 
Transcription and Photography by Simlah Henry 
 Pick a color.
J: Green 
D: I’m gonna go with... like a blueish black. Blue-black. 
D: I had delivery. It was Vietnamese food from this spot close to my old place. It was okay I haven’t had pho delivered in over a year *laughs*. I had a good day of eating yesterday, me and Mino woke up and went to this Korean spot it’s open 24 hours called “Gammeoak”. We did this bone broth soup and the kimchi is phenomenal. They only have one type it’s crazy. 
J: I had a random meal. I had a salad, mac n cheese, and banana bread. It was really good. 
J: *laughs* That’s how we eat, we just think about it on the spot.  
D: Honestly. Weirdly, a lot of time when I’m washing my hair I think about food *laughs* or like recipes sometimes. Like when I’m exercising I think about the potential of a new dish or something we’ve been trying to figure out and put together. You probably hear it a lot from people, “I get the best breakthroughs when you’re showering” *laughs* that’s me. 
J: A lot of ideas come to me in the shower but when I’m washing my hair I’m bummed cause it’s gonna look really stupid after I wash it *laughs*. I wash it once a week but when it’s time I don’t wanna mess it up.
D: He wants scene hair.
J: *laughs* Exactly. 
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J: Soup. *giggles*
D: That is an amazing restaurant *laughs* ! Do you remember that restaurant? Souper Salad is a humongous southern salad bar, it’s really good it’s like S-O-U-P-E-R salad. But honestly, I like my salad in my soup. I know it sounds gnarly but when you eat Korean food a lot of times they’ll have a lot of different greens you can put in your soup, it’s really good. 
J : Kinda like pho with herbs.
D: Yeah! They get kinda soft, it’s delicious.
J: I’m left-handed so I always do my left shoe first.
D: I do right. Probably right? Yeah, I do right it would be weird to do the other shoe.
J: I’ve done left so long it’s so hard to even try the other way *laughs*.
D: Mino has been using a shoehorn lately, he’s using it to learn how to tie his shoes. 
J: That’s amazing! I didn’t know what a shoe horn was till like 5 years ago *laughs*!
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D: I remember getting arrested at a Walmart for stealing *laughs*!
D: Not arrested but they grabbed me and called my dad it was the most embarrassing thing! I tried stealing 3 CDs, it was really embarrassing! Lemme think... it was this band “Blessid Union of Souls” and I wanna say it was the “Candle Box” album cause my parents were super christian so I couldn’t get like explicit music an-
D: *laughing* Yes that’s why I went to Walmart.
D: I think the other one was Mariah Carrey I-
J: WOW! *laughing* That’s amazing.
D: Yeah! It was Blessid Union of Souls, Candle Box, and a Mariah Carey album. I tried stuffing them in my pants and I’m walking through the Walmart parking lot and these 2 dudes tackled me to the ground forcing their hands down my pants-
Us: NO!!
D: Yeah. They called my dad it was pretty funny all he said was “It’s fine”. *laughing* He was like “don’t steal from Walmart”. 
J: Yeah my first, honestly, I got two at the same time cause this song was just stuck in my head. I got Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car” and Morrissey’s “Your Arsenal”. Those were my first two.
D: I mean the first album I brought was “Van Halen Greatest Hits” on CD that’s the first one I brought cause I got a gift certificate for Christmas to Best Buy and I got “Mxpx -Life in General” *giggles*. 
J: Insane.
D: I had this little shitty, it wasn’t shitty it was an Aiwa. It was under Sony like Walkman and Aiwa was a division of Sony they had really cool logos.
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Long pause… 
D: I have no idea.
J: I couldn’t imagine *laughs*. 
D: I feel like I would be a youth pastor *laughs*. 
J: *laughs hard*
D: I’m joking I’m joking but I have been dressing a lot like a youth pastor lately. I’m always checking with Sara like “Do I look like a youth pastor?” 
J: *laughs even harder*
D: Yeah I don’t know what I would be doing. 
J: I think it was meant for me to be doing something creative just cause I’ve always been into weird stuff. When I was little, I used to alter my clothes, since I can remember so I just do the same thing pretty much.
D: Recently I thought about trying to be a fitness instructor like being a spin instructor.
S: With the dress shoes right? 
D: Yeah but with church shoes on. 
J: Ahhh!
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D: Oh I know what car I want! I’m trying to get a car right now, I want a 2008 Subaru STI Hatchback, white with gold rims, or like the bronze rims. There are some good deals on that car, it’s like 4 doors, they’re fast as hell. Scar and I were talking about it, I showed Mino today and he’s like “Wow gold rims?!” 
S: What song are you playing thogh? You just paid cash, what’s the first song you’re playing? 
D: I don’t know. I like Drake’s “Lemon Pepper Freestyle” right now *laughs*. I’ve been listening to it a lot, it is so good! Here I’ll put it on … it’s Drake and Rick Ross.
J: DUDE I'VE BEEN LISTENING TO A GOOD BIT OF RICK ROSS! THE BOSS ALBUM!? The cover had a chain made out of his face.
