#helix vellen
inkwell-and-dagger · 7 months
>< Bed Of A Lake Where The Hemlock Grows ><
A/N: the second introduction to our lovely new oc, Ailean-Conall Hemlock. STS was created by @er0s-1s-whump1ng, since- y'know, this whole OC series is technically a collaboration, as are. the other two series. but shh. the title is a lyric from Irish Eyes by Rose Betts :3
CW: lab whump, technically a non-human whumpee, cursed whumpee, prolonged captivity.
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Ailean sighed contently, thoughts soothed by the gentle trickling of water as it glided down the stream he was laying beside. Soft grass caressed the skin of one calloused palm, the other dipped into the water, warmed by the sun's glare. The former was the only soft touch — if it could even be called that — that he'd felt in.. well, a while, really. He was glad that, at the very least, plants didn't wither away at his touch, unlike humans.
These were the sparse moments in which the cursed man could relax; could let his thoughts of self-loathing and the vivid images of the innocent people he'd killed with his bare skin, evaporate and give way to blissful peace. He never thought he'd be able to feel those things again. The sun on his face, the wind blowing in his golden hair.
Ailean's eyes were closed. But he liked it that way. If he just blocked out the memories that gnawed ferociously at his mind whenever he wasn't distracted, the darkness became a haven. But he didn't tend to enjoy the dark for too long. Opening his emerald eyes, expecting to see a canopy of green above him...
TS-0166 only saw flickering fluorescents, making him squint and shield his eyes with a bandaged, pale hand.
He sat up with a soft groan, his soft clothes having been long replaced with a baggy shirt and matching shorts.
So he was still here. In the hellhole he'd come to know, to memorize, for— what had it been, years? The test subject didn't know anymore. He could've sworn he had hardly been aging, either, which just added to his confusion.
TS-0166 lay back down and curled in on himself, drawing his bruised knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them, almost in a pathetic attempt at giving himself a hug. And it kind of was. He himself was the only comfort he had in the confines of his cell. The floor felt cold and hard under his weight; a feeling that felt oddly familiar to him.
Oh, how he wished for freedom. To be back in a forest, by that stream, dipping his hand into the water and letting it run across his fingers.
Maybe he could have that again. If he planned it right, he could escape...
TS-0166's thoughts were interrupted by the telltale whirring of the cell door opening, followed by footsteps he, somehow, recognized. Him. The very ginger prick he wanted to touch, to hit, to make paralyzed and die more than anyone else in the world, but he couldn't get near to that even if he tried.
"Hello, '166."
He could escape another time, maybe.
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ash-isnt-writing · 2 months
{<*>} Aqua Blue {<*>}
Characters used/mentioned; Helix Vellen, Layna Ramirez, TS-0026, other unnamed characters
Writer’s note!!; Sudden impulse writing idk. Might make this a series if people like it, blah blah blah.
standard disclaimers apply, etc etc. you get the drill.
(not bothering with a border this time. i’m tired. i’ll add one later.)
TS-0026, confined to a glass tank filled with water and whatever else the containment team’d had the mercy of providing, surrounded by researchers in white coats and black button ups.
It was a particularly chilling sight to Helix, for whatever reason. More so than the others. Hell, they were only.. what, 17? It felt wrong, in every sense of the word. But he was tied down to this job. He had no other option.
The ginger sighed, and proceeded forward into the surrounding chamber, Layna, his assistant snd secretary, following close. “Does this thing ever sleep?” Helix remarked, more to himself than anybody else, but he wouldn’t mind an answer either.
“Apparently” A nearby researcher responded, Helix’s keen eyes darting over to the speaker. “It just finds a spot, gets comfy, and falls asleep right on the spot, straight into deep stage sleep.”
“…Huh.” Helix murmured, eyes drifting back to the tank. Straight into deep stage? How… weird. “Do we know how it does that?”
“Not a clue” Another passing researcher replied. “It’s harder to run tests on.. well, a merman, considering half our staff don’t know how to swim, and it’s generally quite hard to run exams under water.”
Ah, of course. Helix didn’t know why he hadn’t considered this earlier. He barely knew how the containment team had secured the subject in the first place. It would’ve been a feat in of itself. Actually trying to run tests on it was going to be a whole marathon.
“Well, find a way” He snapped after a moment. “I need answers, and I need them now. If it has some way to just snap into sleep like that… I want to know why, and I want to know if we can utilise it.”
