#her scene with camila is so heartwarming and soft
simplyavatrice · 1 year
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beatrice + every episode - episode 7: "ephesians 4:22-24"
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confusedspaceotter · 1 year
Daily avatrice analysis (day 2)
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Hello and welcome to day 2!
I love to see you guys adding on to my analysis! please keep doing that, agree with me, fight with me, whatever you wanna say, let's talk about avatrice together :))))
Season 1 Ep 3 (yes im doing this in chronological order cause why not)
ah yes the first breakthrough of avatrice 
where we got some actual interaction between the two
(surprise is still not the canteen scene lol)
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But here Bea said “and if she dies?” does indicate there is some level of empathy from Bea
Since she no longer view Ava as just the mission, then a actual person after seeing her 
here we can see that Bea took the more soft and suggestive approach(compared to lilith which is more demanding) to calm Ava down
Further suggesting there has been a change in Bea’s attitude towards Ava(as shown in the gif below)
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which leads to the first time they interacted one on one(yesss is the canteen scene)
Bear in mind that this scene happened after she sparred with(pissed off)Lilith and mother superion
She is starting to pick up that the members of the OCS didn't exactly give her the warm welcome, making this interaction more heartwarming in a way
It just makes so much sense that Beatrice is the one who welcomed Ava into the OCS
If I have to guess why
must be because this is how Beatrice feel when she first arrive to the boarding school her parents shipped her to
an outcast, the odd one out of the bunch, someone who stands out
and she doesn't want Ava to experience what she hand been through 
so she decided to be the one who welcome her and try to help her fit in 
Which Ava gladly accepted(I mean who wouldn’t is Bea we are talking about here)
now back to the scene
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(this is kinda out of topic but NO ONE sits with Bea??? How??? Where is camila??)
reasons why I think Ava does this assessment thing and why is it important:
a. from being quadriplegic she quite literally had to intact with people by observing them since she can’t initiate the interaction with physical contact 
b. confirming the avatrice endgame agenda (Bea was saving the sit for ava, and giving of friendly vibes because she wanna help/get to know ava more)
Father Simon did say that they planned Avatrice from this start so
c.she took inspiration from shows she watched and she recognize the trope(potential love interest trying to subtly interact with main protagonist) 
(you can't tell me this is not what happeded lol)
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Starting of a conversation with a joking manner, classic Ava silva
which were met with Bea trying to ground her to reality/truth that is Ava needs to start seeing the bigger picture here
Bea your logical is showing 
Bea countering Ava’s attempts to underestimate the situation with logical explanations we love to see it
To be fair Ava is just trying to lighten the mood which is understandable but is not what Bea and rest of the OCS sees
OCS saw Ava as someone who was unfit to bear the Halo, which yeah I kinda have to agree with the OCS
but Ava’s weakness(? is also her strength
her out of the box mindset is literally what saved the world in s2
the OCS needed someone with a fresh pair of eyes
normally that would be Mary
but with Ava being the new kid in town, the collective dislike towards people/ideas that are solar opposites to the religious traditional cathlic values that OCS follows went to her instead
(okay i'm getting off topic again back to avatrice
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This is where Ava realized that shit is real
People have died(Rip Shannon 
Now is not the time to take things lightly 
So being the kind hearted kid that she is
She asks Bea what’s Shannon like 
As a way to try to comfort Bea
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Really love the way Ava is looking at Bea while she is reminiscing her first encounter with Shannon 
Moments like these reminds me how kid like Ava is
Yeah sure she’s an adult(19 years old is still young as hell btw, as a fellow 19 year old)
But because of what happened to her 
The child like behavior never fades into adult responsibilities
The way Ava looks at Bea like a kid listening to their parents telling them stories is just ughhhhh
(Plus Alba had no reason looking this good
Avatrice really said:
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Anyway the conversation ends with Bea and Ava bonding over being the odd one and Bea encouraging her to give OCS a shot 
okay thats a lot of words what the hell
so i think i'm going to continue the first avatrice hug and that hallway scene tmr
stay tuned for ep 3 part 2 :)
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