D: I feel like I would have to play DMX’s “Up in Here”.
S & J: OMG!!!
D: Fingers crossed for him. 
J: I hope he pulls through. My car would have to be like an old school Volkswagen square back. It’s probably my favorite car, it's probably the coolest looking car to me. Like pea-green maybe burnt orange like a vintage color. That’s like the ultimate car! I’ve wanted that thing since I was a kid.
S: What song? 
D: What DMX song?
J : Ooooh… 
D: “X Gon Give it to You”? “Slippin”? Na that’s too dark. 
J: “Slippin” is probably the best song he’s written. 
D: I had that album with him covered in blood in my first car. DMX was the first hip-hop artist to have 3 #1 songs back to back. 
S: I was just telling the homie that DMX was robbing people with his dog. I think it’s genius to be honest. Like what are you going to do? Run? 
D: Justin, have you seen the documentary? 
J: No, I have to check it out.
D: I’ll send it to you, it’s sooo good!!
J: Actually, “How It’s Going Down” is the best.
S: That’s #1 for me.
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J: *laughs hard* THAT'S AMAZING!
D: That’s it. Neither of those guys *laughs*. 
J: Danny Bowien! 
D: The guys at High Snob were trying to get me in that Clubhouse chat room. They texted me and asked me to be a guest and I’m like “Yeah, sure I’m down”, then they mention “We wanna get you in one with Guy Fieri” I’m like *gasp* “I would die! My first question would be, what’s your favorite Ben & Jerry’s?”.
J: Oooo that’s good… Wow
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D: I don’t know. Define junk food…
J: Yeah.
D: I’ll go low...
J: *laughs hard*
D: Beause I don’t wanna offend anyone's food…  You mean what’s food so delicious I would eat it out of the trash? 
J: *quickly responds* McDonald’s hash browns.
D: *laughs* OKAY, what’s the number one fast-food hash brown?
J: McDonald’s. 
D: McDonald!!! I agree, but this place “Hardee’s” used to do those potato triangles. My mom use to call them potato triangles, it was hash brown. Obviously McDonald’s has the superior hash brown.
J: Absolutely. 
D: Then Carls Jr’s- WAIT ARBY’s HAD THE POTATO TRIANGLES! Why does everyone shit on Arby's so hard? *laughs* I like Arby's! 
Do you like Arby? *asking Sara 
The curly fries, the Arby Q sauce, and horsey sauce! 
D: *vulnerably* Can I tell people that?
J: *laughs hard*
D : I’ll tell you Shimmy I trust you *laughs*. 
J: 6969
D: 6666
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                *Lemon Pepper Freestyle plays on loop*
                       **REST IN PARADISE DMX**
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic Ch. 6: The Slowest Cooker
Previous Chapter - AO3 - MSR, rated E
It’s Friday, April 17th, and they’re eating lunch in the Hoover building’s cafeteria. They eat lunch together almost every day now, Mulder realizes. They’re practically joined at the hip.
Except in the fun way.
Today is different, though. Because today she invites him over for dinner.
Scully’s devouring a caesar salad, and Mulder’s heart is warmed by the evidence of her returning appetite. Five months ago, she was dying of cancer, and now she’s here stealing the occasional potato chip from the bag he got from the vending machine. He doesn’t mind; she could take his entire sandwich from him right now, and he’d happily watch her eat it.
“Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow?” she asks, covering her mouth with her hand as she chews. “My mother got me a crockpot for my birthday and I’m thinking of giving it a test drive.”
His heart leaps, and he wants to shout yes, but instead he asks “What about Mark?”
She gives him one of her patented Scully looks. “I’m allowed to have friends, Mulder. And I still owe you for going to the bar with me that one time, remember?” She takes another bite of salad. “Also, he’s working.”
“Ah,” Mulder says knowingly. “Sure; what’s on the menu?”
“Pork roast,” she replies. “My mom’s recipe. The leftovers make great pulled-pork sandwiches.”
“Anything you’d like me to bring?”
Scully shrugs. “Red wine would go nicely, but I’ll be testing you at the door to make sure you’re not Eddie Van Blundht,” she says dryly.
“You gonna check me for evidence of a tail, Scully?” he says in a low tone, leaning in so they’re not overheard.
“Keep that up and I’m rescinding my invite and keeping all the leftovers to myself,” she replies, picking a wilted bit of romaine out of her salad.
It’s not a date, he reminds himself. Just friends sharing dinner.
Regardless, he takes a shower and puts on one of his nicer sweaters before heading to her place.
He knocks on her door at 6:30 sharp, a bottle of Pinot Noir in hand. His palm is a little sweaty, and he grips the wine tightly to avoid dropping it.
“It’s open,” he hears her call out.
He opens the door and is hit by the savory aroma of meat and herbs. His mouth waters instantly. When he turns and sees her in the kitchen, it waters for a different reason entirely.