The thing with Helix, Layna had come to learn, was that when he said ‘we’, he never meant himself. Sure, he did the paperwork, but it was rare to see him himself in tests anymore unless he felt he was the only one capable, or it was a test subject he was particularly interested in.
Either way, she found he’d refuse involvement with younger test subjects. Which didn’t seem to stop him when she and her siblings were younger, but alas…
“With all due respect, Doctor, we should probably consult Administration first” Layna cut in. “We really shouldn’t be running any sort of tests until we have their absolute approval.”
As much as Helix wanted to snap at her, she had a point. It would be a stupid idea to just go in and do whatever without authorisation. He’d tried that before, he wasn’t making the same mistake.
“..Right” He sighed, then turned to the younger researcher once more. “Keep an eye on that thing. If it does any shit while I’m gone, do not engage.”
“But sir-“
“There’s no buts here, damn it! Do not engage it at any point until we have greenlit testing approval, is that clear?”
A solemn nod. Helix grunted, and then made his leave. He fucking hated these meetings, but authority was authority, and he knew they were watching him.
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doctor-helix-vellen · 9 months
It has been duly brought to my attention that specific people do not seem to remember how this organisation works, so I’ll repeat myself a fifth time.
•Loss of ID, regardless of reason, will lead to retraction of personnel privileges, and will instead be locked up for future amnestic treatment or testing purposes.
•Assisting in breach of a test subject in any way shape or form is considered workplace disturbance, punishable by amnesiticisation and/or death.
•Failure to report sighting of a breached test subject will also lead to lock up for future test use.
THERE IS NO EXCEPTIONS TO THESE RULES. For the love of GOD please follow them, they exist for a reason (and no, Lynsey, the reason is not ‘they’re made to be broken’. Grow up.)
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 10 months
Lily (OOH I LOVE THE SOUND OF THIS ONE) — Mason, Chris (👀), ooh Withera
Buttercup — Vantè
Daffodil — Johnny boy, Helix, Vesker
Violet — Helodite
hehehe >:3
Mason - Touch. Absolutely touch. Mason constantly needs to have his hands on you at all times. From the moment you see him to the moment you leave he will always be touching you. Tracing little circles on your hip, resting his hand on your lower back, keeping an arm wrapped tightly around your waist when passing through an area he knows is more prone to malicious activity. Anywhere and always.
Chris - Gifts. He constantly just gives you things. Even if they’re expensive (because, in truth, he could just summon it). If not then it’s absolutely service, doing little things around the house or running errands for you.
Withera - Withera isn’t very good at displaying feelings. But when she does it’s usually in little love letters or cooking something for you to find on the bench when you wake up. She’s really reserved but she does love you.
Buttercup: Vanté has this really subtle habit of just biting the side of his tongue when he’s thinking. He’s still not sure why. And never hard enough to do any damage (even though it doesn’t matter because he would just regenerate it anyway) but still just. A little nom.
Johnathon - Absolutely. Without question. Johnno is probably the most likeable OC I have. He’s just so sweet and considerate, like. Do you really believe this man would ever intentionally hurt someone? Me neither.
Helix - Oh, absolutely not. His coworkers all fucking hate his guts, and the only thing stopping the specialists from killing him is their agreement. He’s cold and uncaring. He’ll do your fucking head in because ehe’s just so annoying and you will want to punch him in the face.
Vesker - Mixed feelings? He gets along well with his coworkers, but otherwise he’s usually pretty feared by people. And for good reason, too.
Violet: Cattleya Baudelaire’s sub VA, but like... more soft spoken.
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hush-little-darling · 2 months
btw i think @doctor-helix-vellen can suck a fat one. proper fuckin cockhead i swear.
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krypton-3-6 · 2 days
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mrs-vellen · 3 months
@doctor-helix-vellen @doctor-darius-barlowe wake up babes it’s the 6th anniversary of my death
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h3mlockboy · 4 months
@doctor-helix-vellen THIS FUCKING BITCH ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ >:((((((((((((((((((
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ash-isnt-writing · 3 months
A little thingy about Helix in lieu of it being six years since the incident with TS-0007 “Sora”.
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Characters used/Mentioned: Helix and Gale Vellen (OCs), Sora Ramirez (OC), Darius Barlowe ( @inkwell-and-dagger ‘s OC), Administrator Simon (OC)
A/N: rah!! i figured out how to make banners!! procreate my lord and saviour.
