#her life literally REVOLVES around her
marrfixated · 5 months
Erm hate to miraculous post… but DAMN they really rode the “black best friend” trope. And THEN they paired the two black best friends together. Ummmm that’s not!
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fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
Imagine being 9 years old and asking your dad about the things you're interested in doing when you grow up and he's like "No ❤️! But you can get married, have babies, and then maybe your sons can do those things ☺️🫶 "
#arya stark#one of those /wtf Ned/ moments#then people act like she invented misogyny cause she was like /uuuhhhhh no thanks that's not me/#/Arya is masculine/ and she's literally just a child who has interests outside of her patriarchy-assigned role#the way people read this and then demonize Arya for not silently conforming like people expect her to...#that's the ingrained misogyny from being socialized in a patriarchal society speaking babes 😭#cannot stress enough how Arya is just an average little girl and what makes her behavior stand out is their society's strict gender norms#her life + learning almost entirely revolves around the fact that she is being raised to be a wife and people resent her for wanting more :#she is NINE in AGoT and her parents are discussing her refinement because /In a few years she will be of an age to marry/#the way misogyny is explored in Arya's story is actually so brilliant and well-written (+ underappreciated) though#we feel the full weight of how restrictive their society is through her POV and get the experiences of lower-class women too#which is why it's so significant that George wrote her based on feminists who realized they wanted more than becoming wives/housewives#she's one of his key characters who will /change the world/ but people think he's sticking her on a boat bc she isn't feminine enough 😭#thank god he's writing the books and not any of these reductive hacks who thinks misogyny is subversive 🙏🏾#sidenote: would've loved to see this from her POV to get her feelings when he said this cause I'm sure it doesn't match Ned's perception#considering he views her main issues as being stubborn/difficult while we know about the self-esteem issues she has
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
Uhh angela 2 and 3
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ive already answered this one but i NEED to emphasize so so badly the way she is written kills me so so badly. positive. shes messy and complicated and genuine and loud and Everything. she is Everything to me. im not allowing myself to get too specific bc if uve been here you Know how it gets w her. with me w her. but the fact that shes allowed to stumble through everything and learn and change and still have hope. still keep going. an angela is something that is so full of love. i would kill for her. in a fuckig heartbeat.
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axolozzy · 4 months
i NEED to draw louie more like i used to draw louie ALLL THE FUCKING TIME and the last time i actually drew them fully colored was in fucking JULY. WHAT????? impossible :( i’m so fucking sorry louie holy shit AAUUUGHHHHHHHH LOUIIEEEEEEEE :((( louie save me louieieieeeee
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nalivaa · 1 year
this goddamn bitch "you have to leave the company to marry?" "yes" "do you want to marry so badly?" "yes" "very well, i'll allow you to marry me" SIR THAT IS NOT WHAT SHE SAID SHE WANTED 😭
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ladysophiebeckett · 2 months
strike plot in ysb really highlights the beginning of alvaro's crazy. like, yes some things are diego's fault bc he's constantly trying to sabotage him but also the way alvaro goes about handling these situations is his own doing.
the strike was avoidable, he just needed to put his employees first over his obsession with conquering the latam market. he loses sight and control of the situation as soon he loses bea's unwavering support. and everything that happens after is in angry retaliation towards her or about her.
alvaro sees her joining the strike as a personal attack against him when in reality bea is, with great difficulty, doing what she believes is the right thing to do. before this, she'd been on alvaro's side and helped him negotiate deals and supported him in his goals. his dream of expansion was also hers. but tamarindo demanding they fire 40 ppl pushes bea to see what alvaro won't admit---that this deal is not really in their best interest.
as soon bea thinks and acts on things opposite of his wants and needs, he becomes angry. even when she tries to find solutions or evidence of diego tampering against them, it's not enough to get back into his good graces. he can't forgive her for what he sees as a 'betrayal' and 'abandonment'. despite the professional setting, with bea he takes everything personally.
on one side, tamarindo deal and the strike shows the flaws of business expansions and how these corporations see people as numbers to be cut in order to see how well the other party takes orders. on the other, it shows how much alvaro depends on bea and his refusal to admit that. for bea, it's the beginning of her long-term arc on becoming a strong willed person willing to stand up for herself and those around her.
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ostwitchsheart · 6 months
Sorry to start complaining but its my tumblr
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bookworm-blogs · 1 year
Me: *Looks at Natsu & Zeref Dragneel*
Me: *Looks at Hanji Zoe*
Me: *Looks at Shirakumo Oboro/Kurogiri*
Me: *Looks at Hunter/Caleb Wittebane*
Me: Holy fuck I have a type.
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infizero · 10 months
guys im not even fucking joking i was talking to someone today and they brought up the death note musical.
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likesummerrainn · 1 year
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dreampearls · 1 year
#oc rambling incoming Sorry#okay i am thinking of how to translate pianos story into genshin bc so much of her character revolves around this contention between#reality and fiction and the ways that fiction (art specifically) often paradoxically transcends reality#and how the two are presented as diametric opposites despite that not being the case at all; theyre reflections of each other and are#carefully intertwined as each builds upon the other#art and artist; creation and creator; author and audience; all being part of one huge ouroboros#in which each party constitutes the other i.e. ''we are what we eat''#and this concept is juxtaposed with the concept of connection and humanity i.e. we are collages of each other#we are every little fragment from every little moment that passes us by and we carry bits and pieces of all the people we have ever loved#we constitute each other#and this can be used for incredible connection and kindness and fulfillment#as well as facilitation for unimaginable hurt and violence#SO. with those as the core concepts.#i think pianos story can be translated into something similar or adjacent given the existence of irminsul#literally being able to turn reality into fiction and vice versa#and the really obvious thing of how teyvat's ''true reality'' or original timeline can only be preserved using fables#piano as a ghost because she is a work of fiction brought to life via irminsul?#something compeltely artificial only given meaning because it is observed by others?#because someone else wanted it to be there...#huh okay. add that one to the list (throwing her in a box with scara and albedo)
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ciucalata · 2 years
i can say with my whole heart that i hate philosophy majors, i could talk about anything, literally anything and they’d still tell me what an old man in ancient greek thought about that and continue with the worst opinions i’ve heard in my life
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picavecalyx · 1 year
Mmghrhhe yeah. We thinking about how Silva was both forced to grow up while also forcing herself to not be able to grow up at all during her time running.
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endofbeginning · 2 years
I was like lemme watch one episode of this 4 episode show for funsies because i want to see my girlfriend and now im abt to start the last one this is four hours of my life i could have wasted in a much more productive manner
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butchviking · 2 years
there’s this friend i’ve had for years but don’t get to see very often and the last time i saw her was at the mcr show. she has no idea what’s happened to me since
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merlinsear · 4 months
Is it normal to want to quit your job every day? Because I want to quit my job every day.
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