Scully’s reaching into the cupboard above the sink, her soft green sweater riding up to expose a ribbon of creamy skin. He wants to wrap his arms around her waist, kiss her neck, tell her to forget dinner because he’s got something else on his mind.
Instead he just says “Hey”.
“Hi,” she greets him, bringing down two salad plates and setting them on the table. “Do you want to hear the good news first or the bad?”
Mulder blinks. “Uh,” he says brilliantly. That goddamn little sweater-
“The good news is that I’ve had the crockpot running for about six hours, and nothing’s caught fire,” she says, leaning against the countertop.
He nods. “And the bad news is…”
“I started the roast at almost half noon,” Scully admits. “I had to go to the grocery store first and that took longer than expected. So the meat won’t be done until eight-thirty.”
“That’s fine,” Mulder says, hoping his stomach doesn’t rumble loudly enough for her to hear. “Oh, and I brought Pinot Noir,” he says, reading the label.
They eat the salad she prepared; it’s spinach and apple with vinaigrette, and Mulder has to admit it’s pretty tasty.
“You’re a good hostess, Scully,” Mulder says as she pours him a glass of Prosecco. “Maggie should be proud.”
“Please note the size of crockpot she gifted me,” Scully replies, gesturing to the slow-cooker on the counter. “She fully intends for me to feed a crowd, not just you. I have a long way to go.” She sits across from him and takes a sip of her wine. “But this is a start.”
“Can I make a confession?” he asks.
Scully nods.
“I… I don’t drink much wine. So I have no idea if the one I brought is any good. I told the store clerk I was having pork for dinner and he recommended that one,” Mulder says, cocking his head toward the bottle on the counter.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Scully assures him. “I’m not a wine snob by any means. I’m kind of surprised you’re not one, actually, considering your background.”
Mulder shrugs. “I don’t drink much, aside from the occasional beer. But this is good,” he says, lifting his glass.
The Prosecco is… very good.
“How long until the meat’s done?” Mulder asks, resting his head on his hand.
“Half hour,” Scully replies, downing the last sip of her wine. “I’m sorry, Mulder. Do you want some cheese and crackers to tide you over?”
“M’good,” he says lazily, stifling a burp. He’s feeling warm and soft inside, and the wine’s put him in a charitable mood. “How are things with Mark?”
“Things are good… things are fine,” Scully says, then sighs. “He’s… god, he’s so nice.”
“Nice is good, right?” Mulder asks, toying with his empty wine glass. “People like nice.”
Scully narrows her eyes at him. “Are you feeling okay, Mulder?”
“We’re not talking about me,” he says, slumping in his chair and stretching his long legs out under the table. “We’re talking about Mark. Mark Eidolanterns.”
“Einolander,” Scully corrects him. “And yes, nice is good, generally,” she continues. “But sometimes I wish he weren’t so nice. I don’t know,” she says, exhaling. “I need more wine if I’m going to talk about this,” she says with a huff of laughter.
“Hey, we got it,” Mulder says. “Dinner’s almost ready anyway. Let’s try the mystery Pinot I brought.”
The pot roast is done cooking and they’re definitely a little drunk.
“Whew… I’m feeling this,” Mulder says, holding the bottle up too close to his face as he attempts to read the label. “It’s been so long, I forgot that wine does this to me.”
“Higher alcohol content,” Scully says. “And you’re a lightweight.”
“That your medical opinion, Dr. Scully?” he asks.
“Yes,” she mumbles, slicing a piece off of the roast and dumping it unceremoniously onto his plate. “Tada,” she says, pushing it across the table to him. “Meat.”
“I can see that,” he remarks. He takes another sip of wine. “Wine’s good,” he assures her, even though she’s already on her second glass of the red.
“Can’t say the same for the roast,” she admits, chewing. “I skimped on the salt and in hindsight that was a bad idea.”
Mulder shovels a piece into his mouth. “Tastes good to me,” he assures her. “But I’ve only had wine and salad since lunchtime so at this point I’d eat anything. I’d eat you,” he adds, pointing his fork in her direction.
“Pass that idea along to Mark,” she sighs, then covers her mouth. “I didn’t say that,” she says, face red.
“You did,” Mulder crows, too tipsy to feel jealous. “You did and I heard you.” He takes another draw from his glass. “The store guy was right, this is good with pork.”
“You’re going to have an incredible hangover tomorrow,” Scully says, chewing meditatively. “Wine’s a bitch.”
“You should swear more,” Mulder says. “It’s endearing.”
Scully shakes her head. “I can’t believe how drunk you are,” she says, almost fondly.
“I’m not that drunk,” he insists. Just in love with you.
Scully smiles. “No sober man has ever said that.”
“There’s no spark,” she blurts out.
They’d taken the rest of of the wine to the couch and are slumped on opposite ends, goblets in hand.
“No spark?” Mulder echoes. It was an admission he wasn’t expecting. He angles his body towards hers, careful not to spill his glass.