Around 4AM, March 5, 2018, Helix’s beloved wife, Gale, died in his arms after being brutally injured by escaped Test Subject 0007 “Sora”. It was now 8:16AM, March 5th, 6 years after the event, and Helix had been up all night.
Every single time this day came around, it threw him for a loop for weeks. He missed Gale so fucking much. It wasn’t fair that she was taken from him. It wasn’t fucking fair.
He looked up at the sound of gentle knocking on his door, sighing and wiping his tears on his sleeve. “Door’s unlocked.”
He was surprised, however, to see fellow researcher Dr. Darius, and Administrator Simon. The two had happened to be part of the 20 that called in sick the day ‘07 breached. “…Darius, Simon. Morning.”
“Don’t do that, Helix.” Simon said, albeit softly.
Helix paused, confused at both the statement and the Admin’s tone. “…Pardon?” He asked.
Darius closed the door, sighing. “…Today’s a rough day for you, isn’t it?”
Helix’s eyes flashed with a mix of emotions he didn’t quite understand, and he sighed, eyes wandering. “…yeah, I… I just miss her.”
“And you’re in every right to” Administrator Simon added. “She was your wife, for Hell’s sake. You can’t be expected to work today.”
“But the Specialists-“
“Fuck the Specialists” Simon snapped. “They’re not allowed to do shit if it’s us intervening with your work day. Come on, I brought wine.”
Helix snickered, getting up as Darius urged him out of his chair. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Positive” The two said in unison, leading Helix out of his office.
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ash-isnt-writing · 6 months
it’s okay :D!!! i’m really stressy today so writing helps
Helix never thought he’d find himself here. Nor did he think he’d ever be allowed to. Yet here he was, standing in front of his son’s grave as rain soaked his uniform and his dark ginger hair.
He barely knew how to feel.
“…hey, kiddo” He sighed, crouching down in front of the grave - just like he would to talk to him. “Daddy’s here, okay? I.. I hope that, wherever you are, you haven’t forgotten about me.”
He sighed, already feeling hot tears clouding his vision. He promptly wiped them away, swallowing thickly. “I… I’m sorry, that I couldn’t protect you from that… thing. That monster.” He breathed. “I promise to any fucking God that’s listening, that I’ll do everything in my power to avenge you, kiddo.”
Helix ran his fingers through his hair, having to swallow again just to keep the tears at bay. “…you’ll- you’ll always be my little prince, okay? And- and I’m so, so sorry. It breaks my heart that I won’t be able to watch you grow up, honey, wherever you are. Daddy still loves you, baby, okay? I love you so, so much.”
He wiped his eyes as tears formed again. It was all just so much… “It hurts me that I won’t be able to see you again. That I won’t be able to hold you, not even one more time. I’m sorry I left you alone, on that day. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to protect you.”
Helix practically whimpered when he started crying, wiping his eyes again.
“Daddy’s so, so sorry.. my precious little boy…”
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ash-isnt-writing · 8 months
i had this really really cool idea of mason’s old soul being replaced by sts and them forcing mason’s first soul to be the core of a supercomputer and blah blah blah but then i went to write it and got stuck
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ash-isnt-writing · 8 months
“Layna. Oh, Layna. You seriously thought people would care about that?” Helix said mockingly. “You might be one of us now, but you’re still a monster. Don’t expect human decency.”
In hindsight, Layna probably should have seen this coming.
Helix wasn’t a sympathetic man. She knew that. But it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less that nobody remembered her birthday.
She felt lost. Ignored. Unwanted. It was this way every year, she should’ve been used to it by now. She should’ve. But she wasn’t. She just wanted someone to care.
“…Right, apologies” Layna sighed, turning back to her desk to continue the paperwork there.
She couldn’t help but wonder how Helodite was spending this date. They had the same birthdate, just a couple years apart. She had no doubt Helodite was having much more fun than her on the outside.
She sighed heavily. Would her efforts ever be appreciated? Would anyone ever care? Is it even worth the time?
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ash-isnt-writing · 9 months
“On a scale of one to ten, how much pain are you in?”
“Please just kill me.”
Cole chuckled at the pleading, pained tone in Rayan’s voice, almost sadistically so. “Now now, be sensible, would you?” He responded, before crossing one leg over the other as he sliced the wound open further, eliciting a cry as sharp as Cole’s scalpel from Rayan’s throat as blood spilled out, staining Rayan’s baggy white shirt and the testing bench beneath him. “We have an audience.”