“With Mark. I like him, I really do. He’s kind, intelligent, a devoted father, and quite attractive; and yet…” She gestures loosely to her body with the hand not holding her wine. “Nothing.” She takes another sip. “I can’t shake the idea that I should be feeling more. And the fact that he hasn’t kissed me yet... I understand wanting to move slowly and let things grow with time, but not even a single kiss?”
“Th-that did strike me as odd,” Mulder stumbles. “You have nice lips.”
“I do,” Scully agrees, seemingly unfazed by the comment. “I should be kissed.” She drains her glass and holds it out to him.
Mulder pours out the last of the bottle into her glass. “Maybe if… maybe if you kissed, you’d find the spark.”
Scully shakes her head. “No. No, it does’t work that way. At least not for me. I don’t want to force chemistry that’s not there,” she explains. “It should come naturally, feel like it does with-”
Mulder waits expectantly for her to finish her sentence. “With?” he prompts.
Her face is flushed with wine, and she licks her lips. “Mulder, tell me honestly; do you think I’m settling?”
The room suddenly feels too warm, and he takes a nervous gulp of wine that does nothing to calm his body. “Scully, I- I’m the wrong person to ask.”
“You’re my closest friend,” she says softly, eyes cast downward. “Who else would I ask?”
She has a point. “Your mother-” he begins.
“She set me up with him in the first place,” Scully reminds him. “Clearly she’d be no help.”
“What do you want, Scully? If you’re honest with yourself.” He raises his glass. “In vino veritas, or whatever,” he says, taking another drink.
“I don’t know,” she says. “I always do this. I find a man I want to impress or gain the approval of, then resent the authority I let them have over me. This cycle of… of compliance and defiance is exhausting.”
He can tell she’s tipsy, and yet at the same time she’s strangely lucid. He’s never gotten to experience this particular kind of vulnerability with her before, and it gives him a thrill. He can feel the warmth of her body permeating him from across the sofa, her bright hair like a wood stove fire on a winter night. He wants to wrap her entire body around him like a blanket and have a long sleep.
“Yup, I’m drunk,” he declares, and throws back the last of his glass.
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sw124 · 3 years
BonelyHearts Reader Insert6
{Female!ReaderXSkeleton household}
Camping! Pt.6
Well yesterday was quite the day, so much for your enjoying your ‘leisure’ day out. You ended up soaked to your very bones all because of some jerk/jerks in a speed boat. It wasn’t so much getting soaked that bothered you, it was the fact that boat came so close to hitting you and Ash; that is what made you mad…but that was yesterday. An its not like the day ended badly, when you got dry clothes on and the skeletons practically waiting on you hand and foot to be sure you were ok.
You’d be lying if you didn’t enjoy it but you reminded them that you were fine and all warm again. That an you woke up again with the same skeletons in your tent, cuddled up next to you like little darlings. Well this was your last day of camping, that meant it was ‘your’ day. The past two days were dedicated to the skeletons but now it was your turn an you had only one special thing in mind.
“Human, what exactly do you have planned. We’ve done all the trails you wanted minus the …what was it..Grandfathers duff?” Asked Nox.
“Thats ‘Grandads Bluff’ and trust me when I tell you this activity will be great for everyone. But remember we need to pack up before we head off for our last activity, when we’ve finished it we’ll be going home; everyone got that?”
They all responded with a nod, you felt giddy as you helped them pack up. You had a wonderful surprise waiting for them! Packing didn’t take long at all, you handled most of the kitchen items while Papyrus and Boss dismantled the tents. Poplar helped Russ pack up the van while the others walked around picking up any litter left behind. It didn’t take long to get cleaned up really, in less then thirty minutes dishes were clean, tents dismantled and put away, campsite cleaned up and finally the van packed. Now that was done you could take the boys on the last activity of the day!
“Ok boys its gonna ten to fifteen minute walk to our destination so no whining.” You gave a playful wink and motioned the boys to follow you.
It was kinda funny to see some of their deadpan expressions but you digressed. You lead the way towards a road, sticking close to the shoulder of course. Though there weren’t any cars on this road there were ATV’er’s driving about; but they all were polite an stuck to their own side, time to time waving at you and the skeletons. Most if not all of them were simple ‘drive through rugged terrain’ people or parents taking their kids for rides.
Like you said it didn’t take long before you reached your destination…
“…..A ski lift?” Russ tilted his head.
“Well its not used for skiing now but during the autumn its used as a ‘special tour’ option. You take the lift up the mountain to enjoy the view of the local foliage, there at the top is the local ski resort. We’re taking the long ride up so it’ll take about an hour. By the time we get there it’ll be time for lunch so we’ll stop at their cafe to eat. Then comes the best part!”
You wriggle in your boots, ready to explode with excitement.
“The best part is the tram ride down the mountain, on the way down your served the best local drinks in the area. Non-alcoholic of course, the ride down will take just about the same amount of time as getting up give or take a minute. By the time we get back down the mountain it’ll be time to start heading home, you boys ready?”
They all looked at each other before nodding, when you got to where the chairs picked up the skiers you paused…thats right you had to see who was going with who. You looked and already Nox was arguing about going first…call you impatient but you hopped into a chair an let the boys figure it out for themselves.