Rayan just whimpered, eyes drifting to Helix, who was standing over in the corner. Of course, it made sense that Helix was watching Cole - his son - with a judgemental eye. But it didn’t make him hate this any less. “Tough crowd” He hissed out, resting his head back.
Cole chuckled, before easing - or more, ripping - the cut open, making Rayan cry out again. The whole point of this test was if they could figure out what made Rayan so.. different. They’d tried everything else, and had decided an internal exam might give them the answers they needed.
But Cole just had more questions than anything. Nothing was different, or out of place. Everything looked how it was meant to..
“Impossible..” Cole muttered, leaning forward slightly. No. He couldn’t accept this. His father was watching. He had to turn up with something…
“Is something wrong, Cole?”
“…Ah- no, uh” Cole swallowed nervously. “I think we should take samples, for the lab boys of course.”
“Of course, brilliant idea.”
“What- no, not brilliant, what do you mean samples?!” Rayan yelled, tugging at his cuffs. “What fucking samples?! Where-?!”
Before he could finish the question, a searing pain shot through his nerves as Cole began cutting off a part of the organ tissue from his heart. He screamed, a raw, fearful sound from his throat. Cole made the Survivors seem like a daycare.
Rayan just kept screaming as Cole continued taking tissue samples from here and there. He couldn’t even think. It was just pain. Blinding, searing pain, that made Rayan see red.
This wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t.
Not that STS staff would ever care. Especially not after Gale’s death, and Simon’s leave.
He was in so much pain that he’d barely noticed when it had stopped. It lingered so strongly that he felt like he could just curl up and die, right there. Even as the cut was stitched back up carefully. It hurt, and it hurt bad.
But he knew that, even if he wanted to, he couldn’t die. But it hurt so, so bad.
“Now, we ask again,” Helix spoke, as Cole sorted the samples. “On a scale of one to ten…”
A/N: oh boy this is. so rushed. idk i’m still getting used to writing whump stuff i can never quite get it right without feeling icky.
anywho!! Rayan belongs to the spectacular @v-3-ll-1-ch-0-r (a.k.a @v-3-ll-1-g-0-r-3 ), and the prompt is courtesy of @rookthebird.
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ash-isnt-writing · 9 months
“Aw, Vanté, did everyone forget your birthday? Again? Ah, well, path of the course, I suppose. You should start getting used to it. After all, you’re just our test subject. You don’t get any special treatment. You’re 40 centuries old, Vanté. Nothing lasts forever, you should know that well.”
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 10 months
MORE because fuck you /j
Petunia — ooh this is gonna be cool- Vantè, Helix and / or Masey Wasey
Lavender — the baby himself, Sora :3
Snowdrop — Vesker
Vanté - This man is a crybaby. If you hurt his feelings or yell at him he will just fucking sob. He probably cries himself to sleep regularly.
Helix - Hasn’t cried since Gale’s death (canonically about five years ago)
Mason - I don’t think this man has ever cried in front of anybody except for like. S/O’s. And even then rarely. He doesn’t let himself cry.
Lavender: Sora probably just either tries to ignore it, or of it is just too loud to ignore, he’ll cover his ears (with a pillow or with his hands). If he can’t do that before, for example, he’s restrained and/or being tested on, he will probably just start crying.
Snowdrop: Vesker - similarly to most of the escaped Ramirez siblings- fucking loves sugar. He has the biggest sweet tooth stg. Especially anything hard and/or that requires a lot of chewing because of his oral fixation.
On the other side of the coin - aside from Mason - he also hates, ironically, the sound of gunfire. Usually when he’s doing a hit that requires he use a gun, he’ll wear earplugs or, if he’s allowed, noise cancelling headphones and/or listening to music.
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 2 years
Fuck it. *writes helix dreaming about his wife and waking up to feel sad about it*
Helix’s eyes widened as she stood there, right in front of him, vision going blurry from tears. “..Gale..?”
“Hello, my dove” she said, smiling softly. “It’s been a while.”
He sobbed softly, tears spilling down his face. “Gale, darling, oh god, Gale..” he hugged her tightly, crying into her chest as she draped her arms over his shoulders.
“Shh, hey, I’m here, dove, I’m here.”
“Gale, I missed you so much, baby, it’s been so hard, I…” he sobbed again, voice shaky. “I missed you..”
“I know, I know, just.. don’t wake up, mhm?”
Helix jolts awake, gasping and sitting up. It.. it was a dream. It was all a dream. He really thought he finally had his wife back. But he knew well that she was dead. For good.
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