You turned your back…and felt the chair sweep you up then it dropped its safety bar down. You squeaked like a little mouse as it lifted you up, you turned back to see the boys were still arguing…you waited at least a minute before shouting.
You laughed as you watched some of them scramble to get on the lift, Poplar and Ash were already getting on by the time the others heard you calling for them. Now that the boys were on the lift all you had to do….was relax and enjoy the ocean of autumn colors at your feet. This truly was a great idea, you slowly watched the wind blow waves of leaves over the trees. It really did look like water, a sea of cold fire…
A sudden thought hit you….there was a few spots on the mountain where special cameras were set up. They were to take pictures of people on the ski lifts, kinda like the camera’s on amusement park rides! They did this for the skiers as something commemorative or something. Oh this was gonna be fun, you hoped you’d see it so you could take a nice photo, if not something funny to laugh at.
[A beautifully peaceful ride later]
You gingerly slide off the lift chair and walked over to a small waiting area, there were some benches and a small kiosk to get your photo. The photo you got didn’t turn out like you hoped but it was still nice, the pictures was of you looking off to the side. You recalled that moment too, you caught sight of a hawk in the distance.
You decided to wait for the boys, you saw the photo’s drop in the kiosk. Not sure if it was ok or what you decided to look. The first photo of course was of Poplar and Ash, they looked like the spitting image of a happy elderly couple. The next was Stretch and Blue, where on earth did Stretch get the Groucho glasses…heh poor Blue didn’t notice he was given the ‘bunny ear’ treatment. Next was Boss and Red who were mostly enjoying the scenery, then it was a picture of Papyrus yelling at a sleepy Sans. Finally was Nox and Russ who much like Red and Boss were just enjoying the scenery…hehe Russ looked so cute.
You slipped the photos into your pocket and went to greet them, by the time you left the little kiosk Poplar and Ash were just getting off the lift. They greeted you and sat down to wait for the others, one by one the pairs of brothers came off the lift. Once you all regrouped you headed for the resort’s cafe.
“Here it is…” you sighed happily, it didn’t have a name other then ‘cafe’ but it just oozed with charm.
Inside the floors were a deep black mahogany with plush bright red carpets, the tables, chairs and table cloths all matched. What made it so charming was each table had a small fire pit in the center where you could roast marshmallows. But since you did that already you had booked a special treat for the boys…
“Fon…due?” Asked Nox.
“Yes, Fondue is a pot of melted cheese where you dip food items into such as bread, vegetables, meat an other things. Don’t worry I’ll be ordering the vegetarian special, it comes with the local favorites! Come on lets sit, I’m starting to get a little hungry now.”
“Yes lets have lunch!” Agreed Poplar, he seemed just as excited about the fondue.
Everyone gathered at one big round table, the waitress took down orders for drinks. Mostly of coffee’s and coco’s but you chose some tea for yourself. Before long your pot of fondue was delivered and everyone proceeded to dip pieces of bread and vegetables into the melted white substance. It had a slight sharp smell but the herbs were mostly the source of it, the taste…was pure velvet. You could taste the cream and hints of butter, instantly you thought of popcorn from a movie theater the moment you took bite of asparagus dipped in the white concoction.
All the vegetables you got were roasted, including some sweet potato chips and some eggplant. This really was a great place, once you an the boys had enough and paid the bill came the tram.
You walked over to check the schedule.
“The next ride will be leaving at 11:45am guys so we got about forty minutes to enjoy the sights around here. Please pay attention to the time ok guys?”
“Got it!” They said in unison.
You smile and walk away, everyone wandered around the outside admiring the scenery. You gravitate away from the boys and wander a bit towards the railing.
Everything was so quiet…so beautiful…but was interrupted by the sound of loud voices. You look to see four men stumbling towards you, hanging off one another, even from a distance you could smell the booze. You were about to move away but they caught sight of you.
“Hey baby, you alone wanna hang (hic!) out?”
You glared. “No, I’m here with my friends now leave me alone-“ just when you turned to head for the nearby staircase to get away from these jerks one of them grabs your arm.
“Hey aren’t you that bitch thats hanging out with them skeletons? Come on hang out with some real men, we got the goods to please a woman!” Well one of them was half sober enough to recognize you for some reason.
You rip your arm away from him.
“Get away from me you filthy piece of crap!” You stepped back…
“See told you she was a bitch, an I know what we do with bitches!” Before you could do anything one of the drunks raised his foot and kicked you…you stumbled back…and took a hard tumble down the stairs behind you.
It wasn’t many stairs but enough that when you landed…you landed hard. For a moment you laid still, you were still conscious so that was good….slowly you started rising to your knee’s, you put weight on your right foot; no problems there……but the moment you tried to step on your left foot….thats when you went down again.
Your ankle felt as if someone drove a spike into the joint and was twisting it around, you let out a pained scream when you put any weight on it. You winced and looked at your hands…oh your poor hands got bruised up good that was for sure…
“Human? Human where are you?!” You looked up, you saw Nox but thankfully no sign of the drunks.
“D-Down here!” You cried…tears were streaming down your face, the pain was almost too much.
You looked up, Nox was racing down full speed. You got scared thinking he’d fall too…give him some credit he had good balance. He reached you and noticed your disheveled self.
“What happened?!” His hands hovered over you.
You sobbed. “S-some drunk guy kicked me down the st-stairs…my ankle hurts real bad Nox…”
Normally you could tolerate a little pain but this…this wasn’t little, already Nox was checking the rest of you. Your arms, head (noting the slight bruised lip you had), neck, he already saw your hands but was now focusing on your legs. When he was satisfied he checked your ankle, slowly he removed your shoe and examined your ankle. His fingertips ghosted over your ankle, flinching when he touched parts near the joint.
“….Its just bruised thankfully, hang on.” He took out his phone and after a few taps made he put the phone to his cheek….and spoke.
“Russ get Boss to my location, a pack of drunks pushed the human down a flight of stairs, she has a bruised ankle an I need someone strong enough to carry her to the Tram.”
He had just put his phone in his pocket when you heard footsteps, already you saw Boss descending the stairs. He had such a graceful step to him despite practically running down those stairs, Russ wasn’t far behind him.
“Oh god, human…” Russ looked ready to cry, you tried to put on a brave smile but it hurt to smile…
Boss waisted no time gathering you into a princess carry, with almost no effort on his part escorted back up the stairs…where a group of worried skeletons were waiting for you.
[three hours later]
This wasn’t how you wanted your camping to end….sure you got the tram ride back but it wasn’t that special ‘lets have a warm drink while watching the woods slowly go by’ kind of ride. Now you were bundled up in a blanket sitting in your room, you just finished crying when Boss walked in with a mug of ‘golden flower’ tea.
“Thanks Boss…” you whimpered as you took the cup from him.
“Now human don’t be so melodramatic, sure the trip didn’t go completely as planned but we still had fun and we got you healed up.�� Said Boss crossing his arms.
“Yeah…..thats true….” The tea was the perfect temperature, you hadn’t realized you had gulped it all down…well you were thirsty. “….You know maybe I should go sit in the living room with….everyone…maybe that’ll make me feel…..better…”
You forgot..’golden flower’ tea practically knocked your butt out, you drank it when you couldn’t get to sleep at night. You swayed a bit still bundled in that thick blanket, was you imagination or did you feel Boss wrapping his arms around you?
Oh he just picked you up….you all bundled in your blanket…you felt like a newborn baby swaddled after birth. Warm, safe and loved….you snuggled against the brooding skeletons chest as he walked you out of your room.
You could hear the others having a conversation but….you didn’t care….you could hear cooing but you didn’t care….instead…your mind drifted back to the camping…
Sleeping in a tent curled up with the skeleton family, sharing s’mores and hot coco…
Your mind drifted into a dream…where all you could think about…was you…
And the loving skeletons who were always…and always would be at your side…
[The ending was inspired by a drawing done by @mmhinman and again this is a reader insert dedicated to the @bonelyheartsclub ]
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nancyvinyl2 · 2 years
Catering And Types Of Caterers
On one of the most essential days of your life we offer a full catering... We serve our customers--and their honoured guests--as we might want to be served. Let us bring our hospitality to cater to your visitors while they convey love and good memories to your beloved ones. They present the versatility needed to adapt many plates to fit diverse wants and wishes. Often a more well-liked possibility due to price level and coordinating the event, on-premise catering involves catering accomplished inside the kitchen and food preparation areas of a venue. Typically, this means the meals for your event is prepared and served on-site. Castello of Niantic supplies an array of catering companies, from small company luncheons to large extravagant weddings. We provide genuine Italian meals for very cheap pricing. Some of those occasions are launches, openings, board meetings, conferences, and holiday events. Left Coast Catering moreover offers supply of its cuisine all through the world. Componere Fine Catering is a licensed Green Business, providing catering services throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Since Chef Ron & Robin have catered hundreds of unique, exquisitely crafted events...and all the time one at a time! Personalized, devoted service, a fanatical consideration to detail, and farm fresh. Top high quality ingredients all prepared by our European trained employees. Hotels and banquet services may cost a separate fee for the use of a room to hold a banquet or other catered occasion. When the catering service is offered by a hotel or a caterer employed by the resort, the cost for rental of the room is part of the charge for the occasion and is taxable. Crave Catering Tender pieces of choice beef tenderloin sautéed with herbs and sprinkled with dry sherry. Placed into a flaky puff pastry with mushroom Duxelle. Lean ground beef mixed with blue cheese and seasonings shaped into a meatball, wrapped in lean, mildly smoked bacon. Shredded rooster tenderloins, with imported Latin seasonings, cheddar and jack cheese and salsa, wrapped in a tortilla shell. And whereas we traditionally use retailer purchased sausage to make these delectable bites, this recipe takes this snack up a notch. You basically simply dump all the elements over the sliced spuds and let the oven do its magic. There’s nothing like having your friends and family over for some quality time, and no get-together is complete with out meals. Penne tossed in a four cheese sauce and baked with a bread crumb and prosciutto crust. Many times these may be accommodated the day previous to the occasion. Finally, listed beneath are different ways to keep event catering prices down. Common sense tells us that, when left to their very own units, visitors will usually maximize plate area it would not matter what measurement they’re given. Which means that a slightly smaller plate may subconsciously discourage them from losing food or taking an extreme quantity of of your carefully alloted dishes. Another excellent possibility for summer time nuptials, recent cucumber slices with raw salmon is simple to organize and could be personalized for any taste. Disposable Take Out Containers, To Fast Casual Deliver high quality and comfort at velocity with the POS built for fast informal wants. Food Truck Turn long traces into massive income with a fast and reliable POS for food vans. Full Service Restaurant Turn more tables, upsell with ease, and streamline service with a robust system built for FSRs. Kitchen Display System Streamline FOH-BOH communication to deliver a seamless dining experience. Ideally these products are simply biodegradable and composted after use. Whether in a cafeteria, fast meals restaurant, bistro, espresso shop, or food truck, utensils are essential tools to have when providing take-out food. Solia offers you the chance to offer your clients high quality disposable takeout utensils and cutlery that are sensible and classy. Perfect for cold and warm meals similar to soups, salads, entrees and more! The Catering/Restaurant Industry uses a considerable amount of plastic for carrying food and drinks to their customers. While inflicting apparent hurt to shoppers due to the chemicals that react with meals, they're additionally dangerous for the surroundings. Catering provides can easily be made utilizing compostable pure supplies like bamboo, wood, cornstarch, and sugarcane. We carry reasonably priced carryout container options in styrofoam, paper, cardboard, and thin plastic that are acceptable for almost all take-out purposes. We additionally provide foil and heavy plastic to-go container choices for better reheating or presentation. Showcase your finely crafted foods in the perfect carryout containers for your establishment’s wants, whether you’re offering salads, soups, or sandwiches on your menu. Our focus is your comfort – order on-line from your laptop computer, desktop, or smartphone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our quick delivery, low costs, and excellent customer support make WebstaurantStore the solely option to fulfill your whole professional and food service provide wants. Black Bear Diner Restaurant Menus Next, I sautéed the mushrooms and onions in the butter as a substitute of simmering them, and I didn’t puree anything. However, I still thought it appeared extra like mushrooms with sauce than soup. The third time was the charm, I doubled all of the elements except the mushrooms, onions and sherry, and this time I beloved it. I also tried stirring slightly left over Uncle Ben’s lengthy grain and wild rice into a number of the soup and thought that made an excellent addition. It was an evening that led to smiles and full bellies. BBQ ribs smoked & covered in our own special BBQ sauce. Certified Master Chef Sean Andrade is Executive Chef/Owner of AWG Private Chefs, named the #1 Private Chef firm in California. Chef Sean has worked in the restaurant and hospitality industries worldwide for greater than 25 years. Used sharp cheddar and plain greek yogurt rather than sour cream. Was super yummy and Just what we wanted on this chilly fall evening. Toasting the orzo beforehand creates a nutty flavor that pairs completely with hen and veggies. Veggies are taking pictures up and baseball season is in full swing. (Go, Red Sox!) Here are some easy ideas packed with all that recent goodness as warmer weather and better instances arrive. Your selection of beef, hen or cheese enchiladas served with rice, beans and our chips and salsa. Half hen marinated in our blend of herbs and spices, brushed with an herbed butter and baked till moist and juicy. Accompanied by a fresh house-made chimichurri sauce and served with baked macaroni and cheese and vegetable medley. Polonia Catering Austin-based Royal Fig Catering has a “Grab and Go” menu for an at-home catering choice obtainable for delivery throughout the Greater Austin space. Your youngest marks her Bat Mitzvah and your oldest graduates from medical school. Gala occasions to honor the accomplishments of family members, associates or colleagues. Intimate gatherings to rejoice the individuals who imply probably the most to you. [newline]No matter the dimensions or scope of your event, nice food and good wine, superbly offered and served with care, set the stage for an occasion not soon to be forgotten. Discuss dietary necessities and the method for attendees to entry their particular meal with the catering staff earlier than confirming the final menus. It’s a good idea to include fruit in your dessert options for those who prefer something with much less refined sugar. Cline predicts that WPC's front-of-house, guest-facing service staff members will wear black fabric personal protecting equipment and black nitrile gloves which are changed frequently. From extra elbow room at seated dinners to “safety greeters” to branded masks, here’s how visitors might be served at in-person occasions shifting ahead. Have a smaller group of visitors that you’d like us to serve a quantity of courses? Full-service dining the place your guests are seated at a table and programs are artfully plated and set by service workers. Interactive culinary motion stations that includes proficient chefs making a selection of small plates and other menu objects reside as friends stroll previous. Therefore, think about working with caterers and you will love their service. With this kind of catering, an occasion is held on the premises of the caterer. The restaurant is custom-made and adorned to fit the needs of the friends. The primary benefit of this service is that the visitors get to take pleasure in full consideration from the caterer since all of the workers is out there. 5 Lunch Concepts To Feed As A Lot As One Hundred Individuals For Under $250 This fun, warm-weather dessert is Instagram-worthy. If you’re having a casual catering event, it’s excellent. Not simply used for signage, chalkboards can create an awesome food show idea for build-your-own stations. Clearly labeling meals is a should to keep strains flowing and anybody with allergic reactions and dietary requirements well catered for. This is one of the easiest catering ideas you will find for serving your event friends one thing easy however elegant. It's actually a meal that'll depart your guests gushing about it after the occasion is over. A few things to keep in mind when planning the menu? Think about meals that will be difficult for friends to navigate and contemplate including a chef or workers member to serve that exact merchandise, or take away it from the buffet. You don’t need your visitors to should work for their meals. A buffet options lengthy tables topped with a broad variety of meals choices. This meal style provides essentially the most variety in your friends, making it notably desirable if you'd like a wide range of cuisines or have picky eaters. You can save up to $5,000 with totally different service styles. If the food is necessary to your friends, nonetheless, be careful. Hot meals will shortly get chilly, so drop-off is normally good for sandwiches and similar forms of meals. If you really want to blow their socks off, serve your wedding visitors the cheddar crust version of this traditional treat. The costliest a part of your wedding is often the meal at your reception. If you should lower your expenses, there’s a few different ways to lower your costs. The best method is to choose on a simple, inexpensive meal and have it served buffet type. Whether you’re hiring a caterer or doing it your self, the meals you select could have a huge impact on your backside line. Filling your menu with cheap food that’s simple to arrange is the finest way to save money on your catering bill. Looking for one of the best wedding ceremony finger foods on a budget? 3 Catering Kinds These wrapped buns are straightforward to carry and eat whether your friends are standing for cocktail hour or excitedly chatting at dinner. Plus, they're an unexpected deal with and extremely Instagrammable. Serve your visitors bite-sized tacos and a mini bottle of combined margarita to get the party going. They're each small, so your guests will have no problem holding them throughout cocktail hour. If you are looking for a extra elevated BBQ meal, think about grilled kabobs. From elements and servingware to cooking tools and cleanup supplies, you have to write down everything you want, analysis the most effective costs, and set up an execution timeline. For a smooth and budget-friendly experience, observe these steps to plan a wedding reception with DIY catering. Our team is here to help with planning for banquets of all sizes, giving you an concept of how much meals you’ll require or how to go about choosing plated dishes to satisfy the wants of your friends. Our versatile menu of delectable entrees, hors d'oeuvres, salads and side dishes features a few of the best food out there in Humboldt County. Buying in bulk is key for staying inside your marriage ceremony price range. Most probably, you will require larger quantities of components than you’re used to working with. When bought from a grocery store, items like spices and sauces add up quick. Disposables and dinnerware are key to serving your meal, but they will devour your price range should you don’t search for the most effective deal. Chafing dishes preserve food-safe temperatures so you possibly can set up buffet lines in advance. Buffets enable your friends to serve themselves, saving you cash on hired wait employees. While many couples have lately served individually-wrapped meals because of COVID, we love the thought of making ready a particular arrange for your family members. Present them with a basket stuffed with meals for them to enjoy—from appetizers to entrees to desserts. This thought would work especially properly for couples hosting a backyard wedding, park marriage ceremony or winery marriage ceremony, because it really feels like you're taking your guests out for an epic picnic meal. Many attendees will prefer to be served as opposed to fetching their food themselves. Themed Dinner Menus Prosciutto-wrapped hen breasts, breaded in Panko bread crumbs, then pan-fried in olive oil till lightly golden and crisp. Serve each bit of chicken with marinated cherry tomatoes and creamy burrata cheese. The fall has turn out to be a season of birthdays for us. Offer a moveable feast the place meals are moved in and out so friends don’t know when numbers are low. Overestimate the amount folks will eat and tell the caterer you want more forward of time. This will be more expensive though and you can find yourself losing food. This is considered one of an event planner’s largest nightmares. Pesto, cleverly-shaped dough, and artfully arranged toppings flip your average pizza into a dish worthy of your Christmas party. If you can boil water, you can make these skewers sooner than you presumably can say tortellini. Dress with pesto and sun-dried tomatoes for optimal flavor. 外燴 are particularly into locally sourced objects so in case your guest record is stuffed with them opt for this more affordable beverage possibility. Uncluttered serving plates means much less money you need to spend on decorative gadgets. Serve delicious cold soups in particular person cups with crusty bread. Here's an easy method of getting the flavour of grilled corn at your picnic, with out having to drag along the grill. To have fun, mix together this colorful and refreshing farro salad. Fancy up your sandwiches by making Roast Beef Baguettes with a spicy horseradish butter and topped with pickled onions and peppery watercress.
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